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Sam is interested in eating more whole grains. Which lunch option should he avoid because it lacks a whole-grain component? a. Ordering brown rice with his Chinese food b. Eating baked potato chips in place of regular chips c. Eating a low-fat apple bran muffin for dessert d. Ordering mushroom barley soup for lunch e. Ordering an egg salad sandwich on whole rye bread


Sucrose is composed of ______. a. two fructose units b. one glucose and one fructose unit c. one glucose and one galactose unit d. one galactose and one fructose unit e. two galactose units


The chemical name for the nonnutritive sweetener in the pink packet is _____, which the chemical name for the nonnutritive sweetener in the blue packet is ______. a. aspartame; saccharin b. saccharin; aspartame c. neotame; aspartame d. sucralose; saccharin e. sorbitol; sucralose


When a person is hungry and needs to replenish blood glucose, she/he should eat ____. a. predominantly simple sugars b. carbohydrates, protein, and fats c. predominantly complex carbohydrates d. protein only e. a combination of natural and added sugars


Which component gives fruits their naturally sweet taste? a. Glucose b. Fructose c. Galactose d. Sucrose e. Added sugars


Which product is a rich source of starch? a. Apples b. Beans c. Cane sugar d. Milk e. Cheese


What is the source of stevia? a. A combination of two amino acids b. A modification of sucrose molecules c. A derivative of aspartic acid and phenylalanine d. A derivative of a plant native to Brazil and Paraguay e. A modified version of fructose


What problem is most responsible for Sam's type 2 diabetes? a. Sam's kidneys don't excrete blood glucose efficiently. b. A virus has triggered the destruction of pancreatic cells that produce insulin. c. Sam's gallbladder fails to secrete bile when needed. d. The cells in Sam's body do not respond to insulin secreted by his pancreas. e. The pancreas is producing insufficient levels of glucagon.


What term in the ingredients list indicates added sugars in the product? a. Pectin b. Hemicellulose c. Fruit puree d. Fruit juice concentrate e. Vanillin


When two glucose units are bonded together they form ____. a. sucrose b. galactose c. lactose d. maltose e. dextrose


Which carbohydrate type is mismatched with a major food source for that type? a. fructose—peaches b. sucrose—candy bars c. maltose—barley d. starch—strawberries e. galactose—milk


Which of the following is not usually a recommendation for someone with Sam's condition? a. Lose weight b. Eat balanced meals at regular intervals c. Exercise d. Follow a high-protein diet e. Choose complex carbohydrates


Which statement is correct concerning type 2 diabetes? a. Its incidence is decreasing due to greater awareness. b. It is less common than type 1 diabetes. c. It is characterized by too much glucose getting into the cells. d. Generally insulin injections are not required. e. Infrequent urination is a typical response.


A general principle that can help in choosing carbohydrates (and foods in general) is to choose foods that are __________. a. whole-food and plant-based b. high-protein and low-fat c. enriched-food and varied d. sugar-free and processed-food e. low-carbohydrate and nutrient-dense


Foods with a low glycemic index number are digested slowly which may increase ______. a. satiety b. hunger c. glucagon d. appetite e. weight gain


Individuals who consume diets rich in whole-grains have improved insulin sensitivity and are ________. a. less likely to develop metabolic syndrome b. more likely to develop hypoglycemia c. less likely to develop lactose intolerance d. more likely to develop hyperglycemia e. more likely to develop ketosis


A refined grain product that is enriched is still lacking some ____ that was lost during processing. a. iron b. fiber c. thiamin d. folic acid e. niacin


Anna is still confused about the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Which statement is characteristic of type 1 diabetes only?a. It causes weight gain. b. Treatment always involves insulin injections c. It is also called hyperglycemia. d. It is typically associated with insulin resistance. e. Its incidence is increasing in the United States.


Complex carbohydrates are found primarily in ____. a. grains and dairy b. grains and vegetables c. fish and vegetables d. dairy and fruit e. vegetables and dairy


Eating too many foods with added sugars usually means getting too many ____. a. antioxidants b. empty calories c. fatty acids d. complex carbohydrates e. enzymes


High intakes of the sugar alternatives sorbitol and mannitol can result in ____. a. tooth decay b. diarrhea c. increased blood cholesterol d. hypoglycemia e. increased heart rate


If Steven needs 2400 calories per day to maintain his weight, what is the recommended maximum upper limit of added sugars he should consume each day? a. 180 calories b. 240 calories c. 480 calories d. 600 calories e. 750 calories


