ORG B 320 Exam 3

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Decisions made at all levels of the organization can impact organizational performance. Option A: True Option B:False


All of the following factors affect organizational structure EXCEPT Option A: strategy. Option B: socio-cultural environment. Option C: organizational size. Option D: internal technology. Option E: external environment.


Coercive power exists when one person believes that another person has the ability to reward him or her. Option A: True Option B:False


Jo is an accounting major. You have a big accounting test and require her help. Jo has what type of power? Option A: Reward. Option B: Expert. Option C: Legitimate. Option D: Referent.


Managers spend about 30% of their time at work communicating. Option A: True Option B:False


All of the following are decision-making styles EXCEPT Option A: thinking. Option B: intuition. Option C: sensing. Option D: absorbing.


Conflicts are more likely to occur when Option A: None of the choices is correct Option B: parties have insecure self-images. Option C: parties do not identify with each other. Option D: all of the choices are correct. Option E: cultural differences exist.


Subcultures are more likely to develop when a dominant organizational culture exists. Option A: True Option B:False


________ conflict concerns responsibilities and how work should be completed. Functional Substantive Procedural Executive Personal


All of the following are decision making biases except the confirmation bias. the sunk-cost bias. the rational bias. the anchoring bias. the ease of recall bias.

rational bias

The team development stat that has the most conflict is the forming stage. Option A: True Option B:False


A group is defined as two or more interdependent individuals who influence one another through social interaction. Option A: True Option B:False


Ambidextrous structures and practices were developed in response to the potential for inertia and the need for innovation in large organizations. Option A: True Option B:False


An example of a strategic decision would be adding or deleting products and services. Option A: True Option B:False


Craft is one of the four types of technology. Option A: True Option B:False


Integrative bargaining should be used when there is a solution that is attractive to both parties. Option A: True Option B:False


Mental shortcuts involving simplified ways of thinking are known as Option A: cognitive biases. Option B: anchoring biases. Option C: ease of recall biases. Option D: confirmation biases.


More than half of interpersonal communication is nonverbal. Option A: True Option B:False


Richness depends in part on the potential for immediate feedback. Option A: True Option B:False


Self-managed work teams can lead to benefits, which include more satisfaction for workers, increased productivity, and higher-quality work. Option A: True Option B:False


Team effectiveness is measured in terms of Option A: all of the choices are correct. Option B: team learning. Option C: the team's productivity. Option D: cognition. Option E: team members' feelings about the team.


The Bay of Pigs in 1960 is an example of groupthink. Option A: True Option B:False


The fundamental purposes of communication in an organization are to provide information and instructions, to influence others, and to integrate activities. Option A: True Option B:False


When choosing between less and more risky options, an individual's risk-taking propensity, or willingness to take chances, often plays a role. Option A: True Option B:False


Which of the following is NOT a criterion for assessing team effectiveness? Option A: Membership criteria. Option B: Outcome criteria. Option C: Knowledge criteria. Option D: Affective criteria.


Which of the following is NOT used to measure team effectiveness? Option A: Informative criteria. Option B: Outcome criteria. Option C: Affective criteria. Option D: Knowledge criteria.


__________ involves translating information into a message or signal. Option A: Encoding Option B: One-way communication Option C: Feedback Option D: Decoding


______________ is/are network(s) in which no single network member dominates communications. Option A: Decentralized communication Option B: Centralized communication Option C: X-networks Option D: F-networks Option E: Z-networks


dividuals in positive moods seem to neglect the details of decision situations. Option A: True Option B:False


Which of the following is NOT an example of a functional team? Option A: Advisory teams. Option B: All of the choices are correct. Option C: Project teams. Option D: Production teams. Option E: Management teams.


__________ authority means that one individual makes decisions for all units. Option A: Intercentralized Option B: Centralized Option C: Executive Option D: Intermediary Option E: Decentralized


__________ change(s) and develop(s) over time. Option A: Equilibrium Option B: Teams Option C: Loafing Option D: Facilitation Option E: Model equilibrium


__________ is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affective by another party. Option A: Power Option B: Conflict Option C: Influence Option D: Cooperation Option E: Politics


All of the following are alternative lateral processes EXCEPT Option A: teams. Option B: liaison roles. Option C: horizontal contact. Option D: managerial linking roles. Option E: direct contact.


All of the following are issues affecting team composition EXCEPT Option A: size. Option B: personality. Option C: task variety. Option D: demographic diversity.


Which of the following can be a functional consequence of conflict? Option A: "Putting people in their place". Option B: Greater understanding of group dynamics. Option C: More spontaneity in communication. Option D: Elimination of problem employees.


