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____ are informal and relatively permanent. a. Special project groups b. Command groups c. Interest groups d. Friendship groups e. Task groups


____ cohesive groups will not necessarily be more productive in an organizational sense than groups with ____ cohesiveness. a. Low; high b. Low; low c. Highly; high d. Highly; low e. Moderately; high


A homogeneous group tends to be LESS productive than a heterogeneous group in situations where a. group tasks are sequential. b. quick action is required. c. cooperation is needed. d. group tasks are simple. e. creativity is required.


In which stage is the group considered to be mature? a. Communication and decision making b. Motivation c. Productivity d. Mutual acceptance e. Control and organization


Susan is the senior manager at her company. Susan made the choice to go to teams because she went to a seminar on teams, but she'll be on a two-year foreign assignment when teams are actually implemented. Which of the following is likely to occur? a. The teams will be performing well by the time she returns. b. The teams will be more broad spread than normal. c. The teams will become self-managing more quickly than normal. d. A complete organizational culture revolution is likely to occur. e. The teams are likely to fail.


The audience at an Oprah Winfrey talk show is an example of a(n) ____ group. a. special project b. command c. task d. friendship e. interest


The positive benefits of a team-based environment include all of the following except a. enhanced performance. b. employee benefits. c. organizational enhancements. d. reduced costs. e. all of these are benefits


The primary job of ____ is to create new products, processes, or businesses. a. interdisciplinary teams b. quality circles c. problem-solving teams d. work teams e. venture teams


The size or number of people that constitute a group is a. ten or more. b. limited to fifteen. c. fewer than two people. d. limited to ten. e. two or more.


The start-up phase of team implementation includes which of the following? a. Frustration and confusion about the new situation b. Extreme confidence and cohesion c. Intense team loyalty d. Teams think of themselves as a unit e. Informational or "awareness" training


Videoconferencing, instant messaging, electric meetings, and even conference calls are considered __________ technology. a. asynchronous b. futuristic c. team-specific d. ineffective e. synchronous


What is (are) the new role(s) of managers in teams? a. Supervisors and evaluators b. Top managers c. Team members d. Technical specialists e. Coaches and facilitators


What is the best reason to create teams in an organization? a. They can increase productivity almost immediately. b. Teams are always well received by employees. c. Teams are increasing in popularity. d. The competition is also implementing teams. e. Teams make sense for that organization.


Which of the following is not a stage of group development? a. Control and organization b. Motivation and productivity c. Mutual acceptance d. Communication and decision making e. Friendship and social interaction


A group of department managers who meet periodically to establish corporate policy is an example of which type of group? a. Special project b. Friendship c. Task d. Interest e. Command


A team that never actually meets together in the same room is called a a. virtual team. b. quality circle. c. cross-functional team. d. product development team. e. management team.


Which of the following is a type of informal group? a. Special project b. Friendship c. Task d. Command e. Affinity


Teams differ from groups in that teams a. place more emphasis on concerted action than groups do. b. are usually larger than groups. c. are usually temporary. d. place little emphasis on common objectives. e. pursue multiple goals.


A group is homogeneous if a. members are similar in one or several ways that are critical to the work of the group. b. the group is highly productive. c. two or more people interact with and influence each other. d. men and women are represented equally in the group. e. the organization allows the group a high degree of autonomy.


All of the following are true regarding social loafing except a. it is often a problem in very small groups. b. how much of a problem social loafing depends in part on the nature of the task. c. it often results from the assumption that other members will pick up the slack. d. some members put forth less effort in a group. e. the amount of social loafing depends in part on the group leader's awareness of it.


The concept of ____ is essential to the definition of groups presented in your text. a. interaction b. coordination c. cohesion d. member personality e. proximity


The cost of teams includes which of the following factors? a. the difficulty of changing to a team-based organization. b. an increase in innovation and creativity. c. adverse impact on the bottom line. d. increased social loafing. e. decreased groupthink.


The two essential issues that must not be overlooked when implementing teams are a. team performance and top management support. b. implementation and team performance. c. starting at the top and member loyalty. d. team performance and team motivation. e. team motivation and reward systems.


When choosing team members, which of the following abilities would you NOT specifically look for? a. persuasiveness b. conflict resolution c. collaborative problem-solving d. self-management e. communication


Which of the following is NOT a strategy for dealing with the challenges of multicultural teams? a. one-on-one conferencing b. adaptation c. managerial intervention d. exit e. structural intervention


Which of the following is a true statement regarding the stages of group development? a. A group that fully evolves through the four stages of development usually is productive. b. As a group progresses through the stages of development it grows in size. c. The sequence of group development stages is set by the organization. d. Groups rarely go through more than one stage of development. e. Groups make choices about which stage of development to complete first.


Which of the following is not an example of an organizational enhancement arising from team environments? a. Taller organizational hierarchy b. Quicker reaction c. Increased innovation d. Higher creativity e. Improved flexibility


Which of the following is the final stage of group development? a. Control and organization b. Mutual acceptance c. Cohesiveness d. Homogeneity e. Conflict and reorganization


William is a member of a small group of employees from different work areas. They meet once each week to discuss and recommend solutions to workplace problems. This group is most likely a(n) a. problem-solving team b. interdisciplinary team c. work team d. management team e. quality circle


____ is a reward system commonly found in team environments. a. Skill-based pay b. Stock options c. Commission-based pay d. Annual profit sharing e. Seniority-based pay


A motorcycle riding club that meets outside of the organization an example of which type of group? a. Task b. Interest c. Command d. Friendship e. Convenience


A team is characterized by all of the following except a. complementary skills. b. profit motive. c. mutual accountability. d. small number of people. e. commitment to a common purpose.


