Nutrition Final

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Colic in horses can be defined as abdominal pain that is caused by various issues in the gastrointestinal tract. A. True B. False


Coloring agents are added to the diet for Select one: a. the owner b. the consumer c. increase palatability d. All of the choices are correct


Dogs are considered geriatric at about 7 years of age. Select one: A. True B. False


Iguanas are strict herbivores. Select one: A. True B. False


Rabbits are considered an herbivore. Select one: A. True B. False


Slight underfeeding may increase an animals lifespan. Select one: A. True B. False


Stress suseptible syndrome can be fetal due to a rapid increase in body temperature. Select one: A. True B. False


The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) is an advisory agency comprising of federal and state regulators. Select one: A. True B. False


The ability for a neonate to absorb the large proteins found in colostrum across the intestinal barrier is lost after how long after birth? Select one: a. 24-72 hours b. 1-2 weeks c. 1-2 hours d. 16 weeks


The administration of total parenteral nutrition requires 24 hour monitoring. Select one: A. True B. False


The box turtle will eat mainly animal material. A. True B. False


Avocados are poisonous to Select one: a. Birds b. Ferrets c. Iguanas d. Horses


Calculate DER for an 8 lb cat in late gestation. A. 223 kcal B. 241 kcal C. 445 kcal D. 235 kcal


Calf scours can be caused by overeating. Select one: A. True B. False


Calves are pre-ruminant until they about 4 months of age. Select one: A. True B. False


Ferrets will reach 90% of their adult size by the time they reach 14 weeks of age. Select one: A. True B. False


Fiber is digestible by bacteria and protozoa in the rumen, cecum and large instestine. Select one: A. True B. False


Which plant will cause cyanide poisoning? A. Poisonous parsnip B. Choke Cherry C. Red Maple leaves D. Black Walnut Tree


Which primary precursor to glucose in the ruminant animal? Select one: a. Acetate b. Propionate c. Butyrate


Which would indicate the animal is not tolerating the tube feeding? A. Exaggerated swallowing B. All of the choices are correct C. Gagging D. Hypersalivation


Working dogs require diets with a higher protein content. Select one: A. True B. False


You are assisting a client with determining how much food to feed her dog. The dog requires 125 kcal/day and the food she wants to feed has a caloric density of 274 kcal/cup. How many cups will you recommend she feed? Select one: a. 2 1/4 cups b. 1/2 cup c. 2 1/2 cups d. 4 1/2 cups


The transit time of ingesta in the goat tends to be Select one: a. the same as the cow b. slower than the cow c. faster than the cow


What is the DER for a 7 year old DSH SF that weighs 6.5lbs? A. 318 kcal B. 160 kcal C. 190 kcal D. 224 kcal


Bran is used in animals diets for what?

Protein and Fiber

Which vitamin is synthesized by microbes?

Vitamin B

Tortoise diets should consist mainly of fruits. Select one: A. True B. False


A client is planning on breeding her Cocker Spaniel. When should she increase the amount she feeds? A. 7 days after breeding B. At the time of breeding. C. At about three weeks post breeding D. At the onset of her heat cycle


Protein malnutrition in patients with hepatic disease manifests clinically as? Select one: a. Vitamin K deficiency, weight loss, and muscle atrophy b. Hypoalbumineria, weight gain, and muscle atrophy c. Weight loss, muscle atrophy, and hypoalbumineria d. Muscle atrophy, hyperalbumineria, zinc deficiency


What is the RER for an 11 pound cat? Select one: a. 111 kcal b. 751 kcal c. 220 kcal d. 124 kcal


How many calories is a kcal? Select one: a. 10,000 b. 100 c. 1,000 d. 10


What is the RER for a 35 lb 9 year old neutered dog? Select one: a. 751 kcal b. 135 kcal c. 550 kcal d. 2380 kcal


A metabolic disorder that occurs when dairy cows are in negative energy balance is known as Select one: a. Grass tenany b. Ketosis c. Parturient Paresis d. Milk Fever


Excess protein above the horse's requirement is an unnecessary expense and may be detrimental to horse performance. Select one: A. True B. False


Mycotoxins are also known as aflatoxins and can cause liver and kidney damage. Select one: A. True B. False


Non-essential animo acids can be produed by the body from other amino acids. Select one: A. True B. False


Fat provides...

9 kcal/g

A client has brought in their 4 year old Labrador Retriever. You examine him and body condition score (BCS) at a 4/5. He weighs 75 lbs. Approximately how much weight should he lose to get an ideal BCS of 3/5? A. 7.5 lbs B. 20 lbs C. 10 lbs D. 15 lbs


A commercial rodent food would be appropriate to recommend for feeding to gerbils. Select one: A. True B. False


A dry pet may contain approximately 8% moisture. Select one: A. True B. False


A forage that has trifolate leaves and yellow flowers is Select one: A. Birdsfoot Trefoil B. White clover C. Timothy D. Alfalfa


A forage that is stored properly and experiences excessive heat, the available protein content will? A. Decrease B. Stay the same C. Increase


A high quality cat food could be fed to ferrets when ferret food is not available. Select one: A. True B. False


A higher fiber diet for diabetic animals is recommended because it Select one: a. slows the absorption of glucose b. makes diet more palatable c. Lowers protein availablility d. All of the choices are correct


A nutritionally related disorder of sheep and goats called "Water Belly" is caused by Select one: a. Urinary Calculi b. forage quality c. grain overload d. Bile duct obstruction


A pet bird diet should consist of 50% or less of seeds. Select one: A. True B. False


Acute vomiting is usually associated with ingestion of large quantities of food resulting in gastric distention. Select one: A. True B. False


An alergy is a reaction in which the body produces antibodies in response to exposure to a substance that is normally harmless. Select one: A. True B. False


