OB Exam 3

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What is the highest priority nursing intervention for an infant born with myelomeningocele? a. Protect the sac from injury. b. Prepare the parents for the child's paralysis from the waist down. c. Prepare the parents for closure of the sac when the child is approximately 2 years of age. d. Assess for cyanosis.

a A major preoperative nursing intervention for a neonate with a myelomeningocele is the protection of the protruding sac from injury to prevent its rupture and the resultant risk of central nervous system (CNS) infection. The long-term prognosis in an affected infant can be determined to a large extent at birth, with the degree of neurologic dysfunction related to the level of the lesion, which determines the nerves involved. A myelomeningocele should be surgically closed within 24 hours. Although the nurse should assess for multiple potential problems in this infant, the major nursing intervention is to protect the sac from injury.

The nurse caring for a newborn checks the record to note clinical findings that occurred last shift. Which finding related to the renal system would be of increased significance and require further action? a. The newborn has not voided in 24 hours. b. The breastfed infant voided more often than a formula feed infant. c. Brick dust was noted on several diapers. d. Weight loss from fluid loss and other normal factors has yet to be regained.

a A newborn who has not voided in 24 hours may have any of a number of problems, some of which deserve the attention of the pediatrician. Formula-fed infants tend to void more frequently in the first 3 days; breastfed infants will void less during this time because the mother's breast milk has not yet come in. Brick dust may be uric acid crystals; blood spotting could be attributable to the withdrawal of maternal hormones (pseudomenstruation) or a circumcision. The physician must be notified only if the cause of bleeding is not apparent. Weight loss from fluid loss might take 14 days to regain.

A new mother states that her infant must be cold because the baby's hands and feet are blue. This common and temporary condition is called what? a. Acrocyanosis b. Erythema toxicum neonatorum c. Harlequin sign d. Vernix caseosa

a Acrocyanosis, or the appearance of slightly cyanotic hands and feet, is caused by vasomotor instability, capillary stasis, and a high hemoglobin level. Acrocyanosis is normal and intermittently appears over the first 7 to 10 days after childbirth. Erythema toxicum neonatorum (also called erythema neonatorum) is a transient newborn rash that resembles flea bites. The harlequin sign is a benign, transient color change in newborns. One half of the body is pale, and the other one half is ruddy or bluish-red with a line of demarcation. Vernix caseosa is a cheeselike, whitish substance that serves as a protective covering for the newborn.

A woman is undergoing a nipple-stimulated contraction stress test (CST). She is having contractions that occur every 3 minutes. The fetal heart rate (FHR) has a baseline heart rate of approximately 120 beats per minute without any decelerations. What is the correct interpretation of this test? a. Negative b. Positive c. Satisfactory d. Unsatisfactory

a Adequate uterine activity necessary for a CST consists of three contractions in a 10-minute time frame. If no decelerations are observed in the FHR pattern with the contractions, then the findings are considered to be negative. A positive CST indicates the presence of repetitive late FHR decelerations. The terms satisfactory or unsatisfactory are not applicable.

Which information is the highest priority for the nurse to comprehend regarding the biophysical profile (BPP)? a. BPP is an accurate indicator of impending fetal well-being. b. BPP is a compilation of health risk factors of the mother during the later stages of pregnancy. c. BPP consists of a Doppler blood flow analysis and an amniotic fluid index (AFI). d. BPP involves an invasive form of an ultrasonic examination.

a An abnormal BPP score is one indication that labor should be induced. The BPP evaluates the health of the fetus, requires many different measures, and is a noninvasive procedure.

What is the correct definition of a spontaneous termination of a pregnancy (abortion)? a. Pregnancy is less than 20 weeks. b. Fetus weighs less than 1000 g. c. Products of conception are passed intact. d. No evidence exists of intrauterine infection.

a An abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the age of viability (20 weeks). The weight of the fetus is not considered because some older fetuses may have a low birth weight. A spontaneous abortion may be complete or incomplete and may be caused by many problems, one being intrauterine infection.

A 39-year-old primigravida woman believes that she is approximately 8 weeks pregnant, although she has had irregular menstrual periods all her life. She has a history of smoking approximately one pack of cigarettes a day; however, she tells the nurse that she is trying to cut down. Her laboratory data are within normal limits. What diagnostic technique would be useful at this time? a. Ultrasound examination b. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) screening c. Amniocentesis d. Nonstress test (NST)

a An ultrasound examination could be performed to confirm the pregnancy and to determine the gestational age of the fetus. An MSAFP screening is performed at 16 to 18 weeks of gestation; therefore, it is too early in the woman's pregnancy to perform this diagnostic test. An amniocentesis is performed if the MSAFP levels are abnormal or if fetal or maternal anomalies are detected. An NST is performed to assess fetal well-being in the third trimester.

What is the highest priority nursing intervention when admitting a pregnant woman who has experienced a bleeding episode in late pregnancy? a. Assessing fetal heart rate (FHR) and maternal vital signs b. Performing a venipuncture for hemoglobin and hematocrit levels c. Placing clean disposable pads to collect any drainage d. Monitoring uterine contractions

a Assessment of the FHR and maternal vital signs will assist the nurse in determining the degree of the blood loss and its effect on the mother and fetus. The most important assessment is to check the well-being of both the mother and the fetus. The blood levels can be obtained later. Assessing future bleeding is important; however, the top priority remains mother/fetal well-being. Monitoring uterine contractions is important but not a top priority.

The client is being induced in response to worsening preeclampsia. She is also receiving magnesium sulfate. It appears that her labor has not become active, despite several hours of oxytocin administration. She asks the nurse, "Why is this taking so long?" What is the nurse's most appropriate response? a. "Since the magnesium is competing with the oxytocin, your labor is slowed." b. "I don't know why it is taking so long." c. "The length of labor varies for different women." d. "Your baby is just being stubborn."

a Because magnesium sulfate is a tocolytic agent, its use may increase the duration of labor. The amount of oxytocin needed to stimulate labor may be more than that needed for the woman who is not receiving magnesium sulfate. The nurse should explain to the client the effects of magnesium sulfate on the duration of labor. Although the length of labor varies for different women, the most likely reason this woman's labor is protracted is the tocolytic effects of magnesium sulfate. The behavior of the fetus has no bearing on the length of labor.

Which intervention can nurses use to prevent evaporative heat loss in the newborn? a. Drying the baby after birth, and wrapping the baby in a dry blanket b. Keeping the baby out of drafts and away from air conditioners c. Placing the baby away from the outside walls and windows d. Warming the stethoscope and the nurse's hands before touching the baby

a Because the infant is wet with amniotic fluid and blood, heat loss by evaporation quickly occurs. Heat loss by convection occurs when drafts come from open doors and air currents created by people moving around. If the heat loss is caused by placing the baby near cold surfaces or equipment, it is referred to as a radiation heat loss. Conduction heat loss occurs when the baby comes in contact with cold surfaces.

A new mother asks the nurse what the "experts say" about the best way to feed her infant. Which recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regarding infant nutrition should be shared with this client? a. Infants should be given only human milk for the first 6 months of life. b. Infants fed on formula should be started on solid food sooner than breastfed infants. c. If infants are weaned from breast milk before 12 months, then they should receive cow's milk, not formula. d. After 6 months, mothers should shift from breast milk to cow's milk.

a Breastfeeding and human milk should also be the sole source of milk for the first 12 months, not for only the first 6 months. Infants should be started on solids when they are ready, usually at 6 months, whether they start on formula or breast milk. If infants are weaned from breast milk before 12 months, then they should receive iron-fortified formula, not cow's milk.

Which intervention is most important when planning care for a client with severe gestational hypertension? a. Induction of labor is likely, as near term as possible. b. If at home, the woman should be confined to her bed, even with mild gestational hypertension. c. Special diet low in protein and salt should be initiated immediately. d. Vaginal birth is still an option, even in severe cases.

a By 34 weeks of gestation, the risk of continuing the pregnancy may be considered greater than the risks of a preterm birth. Strict bed rest is controversial for mild cases; some women in the hospital are even allowed to move around. Diet and fluid recommendations are essentially the same as for healthy pregnant women, although some authorities have suggested a diet high in protein. Women with severe gestational hypertension should expect a cesarean delivery.

A new mother asks whether she should feed her newborn colostrum, because it is not "real milk." What is the nurse's most appropriate answer? a. Colostrum is high in antibodies, protein, vitamins, and minerals. b. Colostrum is lower in calories than milk and should be supplemented by formula. c. Giving colostrum is important in helping the mother learn how to breastfeed before she goes home. d. Colostrum is unnecessary for newborns.

a Colostrum is important because it has high levels of the nutrients needed by the neonate and helps protect against infection. Supplementation is not necessary and will decrease stimulation to the breast and decrease the production of milk. It is important for the mother to feel comfortable in this role before discharge; however, the importance of the colostrum to the infant is the top priority. Colostrum provides immunities and enzymes necessary to cleanse the gastrointestinal system, among other things.

A client is warm and asks for a fan in her room for her comfort. The nurse enters the room to assess the mother and her infant and finds the infant unwrapped in his crib with the fan blowing over him on high. The nurse instructs the mother that the fan should not be directed toward the newborn and that the newborn should be wrapped in a blanket. The mother asks why. How would the nurse respond? a. "Your baby may lose heat by convection, which means that he will lose heat from his body to the cooler ambient air. You should keep him wrapped and should prevent cool air from blowing on him." b. "Your baby may lose heat by conduction, which means that he will lose heat from his body to the cooler ambient air. You should keep him wrapped and should prevent cool air from blowing on him." c. "Your baby may lose heat by evaporation, which means that he will lose heat from his body to the cooler ambient air. You sho

a Convection is the flow of heat from the body surface to cooler ambient air. Because of heat loss by convection, all newborns in open bassinets should be wrapped to protect them from the cold. Conduction is the loss of heat from the body surface to cooler surfaces, not air, in direct contact with the newborn. Evaporation is a loss of heat that occurs when a liquid is converted into a vapor. In the newborn, heat loss by evaporation occurs as a result of vaporization of moisture from the skin. Cold stress may occur from excessive heat loss; however, this does not imply that the infant will become stressed if not bundled at all times. Furthermore, excessive bundling may result in a rise in the infant's temperature.

Which order should the nurse expect for a client admitted with a threatened abortion? a. Bed rest b. Administration of ritodrine IV c. Nothing by mouth (nil per os [NPO]) d. Narcotic analgesia every 3 hours, as needed

a Decreasing the woman's activity level may alleviate the bleeding and allow the pregnancy to continue. Ritodrine is not the first drug of choice for tocolytic medications. Having the woman placed on NPO is unnecessary. At times, dehydration may produce contractions; therefore, hydration is important. Narcotic analgesia will not decrease the contractions and may mask the severity of the contractions.

The nurse sees a woman for the first time when she is 30 weeks pregnant. The client has smoked throughout the pregnancy, and fundal height measurements now are suggestive of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in the fetus. In addition to ultrasound to measure fetal size, what is another tool useful in confirming the diagnosis? a. Doppler blood flow analysis b. Contraction stress test (CST) c. Amniocentesis d. Daily fetal movement counts

a Doppler blood flow analysis allows the examiner to study the blood flow noninvasively in the fetus and the placenta. It is a helpful tool in the management of high-risk pregnancies because of IUGR, diabetes mellitus, multiple fetuses, or preterm labor. Because of the potential risk of inducing labor and causing fetal distress, a CST is not performed on a woman whose fetus is preterm. Indications for an amniocentesis include diagnosis of genetic disorders or congenital anomalies, assessment of pulmonary maturity, and the diagnosis of fetal hemolytic disease, not IUGR. Fetal kick count monitoring is performed to monitor the fetus in pregnancies complicated by conditions that may affect fetal oxygenation. Although this may be a useful tool at some point later in this woman's pregnancy, it is not used to diagnose IUGR.

A first-time father is changing the diaper of his 1-day-old daughter. He asks the nurse, "What is this brown, sticky stuff in her diaper?" What is the nurse's best response? a. "That's meconium, which is your baby's first stool. It's normal." b. "That's transitional stool." c. "That means your baby is bleeding internally." d. "Oh, don't worry about that. It's okay."

a Explaining what meconium is and that it is normal is an accurate statement and the most appropriate response. Transitional stool is greenish-brown to yellowish-brown and usually appears by the third day after the initiation of feeding. Telling the father that the baby is internally bleeding is not an accurate statement. Telling the father not to worry is not appropriate. Such responses are belittling to the father and do not teach him about the normal stool patterns of his daughter.

A pregnant woman wants to breastfeed her infant; however, her partner is not convinced that there are any scientific reasons to do so. The nurse can give the couple printed information comparing breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Which statement regarding bottle feeding using commercially prepared infant formulas might influence their choice? a. Bottle feeding using a commercially prepared formula increases the risk that the infant will develop allergies. b. Bottle feeding helps the infant sleep through the night. c. Commercially prepared formula ensures that the infant is getting iron in a form that is easily absorbed. d. Bottle feeding requires that multivitamin supplements be given to the infant.

a Exposure to cow's milk poses a risk of developing allergies, eczema, and asthma. Newborns should be fed during the night, regardless of the feeding method. Iron is better absorbed from breast milk than from formula. Commercial formulas are designed to meet the nutritional needs of the infant and to resemble breast milk. No supplements are necessary.

The nurse should be cognizant of which statement regarding the unique qualities of human breast milk? a. Frequent feedings during predictable growth spurts stimulate increased milk production. b. Milk of preterm mothers is the same as the milk of mothers who gave birth at term. c. Milk at the beginning of the feeding is the same as the milk at the end of the feeding. d. Colostrum is an early, less concentrated, less rich version of mature milk.

a Growth spurts (at 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months) usually last 24 to 48 hours, after which the infants resume normal feeding. The milk of mothers of preterm infants is different from that of mothers of full-term infants to meet the needs of these newborns. Milk changes composition during feeding. The fat content of the milk increases as the infant feeds. Colostrum precedes mature milk and is more concentrated and richer in proteins and minerals (but not fat).

