Nutrition Test 2

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Which of the following is a protein?


Chemical digestion of protein begins in the mouth with enzymes found in the saliva.


Fat is digested and absorbed by the same process that digests and absorbs carbohydrates and proteins.


It takes more than 8 hours for ingested carbohydrate to be digested, absorbed, and circulated in the cells.


Lipids enter the bloodstream directly after digestion.


Small fat-soluble molecules, such as free fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, are absorbed through facilitated diffusion in the small intestine.


The digestion of polypeptides begins in the mouth with the enzyme pepsin.


When there is a sufficient buildup of cholesterol, lipids, and scar tissue in the arterial wall to impair blood flow, atherosclerosis has developed.

2. Plaque is a thick, grainy deposit that consists of proteins, calcium, foam cells, platelets, and other substances.

The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for fat is ______ of total energy.

20 to 35 percent

The Adequate Intake (AI) of fiber for women is _____ grams per day.


Carbohydrates provide ___ kcal of energy per gram.


Currently, _____ levels of protein structure have been identified.


An amino acid chain made up of three amino acids joined together is called a tripeptide.

4. Dipeptide describes an amino acid chain made up of two amino acids joined together.

This enzyme, which breaks down triglycerides into monoglycerides and free fatty acids, is called pancreatic lipase.

4. Micelles are carriers made up of bile and phospholipids that can trap monoglycerides and fatty acids and transport digested fats from food to the enterocytes.

Due to reduced circulation to the limbs, people with diabetes are at an increased risk of tissue death, which can result in amputation.

4. Type 1 diabetes is classified as an autoimmune disease, and is most often diagnosed in children 10-14 years of age.

The recommended protein intake for a 110-pound (50-kg) adult is _______.

40 g

The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for carbohydrates is ______ of total energy intake.

45 to 65 percent

The structure in the cell that contains DNA is called the nucleus.

6. DNA contains all of the instructions for building the hundreds of thousands of proteins that are found in the human body.

Obese people may begin to exhibit insulin insensitivity as a result of inappropriate accumulation of lipids in the muscle, liver, and beta cells of the pancreas.

6. Obesity is a common risk factor that can lead to insulin insensitivity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes.

5. HDLs are the densest type of lipoprotein that circulates in the blood stream; they serve to remove cholesterol from cells and deliver it to the liver.

6. Triglycerides are found in the center of lipoproteins and make up the majority of both chylomicrons and VLDLs' composition.

1. Protein is denser than fat, and determines the overall density of a lipoprotein.

2. Chylomicrons are the only type of lipoprotein that gets circulated in the lymph.

The recommended intake of saturated fats is less than ________ of total energy intake.

7 to 10 percent

About 30 to _______ percent of the energy used at rest comes from fat.


7. Cholesterol is a lipid with a multiple-ring structure, and is an important component of cell membranes.

8. Lecithins are phospholipids that are used to make bile.

Monosaccharides are a category of single sugar molecules that are absorbed easily in the small intestine.

Disaccharides consist of two molecules of sugar joined together.

Which of the following statements is not true about carbohydrate digestion?

Disaccharides like sucrose do not need to be further broken down before being absorbed.

The collective term for the carpet of microvilli that covers the enterocytes of the small intestine is the brush border.

Each villus contains a lymphatic vessel called a lacteal that absorbs fat-soluble nutrients into the lymph fluid.

Which dietary change is recommended for people living with diabetes?

Eat regular, consistent meals throughout the day

Which of the following is a component of metabolic syndrome?

Elevated blood pressure

If there is no immediate demand for glucose, it is stored as _______.


When using a hydrogen breath test to diagnose lactose intolerance, a(n) _______ of hydrogen suggests intolerance.

high level

_____ foods are sources of fat-soluble vitamins.


Which of the following statements is false?

Fats are nonessential nutrients

Every carbon atom in a saturated fat is saturated with ___________.


A food allergy is a(n) _______ reaction of the immune system


The ________ prompts hunger in response to various signals.


Fatty acids can be used _______ by cells for energy.


Insulin is produced in and released from the pancreas.

In response to insulin or glucagon, either glycogenesis or gluconeogenesis, respectively will take place in the liver.

Cortisol and growth hormone both have roles in _____ blood sugar, whereas insulin plays a role in ______ blood sugar.

increasing, decreasing

Minerals are ________ elements.


Our bodies synthesize cholesterol in the liver and _________.


Symptoms of food ______ can be prevented by avoiding the offending foods.


Dermatitis herpetiformis is a(n) ___________.

itchy skin rash

Symptoms such as edema, distention of the belly, loss of appetite, skin problems, and retarded growth and development are often associated with _______.


