organismal bio

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What is the genotype frequency of CC if 320 individuals have the genotype CC in a population of 2,000 individuals?


In a population of 1,000 individuals with a gene that has two alleles, there are 2,000 alleles total for this gene. If there are 800 copies of allele a, what is the frequency of allele a in the population?


Question Mode Multiple Choice Question Use the equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0 to solve the following problem. In a population of 100 squirrels there are 64 black ones, and the remaining are white. Black (B) is the dominant allele, and white (b) is the recessive allele. If the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the frequency of the black squirrels that are heterozygous (Bb) for their coat color? Multiple choice question. 0.96


Use the equations p + q = 1.0 and q = √q2q2 to solve the following problem. In a population of 200 rabbits, there are 18 individuals with short ears and the remaining have long ears. The long ear allele (L) is dominant to the short ear allele (l). What is the frequency of the L allele?


There is a population of 100 diploid individuals with a gene that has 2 different alleles (B and b). If 180 of the alleles in the population are B, then the frequency of the allele B in that populations is ______.


In a population of 100 individuals, 36 of the individuals are homozygous recessive (aa) for a particular gene. What is the frequency of that genotype?


For a gene that has only two possible alleles with allele frequencies of p and q, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that p + q =


Taking into account that natural selection resulted in the diversity of finches on the Galápagos Islands, rank the following in the order they occurred, beginning with the earliest event at the top.

1. A few finches flew from the mainland to one island. 2. Most of the finches could only eat small seeds, but the island population outgrew the supply of small seeds. 3. Finches that could eat other ...

Select all of the evidence supporting the fact that descent from a common ancestor resulted in the diversity of life.

A diversity of organisms use the same chemical reactions to extract energy from nutrients. Most life forms use the same genetic code for gene expression. Different species have similar proteins and enzymes.

A mutation can affect evolution in a species only if

A mutation can affect evolution in a species only if

What can prevent natural selection from producing the most useful trait in a species?

A population is limited by the alleles present in its gene pool.

How might a change in the environment affect natural selection?

A trait that was adaptive may become poorly adapted in the changed environment.

Independently of Charles Darwin, what other scientist proposed natural selection as a driving force for evolution?`

Alfred Wallace

selection occurs when humans select for desirable characteristics in crosses of dogs, horses, or other organisms, whereas selection occurs when environmental factors select for adaptive traits.

Artificial; natural

Select all of the following that are misconceptions about evolution and natural selection.

Biological evolution explains the origin of life. Natural selection is a random process.

How did natural selection shape the evolution of finches on the Galápagos Islands?

Birds with different heritable differences were able to better survive and reproduce in different habitats.

In 1859, ______ published his book titled On the Origin of Species that underlies many principles of modern life science.

Charles Darwin

Who was a collector and captain's companion on the five-year voyage of the HMS Beagle?

Charles Darwin

Select all the statements about Charles Darwin that are correct.

Darwin studied similarities and differences among organisms and related them to geological observations. Darwin proposed that natural selection was a force that could change populations and give rise to new species.

A book written by Thomas Malthus that influenced Charles Darwin's formulation of natural selection was titled

Essay on the Principle of Population.

True or false: The goal of natural selection is to produce perfect organisms.


Select all the reasons why males usually show the greatest effects of sexual selection.

Females have a high investment in reproduction. Males must compete for access to females.

On what islands did Darwin spend five weeks gathering observations that would later shape his ideas about natural selection and evolution?

Galápagos Islands

As part of his voyage on the Beagle, Darwin spent about 5 weeks off the coast of Ecuador making observations on the

Galápagos Islands.

Darwin collected birds from the _______ Islands and took them back to England to study, where John Gould identified 13 species of birds called ______.

Galápagos; finches

What did Darwin's ideas suggest about humans, which was hard for some people at the time to accept?

Humans are just another species subject to natural selection.

In regions of the world where malaria is prevalent, why do people that are heterozygous for the sickle cell allele have greater fitness than people who are homozygous for the normal hemoglobin allele?

In heterozygotes, the sickled red blood cells decrease the spread of the parasite that causes malaria.

Geological processes that occur today also occurred in the past, producing changes to Earth over time. This theory was proposed by ______ and is referred to as ______.

