Part 5 Word list

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A city of southern Poland northwest of Katowice. It is a mining center. Popoulation: 131,468.


A city of southern South Korea west of Pusan. It is a transportation center in an agricultural region. Population: 255,695.


A city of southwest British Columbia, Canada, on the Fraser River east of Vancouver. It is a processing center. Population: 40,942.


A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was founded c. 1641 and set off from Springfield in 1848. Population: 55,112.


A city of southwest Taiwan north of Kaohsiung. It is an agricultural market center. Population, 252,376.


A city of southwest Ukraine in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains near the Romanian border. It was a center of the Ukrainian nationalist movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Population: 244,000.


A city of west-central Bolivia north-northwest of Sucre. Founded in 1574 as Orpeza, it was renamed in 1786. Population: 448,756.


A city of west-central Florida west of Tampa. It is a residential and resort community. Population: 98,784.


A city of west-central Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea west-northwest of Rome. Its harbor is the chief port of Rome. Population : 45,836.


A city of west-central Peru, a residential suburb of Lima. Population: 141,881.


A city of west-central Romania northwest of Bucharest. It was founded by German colonists in the 12th century and became part of Romania in 1920. Population: 321,850.


A city of western Peru on the Pacific Ocean north-northwest of Callao. It suffered severe earthquake damage in 1970. Population: 314,700.


A cityo f southwest South Korea south of Seoul. It is a marketing center in a rice-growing reigon. Population: 366,997.


A civilization flourishing on the northern coast of Peru from about 1200 to its absorption by the Inca empire around 1460, known especially for its well-planned cities such as its capital, Chan Chan.


A clang or repeated clanging. A loud racket; a din.

clay pigeon

A clay disk thrown as a flying target for skeet and trapshooting. Also called bird.


A claymore mine. A large double-edged broadsword formerly used by Scottish Highlanders.


A clear, colorless, heavy, sweet-smelling liquid, CHCl3, used in refrigerants, propellants, and resins, as a solvent, and sometimes as an anesthetic. ____________, once widely used in human and veterinary surgery, has generally been replaced by less toxic, more easily controlled agents.


A close-fitting woman's hat with a bell-like shape. A usually bell-shaped cover, used chiefly to protect plants from frost.


A closed spherical ascocarp.


A closed, usually circular line that goes around an object or area. The region enclosed by such a line. Synonymous with circumference. A path or route the complete traversal of which without local change of direction requires returning to the starting point. The act of following such a path or route. A journey made on such a path or route. A closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current. A configuration of electrically or electromagnetically connected components or devices. A regular or accustomed course from place to place; a round. The area or district thus covered, especially a territory under the jurisdiction of a judge in which periodic court sessions are held. An association of theaters in which plays, acts, or films move from theater to theater for presentation. A group of nightclubs, show halls, or resorts at which entertainers appear in turn. An association of teams or clubs. A series of competitions held in different places.


A clumsy, coarse person; a bumpkin. A big heavy shoe.


A cluster of droplets separated out of a lyophilic colloid. Of or relating to a cluster of droplets. Growing in clusters. To cause to form a coacervate.


A clustered mass, a lump. A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes. A heavy dull sound, a thud. To form lumps or thick groupings. To walk or move so as to make a heavy dull sound. To gather into or form lumps or thick groupings of.


A coagulated mass, as of blood, a clot.


A coarse cloath; haircloth. A covering made of Cilician goat's hair.


A coarse twilled cotton fabric used for uniforms and sometimes work or sports clothes. Trousers made of a coarse twilled cotton. Often used in the plural.


A coati.


A coaxial cable.


A collaborating or joint author. To be a collaborating or joint author of.


A colored print produced by chromolithography.


A colorless crystalline compound, C8Cl4N2, used as a fungicide on a variety of vegetable crops, peanuts, lawns, and turfs and as a preservative in paints and adhesives.


A colorless liquid, C10H20O, with a roselike odor, derived from any of several essential oils or made synthetically and used extensively in perfumery.


A colorless liquid, C4H5Cl, that polymerizes to neoprene.


A dry red wine produced in the Bordeaux region of France. A similar wine made elsewhere. A dark or grayish purplish red to dark purplish pink.


A dry table wine, usually red, originally produced in northwest italy. [After the Chianti Mountains, a range of the Apennines in central Italy.]

Cho Oyu

A peak 8,158,8 m (26,750 ft) high, of the central Himalaya Mountains on the Nepal-China border.


A peak, 4,769.9 m (15,638 ft) high, in the Wrangell Mountains of southern Alaska.

Chomo Lhari

A peak, 7,318.8 m (23,996 ft) high, of the southeast Himalaya Mountains on the Bhutan-China border.

Chukchi Peninsula

A peninsula of extreme northeast Russia across the Bering Strait from northwest Alaska. It borders on the Chukchi Sea, a section of the Arctic Ocean.


A peninsula.

Chinese artichoke

A perennial Chinese herb (Stachys affinis) in the mint family, cultivated for its edible tuberous underground stems that somewhat resemble a string of large whitish beads.


A perennial herb (Cichorium intybus) of the composite family, native to the Old World, widely naturalized in North America, and having rayed flower beads with blue florets. Also called succory. Any of various forms of this palnt having edible leaves, such as radicchio. The dried, roasted, ground roots of this plant, used as an adulterant of or substitute for coffee.


A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause. A corresponding period sometimes occurring in men that may be marked by a reduction in sexual activity, although fertility is retained. A critical period or year in a person's life when major changes in health or fortune are thought to take place. A critical stage, period, or year. Critical, or crucial. Of a dangerous period in life.


A period of one thousand years. The millennium. A group of one thousand (things); a thousand.

clsoed book

A person or thing that cannot be known or understood. Something unfathomable or puzzling.


A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the proection of a state or nation. A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there. A civilian. A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place.


A person regarded as stupid; a dolt.


A person who craves chocolate.


A person who enjoys eating.


A person who is eager for the time to pass, as at work or school.


A person who works in an office performing such tasks as keeping records, attending to correspondence, or filing. A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court, legislative body, or municipal district. Clerk, as for a judge. A person who works at a sales counter or service desk, as at a store or hotel. A cleric. A scholar.

city slicker

A person with the sophisticated manner and dress traditionally associated by rural people with city dwellers.


A photosynthetic branch or portion of a stem that resembles and functions as a leaf, as in the asparagus. Also called cladode.

Chinook Jargon

A pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.

chest of drawers

A piece of furniture consisting of a set of drawers that fit within a frame.


A pigment-containing or pigment-producing cell, especially in certain lizards, that by expansion or contraction can change the color of the skin. Also called pigment cell. A specialized pigment-bearing organelle in certain photosynthetic bacteria and cyanbacteria.


A place for keeping the ashes of a cremated body.

chop shop

A place where stolen cars are disassembled for parts that are then sold.


A thorny evergreen shrub or sall tree (Citrus medica( native to India and widely cultivated for its large lemonlike fruits that have a thick warty rind. The fruit of this plant whose rind is often candied. A globose watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) having white flesh. A grayish-green yellow.


A section of DNA that contains the genetic code for a single plypeptide and functions as a hereditary unit.


A selection of literary passages, usually by one author. An anthology used in studying a language.


A semisynthetic analogue of fluoroquinolone that is administered orally and has a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity.


A semisynthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group that is used primarily to treat infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, or pneumococci.

Coast Ranges

A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.


A service mark used for an animation process in which clay figurines are manipulated and filmed to produce an image of lifelike movement.

closed interval

A set of numbers consisting of all the numbers between a pair of given numbers and including the endpoints.


A sewer or latrine. The common cavity into which the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open in vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds, and some primitive mammals. The posterior part of the intestinal tract in various invertebrates.


A sharp, curved, horny structure at the end ofa toe of a mammal, reptile, or bird. A chela or similar pincerlike structure on the end of a limb of a crustacean or other arthropod. A limb terminating in such a structure. Something, such as the cleft end of a hammerhead, that resembles a ____. The narrowed, stalklike basal part of certain petals or sepals.


A sheet of paper containing news items and other newspaper material, usually printed on only one side for convenience in clipping and reprinting.


A shieldlike plate on the front of the head of an insect.


A short, ankle, length boot having two or three pairs of eyelets.


A shotgun bore that narrows toward the muzzle to prevent wide scattering of the shot. A gun with a narrowed bore near the muzzle.


A shrub of the genus Chimnanthus, native to China; especially winter-sweet, C. praecox.


A simple oil lamp used in India and adjacent countries.


A sleeved outer garment extending from the shoulders to the waist or below. A garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming the top part of a suit. A natural outer covering, and as the fur of an animal; an integument. A layer of material covering something else; a coating. To provide or cover with a coat. To cover with a layer, as of paint.


A slight, metallic sound, as of coins rattling in a pocket. To make or cause to make a slight, metallic sound.


A small European warbler with yellowish-green plumage.

chump change

A small amount of money.

chinch bug

A small black and white insect (Blissus leucopterus) that is very destructive to grasses and grains.

cigar flower

A small bushy plant (Cuphea ignea(, native to Mexico and Jamiaca and widely cultivated as an ornamental and a houseplant for its red tubular flowers with white and violet tips that resemble lit cigars.


A small circle, especially a circular ornament.


A small cloud or something resembling one.


A small elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva, homologous with the penis


A small movie theater showing classic or avant-garde films.


A small narrow cigar.


