Nutrition Exam 2

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Two fatty acids and a phosphate group attached to a glycerol. With the phosphate group attached, phospholipids are soluble in water, and the fatty acids are soluble in fat. This helps keep fat dispersed in water. Serves as an emulsifier. They also bind together to form cell membranes. Have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic (polar and non-polar) characteristics that help transport fats across these membranes. Generate signals inside cells in response to hormones (i.e. insulin) to help regulate body functions

Complementary Proteins

Two or more plant proteins whose amino acid assortments complement each other in such a way that the essential amino acids missing from one are supplied by the other. ○ Rule of thumb: a grain paired with a legume. Ex: rice and beans, pita bread and hummus, bread and peanut butter, etc. ○ Most easily digestible: meat (over 90%), legumes (80-90%), grains (70-90%)

Vitamin B6

part of coenzyme needed in AA and FA metabolism; used in many reactions in the body... tryptophan to niacin, tryptophan to serotonin; release stored glucose from glycogen; helps make hemoglobin for red blood cells


serves as coenzyme, (most importantly)new cell synthesis, and cell division, works with B12 to produce red blood cells, used to decrease blood levels of homocysteine (folate is better absorbed as synthetic folic acid in sources such as enriched grains)

Foods containing trans-fats

(have unusual shapes) * Chips, cookies, and crackers (snack products) * Fast foods * Cake and frosting * Stick margarine * Commercial fried chicken and fish products * Other commercially prepared/processed foods (incl. breads) * partially hydrogenated peanut butter BASICALLY FRIED FOODS

Protein Deficiency

* Growth and resistance go down and kidney/heart problems can occur * PEM (Protein-Energy Malnutrition): the world's most wide spread malnutrition problem including: marasmus, kwashiorkor

3 Classes of Lipids

1. Triglycerides 2. Phospholipids 3. Sterols

AMDR for protein

10-35% of your daily intake

Vitamin B6 Deficiency

Anemia (small-cell type), depression, confusion, abnormal brain wave pattern, convulsions, rashes, greasy, scaly dermatitis.

Vitamin E

Antioxidant (protects cell membranes, regulates oxidation reactions, protects polyunsaturated FA)- neutralizes free radicals(missing a hydrogen, tries to scavenge body to find one, causes destruction in body), helps thin blood

Riboflavin Deficiency

Ariboflavinosis Mouth/Gums/Tongue: Cracks at corners of mouth, smooth magenta tongue; sore throat. Nervous system and Eyes: Hypersensitivity to light, reddening of cornea. Skin: Rash.

Lipid Absorption

Free fatty acids, phospholipids and monoglycerides cling together in balls surrounded by bile emulsifiers. Bile shuttles lipids across water mucus layer to waiting cells of intestinal villi, then the cells extract the lipids. The bile may also be absorbed and reused or be excreted by feces. The body is very efficient at digesting lipids, up to 98% of fats consumed are absorbed! Very little fat is excreted by a healthy system. Fat makes digestion take longer, so the more fat in a meal the longer the digestion system action becomes. pg. 158 diagram


Interconnected rings of carbon atoms with side chains of C, H and O attached. Serves as raw material for making emulsifiers in bile, which is important in fat digestion. Also play roles in vitamin D, sex hormones, and other important compounds. Also important for the structure of cell membranes.

Foods in Terms of Protein Amount and Quality

Is it close to what your body needs? 1. High-quality - proteins provide enough of all the essential amino acids needed by the body to create its own working proteins. Better quality proteins for humans are found in animals, as they are the most similar to us. (Over 90% absorbed from animal proteins) 2. Low-quality - plant proteins

Omega-6 Fatty Acid

Linoleic Acid a polyunsaturated fatty acid with its endmost double bond six carbons from the end (omega end) of the carbon chain. More blood clotting, higher blood pressure and inflammation. Lowers all cholesterol--good and bad. (ex: in vegetable oils, mayo) To check saturation, put oil in a clear container and put it in the fridge. Watch for cloudiness. The least saturated oils remain clear. Found in vegetable oils, margarine, and salad dressings.