Parents have been asked by the neonatologist to provide breast milk for their newborn son, who was born prematurely at 32 weeks of gestation. The nurse who instructs them regarding pumping, storing, and transporting the milk needs to assess their knowledge of lactation. Which statement is a valid basis for the instructions? a. Premature infants more easily digest breast milk than formula. b. A glass of wine just before pumping will help reduce stress and anxiety. c. The mother should only pump as much milk as the infant can drink. d. The mother should pump every 2 to 3 hours, including during the night.

a Human milk is the ideal food for preterm infants, with benefits that are unique, in addition to those benefits received by full-term, healthy infants. Greater physiologic stability occurs with breastfeeding, compared with formula feeding. Consumption of alcohol during lactation is approached with caution. Excessive amounts can have serious effects on the infant and can adversely affect the mother's milk ejection reflex. To establish an optimal milk supply, the most appropriate instruction for the mother should be to pump 8 to 10 times a day for 10 to 15 minutes on each breast.

A woman experiencing severe preeclampsia has been receiving magnesium sulfate by intravenous infusion for 8 hours. The nurse assesses the client and documents the following findings: temperature of 37.1° C, pulse rate of 96 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 24 breaths per minute, BP of 155/112 mm Hg, 3+ DTRs, and no ankle clonus. The nurse calls the provider with an update. The nurse should anticipate an order for which medication? a. Hydralazine b. Magnesium sulfate bolus c. Diazepam d. Calcium gluconate

a Hydralazine is an antihypertensive medication commonly used to treat hypertension in severe preeclampsia. Typically, it is administered for a systolic BP higher than 160 mm Hg or a diastolic BP higher than 110 mm Hg. An additional bolus of magnesium sulfate may be ordered for increasing signs of CNS irritability related to severe preeclampsia (e.g., clonus) or if eclampsia develops. Diazepam is sometimes used to stop or shorten eclamptic seizures. Calcium gluconate is used as the antidote for magnesium sulfate toxicity. The client is not currently displaying any signs or symptoms of magnesium toxicity.

Which infant is most likely to express Rh incompatibility? a. Infant of an Rh-negative mother and a father who is Rh positive and homozygous for the Rh factor b. Infant who is Rh negative and a mother who is Rh negative c. Infant of an Rh-negative mother and a father who is Rh positive and heterozygous for the Rh factor d. Infant who is Rh positive and a mother who is Rh positive

a If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive and homozygous for the Rh factor, then all the offspring of this union will be Rh positive. Only Rh-positive offspring of an Rh-negative mother are at risk for Rh incompatibility. Only the Rh-positive offspring of an Rh-negative mother are at risk. If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive and heterozygous for the factor, a 50% chance exists that each infant born of this union will be Rh positive, and a 50% chance exists that each will be born Rh negative. No risk for incompatibility exists if both the mother and the infant are Rh positive.

Part of the health assessment of a newborn is observing the infant's breathing pattern. What is the predominate pattern of newborn's breathing? a. Abdominal with synchronous chest movements b. Chest breathing with nasal flaring c. Diaphragmatic with chest retraction d. Deep with a regular rhythm

a In a normal infant respiration, the chest and abdomen synchronously rise and infant breaths are shallow and irregular. Breathing with nasal flaring is a sign of respiratory distress. Diaphragmatic breathing with chest retraction is also a sign of respiratory distress.

Which analysis of maternal serum may predict chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus? a. Multiple-marker screening b. Lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio (L/S ratio) c. Biophysical profile (BPP) d. Blood type and crossmatch of maternal and fetal serum

a Maternal serum can be analyzed for abnormal levels of alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, and estriol. The multiple-marker screening may predict chromosomal defects in the fetus. The L/S ratio is used to determine fetal lung maturity. A BPP is used for evaluating fetal status during the antepartum period. Five variables are used, but none is concerned with chromosomal problems. The blood type and crossmatch would not predict chromosomal defects in the fetus.

The condition, hypospadias, encompasses a wide range of penile abnormalities. Which information should the nurse provide to the anxious parents of an affected newborn? a. Mild cases involve a single surgical procedure. b. Infant should be circumcised. c. Repair is performed as soon as possible after birth. d. No correlation exists between hypospadia and testicular cancer.

a Mild cases of hypospadias are often repaired for cosmetic reasons, and repair involves a single surgical procedure, enabling the male child to urinate in a standing position and to have an adequate sexual organ. These infants are not circumcised; the foreskin will be needed during the surgical repair. Repair is usually performed between 1 and 2 years of age. A correlation between hypospadias and testicular cancer exists; therefore, these children will require long-term follow-up observation.

Which neonatal complications are associated with hypertension in the mother? a. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and prematurity b. Seizures and cerebral hemorrhage c. Hepatic or renal dysfunction d. Placental abruption and DIC

a Neonatal complications are related to placental insufficiency and include IUGR, prematurity, and necrotizing enterocolitis. Seizures and cerebral hemorrhage are maternal complications. Hepatic and renal dysfunction are maternal complications of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Placental abruption and DIC are conditions related to maternal morbidity and mortality.

A 3.8-kg infant was vaginally delivered at 39 weeks of gestation after a 30-minute second stage. A nuchal cord occurred. After the birth, the infant is noted to have petechiae over the face and upper back. Based on the nurse's knowledge, which information regarding petechiae should be shared with the parents? a. Petechiae are benign if they disappear within 48 hours of childbirth. b. These hemorrhagic areas may result from increased blood volume. c. Petechiae should always be further investigated. d. Petechiae usually occur with a forceps delivery.

a Petechiae that are acquired during birth may extend over the upper portion of the trunk and face. These lesions are benign if they disappear within 2 or 3 days of birth and no new lesions appear. Petechiae may result from decreased platelet formation. In this infant, the presence of petechiae is more likely a soft-tissue injury resulting from the nuchal cord at birth. Unless the lesions do not dissipate in 2 days, no reason exists to alarm the family. Petechiae usually occur with a breech presentation vaginal birth.

What nursing diagnosis is the most appropriate for a woman experiencing severe preeclampsia? a. Potential for injury to mother and fetus, related to central nervous system (CNS) irritability b. Potential for reduced gas exchange c. Potential for inadequate fluid volume, related to increased sodium retention secondary to the administration of magnesium sulfate d. Potential for increased cardiac output, related to the use of antihypertensive drugs

a Potential for injury is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client scenario. Gas exchange is more likely to become reduced, attributable to pulmonary edema. A potential for increased, not decreased, fluid volume, related to increased sodium retention, and a potential for decreased, not increased, cardiac output, related to the use of antihypertensive drugs, also is increased.

What is the most common medical complication of pregnancy? a. Hypertension b. Hyperemesis gravidarum c. Hemorrhagic complications d. Infections

a Preeclampsia and eclampsia are two noted deadly forms of hypertension. A large percentage of pregnant women will have nausea and vomiting, but a relatively few will have the severe form called hyperemesis gravidarum. Hemorrhagic complications are the second most common medical complication of pregnancy; hypertension is the most common. Infection is a risk factor for preeclampsia.

In caring for the woman with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which order should the nurse anticipate? a. Administration of blood b. Preparation of the client for invasive hemodynamic monitoring c. Restriction of intravascular fluids d. Administration of steroids

a Primary medical management in all cases of DIC involves a correction of the underlying cause, volume replacement, blood component therapy, optimization of oxygenation and perfusion status, and continued reassessment of laboratory parameters. Central monitoring would not be initially ordered in a client with DIC because it could contribute to more areas of bleeding. Management of DIC would include volume replacement, not volume restriction. Steroids are not indicated for the management of DIC.

Which newborn reflex is elicited by stroking the lateral sole of the infant's foot from the heel to the ball of the foot? a. Babinski b. Tonic neck c. Stepping d. Plantar grasp

a The Babinski reflex causes the toes to flare outward and the big toe to dorsiflex. The tonic neck reflex (also called the fencing reflex) refers to the posture assumed by newborns when in a supine position. The stepping reflex occurs when infants are held upright with their heel touching a solid surface and the infant appears to be walking. Plantar grasp reflex is similar to the palmar grasp reflex; when the area below the toes is touched, the infant's toes curl over the nurse's finger.

Which information is an important consideration when comparing the contraction stress test (CST) with the nonstress test (NST)? a. The NST has no known contraindications. b. The CST has fewer false-positive results when compared with the NST. c. The CST is more sensitive in detecting fetal compromise, as opposed to the NST. d. The CST is slightly more expensive than the NST.

a The CST has several contraindications. The NST has a high rate of false-positive results and is less sensitive than the CST but relatively inexpensive.

The nurse is preparing to administer a hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine to a newborn. Which intervention by the nurse is correct? a. Obtaining a syringe with a 25-gauge, 5/8-inch needle for medication administration b. Confirming that the newborn's mother has been infected with the HBV c. Assessing the dorsogluteal muscle as the preferred site for injection d. Confirming that the newborn is at least 24 hours old

a The HBV vaccine should be administered in the vastus lateralis muscle at childbirth with a 25-gauge, 5/8-inch needle and is recommended for all infants. If the infant is born to an infected mother who is a chronic HBV carrier, then the hepatitis vaccine and HBV immunoglobulin should be administered within 12 hours of childbirth.

Which statement regarding congenital anomalies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is correct? a. Cardiac disease may demonstrate signs and symptoms of respiratory illness. b. Screening for congenital anomalies of the respiratory system need only be performed for infants experiencing respiratory distress. c. Choanal atresia can be corrected with the use of a suction catheter to remove the blockage. d. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are diagnosed and treated after birth.

a The cardiac and respiratory systems function together; therefore, initial findings will be related to respiratory illness. Screening for congenital respiratory system anomalies is necessary, even for infants who appear normal at birth. All newborns should have critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening performed before discharge. Choanal atresia requires emergency surgery. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are prenatally discovered on ultrasound.

The nurse should be cognizant of which important statement regarding care of the umbilical cord? a. The stump can become easily infected. b. If bleeding occurs from the vessels of the cord, then the nurse should immediately call for assistance. c. The cord clamp is removed at cord separation. d. The average cord separation time is 5 to 7 days.

a The cord stump is an excellent medium for bacterial growth. The nurse should first check the clamp (or tie) and apply a second one. If bleeding occurs and does not stop, then the nurse should call for assistance. The cord clamp is removed after 24 hours when it is dry. The average cord separation time is 10 to 14 days.

In caring for an immediate postpartum client, the nurse notes petechiae and oozing from her intravenous (IV) site. The client would be closely monitored for which clotting disorder? a. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) b. Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) c. Hemorrhage d. HELLP syndrome

a The diagnosis of DIC is made according to clinical findings and laboratory markers. A physical examination reveals unusual bleeding. Petechiae may appear around a blood pressure cuff on the woman's arm. Excessive bleeding may occur from the site of slight trauma such as venipuncture sites. These symptoms are not associated with AFE, nor is AFE a bleeding disorder. Hemorrhage occurs for a variety of reasons in the postpartum client. These symptoms are associated with DIC. Hemorrhage would be a finding associated with DIC and is not a clotting disorder in and of itself. HELLP syndrome is not a clotting disorder, but it may contribute to the clotting disorder DIC.

Nursing follow-up care often includes home visits for the new mother and her infant. Which information related to home visits is correct? a. Ideally, the visit is scheduled within 72 hours after discharge. b. Home visits are available in all areas. c. Visits are completed within a 30-minute time frame. d. Blood draws are not a part of the home visit.

a The home visit is ideally scheduled within 72 hours after discharge. This timing allows early assessment and intervention for problems with feedings, jaundice, newborn adaptation, and maternal-infant interaction. Because of geographic distances, home visits are not available in all locales. Visits are usually 60 to 90 minutes in length to allow enough time for assessment and teaching. When jaundice is found, the nurse can discuss the implications and check the transcutaneous bilirubin level or draw blood for testing.

A pregnant woman's biophysical profile (BPP) score is 8. She asks the nurse to explain the results. How should the nurse respond initially? a. "The test results are within normal limits." b. "Immediate delivery by cesarean birth is being considered." c. "Further testing will be performed to determine the meaning of this score." d. "An obstetric specialist will evaluate the results of this profile and, within the next week, will inform you of your options regarding delivery."

a The normal biophysical score ranges from 8 to 10 points if the amniotic fluid volume is adequate. A normal score allows conservative treatment of high-risk clients. Delivery can be delayed if fetal well-being is indicated. Scores less than 4 should be investigated, and delivery could be initiated sooner than planned. The results of the BPP are usually available immediately after the procedure is performed. Since this score is within normal range, no further testing is required at this time.

What is the correct term for the cheeselike, white substance that fuses with the epidermis and serves as a protective coating? a. Vernix caseosa b. Surfactant c. Caput succedaneum d. Acrocyanosis

a The protection provided by vernix caseosa is needed because the infant's skin is so thin. Surfactant is a protein that lines the alveoli of the infant's lungs. Caput succedaneum is the swelling of the tissue over the presenting part of the fetal head. Acrocyanosis is cyanosis of the hands and feet, resulting in a blue coloring.

The most serious complication of an infant heelstick is necrotizing osteochondritis resulting from lancet penetration of the bone. What approach should the nurse take when performing the test to prevent this complication? a. Lancet should penetrate at the outer aspect of the heel. b. Lancet should penetrate the walking surface of the heel. c. Lancet should penetrate the ball of the foot. d. Lancet should penetrate the area just below the fifth toe.

a The stick should be made at the outer aspect of the heel and should penetrate no deeper than 2.4 mm. Repeated trauma to the walking surface of the heel can cause fibrosis and scarring that can lead to problems with walking later in life. The ball of the foot and the area below the fifth toe are inappropriate sites for a heelstick.