A small roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking, enclosed in a wrapper of thin paper. 2. A similar roll of another substance, such as a tobacco substitute or marijuana.


A small round granule of extraterrestrial origin found embedded in some meteorites.


A small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans and tailless apes, consisting of several fused rudimentary vertebrae. Also called tailbone.


A small tropical flea (Tunga penetrans), the fertilized female of which burrows under the skin of animals and humans, causing intense irritation and sores that may become severely infected. Also called chigger, jigger, sand flea.


A small writing board with a spring clip at the top for holding papers or a writing pad. A file or an area in memory where cut or copied text and graphics can be temporarily stored before being moved to another location.


A snorting, joyful laugh or chuckle. To utter a _______ or express with a _______.


A southern African bulbous plant (Ornithogalum thyrsoides) in the lily family, whose fragrant cluster of showy white blossoms is popular as a cut flower. (Afrikaans tjienkerientjee : tijienker-, imitative of a tinkling sound (from the sound the stems make when rubbed together)+ uinjie, bulb, diminutive of ui, onion.

clap skate

A speed skate that has a blade attached by a hinge at the heel, allowing one to skate more efficiently by keeping the full length of the blade on the ice while the heel is raised.


A spiral-shaped cavity of the inner ear that resembles a snail shell and contains nerve endings essential for hearing.


A spore with a thick protective coat.


A squirrellike rodent (Chinchilla laniger) native to the mountains of South America and widely raised to captivity for its soft, pale gray fur. The fur of this animal. A thick twilled cloth of wool and cotton used for overcoats.

cloud nine

A state of elation or great happiness.


A steep bowl-shaped hollow occurring at the upper end of a mountain valley, especially one forming the head of a glacier or stream. A ring, a circle.


A steppeland of southwest Russia north of the main range of the Caucasus Mountains.


A stew made of several kinds of fish and shellfish, tomatoes, and white wine.

clerical collar

A stiff white collar in the shape of a band fastened at the back of the neck, worn by certain members of the christian clergy.


A stone of meteoric origin characterized by chondrules.


A stone-lined grave, especially a tomb conssting ofa pit lined with stones and often having a lid of stone or wood.


A stout heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. An implement used in some games to drive a ball, especially a stick with a protruding head used in golf. A black figure shaped like a trefoil or clover leaf on certain playing cards. A playing card with this figure. The suit of cards represented with this figure. A group of people organized for a common purpose, especially a group that meets regularly. The building room, or other facility used for the meetings of an organized group. An athletic team or organization. A nightclub. To strike or beat with or as if with a club. To use ( a firearm) as a club by holding the barrel and hitting with the butt end. To gather or combine (hair, for example) into a clublike mass. To contribute to a joint or common purpose. To join or combine for a common purpose; form a club.

coal measures

A stratigraphic unit equivalent to the Pennsylvanian or Upper Carboniferous Periods. Strata of the Carboniferous Period containing coal deposits.


A strip of wood or iron used to strengthen or support the surface to which it is attached. A projecting piece of metal or hard rubber attached to the underside of a shoe to provide traction. A pair of shoes with such projections on the soles. A piece of metal or wood having projecting arms or ends on which a rope can be wound or secured. A wedge-shaped piece of material, such as wood, that is fastered onto something, such as a spar, to act as a support or prevent slippage. A spurlike device used in gripping a tree or pole in climbing.


A stupid or foolish person; a dolt.


A stupid, gauche person; a blockhead.


A style in art reflecting Chinese influence through use of elaborate decoration and intricate patterns. An object reflecting Chinese artistic influence.

cinema verite

A style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism.


A substance or factor that will not promote cancer by itself but can potentiate cancer when acting with carcinogenic agents.


A sudden heavy rainstorm; a downpour


A suspension or termination of operations.

chewing gum

A sweetened, flavored preparation for chewing, usually made of chicle.


A swollen, glandular saddlelike region in the epidemis of certain annelid worms, such as the earthworm, that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs.


A symbol indicating the pitch represented by one line of a staff, in relation to which the other pitches of the staff can be determined.


A synthetic drug, C12H15CIO3, used primarily to reduce abnormally elevated levels of plasma cholesterol and triglyceride.


A synthetic drug, C26H28CINO, that is used in its citrate form to stimulate ovulation.


A synthetic drug, C9H9Cl2N3, used in the treatment of hypertension, the prevention of migraine headaches, and in the management of Tourette's syndrome and opiate withdrawal.

coat of arms

A tabard or surcoat blazoned with bearings. An arragement of bearings, usually depicted on and around a shiled, that indicates ancestry and distinctions. A representation of bearings.

cloud seeding

A technique of stimulating or enhancing precipitation by distributing dry ice crystals or silver iodide particles over developing storm clouds in a specific area of the atmosphere.


A text in encrypted form, as opposed to the plain text.

clinical thermometer

A thermometer used to measure body temperature, especially a small glass thermometer designed with a narrowing above the bulb so that the mercury column stays in position when the instrument is removed from the body.


A thiazide diuretic used in the treatment of hypertension, heart failure, and edema to promote the excretion of excess salt and water from the body.


A thick coiled fritter of fried dough.


A thick mass or piece. A substantial amount . A strong stocky horse. To form into chunks. To make a dull clacking sound.


A thick soup containing fish or shellfish, especially clams, and vegetables, such as potatoes, and onions, in a milk or tomato base. A soup similar to this seafood dish.

ciliary body

A thickened portion of the vascular tunic of the eye located between the choroid and the iris.


A thorough cleaning or ordering. The inal, often routine tasks that complete a project. A very large profit, a killing. The fourth position on a team's battling order, usually reserved for a strong hitter who can drive in extra runs.


A town of east-central France north-northwest of Lyon. Its abbey, the center of an influential religious order, was founded in 910. Population: 4,724.


A town of east-central Mexico west of Puebla. Built on the site of an ancient Toltec center and a city sacred to the Aztecs, it was destroyed by Hernando Cortes in 1519. Population: 26,748.


A town of northeast Illinois, an industrial and residential suburb of Chicago. Population: 67,436.


A town of south-central Connecticut north of New Haven. It is mainly residential. Population, 21,788.


A trademark used for a motion-picture process designed to produce wide-screen images.


A trademark used for a preparation of chloramphenicol.


A trademark used for chewing gum in the form of small, square, candy-coated pieces.


A trademark used for the drug ciprofloxacin


A trademark used for the drug clomiphene.


A tramp; a vagrant.


A tricyclic antidepressant drug, C19H23CIN2, that is used in the form of its hydrocholride to treat anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


A trite or overused expression or idea. A person or character whose behavior is predictable or superficial.


A tropical Asian grass (Cymbopogon nardus) having bluish-green, lemon-scented leaves and an essential oil. A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repleents and commercial flavorings.

cloud forest

A tropical forest, often near peaks of coastal mountains, that usually has constant cloud cover throughout the year

Circassian walnut

A type of English walnut, patterned with swirls and curves in shades of brown or with occasional black streaks used for veneer and cabinetwork.

Christmas disease

A type of hemophilia that is caused by a deficiency of factor IX. (After Stephen Christmas, a 20th-century British boy who was first diagnosed with it.)

Chincoteague pony

A type of small, inbred North American horse, that runs wild on certain islands off the Virginia coast.

Cherry Hill

A urban township of west-central New Jersey east-southeast of Camden. It is mainly residential. Population, 68,783.


A usually high-speed ski turn used for changing the direction of descent or stopping, performed by shifting the weight forward and turning with the skis kept parallel.

cinder block

A usually hollow building block made with concrete and coal cinders.


A vaguely defined historical region generally thought to be in presenty-day northern New Mexico. It included seven pueblos, the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola, which were sought by the earliest Spanish explorers for their supposed riches.


A variety of silica that contains microcrystalline quartz. A siliceous rock of chalcedonic or opaline silica.

cinnamon bear

A variety of the North American black bear (Ursus americanus) that has a reddish-brown coat.


A vaulted canopy permanently placed over an altar. 2. A covered receptacle for holding the consecrated wafers of the Eucharist.


A very black topsoil, rich in humus, typical of cool to temperate semiarid regions, such as the grasslands of European Russia.

Chinese puzzle

A very intricate puzzle. Something very difficult or complex.

Chinook salmon

A very large, commercially valuable salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of northern Pacific waters, characterized by irregular black spots on its back. Also called king salmon, quinnat salmon.


A very small dog of a breed originating in Mexico, having pointed ears and a smooth coat.


A very spicy pork sausage seasoned especially with garlic.


Any of various crustaceans of the subclass Cirripedia, which includes the barnacles and related organisms that attach themselves to objects or become parasitic in the adult stage.


An Old World sedge (Cyperus esculentus var. sativus) having edible nutlike tubers.


An abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces.

Cheyne-Stokes respiration

An abnormal type of breathing seen especially in comatose patients, characterized by alternating periods of shallow and deep breathing. After John Cheyne (1777-1836), Scottish physician, and William Stokes (1804-1878), Irish physician.)


An abnormality in neuromuscular activity characterized by rapidly alternating muscular contraction and relaxation.

cholic acid

An abundant crystalline bile acid, C24H40O5 derived from cholestrol.


An act of turning, coiling, or folding about a center, a core, or an axis. A single turn, coil, or fold; a convolution.

city manager

An administrator appointed by a city council to manage the affairs of the municipality.

classified advertisement

An advertisement, usually brief and in small type, printed in a newspaper or magazine under headings with others of the same category.