James Hutton; uniformitarianism

The idea that organisms could change their body form by repeated use of their body parts and that these changes could be passed to the next generation was introduced by


Select a reason why elaborate ornamentation may have evolved in the males of some species.

Large or brightly colored structures are costly to produce, indicating good health.

What publication did Darwin read during his voyage on the HMS Beagle that convinced him of uniformitarianism and the old age of the Earth?

Lyell's Principle of Geology

At the time On the Origin of Species was written, what ideas conflicted with Darwin's ideas about evolution?

Many people believed in the separate special creation of different species, and that species did not change after creation.

An Austrian monk named ______ was solving the puzzle of inheritance at the same time Darwin was proposing natural selection.


is defined as a change in allele frequencies in a population over time.


Select the true statement about mutation and natural selection.

Natural selection acts on existing mutation.

Select the correct statement about natural selection.

Natural selection does not have a goal of a perfect organism.

Select the five assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium that must be met to keep allele frequencies from changing.

No mutations occur. The population is large. Mating is random. There is no migration into or out of the population. No natural selection occurs.

The shortened title of the book that Charles Darwin published in 1859 was

On the Origin of Species.

Select observations and inferences that Charles Darwin made in support of natural selection.

Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited. There is competition among individuals for limited resources. Some individuals survive due to their inherited characteristics, making them more likely to reproduce. Natural selection can change the characteristics of a population over many generations. More individuals are born than can survive to reproduce.

What is a common misconception about natural selection?

Organisms evolve the traits they need and lose the traits they don't need.

Select all the statements that describe Lamarck's ideas about the origin of species.

Organisms that use a body part repeatedly increase their abilities. Any physical changes that happen to the parents during their lives can be passed on to the next generation.

Select implications of Conover's and Munch's studies on selective forces of fish harvesting.

Protecting the largest fish from harvest would help favor fast-growing fish. Fisheries would benefit from both a minimum and maximum size limit for harvest.

Select all the correct examples of artificial selection.

The different breeds of domesticated dogs have been produced using artificial selection. Broccoli, cauliflower, and kale were created by artificial selection of wild mustard. Darwin raised and developed several breeds of pigeons using artificial selection.

Before the late 1800s, how did some scientists explain the presence of fossils without denying a creator?

The fossils could be explained using religious stories.

Select all the reasonings of Charles Darwin that were influenced by Thomas Malthus's essay.

There is variation in a population. Some individuals in a population are better able to obtain resources than others. More individuals are born into a population than the habitat can support.

Select all the key properties of evolutionary adaptations.

They can confer reproductive success. They are heritable.

Whose essay, describing how factors limit human population size, influenced Charles Darwin's ideas about variation and survival among individuals in a population?

Thomas Malthus

What is an example of the founder effect?

a few birds colonizing an isolated island

Select all the examples that reflect a fitness greater than zero.

a male spider that is eaten by the female during mating, but that fathers 20 offspring a jellyfish with a thousand offspring, 50% of which reach adulthood a penguin that has one chick that survives to reproduce

A gene pool is the collection of all of the genes and alleles of

a population.

What describes the founder effect?

a small group of individuals establishes a new colony

What organism has a zero fitness and does not contribute genes to the next generation?

a wolf that breeds with several males but does not produce offspring

Fitness depends on which of the following?

ability to survive long enough to successfully reproduce proportion of offspring that survive to reproduce number of successful reproductive efforts in lifetime

A(n) ______ is a feature that provides a selective advantage to an organism because it improves its ability to survive and reproduce.


The ability of an organism to camouflage with its environment is an example of a(n)


Structures, behaviors, and physiological processes that are heritable and that contribute to the reproductive success of an organism are called


Darwin noted that natural selection occurs because

adaptive traits that are heritable can pass to offspring and increase their survival and reproduction.

If the frequency of a homozygous recessive genotype is known for a population, what can then be determined using the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

allele frequency

The number of copies of an allele divided by the total number of alleles in a population is the

allele frequency.

Balanced polymorphism means that multiple of a gene persist in a population at more or less constant frequencies indefinitely.


To calculate an allele frequency, you should divide the number of copies of that allele by the total number of ______ in the population for that gene.