Food Sources of Omega 6 Fats

Linoleic is parent of Omega-6 family; seeds, nuts, veg oils (corn, cottonseed, safflower, sesame, soybean, sunflower), poultry fat, margarine and salad dressing

Omega 3/Omega 6

More Omega 3, fewer Omega 6 = less abnormal blood clotting, mildly lower blood pressure, less inflammation, lower risk of heart disease and stroke (benefits from omega 3) too much omega 3 increases risk for hemorrhaging. Only need more omega 3 because Americans tend to get less in their diets. Need specifically more Omega 3, not a proportion of both, because they compete for the same enzymes. Eat more fish!!!

Folate Deficiency

Neural tube defects - spina bifida, Blood/Circulatory System: Anemia (large-cell type; macrocitic anemia) - large cells don't become small cells -> can't carry as much oxygen, elevated homocysteine. Digestive system: Heartburn, diarrhea, constipation. Immune System: Suppression, frequent infections. Smooth, red tongue, depression, mental confusion, weakness, fatigue, irritability, headache Babies in the womb: lack of folate: neural tube problems: spina bifida, mental retardation, brain size diminishes Mouth/Gums/Tongue: smooth red tongue, increased risk of neural tube birth defects. Nervous System: Depression, mental confusion, fatigue, irritability, headache.

Essential Amino Acid Names

Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Histidine, Lysine, Leucine

3 Other Types of Lipoproteins

VLDL - very low density lipoprotein LDL - low density lipoprotein (bad) HDL - high density lipoprotein (good)

Water-Soluble Vitamins

absorbed directly into the bloodstream, so not stored (except B12) - excreted in urine, not toxic. C and B vitamins

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

absorbed into the lymph, travel in the blood in association with protein carriers. Can be stored in the liver or with other lipids in fatty tissues, so can become toxic. Require bile for absorption. A D E K


adding H to carbon chain where there used to be a double bond(breaking the double bond). If there is a kink in it and it still has the double bond (cis formation= what it's called when the two hydrogen molecules are on the same side of the double bond, as they are in the unsaturated fatty acid, as opposed to on opposite sides in the trans fatty acid). Trans is when the double bond is not broken, but the structure is altered so that there is no longer a kink and hydrogens attach on different sides of carbon chain - the fat chains can squish closer together.

Food Sources of Saturated Fats

bacon, tropical oils, meat, butter, lard, animal products

Vitamin D

bone development, calcium absorption, and bone formation (raises blood calcium and phosphorus by increasing absorption from digestive tract, withdrawing calcium from bones, stimulating retention by kidneys)

Thiamin Food Sources

fortified grains, lean pork chop, ham, bacon, liver, sunflower seeds, green peas, yepotato, waffle, black beans (in all nutritious foods in moderate amounts)

B Vitamins

help body release calories or nutrients from macronutrients, used as coenzymes, and do NOT provide energy (calories)

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

macrocytic anemia - inability to absorb B-12, paralysis, pernicious Anemia, smooth tongue, Fatigue, nerve degeneration progressing to paralysis, tingling or numbness, memory loss, disorientation

Niacin Food Sources

meat, eggs, milk, poultry, fish, whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals, nuts, all prot foods *note: body can turn tryptophan (amino acid) into niacin. not corn

Vitamin B6 Food Sources

meats, fish, poultry, liver, legumes, fruits, potatoes, whole grains, soy, banana, sweet potato, spinach


o ADEQUATE CALORIES; LOW PROTEIN o Rapid onset; acute PEM o some weight loss o some muscle wasting, w/ retention of some body fat o Growth: 60-80% weight for age o Edema o Enlarged, fatty liver o Apathy, misery, irritability o sadness o Loss of appetite o Hair dry, brittle, easily pulled out, changes color, straight o skin develops lesions o (usually occurs in ages 1-3) + Often in poor places, when mom stops breastfeeding one child at the birth of the next # → first child misses needed proteins from milk

Transport and storage

o FS Must travel with protein carriers in watery body fluids; stored in the liver or fatty tissues, longer storage o WS travel freely in watery fluids; most are not stored in the body.


o FS Not readily excreted; tend to build up in the tissues. o WS readily excreted in the urine


o FS Toxicities are likely from supplements, but occur rarely from food. o WS Toxicities are unlikely but possible with high doses from supplements


o FS are absorbed like fats, first into the lymph, then the blood o WS are absorbed directly into the blood


o FS needed in periodic doses (perhaps weeks or even months) because the body can draw on its stores o WS Needed in frequent doses (perhaps 1-3 days) because the body does not store most of them to any extent.