Which component of the sensory system is the least mature at birth? a. Vision b. Hearing c. Smell d. Taste

a The visual system continues to develop for the first 6 months after childbirth. As soon as the amniotic fluid drains from the ear (in minutes), the infant's hearing is like that of an adult. Newborns have a highly developed sense of smell and can distinguish and react to various tastes.

The nurse is caring for an infant with dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Which clinical manifestations should the nurse expect to observe? (Select all that apply.) a. Positive Ortolani click b. Unequal gluteal folds c. Negative Babinski sign d. Trendelenburg sign e. Telescoping of the affected limb

a, b A positive Ortolani test and unequal gluteal folds are clinical manifestations of DDH observed from birth to 2 to 3 months of age. A negative Babinski sign, Trendelenburg sign, and telescoping of the affected limb are not clinical manifestations of DDH.

Which statements regarding physiologic jaundice are accurate? (Select all that apply.) a. Neonatal jaundice is common; however, kernicterus is rare. b. Appearance of jaundice during the first 24 hours or beyond day 7 indicates a pathologic process. c. Because jaundice may not appear before discharge, parents need instruction on how to assess for jaundice and when to call for medical help. d. Jaundice is caused by reduced levels of serum bilirubin. e. Breastfed babies have a lower incidence of jaundice.

a, b, c Neonatal jaundice occurs in 60% of term newborns and in 80% of preterm infants. The complication called kernicterus is rare. Jaundice in the first 24 hours or that persists past day 7 is cause for medical concern. Parents need to be taught how to evaluate their infant for signs of jaundice. Jaundice is caused by elevated levels of serum bilirubin. Breastfeeding is associated with an increased incidence of jaundice.

The most widespread use of postnatal testing for genetic disease is the routine screening of newborns for inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). Which conditions are considered metabolic disorders? (Select all that apply.) a. Phenylketonuria (PKU) b. Galactosemia c. Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) d. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) e. Rubella

a, b, c PKU is an IEM that can be diagnosed with newborn screening. Galactosemia and CH are metabolic defects that falls under the category of an IEM. CMV and rubella cannot be detected by newborn screening and are not metabolic disorders; rather, they are viruses contracted by the fetus.

Which actions are examples of appropriate techniques to wake a sleepy infant for breastfeeding? (Select all that apply.) a. Unwrapping the infant b. Changing the diaper c. Talking to the infant d. Slapping the infant's hands and feet e. Applying a cold towel to the infant's abdomen

a, b, c Unwrapping the infant, changing the diaper, and talking to the infant are appropriate techniques to use when trying to wake a sleepy infant. The parent can rub, never slap, the infant's hands or feet to wake the infant. Applying a cold towel to the infant's abdomen may lead to cold stress in the infant. The parent may want to apply a cool cloth to the infant's face to wake the infant.

Which assessments are included in the fetal biophysical profile (BPP)? (Select all that apply.) a. Fetal movement b. Fetal tone c. Fetal heart rate d. Amniotic fluid index (AFI) e. Placental grade

a, b, c, d Fetal movement, tone, heart rate, and AFI are all assessed in a BPP. The placental grade is determined by ultrasound and is not included in the criteria of assessment factors for a BPP.

Pain should be regularly assessed in all newborns. If the infant is displaying physiologic or behavioral cues that indicate pain, then measures should be taken to manage the pain. Which interventions are examples of nonpharmacologic pain management techniques? (Select all that apply.) a. Swaddling b. Nonnutritive sucking c. Skin-to-skin contact with the mother d. Sucrose e. Acetaminophen

a, b, c, d Swaddling, nonnutritive sucking, skin-to-skin contact with the mother, and sucrose are all appropriate nonpharmacologic techniques used to manage pain in neonates. Acetaminophen is a pharmacologic method of treating pain.

A nurse is discussing the signs and symptoms of mastitis with a mother who is breastfeeding. Which findings should the nurse include in the discussion? (Select all that apply.) a. Breast tenderness b. Warmth in the breast c. Area of redness on the breast often resembling the shape of a pie wedge d. Small white blister on the tip of the nipple e. Fever and flulike symptoms

a, b, c, e Breast tenderness, warmth in the breast, redness on the breast, and fever and flulike symptoms are commonly associated with mastitis and should be included in the nurse's discussion of mastitis. A small white blister on the tip of the nipple generally is not associated with mastitis but is commonly seen in women who have a plugged milk duct.

During life in utero, oxygenation of the fetus occurs through transplacental gas exchange. When birth occurs, four factors combine to stimulate the respiratory center in the medulla. The initiation of respiration then follows. What are these four essential factors? (Select all that apply.) a. Chemical b. Mechanical c. Thermal d. Psychologic e. Sensory

a, b, c, e Chemical factors are essential to initiate breathing. During labor, decreased levels of oxygen and increased levels of carbon dioxide seem to have a cumulative effect that is involved in the initiation of breathing. Clamping of the cord may also contribute to the start of respirations and results in a drop in the level of prostaglandins, which are known to inhibit breathing. Mechanical factors are also necessary to initiate respirations. As the infant passes through the birth canal, the chest is compressed. After the birth, the chest is relaxed, which allows for negative intrathoracic pressure that encourages air to flow into the lungs. The profound change in temperature between intrauterine and extrauterine life stimulates receptors in the skin to communicate with the receptors in the medulla. The stimulation of these receptors also contributes to the initiation of breathing. Sensory factors include handling by the health care provider, drying by the nurse, lights, smells, and sounds. Psychologic factors do not contribute to the initiation of respirations.

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with which pregnancy-related risk factors? (Select all that apply.) a. Poor nutrition b. Multifetal pregnancy c. Gestational hypertension d. Premature rupture of membranes Smoking

a, b, c, e Poor nutrition, multifetal pregnancy, gestational hypertension, and smoking are risk factors associated with the occurrence of IUGR. Premature rupture of membranes is associated with preterm labor, not IUGR.

Cell-free deoxyribonucleic acid (cfDNA) screening is a new method of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) that has recently become available in the clinical setting. This technology can provide a definitive diagnosis of which findings? (Select all that apply.) a. Fetal Rh status b. Fetal gender c. Maternally transmitted gene disorder d. Paternally transmitted gene disorder e. Trisomy 21

a, b, d, e The NIPT cannot actually distinguish fetal from maternal DNA. It can determine fetal Rh status, gender, trisomies 13, 18, and 21, as well as paternally transmitted gene disorders. The test can be performed any time after 10 weeks of gestation and is recommended for women who have previously given birth to a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

The nurse suspects that a client has early signs of ectopic pregnancy. The nurse should be observing the client for which signs or symptoms? (Select all that apply.) a. Pelvic pain b. Abdominal pain c. Unanticipated heavy bleeding d. Vaginal spotting or light bleeding e. Missed period

a, b, d, e A missed period or spotting can be easily mistaken by the client as an early sign of pregnancy. More subtle signs depend on exactly where the implantation occurs. The nurse must be thorough in her assessment because pain is not a normal symptom of early pregnancy. As the fallopian tube tears open and the embryo is expelled, the client often exhibits severe pain accompanied by intraabdominal hemorrhage, which may progress to hypovolemic shock with minimal or even no external bleeding. In approximately one half of women, shoulder and neck pain results from irritation of the diaphragm from the hemorrhage.

One of the most important components of the physical assessment of the pregnant client is the determination of blood pressure (BP). Which techniques are important in obtaining accurate BP readings? (Select all that apply.) a. The client should be seated. b. The client's arm should be placed at the level of the heart. c. An electronic BP device should be used. d. The cuff should cover a minimum of 60% of the upper arm. e. The same arm should be used for every reading.

a, b, e BP readings are easily affected by maternal position. Ideally, the client should be seated. An alternative position is left lateral recumbent with the arm at the level of the heart. The arm should always be held in a horizontal position at approximately the level of the heart. The same arm should be used at every visit. The manual sphygmomanometer is the most accurate device. If manual and electronic devices are used in the care setting, then the nurse must use caution when interpreting the readings. A proper size cuff should cover at least 80% of the upper arm or be approximately 1.5 times the length of the upper arm.

Cleft lip or palate is a common congenital midline fissure, or opening, in the lip or palate resulting from the failure of the primary palate to fuse. Multiple genetic and, to a lesser extent, environmental factors may lead to the development of a cleft lip or palate. Which factors are included? (Select all that apply.) a. Alcohol consumption b. Female gender c. Use of some corticosteroid medications d. Maternal cigarette smoking e. Antibiotic use in pregnancy

a, c, d Factors associated with the potential development of cleft lip or palate are maternal infections, alcohol consumption, radiation exposure, corticosteroid use, use of some anticonvulsant medications, male gender, Native-American or Asian descent, and maternal smoking during pregnancy. Cleft lip is more common in male infants. Antibiotic use in pregnancy is not associated with the development of cleft lip or palate.

Which practices are ideal for role modeling when attempting to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? (Select all that apply.) a. Fully supine position for all sleep b. Side-sleeping position as an acceptable alternative c. "Tummy time" for play d. Infant sleep sacks or buntings Soft mattress

a, c, d The "back to sleep" position is now recommended as the only position for every sleep period. To prevent positional plagiocephaly (flattening of the head) the infant should spend time on his or her abdomen while awake and for play. Loose sheets and blankets may be dangerous because they could easily cover the baby's head. The parents should be instructed to tuck any bedding securely around the mattress or use sleep sacks or bunting bags instead. The side-sleeping position is no longer an acceptable alternative position, according to the AAP. Infants should always sleep on a firm surface, ideally a firm crib mattress covered by a sheet only. Quilts and sheepskins, among other bedding, should not be placed under the infant.

Which statements concerning the benefits or limitations of breastfeeding are accurate? (Select all that apply.) a. Breast milk changes over time to meet the changing needs as infants grow. b. Breastfeeding increases the risk of childhood obesity. c. Breast milk and breastfeeding may enhance cognitive development. d. Long-term studies have shown that the benefits of breast milk continue after the infant is weaned. e. Benefits to the infant include a reduced incidence of SIDS.

a, c, d, e Breastfeeding actually decreases the risk of childhood obesity. Human milk is the perfect food for human infants. Breast milk changes over time to meet the demands of the growing infant. Scientific evidence is clear that human milk provides the best nutrients for infants with continued benefits long after weaning. Fatty acids in breast milk promote brain growth and development and may lead to enhanced cognition. Infants who are breastfed experience a reduced incidence of SIDS.

The AAP recommends pasteurized donor milk for preterm infants if the mother's own milk in not available. Which statements regarding donor milk and milk banking are important for the nurse to understand and communicate to her client? (Select all that apply.) a. All milk bank donors are screened for communicable diseases. b. Internet milk sharing is an acceptable source for donor milk. c. Donor milk may be given to transplant clients. d. Donor milk is used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) for severely low-birth-weight infants only. e. Donor milk may be used for children with immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiencies.

a, c, e

Which adverse prenatal outcomes are associated with the HELLP syndrome? (Select all that apply.) a. Placental abruption b. Placenta previa c. Renal failure d. Cirrhosis e. Maternal and fetal death

a, c, e The HELLP syndrome is associated with an increased risk for adverse perinatal outcomes, including placental abruption, acute renal failure, subcapsular hepatic hematoma, hepatic rupture, recurrent preeclampsia, preterm birth, and fetal and maternal death. The HELLP syndrome is associated with an increased risk for placental abruption, not placenta previa. It is also associated with an increased risk for hepatic hematoma, not cirrhosis.

A client who has undergone a dilation and curettage (D&C)for early pregnancy loss is likely to be discharged the same day. The nurse must ensure that her vital signs are stable, that bleeding has been controlled, and that the woman has adequately recovered from the administration of anesthesia. To promote an optimal recovery, what information should discharge teaching include? (Select all that apply.) a. Iron supplementation b. Resumption of intercourse at 6 weeks post-procedure c. Referral to a support group, if necessary d. Expectation of heavy bleeding for at least 2 weeks e. Emphasizing the need for rest

a, c, e The woman should be advised to consume a diet high in iron and protein. For many women, iron supplementation also is necessary. The nurse should acknowledge that the client has experienced a loss, however early. She can be taught to expect mood swings and possibly depression. Referral to a support group, clergy, or professional counseling may be necessary. Discharge teaching should emphasize the need for rest. Nothing should be placed in the vagina for 2 weeks after the procedure, including tampons and vaginal intercourse. The purpose of this recommendation is to prevent infection. Should infection occur, antibiotics may be prescribed. The client should expect a scant, dark discharge for 1 to 2 weeks. Should heavy, profuse, or bright bleeding occur, she should be instructed to contact her health care provider.

Which intervention by the nurse would reduce the risk of abduction of the newborn from the hospital? a. Instructing the mother not to give her infant to anyone except the one nurse assigned to her that day b. Applying an electronic and identification bracelet to the mother and the infant c. Carrying the infant when transporting him or her in the halls d. Restricting the amount of time infants are out of the nursery

b A measure taken by many facilities is to band both the mother and the baby with matching identification bracelets and band the infant with an electronic device that will sound an alarm if the infant is removed from the maternity unit. It is impossible for one nurse to be on call for one mother and baby for the entire shift; therefore, parents need to be able to identify the nurses who are working on the unit. Infants should always be transported in their bassinette for both safety and security reasons. All maternity unit nursing staff should have unique identification bracelets in comparison with the rest of the hospital. Infants should remain with their parents and spend as little time in the nursery as possible.

The client being cared for has severe preeclampsia and is receiving a magnesium sulfate infusion. Which new finding would give the nurse cause for concern? a. Sleepy, sedated affect b. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute c. Deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) of 2+ d. Absent ankle clonus

b A respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute indicates the client is experiencing respiratory depression from magnesium toxicity. Because magnesium sulfate is a CNS depressant, the client will most likely become sedated when the infusion is initiated. DTRs of 2+ and absent ankle clonus are normal findings.

