old people test 3 (ch 8-10)

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Your college degree (in the U.S.) will earn you approximately $____ per week beyond the wages of a high school graduate.


By 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that approximately ______ of the labor force will be 55 and older.


On the Marcia Identity Status Interview, emerging adults who are actively exploring alternatives in their commitment to important life areas would be in which identity status?


The Five Factor model of personality fits into which overall category of psychological theories?

Adult attachment -- trait?

Studies testing the predictions of Socioemotional Selectivity Theory involving eye tracking measurements while people look at facial stimuli note that younger adults, compared to older adults, are more likely to focus on parts of the face showing:

Anger and sadness

A 60-year-old accountant feels satisfied with the life choices she's made even though she's still open to making changes in the future. Which of the five pathways in the Rochester Adult Longitudinal Study best describes her?

Authentic road

Individuals who feel that their occupation is a(n) ____________ are likely to feel the most personal meaning in their work.


In the Type A behavior pattern, high scores on hostility seem strongly related to which health outcome?

Cardiovascular disease

Because most adults in our society have internalized society's norms about what's right and wrong but do not necessarily have a true conscience, personality theorist Loevinger believed that they fall into the _______________ stage of ego development.

Conscientious conformist

A large meta-analysis of research on six major personality traits showed the largest and steadiest increase on which trait?


Lower levels of IL-6 were associated in research on the MIDUS with which FFM personality trait?

Consciousness ?

People who feel that their occupation is a "calling" are likely to believe that it:

Contributes to a sense of personal meaning and purpose

The ________________ principle would predict that, over time, a highly agreeable person would be more liked by other people, which would further increase that person's agreeableness over the years of adulthood.


Research on identity in emerging adults suggests that those who are most likely to engage in delinquent and drug-related behaviors are in which identity status?


A 62-year-old woman was told by her physician, much to her own distress, that she needs to lose 15 pounds in order to reduce her risk of developing diabetes. Instead of following the physician's advice, though, she instead tries to make herself feel better by minimizing the importance of what she's just heard. This way of coping with stress is known as:

Emotion-focused coping

You're having a chat with your older cousin who, at age 35, believes that he may never be able to get the kind of job for which he feels qualified. He sees himself as on his way to a dead-end career. Your cousin's beliefs fit into the concept of:

Fears of his feared possible self ?

The so-called "absolute innovators" identified in a study of retired travelers were more likely than the comparison group of non-innovators to:

Find opportunities for growth and self-expression

A large meta-analysis of studies on aging and job satisfaction showed that older workers were more satisfied with their jobs if they:

Had longer job tenure

As pointed out in socioemotional selectivity theory, people who value the _________ function of their relationships are likely to seek advice and practical tips from the people with whom they spend time.


Which theory of adult development proposes that retirees are best able to adapt to their new status when they view it as a normative event?

Life course perspective

The inner narrative that people create of their experiences up to the present point is called the:

Life story

Which of the following is a sociocultural factor in the biopsychosocial model of retirement?

Opportunities for engagement

Reaching a point in your vocational development where you no longer feel that you are growing might keep you at the:


The idea of what you could become at some point in the future is known as your:

Possible self

As people get older they should, according to Bauer, care less about themselves and more about others, an increase in what he calls:

Quiet ego

The "ego" in ego psychology approaches to adult development and aging refers to the fact that these theories emphasize:

Rational thought

The quality of resilience, in terms of coping, refers to an individual's ability to:

Recover from stress

Research conducted by Lodi-Smith comparing personality and preventive behaviors found that observer-rated personality traits were correlated with which measure relevant to health?

Smoking behaviors

The major source of income for retirees is:

Social security

Supporting the theory known as ____________, Isaacowitz's research on eye movements showed that older people prefer to look at the happy parts of a face.

Socioemotional selectivity theory

A major emphasis of psychodynamic theory is understanding the use of ________________ in adulthood.

Unconscious motives and impulses

Attachment theorists propose that older adults seek relationships in which they can experience a "safe haven," which includes such sources as:

adult children, deceased spouses, in-laws, physicians, caregivers, clergy, and animals

A 34-year-old woman is struggling to overcome her extreme anxiety that her friends will desert her, so she tends to stay away from making new friendships. According to the attachment style perspective, she would be considered to be _________ in her attachment style.


The majority of retirees are said to experience a(n) ________ retirement, because they typically do not exit the labor force in an all-or-nothing fashion


The quality of _______________ refers being able to the ability to recover from stress.


