Nutrition Chapter 5 Definitions

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A waxy lipid found in all body cells. It has a structure containing multiple chemical rings that is found only in foods that contain animal products.


A compound found in the bloodstream containing a core of lipids with a shell composed of protein, phospholipid, and cholesterol.


A compound that can suspend fat in water by isolating individual fat droplets, using a shell of water molecules or other substances to prevent the fat from coalescing.


Containing products of decomposed fatty acids that have an unpleasant flavor and odor.

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Death of part of the brain tissue due typically to a blood clot. Also termed a stroke.

Myocardial infarction

Death of part of the heart muscle. Also termed a heart attack.

Olestra (Olean)

An engineered fat. Produced by chemically bonding fatty acids to sucrose. It cannot be digested by human or bacterial enzymes. This is not absorbed and thus contributes no energy (calories). It was the first fat replacement that could be used in fried foods, approved by the FDA (1996) for use in fried snack foods (potato chips). Major problems associated with this is that it binds to fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) and other fat-soluble phytochemicals reducing their absorption.

Lipoprotein lipase

An enzyme attached to the cells that form the inner lining of blood vessels; it breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol.


Generally a compound that stops the damaging effects of reactive substances seeking an electron (i.e., oxidizing agents). This prevents breakdown (oxidizing) of substances in foods or the body, particularly lipids.

"Good" cholesterol

HDL is known as this.


the lipoprotein in the blood that picks up cholesterol from dying cells and other sources and transfers it to the other lipoproteins in the bloodstream, as well as directly to the liver; low HDL increases the risk for cardiovascular disease.


A buildup of fatty material (plaque) in the arteries, including those surrounding the heart.


A cholesterol-rich substance deposited in the blood vessels; it contains various white blood cells, smooth muscle cells, various proteins, cholesterol and other lipids, and eventually calcium.


A group of compounds that are major components of cell membranes.


Any of a class of fat-related substances that contain phosphorus, fatty acids, and a nitrogen-containing base. They are an essential part of every cell.


Butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene-two common synthetic antioxidants added to foods.

"Bad" cholesterol

LDL is known as this.


The major form of lipid in the body and in food. It is composed of three fatty acids bonded to glycerol, an alcohol.

Essential fatty acids

These must be supplied by the diet to maintain health. Currently,there are only 2 classified as this: linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid.


lipoprotein in the blood containing primarily cholesterol; It is strongly linked to cardiovascular disease risk when it is elevated

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