Most congenital anomalies of the central nervous system (CNS) result from defects in the closure of the neural tube during fetal development. Which factor has the greatest impact on this process? a. Maternal diabetes b. Maternal folic acid deficiency c. Socioeconomic status d. Maternal use of anticonvulsant

b All of these environmental influences may affect the development of the CNS. Maternal folic acid deficiency has a direct bearing on the failure of neural tube closure. As a preventative measure, folic acid supplementation (0.4 mg/day) is recommended for all women of childbearing age.

The nurse is explaining the benefits associated with breastfeeding to a new mother. Which statement by the nurse would provide conflicting information to the client? a. Women who breastfeed have a decreased risk of breast cancer. b. Breastfeeding is an effective method of birth control. c. Breastfeeding increases bone density. d. Breastfeeding may enhance postpartum weight loss.

b Although breastfeeding delays the return of fertility, it is not an effective birth control method. Women who breastfeed have a decreased risk of breast cancer, an increase in bone density, and a possibility of faster postpartum weight loss.

A perinatal nurse is giving discharge instructions to a woman, status post-suction, and curettage secondary to a hydatidiform mole. The woman asks why she must take oral contraceptives for the next 12 months. What is the best response by the nurse? a. "If you get pregnant within 1 year, the chance of a successful pregnancy is very small. Therefore, if you desire a future pregnancy, it would be better for you to use the most reliable method of contraception available." b. "The major risk to you after a molar pregnancy is a type of cancer that can be diagnosed only by measuring the same hormone that your body produces during pregnancy. If you were to get pregnant, then it would make the diagnosis of this cancer more difficult." c. "If you can avoid a pregnancy for the next year, the chance of developing a second molar pregnancy is rare. Therefore, to improve your chance of a successful pregnancy, not getting

b Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) hormone levels are drawn for 1 year to ensure that the mole is completely gone. The chance of developing choriocarcinoma after the development of a hydatidiform mole is increased. Therefore, the goal is to achieve a zero human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level. If the woman were to become pregnant, then it may obscure the presence of the potentially carcinogenic cells. Women should be instructed to use birth control for 1 year after treatment for a hydatidiform mole. The rationale for avoiding pregnancy for 1 year is to ensure that carcinogenic cells are not present. Any contraceptive method except an intrauterine device (IUD) is acceptable.

Which statement best describes the transition period between intrauterine and extrauterine existence for the newborn? a. Consists of four phases, two reactive and two of decreased responses b. Lasts from birth to day 28 of life c. Applies to full-term births only d. Varies by socioeconomic status and the mother's age

b Changes begin immediately after birth; the cutoff time when the transition is considered over (although the baby keeps changing) is 28 days. This transition period has three phases: first reactivity, decreased response, and second reactivity. All newborns experience this transition period, regardless of age or type of birth. Although stress can cause variations in the phases, the mother's age and wealth do not disturb the pattern.

Which laboratory marker is indicative of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)? a. Bleeding time of 10 minutes b. Presence of fibrin split products c. Thrombocytopenia d. Hypofibrinogenemia

b Degradation of fibrin leads to the accumulation of multiple fibrin clots throughout the body's vasculature. Bleeding time in DIC is normal. Low platelets may occur but are not indicative of DIC because they may be the result from other coagulopathies. Hypofibrinogenemia occurs with DIC.

The nurse is circulating during a cesarean birth of a preterm infant. The obstetrician requests that cord clamping be delayed. What is the rationale for this directive? a. To reduce the risk for jaundice b. To reduce the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage c. To decrease total blood volume d. To improve the ability to fight infection

b Delayed cord clamping provides the greatest benefits to the preterm infant. These benefits include a significant reduction in intraventricular hemorrhage, a reduced need for a blood transfusion, and improved blood cell volume. The risk of jaundice can increase, requiring phototherapy. Although no difference in the newborn's infection fighting ability occurs, iron status is improved, which can provide benefits for 6 months.

At 1 minute after birth a nurse assesses an infant and notes a heart rate of 80 beats per minute, some flexion of extremities, a weak cry, grimacing, and a pink body but blue extremities. Which Apgar score does the nurse calculate based upon these observations and signs? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

b Each of the five signs the nurse notes scores a 1 on the Apgar scale, for a total of 5. A score of 4 is too low for this infant. A score of 6 is too high for this infant. A score of 7 is too high for an infant with this presentation.

What is the clinical finding most likely to be exhibited in an infant diagnosed with erythroblastosis fetalis? a. Edema b. Immature red blood cells c. Enlargement of the heart d. Ascites

b Erythroblastosis fetalis occurs when the fetus compensates for the anemia associated with Rh incompatibility by producing large numbers of immature erythrocytes to replace those hemolyzed. Edema occurs with hydrops fetalis, a more severe form of erythroblastosis fetalis. The fetus with hydrops fetalis may exhibit effusions into the peritoneal, pericardial, and pleural spaces, as well as demonstrate signs of ascites.

To explain hemolytic disorders in the newborn to new parents, the nurse who cares for the newborn population must be aware of the physiologic characteristics related to these conditions. What is the most common cause of pathologic hyperbilirubinemia? a. Hepatic disease b. Hemolytic disorders c. Postmaturity d. Congenital heart defect

b Hemolytic disorders in the newborn are the most common cause of pathologic hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice). Although hepatic damage, prematurity, and congenital heart defects may cause pathologic hyperbilirubinemia, they are not the most common causes.

An Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening (MSAFP) screening indicates an elevated level of alpha-fetoprotein. The test is repeated, and again the level is reported as higher than normal. What is the next step in the assessment sequence to determine the well-being of the fetus? a. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) b. Ultrasound c. Biophysical profile (BPP) d. Amniocentesis

b If MSAFP findings are abnormal, then follow-up procedures include genetic counseling for families with a history of NTD, repeated MSAFP screenings, an ultrasound examination, and possibly amniocentesis. Indications for the use of PUBS include prenatal diagnosis of inherited blood disorders, karyotyping of malformed fetuses, detection of fetal infection, determination of the acid-base status of fetuses with IUGR, and assessment and treatment of isoimmunization and thrombocytopenia in the fetus. A BPP is a method of assessing fetal well-being in the third trimester. Before an amniocentesis, the client would have an ultrasound for direct visualization of the fetus.

Which instruction should the nurse provide to reduce the risk of nipple trauma? a. Limit the feeding time to less than 5 minutes. b. Position the infant so the nipple is far back in the mouth. c. Assess the nipples before each feeding. d. Wash the nipples daily with mild soap and water.

b If the infant's mouth does not cover as much of the areola as possible, the pressure during sucking will be applied to the nipple, thus causing trauma to the area. Stimulating the breast for less than 5 minutes will not produce the extra milk the infant may need and will also limit access to the higher-fat hindmilk. Assessing the nipples for trauma is important; however, this action alone will not prevent sore nipples. Soap can be drying to the nipples and should be avoided during breastfeeding.

Which maternal condition always necessitates delivery by cesarean birth? a. Marginal placenta previa b. Complete placenta previa c. Ectopic pregnancy d. Eclampsia

b In complete placenta previa, the placenta completely covers the cervical os. A cesarean birth is the acceptable method of delivery. The risk of fetal death occurring is due to preterm birth. If the previa is marginal (i.e., 2 cm or greater away from the cervical os), then labor can be attempted. A cesarean birth is not indicated for an ectopic pregnancy. Labor can be safely induced if the eclampsia is under control.

The breastfeeding mother should be taught a safe method to remove the breast from the baby's mouth. Which suggestion by the nurse is most appropriate? a. Slowly remove the breast from the baby's mouth when the infant has fallen asleep and the jaws are relaxed. b. Break the suction by inserting your finger into the corner of the infant's mouth. c. A popping sound occurs when the breast is correctly removed from the infant's mouth. d. Elicit the Moro reflex to wake the baby and remove the breast when the baby cries.

b Inserting a finger into the corner of the baby's mouth between the gums to break the suction avoids trauma to the breast. The infant who is sleeping may lose grasp on the nipple and areola, resulting in chewing on the nipple that makes it sore. A popping sound indicates improper removal of the breast from the baby's mouth and may cause cracks or fissures in the breast. Most mothers prefer the infant to continue to sleep after the feeding. Gentle wake-up techniques are recommended.

What is the nurse's initial action while caring for an infant with a slightly decreased temperature? a. Immediately notify the physician. b. Place a cap on the infant's head, and have the mother perform kangaroo care. c. Tell the mother that the infant must be kept in the nursery and observed for the next 4 hours. d. Change the formula; a decreased body temperature is a sign of formula intolerance.

b Keeping the head well covered with a cap prevents further heat loss from the head and placing the infant skin-to-skin against the mother should increase the infant's temperature. Nursing actions are needed first to correct the problem. If the problem persists after the interventions, physician notification may then be necessary. A slightly decreased temperature can be treated in the mother's room, offering an excellent time for parent teaching on the prevention of cold stress. Mild temperature instability is an expected deviation from normal during the first days after childbirth as the infant adapts to external life.

What is the correct terminology for an abortion in which the fetus dies but is retained within the uterus? a. Inevitable abortion b. Missed abortion c. Incomplete abortion d. Threatened abortion

b Missed abortion refers to the retention of a dead fetus in the uterus. An inevitable abortion means that the cervix is dilating with the contractions. An incomplete abortion means that not all of the products of conception were expelled. With a threatened abortion, the woman has cramping and bleeding but no cervical dilation.

A pregnant woman is being discharged from the hospital after the placement of a cervical cerclage because of a history of recurrent pregnancy loss, secondary to an incompetent cervix. Which information regarding postprocedural care should the nurse emphasize in the discharge teaching? a. Any vaginal discharge should be immediately reported to her health care provider. b. The presence of any contractions, rupture of membranes (ROM), or severe perineal pressure should be reported. c. The client will need to arrange for care at home, because her activity level will be restricted. d. The client will be scheduled for a cesarean birth.

b Nursing care should stress the importance of monitoring for the signs and symptoms of preterm labor. Vaginal bleeding needs to be reported to her primary health care provider. Bed rest is an element of care. However, the woman may stand for periods of up to 90 minutes, which allows her the freedom to see her physician. Home uterine activity monitoring may be used to limit the woman's need for visits and to monitor her status safely at home. The cerclage can be removed at 37 weeks of gestation (to prepare for a vaginal birth), or a cesarean birth can be planned.

In contrast to placenta previa, what is the most prevalent clinical manifestation of abruptio placentae? a. Bleeding b. Intense abdominal pain c. Uterine activity d. Cramping

b Pain is absent with placenta previa and may be agonizing with abruptio placentae. Bleeding may be present in varying degrees for both placental conditions. Uterine activity and cramping may be present with both placental conditions.

The nurse is planning the care for a laboring client with diabetes mellitus. This client is at greater risk for which clinical finding? a. Oligohydramnios b. Polyhydramnios c. Postterm pregnancy d. Chromosomal abnormalities

b Polyhydramnios or amniotic fluid in excess of 2000 ml is 10 times more likely to occur in the client with diabetes mellitus rather than in nondiabetic pregnancies. This complication places the mother at risk for premature rupture of membranes, premature labor, and postpartum hemorrhage. Prolonged rupture of membranes, IUGR, intrauterine fetal death, and renal agenesis (Potter syndrome) place the client at risk for developing oligohydramnios. Anencephaly, placental insufficiency, and perinatal hypoxia contribute to the risk for postterm pregnancy. Maternal age older than 35 years and balanced translocation (maternal and paternal) are risk factors for chromosomal abnormalities.

A 41-week pregnant multigravida arrives at the labor and delivery unit after testing indicated that her fetus could be experiencing some difficulties in utero. Which diagnostic tool yields more detailed information about the condition of the fetus? a. Ultrasound for fetal anomalies b. Biophysical profile (BPP) c. MSAFP screening d. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS)

b Real-time ultrasound permits a detailed assessment of the physical and physiologic characteristics of the developing fetus and a cataloging of normal and abnormal biophysical responses to stimuli. The BPP is a noninvasive, dynamic assessment of a fetus that is based on acute and chronic markers of fetal disease. An ultrasound for fetal anomalies would most likely have occurred earlier in the pregnancy. It is too late in the pregnancy to perform an MSAFP. Furthermore, it does not provide information related to fetal well-being. Indications for PUBS include prenatal diagnosis or inherited blood disorders, karyotyping of malformed fetuses, detection of fetal infection, determination of the acid-base status of the fetus with IUGR, and assessment and treatment of isoimmunization and thrombocytopenia in the fetus.

A new mother recalls from prenatal class that she should try to feed her newborn daughter when she exhibits feeding readiness cues rather than waiting until the baby is frantically crying. Which feeding cue would indicate that the baby is ready to eat? a. Waves her arms in the air b. Makes sucking motions c. Has the hiccups d. Stretches out her legs straight

b Sucking motions, rooting, mouthing, and hand-to-mouth motions are examples of feeding readiness cues. Waving her arms in the air, having the hiccups, and stretching out her extremities are not typical feeding readiness cues.

The parents of a newborn ask the nurse how much the newborn can see. The parents specifically want to know what type of visual stimuli they should provide for their newborn. What information provided by the nurse would be most useful to these new parents? a. "Infants can see very little until approximately 3 months of age." b. "Clearest visual distance is 8 to 12 inches and they can distinguish patterns; preferring complex ones." c. "The infant's eyes must be protected. Infants enjoy looking at brightly colored stripes." d. "It's important to shield the newborn's eyes. Overhead lights help them see better."

b Telling the parents that their infant's clearest visual distance is 17 to 20 cm (8 to 12 inches) and can distinguish patterns is an accurate statement. Development of the visual system continues for the first 6 months of life. Visual acuity is difficult to determine, but they seem to prefer to look at complex patterns, regardless of the color. They prefer low illumination and withdraw from bright lights.