___________ bargaining strategy should be used when one party's goals are in direct conflict with the goals of another party. Option A: An integrative Option B: A cooperation Option C: An executive Option D: A distributive Option E: A functional


____________ conflict is conflict that interferes with performance. Option A: Functional Option B: All Option C: Hostile Option D: Dysfunctional


_____________ refer(s) to the ongoing means of coordinating formal team efforts. Option A: Team composition Option B: Team effectiveness Option C: Team processes Option D: Team structure Option E: Team outcomes


________________ is/are communication network(s) in which one or a few network members dominate communications. Option A: Z-networks Option B: F-networks Option C: Decentralized communication Option D: Centralized communication Option E: X-networks


After being elected to a second term in 2004, President George W. Bush decided to replace many of the cabinet members. This is an example of Option A: reward power. Option B: referent power. Option C: coercive power. Option D: expert power. Option E: legitimate power.


All of the following are effects of conflict on individuals EXCEPT Option A: frustration. Option B: embarrassment. Option C: guilt. Option D: anger. Option E: euphoria.


All of the following are symptoms of Groupthink EXCEPT Option A: self-censorship. Option B: unanimity. Option C: morality. Option D: invulnerability. Option E: irrationality.


An organization with multiple products or services would most likely use a _____________ structure. Option A: hybrid Option B: network Option C: project Option D: functional Option E: divisional


In choosing between less and more risky options, an individual's _____ often plays a role. Option A: physical features Option B: cognitive ability Option C: both physical features and cognitive ability Option D: background Option E: risk taking propensity


Question NumberQ 4: According to the strategic contingency model of power, people or units gain power by identifying the strategic contingencies faced by an organization and gaining control over them. Examples of strategic contingencies include Option A: ability to cope with uncertainty. Option B: resources important to the organization. Option C: dependence of one unit over another. Option D: controlling the decision making process. Option E: all of the choices are correct.


The discussion in the Expert Power Plays in the Magic Kingdom suggests that Option A: Michael Eisner used a variety of sources of power and Michael Eisner's use of power was strategic because it helped Disney enhance shareholders' wealth. Option B: Michael Eisner used a variety of sources of power. Option C: Michael Eisner's use of power was strategic because it helped Disney enhance shareholders' wealth. Option D: Michael Eisner may have used power to enhance his own best interests. Option E: Michael Eisner used a variety of sources of power and Michael Eisner may have used power to enhance his own best interests.


Which direction of communication is least frequently used in organizations? Option A: Both Horizontal communication and Haphazard communication Option B: Downward communication Option C: Haphazard communication Option D: Horizontal communication Option E: Upward communication


____________ refer(s) to the extent to which an individual works well with others and wants to contribute, and enjoys being on a team. Option A: Team satisfaction Option B: Team composition Option C: Team processes Option D: Team cohesion Option E: Team orientation


________ messages are messages that can be interpreted in multiple ways. Centralized Decentralized Equivocal Channeled Informal


Y-networks are more effective in accomplishing centralized tasks. decentralized tasks. difficult tasks. simple tasks. vague tasks.

Simple tasks

Policies and approaches used to prescribe behavior of managers and employees are _____________ characteristics. Option A: structuring Option B: centralizing Option C: structural Option D: formalizing


The structure of an organization can be described according to its structural and structuring characteristics. Option A: True Option B:False


______________ refers to the degree to which rules and standard operating procedures govern behavior in an organization. Option A: Specialization Option B: Centralization Option C: Standardization Option D: Formalization


________ for limited resources often leads to dysfunctional conflict. Cooperation Competition Interdependency Dependence Centralization


Associates ________ decisions in high-involvement firms. may make many may make no rarely ever make do not make None of the choices are correct.

may make many

BATNA deals with the concept of negotiation. motivation. hiring. functionality. integration


Policies and approaches used to prescribe behavior of managers and employees are ________ characteristics. structural structuring formalizing centralizing


Larger organizations must be ________ and more ________ in order to ensure smooth functioning. taller; formalized shorter; formalized diversified; informalized diversified; formalized None of the choices are correct.

taller; formalized

When group members seek consensus at the expense of identifying and earnestly debating honest disagreements, this is referred to as brainstorming. groupthink. risky shift. common information bias. None of the choices are correct.


A cultural audit will not identify subcultures; it will only diagnose the dominant culture in an organization. Option A: True Option B:False


A few years ago, the median span for all managers in all industries was Option A: two. Option B: seven. Option C: twelve. Option D: forty. Option E: twenty.


All of the following are symptoms associated with groupthink EXCEPT Option A: morality. Option B: vulnerability. Option C: unanimity. Option D: pressure.