An affix consisting of a prefix and a suffix, such as the progressive present marker a... -ing in dialectal English. "I'm a-going or the past participle marker y... 't in archaic English yclept.


An agent that causes a liquid or sol to coagulate.


An aliphatic organic chemical compound that is both an alkyl chloride and an alcohol, frequently containing a single chlorine atom and a single hydroxyl group on adjacent carbon atoms.


An alkaloid, C19H22N2O, derived from the bark of various cinchona trees and used as an antimlarial agent.


An alliance, especially a temporary one, of people, factions, parties, or nations. A combination into one body; a union.


An amino acid, C6H13N3O3, originally isolated from watermelon, that is produced as an intermediate in the conversion of ornithine to arginine during urea formation in the liver.


An ancient Greek city of Asia Minor in present-day southwest Asiatic Turkey. It was noted for its wealth and its magnificent buildings and statuary.

Chichén Itzá

An ancient Mayan city of central yucatán in Mexico. It was founded c. A.D. 514 and abandoned in 1194.


An ancient device that measured time by marking the regulated flow of water through a small opening. Also called water glass.


An ancient instrument resembling the lyre.


An ancient region of southeast Asia Minor along the Mediterranean Sea south of the Taurus Mountains. The area was conquered by Alexander the Great and later became part of the Roman Empire. It was the site of an independent Armenian state from 1080 to 1375.

China aster

An annual Chinese plant (Callistephus chinensis) in the composite family, widely grown in several forms for its showy, variously colored flower heads.1


An annual Eurasian herb (Anthriscus cerefolium) in the parsley family, having aromatic parsleylike leaves that are used as a seasoning or garnish. Any of several related plants, such as those of the genus Chaerophyllum.


An apparatus chimefor striking a bell or set of bells to produce a musical sound. A set of tuned bells


An apple-green chalcedony used as a gemstone.


An area in which deposits of coal are found.


An area of skin, usually on the face, which is temporarily abnormally pigmented, often owing to hormonal changes.

citizen's arrest

An arrest made by a citizen, for whom legal authority arises from the fact of citizenship, rather than by an officer of the law.


An artistic representation, such as a painting or photograph, of a city. A city or a section of a city regarded as a scene.

circuit breaker

An automatic switch that stops the flow of electric current in a suddenly overloaded or otherwise abnormally stressed electirc current.


An autonomous republic of western Russia in the Volga River valley. Conquered by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries, the area came under Russian rule in 1552. It became an autonomous region in 1920 and an autonomous republic in 1925. In 1992 __________ was a signatory to the agreement that created the Russian Federation.


An early keyboard instrument with a soft sound produced by small brass wedges striking horizontal strings.

Chinese chive

An eastern Asian herb (Allium tuberosum) having flat leaves, small white flowers, and elongated bulbs covered with a fibrous coat. Often used in the plural. Also called garlic chive, Oriental garlic.

closed circuit

An electric circuit providing an uninterrupted, endless path for the flow of current. A television transmission circuit with a limited number of reception stations and no broadcast facilities.


Any of various annual, chiefly western North American plants of the genus Clarkia, several of which are cultivated for their showy red, purple, pink, or white flowers.


Any of various beetles of the family Chrysomelidae, which includes the Colorado potato beetle. Of or belonging to the family Chrysomelidae.


Any of various carnivorous catlike mammals of the family Viverridae of Africa and Asia, having anal scent glands that secrete a fluid with a musky odor. Also called civet cat. The thick yellowish musky fluid secreted by one of these mammals.


Any of various disorders of the nervous styem marked by involuntary, jerky movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face, and by incoordination.


Any of various diurnal moths of the family Sesiidae, having scaleless transparent wings and a wasplike appearance.


Any of various enzymes, such as rennin or thrombin, that induce coagulation, especially of the blood.


Belonging to or participating in a church. People who belong to or participate in a church considered as a group.


Causing a feeling of being choked or suffocated. 2. Something that fits closely around the neck or throat, as: a. A tight-fitting necklace. b. A high, tight collar. c. A narrow neckpiece of fur.


Caulk (a ship, its seams), now spec. as a temporary measure. Also followed by up. Fill up (cracks, especially between bricks, tiles, the logs of a log cabin, etc.) fill up the cracks of a building. Also follow up.


Characteristic or suggestive of the Age of Chivalry


Cheep, chirp.


Cheerful, lively.


Cheese made from goat's milk.


Chiefly, historically, a formal handwritten document, especially an indenture of a fine.


Chilling; chilly.


Chimney, fireplace, from late Latin caminata, perh. orig. for camera caminata room with a fireplace, from Latin caminus forge, furnace, from Greek kaminos oven, furnace.] A furnace. A portable stove. A channel or flue by which smoke from a fire furnace, engine, etc. ascends; the part of this above a roof etc. A natural opening in the earth's surface, especailly that of a volcano. More fully lamp-chimney. A glass tube over the wick of a lamp portecting and providing a draught for the flame. An ore-shoot. A steep and narrow cleft by which a cliff or mountain face may be climbed.


Chinese and Sino- as Chino-Japanese etc.


Chipperwaly is the more usual name in the US, and Ojibwa in Canada.


Christians considered as a group. The Christian world.


Ciliated. Any of various protozoans of the class Ciliata, characterized by numerous cilia.


Citizens considered as a group.


Clamorous; loud. Demanding attention; pressing. To cry out.


Clearly and sharply defined or outlined. Neat and trim in appearance.


Clearness of thought or style; lucidity.


Climate. Region of the earth, from Late Latin clima, from Greek klima.


Closely joined; grown together; united.


Clumsy in form or manner, awkward.

cob coal

Coal in rounded lumps of various sizes. Also called cobbles.

chromatic aberration

Color distortion in an image produced by a lens, caused by the inability of the lens to bring the various colors of light to focus at a single point.


Color. Chromatin.


Color; pigment.


Complicated, often illogical or spurious argumentation.


Compression and hardening over long periods of time, the processes by which coal is formed from plant materials.


Concerned with civic interests or active in community affairs.


Concerned with or pertaining to the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of mechanical disorders of the joints, especially of the spine.


Conforming or adhering rigorously to the practices or creeds of a church. Of, suitable for, or suggesting a church.


Consisting of or resembling ashes. Of a gray color tinged with black.


Created by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; highly improbable. Given to unrealistic fantasies; fanciful. Of, related to, or being a chimera


Deception by trickery or sophistry. A trick; a subterfuge.


Decorative enamelwork in whichmetal filaments are fused to the surface of an object to outline a design that is filled in with enamel paste. The art or process of producing such enamelwork.


Designating or pertaining to an Athapaskan people of NW Canada or their language. A member of this people; the language of this people.

Claudius II

In full Marcus Aurelius Claudius Gothicus. A.D. 214-270. Emperor of Rome (268-270) who defeated the Goths in 269.

Claudius I

In full Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus, 10 B.C.-A.D. 54. Emperor of Rome (A.D. 41-54) who became ruler after Caligula was murdered. He was poisoned b his wife, Agrippina, after her son Nero was named as heir.


In the Indian subcontinent: a unit of weight equal to about 900 grains. (approximately 58.3 grams).


Inclined to be lenient or merciful.


Innocent; guiltless.


Intimate; friendly.


Issuing a fixed number of shares that can be traded publicly but are not redeemable by the issuer: a ___________ investment company.


Italian composer whose 29 operas, including Les Deux Journees (1800), helped from the trasition in music from classicism to romanticism.


Jean Born 1934. Canadian politician who was elected prime minister in 1993.


One that clinches, as: a point, fact, or remark that settles something conclusively; a decisive factor.


One that coasts, as: One who acts in an aimless manner. A sled or tobaggan. One who rides a sled or toboggan. A vessel engaged in coastal trade. A small mat or plate placed under a vessel to protect a tabletop or other surface beneath. A small tray, often on wheels, for passing something, such as a wine decanter, around a table. A resident of a coastal region.


One that cuts, shears, or clips. An instrument or tool for cutting, clipping, or shearing. Often used in the plural nail clippers. A sharp-bowed sailing vessel of the mid-19th century, having tall masts and sharp lines and built for great speed. One that moves very fast.


One that makes or sells clothing or cloth.


One versed in the classics; a classical scholar. An adherent of classicism. An advocate of the study of ancient Greek and Latin.


One who attends church.

civil libertarian

One who is actively concerned withthe protection of the fundamental rights guaranteed to the individual by law.

cherry plum

a deciduous ornamental Eurasian shrub or small tree (Prunus cerasifera) in the rose family, having white flowers and small red to yellow edible fruits. Also called myrobalan, myrobalan plum.


a deep-fried burrito.


Poisoning caused by ingesting fish contaminated with ciguatoxin, characterized by gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms.


Press chin to chin. Bring a fiddle etc.) up or up to the chin. Draw one's body up so as to bring the chin up to or above (a horizontal bar etc.) with one's feet off the ground. raise oneself thus. Talk, chat to.


Pretentious, insincere, or empty language.


Probably blend of clife, burdock.


Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; christlike. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents. Showing a loving concern for others; humane. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.


a detergent, powder, or other chemical agent that removes dirt, grease, or stains A skin lotion or cream that is used to clean the face.

Clement of Alexandria

Saint. A.D. 150?-220? Greek Christian theologian who attempted to combine Gnosticism with Platonism.