In the state of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, allele frequencies

are not changing.

Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage come from the wild mustard plant that humans have influenced over hundreds of years. The process that resulted in these five species is

artificial selection.

If humans are involved in perpetuating desired traits in organisms, the result is

artificial selection.

Selection of dairy cows that produce more milk for human consumption is an example of ______ selection, and selection of light-colored moths over dark-colored moths by a bird predator is an example of ______ selection.

artificial; natural

When multiple alleles of a gene persist indefinitely in a population at more or less constant frequencies, then what is occurring?

balanced polymorphism

Because genes do not "know" when to mutate, it follows that bacterial species with a resistance to an antibiotic must have had a mutation ______ exposure to the antibiotic.


The average rate of mutation is around one DNA sequence change per ______ base pairs.


Charles Darwin consulted John Gould about the birds that he had collected on the Galápagos Islands. Gould identified 13 distinct types of finches based on the birds'


When a population's size drops rapidly over a short period, resulting in a loss of many alleles that were present in the larger ancestral population, this is referred to as the effect.


A type of genetic drift in which a population's size drops rapidly over a short period of time, causing the loss of many alleles, is called a.

bottleneck effect.

Who was one of the first scientists to suggest that species arose from ancestors and were changing?


Select all of the following that are true about the heterozygous genotype in the situation of heterozygote advantage.

can contain harmful alleles has greater fitness than homozygous genotypes

What theory proposes that most geological formations were formed by brief, violent upheavals such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions?


The theory of ______, proposed by Georges Cuvier, proposed that ______ were responsible for most geological formations.

catastrophism; brief, violent, global upheavals

Genetic drift is a change in allele frequencies that occurs by ______ and, unlike mutations, it tends to eliminate alleles from the population.


What is an example of microevolution?

change in allele frequencies in a population from generation to generation

Select all the examples of nonrandom mating.

choosing mates based on certain characteristics mate choice based on social position mating only within a specific group

If two species that live on opposite sides of the planet share common characteristics and live in similar habitats, then these two species have undergone

convergent evolution.

Migration of individuals from one population to another

creates gene flow between populations.

Migration between populations will tend to

decrease genetic differences between the populations.

Select all of the effects of gene flow.

decrease regional differences in genetic diversity introduce new alleles into a population

The graph shows that when large fish are harvested from experimental tanks, the average weight of individuals ______ over subsequent generations, and the growth rate of these fish is ______.

decreases; slower

The unity and diversity of life can be explained by

descent from a common ancestor.

Gradual genetic changes in organisms from an ancestral species describes

descent with modification.

In sexual dimorphism, one sex is ______ than the other sex.

different in appearance

Selection for dark-winged moths in a population of moths with pigmentation that varies from light to dark is an example of _____ selection.


The image shows an example of what type of natural selection?


In the image, what mode of natural selection is taking place?


When two phenotypic extremes of a trait are being selectively favored, then a natural population is undergoing _______ selection.


If a predator is more likely to prey upon fish that are brightest in color, then natural selection in this environment will favor

drabber fish.

A type of genetic drift in which a population's size drops rapidly over a short period of time, causing the loss of many alleles, is called a


Descent with modification describes the process of


One definition of ______ is "changes in traits from generation to generation."


In 1858, Darwin received a manuscript from Alfred Russel Wallace describing what similar idea of Darwin's?

evolution by natural selection

If the environment changes, a trait that was adaptive may become nonadaptive or costly, demonstrating that

evolution continuously shapes populations.

True or false: Charles Darwin was the first to attempt to explain how the diversity of life arose.


How does natural selection act to change allele frequencies?

favors phenotypes that increase reproductive success

Select all of the following that are examples of sexual dimorphism.

females that look drab compared to males with showing feathers antlers on male deer large size and snout of male elephant seals compared to female elephant seals

The genetic contribution of an organism to the next generation is referred to as


In sexual selection, when females choose high-quality males for mates,

fitness of the female increases.

is the number of individuals with that genotype, divided by the total size of the population.


In a population, each genotype's ______ is the number of individuals with that genotype, divided by the total size of the ______.

frequency; population

What describes how genetic drift occurs?

gain or loss of alleles by chance

While serving as a collector aboard the HMS Beagle, Darwin

gathered many observations that would later help shape his theory of evolution.

flow is the movement of individuals or gametes into or out of a population.


