org behavior final

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jeff bezos

"are you lazy or just incompetent?"

choosing a medium (verbal)

-the encoding of messages into words, either written or spoken information richness -why would you want face-to face communication? -time restraints -need for paper trail -cultural difference

Mental Health Days

1 in 5 American adults is affected by mental illness -80% of employees treated for mental illness showed improved levels of efficiency and satisfaction at work 16.1 million adults in the US experienced a major depressive episode in the previous year (2015). < 50% of Americans say the climate in their workplace support employee well-being (2016).

planning process (focus on 1-3)

1. establish/reaffirm vision and mission -core values, guiding principles, code of ethics, diversity 2. establish/reaffirm value proposition -core competencies 3. identify / reaffirm model for strategic differentiation 4. perform construct analysis to generate KPIs 5. develop strategic plan based on data and gap analysis 6. maintain/improve day to day operations through daily management kaizen

Well-being example:Satisfaction With Life Scale

1.In most ways my life is close to my ideal. 2.The conditions of my life are excellent. 3.I am satisfied with my life. 4.So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. 5.If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

vision statements

15-20 year period describe in broad terms the aspirations of the organization often accompanied by values, beliefs or guiding principles: those underlying premises upon which the company is based example: inovonics: -extended the reach, capabilities, and positive impact of human activities by creating innovative wireless communication solutions -apple (1980) to make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind

mission statment

3-5 year period = subset of the vision -where the organization is attempting to go, and how it will 'appear' when it arrives identifies -what the organization does -who the primary customers of the firm's product(s) -how the organization does what is does example: inovonics By 2004, manufacture and sell one million RF devices annually, with at least 250,000 of the devices being products that don't exist today, while developing sustainable positions in markets that align well with our corporate capabilities, values and technologies

the rest

4 perform construct analysis to generate KPI (quantify the vision, mission, etc) 5. develop strategic plan based on data and gap analysis 6. maintain/improve day-to-day operations through daily mangement -kaizen

Safety programs

40% of all accidents happen to 20-29 year olds 48% of all accidents happen in 1st year on job Injuries cost $165 billion/year in US Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) OSHA •For safe and healthful working conditions for every working person •Employers must maintain a workplace free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm •Stress and mental illnesses are not specifically addressed (see article) •Occupational Safety and Health Administration enforces the Act •Usually HR responsible for ensuring compliance Safety programs: Identify workplace hazards; Inspect and enforce policies; and Research and train organizations

growth strategy

A growth strategy is a grand strategy that involves expansion, as in expanding sales revenues, market share, number of employees, or number of customers or (for nonprofits) clients served. Acquiring brands capable of performing well in emerging markets is an example of this

what is well being?

A high level of well-being means in some sense the individual or group's condition is positive encompasses •Physical wellness •Mental wellness •Social wellness •Spiritual wellness •Financial wellness and •Career wellness

What is Mindfulness

A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations Meditation is the daily practice that gets you focused, like exercise gets you into shape Take the Mindful Attention Awareness assessment!

According to the Amy Cuddy TED talk:

All of these are correct

Managers who optimize their decisions will attempt to choose

An alternative that achieves the best possible balance among several goals.

People who have ________________ believe they themselves are responsible for their own fate; they see their own actions and behaviors as being major and decisive determinants of important outcomes

An internal locus of control.

Why We Care: Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety •Most common form of mental illness •Impacts people physically and mentally •~50% also have depression. Depression •Affects 1 in 10 Americans at one point or another •Women are twice as likely to be depressed Anyone can be afflicted Both highly treatable •Only 1/3 of adults and 1/5 of teenagers treated

Which of the following statements regarding group cohesiveness is true?

As groups become more successful, their cohesiveness tends to increase.

Mitigating the Effects of Cellphones

Be optimistic -Support others and have a positive view online Don't abandon it •Define the apps and/or smartphone activities that 1) Stress you out and 2) Waste your time •ScreenTime on iOS; Digital Wellbeing on Android Turn off all notifications Seek people face-to-face •Social interaction through a screen cannot substitute face-to-face interaction. Seek solitude -Make mental space from your cellphone

Subordinates of Transformational Leaders

Become aware of -the importance of their jobs and high performance -their own needs for personal growth and development Work for the good of the organization, not just themselves

challenge, acceptance, feedback

Can't be too easy/hard -Must have resources and ability Accept & Understand -What happens when someone sets your goals for you or you don't understand them? Feedback •How well am I doing? •Grades?

If you want to increase motivation through the

Clarify people's expectancies that their effort will lead to performance.

_______ is the degree to which a team is attractive to its members, how motivated members are motivated to remain in the team, and the degree to which members influence one another.


equity theory J Stacey Adams

Comparing Inputs and Outputs -Are they perceived to be the same from employee to employee or employees -People strive to maintain equity in their outcomes to inputs ratio in comparison to others' outcomes to inputs ratio Perceived Inequity: A feeling of unfairness -People try to restore a perceived sense of equity Perceived equity: A feeling of fairness -People are satisfied and don't change The rub: -Everyone has a different perspective on what is fair! -Siblings?

Which of the following statements about team conflict is accurate?

Conflict is perfectly normal

John, a manager for a large, over-priced electronics store, has a tendency to be careful, scrupulous, and persevering. What trait does this describe?


Brainstorming may be encouraged through which of the following?

Creating an environment where there is no criticism.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

Designed to help employees when they need help Employer-sponsored benefit programs -Anxiety and Depression -Emotional distress -Drug or alcohol abuse -16% of full-time employees have serious drinking problem -5-10% of all employees have some sort of serious substance abuse problem, enough to merit treatment Marital or family relationship concerns Financial or legal issues Child or elder care issues

employee strategies

Diet •Don't skip breakfast! •Limit excess sugar (rapid swings in blood-sugar), caffeine, salt •Eat foods high in Omega-3's for brain development Sleep (regularly)! •50% of Americans are sleep-deprived! Exercise •Even 1hr/week is effective; at the gym (???) Removal from stressful environment •Mental health days •Change jobs •Vacation

Happiness! I'm gonna get me some!

Do you have a plan for your happiness like your career? Do you have a list of who/what makes you happy? Do you plan more time with people who contribute to your happiness? Can you let go of people who cause you more stress, grief, etc.? •Are you doing things that make you happy? •Are you trying new things even if you can't master them? •Can you say "no" to things you really don't want to do?

Contributors to Employee Stress

Downsizing or reorganization​ Large workloads​ Long work hours​ 24/7 technology ​ Work/Life obligations​ Health related concerns

Which of the following is characteristic of a transactional leader rather than a transformational one?

Effectively utilizing coercive and reward power.

In which order would expectancy theory place the following events?

Effort, performance, outcome.

The benefits of teams are reduced when they are not


emotional intelligence

Enables leaders to: Motivate their subordinates to commit to their vision Develop a significant identity for their organization and instill high levels of trust and cooperation throughout the organization Respond appropriately when they realize they have made a mistake

The Capuchin Monkeys video BEST demonstrates

Equity theory

pay and motivation

Equity theory: -Pay is given in proportion to inputs Expectancy theory: -Pay has high valence for many people Goal setting theory: -Pay is linked to attainment of goals Learning theory: -Outcomes (pay), should be contingent on the performance of organizationally functional behaviors Merit Pay Plan: A compensation plan that bases pay on performance -commission: Employee's pay is based on a percentage of sales that the employee makes -piece-rate Pay: Employee's pay is based on the number of units that the employee produces -profit sharing: employees receive a share of an organization's profits -scanlon plan: focuses on reduced expenses or cutting costs Bonus versus Raise -which is a better motivator? -bonus can be tied directly to performance -employee Stock Option: pay based on organizational performance

If I work harder than everyone else in the plant, will I produce more?


Kate - Knows that if she starts her homework ahead of time, she'll be better prepared in class when her professor calls on her.


expectancy theory

Expectancy theory helps the manager zero in on key leverage points for influencing motivation. Three implications are crucial: increasing expectancies, identifying positively valent outcomes, and making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes.


Extinction is withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence. When this occurs, motivation is reduced and the behavior is extinguished, or eliminated. Punishment is the delivery of an aversive consequence.

Negative reinforcement entails the administration of negative consequences when dysfunctional behaviors are performed


Which type of communication is highest in media richness?


Which situational approach theory postulates that effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation?

Fiedler's contingency model.


Forces, internal and/or external to a person, that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Effort/Energy - how hard people work Persistence - whether, when faced with roadblocks and obstacles, people keep trying or give up Direction - Action is ideally consistent with org goals

Motivation - Why We Care

Gallup Poll As a leader, you can develop self-awareness and learn how to inspire others. -Create a resonant environment (excitement, energy, optimism, efficiency and hope) -"To be fully engaged, people need vision, meaning, purpose, and resonant relationships." -McKee 2017 The challenge: It's all psychological; you are responsible for motivating yourself

According to path-goal theory, achievement-oriented leadership is descriptive of leader behaviors that are

Geared toward motivating people.

Gender and Leadership

Gender does not impact leader effectiveness Differences based on research -Women tend to be more participative -Men tend to be harsher with punishments Stereotypes that don't hold up -Women are more people-oriented. -Men are more process-oriented. Still relatively few women in the top levels of management

Once a problem is identified and properly diagnosed, the next stage in the decision making process involves

Generating alternative solutions

______ suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable.

Goal-setting theory

Jeff Bezos would most likely score

High on neuroticism.