In the process of refining wheat into white flour, what part of the kernel is retained? a. Chaff b. Endosperm c. Bran d. Germ e. Husk


Jack is trying to choose foods that contain whole grains. Which whole grain ingredient is present in waffle #1 that is not found in waffle #2? a. Enriched flour b. Whole wheat flour c. Modified corn starch d. Maltodextrin e. Apple fiber5


Jasmine is too busy for lunch and needs a pick-me-up to help her remain alert during her two afternoon classes. Which snack would you recommend? a. Half a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on enriched bread b. Fresh peach with low-fat Greek yogurt and rolled-oat granola c. Wheat toast with trans fat-free margarine and jelly d. Baked apple with brown sugar, cinnamon, and canola oil e. Pretzels and a sport drink


Neotame is a derivative of which two amino acids? a. Alanine and cysteine b. Aspartic acid and phenylalanine c. Tryptophan and leucine d. Lysine and glutamic acid e. Asparagine and glutamine


According to the Dietary Guidelines, what is the minimum amount of whole-grains that should be consumed if an individual's recommended grain intake each day is 6 ounces? a. 6 ounces b. 4 ounces c. 3 ounces d. 2 ounces e. 1 ounce


Diverticulosis is closely associated with a lack of ______ in the diet. a. starch b. simple sugars c. fiber d. carbohydrates e. protein


Eating more higher fiber foods is usually associated with _______. a. lower intakes of starch b. higher intakes of added sugars c. lower intakes of added sugars d. higher energy intakes e. lower protein intakes


Fletcher's dietary analysis reveals that he is deriving 30% of calories from simple sugars, and he decides to try to cut back. Which item from his food record should Fletcher omit? a. 1 banana b. 1/2 cup green grapes c. 32 fl oz root beer d. 8 oz orange juice e. 1/2 cup cooked dried beans


Maggie is shopping for a loaf of bread and takes time to review the terms on the label. Which term describes bread that is made using the most nutritious flour? a. 100 percent wheat b. Stone ground c. Whole grain d. Seven grain e. Multigrain


Marta tries to avoid sugar because she believes it is responsible for making her overweight, giving her husband diabetes, and causing hyperactivity in her grandchildren. What condition has verifiably been linked to sugar by research studies? a. Diabetes b. Heart disease c. Tooth decay d. Hyperactivity in children e. Hyperactivity in some adults


The only animal-derived food that contains significant amounts of carbohydrates is ______. a. eggs b. beef c. milk d. poultry e. bacon


What factor plays the greatest role in the increase of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents? a. Type 2 diabetes is hereditary. b. Children and adolescents are eating more dairy products. c. Children and adolescents are becoming obese at an earlier age. d. Vaccination rates among poor people are very low. e. Today's diets lack proper levels of vitamins and minerals.


What is the condition in which the body is unable or has difficulty digesting dairy products? a. Lactose deficiency b. Sugar allergy c. Lactose intolerance d. Hyperglycemia e. Lactase persistence


When milling whole wheat flour, what components of the wheat kernel are retained? a. The endosperm and germ b. The endosperm, germ, and husk c. The endosperm, germ, and bran d. The germ e. The endosperm


Which hormone raises levels of glucose in the blood by signaling to the liver to break down glycogen stores? a. Glycogen b. Insulin c. Glucagon d. Adrenaline e. Dopamine


From a health perspective, fruits are better sources of sucrose and fructose than table sugar because they ____. a. contain higher concentrations of these carbohydrates per unit of weight b. are more quickly digested than table sugar c. also provide protein d. also provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals e. provide these sugars in a more absorbable form than table sugar


If a person uses up his or her reserve supply of glycogen and still does not eat, the body will break down ____ to provide glucose for the brain. a. heart b. liver c. bloodstream d. muscle e. kidneys


In general, changing one's diet by substituting complex carbohydrates in place of refined foods with added sugars typically results in a diet that is ________. a. higher in calories b. lower in vitamins and minerals c. higher in fat d. higher in fiber e. lower in natural sugars


Jack decides to purchase waffle #1 and eats three of the waffles for breakfast. Approximately, what amounts of total fat and total carbohydrates did the waffles contribute to his meal? a. 10 grams fat and 62 grams carbohydrates b. 5 grams fat and 62 grams carbohydrates c. 10 grams fat and 31 grams carbohydrates d. 8 grams fat and 46 grams carbohydrates e. 15 grams fat and 93 grams carbohydrates