A primiparous woman is watching her newborn sleep. She wants him to wake up and respond to her. The mother asks the nurse how much he will sleep every day. What is an appropriate response by the nurse? a. "He will only wake up to be fed, and you should not bother him between feedings." b. "The newborn sleeps approximately 17 hours a day, with periods of wakefulness gradually increasing." c. "He will probably follow your same sleep and wake patterns, and you can expect him to be awake soon." d. "He is being stubborn by not waking up when you want him to. You should try to keep him awake during the daytime so that he will sleep through the night."

b Telling the woman that the newborn sleeps approximately 16 to 19 hours a day with periods of wakefulness that gradually increase is both accurate and the most appropriate response by the nurse. Periods of wakefulness are dictated by hunger, but the need for socializing also appears. Telling the woman that theIr infant is stub born and should be kept awake during the daytime is an inappropriate nursing response.

Which information about variations in the infant's blood counts is important for the nurse to explain to the new parents? a. A somewhat lower-than-expected red blood cell count could be the result of a delay in clamping the umbilical cord. b. An early high white blood cell (WBC) count is normal at birth and should rapidly decrease. c. Platelet counts are higher in the newborn than in adults for the first few months. d. Even a modest vitamin K deficiency means a problem with the blood's ability to properly clot.

b The WBC count is normally high on the first day of birth and then rapidly declines. Delayed cord clamping results in an increase in hemoglobin and the red blood cell count. The platelet count is essentially the same for newborns and adults. Clotting is sufficient to prevent hemorrhage unless the deficiency of vitamin K is significant.

The nurse is aware that the initiation of breastfeeding is most effective during the first 30 minutes after birth. What is the correct term for this phase of alertness? a. Transition period b. First period of reactivity c. Organizational stage d. Second period of reactivity

b The first period of reactivity is the first phase of transition and lasts up to 30 minutes after birth. The infant is highly alert during this phase. The transition period is the phase between intrauterine and extrauterine existence. An organizational stage is not a valid stage. The second period of reactivity occurs approximately between 4 and 8 hours after birth, after a period of sleep.

A new father is ready to take his wife and newborn son home. He proudly tells the nurse who is discharging them that within the next week he plans to start feeding the infant cereal between breastfeeding sessions. Which information should the nurse provide regarding this feeding plan? a. "Feeding solid foods before your son is 4 to 6 months old may decrease your son's intake of sufficient calories." b. "Feeding solid foods between breastfeeding sessions before your son is 4 to 6 months old will lead to an early cessation of breastfeeding." c. "Your feeding plan will help your son sleep through the night." d. "Feeding solid foods before your son is 4 to 6 months old will limit his growth."

b The introduction of solid foods before the infant is 4 to 6 months of age may result in overfeeding and decreased intake of breast milk. The belief that feeding solid foods helps infants sleep through the night is untrue. The proper balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat for an infant to grow properly is in the breast milk or formula.

The nurse is completing a physical examination of the newborn 24 hours after birth. Which component of the evaluation is correct? a. The parents are excused to reduce their normal anxiety. b. The nurse can gauge the neonate's maturity level by assessing his or her general appearance. c. Once often neglected, blood pressure is now routinely checked. d. When the nurse listens to the neonate's heart, the S1 and S2 sounds can be heard; the S1 sound is somewhat higher in pitch and sharper than the S2 sound.

b The nurse is looking at skin color, alertness, cry, head size, and other features. The parents' presence actively involves them in child care and gives the nurse the chance to observe their interactions. Blood pressure is not usually taken unless cardiac problems are suspected. The S2 sound is higher and sharper than the S1 sound.

A new father wants to know what medication was put into his infant's eyes and why it is needed. How does the nurse explain the purpose of the erythromycin ophthalmic ointment? a. Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment destroys an infectious exudate caused by Staphylococcus that could make the infant blind. b. This ophthalmic ointment prevents gonorrheal infection of the infant's eyes, potentially acquired from the birth canal. c. Erythromycin prevents potentially harmful exudate from invading the tear ducts of the infant's eyes, leading to dry eyes. d. This ointment prevents the infant's eyelids from sticking together and helps the infant see.

b The nurse should explain that prophylactic erythromycin ophthalmic ointment is instilled in the eyes of all neonates to prevent gonorrheal infection that potentially could have been acquired from the birth canal. This prophylactic ophthalmic ointment is not instilled to prevent dry eyes and has no bearing on vision other than to protect against infection that may lead to vision problems.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 2, para 1-0-0-1, is 28 weeks pregnant when she experiences bright red, painless vaginal bleeding. On her arrival at the hospital, which diagnostic procedure will the client most likely have performed? a. Amniocentesis for fetal lung maturity b. Transvaginal ultrasound for placental location c. Contraction stress test (CST) d. Internal fetal monitoring

b The presence of painless bleeding should always alert the health care team to the possibility of placenta previa, which can be confirmed through ultrasonography. Amniocentesis is not performed on a woman who is experiencing bleeding. In the event of an imminent delivery, the fetus is presumed to have immature lungs at this gestational age, and the mother is given corticosteroids to aid in fetal lung maturity. A CST is not performed at a preterm gestational age. Furthermore, bleeding is a contraindication to a CST. Internal fetal monitoring is also contraindicated in the presence of bleeding.

Which clinical finding is a major use of ultrasonography in the first trimester? a. Amniotic fluid volume b. Presence of maternal abnormalities c. Placental location and maturity d. Cervical length

b Ultrasonography can detect certain uterine abnormalities such as bicornuate uterus, fibroids, and ovarian cysts. Amniotic fluid volume, placental location and maturity, and cervical length are not available via ultrasonography until the second or third trimester.

Which cardiovascular changes cause the foramen ovale to close at birth? a. Increased pressure in the right atrium b. Increased pressure in the left atrium c. Decreased blood flow to the left ventricle d. Changes in the hepatic blood flow

b With the increase in the blood flow to the left atrium from the lungs, the pressure is increased, and the foramen ovale is functionally closed. The pressure in the right atrium decreases at birth and is higher during fetal life. Blood flow increases to the left ventricle after birth. The hepatic blood flow changes but is not the reason for the closure of the foramen ovale.

What are the various modes of heat loss in the newborn? (Select all that apply.) a. Perspiration b. Convection c. Radiation d. Conduction e. Urination

b, c, d Convection, radiation, evaporation, and conduction are the four modes of heat loss in the newborn.

In the past, factors to determine whether a woman was likely to develop a high-risk pregnancy were primarily evaluated from a medical point of view. A broader, more comprehensive approach to high-risk pregnancy has been adopted today. Four categories have now been established, based on the threats to the health of the woman and the outcome of pregnancy. Which category should not be included in this group? a. Biophysical b. Psychosocial c. Geographic d. Environmental

c A geographic category is correctly referred to as sociodemographic risk. These factors stem from the mother and her family. Ethnicity may be one of the risks to pregnancy; however, it is not the only factor in this category. Low income, lack of prenatal care, age, parity, and marital status also are included. Biophysical is one of the broad categories used for determining risk. These include genetic considerations, nutritional status, and medical and obstetric disorders. Psychosocial risks include smoking, caffeine, drugs, alcohol, and psychologic status. All of these adverse lifestyles can have a negative effect on the health of the mother or fetus. Environmental risks are risks that can affect both fertility and fetal development. These include infections, chemicals, radiation, pesticides, illicit drugs, and industrial pollutants.

A woman arrives at the emergency department with reports of bleeding and cramping. The initial nursing history is significant for a last menstrual period 6 weeks ago. On sterile speculum examination, the primary care provider finds that the cervix is closed. The anticipated plan of care for this woman would be based on a probable diagnosis of which type of spontaneous abortion? a. Incomplete b. Inevitable c. Threatened d. Septic

c A woman with a threatened abortion has spotting, mild cramps, and no cervical dilation. A woman with an incomplete abortion would have heavy bleeding, mild-to-severe cramping, and cervical dilation. An inevitable abortion demonstrates the same symptoms as an incomplete abortion: heavy bleeding, mild-to-severe cramping, and cervical dilation. A woman with a septic abortion has malodorous bleeding and typically a dilated cervix.

A nurse is assessing a newborn girl who is 2 hours old. Which finding warrants a call to the health care provider? a. Blood glucose of 45 mg/dl using a Dextrostix screening method b. Heart rate of 160 beats per minute after vigorously crying c. Laceration of the cheek d. Passage of a dark black-green substance from the rectum

c Accidental lacerations can be inflicted by a scalpel during a cesarean birth. They are most often found on the scalp or buttocks and may require an adhesive strip for closure. Parents would be overly concerned about a laceration on the cheek. A blood glucose level of 45 mg/dl and a heart rate of 160 beats per minute after crying are both normal findings that do not warrant a call to the physician. The passage of meconium from the rectum is an expected finding in the newborn.

While discussing the societal impacts of breastfeeding, the nurse should be cognizant of the benefits and educate the client accordingly. Which statement as part of this discussion would be incorrect? a. Breastfeeding requires fewer supplies and less cumbersome equipment. b. Breastfeeding saves families money. c. Breastfeeding costs employers in terms of time lost from work. d. Breastfeeding benefits the environment.

c Actually, less time is lost to work by breastfeeding mothers, in part because infants are healthier. Breastfeeding is convenient because it does not require cleaning or transporting bottles and other equipment. It saves families money because the cost of formula far exceeds the cost of extra food for the lactating mother. Breastfeeding uses a renewable resource; it does not need fossil fuels, advertising, shipping, or disposal.

At 35 weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences preterm labor. Although tocolytic medications are administered and she is placed on bed rest, she continues to experience regular uterine contractions and her cervix is beginning to dilate and efface. What is an important test for fetal well-being at this time? a. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) b. Ultrasound for fetal size c. Amniocentesis for fetal lung maturity d. Non stress test (NST)

c Amniocentesis is performed to assess fetal lung maturity in the event of a preterm birth. The fluid is examined to determine the lecithin to sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio. Indications for PUBS include prenatal diagnosis or inherited blood disorders, karyotyping of malformed fetuses, detection of fetal infection, determination of the acid-base status of the fetus with IUGR, and assessment and treatment of isoimmunization and thrombocytopenia in the fetus. Determination of fetal size by ultrasound is typically performed during the second trimester and is not indicated in this scenario. An NST measures the fetal response to fetal movement in a noncontracting mother.

Which statement accurately describes an appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) weight assessment? a. AGA weight assessment falls between the 25th and 75th percentiles for the infant's age. b. AGA weight assessment depends on the infant's length and the size of the newborn's head. c. AGA weight assessment falls between the 10th and 90th percentiles for the infant's age. d. AGA weight assessment is modified to consider intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).

c An AGA weight falls between the 10th and 90th percentiles for the infant's age. The AGA range is larger than the 25th and 75th percentiles. The infant's length and head size are measured, but these measurements do not affect the normal weight designation. IUGR applies to the fetus, not to the newborn's weight.

An infant boy was delivered minutes ago. The nurse is conducting the initial assessment. Part of the assessment includes the Apgar score. When should the Apgar assessment be performed? a. Only if the newborn is in obvious distress b. Once by the obstetrician, just after the birth c. At least twice, 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth d. Every 15 minutes during the newborn's first hour after birth

c Apgar scoring is performed at 1 minute and at 5 minutes after birth. Scoring may continue at 5-minute intervals if the infant is in distress and requires resuscitation efforts. The Apgar score is performed on all newborns. Apgar score can be completed by the nurse or the birth attendant. The Apgar score permits a rapid assessment of the newborn's transition to extrauterine life. An interval of every 15 minutes is too long to wait to complete this assessment.

A woman with worsening preeclampsia is admitted to the hospital's labor and birth unit. The physician explains the plan of care for severe preeclampsia, including the induction of labor, to the woman and her partner. Which statement by the partner leads the nurse to believe that the couple needs further information? a. "I will help her use the breathing techniques that we learned in our childbirth classes." b. "I will give her ice chips to eat during labor." c. "Since we will be here for a while, I'll ask my mother, to bring our toddler to visit." d. "I will stay with her during her labor, just as we planned."

c Arranging a visit with their toddler indicates that the partner does not understand the importance of the quiet, subdued environment that is needed to prevent this condition from worsening. Implementing breathing techniques is indicative of adequate knowledge related to pain management during labor. Administering ice chips indicates an understanding of nutritional needs during labor Staying with his partner during labor demonstrates the husband's support and is appropriate.

A client in the third trimester has just undergone an amniocentesis to determine fetal lung maturity. Which statement regarding this testing is important for the nurse in formulating a care plan? a. Because of new imaging techniques, an amniocentesis should have been performed in the first trimester. b. Despite the use of ultrasonography, complications still occur in the mother or infant in 5% to 10% of cases. c. Administration of Rho(D) immunoglobulin may be necessary. d. The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid is always a cause for concern.

c As a result of the possibility of fetomaternal hemorrhage, administration of Rho(D) immunoglobulin is the standard of practice after amniocentesis for women who are Rh negative. Amniocentesis is possible after the 14th week of pregnancy when the uterus becomes an abdominal organ. Complications occur in less than 1% of cases; many have been minimized or eliminated through the use of ultrasonography. Meconium in the amniotic fluid before the beginning of labor is not usually a problem.

The nurse should be cognizant of which important information regarding the gastrointestinal (GI) system of the newborn? a. The newborn's cheeks are full because of normal fluid retention. b. The nipple of the bottle or breast must be placed well inside the baby's mouth because teeth have been developing in utero, and one or more may even be through. c. Regurgitation during the first day or two can be reduced by burping the infant and slightly elevating the baby's head. d. Bacteria are already present in the infant's GI tract at birth because they traveled through the placenta.

c Avoiding overfeeding can also reduce regurgitation. The newborn's cheeks are full because of well-developed sucking pads. Teeth do develop in utero, but the nipple is placed deep because the baby cannot move food from the lips to the pharynx. Bacteria are not present at birth, but they soon enter through various orifices.

As the nurse assists a new mother with breastfeeding, the client asks, "If formula is prepared to meet the nutritional needs of the newborn, what is in breast milk that makes it better?" What is the nurse's best response? a. More calories b. Essential amino acids c. Important immunoglobulins d. More calcium

c Breast milk contains immunoglobulins that protect the newborn against infection. The calorie count of formula and breast milk is approximately the same. All the essential amino acids are in both formula and breast milk; however, the concentrations may differ. Calcium levels are higher in formula than in breast milk, which can cause an excessively high renal solute load if the formula is not properly diluted.