Path-goal theory is concerned with

How leaders influence subordinates' perceptions of their work and how their goals might be attained.

Example - Foul Shooting Expectancy Instrumentality -Valence

If I practice my foul shot more, will my foul shooting improve in the game? -Expectancy (effort linked to performance) If my foul shooting improves will I have a shot as a team MVP? -Instrumentality (performance linked to outcome/reward) How important is it to me to be team MVP? -Valence (how desirable is it?)

According to the article, Ed Whitacre at GM, one cultural problem at GM is that management did the following

Ignored their problems and blamed the economy

What You Can Do To Help Others

Indicate that you've noticed a change in their behavior/emotions -LISTEN! Let them talk openly about their feelings without judgment Encourage them to use self-help strategies -Highlight the option of seeing a doctor or health professional Don't avoid the person or assume the problem will go away Don't pressure them to "just relax" or "calm down" Don't offer them "drugs" or alcohol Tell us (staff, TAs, instructors) Contact a professional if they become a threat to themselves or others.

Which of the following communication styles would women use more often than men?

Indirect when telling others what to do.

social learning theory

Individual motivation is not just from direct experience of rewards/punishment, but by observing others through vicarious or observational learning -An individual sees others perform certain behaviors and get rewarded for doing so Reinforcement Sources: -Managers -Individuals Self-efficacy: Belief about ability to perform a behavior Self-reinforcement: Rewarding one's self for motivation

Dwight - Understands that if his foul shooting improves, he has a shot at an NBA title


If I make more sales will I get a bonus? A greater commission?


If I produce more than anyone else in the plant, will I get a bigger raise? A faster promotion?


Lane - Knows that if he gets a better grade on tomorrow's math test, he's more likely to get an "A" in Math Analysis



Intelligence is not a measure of a great leader, but Competencies are -Capabilities or abilities that include both intent and action, and that can be directly linked to how well a person performs on a task or in a job. -Emotional Intelligence differentiates great leaders from average ones.

the link between motivation and psychology

Intrinsic Motivation -Behavior for its own sake -Satisfaction, learning, improving abilities -Prosocial Motivation (Behavior performed to benefit or help others) Extrinsic Motivation -Behavior to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment

Billy Bob often uses just his feelings, beliefs, and hunches to make decisions. This is known as using what?


Which of the following statements about the contingency leadership model is correct?

It considers whether the task-oriented or relationship-oriented leadership style is most appropriate.

Why is Leadership So Important?

It gets followers to embrace a vision and to ultimately achieve the organization's goals -It takes an organization where it would not necessarily go, left to its own devices (Covey) -Managers who are leaders

How can constructive conflict improve group decision making?

It increases the knowledge and diverse viewpoints that individuals bring to the group.

The trait approach assumes the existence of a leadership personality and that

Leaders are born, not made.

leadership is learned

Leaders are not born, but made! Three Secrets Emotional and Social Competence -The secret to effective leadership -We learn from experiences Power -The secret to influential leadership -We can learn how to wield power Ethics -The secret to responsible leadership -We can learn how to act responsibly (Vision, inspiration, influence and values)

_______ power is dominant when subordinates are obliged to comply by virtue of a boss's authority


In order to effectively deliver the "right" impression of yourself in face-to-face interactions, you need competence, likability and:


Which of the following statements about leadership and management is true?

Management and leadership are complementary systems of action.


Managing diversity means establishing a heterogeneous workforce (including white men) to perform to its potential in an equitable work environment where no members have an advantage or disadvantage -understanding different needs, concerns, backgrounds of individuals -understanding how unconscious processes can interfere with accurate perceptions -avoid letting stereotypes affect your decisions (not avoid stereotypes) but first you need to have diversity -reduce stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice -understand what it means to be diverse

According to Andy Puddicomb's DO talk (select all that apply)

Meditation is about being aware and present

According to the Sheryl Sandberg TED talk:

Men attribute their success to themselves

As a manager, you want to increase sales, so you tell your sales guys that they can get out of sales training if they meet or exceed their goals

Negative Reinforcement

negative reinforcement

Negative reinforcement can involve the threat of punishment by not delivering punishment when employees perform satisfactorily. Punishment is the actual delivery of the aversive consequence.

The response to Madalyn Parker's email was: Her boss openly criticized her, illustrating the stigma behind mental health in business. Social media erupted with "laughter" at how weak she was. Company policy was amended to seek proof of mental illness. She received an invitation to be on a new reality TV show about mental health. Correct Answer None of these are correct.

None of these are correct.

According to the Walmart Abroad article:

None of these is correct

New, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers are

Nonprogrammed decisions.

The Big Bang Theory video about giving chocolates BEST demonstrates

Operant Conditioning Theory

Which motivational theory uses behavior modification?

Operant Conditioning theory

A large home retailer that has the tag line "More Saving, More Doing," most likely employs what business level strategy?

Operational Excellence primarily employs which business level strategy?

Operational Excellence

Differences in the way people dress and act, their interactions with each other and with customers, and what qualities are expected and appreciated by their managers and company are examples of the

Organization culture

organizational culture

Organizational culture appears as three layers: (1) observable artifacts, (2) espoused values, and (3) basic assumptions. Each level varies in terms of outward visibility and resistance to change, and each level influences another level.

The data suggest that women tend to be more _____ in their leadership style whereas men tend to be more _____.

Participative; Harsh during punishment

If you use want to increase the quality of someone's work using PAY how should you pay them?

Pay them bonuses for quality

Operant Conditioning BF Skinner

People learn to behave to get or avoid something Behavior changes occur when behavior is reinforced, and when behavior is not reinforced or is punished, it will eventually cease. Reinforcement strengthens a behavior and increases the likelihood it will be repeated Lack of reinforcement or use of punishment weakens a behavior and lessens the likelihood that it will be repeated The vast majority of rewards are extrinsic

According to the Kelly McGonigal TED Talk, the following statement(s) is/are true. Select all that apply.

People who view stress positively have a lower risk of dying. Connecting with others under stress creates resilience

what is stress?

Physical, mental, or emotional response to events that cause bodily or mental tension. -Stress is any outside force or event that has an effect on our body or mind.​


Planning is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.

You are about to conduct a disciplinary interview. Where should you and the interviewee sit?

Positions 1 and 4

At work, you exceed this month's sales quota so your boss gives you a bonus

Positive Reinforcement

For your psychology class, you watch a video about the human brain and write a paper about what you learned. Your instructor gives you 20 extra credit points for your work.

Positive Reinforcement

positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is applying a positive consequence that increases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it. Examples of positive reinforcers include compliments, letters of commendation, favorable performance evaluations, and pay raises.


Punishment is administering an aversive consequence. Examples include criticizing or shouting at an employee, assigning an unappealing task, and sending a worker home without pay.

Administering an aversive consequence is referred to as


The erroneous stereotype is that women tend to be more _____ in their leadership style whereas men tend to be more _____.

Relationship-oriented; Task-oriented

rites and rituals

Rites and rituals are the activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the organization's life.

Which of the following is an example of nonverbal communication?

Shrugging when asked a question.

goal specificity (SMART)

Specific Measurable Ambitious/Achievable Realistic/Relevant Time-specific •Examples •New Year's resolution •Selling cars Customer relations

Increased Annual Health Plan Costs and Sick Leave/Absenteeism

Staff who are/have:​ Obesity = 21% higher costs​ -116% higher absenteeism (71% poor nutrition) Not exercising = 10% higher costs •118% higher absenteeism (63% of workforce) High Blood pressure = 12% higher costs •(21% of workforce) Smokers = 20% higher costs (22% of workforce)​ Stress-related issues = 46% higher costs •131% higher absenteeism (61% of workforce) Anxiety/Depression = 70% higher costs​ •150% higher absenteeism

SWOT analysis for job seekers

Strengths -things you do well -specific skills you have developed -positive personal characteristics -education -contact who can help reach career goals -other relevant resources weaknesses -things you have difficulty doing -skills deficiencies -external factors like gaps in resume, no references, transport issues -personal limitations (eg social and sensory issues) Opportunities -realistic job ideas -chances created by industry trends, labor shortages, technological development, regulatory changes Threats -external factors, jobs get obsolete, fierce competition -unrealistic expectation due to personal limitiations

But, there may be no signs! Yet...

Stress can lead to: •Heart disease •Cancer •Heart attack and stroke •High cholesterol Diabetes

stress vs anxiety

Stress comes from events or thoughts that make you feel upset or nervous or scattered Anxiety is characterized by fear and unease (sometimes without a known cause) Stress may dissipate on its own over time but an anxiety disorder will not go away on its own

Which of the following acts prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, and religion?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964.


The acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, results based, and time specific.

Which of the following is the definition of a ritual?

The activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the life of an organization.

