Old Testament Survey Test 3

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p. 390 q. 1 Who was Jeremiah's father? How many years were left of Judah when he became a prophet?

Jeremiah of Anathoth was the son of a priest, Hilkiah. He was quite young when he began his service as a prophet during the last forty years of Judah.

p390 q6 What did Jeremiah endure as a faithful prophet?

Jeremiah suffered personally as he tried to do what God commanded amidst pressure from the people.

p403 q6 What did Jeremiah's land purchase pointed to?

Jeremiah's land purchase pointed to God's coming restoration of the land.

Babylonia domination prophets

Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah. Jeremiah Eats Donuts Over Near Happy Zebras

p403 q7 Who was the fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophesy? and what roles will he be?

Jesus will one day fulfill jeremiah's prophecy by ruling as a good king and a faithful high priest.

Persian dominion prophets

Joel, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Joel Has Zoo Monkeys

p460 q2 How did Jonah respond to God and what followed his response?

Jonah wanted his own way instead of God's way and because of that was swallowed by a great fish.

To whom did Micah prophesy? How is true religion described in 6:8?

Judah (The Southern Kingdom). 1. Act justly 2. Love mercy 3. Walk humbly with God!!!! :D

To whom did Zephaniah prophesy?


To whom did Joel prophesy? What three interpretive views of the locust plague were discussed in class? What verses in Joel predict an outpouring of God's Spirit?

Judah. 1. Allegory 2. Allegorical-apocalyptic 3. Literal Joel 2:28-32

To whom did Jeremiah prophesy? What nation did Jeremiah predict would subdue and control Jeremiah's nation? How many years did Jeremiah predict this control would last? What message is found in 18:112? What have chapters 30-33 been called? Where is the prediction of the New Covenant found in the book of Jeremiah?

Judah. Babylonia. 70 years. The chapters are called the "book of comfort."The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34)

To whom did Nahum prophesy? What nation did he predict would be judged?

Judah. Nineveh and Assyria.

To whom did Obadiah prophesy? What nation did he predict would be judged?

Judah. The people of Edom.

To whom did Habakkuk prophesy? What were Habakkuk's two complaints?

Judah.1. God has not judged Judah. 2. Can God use the wicked to punish those more righteous?

p472 q5 What was the structure of Malachi's message?

Malachi's message is a series of disputations.

p460 q5 What was the main message of Micah?

Micah offered encouraging words for God's people and said that God's king would be born in Bethlehem.

To whom did Zechariah prophesy?

Post-exilic community in Jerusalem

To whom did Haggai prophesy? With what were his sermons mostly concerned?

Post-exilic community. The rebuilding of the temple.

What was the spiritual condition of the people who were addressed by Malachi?

Sinners but not idolaters.

p 437 q1 What does the book of Daniel classify as?

The Book of Daniel is classified as apocalyptic literature and is unique in many ways.

p403 q8

The Judeans in Egypt placed blame for their captivity on Jeremiah rather than on their own sin and continued to worship idols.

p448 q2 What was the date of the Book of Hosea written?

The book of Hosea was written shortly before 722

p.415 q3 What is the concept of the Day of the Lord?

The concept of the Day of the Lord includes the judgment of God against sin, the cleansing and purging of God's people, and the salvation of GOd's people.

What is the messenger formula? Define theodicy.

"Thus says the Lord."The defense of God's goodness and omnipotence in view of the existance of evil

What were the seven means of prophetic revelation discussed in class? What does nabhi mean?

1. A theophany- visible manifestation of the presence of God 2. A physical sensation 3. A deeper consciousness of the Word of God 4. An unusual consciousness of common objects 5. Personal experiences 6. Dreams and visions 7. The council of Yahweh Nabih; One who was called by God. One sent by God with the Authority of God.

What two reasons were presented in class for Jonah's flight from Palestine? What four interpretive views of the book of Jonah were presented in class? To whom did Jonah prophesy?

1. His Jewish nationalism. 2. Because he was afraid of being humiliated. A. Myth - Reflects the struggle of humanity with nature or with one's god. B. Allegory - Full of symbolism C. Parable - Story with a moral or spiritual truth D. Historical Narrative He was a prophet of Israel sent to Nineveh.

To whom did Isaiah prophesy? What are the views of modern scholars and fundamentalists regarding the authorship of the book of Isaiah? To what does Deutero and Trito Isaiah refer? What three possible identities of the servant in the Servant Songs of Isaiah 40-55 were presented in class?

