Organizational Behavior

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Power is distinguished from influence due to the element of _______________


The reasons for political behavior include all of the following except

Control of information

Influence should actually be seen as the _______________ of the process of one person attempting to affect another


Organizations may benefit from allowing employee participation in all of the following areas except

Corporate investment decisions

People with a high need for power can be successful managers if they

Curb their desires when they might interfere with organizational relationships

Michelle is a manager whose subordinates are highly motivated and experienced. According to the Hersey and Blanchard model of leadership, Michelle should use which of the styles?


The goal of the behavioral approach to the study of leadership was to

Determine what behaviors were associated with effective leadership

Although leadership and management are related, all of the following descriptions apply more to management than leadership except

Developing a visions of the future

According to path-goal theory, a leader who lets subordinates know what is expected of them, gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks, schedules work to be done, and maintains definitive standards of performance for subordinates is exhibiting ___________________ leadership.


Paul, a new hire in the traffic department of an advertising agency, has little confidence in his abilities my and believes he only got the job because his uncle is the owner of the firm. According to the path-goal theory of leadership, what type of leadership store of Paul most likely to prefer?


The role of participation and empowerment in motivation can be expressed in terms of all of the following theoretical perspectives except

Diversity theory

The degree to which the job activities give the individual direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance is called


Which of the following is an accurate description of the leadership differences between men and women?

Female leaders and more democratic in making decisions

Charismatic leadership may create which of the following ethical concerns

Followers engage in inappropriate behaviors because of blind faith in the leader

Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi was named to "The Fifty Most Powerful Women in the World" by _______________ magazine.


Equity theory provides several insights for managerial applications to everyday situations in the workplace. Which of the following statements is not true in this regard?

Formal and informal organizational rewards are equally observable to individuals when formulating equity perceptions

The LPC theory of leadership was developed by

Fred Fiedler

The most widely used and recognized analysis of the bases of power is the framework developed by __________ and ____________.

French and Raven

Individual characteristics that may render leader behavior unnecessary include all of the following except

Frequent feedback

According to Herzberg, once a state of no dissatisfaction has been reached,

Further attempts to enhance motivation via the hygiene factors will be a waste of time.

As a coach, the organizational leader would do all of the following except

Gain an understanding of the values of their young workers

Jim strongly disagrees with the current strategic plan, but is afraid his vote against it at the next meeting will hurt his chances for promotion. Jim schedules a dentist appointment for the same time as the meeting in order to avoid the vote. Which political behavior has Jim used?

Game playing

Flextime is a work schedule arrangement that

Gives employees more personal control over the hours they work each day

According to Robert House, charismatic leaders possess all of the following characteristics except

Responsibility but typically little true authority

Leadership neutralizers include all of the following except


According to Herzberg's dual-structure theory, motivation factors were often cited as the primary causes of

Satisfaction and motivation

John has satisfied his basic needs and has many friends. He is now trying to learn new skills and advance his career. According to Alderfer, John's activities are explained by which component of ERG theory?


In Greece and Japan, Maslow's ______________ needs may motivate employees more th am the other needs


Which of the following is usually one of the second options when attempting to correct and inequitable situation

Seek additional avenues for growth and development

Based on Maslow's hierarchy, _________________ needs in the workplace are the hardest to understand and the most difficult to satisfy.


According to continuum of leadership behavior purposes by Tannenbaum and Schmidt, managerial characteristics include all of the following except

Interest in the problem

I'm general, how do leaders exercise legitimate power

Issuing formal requests

WhI h of the following is not a characteristic of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model?

It assumes a high level of participation in decision making is beat for all situations

Netflix fulfills there needs off its employees by doing all of the following except

It believes that money is the only motivator for success

All of the following statements regarding flextime are true except

It is desirable for people who want to work part-time

According to the model presented in the text, polo to cal behavior is seen as ethical if

It respects the rights of all affected parties

According to your text, what was the failure of the behavioral approach to studying leadership

It tended to specify a set of leader behaviors that would lead to effectiveness in all situations

According to the leadership grid, who would be the most effective leader?

The manager who always chats with employees and constantly strives to improve worker production

Which one of the following statements has been cited as a weakness of the job characteristics theory

The role of individual differences frequently has not been supported by scientific research

All of the following describe influence except

The target of influence can be a person or a group

Susan did not vote for a candidate because she thought he was too short to do the job. This reflects which view of leadership?

The trait approach

All of the following statements about the use of quality circles are true except

The use of a question/answer period is important

Which of the following is not a part of initiating-structure behavior, as identified in the Ohio State leadership studies?

There is a mutual trust and respect between the leader and subordinate

Which of the following statements about variable work schedule is true?