Animal by products are simply parts of the animal the "we" do not eat. Select one: A. True B. False


Ash content of a pet food is? A. Mineral content B. Fat content C. Nitrogen Free Extract D. Protein content


Beef is the clean flesh derived from slaughtered cattle and is limited to the part of the striate muscle which is skeletal. It may include the tongue, diaphragm, heart, and esophagus. A. True B. False


Box turtles will eat mainly animal material. Select one: A. True B. False


By law, pet food labels must include a list of ingredients in descending order of inclusion by weight. Select one: A. True B. False


Cats have a higher protein requirement than dogs. Select one: A. True B. False


Chinchillas are strict herbivores and have a long gastrointestinal tract. Select one: A. True B. False


Chinchillas have continually erupting teeth. Select one: A. True B. False


Chinchillas require hay to be provide on an ad lib basis. Select one: A. True B. False


Chinchillas require plant protein in their diet for proper fur production. Select one: A. True B. False


During the growth phase, the young animal has a higher requirement for protein, energy, and calcium than the adult. Select one: A. True B. False


Total Parenteral Nutrition must be administered through a central vein because of the high osmolarity of the solution. Select one: A. True B. False


Treats commonly given to iguanas include the following except Select one: a. Crickets and meal worms b. Dandelions c. Nasturtiums d. Hibiscus flowers


Vomiting and diarrhea may be caused by dietary hypersensitivity and intolerance. Select one: A. True B. False


Vomiting may be caused by factors outside the gastrointestinal tract. Select one: A. True B. False


We start weaning puppies with gruel at about? A. 3 weeks of age B. 8 weeks of age C. 6 weeks of age D. 14 days of age


What breed is most likely to get Canine Copper Associated Hepatotoxicosis? Select one: a. Bedlington Terriers b. Doberman Pinschers c. Dalmatians d. Skye Terriers


What is the most common limiting amino acid in swine diets? Select one: a. Lysine b. Threonine c. Taurine d. Methionine


What type of feeding tube is best for short use (less than 10 days)? Select one: a. Polyvinylchloride b. Polyurethane c. Latex d. Silicone


When educating our clients about pet foods we should advise them to evaluate the label and chose a product that states that feeding trials have been performed. Select one: A. True B. False


When given the opportunity swine will graze on pasture. Select one: A. True B. False


Which Hill's Prescription diet would you recommend for a cat that has chronic diarrhea? A. i/d B. a/d C. m/d D. k/d


Which Hill's prescription diet would you recommend for a dog with hepatic disease? A. l/d B. d/d C. h/d D. k/d


Which ingredient provides Vitamin E as an antioxidant? A. cholecalciferol B. alpha-tocopherol acetate C. butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) D. DL-Tryptophan


Which is a correct recommendation for feeding a geriatric horse? A. Feed a hot bran mash made molasses. B. Feed extruded feed that is higher in protein. You may top dress the feed with corn oil. C. Feed only whole oats top dressed with molasses. D. Feed a pelleted feed that is lower in protein. Whole oats may be added for extra energy.


Which is a nutritional problem seen in alpacas? Select one: a. Rickets b. All of the choices are correct c. Grass tetany d. Fatty Liver


Which is a source of dietary carbohydrates? A. Inorganic compounds B. Plants C. Tallow D. Amino Acids


Which is an example of a Di-saccharide? A. Galactose B. Sucrose C. Glucose D. Fructose


Which is an example of a nutritional metabolic disorder in small ruminants? Select one: a. Polioencephalomalacia b. All of the choices are correct c. Hepatic Lipidosis d. Rickets


Which is necessary for the production of ATP through glycolysis? Select one: a. Fats b. Glucose c. Starches d. Polysaccharides


Which is suseptible to White Muscle disease? Select one: a. Goats b. All of the choices are correct c. Sheep d. Cows


Which of the following forages is higher in protein? Select one: A. Corn Silage B. Alfalfa C. Timothy D. Grass Haylage


Which of the following tubes would be placed for short term feeding (less than 10 days)? Select one: a. Pharyngostomy tube b. Nasogastric c. Gastrostomy Tube d. Esophagostomy tube


Which plant is not toxic to horses in a dried form? A. Yew B. Buttercups C. Field Horsetail D. Oleander


Which statement is correct? A. Calves should be fed 4 liters of colostrum within the first 48 hours of birth. B. Calves should be fed 1 gallon of colostrum within the first 30 minutes of birth. C. Calves should be fed 4 pints of colostrum within the first 30 minutes of birth. D. Calves should be fed 4 quarts of colostrum over a the first four days of life.


You have a client who has come in with an 8 week old puppy, how many times will you recommend that it be fed? Select one: a. 2 times b. 4 times c. 3 times d. ad lib


Which might be added to sheep and goat diets to prevent urinary calculi? A. Phosphorus B. Selenium C. Calcium D. Magnesium


Which nutrient content is typically not provided on pet food labels? A. Fiber B. Fat C. Carbohydrates D. Protein


Which of the following is not fed to iguanas? Select one: a. kale b. Green beans c. Crickets d. Strawberries


Which of the following may be fed to adult rats if a commercial rat food it not available? Select one: a. High quality cat food b. Yogurt drops c. Low fat, high quality dry dog food


Which of the following tubes can be easily placed by a trained veterinary technician? Select one: a. Gastrostomy tube b. Jejunostomy tube c. Nasoesophageal tube d. Esophagostomy tube


Which part of the seed structure is the starch layer? Select one: a. Hull b. Bran c. Endosperm d. Germ


Refeeding syndrome is characterized by which of the following? Select one: a. Hyperglycemia b. Hypokalemia c. Hypophosphatemia d. All of the choices are correct


