nutrition final proctored exam

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heart disease

Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States? Chronic lower respiratory infections Heart disease Suicide Influenza and pneumonia


Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States? Chronic lower respiratory infections Stroke Suicide Influenza and pneumonia

close friends

Which of the following factors has a major influence over a person's food choices? Close friends Blood type Vitamin A status Birth order

people who are addicted to drugs

Which of the following groups of Americans is most at risk of undernutrition? People who are addicted to drugs Preschool children who attend daycare College freshmen who live on campus Middle-age men who exercise regularly

smoking cigarettes

Which of the following lifestyle choices is the primary cause of preventable cancer deaths in the United States? 1. Eating fatty food 2. Consuming alcohol 3. Exercising infrequently 4. Smoking cigarettes


Which of the following nutrients is the most essential for life? Water Protein Omega-3 fatty acids Vitamin C

taking megadoses of various vitamin supplements daily

Which of the following practices is most likely to result in a nutrient toxicity disorder? 1. Consuming 6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily 2. Taking megadoses of various vitamin supplements daily 3. Eating 4 ounces of chicken liver once a week 4. Drinking 8 ounces of fat-free milk with each meal

most foods are mixtures of nutrients

Which of the following statements is true? 1. A megadose ofvitamin C is within the range of safe intake for the nutrient. 2. Peanut butter contains too many empty calories to be a nutritious food. 3. Most foods are mixtures of nutrients. 4. A healthy diet supplies about 90% of its calories from energy-dense foods.

the supplemental nutrition assistance program helps low-income americans buy allowable foods.

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Meals on Wheelsprovides nutritious meals for pregnant, low-income women who are too sick toleave their homes. 2. The SchoolBreakfast Program offers free or reduced-cost breakfasts to children,regardless of their family incomes. 3. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps low-income Americans buy allowable foods. 4. The School Lunch and Breakfast programs are available to low- and middle-income children in 20 states.

most naturally occurring foods contain more than one nutrient

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Most naturally occurring foods contain more than one nutrient. 2. Strawberries are an energy-dense food. 3. Milk, bananas,and soybeans are among the few nutritionally perfect foods for humans. 4. According to nutrition experts, junk foods have no nutritional value.

nutrient deficiency diseases develop when diets lack essential nutrients

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Nutrient deficiency diseases develop when diets lack essential nutrients. 2. A skin rash could be a symptom of a vitamin deficiency disease. 3. A headache is a common sign of a mineral deficiency disease. 4. Most phytochemicals are classified as essential nutrients.

Nutrients are life-sustaining substances in food.

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Nutrients are life-sustaining substances in food. 2. n the United States, poor eating habits contribute to the ten leading causes of death, including influenza and pneumonia. 3. A person's diet is influenced by his or her blood type, birth order, and sustainability. 4. People are born with the ability to choose a nutritious variety of foods.

a diet that has variety contains many different kinds of nutritious foods.

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Nutrition experts generally classify foods as either "good" or "junk." 2. According to scientific evidence, taking megadoses of vitamins and minerals is a safe way to prevent many chronic diseases. 3. A diet that has variety contains many different kinds of nutritious foods. 4. In the UnitedStates, you are more likely to see undernourished than overnourishedpeople.

When compared to the typical American diet in 1987-1988, today's Americans consume more total calories.

Which of the following statements is true? 1. When compared to the typical American diet in 1987-1988, today's Americans consume more total calories. 2. Today, Americans eat more whole eggs than they consumed in 1970. 3. In the United States, the adult population consumes more red meat than they ate in 1970. 4. Americans consume more fluid milk than they consumed in 1970.


A food scientist would like to develop a ready-to-use therapeutic food that would be consumed by 3- to 5-year-old starving children. Based on this information, which of the following ingredients is not necessary to include in the food's recipe? Cholesterol Peanut butter Iron Vitamin A

blood type

A person's ________ is not a major influence for his or her food selection practices.

needed for the normal development of human cells

A scientist thinks she has discovered an essential nutrient for humans, because this substance is ________.


A serving of food contains 15 g carbohydrate, 3 g protein, 5 g fat, 5 mg vitamin C, and 100 ml water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal.


A serving of food contains 20 g fat, 2 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate, 5 g alcohol, and 1000 mg potassium. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal.


A serving of food contains 3 g alcohol, 6 mg cholesterol, 500 ml water, 25 g fat, 5 g protein, and 38 g carbohydrate. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal.


A serving of food contains 30 g fat, 2 g protein, 3 g carbohydrate, 5 mg iron, 600 mg calcium, and 250 ml water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal.