They grow resentful and powerless

According to the leader member exchange model (LMX), all of the following describe out-group meme era except

They have fewer friends at work

According to the leader member exchange model (LMX), all of the following describe in-group members except

They have more friends at work

Fiedler contends that when a leader's style and the situation are mismatched, the only available course of action is to change the situation through

Job engineering

Herzberg's dual-structure theory was a response to the prevailing thinking that

Job satisfaction ranged from satisfaction to dissatisfaction

Two people are needed to fill a position for a company that remains often for business from 9 am to 5 pm, five days a week. Which of the following alternative work arrangements might best suit this position

Job sharing

Which of the following is not a way that managers can use expert power

Keeping education, experience, and accomplishments private

Early studies of leadership focused on the traits, or personal characteristics, of leaders. Later research shifted to examine actual _____________ _______________.

Leader behavior

The premise of the leadership substitutes perspective is that

Leader behaviors may be irrelevant in some situations

What factor is presumed to have the least effect on the favorableness of a situation?

Leader position power

Unlike LPC theory, path-goal theory assumes that

Leaders can change their behaviors

Which of the following statements is not true about personal power

Leaders with strong personal power should avoid using position power

The path-goal theory and the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model are illustrative of the perspective in which

Leadership effectiveness depends on characteristics of the situation

Individual task and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leader's ability to affect subordinates' satisfaction and performance are called

Leadership substitutes

In the LPC theory, the degree of task or relationship motivation is measured by the

Least preferred coworker scale

Techniques of political behavior include all of the following except

Leveraging technology

The textbook makes several distinctions between managers and leadership. These distinctions include all of the following except

Management is more important in regard to creating and directing change

All of the following describes transformational leaders except

Manages routine work

When a charismatic leader steps down, which of the following challenges will his or her successor likely face?

Measuring up to the legacy of the prior leader

Amanda often helps new employees learn the ropes and prepare to advance within the organization. Amanda is filling which role?


Why may some leadership theories be less applicable in today's diverse workforce?

Most past leadership research involved only white males

The most difficult performance factor to manage is often


The equation P=M+A+E states that performance is a function of

Motivation, ability, and environment

Motivated behavior begins with one or more


Which theory helps managers function in a virtual world?

None of these

A leader who achieves a superior alignment between the organization and the environment is known as a

None of these are correct

Which of the following describes the trend among unions in the United States

Only one-twelfth of workers are unionized, and jobs continue to move into states where union power is limited

The benefits of job sharing include all of the following except

Organizations are concerned about worker safety

All of the following statements are true about the traditional work schedule, except

People can take off work when they need to

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, the two types of situational factors that influence how leaders should behave are

Personal characteristics of the subordinates and environmental characteristics

Unlike the Ohio state studies, the university of Michigan studies on leadership

Placed the defined dimensions of leadership behavior on opposite ends of a single continuum

Legitimate, reward, and some aspects of coercive and expert power can all contribute to

Position power

The primary bases of personal power include all of the following except

Position power

After Jack filed a discrimination complaint, he felt that his case was not handled properly and that he was not given a fair hearing. He started complaining, which had a negative impact on employee morale and the organization's culture. Jack experienced a lack of

Procedural justice

The extent to which employees perceive the processes used to determine outcomes in the organization as fair is called

Procedural justice

Characteristics of the organization that may substitute for leadership include all of the following except

Professional orientation

Referent power involves all of the following except


Which of the following is not a guideline that managers can use to implement the job characteristics theory?

Raising pay levels to match the competition

According to his equity theory, inputs include all of the following except


The best approach to managing political behavior is to

Recognize that political behavior is inevitable and try to minimize its negative impact

An up-and-comingexecutive who starts a trend of wearing brown suits to work is exhibiting _________________ power


Empowerment will enhance organizational effectiveness under all the following conditions except

Renewed concentration of authority in the hands of top managers

According to the leadership grid, a manger who is highly concerned about production but exhibits little concern for people would be a ____________ manager on the grid.


Ending the workweek at lunchtime on Friday is most likely an example of

A compressed workweek

What is the reasoning behind role modeling

A leader behaves in the same way that he or she wants subordinates to behave

Who will usually have the greatest potential influence on the actions of subordinates

A leader with both personal and position of power

People with a strong need for affiliation most often work in jobs with

A lot of interpersonal contact

According to a survey on how political behavior is perceived by managers,

A majority of responders indicated they believed political behavior was more relevant at higher levels of the organization

Task characteristics that may substitute for leader behavior include all of the following except


The need for _______________ is most frequently associated with David McClelland


How has path-goal theory been refined over the years?