Food Sources of Monounsaturated Fats

olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, avocados, seeds

Folate Food Sources

remember foliage! enriched grains, leafy greens, oranges, dried beans, avocado, asparagus, beets, legumes, seeds, liver

Food Sources of Polyunsaturated Fats

vegetable oils (Soy, corn, sunflower, safflower, sesame, cottonseed, walnut), nuts and seeds, fatty fish

Vitamin B12

with folate it helps with red blood cell division, and by itself helps with nerve cells

Pros of Omnivore Diets

○ Get a substantial amount of protein (meat products protein dense) ○ have a varied diet- more likely to meet all your nutritional needs

Cons of Vegetarian Diets

○ Low energy for kids (-) ○ Less available minerals (-) Ca, Fe, Zn ○ Little Vitamin D from food (in fish and fortified milk) (-) ○ Vitamin B-12 only naturally from animals (-) ○ Have to be careful to get enough protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vt B12, Vit D, Omega-3 FA ○ Not a good diet for children because it would not give them enough energy- to grow!

Cons of Omnivore Diets

○ May get too much meat and crowd out fruits and veggies and whole grains, etc. ○ Meats are higher in saturated fats

Nutrients of Particular Concern for Vegetarians and Omnivores

● Protein ● Iron ● Zinc ● Calcium ● Vitamin B12 ● Vitamin D ● Omega 3 fatty acid

Types of Lipoproteins

(Distinguished by density, more buoyant = more fat content) - Chylomicrons and other lipoproteins are clusters of protein and phospholipids that are emulsifiers. They enable their large lipid passengers to travel dispersed in the watery body fluids. Body tissues can extract whatever fat they need from chylomicrons passing by in bloodstream. Remnants are then picked up by liver, which dismantles them and reuses their parts.

Triglyceride Structure

(Fatty-acids and oils) Are the main form of fat in the body, making up 95% of the lipids in the body. They consist of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acid chains. Generally, the more unsaturated the fatty acids, the more liquid the fat is at room temperature, and the more saturated the fatty acids, the firmer the fat.


(Mostly fat, neutral for risk of CVD)- formed when lipids from a meal are combined with carrier proteins and phospholipids in the cells of the GI tract. They transport food fats through the watery body fluids to the liver and other tissues a. made in GI tract b. Deliver fat


(Very Low Density Lipoprotein) carry triglycerides and other lipids made in the liver to body cells for use. Neutral for CVD risk a. made in liver


(bad) (Low Density Lipoprotein, VLDL with less fat) transport cholesterol and other lipids to tissues a. Made from VLDL after VLDL have donated many of their triglycerides to body cells b. drops off cholesterol- raises blood cholesterol level c. increased risk of CVD d. carry lipids that trigger inflammation: leads to heart disease (CVD) e. larger, lighter and richer in cholesterol (more lipid, less protein) f. can be easily damaged by oxidation, which contributes to the damage to the arteries of the heart and inflammation LDL rises with intakes of saturated and trans fats.


(good) (high-density lipoproteins) "garbage trucks of circulation" - return cholesterol from tissues to liver for dismantling and disposal; have large proportion of protein a. cleans up Cholesterol b. "good cholesterol" - protects against heart attacks and cleans up extra cholesterol c. Picks up cholesterol from tissues, body cells, and blood vessels and brings it to the liver for disposal d. The only way to raise HDL level is to exercise e. Made in liver f. smaller, denser, and packaged with more protein; oppose inflammatory processes and protect against heart attacks (less lipid, more protein) *Diagram S11.2 will rock your world and help you with this.

Vitamin D Toxicity

(most toxic) - danger to soft tissues -raises blood calcium --> can collect in soft tissues, forming stones (kidneys are particularly vulnerable) -calcification of blood vessels is possible; may be fatal if it happens to major arteries -early symptoms: pain, chills, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, increases urination and thirst

AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range)

* 20-35% fat intake is the AMDR/31g or 7tsp oils (fats) for a 2400 calorie person. DGA says less than 10% of daily calories should be saturated fat, <1% trans fats, <300 mg/day cholesterol. * 480-840 kcal = 53-93g of fat (9 kcal = 1 fat grams) If 20-35% is what you want for fat intake, then 20-35% of 2400 calories is 480-840 kcal, which with the conversion of 9 kcal for every 1 gram of fat, that's 53-93 grams of fat.