Which of the following would not be beneficial in a weight loss program? Select one: a. Recommend appropriate exercise for the pet. b. Encourage clients to feed their pets separately c. Ensure the client is using an 8-ounce measuring cup d. Feed the pet ad lib


Which of the following should not be fed to rabbits? Select one: a. Cabbage b. Potatoes c. Green beans d. All of the choices are correct


Which of the following techniques can be used to stimulate a hospitalized patient to eat? Select one: a. Warm the food b. Placing some in the mouth c. Have the owner bring in it's usual diet. d. All of the choices are correct


Which of the following would be an acceptable recommendation for dog with gastrointestinal disorder? Select one: a. i/d b. w/d c. z/d d. All of the choices are correct


Which of the following would be an appropriate treat for iguanas? Select one: a. Cooked pasta b. Cooked rice c. Whole grain bread d. All of the choices are correct


Which of the following would increase a patients energy needs? A. Cold environment B. Stress C. Activity D. All of the above


Which of the following would indicate the animal is not tolerating the tube feeding? Select one: a. Hypersalivation b. Gagging c. Exaggerated swallowing d. All of the choices are correct


Which of these feeds is recommended to feed horses that tend to eat very fast? A. Crimped corn B. Soybean Meal C. Whole oats D. Pelleted Feed


Which plant poisoning could be counter acted with thiamine injection? A. Yew B. St. Johns Wart C. Tansy Ragwort D. Bracken Fern


Which should be done first for an animal suffering from starvation? Select one: a. Feed only through a naso-gastric tube b. Feed ad lib a diet with high fat levels c. Feed ad lib a very palatable diet d. Restore fluid levels


Ferrets fed a plant based diet tend to develop uroliths. Select one: A. True B. False


Gross energy less the energy excreted in the feces is known as...

Digestible energy

Which term is used for animal fat?


Forages are the basis of swine diets. A. False B. True


Chinchillas tend to perform coprophagy. Select one: A. True B. False


How much water does a horse consume for every pound of hay consumed? Select one: a. 1 gallon b. 1/2 gallon c. 2 gallons d. 2 pints


A multivitamin may be added to the water source for birds. Select one: A. True B. False


Legumes, such as clover and alfalfa are ususally higher in protein, calcium and energy than grasses. Select one: A. True B. False


The energy requirements of stressed animals typically? A. Decreases B. Increases


Enterotoxemia in sheep is caused by Select one: a. All of the choices are correct b. Over eating c. Clostridial toxins


Corn gluten meal is approximately...

40 - 60% protein

What is the DER for a 6 month old dog that is 18lbs?

631 kcal

Which is essential in the guinea pigs diet? Select one: a. zinc b. raisins c. Vitamin C d. Meat source


Total Parenteral Nutrition can only be administered through a central line. Select one: A. True B. False


Feeding anionic salts to dairy cows will Select one: a. All of the choices are correct b. Increase blood levels of calcium c. increase ca aborption and mobilization d. Decrease the incidence of milk fever


Ferrets are strict carnivores and depend mainly on meat protein and fat. Select one: A. True B. False


Ferrets have a high metabolic rate and tend to eat larger quantities than cats. Select one: A. True B. False


Food intolerance occurs when the body can not digest a particular substance in the diet. Select one: A. True B. False


Guinea pigs are hind gut fermentors. Select one: A. True B. False


In ferrets, glucose is provided by hepatic gluconeogenesis using? Select one: a. Amino Acids b. Lipids c. Carbohydrates d. Sugars


It is recommended to feed adult dogs? A. Twice daily B. Once daily C. Four times daily


Juvenile snakes are fed? Select one: a. Every 6 or 7 days b. Every 3 months c. Every 7 to 14 days d. Every 6 months


Linolenic acid helps with inflammatory response and is also used to produce the skin's natural oils and promote a shiney coat. Select one: A. True B. False


Loose, fluid, or steatorrheic stools are common when the _________is involved. Select one: a. Small Intestines b. Large Intestines c. Stomach d. Colon


Moist or canned cat food should be the basis of diets fed to ferrets. A. False B. True


Most medical problems seen in pet birds are nutritionally related. Select one: A. True B. False


Nutmeg is a 2 year old, 12lb cm Abyssinian with a BCS of 3/5. The owner wants you to determine the volume of food he should be eating to maintain his ideal BCS. He lives in a multi-cat house, and continually zooms around the house chasing anything that moves. The selected food provides 470 kcal/cup. Select one: a. 3/4 - 1 cup a day b. 1/4 - 1/2 cup per day c. 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 cups per day d. 1 - 2 cups per day


Nutritional management of osteoarthritis includes dietary supplementation with long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine and antioxidants. Select one: A. True B. False


Nutritionally related skeletal disorders occur in adult as well as young animals. Select one: A. True B. False


Overfeeding during the growth phase may predispose the large breed puppy to skelatal problems as well as obesity. Select one: A. True B. False


Parakeratosis is a skin disease caused by a deficiency of zinc. Select one: A. True B. False


Piglets should receive iron injections by? A. 2 - 3 days of age B. 2 to 3 months of age C. 2 to 3 weeks of age


Placement of an enteral feeding tube is a widely accepted method of feeding the patient with pancreatitis. Select one: A. True B. False


Polypeptide chains are also known as? A. Proteins B. Polysaccharides C. Complex carbohydrates D. Fiber


Rabbits perform pseudorumination to improve digestion of fibrous dietary contents. Select one: A. True B. False


Rickets is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Select one: A. True B. False


Routine is very imporant for diabetic patients. Select one: A. True B. False


Silage must be stored under which of the following conditions? Select one: A. Anaerobic B. Aerobic C. Dry D. Dark


The cecum is where bacteria and protozoans reside which contribute to fiber digestion in th horse. Select one: A. True B. False