According to the article on teen screen time (select all that are correct)

The correlation between outdoor activities and happiness was positive. The correlation between screen activities and happiness was negative. Teens who got no screen time weren't as happy as those who got some screen time. Frequent screen usage has been linked to anxiety and depression.

effectively managing diversity makes good business sense

The diversity of organizational members can be a source of competitive advantage. The variety of points of view that diverse employees provide can improve managerial decision making. Diverse members of an organization are likely to be attuned to what goods and services diverse segments of the market do and do not want. The recruiting of diverse employees must be followed up with ongoing effective management of diversity to retain those employees. It helps the company avoid the costs related to the hiring of replacements of members of diverse groups who, once hired, think that they are being unfairly treated. Many organizations also insist that their suppliers support diversity Effective management of diversity is necessary to avoid costly lawsuits.

risk management

The forecasting and evaluation of financial risks together with the identification of procedures to avoid or minimize their impact most common risk management concerns •Preventing accidents and health problems at work •Protecting against workplace violence •Protection from assault, theft, disasters, disease, and poor health care, tax and immigration risks, dangerous working conditions

According to the Dan Pink TED talk:

The group offered nothing to solve the above problem had the faster time.


The leader with legitimate power has the right, or the authority, to tell others what to do; employees are obligated to comply with legitimate orders

Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?The levels of organizational culture influence one another.

The levels of organizational culture influence one another.

which of the following outcomes would you most expect if business dropped off dramatically for Smash Marketing?

The members of the entire company would agree that they should each cut their hours by 15 percent so that no one is laid off.


The photo is a symbol of the values of the company, including the teamwork that is part of the company culture to this day.

Which of the following can be a useful clue about an organization's culture?

The way people interact with each other and with customers.

do they work?

They work when: •Top management supports program •Teach people how to use program •Ensure confidentiality •Ensure accessible to all •They use on-site counselors, not just hotlines Mandatory policies drive problems underground and don't make them go away

What is the role of a devil's advocate in constructive conflict?

To criticize ideas and point out problems.

dan pink ted talk

Traditional business leans towards extrinsic motivators modern psychology leans towards intrinsic motivators (this revolves around) -Autonomy: the desire to direct our own lives -Mastery: the urge to get better, or develop skills -Purpose: the need to do what we do for reasons bigger than ourselves


Transactional leaders view management as a series of transactions in which they use their legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered. Transformational leaders generate excitement in several ways. First, they are charismatic, as described earlier. Second, they give their followers individualized attention. Transformational leaders delegate challenging work to deserving people, keep lines of communication open, and provide one-on-one mentoring to develop their people. They do not treat everyone alike because not everyone is alike. Third, transformational leaders are intellectually stimulating. Transformational leaders have a vision, a goal, an agenda, or a results orientation that grabs people's attention, and then they communicate their vision

______ leadership helps employees pursue organizational goals over self-interests.


transformational leaders

Transformational Leaders -have high emotional intelligence -engage in developmental consideration -intellectually stimulate subordinates -inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization -are charismatic Transactional Leaders -Motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements -Reward high performance/reprimand low

Empowerment Sharing Power

Trusting employees to make decisions and to take responsibility for their decisions and actions What you need to be empowered -knowledge and tools -responsibility and accountability -authority within span of control empowerment contributes to effective leadership by: -spending less time on daily supervision -increasing workers' involvement, motivation, and commitment -allowing for quick decisions to be made at all levels

According to the Drew Dudley TED talk:

We've made being a leader into something bigger than ourselves

Which of the following is 'not' a possible explanation for the limited number of women holding executive leadership positions?

Women typically do not aspire to be CEOs


a planning exercise to identify strengths and weaknesses inside an organizations and opportunities and threats in the environment corporate-level strategy: -a plan of action to manage the growth and development of an organization so as to maximize its long run ability to create value business level strategy: -a plan of action to take advantage of favorable opportunities and find ways to counter threats so as to compete effectively in an industry function-level strategy -a plan of action improve the ability of an organization's departments to create value

According to the "Colorado Companies" article, Rally Software helps to promote work/life balance by giving employees which of the following after seven years of service:

a six week sabbatical to pursue personal passions

high performance team

a team that exceeds expectations and performs better than other teams in similar situations continues to expand it's digital media offerings, in addition to adding tablets and phones to their product line. To Apple, this would be considered:

a threat

The final stage of group and team development is known as


According to the article, some companies allow which of the following at the office

all of these

If you have ______, your belief in the power of forces around you means that you may do best in a highly structured job that requires greater compliance.

an external locus of control is investigating the growing drone market as a potential way to deliver products. This would be considered:

an opportunity

organizational threat

are environmental factors that hinder an organization's achieving a competitive advantage.

trait model

assumed good leaders were born; had certain characteristics, after 50+ years of research, inconclusive results

A leader who exhibits a(n) _______ style will make decisions alone, without soliciting input from others.


informal team leadership styles

autocratic (authoritarian) -like a dictator; decides alone; has a lot of control -focuses on tasks -quick decision democratic (participative) -leader facilitates the decision-making process -focuses on people; empowerment -can take a long time to make a decision laissez faire (delegative) -leader is more hands-off and lets the team do their thing -power is with the staff -works well if you have a team of leaders

To effectively help an organization gain a competitive advantage, groups and teams need to ______________.

balance conformity and deviance

A leadership perspective that attempts to identify what effective leaders do and the behaviors they exhibit is referred to as the

behavioral approach

extinction example

behaviors include not giving a compliment for a job well done, forgetting to say thanks for a favor, and setting impossible performance goals so a person never experiences success.

self efficacy

belief in one's personal ability to do a task. It's about your personal belief that you have what it takes to succeed. Employees' expectations can be improved through guided experiences, mentoring, and role modeling.

A new clothing retailer decides to differentiate from its competition by continuously changing out its product lines with the latest in fashion by the hottest designers and clothing lines. At the business level, this retailer most-likely employed which strategy?

best product/ service is an online retailer which tailors its online experience based on what its customers need. They have most likely chosen which business level model for strategic differentiation

best total solution

why now?

between 2012 and 2014 the number of cases dealing with •Employee stress increased 28% •Employee anxiety increased 74% •Employee depression increased 58%

A process in which group members generate as many ideas about a problem as they can and criticism is withheld until all ideas have been proposed is called


Among its disadvantages are that ______ can waste time generating a lot of unproductive ideas, and it is not appropriate for evaluating or selecting solutions.



bunch of messy arrows: group without synergy, chemistry and/or a common purpose straight lines near each other -group team with a common purpose arrows all together -teams with chemistry/synergy with high performance

Of these groups, the group that performed the marshmallow challenge worst was:

business school students

Diversity Challenges

changing demographics discrimination -prejudices/stereotypes -ethnocentrism -tokenism sexual harrassment bias toward/against diverse individuals glass ceiling -invisible barriers to promotion glass cliff -when women break through, they are often put in precarious positions

body language?

complex topic, butt -we use it for 80% of our communication One of the most important lessons the business communicator needs to learn is to adapt his or her use of body language to that of the people with whom business is being done." face to face interactions

Someone who is more apt to take initiative and persevere to influence the environment has a(n) ______ personality


Jimmy Jack is focussing his efforts on determining what to measure with respect to his company's vision and mission statements. Jimmy Jack is doing:

construct analysis

The executive team at the Boulder County Jail are putting together their strategic plan by determining how to measure their vision and mission statements. This process is known as:

construct analysis

At what level would you see a renewal strategy?


level of planning at GE

corporate level -CEO -corporate office then business or division level -GE aircraft -GE financial service -GE lighting -GE motors -GE plastics -NBS functional level -manufactoring -marketing -accounting -R&D

identify model for strategic differentation

corporate level -strategic direction of the overall company -growth, stability renewal international business level -strategic direction of each business unit -best total cost, product/service, total solution functional level -at the department level -finance, marketing, operations, etc

business case for diversity cox and blake

cost -less turnover more, productivity if diverse employees are engaged in work resource acquisition -better PR; more able to attract best talent and sell product if you have good reputation marketing -better insight to market to diverse populations creativity -different sources of ideas; different persepectives Problem-solving -Wider range of perspectives; devil's advocate; avoid groupthink flexibility -More fluid; can react for environmental changes avoid litigation globization

downside of strong culture

critics believe, is that financial success can so reinforce cultural norms that managers and employees become arrogant, inwardly focused, and resistant to change, with top managers becoming blinded to the need for new strategic plans.