Additional forms of leader behavior were included

All of the following people were/are considered charismatic leaders except

All of these were/are charismatic leaders

Researchers at Ohio state investigating the issue of stability of leader behaviors over time found that

An individual's leadership pattern did not change much in similar situations

In the wake of recent corporate scandals, the behaviors of top leaders

Are being scrutinized more closely than ever

The Human Resources approach to motivation implies

Assumes that the contributions themselves are valuable to both the individuals and the organization

The degree to which the job allows the individual substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to schedule work and determine the procedures for carrying it out is


The Ohio state studies and the leadership grid are associated with the __________ approach to leadership


Leadership is

Both a process and a property

Suppose your department is faced with a severe budget shortfall. One manager steps up and initiate changes that save the department a great deal of money. Which of the following will likely happen based on attributions made about leadership?

Both responses a and c are correct

Legitimate power is closely specified and strictly followed in organizations that are highly


If a Japanese firm were to send an executive to head up the firm's operations in the United States, the executive would likely need to

Change his or her leadership style

Doug is an employee of McDowell Instruments. Doug steals money from his company, and often rationalizes that he does this because the organization does not pay him enough for the level of work that he does. Doug is reducing his perceived inequity by

Changing his outcomes

Referent power is similar to the concept of


Which of the following traits forms the basis of Robert House's theory of leadership?


According to the path-goal theory, leaders can affect subordinates' performance by

Clarifying what behaviors will lead to desired rewards

Which of the following is the best description of the new role of leaders in organizations?


Texas Instruments, Halliburton, and Yum! Brands have all developed successful training programs to help managers become better


Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using _______________ power


______________ power is the most difficult form of power to exercise


Recent renewed interest in the trait approach to leadership has suggested all of the following are characteristics except


When a worker is willing to carry out a manager's work request, but only during the normal eight-hour day, he or she is exhibiting


Which of the following is an alternative work arrangement where an employee can work a full fourth-hour week in less th and five days?

Compressed work week

All of the following are steps in an individual's formation of equity perceptions except

Confronting the comparison other with any inequity

According to Vroom, a manager who presents the program to group members individually, obtains their suggestions, and then makes decision is using a _______________ style of subordinate participation

Consult (individual)

Limiting the effects of political behavior include all of the following except

Effective group dynamics

One conclusion of the university of Michigan studies was that a leader who attempts to build effective work groups with high performance goals is exhibiting

Employee-centered leader behavior

The human relations approach to motivation includes all of the following except

Employees are motivated by only money

All of the following are benefits of telecommuting except

Employees miss the interaction of the workplace

Organizations are beginning to use a work schedule called "nine-eighty." The characteristics associated with this schedule include all of the following except

Employees share jobs on a part-time basis

The scientific management view of motivation includes all of the following except

Employees want to feel useful and important

Quality circles are an example of organizational attempts at


Alternative work arrangements are intended to

Enhance employee motivation and performance

All of the following describe transactional leaders except

Executes change

For some reason, Anne is unable to make friends at work. According to Alderfer's ERG theory, which of the following sets of needs will become more important to Anne?


Path-goal theory has its roots in the ___________ theory of motivation


________________ theory assumes that people are motivated to work toward a goal if they want that goal and think they can achieve it


In the job characteristics theory, which of the following is not a factor presumed to cause the emergence of psychological states

Experienced responsibility

A person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of _____________ power


Staying informed, recognizing employee concerns, and acting confident are guidelines for using ___________________ power


A guideline for using legitimate power is

Explain reasons for a request

The goal of the Michigan leadership studies was to determine the pattern of leadership behaviors that results in effective _______________ _________________.

Group performance

Participation occurs when employees

Have a voice in decisions about their own work

From a somewhat mechanistic standpoint, managers may enhance their referent power by choosing subordinates who

Have backgrounds similar to their own

The problems with telecommuting include all of the following except

Have to be at work during core time

Vroom's current formulation includes two different decision trees. One tree is to be used when the manager is primarily interested in making a timely decision. The other tree is to be used when the manager is interested in

Helping subordinates develop their decision-making skills

All of the following statements about key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in the job characteristics theory are true except

High profits for stockholders

Telecommuting involves all of the following except

Higher pay for working under special conditions

Trying to eliminate political behaviors within the organizations will probably

Increase political behavior

The ability to affect the perceptions, attitudes, or behaviors of others is known as


The foundation for expert power is control over


All of the following are examples of coercive power except

Information that is important to the organization

Sandra's boss recently overlooked her for a promotion. Later, Sandra discovered that one page of her resume was missing when it was delivered to her boss with her application. Due to the incomplete resume, Sandra is likely to experience which category of injustice


Which of the following does not describe a behavior of charismatic leaders?

Initiate structured tasks and make assignments

Karla, manager of a women's apparel sales team, wanted to increase the overall quarterly sales performance during a particularly slow business season. According to the Michigan studies, which behavior by Karla is most likely to increase the group's performance

Set high performance goals

Which of the following elements has Fiedler added to the LPC theory to describe situational favorableness?