While working with the pregnant client in her first trimester, what information does the nurse provide regarding when chorionic villus sampling (CVS) can be performed (in weeks of gestation)? a. 4 b. 8 c. 10 d. 14

c CVS can be performed in the first or second trimester, ideally between 10 and 13 weeks of gestation. During this procedure, a small piece of tissue is removed from the fetal portion of the placenta. If performed after 9 completed weeks of gestation, then the risk of limb reduction is no greater than in the general population.

What condition indicates concealed hemorrhage when the client experiences abruptio placentae? a. Decrease in abdominal pain b. Bradycardia c. Hard, boardlike abdomen d. Decrease in fundal height

c Concealed hemorrhage occurs when the edges of the placenta do not separate. The formation of a hematoma behind the placenta and subsequent infiltration of the blood into the uterine muscle results in a very firm, boardlike abdomen. Abdominal pain may increase. The client will have shock symptoms that include tachycardia. As bleeding occurs, the fundal height increases.

A woman arrives for evaluation of signs and symptoms that include a missed period, adnexal fullness, tenderness, and dark red vaginal bleeding. On examination, the nurse notices an ecchymotic blueness around the woman's umbilicus. What does this finding indicate? a. Normal integumentary changes associated with pregnancy b. Turner sign associated with appendicitis c. Cullen sign associated with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy d. Chadwick sign associated with early pregnancy

c Cullen sign, the blue ecchymosis observed in the umbilical area, indicates hematoperitoneum associated with an undiagnosed ruptured intraabdominal ectopic pregnancy. Linea nigra on the abdomen is the normal integumentary change associated with pregnancy and exhibits a brown pigmented, vertical line on the lower abdomen. Turner sign is ecchymosis in the flank area, often associated with pancreatitis. A Chadwick sign is a blue-purple cervix that may be seen during or around the eighth week of pregnancy.

While assessing the integument of a 24-hour-old newborn, the nurse notes a pink papular rash with vesicles superimposed on the thorax, back, and abdomen. What action is the highest priority for the nurse to take immediately? a. Immediately notify the health care professional. b. Move the newborn to an isolation nursery. c. Document the finding as erythema toxicum neonatorum. d. Take the newborn's temperature and obtain a culture of one of the vesicles.

c Erythema toxicum neonatorum (or erythema neonatorum) is a newborn rash that resembles flea bites. Documentation of the condition is the priority. Notification of the health care provider, isolation of the newborn, or additional interventions are not necessary when erythema toxicum neonatorum is present.

How many kilocalories per kilogram (kcal/kg) of body weight does a breastfed term infant require each day? a. 50 to 65 b. 75 to 90 c. 95 to 110 d. 150 to 200

c For the first 3 months, the infant needs 110 kcal/kg/day. At ages 3 to 6 months, the requirement is 100 kcal/kg/day. This level decreases slightly to 95 kcal/kg/day from 6 to 9 months and increases again to 100 kcal/kg/day until the baby reaches 12 months.

The labor of a pregnant woman with preeclampsia is going to be induced. Before initiating the oxytocin infusion, the nurse reviews the woman's latest laboratory test findings, which reveal a platelet count of 90,000 mm3, an elevated aspartate aminotransaminase (AST) level, and a falling hematocrit. The laboratory results are indicative of which condition? a. Eclampsia b. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome c. Hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, and low platelet levels (HELLP) syndrome d. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia

c HELLP syndrome is a laboratory diagnosis for a variant of severe preeclampsia that involves hepatic dysfunction characterized by hemolysis (H), elevated liver (EL) enzymes, and low platelets (LP). Eclampsia is determined by the presence of seizures. DIC is a potential complication associated with HELLP syndrome. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia is the presence of low platelets of unknown cause and is not associated with preeclampsia.

Which statement regarding the nutrient needs of breastfed infants is correct? a. Breastfed infants need extra water in hot climates. b. During the first 3 months, breastfed infants consume more energy than formula-fed infants. c. Breastfeeding infants should receive 400 IU of oral vitamin D drops daily. d. Vitamin K injections at birth are not necessary for breastfed infants.

c Human milk contains only small amounts of vitamin D. All infants who are breastfed should receive 400 International Units of vitamin D each day. Neither breastfed nor formula-fed infants need to be fed water, not even in very hot climates. During the first 3 months, formula-fed infants consume more energy than breastfed infants and therefore tend to grow more rapidly. Vitamin K shots are required for all infants because the bacteria that produce it are absent from the baby's stomach at birth.

The indirect Coombs' test is a screening tool for Rh incompatibility. An amniocentesis may be a necessary next step it the titer is greater than what? a. 1:2 b. 1:4 c. 1:8 d. 1:12

c If the maternal titer for Rh antibodies is greater 1:8, then an amniocentesis is indicated to determine the level of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid. This testing will determine the severity of fetal hemolytic anemia

Which information should the nurse provide to a breastfeeding mother regarding optimal self-care? a. She will need an extra 1000 calories a day to maintain energy and produce milk. b. She can return to prepregnancy consumption patterns of any drinks as long as she gets enough calcium. c. She should avoid trying to lose large amounts of weight. d. She must avoid exercising because it is too fatiguing.

c Large weight loss releases fat-stored contaminants into her breast milk, and it also involves eating too little and/or exercising too much. A breastfeeding mother needs to add only 200 to 500 extra calories to her diet to provide the extra nutrients for her infant. However, this is true only if she does not drink alcohol, limits coffee to no more than two cups (including caffeine in chocolate, tea, and some sodas, too), and carefully reads the herbal tea ingredients. Although she needs her rest, moderate exercise is healthy.

How would the nurse differentiate a meconium stool from a transitional stool in the healthy newborn? a. Observed at age 3 days b. Is residue of a milk curd c. Passes in the first 12to 24 hours of life d. Is lighter in color and looser in consistency

c Meconium stool is usually passed in the first 12 hours of life, and 99% of newborns have their first stool within 48 hours. If meconium is not passed by 48 hours, then obstruction is suspected. Meconium stool is the first stool of the newborn and is made up of matter remaining in the intestines during intrauterine life. Meconium is dark and sticky.

The nurse is preparing to administer methotrexate to the client. This hazardous drug is most often used for which obstetric complication? a. Complete hydatidiform mole b. Missed abortion c. Unruptured ectopic pregnancy d. Abruptio placentae

c Methotrexate is an effective nonsurgical treatment option for a hemodynamically stable woman whose ectopic pregnancy is unruptured and measures less than 4 cm in diameter. Methotrexate is not indicated or recommended as a treatment option for a complete hydatidiform mole, for a missed abortion, or for abruptio placentae.

The nurse is evaluating the new mother's knowledge about appropriate infant bottle feeding techniques. Which statement by the client reassures the nurse that correct learning has taken place? a. "Since reaching 2 weeks of age, I add rice cereal to my daughter's formula to ensure adequate nutrition." b. "I warm the bottle in my microwave oven." c. "I burp my daughter during and after the feeding and as needed." d. "I refrigerate any leftover formula for the next feeding."

c Most infants swallow air when fed from a bottle and should be given a chance to burp several times during and after the feeding. Solid food should not be introduced to the infant for at least 4 to 6 months after birth. A microwave should never be used to warm any food to be given to an infant. The heat is not distributed evenly, which may pose a risk of burning the infant. Any formula left in the bottle after the feeding should be discarded because the infant's saliva has mixed with it.

The management of the pregnant client who has experienced a pregnancy loss depends on the type of miscarriage and the signs and symptoms. While planning care for a client who desires outpatient management after a first-trimester loss, what would the nurse expect the plan to include? a. Dilation and curettage (D&C) b. Dilation and evacuation (D&E) c. Misoprostol d. Ergot products

c Outpatient management of a first-trimester loss is safely accomplished by the intravaginal use of misoprostol for up to 2 days. If the bleeding is uncontrollable, vital signs are unstable, or signs of infection are present, then a surgical evacuation should be performed. D&C is a surgical procedure that requires dilation of the cervix and scraping of the uterine walls to remove the contents of pregnancy. This procedure is commonly performed to treat inevitable or incomplete abortion and should be performed in a hospital. D&E is usually performed after 16 weeks of pregnancy The cervix is widely dilated, followed by removal of the contents of the uterus. Ergot products such as Methergine or Hemabate may be administered for excessive bleeding after miscarriage.

Which action by the mother will initiate the milk ejection reflex (MER)? a. Wearing a firm-fitting bra b. Drinking plenty of fluids c. Placing the infant to the breast d. Applying cool packs to her breast

c Oxytocin, which causes the MER reflex, increases in response to nipple stimulation. A firm bra is important to support the breast; however, it will not initiate the MER reflex. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary for adequate milk production, but adequate intake of water alone will not initiate the MER reflex. Cool packs to the breast will decrease the MER reflex.

What marks on a baby's skin may indicate an underlying problem that requires notification of a physician? a. Mongolian spots on the back b. Telangiectatic nevi on the nose or nape of the neck c. Petechiae scattered over the infant's body d. Erythema toxicum neonatorum anywhere on the body

c Petechiae (bruises) scattered over the infant's body should be reported to the pediatrician because they may indicate underlying problems such as infection or low platelet count. Mongolian spots are bluish-black spots that resemble bruises but gradually fade over months and have no clinical significance. Telangiectatic nevi (stork bites, angel kisses) fade by the second year and have no clinical significance. Erythema toxicum neonatorum is an appalling-looking rash; however, it has no clinical significance and requires no treatment.

A primigravida is being monitored at the prenatal clinic for preeclampsia. Which finding is of greatest concern to the nurse? a. Blood pressure (BP) increase to 138/86 mm Hg b. Weight gain of 0.5 kg during the past 2 weeks c. Dipstick value of 3+ for protein in her urine d. Pitting pedal edema at the end of the day

c Proteinuria is defined as a concentration of 1+ or greater via dipstick measurement. A dipstick value of 3+ alerts the nurse that additional testing or assessment should be performed. A 24-hour urine collection is preferred over dipstick testing attributable to accuracy. Generally, hypertension is defined as a BP of 140/90 mm Hg or an increase in systolic pressure of 30 mm Hg or diastolic pressure of 15 mm Hg. Preeclampsia may be demonstrated as a rapid weight gain of more than 2 kg in 1 week. Edema occurs in many normal pregnancies, as well as in women with preeclampsia. Therefore, the presence of edema is no longer considered diagnostic of preeclampsia.

A pregnant woman has been receiving a magnesium sulfate infusion for treatment of severe preeclampsia for 24 hours. On assessment, the nurse finds the following vital signs: temperature 37.3° C, pulse rate 88 beats per minute, respiratory rate 10 breaths per minute, BP 148/90 mm Hg, absent deep tendon reflexes (DTRs), and no ankle clonus. The client complains, "I'm so thirsty and warm." What is the nurse's immediate action? a. To call for an immediate magnesium sulfate level b. To administer oxygen c. To discontinue the magnesium sulfate infusion d. To prepare to administer hydralazine

c Regardless of the magnesium level, the client is displaying the clinical signs and symptoms of magnesium toxicity. The first action by the nurse should be to discontinue the infusion of magnesium sulfate. In addition, calcium gluconate, the antidote for magnesium, may be administered. Hydralazine is an antihypertensive drug commonly used to treat hypertension in severe preeclampsia. Typically, hydralazine is administered for a systolic BP higher than 160 mm Hg or a diastolic BP higher than 110 mm Hg.

A neonate is born with mild club feet. When the parents ask the nurse how this will be corrected, how should the nurse respond? a. Traction is tried first. b. Surgical intervention is needed. c. Frequent, serial casting is tried first. d. Children outgrow this condition when they learn to walk.

c Serial casting, the preferred treatment, is begun shortly after birth and before discharge from the nursery. Successive casts allows for gradual stretching of skin and tight structures on the medial side of the foot. Manipulation and casting of the leg are frequently repeated (every week) to accommodate the rapid growth of early infancy. Surgical intervention is performed only if serial casting is not successful. Children do not improve without intervention.

A woman who is 30 weeks of gestation arrives at the hospital with bleeding. Which differential diagnosis would not be applicable for this client? a. Placenta previa b. Abruptio placentae c. Spontaneous abortion d. Cord insertion

c Spontaneous abortion is another name for miscarriage; it occurs, by definition, early in pregnancy. Placenta previa is a well-known reason for bleeding late in pregnancy. The premature separation of the placenta (abruptio placentae) is a bleeding disorder that can occur late in pregnancy. Cord insertion may cause a bleeding disorder that can also occur late in pregnancy.

While examining a newborn, the nurse notes uneven skinfolds on the buttocks and a clunk when performing the Ortolani maneuver. These findings are likely indicative of what? a. Polydactyly b. Clubfoot c. Hip dysplasia d. Webbing

c The Ortolani maneuver is used to detect the presence of hip dysplasia. Polydactyly is the presence of extra digits. Clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) is a deformity in which the foot turns inward and is fixed in a plantar-flexion position. Webbing, or syndactyly, is a fusing of the fingers or toes.

Which statement most accurately describes the HELLP syndrome? a. Mild form of preeclampsia b. Diagnosed by a nurse alert to its symptoms c. Characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets d. Associated with preterm labor but not perinatal mortality

c The acronym HELLP stands for hemolysis (H), elevated liver (EL) enzymes, and low platelets (LP). The HELLP syndrome is a variant of severe preeclampsia and is difficult to identify because the symptoms are not often obvious. The HELLP syndrome must be diagnosed in the laboratory. Preterm labor is greatly increased; therefore, so is perinatal mortality.