Nitrogen Balance

* Amount of nitrogen consumed compared with the amount excreted in a given time period * Balanced - Nitrogen in (consumed) equal Nitrogen out (excreted) * Positive - intake more than you excrete; adding body tissue (pregnant women, children, and bodybuilders). * Negative - If you excrete more than what you are putting in; losing body tissue (sick people, surgery patients, and astronauts).

Roles of Protein

* Growth and maintenance o tendons, ligaments, scars, filaments of hair, nails * Regulation of gene expression * Building enzymes, hormones, etc. * Production of antibodies * Transporting substances ex: lipoproteins * Maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance (edema is caused by lack of protein) * Maintaining acid-base balance * Blood clotting (against infection) * Provide energy and glucose o (THIS TAKES PRIORITY over other functions WHEN ENERGY IS TOO LOW!)

Reducing fat intake

* Look for fat replacers, they are made from carbohydrates and protein and provide same taste and texture as fats but with lower calories * Artificial fats offer sensory properties of fat but none of the calories * Olestra also is a way to reduce fat intake, it is another artificial fat 1. Olestra is not digested, and therefore doesn't provide carbohydrates to the body at all 2. Also has side effects including cramps and diarrhea - not really used anymore * Smaller portion sizes * Choosing and reading labels and foods at the grocery store * Cooking with healthier oils rather than solid fats like butter * Flavorful fats (need less in order to flavor) * Unsaturated oils (in PLACE of saturated) * Revamp recipes * Lower fat fast foods * Increase the amount and variety of seafood in place of some meat and poultry. * Cheeses are the single greatest contributor of saturated fat in the diet

Hydrogenated Plant Oils

* Makes it stay fresh longer (works against oxidation) * Changes their physical properties- addition of hydrogen across double bonds * Prevents spoilage * Makes them stable and harder when they are heated to high temperatures * Makes food flaky and tender (baked goods) * Higher smoking point

Lipid Digestion

* Mouth: In infants, saliva is the first part of digestion (contains enzyme that helps break down milk fat) ; little importance to digestion in adults * Stomach: Produces Gastric Lipase, which breaks up to 30% of triglycerides into diglycerides and free fatty acid. * Small intestine: Majority of Fat digestion o The Liver produces Bile which emulsifies the fat--breaks down fat into tiny bits to increase the surface area of the fat to be broken down later. o Then the Pancreas produces Pancreatic Lipase which breaks down the rest of the triglycerides and diglycerides, so it is ready for absorption

Health implications of trans-fats

* Pose risk to heart and arteries by raising blood LDL cholesterol * Higher intakes lower beneficial HDL cholesterol * Increase tissue inflammation, which can lead to heart disease * Hydrogenation changes essential FA into their saturated or trans counterparts, losing health benefits of original raw oil * Compared with the risk to heart health posed by saturated fat, the risk from trans fat is similar or slightly greater. ***Keep trans-fat intake as low as possible (<1% of cals)

Vitamin E Toxicity

- hard to reach toxicity levels (UL is about 66 times the RDA) -can thin blood and slows coagulation (clotting) of blood, due to interference of how vitamin K works to help blood clot; may cause excess bleeding, brain hemorrhages, etc. red blood cell breakage and nerve damage

Vitamin A Toxicity

-compromises tissues just like a deficiency does; toxicity pretty much affects everything, symptoms are general and wide-spread throughout the body -earliest symptoms of toxicity: appetite loss, dizziness, blurred vision, headache, itchy skin, irritability - other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain, coordination loss, rashes, hair loss, stunted growth, possibly irreversible damage to the liver - birth defects -small excesses over long periods of time may gradually weaken the bones -excess of beta carotene will turn skin yellow or orange. You'll look like an oompa-loompa!

