org chap 8c
Diverse teams
are better than homogeneous teams at MAKING DECISIONS.
are hypothetical lines that may split a team into subgroups such as gender, ethnic, professional.
Members of smaller teams
feels more engaged because they get to know the other team members (trust), have more influence on the group's norms, goals and responsible for the teams failure or success.
3 levels of task interdependence:
1. Pooled Interdependence (lowest level) 2. Sequential interdependence (higher under level) 3. Reciprocal interdependence (highest degree of interdependence)
1. Share information freely, efficiently, respectfully 2. Listen actively
1. Share resources 2. accommodate others
Challenges of DIVERSE TEAMS:
1. Takes longer to become a high-performing team. 2. susceptible to fault-lines
Team Structure
improves interpersonal communication and result in better coordination.
Members with minimal diversity experience higher satisfaction, less conflict, and better interpersonal relations.
Jim Hassell
You need to have a balance between having enough people to do all the things that need to be done, while keeping the team small enough so that it is cohesive and can make decisions effectively and speedily.
Task interdependence
the extent to which team members must share materials, information, or expertise in order to perform their jobs.
The higher level of task interdependence
the greater need to be a team is needed and working alone is not recommended.
Task related connected with the 5's C are:
1. Cooperating 2. Coordinating 3. Communicating
Five C's of Team member competency:
1. Cooperating 2. Coordinating 3. Communicating 4. Comforting 5. Conflict resolving
Conflict Resolving
1. Diagnose conflict sources 2. Use best conflict- handling style
Reciprocal interdependence
1. Output exchange back and forth among individuals. For example: People who designs a new product or service would typically have reciprocal interdependence because their decision affects others.
Assisting team maintenance with the 5 C's are:
1. Comforting 2. Conflict resolving
Good things about DIVERSE TEAMS:
1. Tend to see problem or opportunity from different angles. 2. Tend to make better decision and have a broader pool of technical competencies. 3. Provide a better representation of the team's constituents such as clients from similarity diverse backgrounds.
1. align work with others 2. keep team on track
Homogeneous teams
1. effective with higher degree of cooperation and coordination. Example: EMERGENCY RESPONSE.
1. empathy 2. Provide psychological comfort 3. Build confidence
When employees tend to have team competencies?
1. higher conscientiousness 2. extroversion personality traits 3. emotional intelligence Happens!
Pooled interdependence
1. occurs when an employee or work unit shares common resources like machinery, or administrative support. 2. This happens when each member works alone but shares raw materials.
Sequential interdependence
1. occurs where team members are organized in an assembly line. 2. the output of one person becomes the direct input for another person or unit.
Teams are well-suited when the complex work can be divided into more specialized roles and the people in the specialized roles require frequent coordination.
Teams work best with WELL-STRUCTURED tasks because it is easier to coordinate such as working with other people.
Should companies have 100 person teams if the task is highly complex?
The team that big is NOT a team.
High Task interdependence
motivates most people to be part of the team.
Smaller teams
operate effectively because they have less process loss.
complex team
requires skills and knowledge beyond the compentencies of one person.