Nutrition Exam 1

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The process of digesting food begins in the A. esophagus B. mouth C. colon D. liver


Which of the following microbes is associated with the development of most stomach ulcers? A. E. coli B. S. aureus C. C. botulinum D. H. pylori

H. pylori

Which of the following websites is most likely a source of biased and unreliable information? A. B. C. D.

The lining of the small intestine is covered with ___, tiny, finger-like structures that absorb nutrients from food. A. lacteals B. villi C. neurons D. arteries


Which of the following is NOT true about water? A. Water plays a role in regulation of body temperature. B. Water is necessary for elimination of waste from the body. C. Water is an essential nutrient. D. Water is necessary for immune function.

Water is necessary for immune function.

Which of the following observations is an example of a positive correlation? A. When a population consumes more fruits and vegetables, the percentage of people in that population with scurvy decreases. B. When teenage girls increase their intake of iron-rich foods, the percentage of the girls who have iron deficiency diseases. C. When a group of 6-year-old children increase their physical activity level to 60 minutes a day, the children's muscle mass increases. D. When older adults increase their daily intake of vitamin D, the percentage of the adults that develops infectious decreases.

When a group of 6-year-old children increase their physical activity level to 60 minutes a day, the children's muscle mass increases.

A small apple supplies approximately 40,000 ___ A. calories B. Calories C. Kilocalories D. kilcalories


Leonard has a disease that causes his lacteals to become blocked. Based on this information, his A. ability to digest proteins is reduced B. hepatic portal vein can rupture C. intestinal tract does not absorb much fat D. lumen does not allow chyme to enter the small intestine

intestinal tract does not absorb much fat

The ___ helps form feces by absorbing excess water and some minerals from chyme. A. large intestine B. pyloric valve C. lower stomach D. esophageal sphincter

large intestine

The ___ is an accessory organ of the digestive system.


An Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the A. minimum amount of a nutrient that is safe to consume and cures the nutrient's deficiency disease B. amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population C. percentage of a nutrient standard that is used for food labeling purposes D. range of intake for a particular nutrient that is not likely to cause toxicity or deficiency

amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population

According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, added sugar intake should be limited to less than ___ % of total daily calories. A. 5 B. 25 C. 30 D. 10


Which of the following compounds is not secreted by the human stomach? A. Intrinsic factor B. Gastric juice C. Mucus D. Bile


Derek takes protein supplements before and after his workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple of months after he added the supplements to his diet. His report about the effects of the supplements is an example of a(n) ______. A. variable B. factoid C. case report D. anecdote


Scientists enroll 500 healthy adults in a study and collect dietary and other lifestyle info about the group. After 6 years, the scientists determine that study participants who ate at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily were less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who ate fewer than 5 servings of fruits daily. This study is an example of a ____ study A. introspective B. retrospective C. nutritive D. prospective


Chyme is the A. large particle that transports lipids throughout the bloodstream B. organelle that maintains fluid balance within intestinal cells C. material absorbed by lacteals that the liver must detoxify and excrete D. semisolid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach

semisolid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach

Salivary glands secrete amylase, an enzyme that enables a minor amount of ___ A. alcohol B. protein C. starch D. water


Which of the following organs produces and secretes enzymes that are essential for proper digestion? A. Gallbladder B. Pancreas C. Liver D. Pituitary


Which of the following sources of oils would be recommended as part of a healthy diet? A. Avocado B. Lard C. Shortening D. Butter


Per serving, which of the following foods is the most energy-dense? A. 4-ounce chocolate doughnut B. 8 ounces fat-free milk C. 3 ounces baked chicken D. 1/2 cup fresh strawberries

4-ounce chocolate doughnut

Which of the following foods is naturally rich source of phytochemicals? A. Blueberries B. Tuna C. Chicken D. Margarine


In the United States, consumers eat more ___ than recommended.


Which of the following is an example of mechanical digestion in the GI tract? A. Pancreatic lipase breaking down fat in the small intestine B. Gastrin simulating HCl production in the stomach C. Chewing food up into smaller pieces in the mouth D. Salivary amylase breaking down starch in the mouth

Chewing food up into smaller pieces in the mouth

Which of the following factors has a major influence over a person's food choices? A. Vitamin A status B. Close friends C. Birth order D. Blood type

Close friends

Which of the following is NOT a biological or physiological factor that influences a person's food choices? A. Perception of food's sensory characteristics B. Age C. Emotional stress level D. Hunger

Emotional stress level

Which of the following is a micronutrient? A. Protein B. Iron C. Glucose D. Fat


Which of the following statements is true? A. Enzymes can function as electrolytes B. Enzymes can function under a wide range of environmental conditions, such as pH and temperature C. After an enzyme catalyzes a chemical reaction, it can no longer function D. Most enzymes have names that end with -ase

Most enzymes have names that end with -ase

A nutrient requirement is the smallest amount of a nutrient that maintains a defined level of nutritional health.