During the hiring process, Zappos hires based primarily on what?

cultural fit

guidelines for sucess

define the team mission and goals define role and responsibilities -leader, scribe, members establish group rules (norms) for meetings, start and end on time, define the outcome and follow an agenda when things go wrong -don't blame others, point fingers or tell stories -ask what i did to help contribute to the problem -ask what we can do to move toward desired results

self esteem

degree to which individuals feel good about themselves and their capabilities -high self esteem makes a person feel competent, deserving and capable -persons with low self-esteem have poor opinions on themselves and their abilities


denial of an employment opportunity for reason that are not job relevant -employment opportunities (interview, raise, hiring, firing, layoffs) disparate treatment -Denial of opportunity because of protected characteristic. Not treated the same as others. adverse impact -usually unintentional -against a group of people with same/similar protected characteristics -result of an employment policy/practice

value proposition

describes why customers should purchase from us rather than from the competition must resonate with the consumers/customers, not the management team example: •Our products will be differentiated by their innovation, superior performance, unique features, and unparalleled customer support. While we will not compete solely on price, our cost structure must allow our products to be priced within proximity of relevant competitors

employee wellness programs EWP

designed to help employees stay healthy nutrition and weight management -nutritional counselors -health conscious cafeterias exercise •Subsidized health club memberships •Fitness education •Athletic teams, clubs, and classes smoking cessation programs stress management

Jayne supports and encourages her employees, and helps them improve and grow on the job. This behavior is known as:

developmental consideration

There seemed to be complacence in the group, so in an effort to combat groupthink and an overall lack of creativity, the group leader Tim assigned Trisha the task of pointing out problems throughout the meeting. In this example, Trisha was playing the role of

devil's advocate

In Path Goal Theory which type of leadership style is appropriate when subordinates are having difficulty and involves establishing performance goals for followers?


types of diversity

diversity: the variety of observable and unobservable similarities & differences among people types of diversity: surface level: can be seen directly (eg race, gender) deep level: can't be seen directly (eg goals, skills) separation: differences in position or opinion variety: meaningful differences in a certain type or category (eg knowledge, functional background) disparity: differences in concentration of valuable assets (eg authority, pay, status)

expectancy theory victor vroom

effort (an important input) in between: expectancy: a persons perception about the extent to which his or her effort will result in a certain level of performance (i can do it if I try) then performance in between: instrumentality: a person's perception about the extent to which performance at a certain level will result in the attainment of outcomes (if i do it, there will be an outcome/reward) then outcomes valance: how desirable each of the outcomes available from a job or orgainzation is to a person (do I want it? how much)

What makes Timon such a great manager is his ability to understand and manage his own moods and emotions and the moods and emotions of his coworkers. This trait is known as:

emotional intelligence

In the University of Michigan Leadership Model, managers exhibiting ______ behavior paid more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive.

employee-centered (people)

The process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization, is known as


You may compare your ratio of inputs to outputs to the ratio of others at your place of employment in a process described by ______ theory


why do this?

everyone knows why they do what they do better morale higher customer satisfaction continuously improving competitive position more profit with lower revenue and costs possibly fewer customers/products/services

face-to-face impression management

everything you do and say sends a message: causes the audience to reach a conclusion we need -competence(what you say) -from our mind likability (how you say it -from our face, body and voice -paramount luck -competence and likability are perceived -be yourself

company fitting the models

examples of companies deploying the models operational excellence -walmart -dell -mcdonalds -toyota -southwest airlines -fedex product leadership -nordstrom -apple -wendy's -lamborghi -virgin atlantic -intel customer intimacy -saks fith avenue -IBM -burger king -mercedes -sinapore airlines -ritz carlton

Catie - Decides that working harder isn't helping her produce as much as her fellow employees.


Molly - Asks her staff to make more sales calls, indicating that if they do, they're much more likely to make more sales.


Shaq - Believes that no matter how hard he practices, he's just not going to get better at shooting free throws.


expectancy thoery

expectancy is high: people perceive that if they try hard, they can perform at a high level instrumentality is high: people perceive that high performance leeds to the receipt of certain outcomes valence is high: people desire the outcomes that result from high performance all go towards higher motivation

The primary elements that determine how willing an employee is to work hard at tasks important to an organization, those that relate effort, performance, and outcomes, are

expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.

If I make more sales calls, will I make any more sales?


The effort-to-performance link in expectancy theory is called


Medical knowledge possessed by doctors results in their ______ power.


Which form of power is being used when a sales manager gives his salespeople some tips on how to close a deal, and the salespeople then alter their sales techniques because they respect the manager's expertise?

expert power

Which type of power is dominant when a leader is respected for his knowledge?

expert power

After repeatedly ignoring her requests, Miley Cyrus stops asking you for a date.


Withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence is referred to as


group performance factors

factors affecting group performance -composition -size -informal leadership -norms -cohesiveness

group cohesiveness

factors that lead to group cohesiveness -group size -effectively managed diversity -group identity and healthy competition -success go into group cohesiveness consequences of group cohesiveness -level of participation w/in a group -level of conformity to group norms -emphasis on group goal accomplishment


failure to conform; when a member of a group violates a group norm group might -try to get the member to change -expel the member -change the norm to follow the deviance deviance allows for new ideas in the group norms can kill creativity and productivity groupthink

A laissez-faire leader takes complete responsibility for the performance of his or her employees and the direction of the organization.


A manager using expert power may implement an absenteeism policy that administers disciplinary actions to offending employees.


According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness, effectiveness depends on two factors: the personal style of the leader and the loyalty of the followers.


According to path-goal theory, for highly authoritarian people, a participative leadership style is more appropriate


An extrinsic reward is a reward the person derives directly from performing the job itself.


Applying a consequence that decreases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it is referred to as extinction.


During and after the BP oil spill, which devastated large areas in the Gulf of Mexico, the decisions made by government officials and BP were mostly programmed.


During the forming stage, group members agree on their shared goals and norms, which results in closer relationships.


In brainstorming, group members generate as many ideas about a problem as they can while simultaneously critiquing them.


In comparison to a vision statement, a company's mission statement is more likely to inspire enthusiasm and encourage commitment.


Leadership works best when it is reserved for those at the top.


One advantage of using a group for decision making is groupthink.


Programmed decisions are useful when there is no predetermined structure on which to rely.


Stories told by employees almost never have any connection to the true culture of the organization


The Abilene paradox is the tendency of people to go along with others in order to make requests of them in the future.


The T in SMART, an acronym used by Microsoft for goal setting, stands for traceable.


The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as dissemination.


Vision statements are a subset of Mission statements


While all five sources of power are potentially important, bosses who have high legitimate power get far superior performance from their employees



first -tell them what they want to know (not hear) -what does this have to do with their lives? second -still interest, add what you feel they need to know third -when you're finished stop

leader substitute model

focus: describe when leadership is unnecessary contingencies: whether leadership is necessary for subordinates to perform highly is contingent on characteristics of the subordinates and the situation subordinates: skills, abilities, experience, knowledge and motivation situation or context: the extent to which the work is interesting and enjoyable

house's path goal theory

focus: describes how effective leaders motivate their followers. four kinds of interchangeable behaviors that motivate subordinates: directive, supportive, participative and achievement key contingencies: the behaviors that managers should engage in to be effective leaders are contingent on the nature of the subordinates and the work they do directive: good when employees need direction, bad when they are independent thinkers supportive: good when employees are under stress participative: great when subordinates support of a decision is required achievement: great for employees who are bored, but not good for employees already at their limit

fiedler's LPC (least preferred coworker) or contingency theory

focus: describes two leader styles, relationship-oriented and task - oriented, and the kinds of situations in which each kind of leader will be most effective key contingencies: -whether a relationship oriented or a task oriented leader is effective is contingent on the situation leadership style is fixed! task oriented leaders: are ideal for situations that are highly favorable or highly unfavorable relationship oriented leaders: are ideal for situations that are moderately favorable

groups and teams

formal groups and team created bu managers -cross function teams -cross cultural teams -top management teams -research and development teams -command groups -task forces -self managed work teams -virtual teams informal groups created by organizational members -friendship groups -interest groups

stages of group development bruce tuckmans model

forming (mutual acceptance) -team acquaints and establishes group rules. formalities are preserved and members are treated as strangers storming (communication and decision making) -members start to communicate their feelings but still view themselves as individuals rather than part of the team. they resist control by group leaders and show hostility norming (motivation and productivity) people feel part of the team and realize that they can achieve work if they accept other viewpoints performing (control and organization) the team works in an open and trusting atmosphere where flexibility is the key and hierarchy is of little importance adjourning the team conducts an assessment an assessment of the year and implements a plan for transitioning roles and recognizing members' contributions

behavior models

found two major dimensions of leadership behavior: people or process ohio state: consideration vs initiating structure michigan: employee-centered vs job centered texas: people concern and task concern on a continuum contingency approaches: model propose that the effectiveness of a leader with certain traits is contingent on the situatino or context in which he/she performs

values of the founder

founders can have a profound and long lasting effect on organizational culture

conflict in groups

functional conflict -constructive -encourages difference of opinion -without it, complacency can ensue dysfunctional conflict -destructive -aggression, personal attacks, etc -counterproductive

Devil's advocacy is a form of

functional conflict.

Problems in this decision making step may be caused by our inability to see problems from a fresh perspective and because we can be trapped in our own mental models about the way things work

generate alternatives

The metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to top executive jobs is called the

glass ceiling.

growth international

global strategy -selling the same product and using the same basic marketing approach in each national market multi-domestic strategy -customizing products and marketing strategies to specific national conditions low to high (level of foreign involvement and investment and degree of risk) -importing and exporting -licensing and franchising -strategic alliances, joint ventures -wholly owned foreign subsidiary

The motivation theory stating that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end is

goal setting theory

Which of the theories is SMART?


Which of the following statements about setting goals is true?

goals should have deadlines


greater power and influence comes from positive perception. Impression management is about portraying a desired image or attitude to influence the impression others have of us -It's about sending the right message If the other person/people has a negative perception of you, will they listen? -Can you lead without effectively being able to deliver your message??? -What if you aren't listening???

benefits of teams

groups and teams can -enhance performance -increase responsiveness to customers -increase innovation -increase motivation and satisfaction then resulting in a gain in competitive advantage


groups are mysteious... -dynamics change depending on who's in the team lewin's formula: B = f(P,E) -behavior is a function of the personality of the group and the environment they're in homogeneity and heterogeneity

teams and groups

groups: two or more people interacting with each other teams: a group whose members work intensely with each other to achieved a specific, common goal or objective they are where we live, work and learn you can't win on your own

A phenomenon that occurs in decision making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus is known as


When ________ occurs, the positive team spirit of the group actually works against sound judgment.


