Paint, Sealants, Resin

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Alkyd Paints

Alkyd resin is used is used in the paint formulation. Alyd paints have mild alkali resistance but excellent water resistance, particularly useful for porch and deck application.

Natural Group

Obtained from animal, vegetable and mineral sources, such as iron oxides, chrome oxide, siennas, ochre, umbers and carbon black.

Resin- Emulsion Paints (Latex)

Paints in which the vehicle is a synthetic resin emulsion usually made from any of the following: Butadiene- styrene, polyvinyl acetate, epoxy resin or acrylic resin. Also called rubber-based paint or water-based paint.

Intumescent Paint

Paints which retard the passage of fire to the surface beneath them.

Casein Glue

This is made from protein material, is a dry powder to be mixed with water. It has a good bonding power for wood-to-wood or paper to wood application and will develop the full strength of the wood in cost situations. Casein glue has good dry heat resistance and moderate resistance to cold. It has moderate to water but does not perform well when subjected to high humidity or wetting and drying cycles.

Silicone water repellant

Used on all non-painted concrete, synthetic finished, rubble, brick and washout finishes as a protection form absorption of water and prevents moss, alkali , fungi from damaging the surface.

Marine/ Spar Varnish

a durable, weather-resistant varnish made from durable resin and linseed or tung oil.

Polyester-Epoxy Paints

a heavy bodied paint used on concrete and masonry and has a higher percentage of solids than normal. This is suited to areas of heavy traffic such as corridors, kitchen, laboratories.


a liquid preparation consisting of a resin dissolved in oil or in alcohol, that when spread and allow to dry forms a hard, lustrous transparent coating.

Modified natural Resin Varnish

a natural resin which has been altered by chemical action.


a non-volatile fluid in which the solid body is suspended. this includes linseed oil, sopa bean oil, fish oil, castor oil.


a solution of dye or suspension of pigment in a vehicle, applied to penetrate and color wood surface without obscuring the grain.

Blood Aluminum Glue

a special animal glue made for use particularly with leather and paper. It has only moderate bonding power with wood. It is usually sold as a dry powder which is mixed with water. It has fair resistance to both heat and cold and poor resistance to water. It dries at a temperature ranging from 150 to 200 F.


a spirit varnish made by dissolving purified lac flakes in denatured alcohol.


an incomplete form of peeling, where the paint cracks into large segment, usually due to repeated application of new coats over old coats no longer adherent.


any of various clear or colored synthetic coatings consisting of nitrocellulose derivative dissolved in a solvent that dries by evaporation to form a high- gloss film.


any paint or varnish drying to a very smooth, hard, usually glossy finish.


appears chiefly to application of a few heavy coats for more thin ones. also may be due to cold weather. removal of the coat is the remedy.

Neoprene Rubber Adhesives

are essentially thermoplastic in nature, though they may have some thermosetting characteristics. they have excellent bond with wood, asbestos board, metals, glass and some plastics with strength up to, 1,200 psi.

Phenolic Resin Glue

are made in both dry and liquid form. they are thermosetting glues with excellent bond to wood and paper. shear strength up to 2,800 psi are developed. they have excellent resistance to heat, cold, creep and water. Hot press glues are commonly used in the manufactured of plywood.

Cellulose Cements

are thermoplastic in nature and have good bond to wood, paper, leather or glass, developing up to 1,400 psi in shear with wood. they have moderate resistance to both heat and cold and good resistance to water. a common solvent is ethyl acetate. cellulose cement cures by air drying and setting.

Aspalt Cements

are thermoplastic materials made from asphalt emulsion or asphalt cutbacks. they have good bond to paper and concrete and used mainly for roofing application and for laminating layers of wood fiberboard. They have relatively poor resistance to heat but good resistance to cold and water.

Epoxy Resins

are thermosetting in nature, manufactured in liquid from with separate catalyst. The amount of catalyst added determines the type of curing required. They have excellent bond with wood, metal, glass and masonry and are widely used in the manufacture of laminated curtain wall panels of various kinds. They are also used in making repairs to broken concrete. They have excellent resistance to both heat and cold, while creep and water resistance very widely depending upon how the glue is compounded. Adding a regular catalyst curing is by hot press while adding a strong catalyst.

Resorcinol Resins

are usually made as allowed with a separate catalyst. They have god bond with wood or paper, developing shear strength up to 1,950 psi with wood. They have good resistance to heat, cold and creep and are generally used where a waterproof joint is required. Some cure at room temperature, while others require moderate heat up to 200 F.


are volatile solvents, they cause the paint to flow better.

Starch and Dextrin Glue

available in both dry and liquid form, the dry glue being mixed with water. They have good bond with paper or leather and fair bond with wood but strength does not comp[are with animal or casein glues. They have fair resistance to both heat and cold but poor resistance to water. They dry at room temperature.

Nitrile or Buna N Rubber Adhesive

available in both themoplastic and thermosetting types. of has good bond with wood, paper, porcelain, enamel and polyester film or sheet. the thermosetting type will develop up to 4,000 psi shear and the thermoplastic up to 600 psi. it has good resistance to heat and cold excellent water resistance while its creep resistance is fairly good. this adhesive cures under heat.

Urea Formaldehyde Resin Glue

available in powder form to be water, and in liquid from which requires the addition of hardener. they are themosetting in nature with excellent bond to wood, leather or paper having a shear strength of up to 2,800 psi. they have good resistance to heat and cold and fair resistance to water. Creep resistance is goo. Wood welding can be done by applying high frequency current directly to joint for rapid curing.


caused by changes in atmospheric conditions during drying. application over sweating or incompletely dried undercoats, spots of grease or soap or cold draught.

