nutrition chapter 13 smart book

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what is true about hypothyrodism

- caused by autoimmune destruction of thyroid tissue, testing should be done for individuals with an unexplained weight gain, and typically associated with reduced metabolic rate, weight gain, and increased risk of overweight and obesity

why is energy balance a complex process?

- weight gain varies even with the same amount of overfeeding - weight loss produces differing fat and lean mass losses

what statements agree with mindfulness

-has been shown to be moderately effective for weight loss - may reduce emotional eating - involves formal meditation practice and informal daily mindfulness practices

between 2017 and 2018, about ___ of american adults over 20 were either obese or extremely obese


RMR is different than BMR because

RMR is higher

a person's ____ is about 10% higher than his or her ____


metabolic rates tend to decrease with age due to ___

a loss of muscle mass

if fat is deposited in the ___ area, it poses a greater risk for chronic disease


what mechanisms make energy balance complex

adaptive thermogenesis and NEAT vary from person to person, metabolic rates differ and hormone levels influence weight loss

A person with central-body obesity has a body that is ______ shaped and a person with lower-body fat distribution has a body that is ______ shaped.

apple; pear

when compared to direct methods of measuring energy expenditure, indirect methods

are relatively inexpensive and involve minimal equipment

minimal number of calories the body uses to support vital activities

basal metabolic rate

factors that influence BMR include

body composition, body surface area and age

A person's blood leptin level is directly proportional to his or her amount of _____.

body fat

genetic factors that play a role in the development of obesity include

body frame, metabolic rate, and hormone production

essential fat is found in ___

cell membranes, nervous tissue and certain bones

The most costly conditions associated with obesity include ______.

coronary artery disease, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes

____methods of measuring energy expenditure are generally complex and require sophisticated laboratory tools.


the calories that cells use to carry out their activities is called

energy output

the calories that cells use to carry out their activities is called ____

energy output

total body fat includes

essential fat and adipose tissue

the two-component model includes

fat-free mass and fat mass

what hormone is secreted mainly by stomach and stimulates eating


the formulas use __ to predict BMR

height, weight, and age

what are two physical sensations that occur to help regulate eating behavior

hunger pains and stomach expansion

The method of estimating total body fat by weighing the individual on a standard scale and then weighing him or her submerged in water is known as ______.

hydrostatic weighing

lean body mass, increased body surface area, and excess thyroid hormone all ___ the basal metabolic rate


lactation, post-exercise recovery and stress will

increase a person's basal metabolic rate

the percentage of obese American adults has ___ from 2000 to 2017


Apple-shaped (central-body fat distribution) obesity is associated with

increased risk for serious, chronic diseases and men with an "apple" body shape

what hormone promotes glucose and fatty acid uptake, inhibits lipolysis and promotes the production of new fat cells


what increases a person's BMR

large surface area (Height), high fever and stress

An adipokine (a group of hormones secreted by fat cells) that reduces hunger and increases energy expenditure in the body is called____


A person who is overfat will weigh ____ underwater compared to a person who is lean.


fad diets ____

limit food selections to a few food groups, rely on testimonials for evidence of effectiveness, offer a "quick fix" to weight loss problem

A person taking a _____ inhibitor for weight loss often takes a multiple vitamin supplement to replace fat-soluble vitamins lost when fat digestion is reduced by 30%.


the formula used to predict the BMR for people with excess body fat is

mifflin-St.Jeor equation

what serious health problems are associated with obesity

nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, vascular disease, and metabolic syndrome

factors that increase a person's BMR include ___

periods of growth, tall stature and caffeine

factors of energy output include

physical activity, digestion and metabolism

people with hypothyroidism may experience

reduced metabolic rate, weight gain, and fatigue

body's rate of energy use a few hours after resting and eating

resting metabolic rate

as people age, they often lose lean muscle tissue. the loss of muscle tissue is called


what factors increase body fat accumulation

sleep deprivation, high stress, and hormonal imbalance

central body obesity is

sometimes described as having an "apple" body shape, symbolic of extra visceral fat stores and more common in men

women generally have more ___ fat than man


Commonly used approaches to measuring body composition for physical fitness evaluate fat mass and fat-free mass. This is called the

two-component model

what are a few of the health problems associated with excess weight

type 2 diabetes, hypertension and CVD

what are the roles of insulin in energy balance

- inhibits lipolysis in fat cells - promotes triglycerides synthesis in the liver - promotes glucose and fatty acid uptake

All of the following are examples of energy output EXCEPT:

calories consumed in a large meal

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