Clement I

Saint. Knwon as "Clement of Rome." Died c. A.D. 97. Pope (88-97) who was one of the Apostolic Fathers and the author of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (96).


School slang. Cheat. A swindle. A cheater.


Separable into parts or having removable sections. Made up of fragments of preexisting rock; fragmental.


Shaped like a round shield.


Shaped like or resembling a coccus, spherical. A coccoid microorganism.


Short and thick; stocky. Containing small thick pieces.


Situated between the earth and the moon.


Situated on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.


Situated on this side of the mountains, especially the Alps.


Sloping. Synonymous with klei-.


So called because it causes suffocation in mines.


Something cut off or out, especially an item clipped from a newspaper or magazine.


Something, such as a ship ortrain, used for carrying or supplying coal.


Sour, curdled milk. Also called regionally thick milk.


Splitting or opening along a circumference, with the top coming off as a lid.


Squeezed together; jammed. 2. Competely filled, stuffed. 3. Drawn so close as to have the block touching. Used of a ship's hoisting tackle.

child restraint

a device, such as a seat belt or small car seat with a seat belt, used to control land protect a child in a motor vehicle.

club root

a disease of cabbage and related plants, caused by a fungus (Plasmodiophora brassicae) and characterized by knobby or clubshaped swellings on the roots and wilting, yellowing, and stunted growht of aboveground parts.


a fastening, such as a hook or buckle, used to hold two or more objects or parts together. An embrace or hug. A grip or grasp of the hand. A small metal bar or other device attached to the ribbon of a military decoration to indicate the action or service for which it was awarded or an additional award of the same medal. To fasten with or as if with a clasp. To hold in a tight embrace. To grip firmly in or with the hand; grasp.


a fine-grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated, consisting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminum and widely used in making bricks, tiles, and pottery. A hardening or nonhardening material havig a consistency similar to ____ and used for modeling. A sedimentary material with grains smaller than 0.0002 millimeters in diameter. Moist sticky earth; mud. The human body as opposed to the spirit.


Stingy, tightfisted, cheap.


Suited to membership in a social club; sociable.

Chinese Shar-Pei

Synonymous Shar-Pei.

Chu Kiang

Synonymous for Zhu Jiang.


Synonymous with Bemba.

Christmas berry tree

Synonymous with Brazilian pepper tree.

Chinese export porcelain.

Synonymous with Canton porcelain.


Synonymous with Canute.


Synonymous with Chernobyl.


Synonymous with Chi-Rho.


Synonymous with Chongqing.

Church of Christ, Scientist

Synonymous with Christian Science.


Synonymous with Clacton.


Synonymous with Cleisthenes.


Synonymous with Cnossus or Knossos.


Synonymous with Cochin China.

coach dog

Synonymous with Dalmatian. (So called because it was trained to run behind a coach.


Synonymous with Edward Hyde.

Chinese ink

Synonymous with India ink.


Synonymous with Jiamusi.


Synonymous with Jin.


Synonymous with Jinzhou.


Synonymous with Kleve.


Synonymous with Koblenz.

citric acid cycle

Synonymous with Krebs cycle

church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Synonymous with Mormon Church.


Synonymous with Muhammad Ali.

church slavonic

Synonymous with Old Church Slavonic.


Synonymous with Qianlong.


Synonymous with Qin.

Chinghai (ching hi)

Synonymous with Qinhai.


Synonymous with Qinhuangdao.

Ciudad Trujillo

Synonymous with Santo Domingo.


Synonymous with Shymkent.

cigarbox cedar

Synonymous with Spanish cedar.

Republic of China

Synonymous with Taiwan.


Synonymous with Zhenjiang.

Chou Enlai

Synonymous with Zhou Enlai.


Synonymous with Zhou.


Synonymous with Zhou.

Chu Teh

Synonymous with Zhu De.

clown anemone

Synonymous with anemone fish.

clown fish

Synonymous with anemone fish.

clove pink

Synonymous with carnation.


Synonymous with chayote


Synonymous with chiaroscuro.


Synonymous with chronotherapeutics.


Synonymous with cicada.


Synonymous with circumfluous. Flowing around or surrounding.


Synonymous with cladophyll.

coat room

Synonymous with cloakroom.

coat tree

Synonymous with clothes tree.

Chinese parsley

Synonymous with coriander.


Synonymous with coriander.


Synonymous with corn.

climbing iron

Synonymous with crampon.

Chinese radish

Synonymous with daikon.


Synonymous with eucalyptol.


Synonymous with mitochondrion.

circle graph

Synonymous with pie chart.


Synonymous with pothole.


Synonymous with rennin.


Synonymous with towhee

Christmas berry.

Synonymous with toyon.

China jute

Synonymous with velvetleaf.

chinese red

Synonymous with vermillion.

Chinese water chestnut

Synonymous with water chestnut.


Tableware made of china.


That chips or breaks into small pieces easily. As dry as a chip, thoroughly dried up. Unwell, especially with a hangover. Irritable. Chippiniess.


The 16th century, especially in Italian art and literature.


The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus. Christians as a group; Christendom. The state or fact of being a Christian. A particular form or sect of the Christian religion.


The Christian sacrament of baptizing and naming an infant.


The Messiah, as fortold by the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. Often used with the. Jesus.


The Muse of history. A statuette awarded annually for oustanding achievement in radio and television advertising.

Christmas fern

The North American evergreen fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds. Also called canker brake, dagger fern.


The Originally Rodrigo Dia de Vivar. 1043-1099. Spanish soldier and national hero whose military exploits, including the capture of Valencia (1094), are recounted in several literary works, most notably the epic The Song of the Cid.

chief executive

The President of the United States. A principal executive official, suchas the leader of a nation's government or the governor of a state.

Coast Salish

The Salish-speaking Native American peoples inhabiting the northwest Pacific coast from the Strait of Georgia to southwest Washington.


The act of circumcising. A religious ceremony in which someone is circumcised. A christian feast celebrating the circumcision of Jesus. Used with the. January 1, the day on which this feast is celebrated. Used with the.


The act of circumscribing or the state of being circumscribed. Something, such as a limit or restriction, that circumscribes. A circumscribed space or area. A circular inscription, as on a medallion.


The act of citing. 2a. A quoting of an authoritative source for substantiation. A source so cited; a quotation. A reference to previous court decisions or authoritative writings. Enumeration or mention, as of facts, especially. An official commendation for meritorious action, especially in military service. A formal statement of the accomplishments of one being honored with an academic degree. An official summons, especially one calling for appearance in court.


The act of closing or the state of being closed. Something that closes or shuts. A bringing to an end; a conclusion. The property of being mathematically closed.


The act of encircling or encompassing. Something that encircles or surrounds. A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.


The act of splitting or cleaving. The state of being split or cleft; a fissure or division. The splitting or tendency to split of a crystallized substance along definite crystalline planes, yielding smooth surfaces. The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms. Also called segmentation. Any single cell division in such a series. The splitting of a complex molecule, such as a polysaccharide, into simpler molecules. The hollow between a woman's breasts, especially as revealed by a low neckline.


The end or conclusion. A meeting for completing a transaction, especially one at which contracts are signed transferring ownership of real estate.

Christmas Eve

The evening before Christmas. The day before Christmas.


The evolutionary change and diversification resulting from the branching off of new taxa from common ancestral lineages.

claw foot

The foot of a piece of furniture designed to resemble an animal's foot and claws.

chief of state

The formal head of a nation, distinct from the head of the government.


The front of the lower jaw. A talk, a conversation. Also redupl. chin-chin.

city council

The governing body of a city.


The highly vascular fetal membrane that consists of the fused chorion and allantois, found adjacent to the eggshell in reptiles and birds and constituting the placenta in most mammals.


The human act or process of giving birth; parturition.


The incombustible residue, fused into an irregular lump, that remains after the combustion of coal. A partially vitrified brick or a mass of bricks fused together. An extremely hard burned brick. Vitrified matter expelled by a volcano. A sour note in a musical performance. A mistake; a blunder. Something of inferior quality; a conspicuous failure. Something admirable or first-rate. To form ________ in burning.


The inorganic group CIO2 or a salt containing it.


The jaws. 2. The mouth. b. the lower cheeks or jowls. c. Muttonchops. 3. The techinical skill ith which a jazz or rock musician performs.


The juice pressed from fruits, especially apples, used as a beverage or to make other products, such as vinegar.


The land along a coast.


The large edible nut of a cultivated variety of hazel. The plant bearing this fruit.


The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1871. Population: 3,005,072.


The leader or head of a group, especially a clan or tribe.


The loose back part of a coat that hangs below the waist. The skirts of a formal or dress coat. As a result of the success of another. Immediately following or as a direc result of.


The mantel of a fireplace. A decoration over a fireplace.


a blue-flowered early-blooming plant of the genus Chionodoxa of the lily family. Also called glory-of-the-snow.