When a team collectively embarks on a course of action without evaluating its merits, that is a symptom of


To further its commitment to be the world's leading nutrition, health, and wellness company, Nestlé recently purchased Pfizer's baby food division for nearly $12 billion. The acquisition of two additional brands in infant formula positions Nestlé for the future in emerging markets like China. This action is an example of a(n) ______ strategy.


corporate strategies

growth -concentration, vertical/horizontal integration, diversification, international stability -business as usual -maintain market share/customer base, etc -usually in times of economic uncertainty renewal, retrenchment -when a company is in trouble

personal presentation

hair -facial hair jewelry -piercings smell -body oder -perfume teeth/breath hands/nails makeup clothing/shoes

Uncertainty exists when the manager

has insufficient information to make the decision


help the audience perceive you to be competent by 1. pausing inaudibly (don't um) 2. maintaining eye contact? 3. preparing

Which racial or ethnic category currently represents the largest and fastest growing minority group?


social loafing

human tendency to put forth less effort in a group than when they work alone can results in lower group performance may even prevent a group from attaining its goals how do you reduce/prevent it?

The initial step in the decision making process is to

identify the problem

when to use teams

if there is a clear engaging reason or purpose -if the job can't be down unless people work together -if rewards can be provided for teamwork and team performance -if ample resources are available -if teams will have clear authority to manage and change how work gets done

organization culture

important assumptions about the organization and its goals and practices that members of the company share. It is a system of shared values about what is important and beliefs about how the world works.

Which of the following statements is supported by equity theory?

inequity causes dissatisfaction.

According to the Ohio State model, ______ is leadership behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing

initiating structure (process)

The performance-to-outcome link in expectancy theory is called


What is the belief that performance results in the attainment of outcomes?


Victor - Observes that most employees who make more sales get more vacation time.


People often do volunteer work for the ______ rewards.


Steven is an effective and efficient manager. However, his outlook is not always positive he and avoids social interactions. Steven can be classified as an:


Fiedler's contingency model

is a situational approach to leadership postulating that effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation.

Leticia has again found herself frustrated at work. Her manager, for whatever reason, never makes a decision. If anything is to get done, Leticia and her coworkers simply do what they think is best. Leticia's boss has a decision style that should be labeled


According to Fiedler, which aspect of the model is fixed?

leadership style

Managers have more ________ over their subordinates than they do over their peers and bosses.

legitimate power

Power - The Secret to Influential Leadership (Five Sources)

legitimate power -the ability to influence others by right of one's position in the organization, the office held or formal authority reward power -ability to influence others by giving or withholding rewards such as pay, promotions, time off, attractive projects, learning experiences and the like coercive power -the attempt to influence others through punishment expert power -the ability to influence followers through a combination of special knowledge and or skills referent power -power that comes from personal characteristics that people value and want to emulate and that cause people to feel respect or admiration

expectancy theory

like equity, perception is key; reality means little From a manager's perspective •What rewards do employees value? •What are the job objectives? •Are the rewards linked to those objectives? •Do employees believe you will deliver those rewards?

balance conformity and deviance in groups

low conformity/high deviance -too much deviance and a lack of conformity result in a low performance because the group can't control its members' behavior moderate conformity/ moderate deviance -good balance results in high performance high conformity/low deviance -too much conformity and lack of deviance result in low performance because the group fails to change dysfunctional norms

daily management

majority of the company does on a daily basis (making cars, making computers, delivering products, etc.).

three ways to reduce social loafing

making individual contributions to a group identifiable when possible emphasizing the valuable contributions of individual members keeping group size at an appropriate level

The United States is particularly low on all of these dimensions except which one?


Which of the following describes what the organization does and who the primary customers are?


establish reaffirm vision and mission

mission and vision

The first step in the policy deployment process is to establish the ______ and the ______ of the company.

mission, vision

business level strategies treacy & wiersema

models for strategic differentiation operational excellence (best total cost) -focus: efficiency -company traits: consistency, lower cost structure then competitions, cost control, streamlined, process, lower prices, supply chain mgmt, no frills large volumes, reliability, speed, replicable at scale, centralization, thanks "one size fits all" product leadership (best product) focus: innovation company traits: state of the art products and services, high investment in R&D, create new categories, performance leadership, brand marketing, speed to market, high margins in short time frame before fast followers can replicate, thinks "out of the box" customer intimacy (best total solution) focus: effectiveness company traits: deep understanding of customer needs, develop customized products and services, unique solutions, high prices, close relationships, responsiveness, high touch customer service, decentralization, is flexible and thinks "have it your way"

Performance is maximized when goals are

moderately difficult to challenging.


monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed


monitors performance and implements necessary changes


more effect to lease effective richer mediums to leaner mediums -face to face -video conferencing -telephone -2 way radio -written addressed documents -unaddressed documents

Before heading out for a day at the beach, you slather on sunscreen in order to avoid getting sunburned.

negative reinforcement

On Monday morning, you leave the house early in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic and being late for class.

negative reinforcement

You clean up your mess in the kitchen to avoid a fight with your roommate.

negative reinforcement

Gemma, who owns the tutorial service Math Machine, is contemplating whether to let one of her experienced tutors open a second location in an adjacent town. She is facing a _______ decision.


Important, difficult decisions that require creative approaches tend to be

nonprogrammed decisions

When group members agree on their shared goals, and standards for behavior and closer relationships develop, in which group activity are they engaged?


Although ______ are typically unwritten and seldom discussed openly, they have a powerful influence on group and organizational behavior.


managing a diverse workforce

not easy top down support for diversity -ongoing diversity assessments -org climate that supports diversity diversity education and training -sexual harassment education and training diverse managers and mentoring open communication about diversity


occurs when members work well together bigger together than the sum of all parts separately -herbal headache remedy -what does the whole have that the parts don't? chemistry: complementary people working toward the same goal

selecting a business level model

one discipline must be chosen in which to excel -must be consistent w the vision, mission, etc -the majority of financial and human resources are devoted to that approach -but market parity must be maintained in the other two failure to choose -creates confusion, tension and loss of energy -makes it virtually impossible to resolve resource related conflicts and set priorities -makes differentiation and profitability unobtainable

planning policy deployment

one of the four main task of managers aka hoshin planning or hoshin kanri -establishing the point of the compass refers to the process of internalizing policies for kaizen throughout the company, from the highest to lowest level vision and mission, key performance indicators, strategic business plans

what is culture and how does it work?

one of the most important factors in business culture: set of shared values, norms and assumptions that guide people's behavior within a group, business or institution to achieve organizational goals -value drives behavior that lead to results culture = personality of the organization how do companies behave in a crisis?

Riya was a highly successful manager at Optics International. After ten years with the company, she decided to leave and become a fulltime mother and caregiver to her ailing father. This example demonstrates which factor affecting women's careers?

opt out trend

top management students

oral /written communication skills interpersonal skills financial managerial account skills

The set of important assumptions about the organization and its goals and practices that members of the company share is called

organization culture

related diversification

organization under one ownership operates separate businesses that are related to one another. Penske's businesses are all related to the automotive industry.

In the ______ leadership model, a leader makes desirable rewards available in the workplace and clarifies how followers can obtain them.


goal setting theory

people are motivated to the extent to which they accept specific, challenging goals and receive feedback that indicates their progress Important Factors •Specific (SMART) •Challenging •Acceptance Provide Feedback

Group cohesiveness can have either a positive or a negative impact on

performance of the group

In business, PDCA means what?


Applying a valued consequence to increase the likelihood that a behavior is repeated is known as

positive reinforcement

Your ski instructor shouts out, "Great job!" after your perfect black diamond run.

positive reinforcement

When to Use Them

positive reinforcement -right after the desired behavior -often, otherwise what happens? negative reinforcement -sparingly -it can cause an unpleasant work environment/culture extinction -when you have control over the reinforcers -when you have time punishment -as a last resort, but quickly -to prevent unlawful, dangerous or unethical behavior -never in public

operant conditioning at work

positive reinforcement: use of positive consequence to strengthen a desired behavior -bonuses are given to the employee who sells the first car each month -you get a raise and promotion negative reinforcement: strengthening a desired behavior by withdrawing something negative -a manager ceases sending harsh reminders emails once a report is turned in -im no longer nagging you extinction: weakening a behavior by ignoring it -a new employee regularly asks for feedback and when she gets none, she stops seeking it -no praise, raises or promotion! punishment: presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive following an undesired behavior -the US DOT fines airlines $27K per passenger for planes left on the tarmac for more than 3 hours -im docking your pay

The ability to influence others is referred to as


______ is the extent to which a person is able to influence others so they respond to orders.



process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization. It can be profoundly motivating when done properly.

summary of theories

process theories -equity theory -expectancy theory -goal-setting theory learning -operant conditioning theory -social learning theory

theories of motivation

process/cognitive theories -equity, expectancy and goal-setting learning theories -operant conditions and social learning

Brian's company has a policy to do background checks on all new hires for any accounting function. His decision to run this check on his new accounting clerk is which type of decision?