The spread of plant pollen by wind for several miles to a new population is an example of

gene flow.

A precise definition of evolution is the

genetic change in a population over multiple generations.

In evolutionary terms, fitness of an organism is defined as an organism's

genetic contribution to the next generation.

Natural selection requires

genetic diversity.

A chance change in a population's allele frequencies, such as after a drastic reduction in population size, is the root of what force of evolution?

genetic drift

What evolutionary force has a greater effect on small populations?

genetic drift

What mechanism of evolution accounts for the fact that the Ellis-van Creveld syndrome has a high incidence among the Amish?

genetic drift

Which of the following are mechanisms of evolution?

genetic drift and nonrandom mating

A change in allele frequencies that occurs by chance and that tends to eliminate alleles in a population rather than increase diversity is called

genetic drift.

The modern evolutionary synthesis connects natural selection and

genetic variation that arises by mutation.

Although the average mutation rate is 1 DNA sequence change per 1,000,000,000 base pairs, mutation is still significant enough to produce evolutionary change because

genomes are enormous and cell divisions occur frequently.

In the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the terms p2, 2pq, and q2 refer to

genotype frequencies in a population.

Lyell's idea about fossils and the age of the Earth led to the conclusion that

gradual changes occurred in some organisms and that these could be preserved in the fossil record.

As proposed by James Hutton, the theory of uniformitarianism states that

gradual geological processes such as erosion and sedimentation that act in modern times also occurred in the past.

Select all of the following that are examples of the bottleneck effect.

greater prairie chickens North American bison

Evolutionary theory

has developed over several centuries.

What is a mechanism by which harmful alleles can be maintained in a population even though homozygous recessive individuals have greatly reduced fitness?

heterozygote advantage

Carriers of cystic fibrosis have greater fitness in areas where cholera is common, which is an example of

heterozygote advantage.

In areas of Africa where malaria is common, the prevalence of the sickle cell allele is higher due to

heterozygote advantage.

What genotype for the "sickle cell gene" causes mild symptoms of sickle cell disease but confers resistance to malaria?


Although Darwin proposed that natural selection acted on heritable traits, Darwin did not understand

how heritable traits were shuffled and passed on between generations.

Gregor Mendel's main contribution was to solve the puzzle of

how traits are inherited.

When allele and genotype frequencies are not changing between generations, the population is said to be

in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Select all the ways that the Hardy-Weinberg equations can be used.

indicate if evolution is occurring calculate allele frequencies if genotype frequencies are known calculate genotype frequencies if allele frequencies are known

Your friend thinks that her dog can evolve into a new species because it is so different than any other dog she has ever seen. You know that this is not possible because

individual organisms cannot evolve.

A(n) ______ does not evolve because alleles do not change; however, a(n) ______ can evolve because allele frequencies can change.

individual; population

A population consists of

interbreeding members of the same species.

In a population undergoing stabilizing selection, what phenotype becomes more common over time?V


Female birds of paradise mating with males that have the most brightly colored and showy plumage, which allows the alleles for those feathers to be passed on to the next generation, is an example of

intersexual selection.

Male bighorn sheep compete with other males for mating privileges and therefore exhibit ______. Female peahens select one of many male peacocks to sire their chicks, which provides an example of ______.

intrasexual selection; intersexual selection

Select all of the following that Charles Darwin observed during his voyage on the Beagle.

land altered by forces, such as earthquakes and erosion forest plant fossils mixed in with ocean sediments plants and animals on the Galápagos Islands

In order for natural selection to take place, natural resources, like food and water, must be


Fossils present in ______ layers of rock are older.


The principle of superposition explains the idea that ______ layers of rock, along with the fossils they contain, are older than the layers ______ them.

lower; above

Select the name of the scientist who first stated that the Earth was older than 6,000 years.


The appearance of a new species of oak tree would be called a(n) ______ event.