Chinese checkers

a board game in which eac hplayer tries to move a set of marbles arranged in holes from one point of a six-pointed star to the opposite point by means of single moves or jumps.


a branching, treelike diagram in which the endpoints of the branches represent specific species of organisms. It is used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships and show points at which various species have diverged from common ancestral forms.


a broad-spectrum antifungal drug used topically to treat a variety of superficial fungal infections, including candidiasis and tinea.


a cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies, or clothing. A small private chamber, as for study or prayer. A water closet; a toilet. A state of secrecy or cautious privacy. To enclose or shut up in a private room, as for discussion. Private; confidential. Being so or engaging only in private; secret. Based on theory and speculation rather than practice.

coaxial cable

a cable consisting of a conducting outer metal tube enclosing and insulated from a central conducting core, used for high-frequency transmission of telephone, telegraph, and television signals. Also called coaxial line.


a center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance. An incorporated municipality in the United States with definite boundaries and legal powers set forth in a charter granted by the state. A Canadian municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province. A large incorporated town in Great Britain, usually the seat of a bishop, with its title conferred by the Crown. The inhabitants of a city considered as a group. An ancient Greek city-state. The financial and commercial center of London.


a child of noble birth.


a chorus girl.


a chromolithograph.


a chum salmon.


a city of central Chile east-northeast of Concepción. Founded in the 16th century, it was twice destroyed by earthquakes (1835 and 1939). Population: 145,972).


a clamp or vise.

circuit rider

a cleric who travels from church to church, especially in a rural district.


a clip of wood or plastic for fastening clothes to a clothesline.


a colorless aromatic liquid, C10H18O, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oils or produced synthetically and used in making perfumes and as a commercial flavoring.


a complex of nucleic acids and porteins, primarily histones, in the cell nucleus that stains readily with basic dyes and condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.


a compound of chlorine with a less electrovalent element or radical; a salt or ester of hydrocloric acid.


a condition in which the ends of the fingers and toes are enlarged and the nails are shiny and abnormally curved.


a cutting tool hving a square bevelled end for shaping swood, stone, or metal. A similar surgical instrument for cutting bones.


a cylindrical hardwood stick used in a piar as a percussion instrument. A syncopated two-bar musical pattern.

clog dance

a dance performed while wearing clogs and characterized by heavy stamping steps.


a deciduous Asian tree (Melia azedarach), widely cultivated and naturalized in the southern United States and having bipinnately compound leaves, clusters of purplish flowers, and yellow, globose, poisonous fruits. Also called china tree.

choke cherry

a deciduous North American shrub or small tree (Prunus virginiana) in the rose family, having elongate clusters of small white flowers and astringent, dark red to nearly black fruit. The fruit of this plant. (From its bitter fruit.)


a fissure, a crack. A long narrow opening, a slit, a peep-hole; a place not fully closed and admitting the light etc.

coal gas

a gaseous mixture produced by the destructive distillation of bituminous coal and used as a comercial fuel. The gaseous mixture released by burning coal.


a gazelle, Pantholops hodgsoni, of high plateaux in Tibet, northern India, and parts of China, the male of which has very long straight horns.


a girl member of a choir.


a group of persons hired to applaud at a performance. A group of fawning admirers.


a group that contains 1,000 elements. One thousand years; a millennium.


a hamburger covered with chili con carne.


a head of hair.

clack valve

a hinged valve that permits fluids to flow in only one direction and clacks when the valve closes.


a hot dog covered with chili con carne, served in a long roll.


a hunting cry. a chase, a pursuit, a hunt. The face. (slang). Chase; harry; worry, trouble, harass. Race, scamper.

clove hitch

a knot used to secure a line to a spar, post, or other object, consisting of two half hitches made in opposite directions.

chrome red

a light orange to red pigment consisting of basic lead chromate, PbCrO4, with varying amounts of lead oxide, PbO.

chicken wire

a light-gauge galvanized wire fencing usually made with hexagonal mesh.

cheval glass

a long mirror mounted on swivels in a frame.


a loud outcry; a hubbub. A vehement expression of discontent or protest. A loud sustained noise. To make a loud sustained noise or outcry. To make insistent demands or complaints. To exclaim insistently and noisily. To influence or force by clamoring.


a lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay. Earth or soil A dull, stupid person; a dolt.


a man who drives a coach or carriage. An artificial fly used in angling.


a man who is a member of a club or clubs, especially one who is active in club life.

civil marriage

a marriage ceremony performed by a civil official.


a mechanism of geared wheels driven by a wound spring, as in a mechanical clock. With machinelike regularity and precision; perfectly.

cluster pine

a mediterranean pine tree (Pinus pinaster) having long needles in clusters of two, and large ovoid seed-bearing cones.


a member of a subdivision of the Tingit in Alaska. Of or pertaining to this people.


a river rising in the hills of northern Myanmar (Burma) and flowing about 1,158 km (720 mi) generally south to the Irrawaddy River.


a roll or knot of hair worn at the back of the head or especially at the nae of the neck.


a room used for meetings or activities of a club.

clinical ecology

the study of the effects of environmental exposure to synthetic chemicals on the immune system. Also called environmental medicine.


the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness.


the technique of using light and shade in pictorial representation. The arrangement of light and dark elements in a pictorial work of art. Also called claire-obscure.


the thick semifluid mass of partly digested food that is passed from the stomach to the duodenum.


the time or state of being a child.


tightfisted; stingy.


to cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet; surfeit. To be too filling, rich, or sweet.


to cause to become urban. To impart thestyles and manners of a city to.


to cause transformation of (a liquid or sol, for example) into or as if into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass. To become coagulated.


to convert to civilian operation or control.


to create the choreography of: 2. trate. To specialize in choreogrpahy.


to select from a number of possible alternatives; decide on a nd pick out. To prefer above others. To determine or decide. To make a choice; make a selection.


A past tense of cleave


A past tense of cleave.


A pathological condition resulting from an overdose of cinchona bark or its alkaloid derivatives and marked by headache, dizziness, hearing loss, and ringing in the ears.

closed chain

SYnonymous with ring.


abbreviation for chief master sergeant.


abbreviation for circle. 2. circuit. 3. circulation. 4. circumference.


abbreviation for citation. cited.


abbreviation for class. classification. clause. clearance.


abbreviation for coenzyme A


abbreviation for commander.


abbreviation for commander.


abbreviation for commercial.


abbreviation for complementary metal oxide semiconductor.


abbreviation for complex instruction set computer.


abbreviation for cook Islands (in Internet addresses)


abbreviation for cost, insurance, and freight.


abbreviation for credit note.


abbreviation for curie.


abbreviation for cytomegalovirus.


abbreviation for together; joint; jointly; mutually; coeduation. Partner or associate in an activity. Subordinate or assistant. To the same extent or degree. Complement of an angle.


abruptly shifting; variable. Used of the wind.


activated by or capable of liberating acetylcholine, especially in the parasympathetic nervous system.

cholera morbus

acute gastroenteritis occuurring in summer and autmn and marked by severe cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. No longer in scientific use.


also (now the usual form in sense). Noise, din; especially the blended singing of many birds; b. the noise of many children etc. chattering.


also a mammal of the order Chiroptera; a bat. Of this order; pertaining to bats. Of a small bird, a grasshopper, etc.: make a characteristic short sharp thin sound. Of a person: make a sound imitative of or similar to this, especially as a greeting or as encouragement; talk merrily, colloquial. speak up. Utter or express by chirping. Greet or encourage by chirping. A short sharp thin sound (as) of a small bird, a grasshopper, etc.


also charm. lament. Cry out; specifially (of a bird, or a person likened to a bird) warble, chirp.


also chimaera. A fire-breathing monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. A grotesque monster represented in painting etc. A bogey, a horrible phantasm. A wild or fanciful conception. A thing of hybrid character. Any cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae (order Holocephali), typically having erect pointed fins and a long tail. Also called rabbit-fish, rat-fish. An organsim whose cells are not all derived from the same zygote.


also chimb. The rim at the ends of acask, formed by the ends of the staves.


also chtonian. Of or relating to the underworld.


also cleistogamic. Of or relating to a flower that does not open and is self-pollinated in the bud.


also clitorectomy. Female circumcision.


also clothes press. A chest, closet, or wardrobe in which are kept.


also cobalamine. See Vitamin B12.


also cochleated. Shaped like a snail shell; spirally twisted.


relating to or characteristic of a deep-sea fish of the subclass Holocphali.


relating to or constituting a climax


the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet.


the state or stage of life of a child; the time during which one is a child; the time from birth to puberty. Childishness: a childish action. The relationship of child to parent.


An Italian, especially a poet or an artist, of the 16th century.


(Nautical) A small flatbottom fishing boat with a lugsail on a raking mast. A kind of flatbottom rowboat.


(Of a bird) utter quick series of short notes, twitter; (of a squirrel etc.) chatter; gen. make a twittering or chattering sound. Utter by chittering. Shiver with cold. Of the teeth: chatter. Twittering.


(before a vowel) of the hand.

Clare of Assisi

1194-1253. Italian nun and religious leader who founded with Saint Francis of Assisi the first Franciscan order of nuns, the Poor Clares. She was canonized in 1255.

Chikamatsu Monzaemon

1653-1724. Japanese playwright whose numerous plays, mostly written for the puppet theater, deeply influenced Japanese drama.

Chiang Kaishek

1887-1975. Chinese military and political figure who led the Nationalists against the rising Communist forces and was driven from the mainland to Taiwan (1949), where he served as president of Nationalist China until his death.


1888-1972. French actor and singer best known for his cabaret apperances and his role in the musical film Gigi (1958).

Chula Vista

A city of southern California south of San Diego. It is an industrial center. Population: 135,163.


A drug, C18H26CIN3, used mainly in the treatment and prevention of malaria.

Chilli con carne

A mexican dish of minced beef, beans, and chilli.