The nurse is assessing a full term, quiet, and alert newborn. What is the average expected apical pulse range (in beats per minute)? a. 80 to 100 b. 100 to 120 c. 120 to 160 d. 150 to 180

c The average infant heart rate while awake is 120 to 160 beats per minute. The newborn's heart rate may be approximately 85 to 100 beats per minute while sleeping and typically a little higher than 100 to 120 beats per minute when alert but quiet. A heart rate of 150 to 180 beats per minute is typical when the infant cries.

A 30-year-old gravida 3, para 2-0-0-2 is at 18 weeks of gestation. Which screening test should the nurse recommend be ordered for this client? a. Biophysical profile (BPP) b. Chorionic villi sampling c. Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening (MSAFP) screening d. Screening for diabetes mellitus

c The biochemical assessment MSAFP test is performed from week 15 to week 20 of gestation (weeks 16 to 18 are ideal). A BPP is a method of biophysical assessment of fetal well-being in the third trimester. Chorionic villi sampling is a biochemical assessment of the fetus that should be performed from the 10th to 12th weeks of gestation. Screening for diabetes mellitus begins with the first prenatal visit.

The nurse is cognizant of which information related to the administration of vitamin K? a. Vitamin K is important in the production of red blood cells. b. Vitamin K is necessary in the production of platelets. c. Vitamin K is not initially synthesized because of a sterile bowel at birth. d. Vitamin K is responsible for the breakdown of bilirubin and the prevention of jaundice.

c The bowel is initially sterile in the newborn, and vitamin K cannot be synthesized until food is introduced into the bowel. Vitamin K is necessary to activate blood-clotting factors. The platelet count in term newborns is near adult levels. Vitamin K is necessary to activate prothrombin and other blood-clotting factors.

In assisting the breastfeeding mother to position the baby, which information regarding positioning is important for the nurse to keep in mind? a. The cradle position is usually preferred by mothers who had a cesarean birth. b. Women with perineal pain and swelling prefer the modified cradle position. c. Whatever the position used, the infant is "skin to skin" with the mother. d. While supporting the head, the mother should push gently on the occiput.

c The infant naturally faces the mother, belly to belly or skin to skin. The football position is usually preferred after a cesarean birth. Women with perineal pain and swelling prefer the side-lying position because they can rest while breastfeeding. The mother should never push on the back of the head. It may cause the baby to bite, hyperextend the neck, or develop an aversion to being brought near the breast.

A newborn is jaundiced and is receiving phototherapy via ultraviolet bank lights. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention when caring for an infant with hyperbilirubinemia and receiving phototherapy? a. Applying an oil-based lotion to the newborn's skin to prevent dying and cracking b. Limiting the newborn's intake of milk to prevent nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea c. Placing eye shields over the newborn's closed eyes d. Changing the newborn's position every 4 hours

c The infant's eyes must be protected by an opaque mask to prevent overexposure to the light. Eye shields should completely cover the eyes but not occlude the nares. Lotions and ointments should not be applied to the infant because they absorb heat and can cause burns. The lights increase insensible water loss, placing the infant at risk for fluid loss and dehydration. Therefore, adequate hydration is important for the infant. The infant should be turned every 2 hours to expose all body surfaces to the light.

A breastfeeding woman develops engorged breasts at 3 days postpartum. What action will help this client achieve her goal of reducing the engorgement? a. Skip feedings to enable her sore breasts to rest. b. Avoid using a breast pump. c. Breastfeed her infant every 2-3 hours. d. Reduce her fluid intake for 24 hours.

c The mother should be instructed to attempt feeding her infant every 2-3 hours while massaging the breasts as the infant is feeding. Skipping feedings may cause further swelling and discomfort. If the infant does not adequately feed and empty the breast, then the mother may pump to extract the milk and relieve some of the discomfort. Dehydration further irritates swollen breast tissue.

If the newborn has excess secretions, the mouth and nasal passages can be easily cleared with a bulb syringe. How should the nurse instruct the parents on the use of this instrument? a. Avoid suctioning the nares. b. Insert the compressed bulb into the center of the mouth. c. Suction the mouth first. d. Remove the bulb syringe from the crib when finished.

c The mouth should always be suctioned first to prevent the infant from inhaling pharyngeal secretions by gasping as the nares are suctioned. After compressing the bulb, the syringe should be inserted into one side of the mouth. If it is inserted into the center of the mouth, then the gag reflex is likely to be initiated. When the infant's cry no longer sounds as though it is through mucus or a bubble, suctioning can be stopped. The nasal passages should be suctioned one nostril at a time. The bulb syringe should remain in the crib so that it is easily accessible if needed again.

A newborn is placed under a radiant heat warmer. The nurse understands that thermoregulation presents a problem for the newborn. What is the rationale for this difficulty? a. The renal function of a newborn is not fully developed, and heat is lost in the urine. b. The small body surface area of a newborn favors more rapid heat loss than does an adult's body surface area. c. Newborns have a relatively thin layer of subcutaneous fat that provides poor insulation. d. Their normal flexed posture favors heat loss through perspiration.

c The newborn has little thermal insulation. Furthermore, the blood vessels are closer to the surface of the skin. Changes in environmental temperature alter the temperature of the blood, thereby influencing temperature regulation centers in the hypothalamus. Heat loss does not occur through urination. Newborns have a higher body surface-to-weight ratio than adults. The flexed position of the newborn helps guard against heat loss, because it diminishes the amount of body surface exposed to the environment.

Which information related to the newborn's developing cardiovascular system should the nurse fully comprehend? a. The heart rate of a crying infant may rise to 120 beats per minute. b. Heart murmurs heard after the first few hours are a cause for concern. c. The point of maximal impulse (PMI) is often visible on the chest wall. d. Persistent bradycardia may indicate respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).

c The newborn's thin chest wall often allows the PMI to be observed. The normal heart rate for infants who are not sleeping is 120 to 160 beats per minute. However, a crying infant could temporarily have a heart rate of 180 beats per minute. Heart murmurs during the first few days of life have no pathologic significance; however, an irregular heart rate beyond the first few hours should be further evaluated. Persistent tachycardia may indicate RDS; bradycardia may be a sign of congenital heart blockage.

The nurse is performing a gestational age and physical assessment on the newborn. The infant appears to have an excessive amount of saliva. This clinical finding may be indicative of what? a. Excessive saliva is a normal finding in the newborn. b. Excessive saliva in a neonate indicates that the infant is hungry. c. It may indicate that the infant has a tracheoesophageal fistula or esophageal atresia. d. Excessive saliva may indicate that the infant has a diaphragmatic hernia.

c The presence of excessive saliva in a neonate should alert the nurse to the possibility of a tracheoesophageal fistula or esophageal atresia. Excessive salivation may not be a normal finding and should be further assessed for the possibility that the infant has an esophageal abnormality. The hungry infant reacts by making sucking motions, rooting, or making hand-to-mouth movements. The infant with a diaphragmatic hernia exhibits severe respiratory distress.

Which finding on a prenatal visit at 10 weeks of gestation might suggest a hydatidiform mole? a. Complaint of frequent mild nausea b. Blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg c. Fundal height measurement of 18 cm d. History of bright red spotting for 1 day, weeks ago

c The uterus in a hydatidiform molar pregnancy is often larger than would be expected on the basis of the duration of the pregnancy. Nausea increases in a molar pregnancy because of the increased production of hCG. A woman with a molar pregnancy may have early-onset pregnancy-induced hypertension. In the client's history, bleeding is normally described as brownish.

Which client exhibits the greatest number of risk factors associated with the development of preeclampsia? a. 30-year-old obese Caucasian with her third pregnancy b. 41-year-old Caucasian primigravida c. 19-year-old African American who is pregnant with twins d. 25-year-old Asian American whose pregnancy is the result of donor insemination

c Three risk factors are present in the 19-year-old African-American client. She has African-American ethnicity, is at the young end of the age distribution, and has a multiple pregnancy. In planning care for this client, the nurse must frequently monitor her BP and teach her to recognize the early warning signs of preeclampsia. The 30-year-old obese Caucasian client has only has one known risk factor: obesity. Age distribution appears to be U-shaped, with women younger than 20 years oOf age and women older than 40 years of age being at greatest risk. Preeclampsia continues to be more frequently observed in primigravidas; this client is a multigravida woman. Two risk factors are present for the 41-year-old Caucasian primigravida client. Her age and status as a primigravida place her at increased risk for preeclampsia. Caucasian women are at a lower risk than are African-American women. The 25-year-old Asian-American client exhibits only one risk factor. Pregnancies that result from donor insemination, oocyte donation, and embryo donation are at an increased risk of developing preeclampsia.

At a 2-month well-baby examination, it was discovered that an exclusively breastfed infant had only gained 10 ounces in the past 4 weeks. The mother and the nurse develop a feeding plan for the infant to increase his weight gain. Which change in dietary management will assist the client in meeting this goal? a. Begin solid foods. b. Have a bottle of formula after every feeding. c. Have one extra breastfeeding session every 24 hours. d. Start iron supplements.

c Usually the solution to slow weight gain is to improve the feeding technique which includes adding an extra session every day . Position and the latch-on technique are evaluated, and adjustments are made. Adding a feeding or two within a 24-hour period might help. Solid foods should not be introduced to an infant for at least 4 to 6 months. Bottle feeding may cause nipple confusion and may limit the supply of milk. Iron supplements have no bearing on weight gain.

What is the rationale for the administration of vitamin K to the healthy full-term newborn? a. Most mothers have a diet deficient in vitamin K, which results in the infant being deficient. b. Vitamin K prevents the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver and must be administered by injection. c. Bacteria that synthesize vitamin K are not present in the newborn's intestinal tract. d. The supply of vitamin K in the healthy full-term newborn is inadequate for at least 3 to 4 months and must be supplemented.

c Vitamin K is provided because the newborn does not have the intestinal flora to produce this vitamin for the first week. ThUe maternal diet hasOno bearing on the amount of vitamin K found in the newborn. Vitamin K promotes the formation of clotting factors in the liver and is used for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease in the newborn. Vitamin K is not produced in the intestinal tract of the newborn until after microorganisms are introduced. By day 8, normal newborns are able to produce their own vitamin K.

An African-American woman noticed some bruises on her newborn daughter's buttocks. The client asks the nurse what causes these. How would the nurse best explain this integumentary finding to the client? a. Lanugo b. Vascular nevus c. Nevus flammeus d. Mongolian spot

d A Mongolian spot is a bluish-black area of pigmentation that may appear over any part of the exterior surface of the infant's body and is more commonly noted on the back and buttocks and most frequently observed on infants whose ethnic origins are Mediterranean, Latin American, Asian, or African. Lanugo is the fine, downy hair observed on a term newborn. A vascular nevus, commonly called a strawberry mark, is a type of capillary hemangioma. A nevus flammeus, commonly called a port wine stain, is most frequently found on the face.

A postpartum woman telephones the provider regarding her 5-day-old infant. The client is not scheduled for another weight check until the infant is 14 days old. The new mother is worried about whether breastfeeding is going well. Which statement indicates that breastfeeding is effective for meeting the infant's nutritional needs? a. Sleeps for 6 hours at a time between feedings b. Has at least one breast milk stool every 24 hours c. Gains 1 to 2 ounces per week d. Has 3 bowel movements and eight wet diapers per day

d After day 4, when the mother's milk comes in, the infant should have six to eight wet diapers every 24 hours. Typically, infants sleep 2 to 4 hours between feedings, depending on whether they are being fed on a 2- to 3-hour schedule or cluster-fed. The infant's sleep pattern is not an indication whether the infant is breastfeeding well. The infant should have a minimum of three bowel movements in a 24-hour period. Breastfed infants typically gain 15 to 30 g/day.

Which statement regarding hemolytic diseases of the newborn is most accurate? a. Rh incompatibility matters only when an Rh-negative child is born to an Rh-positive mother. b. ABO incompatibility is more likely than Rh incompatibility to precipitate significant anemia. c. Exchange transfusions are frequently required in the treatment of hemolytic disorders. d. The indirect Coombs' test is performed on the mother before birth; the direct Coombs' test is performed on the cord blood after birth.

d An indirect Coombs' test may be performed on the mother a few times during pregnancy. Only the Rh-positive child of an Rh-negative mother is at risk. ABO incompatibility is more common than Rh incompatibility but causes less severe problems; significant anemia, for instance, is rare with ABO. Exchange transfers infrequently are needed because of the decrease in the incidence of severe hemolytic disease in newborns from Rh incompatibility.

As part of the infant discharge instructions, the nurse is reviewing the use of the infant car safety seat. Which information is the highest priority for the nurse to share? a. Infant carriers are okay to use until an infant car safety seat can be purchased. b. For traveling on airplanes, buses, and trains, infant carriers are satisfactory. c. Infant car safety seats are used for infants only from birth to 15 pounds. d. Infant car seats should be rear facing and placed in the back seat of the car.

d An infant placed in the front seat could be severely injured by an air bag that deploys during an automobile accident. Infants should travel only in federally approved, rear-facing safety seats secured in the rear seat and only in federally approved safety seats even when traveling on a commercial vehicle. Infants should use a rear-facing car seat from birth to 20 pounds and to age 1 year.

How should the nurse interpret an Apgar score of 10 at 1 minute after birth? a. The infant is having no difficulty adjusting to extrauterine life and needs no further testing. b. The infant is in severe distress and needs resuscitation. c. The nurse predicts a future free of neurologic problems. d. The infant is having no difficulty adjusting to extrauterine life but should be

d An initial Apgar score of 10 is a good sign of healthy adaptation; however, the test must be repeated at the 5-minute mark.

When attempting to screen and educate parents regarding the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), which intervention should the nurse perform? a. Be able to perform the Ortolani and Barlow tests. b. Teach double or triple diapering for added support. c. Explain to the parents the need for serial casting. d. Carefully monitor infants for DDH at follow-up visits.

d Because DDH often is not detected at birth, infants should be carefully monitored at follow-up visits. The Ortolani and Barlow tests must be performed by experienced clinicians to prevent fracture or other damage to the hip. Double or triple diapering is not recommended because it promotes hip extension, thus worsening the problem. Serial casting is recommended for clubfoot, not DDH.