The desired caloric intake is 1345 kcal and the caloric density of the food is 450 kcal per can. How much will you feed this animal? Select one: a. 3 cans b. 1 can c. 1 1/2 cans d. 3/4 can


The dietary needs of pet ferrets is similar to which species? A. Cat B. Dog C. Guinea pig D. Chinchilla


The dust that falls from hay is often mold spores. A. True B. False


The ferret requires a relatively higher caloric need than most species due to their? A. High metabolic rate B. Long digestive tract C. Need for specific fatty acids D. High protein needs


The hospitalized patient requires a significant increase in calories. A. False B. True


The most common neuromuscular disorders are due to lack of protein in the diet this usually results in reduced muscle mass. Select one: A. True B. False


The optimal pH of the rumen should be 6.0 to 6.3. Select one: A. True B. False


The quality of hay is affected by maturity stage in which it is harvested. Select one: A. True B. False


The rat is considered an omnivore. Select one: A. True B. False


The total amount of energy contained in a food is? A. Gross Energy B. Metabolizable Energy C. Digestible Energy


The unit of measure of energy for the dairy cow is Net Energy for Lactation (NEL). Select one: A. True B. False


There is no scientific evidence that shows that raw diets are nutritionally superior to homemade foods or commercial diets. Select one: A. True B. False


Which accurately describes the nutrient contents of most forages? A. High in fiber, low in protein, low in energy B. High in fiber, low in protein, high in energy C. Low in fiber, low in protein, high in energy D. Low in fiber, high in protein, low in energy


Which are the two main causes of chronic diarrhea? Select one: a. Food and inflammation b. Toxins and acidic diets c. Excess dietary carbohydrates and protein d. All of the choices are correct


Which best describes the digestive tract of the rabbit? Select one: a. Non-compartmentalized stomach, large cecum, hind gut fermenter b. Simple stomach, short intestinal tract, large cecum, hind gut fermenter c. Non compartmentalized stomach, short intestinal tract, small cecum, hind gut fermenter d. Compartmentalized stomach, pre-gastric fermenter


Which feeding method should be strongly discouraged? Select one: a. ad lib b. canned food c. Time controlled d. portion controled


Which has the highest protein value? Select one: a. Soybean meal b. Gluten c. Ground corn d. Soy hulls


Which is NOT a metabolic feeding problem in dairy cattle? A. Hardware disease B. Milk Fever C. Ketosis D. Hepatic Lipidosis


Which is a disadvantage to Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)? A. All of the choices are correct B. Strict aseptic technique must be followed. C. Should only be performed in a facility that has 24 hour monitoring and care. D. Must use a long catheter that is well seated into the vein.


Which is a disease that occurs due to a deficiency in selenium and Vitamin E? Select one: a. White musle disease b. Displaced abomasum c. Grass tetany d. Hyposeleniumemia


Which is an example of a growth stimulant? Select one: a. All of the choices are correct b. Lasalocid c. Rumensin d. Monensin


Which is associated with pasturing on lush grass? Select one: a. Grass tetany b. Ketosis c. Fat cow syndrome d. Hardware disease


Which is commonly added as an energy source in allergy diets? Select one: a. Potatoes b. Beet pulp c. Wheat d. Corn


Which is higher in protein? A. Corn Gluten meal B. Corn gluten feed C. Oats


Which is not considered an energy producing nutrient? A. Vitamins B. Fats C. Carbohydrates D. Protein


Which is the main nutrient of concern for performance horses? A. Energy B. Protein C. Vitamins


Which nutrient is the most caloric dense? A. Fat B. Protein C. Carbohydrates


Which of the following are antioxidants used in mature diets? Select one: a. All of the choices are correct b. Vitamin A c. decaffeinated green teal polyphenols d. Vitamin E


Which of the following are common energy ingredients used in swine diets? Select one: a. All of the choices are correct b. Barley c. Corn meal d. Milo


Which of the following are considered macro minerals? Select one: a. Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, and Chloride b. Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Chromium, and Selenium c. Iron, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Iodine, and Chromium


Which of the following can be supplemented to help prevent stress syndrome in swine? Select one: a. Vitamin E b. Selenium c. Vitamin D d. Zinc


Which of the following describes "stressed starvation"? Select one: a. catabolic state characterized by hypermetabolism due to an inflammatory response. b. metabolic rate decreases to preserve nutrients. c. process of gluconeogenesis to provide energy during a time that energy intake is poor or non-existent. d. an adaptive response due to the lack of nutrients


Which of the following is less likely to have septic complications? Select one: a. Enteral Feeding b. PPN c. TPN


Which of the following supplements would be recommended for dogs prone to hip dysplasia? Select one: a. Glucosamine and chondrotin sulfate b. Calcium and Vitamin D c. Selenium and Vitamin E d. All of the choices are correct


Which part of the seed structure is the starch layer? A. Endosperm B. Germ C. Hull D. Bran


Which species would it not be unusual to go a day without eating? A. Canine B. Feline


Which statement is correct? A. Forages are the basis of the diet for both dairy and beef cows. B. Beef cows are more efficient in processing grain diets. C. Feeding beef calves is more labor intensive.


Which would be a source of rumen undegradable protein? Select one: a. Distillers grain b. Hominy c. Corn meal d. Cottonseed hulls


Which would be an appropriate treat for iguanas? A. All of the choices are correct B. Pasta C. Whole grain bread


Which would be recommended to minimize problems with diarrhea in rodent? A. Feed adequate amount of fiber B. Feed more soft, leafy hay C. Feed insects


Which would make an excellent treat for a pet ferret? Select one: a. Baby food meats b. Pasta c. Carrots d. Strawberries


Why are feeding trials important? Select one: a. They help to detect deficiencies or other issues with the food b. They aren't needed c. They prove animals like the food d. The FDA requires them


Which allows forage eaters to be able to utilize nutrients from forages? A. Salivary enzymes B. Microbes C. Mechanical digestion


Which are not an energy producing nutrient? Select one: A. Carbohydrates B. Vitamins C. Protein D. Fats


Fats are required for absorption, transportation and storage of which vitamins?