Fiber is excreted from the ________.

large intestine

Food allergies are _______ than food intolerances, and potentially ________ .

less common, more serious

Bile is produced by the____.


The ______ is responsible for regulating nutrients in the blood after absorption.


The DASH diet can be helpful in reducing risk for CVD by ____.

lowering blood lipid levels and lowering blood pressure

What compound carries the blueprint from DNA to the ribosomes during protein synthesis?


A serious protein-energy malnutrition disease is ______.


A cell's boundary is defined by its _________.


Which enzyme is responsible for the majority of the digestions of lipids?

pancreatic lipase

DNA, which is found in the nucleus of cells, provides instructions for cells to make ______.


The nutrient with the highest satiety value is ____


Appetite is a(n) ______ desire to consume specific foods.


Toxicity from water-soluble vitamins is _____.


An example of mutual supplementation would be ___.

red beans and rice

Cholesterol is the most common ______ in the diet.


Overall, it is easier to develop a _______ nutrients from supplements than from foods.

toxic overload of

Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) primarily transport _____ to the body's cells.


Which of the following groups of amino acids are essential?

Methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan

What is the first enzyme that starts to digest food?

Salivary amylase

Complex carbohydrates are a category of nutrient compounds consisting of long chains of sugar molecules.

Sucrose is a type of simple carbohydrate composed of a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule.

High protein intake may contribute to ______.

calcium excretion

Symptoms including thirst, frequent urination, tingling in the hands/feet, and slow healing of wounds may indicate ______.

Type 2 Diabetes

People with impaired fasting glucose are more likely to develop ______ than those with normal fasting blood glucose levels.

Type 2 diabetes

3. VLDLs are the least dense of the lipoproteins produced by the liver.

VLDLs are transformed into LDLs after transport of triglycerides and cholesterol primarily to muscle and fat.

Fat is stored in _________ for later use.

adipose tissue

People with diabetes should avoid ________.

alcoholic beverages

A molecule with four to nine amino acids joined together by peptide bonds is referred to as __________.

an oligopeptide

Most minerals are better absorbed from _____ sources than they are from supplements.

animal food

What are micelles?

clusters of fatty acids, monoglycerides, and other lipids surrounded by bile salts that transport lipids across the cell membrane of the villi

The process by which a person's body breaks down foods into molecules is called _______.


Non-nutritive sweeteners are so-called because they provide little or no _________.


A pescovegetarian would include _____ in their diet.


Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body can no longer regulate _______.


Celiac disease is a disorder characterized by autoimmune reactions in response to consumption of _________.


An example of a compound synthesized from cholesterol is ________.

vitamin D

To increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids, include fish, canola oil, ground flax seeds, or _____ in your diet.


Vitamin C and the B vitamins are all _________ vitamins.


Trace minerals are those we need to consume in amounts less than _____ mg per day.


The body can make ______ nonessential amino acids.


The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrates for adults is _____ grams per day.


Disaccharides consist of ____ molecules of sugar joined together


Increased age is a risk factor for the disease type 2 diabetes, which develops progressively over time when insulin is still being produced, but body cells become resistant to it.

8. Prediabetes may be diagnosed if a person has impaired fasting glucose levels that are higher than normal, but not high enough to indicate type 2 diabetes.

Fat provides ______ kcals of energy per gram.


A meal containing 10 g of fat provides _____ kcal from fat.


A person with Celiac disease planning a gluten-free meal would include _______.

A hamburger patty

Immune cells that "squeeze" beneath the lining of the artery wall become foam cells after ingesting oxidized LDLs.

A person whose blood pressure is 140/90 is said to have hypertension.

DNA does not build or synthesize a protein it encodes for; instead, DNA contains information that is copied by an enzyme to make mRNA, which leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosome where the protein is built.

A type of RNA that plays the important role of transferring specific amino acids to the growing amino acid chain in the ribosomes is called tRNA.

What secretions are needed to digest complex proteins into single amino acids for absorption?

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following statement(s) regarding digestion is/are correct?

All of these statements are correct.

1. American Indians/Alaska Natives are ethnic groups in which type 2 diabetes is most common.

An example of a microvascular complication caused from diabetes is swelling and leaking of blood vessels in the eyes.

Plants store glucose as polysaccharides in the form of starch.

Animals store glucose polysaccharides in the form of glycogen.

Which is the correct sequence of events in the development of atherosclerosis?

Arterial injury, inflammation, fatty streak, plaque formation

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose levels drop to lower-than-normal levels.

As part of the response to increased blood glucose after a meal, insulin triggers the number of glucose transporters on the cell membranes in the body to be increased.

Which of the following statements describes the nature of emulsification?

Bile salts act to emulsify lipids in the small intestine, which helps pancreatic lipase access fats for further digestion.