__________ are those decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers, and solvable by using simple rules, policies, or numerical computations.

programmed decision

The application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior is known as


Your cell phone rings in class, and I take your phone


Your cell phone rings in class, and I yell at you.


sexual harassment

quid pro quo -Asking or forcing an employee to perform sexual favors in exchange for some reward or to avoid negative consequences -single incident hostile work environment -Telling lewd jokes, displaying pornography, making sexually oriented remarks about someone's personal appearance, and other sex-related actions that make the work environment unpleasant -Multiple incidents, unless severe smart companies have policies/procedures

The "R" in S.M.A.R.T. goals stand for


In combat sports, what color uniform do most of the winners wear?


effective wellness programs can

reduce -medical claim costs -lost work days -workers' comp insurance premiums -overall employee turnover increase -productivity -morale

Ethel's subordinates and coworkers respect, admire her and are are fiercely loyal. They are giving her what type of power?


Penske Automotive Group is well known for its retail auto sales and high-performance racing. But in addition it provides trucking and logistical solutions, fleet maintenance and management services, vehicle financing, and even fuel processing. Penske has a strategy known as

related diversitifcation

A manager that has poor leader-member relations with subordinates that perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks should use a(n) ______ leadership style.

relationship motivated

the six r's for stress management

responsibility -you are in control -establish priorities and take one thing at a time (time mgmt) -keep it simple refection -know your stress triggers -be aware of stress symptoms -check your work balance relaxation -do something good for yourself -schedule "worry time" during your day for a few minutes and if it isn't during that time, don't worry about it -schedule time out including unplugging from your phone and other electronics relationships -maintain supportive relationships where you can talk about whats stress you -manage your relationships and avoid negative people -improve relationship with yourself refueling -eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water -be aware of food that exacerbate stress: caffeine, fats, nicotine -exercise regularly recreation -laugh and love and enjoy the moment -learn how to have fun with your family -enjoy your life and treat others the way you want to be treated

Acknowledging an individual's contributions at a monthly department meeting is an example of using ______ power.


Camden Tile managers determined that there would be no end-of-year bonuses due to predicted leveling of sales. Perry, a department manager, let his staff know that even high-performing employees would not get bonuses this year. This change limited what type of power for Perry?


_________ power is held by a manager who has control over the size of an employee's raise.


Muriel has taught at a public elementary school for six years, and every year she simply gets the raise given to all of the teachers at her school. She has spoken to the principal about this, and has been told that it is based on the current union contract wherein job performance is not currently considered in awarding raises. Here the union contract limits the principal's

reward power

Every year, LittleBigSoft holds a company picnic for its employees in order to build and reinforce common bonds. This is an example of a:

rites of integration

emotional intelligence

self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills

When much of her work was automated with a new computerized system, Jaycee became unsure of her ability to do her job. Tom, her boss, has been mentoring her to improve her


Edgar Schein defines organizational culture as a system of ______ that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members.

shared beliefs and values

group norms

shared guidelines or rules for behavior that most group members follow members conform to norms for three reasons -to obtain rewards -imitate respected members -because they feel the behavior is right

Empathy and organizational intuition are a part of which emotional intelligence (EI) trait?

social awareness

Jesse responds to texts/emails a day late and apologizes and offers to do work. She comes late to the meeting and isn't prepared. Her work needs to be re-done. She is nice but isn't pulling her weight. Jesse would be described as a:

social loafer

________ occurs in teams when individuals believe that others will do the work for them, that their lack of efforts will go undetected, or that they will be the lone sucker who works hard while others don't.

social loafing

strategic planning summary

start: strategic planning and policy deployment 1. establish / reaffirm mission and vision ; identify / reaffirm model for strategic differentiation ; establish value proposition ; core competencies 2 perform construct analysis to generate KPIs ; generate matrix of level 1 and 2 KPIs ; generate data and perform gap analysis ; develop strategic plan at corporate company level 1 ; develop business / focial and check point charts at level 1 3. proceed to daily mgmt

if groups develop successfully, they go through which of the following stages?


When new employees are told of the organization's great accomplishments and history, it is an example of a(n)


Rather than expand its operations abroad, Home Center, a home improvement retailer, decides to partner with existing home retailers abroad. This international expansion is known as:

strategic alliance / joint venture

A ______ is a large-scale action plan that sets the direction for an organization

strategic plan

functional level strategies

strategies used by an organizations various functional department to support the competitive strategy too many to cover -marketing, human resources mgmt, financial sales, research and development and info systems mgmt strategy

A(n) __________ culture is one in which everyone understands and believes in the firm's goals, priorities, and practices.


The downside of a(n) ______ culture is that it may become resistant to change.


When everyone understands and believes in the firm's goals, priorities, and practices, the organization has a ______ culture.


In Path Goal Theory which type of leadership are best when employees are stressed and create a pleasant, cooperative work environment.?


The photo of the fire is an example of a(n)


A collection of five employees who are studying industry pay scales, with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades within their company, is known as a(n)


cost of teams

teams are not always a panacea teams also -expensive to implement -require significant training -can have initially high turnover -historically work about 1/3 of the time -face problems with group decision making (groupthink, minority domination, etc) -have social loafers

nonmonetary motivators

the Need for Work-Life Balance -work-life benefits, Flex-time, Vacation time the Need to Expand Skills -studying coworkers -tuition reimbursement and training the Need for a Positive Work Environment -employee engagement, social support, recognition -Surroundings and an understanding boss The Need to Find Meaning in Work

equity theory

the person who believes his or her outcome/input ratio is lower than another's will feel inequitably treated. Inequity causes dissatisfaction and leads to an attempt to restore balance to the relationship.

Which of the following is an advantage of group decision making?

there may be more perspectives represented

According to the Fast Company article about why Apple, Netflix, Google, etc. employees are more productive, the reason is:

they find the business critical roles and fill them with the top talent

If new governmental regulations contribute to a reduction in available raw materials, it would be considered an organizational ______ in a SWOT analysis.


Which leadership model identifies the characteristics of an effective leader?


A leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that leaders share is referred to as the

trait approach

Competent ______ leaders are not mediocre; they are badly needed but best in stable situations rather than rapidly changing ones.


construct analysis

translates constructs from the mission, vision, value proposition, etc. into metrics and measurables.

A company allocating resources decides that Daily Management requires around 80% of the company resources, whereas Strategic Planning requires around 20% of the company resources. This statement is:


A leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others, and they comply because of admiration or a desire for approval.


A strong organizational culture is one in which everyone understands and believes in the firm's goals, priorities, and practices.


An example of a reinforcer in a management setting is giving an employee-of-the-month award for superior customer service.


An open face usually results in a more upbeat voice.


As a group, women who interrupt their careers for family reasons never again make as much money as women who stay on the job.


Conflict can be constructive for the organization.


Hoshin Kanri and Hoshin Planning are the same thing


Important, difficult decisions tend to be nonprogrammed, and they demand creative approaches.


Increasing expectancies, identifying positively valent outcomes, and making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes are all managerial implications of expectancy theory.


KPIs indicate the relative health of a company


Managing diversity is an essential part of HR strategy.


Motivation refers to forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts.


Not following through on a threat of punishment when the employee begins to perform satisfactorily is a form of negative reinforcement.


One potential advantage of a group for decision making is that people are likely to be more committed to the decision.


Pay for performance bases pay on one's results on the job.


Racial and ethnic minorities, women, and immigrants will account for increasingly large segments of the U.S. labor force over time.


Similarities between employees and customers like similar cultures, manner of dress, and language creates more efficient interactions and better business for the firm.


The trait approach assumes the existence of a leadership personality and that leaders are born, not made.


The workforce is now and will continue to be less and less diverse.


Today having a vision for the future and communicating that vision to others are known to be essential components of great leadership.


The state that exists when decision makers have incomplete information is known as


According to expectancy theory, your ______ is low if you don't think a bonus or raise is going to be big enough to justify working evenings and weekends.


Carmelo - Worked really hard to be a "team player" and a better defender on the basketball court with hopes of winning a championship. This late in his career, a championship is all he really desires.


Do I need a sales bonus? Is the extra time I spend making extra sales calls worth the extra commission?


Do I want a bigger raise? Is it worth the extra effort? Do I want a promotion?


Mitch - Isn't sure he wants to put in any extra effort. He's not sure a bigger raise and a promotion are worth it.


Taylor - Asked her students what type of chocolate they want as a reward for a job well-done.


Compensation, recognition, and status are common ______ in the workplace.


factors that maintain and transmit organizational culture

values of the founder -heroes (usually the founder, steve jobs) -slogans (everyday low prices) -symbols (logo, golden arches) -traditions (annual football game) -ceremonies (company picnic)

diversity on teams

varied perspectives, talents, and social interaction styles personality types learning styles

After conducting a SWOT analysis, Mapple Inc., a smartphone maker, sees a tremendous opportunity in acquring its display supplier, Coyoteconn. This corporate strategy is known as:

vertical integration

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has a(n) ______ statement which is to be "a world leader in the natural sciences through our scientific excellence and responsiveness to society's needs."