Many organizations have "open door" policies. This is an example of Option A: both downward communication and haphazard communication. Option B: upward communication. Option C: horizontal communication. Option D: haphazard communication. Option E: downward communication.


One type of cognitive bias, anchoring bias, involves relying too much on information that is easy to recall when making a decision. A Option A: True Option B:False


Organizational structure refers to the informal system of work roles and authority relationships that govern how associates and managers interact with one another. Option A: True Option B:False


People tend to make satisfactory decisions rather than optimal (i.e. maximizing decisions) because Option A: all of the choices are correct. Option B: they do not have the capability to collect and process all the information relevant for a particular decision and they often display a tendency to choose the first satisfactory alternative discovered. Option C: they do not have the capability to collect and process all the information relevant for a particular decision. Option D: very smart people make only optimal decisions. Option E: they often display a tendency to choose the first satisfactory alternative discovered.


Popular movie stars are likely to influence ordinary citizens through their ____________ power. Option A: expert Option B: referent Option C: reward Option D: coercive Option E: legitimate


Question NumberQ 5: Slack resources are resources that hinder the integration among functional departments. Option A: True Option B:False


Risky shift phenomenon of group decision making implies that group members collectively make a __________ than most or all of the individuals would have made working alone. Option A: less rational choice Option B: more risky choice Option C: more rational choice Option D: less risky choice


Self-managed teams lead to higher turnover and higher levels of absenteeism. Option A: True Option B:False


Socioemotional roles are roles that require behaviors aimed at achieving the team's performance goals and tasks. Option A: True Option B:False


The more interdependent two groups are, the less potential for conflict exists. Option A: True Option B:False


The structural characteristics of an organization relate to the basic shape and appearance of an organization's hierarchy. Which of the following is NOT a structural characteristic? Option A: Span of control. Option B: All of the choices are correct. Option C: Height. Option D: Type of departmentalization.


The three types of workplace conflict are periodic, personal, and substantive conflict. Option A: True Option B:False


Upon resolution, a conflict always results in a winner or loser. Option A: True Option B:False


Which of the following is NOT considered a main characteristic/element in the definition of a team? Option A: It performs tasks that are relevant to the organization's mission. Option B: It involves two or more people. Option C: Members of a team have fluid roles, thus making it difficult to clearly identify the team's members. Option D: A team has consequences that affect others inside and outside the organization. Option E: It involves work roles that require them to be interdependent.


Which of the following would NOT be considered a barrier to effective communication? Option A: Information overload Option B: Cross-cultural barriers Option C: Equivocal messages Option D: Time pressures


___________ results from a situation in which group members engage in unproductive negative conflict over differing views. Option A: Groupthink Option B: Common information bias Option C: Diversity-based fighting Option D: Risky shift Option E: Group polarization


In the ______ technique for group decision making, discussion is structured and the final solution is decided by silent vote. Option A: group think Option B: brain-writing Option C: electronic brainstorming Option D: nominal group Option E: rational group


Organizational structure is of importance because Option A: it creates rules and policies. Option B: it impacts the degree to which individuals are free to be innovative. Option C: all of the choices are correct. Option D: it influences communication patterns among individuals and groups and impacts the degree to which individuals are free to be innovative. Option E: it influences communication patterns among individuals and groups.


The relationship between team size and team performance Option A: is positive, but always an inverted-U. Option B: is positive, but always linear. Option C: declines as the team size increases. Option D: probably depends on other factors such as the task and the environment.


Which of the following is NOT a component of the communication process? Option A: Communication channel Option B: Decoding Option C: Feedback Option D: Communication network Option E: Encoding


You have just started a new business. You took a loan of $75,000 from a bank. Unfortunately, your business venture has turned out to be a failure. You believe that you can recover the $75,000 you invested in this business if you could invest another $50,000 into it. Your logic is influenced by the Option A: anchoring bias. Option B: ease of recall bias. Option C: confirmation bias. Option D: sunk-cost bias.


Poor communication can lead to hostility. misunderstandings. coordination problems. information overload. All of the choices are correct.

all of the choices are correct

With the ________ bias decision makers put too much emphasis on the ________ piece of information they encounter about a situation. confirmation; first confirmation; last anchoring; first anchoring; last None of the choices are correct.

ancoring; first

The ________ bias leads groups to unconsciously neglect information held by one or a few group members while focusing on more commonly held information in the group. common information anchoring representativeness availability None of the choices are correct.

common information

________ examines an organization's internal and external communication to assess communication practices. An assessment A communication assessment A communication audit A centralized audit A decentralized audit

communication audit

Distributive bargaining should be used when there is a solution that is attractive to both parties. true false


Lateral relations decrease information flow at lower levels. true false


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