Organizational Behavior (Ch. 1-5)

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1. What is the 1/8th rule?

1/2 of organizations won't believe the connection between how they manage their people and the profits, 1/2 try to make a single change to solve their problems, not realizing people requires a more comprehensive and systematic approach, 1/2 will persist with their practices long enough to actually derive economic benefits

5. How do organizations manage stress?

assessment, reducing stressors providing resources reducing strains

2. What are the four ways to evaluate performance.

Management by objectives (MBO), 360-degree feedback, Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), forced rankings

3. What are the four categories of employees when taking into account differing levels of performance and organizational commitment?

Organizational Commitment vs Task Performance High Low Hi stars[v] citizens[L] Lo lonewolves[e] apathetic[n]

1. What are the two organizational mechanisms that have an impact on the two primary outcomes?

Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure

5. What are the various types of work/hindrance stressors

Role conflict Role ambiguity Role overload Daily hassles

4. What are the two main components of job satisfaction?

affective cognition

1. How do we measure relationships between variables?

correlation *more compact = strong (.50) *less compact = weak (.10)

3. What is organizational commitment?

A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization

3. What is the EVLN model of withdrawal behavior?

A framework of potential responses to negative events Exit- ending organizational membership, Voice- attempt to improve the situation Loyalty- remains supportive while hoping for improvement Neglect- effort is reduced

4. What is job satisfaction?

A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences

5. What is stress?

A psychological response to demands where there is something at stake and where coping with the demands taxes or exceeds a person's capacity or resources

3. What are the three types of organizational commitment?

Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Normative Commitment

3. Why do people with normative commitment stay with the organization?

Because of a feeling of obligation (you stay because you ought to)

3. Why do people with continuance commitment stay with the organization?

Because of an awareness of the costs associated with leaving (you stay because you need to)

3. Why do people with affective commitment stay with organizations and how would they feel if they left?

Because of an emotional attachment to, or involvement in, that organization (you stay because you want to)

5. What are the various ways that people cope with stressors?

Behavioral Methods: Problem-focused: working harder, seeking assistance, acquiring additional resources. Emotion-focused: engaging in alternative activities, seeking support, venting anger. Cognitive Methods: Problem-focused: strategizing, self-motivation, changing priorities. Emotion-focused: avoiding, distancing, and ignoring, looking for the positive in the negative, reappraising.

2. Which is more important regarding performance? Behaviors or outcomes?


1. How do we prove causality?

Correlation, Temporal precedence, Elimination of alternative explanations

3. What are the five types of psychological withdrawal behaviors?

Daydreaming, looking busy, socializing, cyber loafing, moonlighting

4. What is the value-precept model of job satisfaction

Dissatisfaction = (Vwant-Vhave) x (Vimportance)

2. What is counterproductive behavior?

Employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment

1. What are the four ways that we "know" something?

Experience, Intuition, Authority, Science

5. What are the various types of nonwork/challenge stressors

Family time demands Personal development Positive life events

1. What are the four group mechanisms that have an impact on the two primary outcomes?

Group Mechanisms: Leadership: Styles & Behaviors Leadership: Power & Negotiation Teams: Processes & Communication Teams: Characteristics & Diversity

5. How does stress relate to job performance and organizational commitment?

Hindrance stressors have a weak negative relationship with Job performance and a strong negative relationship with Organizational Commitment. Challenge stressors have a weak positive relationship with job performance and a moderate positive relationship with Organizational commitment.

3. What are the three models that show how these behaviors are related? Which once is most accurate?

Independent forms, compensatory forms, progression (most accurate)

3. How is the changing relationship between employer and employee influencing organizational commitment? (Be sure to take into account involuntary turnover and the two types of psychological contracts).

Involuntary turnover, psychological contracts -transactional -relational

1. What are the two primary individual outcomes with which OB is concerned?

Job Performance Organizational Commitment

1. What are the five individual mechanisms that influence the outcomes with which OB is concerned?

Job Satisfaction Stress Motivation Trust, Justice, & Ethics Learning & Decision Making

4. How does job satisfaction relate to performance and organizational commitment?

Job satisfaction has a moderate positive effect on job performance, job satisfaction has a strong positive effect on organizational commitment

3. What are the roles of sunk cost and embedded-ness in continuance commitment?

Links Fit Sacrifice

2. What are the various types of counterproductive behavior?

Organizational: Production Deviance -wasting resources -substance abuse Property Deviance -sabotage -theft Interpersonal: Political Deviance -gossiping -incivility Personal Aggression -harassment -abuse

2. What are the six types of citizenship behavior?

Organizational: Voice, civic virtue, boosterism Interpersonal: helping, courtesy, sportsmanship

4. What are the five major facets of job satisfaction?

Pay satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, supervision satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, the work itself

What are the three psychological states resulting from the five core job characteristics? What are the two moderators?

Psychological states: meaningfulness of work [VIS] responsibility for outcome[A] knowledge of results[F] Moderators: Knowledge & skill Growth need strength

2. What are the three types of task performances? How do we know what types of tasks are associated with a job?

Routine (flight attendant), Adaptive (waitress), Creative (artist)

2. What are the three types of job performance?

Task performance, Citizenship behavior, Counterproductive behavior

5. What are the various types of work/challenge stressors

Time pressure Work complexity Work responsibility

2. What is citizenship behavior?

Voluntary activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the quality of the setting where work occurs

5. What are the various types of nonwork/hindrance stressors

Work-family conflict Financial uncertainty Negative life events

4. What is emotional labor? Emotional contagion?

exhibits emotions your not feeling, ones emotions triggering others similar emotions

1. How do meta-analyses reinforce what we know?

form the foundation for evidence-based management--the use of scientific findings to inform management education and practice

3. What is the role of the erosion model in affective commitment?

if one important person leaves, everyone will leave

4. What are the three methods used to improve job satisfaction using the job characteristics model?

job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment

4. How do moods and emotions influence job satisfaction

moods= longer, less intense emotions= shorter, more intense

3. How can organizations improve commitment?

office parties, excellent compensation, and paying for college

5. What are the consequences of stress?

physiological strains psychological strains behavioral strains

1. Name other fields of study that influenced organizational behavior?

psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, education, politics

5. What are the two individual differences that influence the impact of stress?

social support -instrumental -emotional type a behavior pattern

3. What are the five types of physical withdrawal behaviors?

tardiness, long breaks, missing meetings, quitting, absenteeism

4. What are the five core job characteristics?

variety, identity, significance, autonomy, feedback

1. What are the two individual characteristics resulting from the five individual mechanisms?

Ability Personality & Cultural Values

3. How is diversity changing the workplace?

Racial, gender, age

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