In hostile environment sexual harassment, the person being harassed does not

want the rewards offered by the harasser.

While managers at ABC Manufacturing were conducting a SWOT analysis, they concluded that their product line is obsolete and narrow. Their product line would be categorized as a:


challenges - biases

what inferences do you make based on socio economic status? religion? tattoos?

We Wait Too Long to Train Our LeadersJack Zenger | December 18, 2012

when do managers first get leadership training? 42 (10 years after they began supervising people)


your audience (1 of more) can -like, dislike, be indifferent, or feel sorry for you

likeablity your voice and confidence

your voice will do what your face tells it to do -exercise confidence -w/o it you have fear, stress, tension, etc -turn stress into nervous energy -diaphragmatic breathing, not chest breathing

Smart or Dumb Phones???

•"...possibly the biggest non-drug addiction of the 21st century." •43% of millennials won't go to the bathroom without their smartphones. •42% said they'll skip the gym when choosing between working out and charging their phones. •20% admitted that their smartphones are the only reason they don't get enough sleep. •Frequent cellphone and social media usage is correlated with increased anxiety and depression and reduced life satisfaction. •Buddha Box


•"The ROCK STAR was unhappy with the amount of alcohol at the party?" •The NUN was unhappy with the amount of alcohol at the party?" •After weighing all the circumstances, the CEO decided that he would have to terminate a few employees •After weighing all the circumstances, the drug dealer decided that he would have to terminate a few employees •"All Natural"

Mindfulness/Meditation Apps

•Calm •Headspace •Oak •Aura •Aware •Insight Timer

intrinsic motivators

•Enjoyment •Autonomy •Interesting work •Achievement •Development •Recognition •Responsibility •Advancement •Growth

Depression - Symptoms

•Feelings of sadness or emptiness that don't go away within a few weeks may be a sign of depression. •Other emotional symptoms include: •extreme irritability over minor things •anxiety and restlessness •anger management issues •loss of interest in favorite activities •fixation on the past or on things that have gone wrong •thoughts of death or suicide •Physical symptoms include: •insomnia or sleeping too much •debilitating fatigue •increased or decreased appetite •weight gain or weight loss •difficulty concentrating or making decisions •unexplained aches and pains

Employer Strategies

•Improve person-job fit •Improve employee training and orientation programs •Increase employee empowerment •Allow some control over schedules (e.g. flextime) •Eliminate punitive management and recognize a job well-done •Remove hazardous work conditions •Provide supportive environment •Improve communication •Employee Assistance and Wellness Programs

why should we care?

•It's the right thing to do​ •It will save the employer and the employee money​

Symptoms at Work

•Loss of motivation •Decreased Productivity •Withdrawal •Absenteeism •Tardiness •Tiredness

extrinsic motivators

•Money •Working conditions •Relationship with subordinates/supervisor/peers •Company policy •Job security •Supervision •Relationship with peers •Personal life •Status

more happiness strategies

•Multi-tasking is really multi-failing •The human brain works best when it's focusing on one thing •Wake up positive and you'll feel positive •Start positive and listen to upbeat music •TV/Screen Time should be planned •Limit time to things you want to watch •Be nice to others •Listen, complement, help, hug and thank •Go outside!

framework for education

•Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

Other Employee Strategies

•Talk - you're not alone •Journaling •Penzu and others •Yoga •Do you need a studio? •Mindfulness training •Happiness training •Seek Professional Help

Anxiety - Symptoms

•nervousness, restlessness, or being tense •feelings of danger, panic, or dread •rapid heart rate •rapid breathing, or hyperventilation •increased or heavy sweating •trembling or muscle twitching •weakness and lethargy •difficulty focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than the thing you're worried about -insomnia •digestive or gastrointestinal problems, such as gas, constipation, or diarrhea •a strong desire to avoid the things that trigger your anxiety •obsessions about certain ideas, a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) •performing certain behaviors over and over again •anxiety surrounding a particular life event or experience that has occurred in the past, especially indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Rokeach value survey

-18 terminal and instrumental values -terminal value: refers to desirable end-states of existence that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime -instrumental value: refers to preferable modes of behavior, or means of achieving the terminal values

why study personality traits?

-3/4 of all companies use personality assessments for external hiring, number growing -what are they measuring: conscientiousness, neuroticism, agreeableness -personalities influence behavior

conscientiousness vs lack of direction

-efficient/organized vs easy going/careless -tendency to be careful, scrupulous and persevering -managers high in this trait are organized and self-disciplined -managers low in this trait lack direction and self discipline

agreeableness vs antagonism

-friendly/compassionate vs cold/unkind -tendency to get along well with others -managers high in agreeableness are likable, affectionate and care about others -managers with low agreeableness may be distrustful, unsympathetic, uncooperative and antagonistic

extraversion vs introversion

-outgoing/energetic vs solitary/reserved -tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and feel good about oneself and the rest of the world -extraverts tend to be sociable, affectionate, outgoing and friendly -introverts tend to be less inclined toward social interaction and have a less positive outlook


50% of the weight in the hiring process is placed on cultural fit. months can go by without an offer. each employee spends 3-4 hours in the call center and then are offered $3000 to leave

pareto principle

80% of the land is owned by 20% of the people 80% of disciplinary action come from 20% of employees how does this impact decision making -where do you focus your resources? (critical few, strategic vs tactical) -star employees -regular patrons -critical customers

Planning involves which of the following?

Analyzing current situations.

Through careful monitoring of the financial budgets of a firm, managers can detect potential problems in reaching their financial goals and take actions to reverse the problem. This is an example of the management function of


The planning function in the new business environment can also be described more dynamically as

Delivering strategic value.

info on that question

Every manager needs to be able to make decisions based on ambiguous (unclear or incomplete) information. However, entrepreneurs must have more tolerance for ambiguity because they are trying to do things they haven't done before.

measuring job satisfaction

Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire -measure satisfaction with different facets of the job (chances for promotion, praise, working conditions, pay -faces scale

As one of the key management functions, leading focuses on a manager's efforts to

Mobilize people to contribute their ideas.


Organizing is assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.


Organizing is assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. Controlling monitors performance and implements necessary changes. By controlling, managers make sure the organization's resources are being used as planned and the organization is meeting its goals for quality and safety. Leading is stimulating people to be high performers. It includes motivating and communicating with employees, individually and in groups. Planning is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.

Building a dynamic organization is another way of describing which function of management?


The four traditional management functions, still relevant today, include

Planning, leading, controlling, and organizing


The importance of skills varies by managerial level. Technical skills are most important early in your career. Conceptual and decision skills become more important than technical skills as you rise higher in the company. But interpersonal skills are important throughout your career, at every level of management.

the cultural iceberg Schein

above the surface: observable artifacts and espoused values/norms -things we see under the water: enacted values/norms and assumptions -things we don't see

neuroticism vs emotional stability

aka negative affectivity -sensitive/nervous vs secure/confident -tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability and be critical of oneself and others

instrumental value

ambitious, broad minded, capable, cheerful, clean, courageous, forgiving, helpful, honest, imaginative, independent, intellectual, logical, loving, obedient, polite, responsible, self controlled

devil's advocacy counter groupthink

analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a preferred alternatives before it is implemented allow for criticism and other perspectives


arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work


assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.


beliefs about reality and human nature that are often taken for granted members are usually unaware of them examples: -people are untrustworthy and steal -only leaders can fix problems

group decision making

benefits: -diverse ideas -different skills and abilities -greater acceptance -managers can process more information -probability of idea implementation increases potential problems -wasted time -few people dominate or intimidate -disruptive conflict -group think


brainstorming -group members share their ideas and generate alternatives; no idea is a bad on -post it method: silently, individually generate ideas -production blocking can occur: lost productivity because of all the alternative nominal group technique: -decision making by rank ordering alternatives delphi technique: -decision making by written response

paradox of choice barry schwartz

choose is good but too many choices can produce paralysis if we overcome the paralysis we are often not satisfied with our choice -with so many choices, if your choice isn't perfect you imagine the other choices -think apple, honda, etc so many choices increase our expectations the secret to happiness is low expectations

decision making

choosing from among several alternatives making a judgment or choosing from alternatives two types: -programmed: highly routine -non programmed: no pre-specified course of action

terminal value

comfortable life, exciting life, sense of accomplishment(lasting contribution), world at peace, world of beauty, equality, family, security, freedom, happiness, inner harmony, mature love, national security, pleasure, salvation, self respect, social recognition, true friendship, wisdom

My days are filled with opportunities to ask if we are meeting our goals, wondering if things are going as we planned, and making adjustments where needed.


involves monitoring performance and making necessary changes


monitoring performance, comparing it with goals and taking corrective action as need is the management function known as


we are not all the same!

culture: everything that people in society have learned and shared through traditions, pass on to children and teach new members as grownups, cultures collide/interact in global business cultural relativism: right and wrong is dependent on the culture -local culture: colorado/boulder -working in Finland western: color by yourself and stay in the lines japan: color as a group Italians use sexual metaphors in sales training as part of the culture; doesn't fly in other parts of the world financial incentives aren't as appealing as time off, or allowing families to come work for Italians


describe what managers try to achieve through work and how they think they should behave

need for affiliation

desire for warm, fulfilling, and close personal relationships -expends time and energy building relationships -concerned with others feelings, desires and needs -avoids conflict

need for achievement

desire to engage in challenging activities, meet and exceed personal goals, and seek excellence -defines success as reaching a personal standard of excellence -exhibits a relentless desire to succeed -enjoy regular feedback

need for power

desire to have influence, control, and responsibility either directly or through social status -seeks control and social status -gratified by promotion, titles and symbols of power -less susceptible to stress that accompanies power and responsibility

observable artifacts

easily identified -dress code -langauge and jargon -interpersonal relationships -technology -workspace -ceremonies, rituals and rewards -myths and heroes -scared symbols -taboos

The set of skills composed of understanding yourself, managing yourself, and dealing effectively with others is called

emotional intelligence

The skills of understanding yourself, managing yourself, and dealing effectively with others are called

emotional intelligence

A common complaint about leaders, especially those who are newly appointed, is that they lack which of the following?


moods and emotions at work

encompass how managers actually actually feel when they are managing mood: -a feeling or state of mind -personality traits and current circumstances often determine a person's mood emotions: -more intense than moods, more short lived, and usually linked to a specific cause predict job satisfaction predicted by affectivity: -more neg affectivity = lower job satisfaction

Ideally, planning is a top-down function in which top executives establish business plans and tell others to implement them


Leading is defined as coordinating and manipulating human resources to maximize opportunity.