A microorganism of spherical or spheroidal shape.


Having a cover of thick paper boards covered with cloth. Used as a book.


held tightly together, as by social or cultural ties.


relating to, living on, or coming from the southern side of the Alps.

Chinese lantern plant

synonymous with winter cherry.

Chinese white

synonymous with zinc oxide.


1626-1689. Queen of Sweden (1632-1654) who as a patron of learnign and the arts. She unexpectedly abdicated her throne, embraced Roman Catholicism and spent much of the rest of her life in Rome.

cloud ear

synonymous wood ear.


1671-1757. English playwright and theatrical manager who wrote comedies such as The Careless Husband (1704) and was appointed poet laureate in 1730. He was ridiculed by the great writers of the time, including Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson.


1686-1761. British naval officer and colonial adminstrator who served as governor of Newfoundland (1732-1741) and New York (1741-1753).


1738-1795. British general in the american Revolution who was commander in chief of British forces in North America (1778-1781).


1739-1812. Vice President of the United States (1805-1812) under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. As governor of New York (1777-1795) he was suspicious of centralized government and opposed New York's ratification of the U.S. Constitution.


1763-1835. British journlist and social reformer noted for his Rural Rides (1830), a collection of essays showing the deterioration of rural life brought about by the Industrial Revolution.


1767-1820. King of Haiti (1811-1820) who before proclaiming himself monarch had been instrumental in the liberation of Haiti from France (1804).


1769-1828. American politician who as governor of New York (1817-1823 and 1825-1828) was a principal supporter of he Erie Canal (completed 1825).


1770-1838. American explorer who joined Meriwether Lewis in an expedition to the Pacific Ocean (1804-1806). _______ was responsible for the careful mapmaking enroute.


1780-1831. Prussian army officer and military theorist who proposed the doctrines of total war and war as an instrument of policy. His treatise On War was published posthumously (1833).


1796-1856. American public official who as secretary of state (1849-1850) negotiated the Claytonbulwer Treaty with Great Britain (1850), establishing the neutrality of a proposed canal across Central America.


1802-1880. American abolitionist and writer of novels, children's books, and reform works, such as Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans (1833).


1804-1865. British politician who was a leading supporter of free trade and an opponent of protectionism.


1810-1849. Polish-born French composer and pianist of the romantic era. His music, written chiefly for the piano, was based on traditional Polish dance themes.


1810-1903. American abolitionist and public official who was minister to Russia (1861-1862 and 1863-1869).


1812-1874. Chricahua Apache leader who helped direct Apache resistance to U.S. troops in the Southwest (1861-1872).


1815-1862. American showman whose troupe, Christy's Minstrels, developed the standard minstrel show format.


1822-1888. German mathematician and physicist noted for his contributions to the laws of thermodynamics.


1837-1908. the 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1885-1889 and 1893-1897). He was known as an honest, independent President opposed to corruption and the spoils system.


1841-1929. French politician who served as premier (1906-1909 and 1917-1920) and played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles (1919).


1847-1938. American economist known for his theory of marginal productivity. He wrote The Philosophy of Wealth (1885) and The Distribution of Wealth (1899).


1849-1895. British politician who led the so-called Fourth Party, a group of Conservative members of Parliament who advocated social and constitutional reform.


1864-1943. French sculptor best known for her bust models of Auguste Rodin (1888-1892).


1868-1955. French diplomat and writer whose works include poetry and a number of plays, suchas Tidings Brought to Mary (1912).

Christian X

1870-1947. King of Denmark (1912-1947) noted for his passive resistance to the Nazi occupation of Denmark in World War II.


1874-1936. British writer and critic known for his Roman Catholicism and his conservative political views. His works include essays, a series of detective novels featuring Father Brown, and volumes of criticism and polemics.


1890-1976. British writer of more than 70 detective novels, including The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926), and And Then there Were Non (1940). She also wrote plays, including The Mousetrap (1952) and Witness for the Prosecution (1954).


1897-1978. American army officer who commanded U.S. forces in Germany (1945-1949) and oversaw the Berlin airlift (1948).


1903-1944. Italian fascist politician. Married (1930) to the daughter of Benito Mussolini, he urged Ital to join the Axis powers in WWII but later favored a separate peace with the Allies. Among those who called for Mussolini's resignation, he was tried for treason and executed on Mussolini's orders.


1906-1998 American lawyer and politician who, as chief counsel (1946-1950) to President Harry S. Truman, influenced U.S. foreign policy. During the vietnam War he served as U.S. secretary of defense (1968-1969).


1910-1980. American aviator who held numerous national and international speech records and headed the Women's Air Force Service Pilots during World War II.


1919-1942. American jazz guitarist and blues singer. One of the first to amplify the guitar, he influenced its emergence as a solo instrument in jazz.


1920-1966. American actor known for his performances in Red River (1948), From Here to Eternity (1953), and Judgment at Nuremberg (1961).


1934-1972. Puerto Rican-born American baseball player who spent his entire career with the Pittsburgh Pirates (1955-19720. He batted .300 or better 13 times and had exactly 3,000 hits before he was killed in a plane crash.


A city of central Ukraine on the Dnieper River south-southeast of Kiev. It was an important Cossack outpost before poassing to Russia in the 1790's. Population: 273,000.


331-232 B.C. Greek philosopher who succeeded Zeno as head of the Stoic school. His most famous work in the hymn to Zeus.

Chuang Tzu

369-286 B.C. Chinese Taoist philosopher who advocated a skeptical approach to knkowledge and a willing acceptance of change as a means of unifying oneself with the Tao.


69-30 B.C. Egyptian queen (51-49 and 48-30) noted for her beauty and charisma. Octavian defeated the forces led by Cleopatra and Mark Antony at Actium (31).


A 16th-century guitar with a flat, pear-shaped body. Perhaps blend of Latin cithara and English gitturn.


A Bantu language spoken in Malawi, closely related to Nyanja


A Chinese

Chinese evergreen

A Chinese evergreen plant (Aglaonena modestum) cultivated as a houseplant for its dark green or occasionally variegated foliage.


A Chinese man


A Chinese person (derogatory); A Chinese restaurant.


A Chinese preserve of fruits, peels, and ginger. A relish consisting of chopped vegetables pickled in mustard.

China rose

A Chinese rose (Rose chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses, pink, or white flowers.

Chinese kale

A Chinese vegetable (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra) of the mustard family, related to the cabbage and grown for its leafy shoots used in eastern Asian cuisine.

chow mein

A Chinese-American dish consisting of a combination of stewed vegetables and meat served over fried noodles.


A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus. December 25, the day on which this feast is celebrated. Christmastide.


A Christian festival observed from December 24, Christmas Eve, to January 5, the eve of Epiphany.


A Eurasian partridge (Alectoris chukar) with grayish-brown plumage and red legs and bill, introduced into western North America as a game bird.

Christmas rose

A European perennial evergreen herb (Helleborus niger) cultivated for its white or pinkish flowers that bloom in winter.


A Mexican American woman or girl.


A Native American people formerly inhabiting central and southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama, with present-day populations in Mississippi and southeast Oklahoma. The _________ were removed to Indian Territory in the 1830s. A member of this people. The Muskogean language of the _________.


A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast Mississippi and northwest Albama, now located in south-central Oklahoma. The Chickasaw were removed to Indian Territory in the 1830's. a member of this people. The Muskogean language of the Chickasaw.


A Native American people formerly inhabiting the lower Columbia River valley and adjoining coastal regions of Washington and Oregon, now located in western Washington. The _________ traded widely throughout the Pacific Northwest. A member of this people. The Chinookan language of the _________. Any of various Chinookan-speaking peoples formerly inhabiting the Columbia River valley eastward to The Dalles and now located in southern Washington and northern Oregon. A member of any of these peoples.


A Native American people formerly inhabiting the southern Appalachian Mountains people formerly inhabiting the eastern Tennessee to northern Georgia, with present-day populations in northeast Oklahoma and western North Carolina. The conflict with American settlers over rights to traditional ands. A member of this people. The Iroquoian langauge of the Cherokee.

cinnamon fern

A New World fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) having narrow, spore-bearing, cinnamon-colored leaves in early spring, which are later encircled by wider sterile green leaves.


A North American Indian language family of Washington and Oregon.

clapper rail

A North American bird (Rallus longirostris) of coastal marshes, characterized by a henlike appearance, brownish plumage, long bill, and clattering cry.


A North American ground-squirrel of the genus Tamias.

cliff swallow

A North American swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) that builds a bottle-shaped nest of mud, grass, and twigs on the face of a cliff or bluff or under the eaves of a roof.

chum salmon

A Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) with minute specks on its back that is fished for food and sport. Chinook Jargon cam, spotted, striped, from Lower Chinook.


A Protestant hymn melody. A harmonized hymn, especially one for organ. A chorus or choir.


A South American rodent of this genus Chinchilla, with very soft grey fur. A cat of a silver-grey breed. A rabbit of a variety bred for its grey fur. Also chinchilla rabbit. The fur of the South American chinchilla or of the chinchilla rabbit.


A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl.


A U-shaped metal piece with holes in each end through which a pin or bolt is run, used as a fastening device.


A bacillus that is short and oval in shape.


A bacterium having a spherical or sheroidal shape. A divsion containing a single seed that splits apart rom a many-lobed fruit.


A badge or insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle, worn on the sleeve of a military or police, uniform to indicate rank, merit, or length of service. A device shaped like an inverted V. A V-shaped pattern, especially a kind of fret used in architecture.