Sabina is concerned about her children's teeth after their first dental checkups. Her 2-year old already has a cavity and her four-year old needs to brush better. What else should Sabina's children do to prevent tooth decay? a. Only drink 100 percent fruit juices b. Eat candy only between meals and not with them c. Eat crackers and pretzels as snacks and not candy bars d. Rinse their mouths with water after eating e. Eat raisins as snacks in place of chocolate candies


The _____ secretes glucagon and insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels. a. appendix b. pituitary gland c. liver d. pancreas e. hypothalamus


The greatest single source of added sugars in the American diet is ____. a. fruit drinks b. cookies c. candy d. regular soft drinks e. ice cream


All of the following are health benefits associated with intake of insoluble fiber except ___. a. helps with weight management b. reduces risk of constipation and hemorroids c. lowers risk of colon cancer d. speeds transit time through intestines e. slows glucose absorption


Eunice is a 60-year-old woman who is trying to increase the amount of fiber in her diet in order to meet the Dietary Guidelines. What change would be best for her to make? a. Increase her intake of yogurt b. Choose white rice or scalloped potatoes instead of beans to go with dinner c. Eat pretzels made from wheat flour instead of fruit with her lunch d. Replace her morning enriched-flour croissant with a wheat bagel e. Eat air-popped popcorn in place of chips for an evening snack


The ______ regulates the amount of glucose circulating in the blood by either synthesizing glycogen or breaking down glycogen. a. kidneys b. gallbladder c. appendix d. thyroid e. liver


What is the major storage form of carbohydrate in the body? a. Starch b. Sugar c. Glucose d. Glucagon e. Glycogen


Which of the following is a disaccharide? a. Galactose b. Glucose c. Glycogen d. Fructose e. Maltose


Although some studies in the past may have found that saccharin can cause bladder cancer in lab rats, why would it be considered safe today to continue using it? a. The research used extremely high doses of saccharin that are not relevant for humans. b. What occurs in rats is unlikely to occur in humans. c. The American Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs has stated that saccharin increases the risk of bladder cancer, but only if consumed in soft drinks. d. There are known hazards that are more important to avoid if you want to reduce your risk of cancer. e. Saccharin is allowed in other countries around the world, so should be considered safe in U.S. food products.


How does a balanced meal help keep blood glucose from rising or dropping too quickly? a. Soluble fibers slow down the rate of digestion so a steady stream of glucose is received. b. Protein provides a quick source of glucose for the body's cells. c. Protein stimulates insulin secretion, which prevents rapid glucose storage. d. Fats accelerate the rate of digestion so that glucose is more quickly received. e. Starches provide quick energy to the brain, which slows glucose absorption by other body cells.


Ketone bodies are produced from the incomplete breakdown of ____ when ____ is unavailable for the brain and nerve cells. a. fat; glucose b. carbohydrate; fat c. glucose; protein d. protein; glucose e. fiber; glucose


Many nutrition professionals recommend emphasizing "good carbohydrates" in the diet. What does this mean? a. Choosing foods high in fiber but low in added sugars b. Avoiding foods with a glycemic index above 70 c. Avoiding foods with a glycemic index below 55 d. Choosing small portions of low-calorie foods e. Choosing foods that quickly raise blood glucose


What is another name for high blood glucose? a. Hyperglycemia b. Depression c. Hypoglycemia d. Dysphoria e. Nephritis


What type of nutrient is starch? a. Complex carbohydrate b. Simple carbohydrate c. Fiber d. Gluten e. Monosaccharide


Which nonnutritive sweetener should be entirely avoided by individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU)? a. Aspartame b. Saccharin c. Neotame d. Sucralose e. Xylitol


Which strategy will help Sam manage his diabetes? a. Eating a healthful diet b. Dieting to lose weight rapidly c. Reducing his exercise level d. Eating two large meals a day e. Eliminating all sugar in his diet


To feel energetic and alert throughout the day an individual should _______. a. follow a low-carbohydrate eating plan b. avoid all simple sugars c. exercise in the morning d. make an effort to eat so as to maintain blood glucose levels within the normal range e. eat most carbohydrates in the first half of the day


What is the unusable, or inedible, part of a wheat kernel that provides a protective coating around the kernel? a. Bran b. Germ c. Endosperm d. Husk e. Nut


Which statement is true about hypoglycemia? a. It is treated with insulin injections. b. It is aggravated by high-fiber foods. c. It is classified as a pre-diabetic condition. d. It is aggravated by high-sugar foods. e. It is common in teenagers but less so in adults and older adults.


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