45 lb working border collie, works daily (moderate) on the farm. Owner is feeding Purina Pro Plan Sport. It provides 464 kcal/cup of food. How much will you recommend the client feed?Couple hints: round weight to nearest 10th, round cups to nearest half A. 2 1/2 cups B. 4 1/2 cups C. 1 1/2 cups D. 3 1/2 cups


A dry dog food would be expected to have a water content of? Select one: a. 30% b. 10% c. 50% d. 75%


A geriatric horse that is having difficulty keeping weight on, we may recommend adding which of the following to the diet? Select one: a. Clover hay b. corn oil c. Whole corn d. Alfalfa hay


A large breed dog may be considered mature after Select one: a. 7 years b. 5 years c. 10 years d. 12 years


A typical swine's water intake can be determined based on which of the following? Select one: a. 2 to 5 quarts per 100 pounds of body weight b. 7 to 20 quarts per 100 pounds of body weight c. 5 gallons per 100 pounds of body weight d. 3 times the as much water as feed intake


All uroliths may be eliminated by the use of calculoytic diets. Select one: A. True B. False


An example of a non-nutritive feed additive is... A. Salt B. Antimicrobial C. Water D. Fish meal


Another name for Crude Fat is? A. Nitrogen Free Extract B. Ether Extract C. Fat energy


Birds are effecient at fiber digestion. Select one: A. True B. False


Bovine ketosis typically occurs during the Select one: a. first week of lactation b. first 6 - 8 weeks of lactation c. first 72 hours of lactation d. first day of lactation


Calculate the digestible energy of this canned food Crude Protein = 9.5% min Crude Fat = 2% max Crude Fiber = 0.7% max Moisture = 79% max Ash = 1% max Omega 3 = 0.11% min A. 178 kcal B. 92 kcal C. 113 kcal D. 78 kcal


Chicken flavored cat food should have chicken listed as the first ingredient. Select one: A. True B. False


Corn is a cheap way to add filler to the diet. Select one: A. True B. False


Which is an omnivore? Select one: a. Aquatic turtles b. Green sea turtle c. Box turtles


Deficiency in vitamin D can cause what? Select one: a. rods in the eyes to become light sensitive b. rickets in young animals, osteoporosis in adult animals c. destruction of gut microflora d. pellagra or black tongue


Feeding trials are unnecessary for accurately assessing the quality of the pet food. Select one: A. True B. False


Flushing in swine usually takes place Select one: a. 10 to 14 months before breeding b. 10 to 14 days before breeding c. 10 to 14 weeks before breeding


Food is typically not withheld from feline patients presented with pancreatitis because of the potential for? Select one: a. Inflammatory bowel disease b. hepatic lipidosis c. Diabetes mellitus d. Cachexia


Gerbils are considered a herbivore. Select one: A. True B. False


Gerbils require a coarse grass hay in their diets. Select one: A. True B. False


Grain overload may result in which of the following? Select one: a. laminitis b. All of the choices are correct c. Founder d. colic


Guinea Pigs are especially susceptible to? A. Zinc toxicosis B. Scurvy C. Diarrhea


High fiber and low complex carb diets are useful in helping with weight loss and the control of glucose levels Select one: A. True B. False


How much pasture is reccomended per horse? Select one: a. 10 acres b. 1 - 3 acres c. 5 - 10 acres d. 6 acres


If Chinchilla food is not available, which of the following could be used in its place? Select one: a. Rabbit pellets b. Guinea pig food \ c. Equine Sweet feed d. Rodent chow


It is best to feed live prey to snakes. Select one: A. True B. False


Lagomorphs have a rapid gut transit time resulting in starch and simple sugars not being completely digested in the? Select one: a. Stomach b. Small intestine c. Colon d. Large Intestine


Mature cats digestive ability remains the same as when they are young. Select one: A. True B. False


Meat by-products are inferior in quality compared to whole meat in the diet. Select one: A. True B. False


Orogastric tubes may be place for up to 10 days. Select one: A. True B. False


Parenteral nutrition may be formulated and compounded in most veterinary facilities. Select one: A. True B. False


Pasteurized waste milk can be fed to calves. A. False B. True


Puppies can be started on a semi-solid gruel at Select one: a. 7 weeks of age b. 3 weeks of age c. 9 weeks of age d. 6 weeks of age


Rabbit pellets can used for feeding chinchillas if chinchilla food is not available. Select one: A. True B. False


The amino acid found in animal tissue that is required by cats but not dogs is Select one: A. Methionine B. Taurine C. Arginine D. Lysine


The base unit of protein it? Select one: a. Glycerol b. Amino acid c. Polypeptide d. Glucose


The canine patient that is presented with pancreatitis, supportive therapy typicallys starts with NPO followed by a diet that is? Select one: a. moderate to high fat b. low to moderate protein c. high protein d. low carbohydrates


The desired caloric intake is 125 kcal/day and the caloric density of the dry food is 274 kcal/cup. How much would you feed this animal? Select one: a. 4/5 of a cup b. 1/2 cup c. 1 1/2 cups d. 1 cup


The desired caloric intake is 250 kcal and the caloric density of the food is 350 kcal/cup. How much will you feed this animal? Select one: a. 1/4 cup b. 3/4 cup c. 1/2 cup d. 1 cup


The jejunostomy is a good choice for long term placement and with client education the owner will be able to feed at home. Select one: A. True B. False