Workers who fail to develop as optimally as possible are, in Holland's theory, referred to as:


A 25-year-old man with a bachelor's degree in English recently started working in a publishing firm that specializes in news magazines. In Super's theory, he would be characterized as being in the Establishment stage because he:

is focused on achieving stability and attempting to remain within the same occupation. At the same time, he may be seeking to move up the career ladder

The psychologist testing a 78-year-old new client administered the NEO-PI-R as part of a neuropsychological assessment. She noted that the client has markedly high scores on an Alzheimer's screening test. According to research on the Five Factor Model and Alzheimer's disease risk, which scale of the NEO-PI-R is likely to be abnormally high?


The idea that people are able to draw on their physical, psychological, and social capabilities to allow them to adjust to retirement is referred to as the _________ model.


In a boundaryless career, workers feel that they are able to:

seek opportunities for development in their jobs

Super's theory, unlike Holland's, assumes that people strive to express their __________ in their vocation.


What is the main factor accounting for the gender gap in earnings?

Only 8% of professional women are in higher paying fields

Adults who are currently involved in developing their sense of generativity may be concerned not only about others, but about their own legacy, a process referred to as:

Redemptive self

According to the correspondence principle, personality __________ is enhanced over adulthood because people selectively experience life events that reinforce their existing personalities.


People who use problem-focused coping are most likely to try to change ____________ when faced with a stressor.

The situation

A cardiologist/Dr. Al Fresco/ sees many middle-aged and older patients who suffer from heart disease and all seem to share a certain personality trait. Based on longitudinal research on adults from college through midlife, which personality trait is this likely to be?

Type A

A behavioral health specialist working on a cardiologist's hospital team is called in to conduct a session with a new patient. After determining that the patient fits the Type A Behavior Pattern, what would be the best way for her to try to help this patient decrease his future heart disease risk?

Work on reducing his hostility

If you were behaving in ways consistent with socioemotional selectivity theory, when it is time to leave your best friend's room, you would:

You wouldn't leave until someone else came?

In longitudinal research on ego development in women conducted by Helson and her colleagues at Mills College, the results showed that during the years of adulthood, women decreased in:

a scale measuring their perceived femininity

After several years at his current job as a sales manager, a 50-year-old man decides he would rather remain a sales manager than do anything else because it suits his personality and interests. Based on the RIASEC model, you would expect that his score on a measure of career ____________ would therefore be higher than would someone else's score who did not desire a career change.


In the work-family enrichment framework, the psychological resources category includes which component?


Being able to find a ________________ career, in which people are not tied to a particular company or organization, might be difficult during times of a tight economy.


An older woman with whom you work during your part-time job is constantly telling you stories about the new people she meets, her love of travel and reading, and how much she enjoys music and art. It seems, then, that she is high on which personality trait related to lower mortality?


A supervisor in a large hardware store wants to encourage his older workers to seek out on-the-job training so they will keep themselves familiarized with new products. One way to do so is to build the sense of _________ in these older workers.


A middle-aged man, currently unattached, finds himself constantly longing to be as close as possible to his romantic partners. Eventually, his partners always leave him because he seems to be so clingy. Which type of attachment style does this man seem to have?

Anxious attachment

According to ________ theory, retirees maintain a sense of identity and therefore do not experience retirement in a negative manner.


In Whitehall II, workers in lower employment grades had higher ___________ levels, beginning in the morning and continuing through the end of the day, supporting the idea that their stress was related to poor sleep as well as their experiences at work.


To provide old age retirement benefits and unemployment insurance, Congress passed the ________ law in 1935.

social security

A 40-year-old mother of two who works as a managerial assistant in an accounting firm earns enough to be able to schedule after-school child care without this impinging significantly on her family budget. She would therefore be rated as high on which component of the work-family enrichment model?

Acquired resources

Beth is a middle-aged woman is quite annoyed with her boss, who is constantly asking that she complete time-consuming tasks right before the end of the day. Without realizing it, Beth finds herself completing the tasks, but doing so with occasional mistakes that her boss doesn't even notice. According to Vaillant, Beth is using what type of defense mechanism?


There is complete parity between men and women in terms of full-time wages within what occupational classification?

Lower-status occupations such as sales and office operations

A 63-year-old man has never felt that he could settle on a career, and has explored three completely different areas of work since completing his medical degree at age 30. This man would fit which life pathway as described from research on the RALS?

Meandering way

What differentiates the "new mode" approach from the "usual" mode of retirement?

The individual takes the spouses qualities and family obligations into account?

People high in self-efficacy are likely to adapt to stress by using which type of coping methods?


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