A serving of food contains 35 g carbohydrate, 6 g protein, 10 g fat, 5 mg vitamin E, and 150 ml water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal.


A serving of food supplies 136 kcal from protein. Based on this information, how many grams of protein are in the serving?


A serving of food supplies 144 kcal from protein. Based on this information, how many grams of protein are in the serving?

carbohydrates provide the most food energy

A serving of food supplies 18 g protein, 20 g carbohydrate, 7 g fat, 18 mg vitamin E, 2 mg iron, and 100 g water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food? 1. Fat provides the most food energy. 2. Vitamin E provides about 10% of the food energy. 3. Carbohydrates provide the most food energy. 4. Fat provides about75% of total calories.


A serving of food supplies 244 kcal from protein. Based on this information, how many grams of protein are in the serving?


A team of biologists is using scientific methods to develop chickens that lay eggs, which supply 20% more healthy fat than the eggs that chickens currently lay. If the team's effort is successful, the eggs will be an example of a ______ food.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, today's Americans consume more ________ than in 1970.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, today's Americans consume more ________ than in 1970.

making nutritious foods more available

According to the main nutrition-related goal of Healthy People 2030, Americans should improve their health by ________.


Anna is 17 years of age and pregnant with her first child. She has difficulty earning enough money to support herself, and recently, she was diagnosed with iron deficiency. Based on this information, Anna should enroll in the ________ program.


Archie weighs 62 kg, which is approximately ________ pounds.


Belle is pregnant and has two young children. She is having difficulty supporting her family on an income of $22,000/year. Recently, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and iron deficiency. Based on this information, Belle should enroll in the ________ program.

1500 mg/day

Benjamin limits his sodium intake to 1.5 g/day. This amount is equivalent to ________.

175 cm

Dave's height is 69 inches. What is his approximate height in centimeters?


Each day, Phil takes ten pills that each supply 1000 mg of vitamin C. The recommended amount of vitamin C is 90 mg/day. His daily vitamin C intake is an example of a ________.


Elisa weighs 62 kg, which is approximately ________ pounds.


Erika is making a recipe from foods that contain the following nutrients: 120 ml of water, 60 g of fat, 20 g of protein, 500 mg of vitamin C, 275 g of carbohydrate, and 600 mg of calcium. Approximately how many kilocalories does the entire product of this recipe provide?

developed a nutrient deficiency disorder that was cured by the eating animal foods

For five years, Michael ate only plant foods. He recently developed numbness in his feet and a sore swollen tongue. A few days after he added eggs and milk to his diet, his tongue healed and the numbness in his feet stopped bothering him. Based on this information, Michael probably ________.


How many kilocalories are in a portion of food that contains 8 g protein, 10 g fat, 22 g carbohydrate, 130 mg vitamin C, and 120 ml water?

vitamin A deficiency

Impoverished children who live in developing countries have a high risk of dying from ________.

older adults on fixed incomes

In the United States, food insecurity is most likely to affect ________.

give birth at least four weeks earlier than expected

Jaelyn is in her 6th month of pregnancy. Her diet is poor because she rarely pays attention to her food choices, and she eats a limited variety of foods that she likes. According to her doctor, Jaelyn is "chronically undernourished." Based on this information, Jaelyn is likely to ________.

165 cm

Jerry's height is 65 inches. What is his approximate height in centimeters?

70 kg

Jorge weighs 153 pounds. What is his approximate weight in kilograms?


Jorge weighs 196 pounds. What is his approximate weight in kilograms?

22 kg

Jorge weighs 48 pounds. What is his approximate weight in kilograms?

divide the number of kcal by 4

Lynne wants to estimate the grams of carbohydrate in a sugar-sweetened soft drink that supplies 200 kcal/serving. The soft drink contains no fiber, protein, fat, and alcohol. To obtain this value, she should ________.

divide the number of kcal by 9

Lynne wants to estimate the grams of fat in a serving of oil that supplies 400 kcal. The oil contains no fiber, protein, carbohydrate, and alcohol. To obtain this value, she should ________.

2300 mg/day

Maria limits her sodium intake to 2.3 g/day. This amount is equivalent to ________.


Most forms of ________ are a source of energy for cells.

stop diluting the babies' formula with local well water

Most of the people living in a small South African village have access to nutritious foods. Soon after their birth, ten infants in the village developed severe diarrhea, which resulted in dehydration. After questioning the infants' parents, local public health officials were able to determine the cause of the diarrhea. Based on the officials' findings, the parents were advised to ________.

divide the number of kcal by 4

Sam wants to estimate the grams of carbohydrate in a sugar-sweetened soft drink that supplies 100 kcal/serving. The soft drink contains no fiber, protein, fat, and alcohol. To obtain this value, he should ________.

heart disease

Tamika's 52-year-old father died as a result of a condition that is the leading cause of death in the United States. Based on this information, Tamika's father died from ________.

improve health by promoting healthy eating and making nutritious foods available

The main nutrition-related goal of Healthy People 2030 is to ________.