Functions of Fat in the Body

1. Energy Storage (fat is chief form of stored energy in body) 2. Muscle Fuel --fats provide most of the energy to fuel muscular work 3. Emergency Reserve (in times of illness/famine) 4. Cushions (protects organs) 5. Insulation (through temperature extremes) 6. Phospholipids form cell membranes 7. Raw materials (converted to hormones, bile, Vitamin D) 8. Cholesterol Necessary for Brain function 9. (Breathing and heart beating burns fat)

Vitamin C Toxicity

Alteration of insulin response to carbs, MAY form kidney stones, increases iron absorption which may be dangerous for those taking iron supplements, mild effects are nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea

Vitamin K Food Sources

Bacteria in stomach, green leafy vegs, cabbage-type vegs, soybeans, veg oils, cauliflower, canola oil

Supplement Tips

Be aware of quackery (avoid unneeded or excessive (i.e. risk free!) Decide the type of vitamin you wish to take (chewable, liquid, fortified food) ○ If you are taking an energy bar, you must proportionately reduce calories consumed ○ Chewable Vitamin C erodes teeth Compare DRI nutrient intake recommendations listed for your age and gender with possible supplements Avoid supplements that contain more than 100% of RDA Avoid doses that exceed ULs especially for Vitamins A and D Look for the USP, NP, or CL symbols: shows that supplement dissolves and absorbs

Sterols Structure

Consist of interconnecting rings of carbon atoms with side chains of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen attached. (Most commonly found in animal products) (ex: cholesterol, which aids in creation of Vit. D and makes the emulsifiers in bile, and sex hormones). Sterols other than cholesterol exist in plants. Plant sterols resemble cholesterol in structure and can inhibit cholesterol absorption in the human digestive tract, thus lowering blood cholesterol levels. Not only can plant sterols (phytosterol) inhibit cholesterol absorption, they also may block absorption of other important nutrients as well. Cholesterol is important in cell membrane structure. It can be made by the body, so it's not an essential nutrient.

Phospholipids Structure

Consist of one glycerol molecule, 2 fatty acids, and a molecule containing phosphorus (phosphate--water soluble/polar end). (ex lecithin) acts as an emulsifier--aids in breakdown of fats, holds water to fat (ex: eggs contain lecithin, and are used in baking to hold polar and non-polar ingredients together). make up cell membranes because they are water-loving (hydrophilic) and fat-loving (hydrophobic)


Factors that affect vitamin level in food after harvesting it: "HALT" -Humidity -Air -Light -Temperature

Lipid Transportation

Glycerol and shorter chains can pass directly through the cells of the intestinal lining into the blood stream, where they travel UNASSISTED to the liver. The larger ones must be reconverted back into triglycerides and combine them with protein, which forms lipoproteins (chylomicrons). This must occur before they can be released into the lymph in vessels that lead to the blood stream. Fats need special transport vehicles-the lipoproteins-to carry them in watery body fluids. Lipoproteins: Assembled packages of lipid and protein molecules, which serve as transport vehicles for lipids in blood and lymph. Larger lipids fragments such as monoglycerides and long chain fatty acids are re-formed into triglycerides and clustered together with proteins and phospholipids in small intestine cells to form chylomicrons (one type of lipoprotein) before they can be released into the lymph in vessels that lead to the blood. Shorter chain fatty acids and glycerol can pass directly through the cells of the intestinal lining where they can travel unassisted to the liver.

Health Benefits/Problems of Consuming Various Lipids

Heart and Artery Disease--Diet too high in saturated fats or trans fats and too low in fish oils increase risk of cancer. invites heart and artery disease. Saturated and trans fatty acids both worsen the blood lipid profile. Cancer--saturated fats pose the greatest public health hazard in terms of heart disease, and cancers Obesity--A diet high in energy-rich fatty foods makes over-consumption of calories likely and encourages unneeded weight gain. Keep total fat intake between 20-35% of calories from mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat sources; keep saturated fat intake low, less than 10% of calories, and keep trans fat intake as low as possible.


In fish, seafood, human milk. DHA and EPA (contained in fish oils) in fish tissue are important for unclotting blood, lowering blood pressure, and is an essential fatty-acid. Very important in infant growth and development

Thiamin/Riboflavin Toxicity


Vitamin B12 Toxicity


Demographics that need supplements

Newborns (vitamin K) Vegans (vitamin B12 and D) Pregnant women (iron and folate) Elderly with poor diets (multivitamin) Restricted diets (multivitamin) Extended illnesses (varies) AIDS victims Strict vegetarians Those addicted to drugs or alcohol Chronic Dieters