Moisture Blush

clouding of the lacquer film through precipitation of moisture in the film. Constant temperature and constant humidity in the finishing room will prevent much trouble.

Metallic Paint

consists of a metallic pigment and a vehicle. Pigment are made of fine flakes of aluminum, copper; bronze, zinc or tin.

Floor Varnish

contains 12 to 40 gals. of oil per 100 lbs. of resin. they dry faster and have a harder film than tung oil varnishes but not impervious to water.


discoloration of a coating caused by soluble color in the underlying surface.


formation of blisters or pustules on a coating, may be due to underlying spots of grease, sap or moisture, to excessive heat or to direct exposure to the sun during the process of dying.

Polyvinyl Resin Adhesive

have good bond with wood or paper or vinyl plastics and reasonably good bond with metal. Shear strengths up to 1,000 psi are developed with wood. Resistance to cold is good but heat, creep and water resistance are only fair. This glue will cure at room temperature.

Sodium Silicate Adhesive

in liquid form has excellent bonding property with paper or glass and reasonably good bond with wood or metal. Resistance to heat, cold and creep are good but water resistance is poor. Some cure at room temperature while other require moderate heat at 200 F range.


indicates imperfect attachment to the surface, common causes of peeling are due to dampness, greasy surfaces and moisture.

Runs and Sags

irregularities of surface due to uneven flow of varnish or paint. most frequent causes are too much varnish, incomplete brushing and inelastic brush.

Chlorinated Rubber Adhesive

is usually in liquid form; it has good bond for paper and fair bond with wood, metal or glass. Strength does not compare with animal; or casein glues. It has moderate resistance to heat, cold, water but poor resistance to creep. It curves by drying at room temperature. The usual solvent is ketone.

Natural Rubber Cement

is usually latex emulsion or dissolved crepe rubber. They have a good bond with rubber or leather and fair bond with wood, ceramics or glass; it develops a strength of about 350 psi in tension with wood. they have resistance to heat and cold, good resistance to water but poor resistance to creep. room temperature is sufficient for drying.

Animal Glue

it is available in either solid or liquid form. Solid glue is melted and applied hot and is allowed to set.. Animal glue has excellent bonding properties with wood, leather, paper or cloth developing up to 12,000 psi in shear.It has moderate resistance to heat and good resistance to cold but poor resistance to water. It curves by air drying at room temperature.


loss of luster, may be due to insufficient or defective undercoats, most frequently due to improper filling of the wood.

Luminescent Paint

made by adding fluorescent and phosphorescent pigments using alkyd marine varnish, spirit varnish, spirit varnish or quick-drying lacquers.

Penetrating Oil Stains

made by dissolving oil-soluble dyes in coal tar solvents such as tolnol, benzol or xylol and further thinning the vehicle with common petroleum solvents.

Spirit Stains

made from dyes which are soluble in alcohol and are manufactured both in powder and in ready mix liquid form.

Natural Resin Varnish

made from natural resins or exudations from living trees, while others are fossil resins.

Pigment Wiping stains

made from translucent mineral pigments ground into drying oil.

Non-grain-raising stains

made using light test dyes which are soluble on such substances as glycols, alcohols and ketones.


materials which give paint its color.


organic salts of various metals such as iron zinc cobalt, lead, manganese and calcium; used to accelerate the oxidation and hardening of the vehicle.

Synthetic Pigment Group

phtalo-cyanines similar to those used to make dyes.

Synthetic Resin Varnish

produced by plastic industry, includes phenolic, nitrocellulose, aminao resins, alkyd resin, vinyl resin, polyethylene, polystyrene, silicone, acrylic resins and epoxy resins.


progressive powdering from the surface inward.


A mixture of solid pigment suspended in a liquid vehicle, applied as a thin, usually opaque coating to a surface for protection and decoration.


Finishing materials which are used on wood surfaces, particularly those with open grains, to fill the pores and provide a perfectly smooth, uniform surface for varnish or lacquer.

Orange Peel

rough appearance resembles very closely the peel of an orange. this may be due to improper surface cleaning or using the wrong paint reducer for thinning.

Water Soluble Stains

synthetic dyes, many of which are coal tar derivatives manufactured in powder form and in various strength. It dissolves in hot water.


that solid, finely ground material which gives paint the power to hide, as well as color a surface.In white paints the body is also the pigment. Materials used as body are white lead, zinc oxide, lithopone and titanium white.


the adhesive property of incompletely dried coating. tackiness is frequently caused especially in the refinishing of old work, by applying or coating over a greasy or unclean surface.

Melamin Resins

thermosetting glues manufactured as a powder with a separate catalyst. The have excellent bond with wood or paper resistance to heat, cold, creep and water. Melamin resins are cured under hot press at 300 F. Melamine formaldehyde resin glues are manufactured as a powder mixed with water and may either hot setting or intermediate temperature setting types.

Liquid Filler

used on close-grained wood, usually a varnish a small amount of body material added.

Paste Filler

used on open-grained wood. this consist of a base or body, pigment, nonvolatile vehicle and thinner. the body is generally translucent, insert material such as silica. silicates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium which will fill the pores without staining the wood.


used to seal the surface of the wood and prevent the absorption of succeeding finish coats.

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