Which statement regarding the condition referred to as a miscarriage is most accurate? a. A miscarriage is a natural pregnancy loss before labor begins. b. It occurs in fewer than 5% of all clinically recognized pregnancies. c. Careless maternal behavior, such as poor nutrition or excessive exercise, can be a factor in causing a miscarriage. d. If a miscarriage occurs before the 12th week of pregnancy, then it may be observed only as moderate discomfort and blood loss.

d Before the sixth week, the only evidence might be a heavy menstrual flow. After the 12th week, more severe pain, like that of labor, is likely. Miscarriage is a natural pregnancy loss, but it occurs, by definition, before 20 weeks of gestation, before the fetus is viable. Miscarriages occur in approximately 10% to 15% of all clinically recognized pregnancies. Miscarriages can be caused by several disorders or illnesses outside the mother's control or knowledge.

A nurse is discussing the storage of breast milk with a mother whose infant is preterm and in the special care nursery. Which storage practice indicates that the mother requires additional teaching? a. Keeping breast milk in the deep freezer for up to 6 months. b. Freezing breast milk for up to 3 months." c. Allowing breast milk to sit at room temperature for up to 4 hours. d. Storing breast milk in the refrigerator for up to 10 days."

d Breast milk for the hospitalized infant can be stored in the refrigerator for only 8 days, not for 3 months. Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for 3 months, in a deep freezer for 6 months, or at room temperature for 4 hours. Human milk for the healthy or preterm hospitalized infant can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 8 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months, but only for 4 hours or less at room temperature.

The nurse has evaluated a client with preeclampsia by assessing deep tendon reflexes (DTRs). The result is a grade of 3+. Which DTR response most accurately describes this score? a. Sluggish or diminished b. Brisk, hyperactive, with intermittent or transient clonus c. Active or expected response d. More brisk than expected, slightly hyperactive

d DTRs reflect the balance between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord. They are evaluated at baseline and to detect changes. A slightly hyperactive and brisk response indicates a grade 3+ response.

Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a newborn diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia? a. Potential for impaired parent-infant attachment b. Inadequate nutrition c. Potential for infection d. Reduced gas exchange

d Herniation of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity may cause severe respiratory distress and represent a neonatal emergency. Oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and the correction of acidosis are necessary in infants with large defects. Although inadequate nutrition may be a factor in providing care to a newborn with a diaphragmatic hernia, the priority nursing diagnosis relates to the oxygenation issues arising from the lung hypoplasia that occurs with diaphragmatic hernia. The nutritional needs of this infant may be a clearly identified need; however, at this time the nurse should be most concerned about reduced gas exchange. This infant has the potential for infection, especially after the surgical repair has been performed. The extent of the herniation may have hindered normal development of the lungs in utero, resulting in respiratory distress.

A woman with preeclampsia has a seizure. What is the nurse's highest priority during a seizure? a. To insert an oral airway b. To suction the mouth to prevent aspiration c. To administer oxygen by mask d. To stay with the client and call for help

d If a client becomes eclamptic, then the nurse should stay with the client and call for help. Nursing actions during a convulsion are directed toward ensuring a patent airway and client safety. Insertion of an oral airway during seizure activity is no longer the standard of care. The nurse should attempt to keep the airway patent by turning the client's head to the side to prevent aspiration. Once the seizure has ended, it may be necessary to suction the client's mouth. Oxygen is administered after the convulsion has ended.

Nurses should be aware of the strengths and limitations of various biochemical assessments during pregnancy. Which statement regarding monitoring techniques is the most accurate? a. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is becoming more popular because it provides early diagnosis. b. Maternal serum AFP (MSAFP) screening is recommended only for women at risk for neural tube defects (NTDs). c. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) is one of the triple-marker tests for Down syndrome. d. Maternal serum AFP (MSAFP) is a screening tool only; it identifies candidates for more definitive diagnostic procedures.

d MSAFP is a screening tool, not a diagnostic tool. CVS provides a rapid result, but it is declining in popularity because of advances in noninvasive screening techniques. An MSAFP screening is recommended for all pregnant women. MSAFP screening, not PUBS, is part of the triple-marker tests for Down syndrome.

Screening for critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) was added to the uniform screening panel in 2011. The nurse has explained this testing to the new mother. Which action by the nurse related to this test is correct? a. Screening is performed when the infant is 12 hours of age. b. Testing is performed with an electrocardiogram. c. Oxygen (O2) is measured in both hands and in the right foot. d. A passing result is an O2 saturation of 95%.

d Screening is performed when the infant is between 24 and 48 hours of age. The test is performed using pulse oximetry technology. O2 is measured in the right hand and one foot. A passing result is an O2 saturation of 95% with a 3% absolute difference between upper and lower extremity readings.

A 32-year-old primigravida is admitted with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Which information assists the nurse in developing the plan of care? a. Bed rest and analgesics are the recommended treatment. b. She will be unable to conceive in the future. c. A D&C will be performed to remove the products of conception. d. Hemorrhage is the primary concern.

d Severe bleeding occurs if the fallopian tube ruptures. The recommended treatment is to remove the pregnancy before rupture to prevent hemorrhaging. If the tube must be removed, then the woman's fertility will decrease; however, she will not be infertile. A D&C is performed on the inside of the uterine cavity. The ectopic pregnancy is located within the tubes.

How does the nurse document a non-stress test (NST) during which two or more fetal heart rate (FHR) accelerations of 15 beats per minute or more occur with fetal movement in a 20-minute period? a. Nonreactive b. Positive c. Negative d. Reactive

d The NST is reactive (normal) when two or more FHR accelerations of at least 15 beats per minute (each with a duration of at least 15 seconds) occur in a 20-minute period. A nonreactive result means that the heart rate did not accelerate during fetal movement. A positive result is not used with NST. CST uses positive as a result term. A negative result is not used with NST. CST uses negative as a result term.

While evaluating the reflexes of a newborn, the nurse notes that with a loud noise the newborn symmetrically abducts and extends his arms, his fingers fan out and form a C with the thumb and forefinger, and he has a slight tremor. The nurse would document this finding as a which positive reflex. a. tonic neck b. glabellar (Myerson) c. Babinski d. Moro

d The characteristics displayed by the infant are associated with a positive Moro reflex. The tonic neck reflex occurs when the infant extends the leg on the side to which the infant's head simultaneously turns. The glabellar (Myerson) reflex is elicited by tapping on the infant's head while the eyes are open. A characteristic response is blinking for the first few taps. The Babinski reflex occurs when the sole of the foot is stroked upward along the lateral aspect of the sole and then across the ball of the foot. A positive response occurs when all the toes hyperextend, with dorsiflexion of the big toe.

As part of their teaching function at discharge, nurses should educate parents regarding safe sleep. Based on the most recent evidence, which information is incorrect and should be discussed with parents? a. Prevent exposure to people with upper respiratory tract infections. b. Keep the infant away from secondhand smoke. c. Avoid loose bedding, water beds, and beanbag chairs. d. Place the infant on his or her abdomen to sleep.

d The infant should be laid down to sleep on his or her back for better breathing and to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Grandmothers may encourage the new parents to place the infant on the abdomen; however, evidence shows "back to sleep" reduces SIDS. Infants are vulnerable to respiratory infections; therefore, infected people must be kept away. Secondhand smoke can damage lungs. Infants can suffocate in loose bedding and in furniture that can trap them. Per AAP guidelines, infants should always be placed "back to sleep" and allowed tummy time to play to prevent plagiocephaly.

Early this morning, an infant boy was circumcised using the PlastiBell method. Based on the nurse's evaluation, when will the infant be ready for discharge? a. When the bleeding completely stops b. When yellow exudate forms over the glans c. When the PlastiBell plastic rim (bell) falls off d. When the infant voids

d The infant should be observed for urination after the circumcision. Bleeding is a common complication after circumcision, and the nurse will check the penis for 12 hours after a circumcision to assess and provide appropriate interventions for the prevention and treatment of bleeding. Yellow exudate covers the glans penis in 24 hours after the circumcision and is part of normal healing; yellow exudate is not an infective process. The PlastiBell plastic rim (bell) remains in place for approximately a week and falls off when healing has taken place.

A primiparous woman is delighted with her newborn son and wants to begin breastfeeding as soon as possible. How should the client be instructed to position the infant to facilitate correct latch-on? a. The infant should be positioned with his or her arms folded together over the chest. b. The infant should be curled up in a fetal position. c. The woman should cup the infant's head in her hand. d. The infant's head and body should be in alignment with the mother.

d The infant's head and body should be in correct alignment with the mother and the breast during latch-on and feeding. The infant should be facing the mother with his arms hugging the breast. The baby's body should be held in correct alignment (i.e., ears, shoulder, and hips in a straight line) during feedings. The mother should support the baby's neck and shoulders with her hand and not push on the occiput.

What is the most critical physiologic change required of the newborn after birth? a. Closure of fetal shunts in the circulatory system b. Full function of the immune defense system c. Maintenance of a stable temperature d. Initiation and maintenance of respirations

d The most critical adjustment of a newborn at birth is the establishment of respirations. The cardiovascular system changes significantly after birth as a result of fetal respirations, which reduce pulmonary vascular resistance to the pulmonary blood flow and initiate a chain of cardiac changes that support the cardiovascular system. After the establishment of respirations, heat regulation is critical to newborn survival. The infant relies on passive immunity received from the mother for the first 3 months of life.

Which infant response to cool environmental conditions is either not effective or not available to them? a. Constriction of peripheral blood vessels b. Metabolism of brown fat c. Increased respiratory rates d. Unflexing from the normal position

d The newborn's flexed position guards against heat loss, because it reduces the amount of body surface exposed to the environment. The newborn's body is able to constrict the peripheral blood vessels to reduce heat loss. Burning brown fat generates heat. The respiratory rate may rise to stimulate muscular activity, which generates heat.

A nurse is responsible for teaching new parents regarding the hygienic care of their newborn. Which instruction should the nurse provide regarding bathing? a. Avoid washing the head for at least 1 week to prevent heat loss. b. Sponge bathe the newborn for the first month of life. c. Cleanse the ears and nose with cotton-tipped swabs, such as Q-tips. d. Create a draft-free environment of at least 26° C (75° F) when bathing the infant.

d The temperature of the room should be least 26° C (75° F), and the bathing area should be free of drafts. To prevent heat loss, the infant's head should be bathed before unwrapping and undressing. Tub baths may be initiated from birth. Ensure that the infant is fully immersed. Q-tips should not be used; they may cause injury. A corner of a moistened washcloth should be twisted into shape so that it can be used to cleanse the ears and nose.

In comparing the abdominal and transvaginal methods of ultrasound examination, which information should the nurse provide to the client? a. Both require the woman to have a full bladder. b. The abdominal examination is more useful in the first trimester. c. Initially, the transvaginal examination can be painful. d. The transvaginal examination allows pelvic anatomy to be evaluated in greater detail.

d The transvaginal examination allows pelvic anatomy to be evaluated in greater detail than the abdominal method and also allows intrauterine pregnancies to be diagnosed earlier. The abdominal examination requires a full bladder; the transvaginal examination requires an empty one. The transvaginal examination is more useful in the first trimester; the abdominal examination works better after the first trimester. Neither the abdominal nor the transvaginal method of ultrasound examination should be painful, although the woman will feel pressure as the probe is moved during the transvaginal examination.

A woman arrives at the clinic seeking confirmation that she is pregnant. The following information is obtained: She is 24 years old with a body mass index (BMI) of 17.5. She admits to having used cocaine "several times" during the past year and occasionally drinks alcohol. Her blood pressure is 108/70 mm Hg. The family history is positive for diabetes mellitus and cancer. Her sister recently gave birth to an infant with a neural tube defect (NTD). Which characteristics places this client in a high-risk category? a. Blood pressure, age, BMI b. Drug and alcohol use, age, family history c. Family history, blood pressure (BP), BMI d. Family history, BMI, drug and alcohol abuse

d The woman's family history of an NTD, her low BMI, and her drug and alcohol use abuse are high risk factors of pregnancy. The woman's BP is normal, and her age does not put her at risk. Her BMI is low and may indicate poor nutritional status, which is a high risk.

A woman at 39 weeks of gestation with a history of preeclampsia is admitted to the labor and birth unit. She suddenly experiences increased contraction frequency of every 1 to 2 minutes, dark red vaginal bleeding, and a tense, painful abdomen. Which clinical change does the nurse anticipate? a. Eclamptic seizure b. Rupture of the uterus c. Placenta previa d. Placental abruption

d Uterine tenderness in the presence of increasing tone may be the earliest sign of placental abruption. Women with preeclampsia are at increased risk for an abruption attributable to decreased placental perfusion. Eclamptic seizures are evidenced by the presence of generalized tonic-clonic convulsions. Uterine rupture exhibits hypotonic uterine activity, signs of hypovolemia, and, in many cases, the absence of pain. Placenta previa exhibits bright red, painless vaginal bleeding.

Which statement best describes chronic hypertension? a. Chronic hypertension is defined as hypertension that begins during pregnancy and lasts for the duration of the pregnancy. b. Chronic hypertension is considered severe when the systolic BP is higher than 140 mm Hg or the diastolic BP is higher than 90 mm Hg. c. Chronic hypertension is general hypertension plus proteinuria. d. Chronic hypertension can occur independently of or simultaneously with preeclampsia.

d Women with chronic hypertension may develop superimposed preeclampsia, which increases the morbidity for both the mother and the fetus. Chronic hypertension is present before pregnancy or diagnosed before the 20 weeks of gestation and persists longer than 6 weeks postpartum. Chronic hypertension becomes severe with a diastolic BP of 110 mm Hg or higher. Proteinuria is an excessive concentration of protein in the urine and is a complication of hypertension, not a defining characteristic.

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