Which of the following statements is true? A. According to Mormon dietary laws, pork and pork by-products are forbidden as food. B. The traditional Mediterranean diet supplies more olive oil and fish than the traditional American diet. C. Jewish dietary laws forbid the use of alcohol. D. The traditional Asian diet contains high amounts of milk and milk products.

The traditional Mediterranean diet supplies more olive oil and fish than the traditional American diet.

Which of the following conditions is NOT a leading cause of death in the United States? A. Heart disease B. Tuberculosis C. Stroke D. Cancer


Which of the following vitamins is not produced by the microflora in the large intestine?

Vitamin C

Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does NOT supply any energy for the human body? A. Protein B. Vitamin D C. Carbohydrate D. Fat

Vitamin D

Yolanda is eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. She has taken a bite of the sandwich and begun chewing the sticky sandwich. Once the bite of sandwich has been chewed, moistened, and mixed with saliva, it is called A. a pharynx B. peristalsis C. chyme D. a bolus

a bolus

A primary function of the digestive system is the A. destruction of toxic metabolic by-products B. breakdown of food into nutrients C. transmission of nervous impulses D. production of red blood cells

breakdown of food into nutrients

Having a control group enables researchers to A. compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group. B. avoid using harmful interventions when testing control subject's responses. C. explore possible hypotheses for future research efforts. D. provide specific treatments to participants of the group

compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group

A refined grain product that has iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid added to replace amounts lost during processing has been A. fortified B. enhanced C. enriched D. supplemented


Scientists who investigate lifestyle factors that influence the prevalence of obesity among different population groups are conducting a(n) ___ study. A. technological B. in vitro C. pathological D. epidemiological


Segmentation A. helps mix chyme in the small intestine B. is under voluntary control. C. occurs in the esophagus, allowing the bolus to travel from the mouth to the stomach. D. results in impaired absorption of nutrients.

helps mix chyme in the small intestine

A diet that supplies adequate amounts of nutrients prevents A. storage of minerals in bone B. saturation of cells with nutrients C. storage of fat-soluble vitamins in body fat D. nutrient-deficiency disorders

nutrient-deficiency disorders

According to the MyPlate guidelines, fruits and vegetables should account for about ___ of the food on a person's plate. A. two-thirds B. one-quarter C. one-half D. one-third


Peristalsis is an involuntary response.


The process of adding vitamins A and D to milk is called fortification.


Use of certain medications may increase an individual's nutrient needs


A serving of food contains 15 g carbohydrate, 3 g protein, 5 g fat, 5 mg vitamin C, and 100 mL water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies. A. 97 kcals B. 117 kcals C. 87 kcals D. 107 kcals

117 kcals

Which of the following does NOT affect nutrient needs? A. Sex B. Age C. Ethnicity D. Health status


Active transport requires energy, but not a specific transporter.


Which of the following statements is true? A. People who consume less than the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of a nutrient have a high risk of developing the nutrient's toxicity disorder. B. People can have energy needs that are higher or lower than the Estimated Energy Requirement C. Nutrition scientists have established RDAs for all essential nutrients. D. People who consume 90% of the RDA for iron regularly are likely to develop an iron deficiency

People can have energy needs that are higher or lower than the Estimated Energy Requirement

Which of the following is NOT a key nutrition concept? A. Malnutrition includes overnutrition as well as undernutrition. B. Variety, moderation, and balance can help ensure a diet's nutritional adequacy. C. Foods and the nutrients they contain are not cure-alls. D. The best way for people to obtain all the essential nutrients is to consume dietary supplements.

The best way for people to obtain all the essential nutrients is to consume dietary supplements.

The innermost layer of the wall of the GI tract is the A. lumen B. mucosa C. serosa D. circular muscle


An essential nutrient ___ A. is found only in foods from animal sources. B. provides energy (kcals) to the diet. C. must be supplied by the diet. D. is found only in fortified foods.

must be supplied by the diet.