1. Isaiah prophesied to Judah. Conservative scholars see it as having a unity that comes mostly, if not completely from the prophet Isaiah. Modern: Isaiah wrote 1-39. Unnamed exilic prophet wrote 40-55. Post exilic prophet wrote 56-66. Deutero is the view that believes Isaiah wrote 1-39 and an unnamed author wrote. 40-66. Trito views Isaiah wrote 1-39 and 56-66, an unnamed prophet wrote 40-55. 1. The Future Ideal Servant- Davidic King 2. The Nation of Israel 3. The Prophet himself

p448 q7 What nations did Amos speak to?

Amos spoke out against other nations, but especially against Israel.

p437 q6 What book for the source of eschatology in the OT?

Daniel is the primary source for eschatology in the Old Testament.

p437 q8

Evangelical and non evangelical scholars disagree in the identity of the four kingdoms.

p424 q3 How did people respond to Ezekiel?

Even in the worst of times the people refused to listen to the prophet Ezekiel and apply his message to their own situation.

To whom did Ezekiel prophesy? When and where was he called to be a prophet?

Exilic community. 592 B.C.

To whom did Daniel prophesy? With what is Daniel 1-6 concerned? Daniel 7-12?

Exilic community. Daniel 1-6 are historical. Dan. 7-12 are apocalyptical.

p415 q6 What did analogies did Ezekiel use to describe Israel?

Ezekiel described God's people with analogies in which he compared them to a vine, an unfaithful wife, and two eagles.

p390 q3

God expects his people to serve Him faithfully.

p472 q6 God fillfuled His words to Malachi through?

God fulfilled his word to Malachi through Jesus Christ and John the Baptist.

p424 q5 Where did God lead Ezekiel to and what was His command?

God led Ezekiel to a high mountain, where he showed him a vision that revealed the description of the new temple, and God instructed him to write down everything he saw.

p448 q4 What did Hosea compare Israel to?

Hosea compared Israel to: A bunch of choice green grapes in the wilderness that had been spoiled, a vine that grew according to his plan, a trained heifer who loved to thresh grain because she could eat as she threshed, and a toddling son.

p424 q2 In Ezekiel 33-39 what does the prophet describe?

In Ezekiel 33-39 the prophet describes the blessings of the restoration.

p415 q5 In preparation for the Judgment, what did Ezekiel do?

In preparation for the judgment, Ezekiel denounced the false prophets and the idolatry of the people.

Testbook P.366 Q1. where did Isaiah prophesy?

Isaiah served in the Judah's royal court but also prophesied concerning Israel and other nations.

Assyrian dominion prophets.

Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah. I Have Asked Jonah to Meet Near the Zebras.

p. 380 q. 6

Isaiah, like other prophets, predicted that one day, foreigners would become part of God's people.

To whom did Hosea prophesy? What are the three views of Hosea's marriage? What were the names of the children born to Hosea's wife and what did they mean?

Israel. 1. One literal marriage- chapters 1 and 3 are separate events in Hosea's life (Most common) 2. One literal marriage- chapters 1 and 3 are parallel accounts of the same event 3. Two literal marriages- chapter 1 describes Hosea's first marriage to faithful Gomer and chapter 3 relates a second marriage to a literal "prostituting" woman. 1. Jezreel- "God sons." 2. Lorahama-"No compassion" or "Not loved." 3. Loammi-"Not my people"

Identify: weeping prophet, watchman, hesed, transitional prophet, last Hebrew prophet, statesman and prophet.

weeping prophet: Jeremiah. Hesed= Covenant love, faithfulness, loyalty. Transitional prophet= Isaiah, Jonah Watchman= Ezekiel Last Hebrew prophets= Malachi. Statesman and prophet= Daniel.

p460 q8 Habakkuk's attitude to God was?

Habakkuk questioned God's ways but determined to have faith no matter what.

p472 q1 What does Haggai's message include?

Haggai's messages included: a call to action, a word of encouragement, a confirmation of blessing, and the restoration of the Davidic kingdom.

To whom did Amos prophesy? What had been his profession? What is the theme of Amos (5:24)? What five visions were presented in Amos 7-9?

He prophesied to Israel, the northern Kingdom. He was a shepherd. The theme is Social justice. 1. Locusts 2. Fire 3. Plumbline 4. Summer fruit 5. Certainty of GOd's judgment.

p.366 Q. 9 How did Hezekiah demonstrate his foolishness?

Hezekiah demonstrated his foolishness in showing the delegation from Babylon all of his nation's treasures.

P.366 Q.2 What were the main themes of Isaiah in ch1-39?

The major themes of Ch 1-39 include the remnant, the sovereignty of God, the servant, the Holy One of Israel, and the Messiah.

p. 380 q.4 Who was the suffering servant interpreted as?

The suffering servant has been interpreted as Isaiah, Israel, or Jesus.

p. 380 q.3 What are the themes of Isaiah 40-66?

The themes found in Isaiah 40-66 are God's people are in captivity for their sins, the captivity proves that GOd is God, and God will restore and redeem his people.

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