OB Exam 1

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Which of the following statements about emotions is false?

**Felt emotions are always displayed. Emotions may occur from past or possible future events. Positive emotions result from goal achievement. Emotions motivate behavior. Emotions change psychological and/or physiological states.

Bill provides directions to his house to Mark. Mark listens carefully to make sure that he does not forget the directions and does not get lost on the way. Which stage of the information processing model is Mark currently undergoing?

**Storage and retention Retrieval and response Selective attention/comprehension Implicit cognition Encoding and simplification

Giovanni says, "I can run a mile in under 5 minutes." He is expressing:

**a high self-efficacy. a high self-expectation. an external locus of control. high self-esteem. his CSE.

Chris has studied for his mathematics test and his English test. He expects to do moderately well in both subjects. He gets an "A" in English, but fails mathematics. While Chris feels that the grade he got for English was well-deserved, he blames his failure in mathematics on the fact that his teacher, Mr. Wallace, does not like him. In this situation, Chris is exhibiting __________.

**a self-serving bias stereotypical behavior a negativity bias micro-aggression a fundamental attribution bias

The personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance is:

**conscientiousness. emotional stability. proactivity. agreeableness. extraversion.

Eury observes that his subordinate Nate is performing and acting like the other members of the unit. He is observing:

**consensus. distinctiveness. explicit factors. consistency. implicit factors

The interactional perspective states that behavior is a function of:

**interdependent person and environmental factors. interdependent ethical and unethical factors. independent human and social factors. interdependent human and social factors. independent person and environmental factors.

The process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings is called:

**perception. cognition. suppression. selection. stereotyping.

A person who reports unethical behavior in his/her organization to management and/or the authorities is called a:

**whistleblower. traitor. ethicist. mole. deviant.

Which of the following stimuli would be most salient?

An 85-pound girl at a gymnastic class. A Mobil gas station sign when you have a full tank of gas. **A twelve-year-old student in an MBA class. A McDonald's restaurant sign right after you've eaten breakfast. A 250-pound man at a meeting of the National Football League Players' Association.

CSE stands for

Core Self-evaluation

What kind of a response is a manager making when he or she chooses a satisfactory but not ideal solution?

Dissolving Ignoring **Resolving Solving Avoiding

Which of the following fields is not a field from which OB draws?

Economics Statistics Political Science Vocational Counseling **Accounting

Troy had received a job offer straight out of college and had moved to Omaha a year ago. He has been introduced to numerous people in his workplace, his community, and his church. Although it's nice to see a familiar face, he doesn't see them too often and feels like he doesn't know them very well. Which type of developmental network best describes Troy's situation?

Entrepreneurial Receptive **Opportunistic Counseling Traditional An opportunistic network is associated with having weak ties with multiple developers from different social systems.

Jimmy starts work at an accounting firm. On the first day of work, his boss takes him aside and tells him about the specifics of his job at the firm. Over the next few months, when they both have time, Jimmy's boss gives him further advice, instructions, and personal training on unique tasks. Which of the following describes Jimmy's socialization process at the accounting firm?

Fixed **Individual Collective Formal Divestiture Individual socialization is treating each newcomer individually and exposing him or her to more or less unique experiences. See Table 14.2.

Jennifer is described by her friends as independent, distrusting authority, and technologically savvy. One of her strongest memories is the day of the Oklahoma City bombings. She is most likely to be a member of the _____ generation.

Gen 2020 Millennials Traditionalists **Gen Xers Baby boomers

Core self-evaluations represent a broad personality trait comprised of all but one of the following. Which one?

Generalized self-efficacy **Proactivity Locus of control Self-esteem Emotional stability

OB includes all but one of the following. Which one?

Managing yourself Managing peers Managing bosses Managing subordinates **All of the these are included in OB

Which of the following is not a soft skill?

Problem solving Active listening Critical thinking **Financial analysis Decision making

Peter is a resident surgeon at his local hospital. Before he could start his residency, he had to complete four years of medical school, and then two years of internship. Identify the socialization process that Peter had to undergo.