Phil is a participant in a study designed to examine the effects of taking a dietary supplement on muscle tissue development. Phil suspects he is in the experimental group, because he is certain his muscles are bigger and stronger as a result of taking the product supplied by the researchers. When the study is completed, Phil learns that he did not receive the dietary supplement. Phil thinks the researchers made a mistake—he is certain his muscle mass increased while he took the supplement. According to this information, Phil's belief that his physical condition improved while he participated in the study is an example of ___ A. human subject bias B. participant fatigue C. an anecdotal report D. the placebo effect

the placebo effect

Which of the following statements is false? A. In general, personal websites, such as blogs, are not reliable sources of nutrition information. B. The Internet is generally a reliable source of nutrition information, because information posted at websites has been peer-reviewed. C. When evaluating claims for dietary supplements that appear at a website, be wary of products that include promises for quick remedies. D. Websites with .edu in their addresses often provide reliable nutrition information.

The Internet is generally a reliable source of nutrition information, because information

The ___ cells of the gastric glands are important to protect the lining of the stomach from damage. A. chief B. mucous C. parietal D. pyloric


Which of the following statements is true? A. A single-blind experiment is one in which neither the investigator nor the subjects know which treatment group each participant is a part of in the study. B. Scientific studies to investigate the same question can have different findings. C. Control groups are not as important to nutrition-based research studies as they are to other types of research. D. When interpreting results of their studies, researchers generally seek to include some bias into their analyses.

Scientific studies to investigate the same question can have different findings.

Which of the following statements about sphincters is false? A. Sphincters are important for controlling the flow of the contents through the GI tract B. Sphincters are essential for normal digestion C. Sphincters are thickened regions of circular muscle D. When a sphincter relaxes, the passageway closes to prevent movement of GI contents

When a sphincter relaxes, the passageway closes to prevent movement of GI contents

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving? A. Refined grains B. Grape drink C. French fries D. Leafy greens

Leafy greens

A nutrition researcher adds 30 mg of the mineral iron to the daily diet of 50 4-week-old laboratory mice. After 10 weeks, the scientist takes blood samples from each mouse. According to his findings, the mice developed abnormal levels of certain enzymes in their red blood cells. Based on this information and your knowledge of scientific research, what would you tell him? A. He should call a press conference and report his findings to the public, so they can avoid consuming excess iron. B. He should prepare a research article that describes his study and its results for submission to a peer-reviewed nutrition journal. C. He should report his findings to other nutrient scientists, so they can repeat this study and confirm the results. D. He should consider his findings as an observation and redesign the study to include a control group.

He should consider his findings as an observation and redesign the study to include a control group.

Which of the following statements is true? A. A person's diet is influenced by his or her blood type and birth order. B. In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death. C. Nutrients are life-sustaining phytochemicals in food. D. Most people are born with the ability to choose a nutritious diet.

In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death.

Which of the following statements is true? A. Dietary recommendations are generally based on the findings of one well-respected team of nutrition researchers. B. A scientists' professional affiliations and sources of financial support may influence his or her research findings. C. The results of one study are usually enough to convince the majority of nutrition scientists to adopt new ideas about nutrition-related topics. D. Since 1995, nutrition information has undergone few updates, because scientists have discovered all of the nutrients and determined their functions.

A scientists' professional affiliations and sources of financial support may influence his or her research findings.

A medical researcher reads an article in Today's Health-Conscious Woman magazine about the benefits of using the phytochemical capsaicin to treat knee pain. She asks 10 people with arthritic knees to rub a cream that contains the phytochemical on their knee joints for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2 weeks, the researcher asks the subjects whether their knee pain improved, stayed about the same, or worsened during the treatment period. After collecting responses from the people, the researcher reports the results of her study during a popular TV show that si hosted by a doctor. Based on this information, which of the following statements is true? A. The researcher did not divide the subjects of her study into control and treatment groups. B. The researcher reviewed scientific literature regarding the use of capsaicin to treat knee pain. C. The researcher used a standard scientific design for research involving human subjects. D. The researcher subjected the results of her study to peer review.

The researcher did not divide the subjects of her study into control and treatment groups.

Scientists conduct a study in which 100 adults with chronic diarrhea are divided into 2 groups with 50 people per group. one group is given a supply of yogurt that is bacteria-free. The study's participants and researchers do not know which group of subjects has the bacteria in the yogurt and which group does not. The scientists instruct the participants to eat the entire 8 ounces of yogurt once a day for a month and record their bowel habits. This is an example of a(n) ___ study. A. double-blind B. uncontrolled C. introspective D. hypothetical


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