A baked dessert composed of a layer of fresh fruit topped with a thick batter.

Chinese wall

A barrier, especially one that seriously hinders communication or understanding: still believe a ________________ can exist between the public and private selves" (Gail Sheehy). (After the Great Wall of China.)


A bed-bug. A North American bug. Blissus leucopterus, very destructive to cereals and other grasses.


A benzodiazepine used as an anticonvulsant for epilepsy ad as a sedative for sleep disorders.

chuckwill's widow

A bird (Caprimulgus carolinensis) of the southern and central United States, resembling but larger than the whippoorwill.


A block or wedge placed under something else, such as a wheel, to keep it from moving. 2. (Nautical) A heavy fitting of metal or wood with two jaws curving inward, through whcih a rope or cable may be run. To fit with or secure by a ______.


A blunder; a faux pas.


A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.


A board marked with 64 squares, used in playing chess.


A borough of west-central England on the Dee River south-southeast of Liverpool. The Romans built a fort here to defend the river crossing into Wales and named the settlement Deva. _________ is known for its Rows, a double tier of shops and houses along its main streets. Population: 58,100. A city of southeast Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, an industrial suburb of Philadelphia. established as Upland, it was the site of William Penn's first landing in America (1682) and is the oldest city in the state. Population: 45,794.


A boy member of a choir. A morally upright young man.

coaster brake

A brake and clutch on the rear wheel and drive mechanism of a bicycle operated through reverse pressure on the pedals.


A city of east central Honshu, Japan, on the northeast shore of Tokyo Bay. It is a manufacturing center. Population: 788,920.

Ciudad Bolivar

A city of east central Venezuala on the Orinoco River southeast of Caracas. It was founded in 1764 on the narrows (or angosturas) of the river and was popularly known as Angostura. Population: 253,112.


A brief, sharp sound. A mechanical device, such as a pawl, that snaps into position. An instance of pressing down and releasing a button on a pointing device, such as a mouse. Any of various implosive stops, suchas that of English tsk, produced by raising the back of the tongue to make contact with the palate and simultaneously closing the lips or touching the teeth or alveolar ridge with the tip and sides of the tongue, and found as phonemic consonants especially in the Khoisan and some Bantu languages. Also called suction stop. To produce a click or series of clicks. To press down and relase a button on a pointing device in order to select an item on a display screen or activate a command or function. To be a great success. To function well together; hit it off. To become clear, fall into place. To cause to click, as by striking together. To press down and release ( a button on a pointing device).


A broad-spectrum antibiotic, C22H23CIN2O8, obtained from the soil bacterium Streptomyces aureofaciens and used in the treatment of a variety of infections.


A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation. One who jokes and plays tricks. A coarse, rude, vulgar person; a boor. A peasant; a rustic. To behave like a buffoon or jester. To perform as a buffoon or jester.


A building for public, especially Christian worship. The company of all Christians regarded as a spiritual body. A specified Christian denomination. A congregation. Public divine worship in a church; a religious service. The clerical profession; clergy. Ecclesiastical power as distinguished from the secular.


A building occupied by a club. The main building of a country club. The locker room of an athletic team.


A burgh of west-central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River. Many large ocean liners, including the Queen Mary, were built in its shipyards. Populations: 52,385.


A burned or partly burned substance, such as coal, that is not reduced to ashes but is incapable of further combustion. A partly charred substance that can burn further but without flame. Ashes. Synonymous with scoria. Slag from a metal furnace.

church key

A can or bottle opener having a usually riangular head.


A carpenter. A shop selling fish and chips, colloquial.


A cartilaginous growth or tumor.


A cell in the epidermis of coelenterates in which a nematocyst is developed.


A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members arose from a single original cell. An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding. A DNA sequence, such as a gene, that is transferred from one organism to another and replicated by genetic engineering techniques. One that copies or closely resembles another, as in appearance or function. To make multiple identical copies of (a DNA sequence). To create or propagate (an organism) from a clonecell. To repordue or propagate asexually. To produce a copy of; imitate closely.


A central and West African anthropoid ape of the genus Pan, of which there are two species, P. troglodytes, which resembles man more closely than does any other ape, and the pygmy chimpanezee. P. paniscus.


A chador. A cotton shawl traditionally worn in India by men and women.

choke collar

A chain collar that tightens like a noose when the leash is pulled, used to train or control dogs or other animals. Also called choke chain.


A chemical group capable of selective light absorption resulting in the coloration of certain organic compounds.

Chinese chestnut

A chestnut (Castanea mollissima) native to China and Korea, resistant to chestnut blight and cultivated as an ornamental and for its edible nuts.

claret cup

A chilled drink made of claret mixed with soda, fruit juices, brandy, and sugar.


A chimpanzee.

chop suey

A chinese-American dish consisting of small pieces of meat or chicken cooked with bean sprouts and other vegetables and served with rice. 2. A miscellany.


A chlorophyll-containing plastid found in algal and green plant cells.


A christie.


A chronic disease of the liver characterized by the replacement of normal tissue with fibrous tissue and the loss of functional liver cells. It can result from alcohol abuse, nutritional deprivation, or infection especially by the hepatitis virus. Chronic interstitial inflammation of any tissue or organ.


A chrysalis. Relating to or resembling a chrysalis.


A cigar with square-cut ends.

choke coil

A circuit element used to suppress or limit the flow of alternating current without affecting the flow of direct current.


A cittern.


A city of central California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada near Fresno. It is a processing center. Population: 50,323. A city of eastern New Mexico near the Texas border. It is a trade center in a wheat and cattle area. Population: 30,954.


A city of central France west of Lyon. Clermont was founded in Roman times and merged with Montferrand, a town founded in the 11th century, in 1731. Population: 136,180.


A city of central Germany north of Nuremberg. It was first mentioned in the 11th century. Population: 44,239.

Ciudad Victoria

A city of east-central Mexico south-southeast of Monterrey. It was founded in 1750. Population: 140,161.


A city of eastern Mexico on the Gulf of Campeche at the mouth of the coatzcoalcos River, about 282 km (175 mi) long. The city is an important commercial center. Population: 127,170.

Ciudad Madero

A city of eastern Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a suburb of Tampico. Population: 132,444.


A city of eastern South Island, New Zealand, near the Pacific coast. It is an important manufacturing center. Population: 293,700.

ciudad Guayana

A city of eastern Venezuela on the Orinoco River. It was founded in 1961 as a planned community. Population: 523,578.


A city of extreme northwest Georgia south of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Confederate troops led by Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces here on September 19-20, 1863. Population, 2,232.


A city of extreme southwest Ohio on the Ohio River. Founded in 1788, it is a port of enty and an industrial, commercial, and cultural center for an extensive area in Ohio and Kentucky. Population: 364,040.


A city of north-central England south of Sheffield. It is an important industrial center. Population, 96,300.


A city of north-central France, a suburb of Paris. It was a residence of Merovingian royalty in the seventh century. Population: 46,895.


A city of north-central Ukraine north-northeast of Kiev. First mentioned in 907, it was the capital of the Chernigov principality in the 11th century and later passed to Lithuania, Poland, and Russia (1868). Population: 278,000.


A city of north-central Ukraine north-northwest of Kiev. It was the site of a major nuclear power plant accident on April 16, 1986.

Chicago Heights

A city of northeast Illinois south of Chicago. It is an industrial center. Population, 37,026.


A city of northeast Italy on an island in the Venetian lagoon. It is connected with the mainland by a bridge. Population: 38,200.


A city of northeast New Jersey near Paterson. It was formerly part of Passaic. Population: 71,742.


A city of northeast North Korea on the Sea of Japan. It is a port and an industrial center. Population: 490,000.


A city of northeast Ohio on Lake Erie. A port of entry and industrial center, the city was laid out in 1796 by Moses Cleveland (1754-1806). Population 505,616. A city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population: 30,354.

Cleveland Heights

A city of northeast Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland. Population: 54,052.


A city of northern California northwest of Oroville. It is a processing and packing center in an almond-growing region. Population 26,603.

Cinnisello Balsamo

A city of northern Italy, a suburb of Milan. Population: 80,323.

Ciudad Juarez

A city of northern Mexico on the Rio Grande opposite El Paso, Texas. The two cities are connected by bridge. Population: 544,496.


A city of northern Mexico south of Ciudad Juarez. It is the rail and commercial center for the vast northern section of the country. Population, 385,603.


A city of northern Taiwan on the East China Sea. It is a port for the cpaital city of Taipei. Population: 349,686.


A city of northern West Virginia south southeast of Wheeling. It was an important Union supply base during the Civil War. Population: 18,059.

Ciudad Obregon

A city of northwest Mexico south-southeast of Hermosillo. It is a trade and processing center in an agricultural region. Population: 165,572.


A city of northwest Peru north-northwest of Lima. Situated on the coastal desert between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean, the city may go years at a time without rainfall. Population: 213,095.


A city of northwest Tennessee on the Cumberland and Red rivers northwest of Nashville. An important tobacco market, it is also a manufacturing center. Population: 75,494.

Ciudad Ojeda

A city of northwest Venezuela on the eastern shore of Lake Maracaibo. It a petroleum-refining center. Population: 129,000.


A city of south-central China on the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). It was the capital of China from 1937 to 1946. Population: 3,122,704.