Protein Excess

Over consumption provides no benefits and may pose health risks, particularly for weakened kidneys ● Heart disease from extra saturated fats in most high protein foods- not from the protein itself, but from the fat in the foods, too many prot-rich foods also crowd out fruits, vegs, whole grains ● Kidney - in people w/ kidney stones or other kidney diseases, high-prot diet may speed kidney decline; but very low prot diets aren't good for kidney problems either ○ - doesn't really do anything to you if your kidneys are fine (they have to work harder though) ● Increased Calcium excretion (w/ high doses of purified protein) ○ Kidney stones ○ osteoporosis ● Adult bone loss- not proven (purified protein does correlate however) ● Cancer- from excess of red and processed meats ● There is no tolerable upper intake level for protein but health risks may follow if too much is consumed or over consuming protein rich foods

How to Minimize Nutrient Loss during Food Storage/Preparation

Prevent enzymatic destruction ○ refrigerate most fruits, vegetables, and juices to slow breakdown of vitamins Protect from light and air ○ store milk and enriched grain products in opaque containers to protect riboflavin ○ store cut fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator in airtight wrappers ; reseal opened juice containers before refrigerating Prevent heat destruction or losses in water ○ wash intact fruits and vegetables before cutting or peeling to prevent vitamin losses during washing ○ cook fruits and vegetables in a microwave oven, or quickly stir fry, or steam them ○ small amount of water to preserve heat-sensitive vitamins and to prevent vitamin loss in cooking water. recapture dissolved vitamins by using cooking water for soups, stews, or gravies. ○ avoid high temperatures and long cooking times

Vitamin D Deficiency

Rickets- bowed legs, knock-knees, beaded ribs, protruding chests of rickets Hints of: high blood pressure, some common cancers, infections, heart disease, inflammatory conditions, and autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, the skin disease psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. , Osteomalacia, osteoporosis

Vitamin c Deficiency

Scurvy, Immune System: Immune suppression, frequent infections. Mouth/Gums/Tongue: Bleeding gums, loosened teeth. Nervous/Muscular System: Muscle degeneration and pain, depression, disorientation. Skeletal System: Bone fragility, joint pain. Skin: Pinpoint hemorrhages, rough skin, blotchy bruises. Other: Failure of wounds to heal. SCURVY (Weakens cartilage, connective tissue & bruises, bleeding easily)

Fatty Acids

Some are essential and help lower cholesterol, and some raise cholesterol Human body can synthesize almost all essential FA, linoleic and linolenic acid are two well-known exceptions 1. Saturated Fatty Acids 2. Monounsaturated 3. Polyunsaturated 4. Omega 3/6

Protein Digestion and Absorption

Stomach: when swallowed food arrives in the stomach, acid denatures the protein strands and an enzyme (pepsin) breaks down the protein ● Small intestine: enzymes from the pancreas and the intestine split peptide strands into tripeptides, dipeptides, and amino acids. The intestinal cells absorb and transfer amino acids and some larger peptides into the bloodstream. The small intestine possesses separate sites for absorbing different types of amino acids, and amino acids of the same type compete for the same absorption sites, so ingesting a large dose of any single one may limit absorption of other of its general type. ● Transportation: The blood transports amino acids into the liver, to be used or released back out to the cells

Vitamin Levels

Vitamin levels in food has to do with its maturity at the harvest, NOT anything to do with depleted soils.

Vitamins: Characteristics and Uses

an essential , noncaloric, organic nutrient needed in tiny amounts in the diet. Help make possible the processes by which other nutrients are digested, absorbed, and metabolized or built into body structures - digest other nutrients, body structure, function of brain and body, direct cells to convert one substance to another, A and D directly influence genes and protein production. Guard tissues, blood clotting

Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin C

antioxidants. donate a hydrogen to free radicals, repair damage done by free radicals (damages red blood cells and nerves) Lose an electron = oxidized Gain an electron = reduced (LeO GeR) (Oil Rig)

Vitamin K

bone development, incorporating calcium into bone (bone mineralization), helps clot blood

Vitamin C Food Sources

citrus fruits, green and red peppers, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage-type vegs, dark green vegs, cantaloupe, strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, papayas mangoes, brussels sprouts, sweet potato, bok choy

Niacin (B vitamin)

coenzyme for energy metabolism

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

coenzyme for energy metabolism, supports vision and skin

Thiamin (vitamin B1)

coenzyme, helps with nerve cells and appetite (active in energy metabolism)

Riboflavin Food Sources

dairy products, whole and fortified grains, meat, liver, leafy greens, lean pork chop, mushrooms, spinach

Vitamin D Food Sources

fortified milk, enriched cereal, fish (tuna, sardines, salmon, cod liver oil, shrimp), sunlight (20 minutes/day with no sunscreen)