The lack of which vitamin is associated with prolonged clotting time? A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin K C. Vitamin A D. Vitamin D


The maintenance requirement of a horse is dependent on which of the following? Select one: a. metabolic efficiency b. All of the choices are correct c. Environment d. Body weight


The most common problem in feeding sows during gestation is Select one: a. improper amino acid levels b. overfeeding c. selecting diets that are too high in vitamins and minerals d. selecting highly palatable diets


The product designator would be Select one: a. Distributor b. species it is fed to c. Name of the product d. manufacturer


What accounts for any energy lost in the urine and feces, as well as what is absorbed across the intestinal wall? Select one: a. Gross Energy b. Metabolized energy c. Digestible energy


What is an example of an extruded feed? A. Alfalfa meal B. Canine dry food C. Beet pulp D. Equine Sweet feed


What part of alfalfa has the highest digestibility? Select one: A. Protein B. Leaves C. Stems D. Seeds


When feeding feedlot cattle and the average daily rate of gain increases the ratio of forage to concentrate? A. Increases B. decreases C. does not change


Which Purina Prescription Diets would you recommend for a dog with skin issues? A. OM B. DRM C. CN D. EN


Which Purina Prescription diet would you recommend for a cat that is prone to struvite urinary crystals? A. DRM B. SO C. EN D. KD


10 yo dachshund patient with lethargy, lack of appetite and pale MM. Nutritional history demonstrates he has been fed Purina Dog Chow for the past 2 years. He is normally fed 1/2 cup 2x a day. Blood work reveals the patient is anemic with a PCV of 26%, hemoglobin at 12.5 g/dL. Which nutritional factor might be considered for this patient? A. Vitamin Deficiency B. Energy Deficiency C. Iron Deficiency D. Fatty Acid Deficiency


A high producing dairy cow may drink up to Select one: a. 100 gallons of water per day b. 10 gallons of water per day c. 30 gallons of water per day d. 1 gallon per day


A horse that tens to "bolt" their feed, we would recomend feeding which of the following? Select one: a. Barley b. Oats c. Pelleted feed d. High fiber forage


An 800 lb horse would require approximately how much hay? Select one: a. 4 lbs b. 20 lbs c. 16 lbs d. 40 lbs


As a forage plant matures, digestibility? A. Increases B. Deteriorates C. Decreases


Based on the natural behavior of cats, on average is how many times a day to they tend to eat? Select one: a. 3 b. 4 c. 10 d. 2


Calculate the DER for a 16 lb 3 month old puppy. A. 347 kcal B. 1090 kcal C. 867 kcal D. 289 kcal


Calculate the RER of an 8 lb cat. A. 108 kcal B. 310 kcal C. 178 kcal D. 360 kcal


Cancer patients should be fed a diet that is Select one: a. Low in protien b. high in carbohydrates and protein c. high in fat and protein d. Low in fat and protein


Cecotrophy provides which benefit to the rabbit? A. Microbial protein B. Volatile Fatty Acids C. All of the choices are correct D. Vitamin B


Copper toxicity in sheep may occur if consumed at a rate of Select one: a. 1 ppm b. 5 ppm c. 25 ppm d. 0.5 ppm


Coprophagy is common in rabbits because Select one: a. It is a common behavior problem b. They like to steal things c. They use the nutrients in the feces d. of boredom


For a special treat Chinchillas love Select one: a. Oat meal b. Wet grass c. Raisins d. Hot bran mash


Guinea pigs must have which of the following provided preformed in the diet? Select one: a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin C d. Niacin


It is recommend to not feed legume hay to dry cows in late gestation because of its content of which nutrient? A. Fiber B. protein C. Calcium D. Vitamin D


Kittens can be weaned with which of the following? Select one: a. dry kitten food mixed with whole milk b. baby food c. dry kitten food mixed with water d. blenderized tuna


Rumination is necessary for Select one: a. saliva production b. buffer of the rumen c. All of the choices are correct d. reduction of particle size


The desired caloric intake is 175 kcal and the caloric density of the food is 90 kcal/can. How much will you feed this animal? Select one: a. 1 1/2 cans b. 3/4 can c. 2 cans d. 1 can


The primary source of energy for the ruminant animal is Select one: a. All of the choices are correct b. Methane and CO2 absorbed in the rumen c. Volitile Fatty acids absorbed in the rumen d. Glucose absorbed through the GI tract


Trichobezoars Select one: a. is digestive tract disease b. a type of laboratory animal c. are hair balls d. caused by excessive vomiting


What is the best way to know if a queen is producing enough milk? Select one: a. Gastric distension b. Silent kittens when feeding c. Steady weight gain of kittens d. Weight loss in queen


Where does most VFA absorption occur? A. Reticulum B. Abomasum C. Rumen D. Omasum


Which Hill's Prescription Diet would you recommend for a patient with cardiovascular disease? A. c/d B. s/d C. h/d D. t/d


Which Hill's prescription diet would be appropriate for a cat in renal failure? A. i/d B. w/d C. k/d D. r/d


Which best describes meat by-products? A. Left over meat scraps that are nutritionally inferior. B. Meat source that is obtained after cleaning slaughter house. C. Clean non-rendered "parts", other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals.


Which converts VFA to energy to be utilized by the ruminant animal? A. Microbes B. Intestinal tract C. Liver D. Rumen


Which feed additive is used as a preservative? A. Digest B. Deccox C. Ascorbic Acid D. Emulsifier


Which grass hay is not recommended for horses? A. Timothy Hay B. Orchard Grass C. Sudan Grass


Which is NOT another name for Resting Energy Requirement? A. Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) B. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) C. Daily Energy Requirement (DER) D. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)


Which is a common mistake when feeding a starved animal? Select one: a. Feeding only small amounts often b. Feeding a commercial diet made for recovering patients c. Over feeding d. Underfeeding


Which statement is false with regards to rabbit nutrition? A. Rabbits have a relatively low requirement for dietary fat. B. Rabbits require both indigestible and fermentable fiber in their diet. C. Rabbits have a low requirement for dietary protein.