Management is the process of working with people and resources to make a profit under any circumstances.


The four traditional functions of management include planning, organizing, supporting, and satisfying.


The need for interpersonal and communication skills fades as a manager moves from the lower levels of an organization into the upper management arena.


To become an effective manager you should choose one or two of the four management functions in which to become expert. An outstanding manager need only be proficient in one or two of the functions and can hire others to do the remaining ones.


characteristics of entrepreneurs

high on "openness to experience" -daring and willing to take risks -high "internal locus of control" -high level of self esteem -high need for achievement -compared to managers: entrepreneurship leads to management when the entrepreneur produces something customers want

other traits: locas of control

internal: tendency to locate responsibility for one's fate within oneself -owns action and behaviors are major and decisive determinate of job outcomes -it helps to ensure ethical behavior and decision making in a organization external: tendency to locate responsibility for one's own fate in outside forces and to believe that one's own behavior has little impact on outcomes

assessing the alternatives

is the possible course of action: -legal -ethical -economical -practical

A manager's ability to stimulate people to be high performers is referred to as


My job, for some part of each day, is to empower our employees to think of things in new and different ways, not just to come to work and complete the tasks on a list.


conscious mind

located on the left side of the brain calculated, logical, direct can only process 9 items at one time sleep when we sleep represents 10% of our total brain capacity

unconscious mind

located on the right side of the brain associated with our nervous system, heart rate, homeostasis, memories, experience stays awake when we sleep represents 90% of our total brain capacity

______________ is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.



management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.

factors that promote culture

mission/mission of the company hire the "right" people -attraction-selection-attrition framework -HR procedures with values daily routines, actions and behaviors stories -frequently told within the organization rites -awards, socialization (orientation)


monitors performance and implements necessary changes. By controlling, managers make sure the organization's resources are being used as planned and the organization is meeting its goals such as quality and safety.

McClelland's needs

need for achievement (nAch): -prefer working on challenging tasks or projects, with personal responsibility and feedback need for affiliation (nAff) -prefer work that provides personal relationships and social approval need for power (nPower) -enjoy being in control of people and events high achievers aren't necessarily good upper level managers

A person who scores low on the ______ personality dimension is typically relaxed, secure, and unworried.

neuroticism (negative affectivity)

non programmed decision making

non routine decision making that occurs in response to unusual, unpredictable opportunities and threats; where no ready-made decision rules can be applied may use reasoned judgement -decisions that take time and effort -careful information gathering, generation and evaluation of alternatives may use non ratinoal decision making

personality traits that affect how managers think, feel and behave managers personalities can be determine by where they fall on the continua

openness to experience conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism

Recently, I spent a great deal of time looking at how to define jobs and group jobs together to most efficiently utilize the employees in those jobs. Other times, my focus is more toward financial resources.


The management function of ______________ involves assembling and coordinating organizational resources.


group think the abilene paradox

pattern of faulty and biased decision making that occurs in groups agreement among the group at the expense of an accurate assessment

Every six months or so my senior management team and I meet to discuss the goals that will be achieved over the next year, three years, and beyond. We then make sure we are clear on who will take responsibility to see that the appropriate actions are undertaken to achieve our goals within the time frame we set.


The management function of _______________ is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.



planning activities include analyzing current situations, anticipating the future, determining objectives, deciding in what types of activities the company will engage, choosing corporate and business strategies, and determining the resources needed to achieve the organization's goals.

four traditional functions of management

planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

national culture hofstede

power distance: degree of tolerance for hierarchal or unequal relationships -high: titles rank and status are important, authority is respected -low: power and authority downplayed. its okay to disagree with authority figures uncertainty avoidance: degree of acceptance for uncertainty or willingness to take risk -strong: little acceptance for uncertainty or risk. need for written rules/regulations -weak: generally accepting for uncertainty and risk individualism: degree of emphasis place on individual accomplishment versus group accomplishment -individualism: large degree of emphasis placed on individual accomplishment -collectivism: large degree of emphasis on group accomplishment masculinity: degree of stress place on achieving vs nurturing -masculinity: large degree of stress on achievement, assertiveness, materialism and wealth "live to work" -femininity: large degree of stress placed on the quality of life, harmony, and relationships "work to live" long term orientation: degree of stress placed on concerns for the future -long term: associated with thrift and perseverance. focus on the future -short term: associated with a focus on short term results and instant gratification indulgence: degree to which people try and control their desires and impulses -indulgent: associated w weak control. importance of leisure time, acting as they please and spending money as they wish -restrained: associated with strong control, less emphasis on leisure time

organizational rites

rites of passage -determine how individuals enter (socialization = orientation) -type of rite: introduction and basic training -purpose: learn and internalize norms and values rite of integration -build and reinforce common bonds among organizational members -example: office christmas party -purpose: build common norms and values rite of enhancement -let organizations publicly recognize and reward employees contributions and thus strengthen their commitment to organizational values -example: presentation of award -purpose: motivate commitment to norms and values

programmed decision making

routine, virtually automatic decision making that follows established rules or guidelines -made many times before -based on experience with past decisions -little ambiguity involved

non rational decision making

satisficing: rather than making an optimal decision, explore a sample of alternative and choose a satisfactory one -bounded rationality: complexity, uncertainty, time/money, cognitive capacity, skills, habits and unconscious reflexes limits ability to rational intuition: feelings, beliefs, hunches that come readily to mind quick, requires little effort and information gathering sounds like: common sense -what to wear, eat, how to cross the street -ability to think and behave in a reasonable way -not consciously aware of it


specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. The planning function for the new business environment is more dynamically described as delivering strategic value.

decision making process (PDCA)

step 1: recognize the need for a decisin step 2: generate alternatives step 3: asses alternative step 4: choose among alternatives step 5: implement the chosen alternative step 6: learn from feedback


stimulating people to be high performers. It includes motivating and communicating with employees, individually and in groups.

stories and language

stories frequently told w/in an organization, either fact or fiction, provide important clues about values and norms. the slang or jargon that people within an organization use to frame and describe events also provides important clues about values and norms

geert hofstede

studied 70,000 IBM Employees in 40 countries; found five (now six) dimensions that represent differences across cultures Go to the hofstede website directly and put in USA, then discuss each dimension

openness to experience

tendency to be original, have broad interests, be open to a wide range of stimuli, be daring and take risks, with an appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience managers who are high on this trait are likely to take risks and be innovative in their planning and decision making


the process by which newcomers learn an organizations values and norms and acquire the work behaviors necessary to perform jobs effectively. as a result organization values and norms are internalized

Controlling is the management function responsible for monitoring performance and implementing necessary changes


Emotional intelligence involves the skills of understanding yourself, managing yourself, and dealing effectively with others.


The management function known as organizing refers to assembling and coordinating the resources needed to achieve goals.


The planning function can be described as delivering strategic value.


a high tolerance for ambiguity is especially characteristic of entrepreneurs


an administrator's decision about whether to have english professors teach a composition course in addition to their literature courses is an example of the management function known as organizing


major job attitudes feelings and beliefs

two most important attitudes organizational commitment(high): -strong sense of loyalty, pride and belief in what their organization is doing job satisfaction(high): -managers/employees like their jobs -feel they are being treated fairly -perform organizational citizenship behavior (OCB, going aboce call of duty) -customer satisfcation and job performance up -absenteeism, turnover and deviance down

emotional intelligence (EI)

understanding and managing one's own emotions, as well as the moods and emotions of others high levels help managers -prevent their emotions from getting in the way of making effective decisions -develop and maintain interpersonal relationships and roles -understand and relate well to other people five elements of emotional intelligence: -self awareness, self management, self motivation, empathy and social skills

strong cultures

when organizational members are intensely committed to a shared system of values, beliefs, and routines, a strong organizational culture exists strong cultures improve performance by -energizing employees around a common goal -coordinating employee behavior around shared values and norms strong cultures examples: -McKinsey -Davita (3 musketeers) -disney weak cultures: (strong neg cultures) -comcast

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