Vitamin B12 Food Sources

found only in animal products


linoleic (omega 6) acid and linolenic (omega 3) acid; these serve as raw material from which the body makes substances known as eicosanoids. Eicosanoids affect a wide range of diverse body functions, such as muscle relaxation and contraction, blood vessel constriciton and dilation, blood clot formation, blood lipid regulation, and immune response. helps lower bad (LDL) and increases HDL, decreases risk for CVD

Folate Toxicity

masks vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, cures anemia

Vitamin A

normal night vision, maintenance of cornea, epithelial cells, mucous membranes, and skin; gene regulation, tissue development, immune function, bone and tooth growth, reproduction


o LOW CALORIES AND LOW PROTEIN o Severe deprivation of protein, energy, vitamins, minerals, calories o develops slowly; chronic PEM o severe weight loss o Severe muscle wasting w/ fat loss o Growth: <60% weight for age o No detectable edema (swelling w/ fluid) o No fatty liver o Anxiety, apathy o Appetite may be normal or impaired o Hair is sparse, dry, easily pulled out o Skin dry, thin, wrinkled o (usually occurs before age 2)

Niacin Toxicity

painful flush, hives, and rash ("niacin flush"); excessive sweating; blurred vision; liver damage, impaired glucose tolerance

Vitamin B6 Toxicity

paralysis, nerve damage (can't walk!), depression, fatigue, impaired memory, irritability, headaches, nerve damage causing numbness and muscle weakness progressing to an inability to walk and convulsions; skin lesions

Prevent enzymatic destruction

refrigerate most fruits, vegetables, and juices to slow breakdown of vitamins

Vitamin K Toxicity

reports of toxicity are extremely rare, and no UL has yet been set -more probable for pregnant women and infants; induces breakage of red blood cells --> releases pigment --> turns skin yellow (jaundice) reverses the effect of anti-clotting meds making the blood "too thick"

Vitamin Supplement Marketing Traps

○ "For low carb diets" ○ "organic" ○ "High potency" ○ "New" vitamins ○ "Time release" ○ "Stress formulas" ○ Pills containing extracts of any food or vegetable component ○ Geriatric "tonics" Buy supplements from a store who keeps stocks fresh and stores them properly

Strengths of Vegetarian Diets

○ Defense against obesity (+) ○ lowers saturated fat intake ○ lots of vitamins and minerals ○ lots of phytochemicals ○ FIBER!!!!!!!!!!!! ○ Defense against heart disease (+) ○ Defense against high blood pressure (+) ○ Defense against cancer (+) May help prevent diabetes, osteoporosis, deverticular disease, and gallstones

Protein Metabolism

1. If energy needs not met or excess protein is consumed: 1. The Acid-side chain is metabolized and used for energy or stored as fat. (deamination) 2. The Amine group (N) is removed, and converted to urea. 2. Dismantled to make nonessential amino acid (transamination)

Functions of Fat in Food

1. Nutrient - fats provide essential fatty acids 2. Calories - Concentrated energy source 3. Transport - Fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K along with some phytochemicals + aid in absorption 4. Raw Materials- for making needed products 5. Sensory appeal (taste,aroma) 6. Stimulate appetite (probably due to satiety) 7. Satiety (contribute to feelings of fullness) 8. Texture (tender)

Structure of proteins

A strand of amino acids (Amino acid is the smallest part of a protein) ● All amino acids have the same backbone consisting of a single carbon atom with both an amine group (the nitrogen containing part) and a carboxyl group(acid group) attached to it. ● Each also has a distinct chemical side chain (which determines the amino acid's function) attached to the center carbon of the backbone ● All AA's needed for protein synthesis: ● Essential amino acids are required in making a protein because without them, the body cannot make the proteins it needs to do its work. ● All necessary types of amino acids need to be present to build a protein. ● Protein quality makes a difference with the amount and number of AA's. ● If a protein can't be completed because of lack of AA's, the protein will be broken down, they can't be stored.

Thiamin Deficiency

Beriberi (wet and dry): Loss of sensation in the hands and feet, muscular weakness, abnormal heart behavior. Blood/Circulatory System: Edema, enlarged heart, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure. Nervous/Muscular System: Degeneration, wasting, weakness, pain, apathy, irritability, difficulty walking, loss of reflexes, mental confusion, paralysis.

