Organ Behavior Chap 4

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What are the characteristics of a situation?

-Context of interaction -Culture and race consistency

What are the characteristics of a target?

-Direction of gaze -Facial features and body shape -Nonverbal Cue -Appearance or dress -Physical attractiveness

What are the characteristics of a perceiver?

-Direction of gaze -Needs and goals -Experience with target -Category-based knowledge -Gender and emotional status -Cognitive load

What are compelling environmental stimuli?

-People -Events -Objects

Useful lessons for all of us:

-We tend to disproportionately attribute behavior to internal causes -Other attributional biases may lead managers to take inappropriate actions. -An employee's attributions for his or her performance have dramatic effects on motivation, performance, and personal attitude such as self-esteem

Retrieval of information in 2 ways:

1) We draw on, interpret, and integrate categorial information stored in long-term memory. 2) We retrieve a summary judgement that has already been made.

Behaviors of effective leadership:

1. Assigning specific tasks to group members 2. telling others they have done well 3. Setting specific goals for the group 4. Letting other group members make decisions 5. Trying to get the group to work as a team 6. Maintaining definite standards of performance

How do we build sterotypes?

1. Categorization 2. Inferences 3. Expectations 4. Maintenance

Perception is influenced by 3 key components:

1. Characteristics of the perceiver 2. Of the target 3. Of the situation

3 key strategies to manage diversity:

1. Education 2. Enforcement 3. Exposure

Managerial implications of person perception:

1. Hiring 2. Performance appraisal 3. Leadership

Most common barriers to implementing successful diversity programs:

1. Inaccurate stereotypes and prejudice 2. Ethnocentrism 3. Poor career planning 4. Negative diversity climate 5. Hostile working environment for diverse employees 6. Diverse employees' lack of political savvy 7. Difficulty balancing career and family issues 8. Fear of reverse discrimination 9. Lack of Organizational priority for diversity 10. A poor performance appraisal and reward system 11. Resistance to change

8 generic action options that organizations can use to address any type of diversity issue.

1. Include/Exclude 2. Deny 3. Assimilate 4. Suppress 5. Isolate 6. Tolerate 7. Build Relationships 8. Foster Mutual Adaptations

3 solutions for reducing the biasing effect of implicit cognition:

1. Managers can be trained to understand and recognize this type of hidden bias. 2. They can use structured rather than unstructured interview. 3. Managers can rely on evaluations from multiple interviewers rather than just one or two people.

3 ways to reduce stereotypes within organizational decision making:

1. Managers should educate people about stereotypes and how they can influence out behavior and decision making. 2. Managers should create opportunities for diverse employees to meet and work together in cooperative groups of equal status. 3. Managers should encourage all employees to increase their awareness of stereotypes.

How companies are responding to challenges of diversity:

1. Paying attention to sexual orientation 2. addressing changing customer demographics 3. Helping women navigate the career labyrinth 4. Helping Hispanic succeed 5. Providing community and corporate training to reduce the mismatch between education and job requirements. 6. Retaining and valuing skills and expertise in an aging workforce 7. Resolving generational differences

What are the 4 stages of Social perception?

1. Selective attention/comprehension 2. Encoding and simplication 3. Storage and retention 4. Retrieval and response

3 additional trends suggest that current-day minority groups are stalled a their own glass ceilings:

1. Smaller percentage in the professional class 2. More discrimination cases 3. Lower earnings

In 2060, minority groups will consist of ____________ percent of the workforce



A cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.


A person's mental picture or summary of a particular event or type of stimulus.

Diversity Climate

A subcomponent of an organization's overall climate defined as the employees' aggregate perceptions about the organization's diversity-related formal structure characteristics and informal values

It takes what to reduce stereotypes?

Accurate information and motivation


An individuals set of benefits about the characteristics or attributes of a group. (may or may not be accurate)

Affirmative Action

An intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past.

Glass Ceiling

An invisible but absolute barrier that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions.

Implicit cognition

Any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness.

How can companies reduce bias?

By providing managers a mechanism for accurately recalling employee behavior.

How can perceptual bias in performance appraisals be reduced?

By the use of more objective measures of performance.

Person Memory

Categories within this compartment supply information about a single individual or groups of people.


Categorize people into groups according to criteria.

Diversity Management focuses on what?

Changing an organization's culture and infrastructure such that people work to the highest productivity possible.


Compares an individuals behavior with that of his or her peers.


Consensus: High Distinctiveness: High Consistency: Low


Consensus: Low Distinctiveness: Low Consistency: High

What was higher when racial-ethnic composition at store employees matches that of customers?

Customer satisfaction and employee productivity

What are the first 3 stages of social perception for?

Describe how specific social information is observed and stored in memory.

Demographics help managers with what?

Develop human resource policies and practices that attract, retain, and develop qualified employees.

Option 4: Suppress

Differences are squelched or discouraged when suppression is the diversity strategy.

What can behavior be attributed to?

Either to internal factors within a person or to external factors within the environment.


Encourages people to reenter the workforce after a temporary career break.

Exposure Component

Exposing people to others with different backgrounds and characteristics

Internal Factors

Factors within a person

External Factors

Factors within the environment


Form expectations of others and interpret their behavior according to our stereotypes.

When is it easier to remember someone, an event, or an ad?