1 g

The recommended amount of a nutrient is 100 mg. Therefore, a megadose of this nutrient would be ________.


The recommended dose of a vitamin is 2 mg. Based on this information, a megadose of the vitamin would be ________.

applying irrigation water directly to the roots of crops

Which of the following agricultural practices is recommended because it can improve the environment? 1. Expanding farmland into forests and grasslands 2. Using chemical methods to control crop pests 3. Applying irrigation water directly to the roots of crops 4. Raising more corn-fed beef and pork


Which of the following nutrients is a micronutrient? Fat Magnesium Water Protein

sustainable agriculture

________ includes farming techniques that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment.

are food secure

most americans ______


t/f: According to some nutrition scientists, fiber is a key beneficial nutrient


t/f: According to some nutrition scientists, fiber is a key beneficial nutrient.


t/f: According to some nutrition scientists, selenium is a key beneficial nutrient.


t/f: Bioengineering of food crops may result in better crop yields and more nutritious grains, fruits, and vegetables.


t/f: Biotechnology involves the use of living things to improve manufactured products.


t/f: Jemma, who is 7 months pregnant, suffers from chronic undernutrition. Based on this information, she has a higher than average risk of a difficult labor and delivering a baby with serious health problems.


t/f: Vitamin C, iron, and fat are classified as macronutrients.

Protein provides 37% of the food energy.

A serving of food supplies 20 g carbohydrate, 10 g fat, 25 g protein, 10 mg vitamin B-6, and 100 ml water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food?

Carbohydrate provides about 30% of the food energy.

A serving of food supplies 20 g carbohydrate, 10 g fat, 25 g protein, and 100 g water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food? 1. Fat provides about 20% of the food energy. 2. Carbohydrate provides about 40% of the food energy. 3. Water provides about 10% of the food energy. 4. Carbohydrate provides about 30% of the food energy.

Carbohydrate provides about the same amount of food energy as the fat in this food

A serving of food supplies 20 g carbohydrate, 9 g fat, 25 g protein, 10 mg vitamin B-6, and 100 ml water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food? 1. Fat provides the most food energy. 2. Carbohydrate provides about the same amount of food energy as the fat in this food. 3. Water supplies about the same amount of food energy as the protein in this food. 4. Protein provides about 60% of total calories.


A serving of food supplies 25 g carbohydrate, 12 g protein, 400 ml water, 25 mg vitamin B-6, and 8 g fat. According to this information, how many kilocalories are in a serving of this food?


A tablespoon of sugar supplies about 48 kilocalories, which is the same as ________ calories.

eating smaller food portions

Which of the following food-related practices is recommended because it can improve the environment? 1. Throwing out uneaten and/or leftover foods 2. Eating more meat, especially beef 3. Eating smaller food portions 4. Consuming more corn-fed beef and pork

peanut butter

Which of the following foods is both energy and nutrient dense? Strawberries Whole-grain bread Peanut butter Raw apple slices


Which of the following foods is naturally a source of phytochemicals? Margarine Tuna Grapes Luncheon meat

lean meat

Which of the following foods is not a source of phytochemicals? 1. Fresh blueberries 2. Cashew nuts 3. Whole-grain bread 4. Lean meat

chocolate chip cookies

Which of the following foods is the most energy dense per serving? Fresh blueberries Chocolate chip cookie Fat-free milk Baked chicken

soy milk

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving? Olive oil French fries Grape drink Soy milk

residents of long-term care facilities

Which of the following groups of Americans is most at risk of undernutrition? 1. Residents of long-term care facilities 2. School-age children who participate in school lunch programs 3. College freshmen who live in dormitories 4. Individuals who have jobs that require a lot of sitting

an essential nutrient must be supplied by the diet

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Phytochemicals are oxidizing agents produced by animal cells. 2. An essential nutrient must be supplied by the diet. 3. People develop scurvy when their diets lack vitamin E. 4. Under certain conditions, the human body can make iron, copper, and zinc.

vitamin d

Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not supply any energy for the human body? Carbohydrate Fat Alcohol Vitamin D


Which of the following substances is a nutrient that provides energy for humans? Alcohol Glucose Caffeine Thiamin


A serving of food supplies 99 kcal from fat. Based on this information, how many grams of fat are in the serving?


A substance that can protect a person's cells from being damaged or destroyed by certain harmful factors is a(an) ________.

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