Vitamin K Deficiency

Blood/Circulatory system: Hemorrhage. Bones: poor skeletal mineralization, abnormal bone formation.

Vitamin E Deficiency

Deficiency is rare in humans. Disease or injury in the liver, gallbladder or pancreas make vitamin E deficiency likely. Erythrocyte hemolysis - occurs in premature babies born before the transfer of vitamins between the mother and child, which normally happens the last two weeks of pregnancy. In adults: loss of muscle coordination reflexes with impaired movement, vision and speech. Allows free radicals to run rampant.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Linolenic Acid. a polyunsaturated fatty acid with its endmost double bond 3 carbons from the omega end of the carbon chain. Prevents blood clotting, lowers blood pressure (keeps vessels pliable), protects against irregular heartbeats, reduces inflammation, and is essential for infant growth and development. Also lowers LDL. Excess of omega 3 increases risk of hemorrhage and stroke. (ex: canola oil, flaxseed oil, soybean oil, nuts and seeds, fatty fish)

Food Sources of Omega 3 Fats

Linolenic is parent of Omega-3 family; soybeans, flaxseeds, walnuts, and canola, flaxseed, soybean, walnut, and wheat germ oil and liquid or soft margarine made from canola or soybean oil; fish, seafood, human milk good for EPA and DHA

Vitamin A Deficiency

Night blindness, Keratinization → xerosis → xerophthalmia. If Vit. A is deficient, the cell differentiation is impaired and goblet cells fail to mature, which then fail to make protective mucus and eventually die off. Hard/bumpy skin due to keratinization.. Failure to grow (in children), keratin lumps on skin, impaired immunity. Night blindness is reversible but xeropthalmia is not.

Vitamin E Food Sources

PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) oils, green and leafy vegs, wheat germ, whole-grain fds, nuts and seeds, safflower oil, mayo from safflower oil, canola oil

Niacin Deficiency

Pellagra (flaky skin rash where exposed to sunlight) Digestive system: Diarrhea; vomiting; abdominal pain. Mouth/Gums/Tongue: Black or bright red swollen smooth tongue. Nervous System: Irritability, loss of appetite, weakness, headache, dizziness, mental confusion, progression to psychosis or delirium. The four D's: Diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, death --> 4 D's for Pellagra, a disease received from niacin deficiency.

Saturated Fatty Acids

Raise blood LDL by decreasing LDL reuptake in liver, which clogs arteries; high intake may increase risk for CVD and cancer; same as trans fatty acids (no break in the carbon chain; less complex) (in animal fats and tropical oils) Cheese, beef, milk, oils, butter, etc.


Three fatty acids attached to a glycerol. Triglycerides are the body's storage form of fat. Can differ in chain length and degree of saturation. Fatty acid types vary.

Calculate an individual's recommended protein intake (DRI

Weight in kg (1 kg= 2.2 lbs) x 0.8g. RDA: 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kg of healthy body weight. 1. Muscle is 22% (by weight) protein 2. Convert lbs of person to grams 1 lb = 454 grams 3. Bob weighs 220 lbs and wants to gain 2 lbs of muscle in a week. How much protein does he need to gain that in muscle?? 4. 1lb= 454 grams, 2 lbs of muscle= 908 grams....22% is protein, so .22 x 908 = 200 grams of protein that he needs a week! Then divide that by 7 days ( 200 / 7 = 28.5 grams) 5. So he needs an ADDITIONAL 28.5 grams of protein a day, to his RDA for his weight 6. What is the RDA for his weight???? 7. Well, the RDA says that you need .8 grams/kg of body weight/ day. 8. He weighs 220 lbs (now convert to kilograms--- conversion= 2.2 lbs = 1 kg. 9. 220 lbs /2.2 = 100 kg 10. Now multiply by RDA (.8g/kg of body weight) 11. 100 kg x (.8g/kg) = 80 g protein needed + 28.5 grams extra = 108.5 grams needed a day

Vitamin A Food Sources

fortified milk, dark leafy greens, orange fruits and vegetables (beta carotene), beef liver, animal products (vit. A), sweet potato


helps lower bad cholesterol without affecting HDL, protective against CVD (peanut, canola, and olive oil) (lower LDL)

Vitamin C

used in connective tissues formation - collagen, antioxidant, restores Vt E to active form, supports immune system, boosts iron absorption

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