9. Angina pectoris , also called chest pain, is the result of a blockage that reduces the flow of blood to heart.

Cell fragments in the blood, called platelets, help promote clotting and stick to blood vessels after they are damaged.

What meal provides the highest satiety value?

Chicken sandwich on whole-wheat bun

Cholesterol is a component of bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and secreted into the small intestine, where it plays an important role in emulsifying fats.

Chylomicrons transport fat and cholesterol from a meal via the lymphatic system before entering the bloodstream.

Without the flap of tissue at the back of the tongue called the epiglottis, food would enter the trachea during swallowing.

Chyme passes through the ileocecal valve that connects the ileum with the ascending colon.

1. Pepsin is the active form of the digestive enzyme pepsinogen.

Cleavage of proteins by pepsin in the stomach results in formation of shorter polypeptides, which get broken down further in the small intestine.

Which group of foods is a good source of polyunsaturated fats?

Corn oil, walnuts, Safflower oil, tuna

Making which dietary change can help lower LDL cholesterol levels?

Decrease dietary saturated fat intake

What is not a common form of cardiovascular disease (CVD)?


Which of the following statements is correct?

Gluconeogenesis generates glucose from noncarbohydrate sources, such as amino acids, when blood glucose levels are low.

Which of the following statements regarding glucose absorption is true?

Glucose is absorbed mostly through the lining of the small intestine.

Simple carbohydrates are a category of sugars that contain either one or two molecules.

Glucose is the most abundant sugar molecule, and the preferred source of energy for the brain.

Which group orders foods from highest to lowest glycemic index?

Glucose, white bread, white rice, apple

Insulin is a key hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas that plays a key role in regulating blood glucose levels after a meal.

Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in the liver and muscles of humans and animals.

What plays a key role in the development of most gastric ulcers?

Helicobacter pylori

How does the body respond to high blood glucose levels?

Insulin secretion

How does atherosclerosis contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease?

Lipid buildup leads to impaired blood flow.

________, which transports cholesterol to cells of the body, has the highest cholesterol content of lipoproteins.

Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)

Which breakfast follows the guidelines of the DASH diet?

One cup yogurt with half a cup fruit and nuts

Which of the following statements regarding protein absorption is true?

Protein is absorbed as single amino acids or small peptide chains by the process of active transport.

9. Gastrin is a hormone that controls the release of pepsin and the production of hydrochloric acid.

Protein is digested in the small intestine by enzymes called proteases.

Which of the following is a controllable risk factor for Type 2 diabetes?

Sedentary lifestyle

7. Denaturation occurs when a protein is exposed to heat, acid, bases, or mechanical agitation resulting in unfolding of the protein, though the peptide bonds remain intact.

Single amino acids that are absorbed in the small intestine travel to the liver via the portal vein.

Identify the correct order, from highest satiety value to lowest, of the following:

Solid foods, semisolid foods, beverages

Which of the following statements regarding absorption of monosaccharides is true?

Some monosaccharides are absorbed via a form of passive transport, namely facilitated diffusion.

Which of the following vegetarian foods is almost identical in quality to meat?


Glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and in muscles.

The body can either use glucose for energy, convert it to glycogen, or store it as fat.

The bolus passes through the gastroesophageal sphincter into the stomach to mix with gastric digestive juices.

The bolus slides down this tube, called the esophagus, which connects the pharynx to the stomach.

When a blood vessel leading to the heart is obstructed, a heart attack can result.

The coronary arteries are the large blood vessels that supply oxygen and other nutrients to the heart.

The three structural features of the small intestine that increase its surface area are the circular folds, the villi, and the microvilli.

The finger-like projections that cover the circular folds of the small intestine and contribute to the increased surface area of the small intestine are called villi.

The tiny blood vessels located in each villus that absorb water-soluble nutrients into the bloodstream are capillaries.

The first section of small intestine, receiving chyme from the stomach, is called the duodenum.

When fat enters the small intestine, the gallbladder releases an emulsifier called bile to break up the large fat globules into smaller fat droplets.

The gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine.

The absorptive cells that line the wall of the intestine are called enterocytes.

The hair-like projections that cover the surface of an enterocyte and contribute to the increased surface area of the small intestine are called microvilli.

The middle portion of the small intestine is called the jejunum.

The last portion, or segment, of the small intestine is called the ileum.

The enzyme gastric lipase, secreted in the stomach, begins the digestion of some triglycerides.

The most common fat in foods are made up of three fatty acids attached to a three-carbon glycerol backbone and are called triglycerides.

A segment of DNA that encodes for the production of a specific protein is called a(n) gene

The ribosome reads the mRNA strand, and with the help of tRNA, builds the corresponding amino acid chain.