Which will help prevent malocclusion in rabbits? A. Supplementing the diet with lots of fresh leafy greens. B. Providing carrots daily. C. Providing a high fiber diet


Why do homemade meals need to be cooked? Select one: a. It's fun to cook b. Reduce chances of overeating c. Improves digestibility and kills bacteria and parasites d. It smells better than raw food


You have a miniature Schnauzer that has been into your practice several times for chronic pancreatitis. The owner is now willing to try a prescription diet. Which of these Purina Veterinary Diets would your recommend for this patient? A. DRM B. UR C. EN - Low Fat D. OM


You have two pet foods labels, which has a higher protein content?Food A Food B78% moisture 14% moisture20% protein 35% protein Select one: a. Food B b. They have the same protein content c. Food A


Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) can result in Select one: a. reduced immune response b. delayed wound healing c. muscle weakness d. All of the choices are correct


An ingredient that consists of the carcass of slaughtered chicken including the neck, feet, eggs, and intestines would be...

Chicken by-product meal

Question text What are the two types of digestion? Select one: a. Basic and advanced b. There are three types c. There's only one type d. chemical and mechanical


Rabbits need to be provided with ad libitum source of? Select one: a. Digestible Fiber b. Simple carbohydrates c. Minerals d. Indigestible Fiber


A 3 year old DSH has come into your hospital and the owner reports that the cat is not drinking water. Your nutritional assessment reveals that the owner feeds Iams Adult canned food twice daily. The owner also provides fresh water every morning. PE shows No Significant Findings (NSF). Which may be issue with this patient? Select one: a. Mineral Deficiency b. Cats do not require water in their diet. c. Vitamin Deficiency d. Patient is getting adequate amounts of water from the canned food


A canned food that is labeled meaty contains Select one: a. 1% flavor that is recognizable by the pet b. at least 70% meat c. 3% meat d. extruded soy that resembles meat


Animal with rickets will present with which of the following? Select one: a. Softening of the bones b. Lameness c. Malformed jaw or beak d. All of the choices are correct


Birds should not be fed an all seed diet because Select one: a. seeds are low in calcium b. seeds are high in phosphorus c. seeds are high in fat d. All of the choices are correct


Calculate the RER for a 42 lb dog. A. 573 kcal B. 336 kcal C. 1330 kcal D. 643 kcal


Cecotrophs are? Select one: a. Fermented pellets excreted during the night or early morning hours. b. Are consumed directly from the anus. c. Provides a source of B vitamins d. All of the choices are correct.


Enterotoxemia also known as overeating disease is caused when? A. Clostridium botulinum B. Escherichia coli C. Enterobacter aerogenes D. Clostridium perfringens


Factors for an animal's oral intake are: Select one: a. Taste and texture b. Timing and frequency c. Number of animal's being fed in environment d. All of the above


For which of the following reasons is cat food not suitable for the dog? Select one: a. Higher in protein and fat than the dog needs b. Energy density is higher in cat food that the dog needs c. Cat foods tend to produce and acidicfied urine d. All of the choices are correct


Functions of fat include Select one: a. Provides fatty acids b. Facilitates digestion c. Provides palatability and texture to food d. All of the choices are correct


Ginger is a 10 year old, 16lb SF DSH with a BCS of 4/5. The owner wants you to determine the volume of food she should be eating if fed a canned food diet, at her ideal weight of 14 lb. She lives in a single cat house, and the owner tries to engage her in play 20 minutes 1-2 times/week. The selected food provides 70 kcal/can. Select one: a. 2 1/2 cans per day b. 1 can per day c. 1/2 can per day d. 3 1/2 cans per day


How long should large breed puppies be fed a large breed puppy food? Select one: a. 10 months b. 12 months c. 6 months d. 24 months


How many meals per day does the typical gerbil eat? A. 1 B. 4 C. 2 D. 8


How much hay should a 950 lb horse eat daily? A. 5 to 9 lbs B. 95 to 100 lbs C. 1 to 3 lbs D. 9.5 to 19 lbs


If Ferret food is not available, which of the following could be used? Select one: a. Guinea pig food b. Dog food c. Rabbit pellets d. Cat food


Microbial protein is utilized by the ruminant animal in the? A. Reticulum B. Abomasum C. Rumen D. Intestinal tract


Molasses may be added to livestock diets to A. Decrease dust B. Increase palatability C. Increase energy content D. All of the above


Natural preservatives include which of the following? Select one: a. Vitamin E compounds b. Ascorbic acid c. Citric Acid d. All of the choices are correct


Potassium is important for Select one: A. Weight gain B. Digestion C. Palatability D. Muscle function


Sheila is a 2 year old, 16 lb SF maltese mix with a BCS of 3/5. The owner wants you to determine the volume of food she should be eating to maintain her ideal BCS. She goes on (2) 20 minute walks a day, but is sedentary the remainder of the day. The selected food provides 315 kcal/can. Select one: a. 1 can per day b. 3/4 can per day c. 1/2 can per day d. 1 1/2 cans per day


The biologic value of a protein refers to... A. Quality B. Ability to be utilized by the animal C. Ability to be digested D. All of the above


The biological value of a protein refers to Select one: A. Quality B. Ability to be utilized by the animal C. Ability to be digested D. All of the above


The measure of usefulness of a nutrient to an animal is known as... A. Calorie B. Crude Protein C. True Protein D. Biological Value


The most common protein source in swine diets is? Select one: a. Meat by-products b. Meat and bone meal c. Gluten d. Soybean meal