In the ____ phase of team implementation, enthusiasm runs high and the anticipation of employees is quite positive. a. self-managing teams b. start-up c. leader-centered teams d. tightly formed teams e. reality and unrest


Norms are a. a tendency toward a particular set of behaviors. b. a standard against which the appropriateness of a behavior is judged. c. the sum of the activities of individuals. d. two or more people interacting with and influencing each other. e. a set of expected behaviors associated with position.


The group members express their views more openly in the ____ stage of group development? a. mutual acceptance b. communication and decision making c. productivity d. control and organization e. motivation


Which of the following is NOT an important leadership skill in a virtual project team or distance management situation? a. Building community among team members based on mutual trust, respect, affiliation, and fairness. b. Leading with directness and focusing on abstract results. c. Establishing a clear and motivating shared vision. d. Communicating effectively and matching technology to the situation. e. Coordinating and collaborating across organizational boundaries.


____ are informal and organized around a particular activity. a. Friendship groups b. Interest groups c. Command groups d. All groups e. Task groups


____ are usually temporary and are established to solve a particular problem. a. Friendship groups b. Task groups c. Affinity groups d. Interest groups e. Command groups


________ happens when people are motivated to look good to others and want to maintain a positive self-image a. Managerial intervention b. Social facilitation c. Groupthink d. Social loafing e. Group cohesiveness


A team ____________ is a written agreement among team members establishing ground rules about the team's processes, roles, and responsibilities. a. outline b. commitment c. contract d. agreement e. quality circle


A team that is comprised of members from different departments or functional areas is a(n) a. interdisciplinary team. b. work team. c. cross-functional team. d. problem-solving team. e. quality circle.


All of the following are true of large groups except a. large groups have formalized interactions. b. large groups set agendas. c. large do not set many rules or regulations. d. large groups follow parliamentary procedures. e. large groups offer more social interactions.


During the ____ phase of team implementation, a team's internal focus can become detrimental to other teams and to the organization as a whole. a. start-up b. reality and unrest c. tightly formed teams d. leader-center teams e. self-managing teams


During the ____ phase of team implementation, teams usually long for a system that resembles the old organizational structure. a. tightly formed teams b. start-up c. leader-centered teams d. self-managing teams e. reality and unrest


Group composition is a. the sum of the activities of individuals. b. a set of expected behaviors associated with a position. c. usually described in terms of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of group members. d. two or more people interacting with and influencing each other. e. expected behavior or behavioral patterns.


The move towards a team-based format is often initiated and communicated to the entire organization by a. internal team leaders. b. the design team. c. top management. d. affinity groups. e. an outside consultant.


When cohesiveness is ____ and norms are ____ compatible with organizational goals, productivity is the highest. a. low; not b. high; not c. high; highly d. present; highly e. low; highly


Which of the following statements best reflects the costs of teams to organizations? a. The increased bureaucracy b. The loss of creativity c. The difficulty of changing to a team-based organization d. Increased worker compensation claims e. Increased distance between employees and top management


A(n) _______ is a person who engages in leadership activities but whose right to do so has not been formally recognized. a. team manager b. team specialist c. executive d. informal leader e. none of the above


During the ____ phase of team implementation, managers have withdrawn from the daily operations and are counseling teams. a. tightly formed teams b. start-up c. leader-centered teams d. self-managing teams e. reality and unrest


During the ____ phase of team implementation, managers should provide encouragement, monitor performance, and sometimes protect teams from those who want to see the team fail. a. self-managing teams b. tightly formed teams c. leader-centered teams d. reality and unrest e. start-up


Group norms result from a combination of all of the following, except a. the task. b. the situation. c. the personality characteristics. d. the size of the group. e. the historical traditions of the group.


In which stage of group development do members develop norms of behavior? a. Mutual acceptance b. Control and organization c. Communication and decision making d. Motivation and productivity e. Reformation


Shortly after implementation, team performance often ____ before returning to previous levels. a. fluctuates unpredictably b. ceases completely c. increases slightly d. declines e. dramatically increases


The definition of groups presented in your text omits any requirement of a. interaction. b. size. c. influence. d. group goals. e. All of these are included in the textbook definition of group.


Which of the following is a formal group? a. Interest b. Friendship c. Social d. Command e. Grapevine


Which of the following is not one of the purposes of norms? a. Norms help the group avoid embarrassing situations. b. Norms simplify the behaviors of the group members. c. Norms help the group survive. d. Norms regulate group members' thoughts and feelings. e. Norms express the central values of the group.


Which of the following is one of the four basic factors that affect group performance? a. Escalation of commitment b. Groupthink c. Task deformation d. Composition e. Social loafing


Why do younger workers seem to benefit from team environments? a. Supervision in teams is increased. b. Workers receive higher wages in team environments. c. Individuals receive more recognition in team environments. d. Teams give them freedom to grow and manage themselves. e. Teams increase employees' respect for authority.


Why does working in teams result in enhanced performance? a. Waste and errors are spread across multiple individuals. b. Managers lower their performance standards. c. Team members spend less time in direct contact with customers. d. Teams pool individual efforts in new ways and strive for continuous improvement. e. Taller hierarchies improve communication processes.


A new product development team is an example of which type of group? a. Friendship b. Interest c. Performance d. Task e. Affinity


Which of the following is not an example of cost reductions arising from team environments? a. Reduced absenteeism b. Reduced scrap c. Lower turnover d. Fewer errors e. Lower commitment


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