Random socialization Fixed socialization Collective socialization **Sequential socialization Informal socialization Sequential socialization is segregating a newcomer from regular organization members during a defined socialization period (e.g., army recruits must attend boot camp before they are allowed to work alongside established soldiers). See Table 14.2.

Jamie is in the process of writing her doctoral thesis. She gets frequent guidance and advice from her thesis advisor whom she considers a close friend as well as a mentor. Jamie frequently seeks the help and advice of another professor at the same time, who also closely oversees her work. Which of the following types of developmental network best describes Jamie's situation?

Receptive **Traditional Entrepreneurial Counseling Opportunistic A traditional network contains a few strong ties between an employee and developers that all come from one social system.

What kind of a response is a manager completing when he or she eliminates the situation in which the problem occurs?

Solving **Dissolving Ignoring Avoiding Resolving

Which of the following is not a behavior that research found in the employees' schemata of good leaders?

Telling people they had done well Letting other group members make decisions Setting specific goals for the group **Using an autocratic approach Maintaining definite standards for performance Assigning specific tasks to group members. Trying to get the group to work as a team.

Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?

The CVF model categorizes organizations into six types of culture. While the CVF is an interesting approach, it has no research support. **Organizations tend to have one dominant type of culture. A specific organization can have characteristics of only one type of culture. An organization with a focus on its external environment pays most attention to its employees.

Which of the following mechanisms for changing organizational culture addresses all three levels of culture?

Workflow and organizational structure **Deliberate role modeling, training, and coaching Formal statements Organizational goals Rites and rituals

The topic of diversity includes:

age. sexual orientation. personality. personal habits. **all of these.

The process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit her or him to participate as a member of the organization is known as:

anticipatory socialization. **organizational socialization. mentoring. coaching. a realistic job preview.

Halim hires a new employee who best meets the characteristics he is looking for in the ideal employee. He is:

avoiding the problem. **solving the problem. ignoring the problem. dissolving the problem. resolving the problem.

The remedy for indirect blindness is:

be alert for even trivial ethical infractions and address them immediately. root out conflicts of interest. reward solid decision processes, not just good outcomes. **when handing off work, ask if the assignment might invite unethical behavior. brainstorm unintended consequences.

Organizations with adhocracy cultures are described as:

both internally and externally focused and valuing flexibility. internally focused and valuing stability and control. internally focused and valuing flexibility. externally focused and valuing stability and control. **externally focused and valuing flexibility.

Josephine was placed on a four-person project team in her management class. The team produces four reports during the term, and each person leads one of these projects. The project Josephine leads earned an A, while the team received Cs on the other three. Josephine believes that the reason her project was successful was because of her leadership abilities, while the reason the other projects were not so good was the inadequate leadership of the other team members. Her beliefs are likely to be reflecting:

central tendency. negativity bias. **self-serving bias. halo effect. leniency effect.

Al starts work at a law firm. For the first three weeks that he's there he is in constant contact with other new hires, all of whom wear lanyards distinguishing them from more tenured employees. Al and the other newcomers are put through a training session that introduces them to the values and policies of the firm, and clarifies the specific tasks that they would be performing. Al's socialization is ________ in nature.

collective random serial informal divestiture Collective socialization is grouping newcomers and exposing them to a common set of experiences. See Table 14.2

The _________ framework provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture.

culture validity company values **competing values constructive validity cultural values

A difference between an actual and a desired situation is called a:

decision. goal. action. **problem. dilemma.

ABC Airlines hires flight attendants from diverse backgrounds and puts them through an extensive training and orientation program before they are approved to fly. In addition to learning about responding to medical issues and FAA guidelines, they also must learn the company's many rules and processes that are contained in an extensive procedures and policies manual. ABC Airlines is adopting a(n) ______ option for managing diversity.

deny **assimilate mutual adaptation tolerate suppress

Market cultures:

empower employees to take risks. have been shown to be generally ineffective. assess effectiveness with measures of efficiency, timeliness, quality, safety, and reliability. devote considerable resources to hiring and developing employees. **drive toward productivity, profit, and customer satisfaction.