If it is similar to something stored in the compartments of memory.

High consensus

If someone acts like a group

Hiring is mostly based off what?

Implicit cognition

What can faulty perceptions about performance lead to?

Inaccurate performance appraisals, eroding morale

Event Memory

Includes categories with information about both specific events and general events. Describes sequence of events.

External Influences

Individual differences over which we have more control. These exert a significant influence on our perceptions, behavior, and attitudes.

Stage 2 of social perception

Individuals assign pieces of information to cognitive categories.

What does self-serving bias suggest?

Individuals will attribute their success to controllable internal factors and their failures to uncontrollable external factors.


Infer that all people within a particular category possess the same traits or characteristics.

What does the 4th stage in social perception involve?

Involves turning mental representations into real-world judgement and decisions.

Option 5: Isolate

Isolation maintains the status quo by setting the diverse person off to the side.

How does perception important to OB?

It affects our actions and decisions.

What does Bias lead to?

Leads to inaccurate assessments of performance

Exclusion, denial, assimilation, suppression, isolation, and toleration are ___________ ______________ options.

Least preferred


Maintain stereotypes by: -Overestimating the frequency of stereotypic behaviors exhibited by others -Incorrectly explaining expected and unexpected behaviors -Differentiating minority individuals from ourselves

______________________ is the only approach that unquestionably endorses the philosophy behind managing diversity.

Mutual Adaptation

Option 8: Foster Mutual Adaptation

Mutual adaptations allow people to change their views for the sake of creating positive relationships with others.


Occurs when employment decisions about an individual are based on reasons not associated with performance or related to the job.

Educational Component

One part is to prepare nontraditional managers for increasingly responsible posts, and the other part is to help traditional managers overcome their prejudice in thinking about and interacting with people who are of a different sex or ethnicity.

Option 2: Deny

People may deny differences exist, saying that all decisions are color, gender, and age-blind and that success is determined solely by merit and performance.

Stage 4 of social perception

People retrieve information from memory when they make judgments and decisions.

What is important in Organizing Framework?

Perception because it affects our actions and decision.

Characteristics of perceiver, characteristic of the situation, and the characteristic of the target all lead to _______________ which then lead to ____________________.

Person perception and Interaction between perceivers and targets

Stereotypes can lead to what?

Poor decisions and create barriers

Option 1: Include/Exclude

Primary goal is to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the organization.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities and requires organizations to reasonably accommodate an individual's disabilities.

Why is it positive for employees to view the organization as being fair to all types of employees?

Promotes employee loyalty and overall firm performances.

What are common types of stereotypes?

Race, Gender, Age

Access-and-Legitimacy Perspective

Recognition that the organization markets and constituencies are culturally diverse.

Semantic Memory

Refers to general knowledge about the world, as a kind of mental dictionary of concepts. Each concept includes definition, associated traits, emotional states, physical characteristics, and behaviors.

Option 7: Build Relationships

Relationship building is based on the premise that good relationships can overcome differences.


Represents a stable set of characteristics responsible for a person's identity.

Attribution Theory

Rightly or wrongly, people infer causes for their own and others behavior.

People pay more attention to ___________________

Salient Stimuli

Which perception is more focus because of organizational behavior?

Social Perception

Salient Stimuli

Something that stand out


Statistical measurements of populations and their qualities over time.

Fundamental Attribution Bias

Tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics, rather than to situation factors

Self-serving Bias

Tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure.

Organizational Dimension

The aspects of diversity that are related to the work environment, such as seniority, position, and job division.

Psychological Safety

The extent to which people feel free to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences.

Option 3: Assimilate

The idea that, given time and reinforcement, all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group.


The multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people.


The process of becoming consciously aware of someone or something.

person peception

The window through which we all observe, interpret, and prepare our responses to people and events. It affects a wide variety of managerial activities, organizational processes, and quality-of-life issues.

Surface-Level Characteristics (Internal Dimension)

Those that are quickly apparent to interactants (race, age, gender). This also influences behavior.

Deep-Level Characteristics (External Dimension)

Those that take time to emerge in interactions, such as attitudes, opinions, and values. This is under our control.

Stage 1 of social perception

To avoid being overwhelmed, they selectively perceive subsets of environmental stimuli.

Option 6: Tolerate

Toleration entails acknowledging differences but not valuing or accepting them.

low consensus

When a person acts different

When do we use stereotypes?

Without intending to or even being consciously aware that we are.


Working at jobs that require less education than attained.

Action options can be used ___________ or __________________. Some have more effect than others.

alone or together


compares a person's behavior on one task with his or her behavior on another task.

Managing _________________ is a critical component of organizational success.


Choosing how to best manage diversity is a __________ process and is influences by the ______________-

dynamic and context

All are internal dimensions besides _____________, which is external.

education level

Managing Diversity

enables people to perform up to their maximum potential

Cognitive Categories

groups of objects that are considered equivalent


judges whether the individual's performance on a given task is consistent over time.

Inclusion, building relationships, and mutual adaptations are _____________.

most preferred

Stage 3 of social perception

storage and retention

Casual Attribution

suspected or inferred causes of behavior

Mistaken perception manifests themselves about inaccurate stereotypes and prejudice, how?

the belief that differences are weaknesses and that diversity hiring means sacrificing competence and quality.

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