Food is propelled forward by rhythmic contractions called peristalsis, which move food down the esophagus and through the stomach.

The secretions called saliva are produced in the glands located behind the tongue and contain the enzyme amylase to chemically digest carbohydrate.

Which organ plays a role in mechanical digestion by churning food into chyme?

The stomach

The 20 different amino acids are the building blocks used for protein synthesis.

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which denatures protein.

Amino acids are absorbed through the process known as active transport.


Fiber is not digested by the human digestive tract.


Most of the triglycerides in food reach the stomach without being chemically digested.


_____ is often a nutrient of concern in vegetarian diets.

Vitamin D

During mastication, teeth mechanically cut and grind food into smaller pieces as the tongue mixes them with saliva.

When fat enters the duodenum, the gallbladder secretes an emulsifier called bileto break up the large fat globules.

A risk factor is a characteristic, variable, or behavior that increases the probability of developing CVD. An example is smoking.

When foam cells accumulate, a fatty streak is formed.

Which foods would be most helpful in preventing diverticulosis?

Whole grains, vegetables

The gold standard for diagnosing celiac disease is _________.

a biopsy of the small intestine

Food that has been moistened with saliva and then swallowed through the esophagus is called __________.

a bolus

A patient with symptoms of intestinal distress, skin reactions, and respiratory symptoms likely has _______.

a milk allergy

The bond that is formed when two amino acids join together is called __________.

a peptide bond

Atherosclerosis is a disease of narrowing of the _______.


Minerals can undergo minor modifications and change their _____ structure.


High-protein intake is associated with high _______.

blood cholesterol

The glycemic index shows how foods affect our ______.

blood glucose levels

Nutritive sweeteners contribute _______.


If you are physically active, it is especially important to replenish the fuel you burn by eating enough _______.


An example of a macrovascular complication of diabetes is _____.

cardiovascular disease

Which of the following gastrointestinal tract conditions alters the structure of the small intestine, resulting in malabsorption?

celiac disease

The earliest phase of digestion is called the _____ phase.


The main ingredient in many current fat blockers is ________.


When we have not eaten for a while, blood glucose levels fall, which prompts a(n) ____ in insulin and a(n) ___ in glucagon.

decrease, increase

Immediately after a meal, ghrelin levels ______; high levels of ghrelin ______ hunger.

decrease; increase

An adult who has symptoms such as thirst, light-headedness, dark-colored urine, and dry skin is likely suffering from _____.


A chain of two amino acids is referred to as a __________.


Lactose, maltose, and sucrose are _______.


To reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), patients are counseled to ______.

eat small meals

There are ______ common allergenic foods that must be clearly identified on food labels.


Small family farming is a more _________form of raising livestock.

environmentally friendly

Diets extremely low in fat may be deficient in ________.

essential fatty acids

The absorption mechanism that requires a specific carrier molecule, but no energy, to move digested nutrients across the cell membrane is called __________.

facilitated diffusion

High fat intake is especially difficult to avoid if you regularly eat ___________

fast food

A muscle located at the end of the esophagus must relax before the bolus can enter the stomach. This muscle is called the __________.

gastroesophageal or lower esophageal sphincter

The neuromuscular system regulates activities of the _________.

gastrointestinal (GI) tract

Risk factors for Type 1 Diabetes include ______.

genetic factors

The structure of each protein molecule is dictated by _________.

genetic material

Digestion breaks down most carbohydrates into ___________.


The body absorbs which form of digested carbohydrates?


Chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins in the ______.


Unlike lipids and carbohydrates, proteins are ______

nitrogen containing

A person with two fasting blood glucose values of 89 and 96 mg/dL would fall within the ______ range.


The link between beriberi and thiamin was first found through _____.


Chemical digestion __________.

occurs when enzymes break apart large molecules into smaller molecules

Studies have shown a strong link between increased consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks and_______ in adolescents.

overweight and obesity

Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and ______.


The gallbladder, liver, and _______ assist in fat digestion.


When amino acids join together, they form _____.


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disease in which the body cannot metabolize _____.


Pregnant women are in ____ nitrogen balance.


The strongest association between dietary fat intake and cancer relates to _______.

prostate cancer

Water-soluble vitamins need to be consumed _____.


Fat blockers are said to decrease the amount of fat absorbed in the ________.

small intestine

The absorption of the majority of ingested nutrients takes place largely in the __________.

small intestine

Chemical digestion of protein begins in the ______.


Hypertension (high blood pressure) signals an increased risk of heart attack and ________.


What is denaturation?

the uncoiling of the protein molecule by hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Triglycerides consist of _____ fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone.


Cells join together to form sheets or cords of cells called _______.


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