Camilla, a manager, notes that while Wilhelm's written reports are very thorough and accurate, his oral presentations are not effective. Camilla is looking at:

explicit factors. implicit factors. distinctiveness. consensus. **consistency.

Organizations with clan cultures are described as:

externally focused and valuing stability and control. internally focused and valuing stability and control. a balance of internal and external focus and valuing flexibility. externally focused and valuing flexibility. **internally focused and valuing flexibility. 14.02

The distinction between flexible and fixed individual differences:

has no practical value for managers. is that managers should hire people based on their attitudes and emotions. **is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences. is that managers have little or no impact on flexible differences. is that managers have little or no impact on any individual differences.

Samantha, a member of a team you are assigned to for a management class, has often been late getting her work to the team, and when it arrives it is often of poor quality. Samantha is likely to be displaying her ________.

high extraversion low proactivity low emotional stability **low conscientiousness low agreeableness

The phases of organizational socialization are:

identity, commitment, stability, and sense-making. orientation, mentoring, and coaching. **anticipatory, encounter, and change and acquisition. flexibility and stability. individual, variable, and investiture.

The categories of memory that social perception involves are:

implicit and explicit. attentive, encoded, and retrievable. consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency. internal and external. **event, semantic, and person.

The relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction is significantly stronger:

in women than in men. in men than in women. in older people rather than younger. in the United States than in any other nation. **in individualistic cultures than in collectivist cultures.

Joe, a hard and productive worker, quit because he couldn't get along with his coworkers. This would be diagnosed as a(n) ________ level problem.

interactional individual environmental **group organizational

A problem

is a gap between an actual and a desired situation.

Marisa is office manager in a small company. Her employees find that they can often come late to work and leave early, and Marisa will cover their work for them. Marisa is likely to score:

low on conscientiousness. low on openness to experience. **high on agreeableness. high on extraversion. low on emotional stability.

A program to help new recruits integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics and by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities is known as a(n):

mentoring program. **onboarding program. sponsorship program. realistic job preview. developmental network.

The generation that currently makes up the largest number of individuals in America is:


The feeling that one's cultural rules and norms are superior or more appropriate than the rules and norms of another culture is known as:

negative diversity. stereotyping. **ethnocentrism. reverse discrimination. negative culture

The levels of organizational culture are:

observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions.

People with high _________ see themselves as capable and effective.

openness to experience introversion emotional intelligence extraversion **core self-evaluations

People who are dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented are likely to score high on:

openness to experience. introversion. agreeableness. internal locus of control. **conscientiousness.

In the Integrative Framework, inputs (in part) consist of:

organizational outcomes. individual outcomes. group/team outcomes. **environmental characteristics. individual-level processes.

Together, social awareness and relationship management constitute:

personal competence. emotional stability. relationship competence. **social competence. emotional intelligence.

The remedy for overvaluing outcomes is:

reward solid decision processes, not just good outcomes. when handing off work, ask if the assignment might invite unethical behavior. **brainstorm unintended consequences. be alert for even trivial ethical infractions and address them immediately. root out conflicts of interest.

__________ is a person's belief about his or her chances of successfully completing a task.


The part of CSE that can best be enhanced because it is most flexible is: self-esteem.

self-esteem. emotional stability. **self-efficacy. intelligence. locus of control.

In being hired for a job, the most important factor is likely to be _____, but to be promoted, a person needs _______.

soft skills; hard skills soft skills; team skills hard skills; technical skills team skills; technical skills **hard skills; soft skills

The ability to solve everyday problems by utilizing knowledge gained from experience in order to purposefully adapt to, shape, and select environments is called: spatial intelligence.

spatial intelligence. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. multiple intelligence. **practical intelligence. cognitive intelligence.

In the ________ stage of social perception, people choose to perceive subsets of environmental stimuli.

storage and retention encoding and simplification action and decision-making **selective attention and comprehension retrieval and response

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