Water is an integral part of? Select one: a. Elimination b. Digestion c. Transport d. All of the choices are correct


Water is lost through? Select one: a. Urination b. Fecal matter c. Evaporation d. All of the choices are correct


When does the most rapid growth rate occur in cats? Select one: a. 9-12 months b. 9-12 weeks c. 3-6 months d. 3-6 weeks


When evaluating a pet food, meat ingredients should be Select one: a. within the first 5 ingredients b. must be the first ingredient on the list c. within the first 10 ingredients d. within the first 3 ingredients on the ingredient list


When gut transit time is prolonged which of the following occurs? Select one: a. Vomiting b. Colitis c. Diarrhea d. Constipation


When performing a feeding through a feeding tube which of the following must be done? Select one: a. Aspirate the tube and look for negative pressure b. Administration of water to ensure proper placement and the tube is patent c. Slow administration of feeding d. All of the choices must be done.


Which Purina Veterinary Prescription diet would you recommend for weight loss in a cat? A. HA B. DM C. EN D. OM


Which deficiency most commonly associated with skin and hair problems? Select one: a. Vitamin A b. Zinc c. Fatty Acids d. All of the choices are correct


Which dietary ingredient is helpful for animals with constipation? Select one: a. Soluable fiber b. Simple CHO c. Complex protein d. Insoluble fiber


Which feed ingredient has a higher feed effiency for feeding swine? Select one: a. Soybeans b. Sorghum c. Milo d. Corn


Which feeding method is commonly used for patients with renal failure? Select one: a. Low to moderate protein b. Low phosphorus c. Low to moderate sodium d. All of the choices are correct


Which has higher digestible energy? a. Baleage b. Alfalfa Hay c. Mixed hay d. Corn Silage


Which in not a common cause of laminitis in horses? A. Sudden access to rich pasture. B. Strenuous activities such as running on roadways. C. Feeding excessive amounts of concentrates. D. Horses being on wet soggy ground for extended periods of time.


Which is NOT an example of a feed ingredient used as an energy source? A. Tallow B. Potatoes C. Corn D. Soybeans


Which is a disadvantage of an all-purpose diet? Select one: a. Does not provide enough nutrients for the average adult animal b. Usually only found at pet stores c. Inexpensive d. Too nutrient dense for the average adult animal


Which is a nutritional problem observed in chinchillas? Select one: a. Malocclusion b. Diarrhea c. Bloat d. All of the choices are correct


Which is a preservative? A. Propylene glycol B. Sorbitol C. Corn Syrup D. All of the above


Which is a preservative? Select one: a. Propylene glycol b. Sorbitol c. Corn syrup d. All of the choices are correct


Which is a problem with raw diets? Select one: a. Salmonella contamination b. Trichenella c. Toxocara d. All of the choices are


Which is an oil seed? a. Canola b. Sunflower c. Safflower d. All of the choices are correct


Which is associated with most cases of obesity? Select one: a. Genetic susceptibility b. Excessive caloric intake c. Decreased physical activity d. All of the choices are correct


Which is considered a forage? Select one: a. Hay b. Corn silage c. Alfalfa cubes d. All of the choices are correct


Which is considered a forage? Select one: a. Soybean meal b. Corn gluten meal c. Beet Pulp d. Hay


Which is considered forage? A. Hay B. Corn silage C. Alfalfa Cubes D. All of the above


Which is often a problem with homemade diets? Select one: a. Excess protein b. Excess phosphorus c. Deficient in calcium d. All of the choices are correct


Which is the most common nutritional disorder seen in domestic animals? Select one: a. Hepatic lipidosis b. Gastric dilatation-volvulus c. Cardiovascular disease d. Obesity


Which of the following could be used for liquid feeding in the dog? Select one: a. Dogsure b. Ensure c. Clinicare d. All of the choices are correct


Which of the following is an advantage of enteral feeding? Select one: a. prevention of villous atrophy. b. Does not necessarily require anesthesia c. With client education, the patient can be sent and fed at home. d. All of the choices are correct


Which statement is correct? A. Ingredient list on pet food labels must be in alphabetical order.I B. Ingredients on pet food labels are listed from the least to most. C. Only the first 10 ingredients added to a pet must be listed on a pet food label. D. Ingredient lists on pet foods are required to display all ingredients in decreasing amounts (by weight) used in the product.


Which tube must be in place for at least 12 - 24 hours before we attempt to feed? A. Orogastric tube B. Esophagostomy Tube C. Nasogastric Tube D. Gastrostomy Tube


Which vitamin is synthesized by microbes? Select one: A. Vitamin D Incorrect B. Vitamin E C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin B


You have a client with a preganant cat. She wants to know how to feed her. Which of the following would you recommend? Select one: a. Feed as usual for the first 6 weeks, next 2 weeks increase intake by 25% and then ad lib the last couple weeks. b. First week feed 1.5 times maintenance, 2nd week 2 times maintenance and then ad lib for the remainder of gestation. c. restrict her diet by about 25% unitl she is 6 weeks gestation then increase to 25% above normal unitl parturition d. Feed ad lib


You want to transition your new puppy to a different brand of food. How many days should the transition period be? Select one: a. 8 - 10 days b. Same day c. 2-3 days d. 5 - 7 days


Resting Energy Requirement (RER) is?

The amount of energy used while resting in thermoneutral environment in non fasted animal

Which is the most accurate definition of meat meal?

The rendered product from mammal tissues, exclusive of any added blood, hair, hoof, horn, hide trimmings, manure, stomach and rumen contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably in good processing practices.

The most important nutrient is?


Enteral feeding is...

simple and inexpensive

Is first cut or third cut hay higher in non structural carbohydrates

third cut

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