Select all of the following that occur in natural populations and that violate the assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

mating is often nonrandom migration among populations occurs allele frequencies can change due to chance events

Select all the ideas that were considered fundamental principles in explaining the diversity of life before the late 1800s.

members of a particular species are identical in form and capacity - organisms arose by special creation and did not change

The small, genetic changes that occur from generation to generation within a population or species are called


Darwin reasoned that the variety of finch species found on the Galápagos Islands descended from a common ancestor. He used the phrase "descent with " to describe gradual genetic changes from the ancestral type.


According to the modern evolutionary synthesis, what creates the variation upon which natural selection acts?


The only way that new genetic variants arise is through ______, which is the raw material of evolution.


is a change in a DNA sequence that occurs at random.


is a change in an organism's DNA sequence and is the raw material for evolution, because genes affect phenotypes and evolution acts on phenotypes.


Select the example of a mutation that could result in evolutionary change.

mutation in the chromosome structure of an egg cell before fertilization

New alleles that might allow a bacterium to become resistant to an antibiotic arise through


Charles Darwin's book titled On the Origin of Species proposed ______ as an evolutionary mechanism.

natural selection

What mechanism of evolution changes the genetic makeup of a population by favoring alleles that increase reproductive success?

natural selection

What occurs when environmental factors cause the differential reproductive success of individuals with particular genotypes?

natural selection

When the process of ______ takes place over billions of years, a simple organism can give rise to many different types of species, such that all species are related to each other through evolution.

natural selection

Select all of the following that are mechanisms of evolution and that can alter allele frequencies.

natural selection gene flow mutation

What neither decreases nor increases reproductive success of an organism?

neutral variation

In artificial selection, mating is


Sexual selection is a special form of natural selection in which individuals vary in ability to

obtain mates.

Select all of the following that are true about natural selection.

occurs due to variation in environmental factors reproductive success of individuals differs

Rock layers at the bottom of a geologic deposit are the


In some areas where cholera is common, why is the cystic fibrosis allele maintained in the population?

people heterozygous for the cystic fibrosis allele have a fitness advantage

The entire collection of the genes and their alleles in a population is called the gene .


After reading Malthus's essay, Darwin realized that

poorly adapted individuals would not survive if resources were limited.

Interbreeding members of the same species compose a .


Evolution can be defined as a change in allele frequencies within a(n)


Populations of peacocks, deer, and prairie chickens that use reproductive methods in which one individual picks a mate based on a particular characteristic would violate which Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumption?

random mating

In the bottleneck effect, what alleles are lost when a population's size drops is


Fitness of an organism depends on


Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is seldom seen in natural populations because

selection takes place in natural systems.

Artificial selection is also called

selective breeding.

The term ______ means that a feature or features of an organism neither increase nor decrease reproductive success.

selectively neutral

What type of reproduction amplifies genetic variation by shuffling alleles and producing genetically different offspring?


A difference in the appearance between males and females of a species is called

sexual dimorphism.

In a bird species, when females have inconspicuous coloration and males are brightly colored, this is an example of

sexual dimorphism.

What increases genetic variability within a species through shuffling and reshuffling of parental alleles to produce genetically different offspring?

sexual reproduction

A type of natural selection that results from variations in the ability to obtain mates is referred to as

sexual selection.

Species have undergone convergent evolution if they

share characteristics and evolved in similar environments.

Genetic drift has a greater effect on

small populations.

By the 1700s, fossil discoveries provided evidence that

species can change.

An example of macroevolution would be the appearance of a new

species of finch.

Human birth weight is an example of a type of natural selection called _______ selection.


Cuvier thought that lower layers of rock were older than those above them. This principle describes


The drastic reduction in cheetah population size in the last 10,000 years and the resulting decrease in genetic diversity is an example of

the bottleneck effect.

One cause of genetic drift is _____, in which a small group of individuals leaves its home population and establishes a new, isolated settlement.

the founder effect

Which two of the following was Charles Darwin not able to explain or understand with respect to his ideas on natural selection as a force of evolution?

the source of variation within populations how heritable traits were passed from one generation to the next

Select all of the following that can limit the actions of natural selection.

traits that affect survival but not reproduction disasters such as floods and volcanoes that eliminate allele combinations an organism's evolutionary history

True or false: Some features can persist in organisms even though they are not needed or used.


Prior to newer geological ideas of the 1700s and later, many people believed that Earth was relatively ______ and that species were ______.

young; unchangeable

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