The leader member exchange model (LMX)

Stresses the importance of variable relationships between supervisors and each of their subordinates

Tasks that are simple, easily understood, routine, and unambiguous are considered


Vroom's decision tree to approach to leadership focuses on which aspect of leader behavior?

Subordinate participation in decision making

____________________ is the degree to which a job affects the lives or work of other people

Task significance

Allowing an employee to spend part of their time working off site, usually at home is called __________________


Michael is a manager whose subordinates are highly motivated and experienced. According to the Hersey and Blanchard model of leadership, Michael should use which of the following styles


Studies have generally found that compared to out-group members, in-group members

Tend to have higher levels of performance and satisfaction

A major difference between the behavioral approach and the LPC theory of leadership is that

The LPC theory contends a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation

Before trying to manage political behavior, one should understand all of the following except

The basic tactics for eliminating political behavior

How does a supervisor initiate in-group or out-group relationships with subordinates?

The decision may be based on personal compatibility and subordinate competence

According to Maslow, if a previously satisfied lower-level need becomes deficient,

The individual returns to the lowest level that is now deficient

Position power is considered to be strong when

The leader can assign work and recommend promotions

The negative reason people engage in impression management include all of the following except

To further their own career

Strategic leadership includes all of the following except

To maintain ethical leadership

High need achievers tend not to make good top managers because

Top man angers seldom receive immediate feedback

Michael Eisner took over the stagnant Walt Disney form in the early 1990s and turned things around in dramatic fashion. However, once stability was needed, Eisner was unable to change his approach to

Transactional leadership

Examples of reward power include all of the following except


Carlos is a leader who has led his company by initiating a merger with another organization and by redefining the company's culture. Carlos can beat be described as a

Transformational leader

The basic premise of the early trait approach to leadership was that

Unique leadership traits could be identified and used to select leaders

In the leader member exchange model (LMX), each superior subordinate pair is referred to as a(n)

Vertical dyad

According to equity theory, people

Want to be treated fairly

Leadership attributions hold true that

When behaviors are observed in a context associated with leadership, others may attribute varying levels of leadership ability or power to the person displaying those behaviors

Which of the following may help explain the pattern of differences between men and women leaders?

Women tend to have stronger interpersonal skills

The human relations view of participation was that participation

Would increase satisfaction, but would not be a source of potentially valuable input

sara tries to always be on time for work because she once saw her boss fire someone wha came in late. sara is exhibiting learning through


which of the following is the primary problem associated with the specialization of jobs?


in its simplest form, reinforcement theory suggests that behavior is a function of


which theory serves as the basis for job enrichment?

dual-structure theory

a $10 bonus for every fifth sale would be an example of which schedule reinforcement?

fixed interval

porter and lawler's extension of the expectancy model argues that

high levels of performance may lead to satisfaction

which of the following is the third step in OB modification?

identify the existing behavioral contingencies, or consequences of performance

one common criticism associated with the use of OB modification is that it

includes elements of manipulation

_____________ is the ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, otivation, and/or behaviors of others


the problems encountered when implementing job rotation in the workplace include all of the following except

it increases flexibility in transferring workers to new jobs

which of the following statements is not true about continuous reinforcement?

it is frequently used by managers in organizational settings.

which of the following best describes the current view of job enrichment

job enrichment has recently fallen into favor among managers

all of the following are examples of job design techniques except

job expectancy

one of the earliest alternatives to job specialization used by managers was

job rotation

the first widespread model of how individual work should be designed was

job specialization

Aria has been performing successfully at work for several months. Aria believes that she will get a pay raise if she maintains this high level of performance. This belief is an example of the ____________ expectancy.


which two types of reinforcement are generally accepted as means for increasing the frequency desired behavior

positive reinforcement and avoidance

OB modification attempts to use

positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors

the critical psychological states of the job characteristics theory include all of the following except

recognition for work outcomes

individuals can be happier in their personal and professional lives if they separate the notions of

success and money

a famous study was conducted in the automotive industry. the purpose of the study as to assess how satisfied automobile workers were with various aspects of their jobs. the facets that the workers complained about include all of the following except

the low pay

The definition of Leadership includes all of the following except

the effective use of force and/or coercion

vertical job loading differs from job enlargement in that

the employee has more control over the job

job enlargement involves the process of horizontal job loading, meaning that

the employee is assigned more tasks to perform

In order to for social learning to take place,

the employee must possess the physical attributes needed to perform the job

the basic expectancy framework suggests that for motivated behavior to occur,

the positive valences should outweigh the negative valences of potential outcomes

research has suggested that the expectancy theory is more likely to explain motivation in _____________

the united states

giving praise and recognition is an example of which type of reinforcement schedule?

variable interval

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