A city of south-central Indonesia on the northern coast of Java east-northeast of Bandung. It is a port on the Java Sea. Population: 223,776.

Ciudad de Naucalpan de Jaurez

A city of south-central Mexico, a suburb of Mexico City. Population: 723,723.


A city of south-central Ohio south of Columbus. It became capital of the Northwest Territory in 1800 and served as Ohio's capital from 1803 to 1810 and from 1812 to 1816. Population: 21,923.


A city of south-central Quebec, Canada, on the Saguenay River north of Quebec City. A Jesuit mission was established here in 1676. Population, 60,064.


A city of south-centrl Cuba on Cienfuegos Bay, a narrow-necked inlet of the Caribbean Sea. The city is a prot and a trade and processing center. Population: 129,665.


A city of southern California east of Los Angeles. It was founded in 1887. Population: 59,682.


A city of southern California northeast of Pomona. It is mainly residential and the site of the associated Claremont Colleges. Population: 32,503.


A colorless or white crystalline alloid, C17H21NO4, extracted from coca leaves, sometimes used in medicine as a local anesthetic especially for the eyes, nose, or throat and widely used as an illicit drug for its euphoric and stimulating effects.

citric acid

A colorless translucent crystalline acid, C6H8O7, principally derived by fermentation of carbohydrates or from lemon, lime, and pineapple juices and used in preparign citrates and in flavorings and metal polishes.


A colorless, volatile flammable liquid, C6H5Cl, used to prepare phenol, DDT, and aniline and as a general solvent.


A combination of three or more pitches sounded simultaneously. Harmony, as of color. To be in accord; agree. To play ______ on an instrument. To play ______ on. To harmonize.


A commander of a thousand men.

Citrus Heights

A community of north-central California, a suburb of Sacramento. Population 107,439.


A compact roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.

chorale prelude

A composition usually for organ, chiefly in baroque style and characterized by an elaborate contrapuntal structure based on the melody of a hymn or chorale.


A composition usually in four or more parts written for a large number of singers. A refrain in which others, such as audience members, join a soloist in a song. A line or group of lines repeated at intervals in a song. A solo section based on the main melody of a popular song and played by a member of the group. A body of singers who perform choral compositions, usually having more than one singer for each part. A body of vocalists and dancers who support the soloists and leading performers in operas, musical comedies, and revues. A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation. An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments o the action. A group of masked dancers who performed ceremonial songs at religious festivals in early Greek times. The group in a classical Greek drama whose songs and dances present an exposition of or, in later tradition a disengaged commentary on the action. The portion of a classical Greek drama consisting of choric dance and song. A group or performer in a modern drama serving a purpose similar to the Greek chorus. The performers of a choral ode, especially a Pindaric ode. A speech, song, or other utterance made in concert by many people. A simultaneous utterance by a number of people.


A compound that consists of chlorine and halocarbon.


A condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or modifying factor. A condition or fact that determines or must be considered in the determining of a course of action. The sum of determining factors beyond willful control. Often used in the plural. Financial status or means. Detail accompanying or surrounding an event, as in a narrative or series of events. Formal display; ceremony. A particular incident or occurrence.

Chicken Little

A confirmed pessimist, particularly one who warms of impending disaster. After a character in a story who is hit on the head by an acorn and believes the sky is falling.


A confused or disordered state or collection; a jumble. A confused noise, a clatter. To fill or spread over in a disorderly manner. To make disorderly or hard to use by filling or covering with objects. To run or move with bustle and confusion. To make a clatter.

cleft lip

A congenital deformity characterized by a vertical cleft or pair of clefts in the upper lip, with or without involvement of the palate.


A congenital deformity of the foot, usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle, heel, and toes. Also called talipes. A foot so deformed.

cleft palate

A congenital fissure in the roof of the mouth, resulting from incomplete fusion of the plate during embryonic development. It may involve only the uvula or extend through the entire palate.


A conjugated protein, such as hemoglobin, that contains a pigmented prosthetic group, such as heme.


A consecrated mixture of oil and balsam, used for anointing in church sacraments such as baptism and confirmation. Also called holy oil. A sacramental anointing, especially upon confirmation into the Eastern Orthodox Church.


A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum Australe.

closed loop

A control system with an active feedback loop.


A cord, rope, or wire on which clothes may be hung to dry or air. To knock down (an opponent in an athletic contest) by hooking the neck with an outstretched arm.


A corncob. A male swan. A thickset, stocky, short-legged horse. A small lump or mass, as of a coal. A mixture of clay and straw used as a building material.

closed corporation

A corporation in which the shares of stock are held by relatively few persons and are not publicly traded. Also called closed corporation.

chromic acid

A corrosive, oxidizing acid, H2CrO4, occurring only as salts or in solution. the anhydride of chromic acid, CrO3, a purplish


A cotton twill cloth, usually khaki-coloured; in plural. trousers made of this. Of this cloth.


A cotton, silk, or rayon fabric with a raised woven pattern and a puckered or quilted look.


A country in Asia, origin of then name unknown (not native Chinese.)


A country of eastern Asia. Its ancient civilization traditionally dates to c. 2700 B.C. After a bitter civil war (1946-1949) a people's republic led by Mao Zedong was established on the mainland, and the Nationalists fled to Taiwan, Beijing is the capitaland Shanghai the largest city. Population: 1,237,000,000.


A country of southwest South America with a long Pacific coastline. Originally inhabited by araucanian Indian peoples, it was colonized by Spain in 1541 and delcared its independence in 1818. One of the most politically stable and economically prosperous of South American countries, Chile annexed mineral-rich territory from Bolivia and Peru following the War of the Pacific (1879-1884). Santiago is the capital and the largest city. Population: 13,994,000.

client state

A country that is dependent on the economic or military support of a large, more powerful country.


A covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of buildings that face a quadrangle. A place, especially a monatery or convent, dvoted to religious seclusion. Life in a monastery or convent. A secluded, quiet place. To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister, seclude. To furnish with a cloister.


A coworker; an assistant. Synonymous with assistant. An assistant to a bishop, especially one designated to succeed the bishop.


A creeping pernnial herb (Rubus charmaemorus) in the rose family, native to northern regions of North America and Eurasia and having white flowers and edible yellowish fruit.


A crossing or intersection of two tracts, as of nerves or ligaments. The point of contact between paired chromatids during meiosis, resulting in a cross-shaped configuration and representing the cytological manifestation of crossing over.


A crowlike Old World bird of the genus Pyrrhocorax, especially P. pyrrhocorax, having black plumage and red legs.

Chiltern Hundreds

A crown manor, the administration of which is a nominal office under the Crown and so requires an MP to vacate his or her seat.


A cut of beef extending from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade. A clamp that holds a tool or the material being worked in a machine sucha s a lathe. A clamping device for holding a drill bit. Food.


A cymbal. An apparatus for striking a set of bells so as to make them chime. such an apparatus used as a doorbell. A set of bells, or of metal bars or tubes, so attuned as to chime when struck or slightly swung. The series of musical sounds or tune played on such sets of bells; a chiming sound. The rhythm or ring of verse; derog. jingle. A system of whcih all the parts are in harmony. Harmony, according, agreement.

circadian rhythm

A daily rhythmic activity cycle, based on 24-hour intervals, that is exhibited by many organisms.


A dark nebula, one of the nearest to Earth, that appears in the southern Milky Way. A similar dark nebula in the Northern Hemisphere near the constellation Cygnus.


A dealer in porcelain. A Chinese man. A left-handed bowler's off-break or googly to a right-handed batsman.

chinquapin oak

A deciduous oak shrub (Quercus prinoides) of the eastern and central United States, having toothed leaves that resemble those of the chinquapin.

Chinese lantern

A decorative collapsible lantern of thin, brightly colored paper.


A decrepit machine, especially an old car, a rattletrap. A failure, a flop.


A deep red-orange, often seedless mandarin orange.


A deep-dish fruit pie with a thick top crust. An iced drink made of wine or liqueur, sugar, and citrus fruit.


A deep-sea cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae, having a smooth-skinned tapering body and a whiplike tail. Variant of chimera.

citrus canker

A destructive bacterial disease of citrus plants that attacks seedlings and mature plants and causes defoliation and death.


A diagnostic technique in which a movie camera is used to film the images, as of internal body structures, produced through radiography or fluoroscopy.

chestnut blight

A disease of chestnut trees caused by a fungus (Cryphonectria parasitica) that is especially destructive to the American chestnut, characterized by cankers that eventually kill the branches and trunk.


A disposition to show mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy. A merciful, kind, or lenient act. Mildness, especially of weather.

cloven hoof

A divided or cleft hoof, as in deer or cattle. Also called cloven foot. Evil or Satan, often depicted as a igure with cleft hooves.

cochlear nerve

A division of the acoustic nerve that conducts auditory stimuli to the brain.

Clumber spanial

A dog of a breed developed in England, having short legs, a stocky body, and a silky, predominantly white coat.

cloister vault

A domelike vault having a square or polygonal base from which curved segments rise to a central point. Also called domical vault.


A double-necked lute of great length, a theorbo.

chronicle play

A dramatization of historical material, especially the Elizabethan dramas based on the chronicle histories of England.


A dress that buttons up the front and is tailored somewhat like a coat.


A drug used to lower serum cholestrol levels and treat itching associated with jaundice through is ability to bind intestinal bile acids and promote their excretion.


A drug, C10H16N6S, that inhibits acid secretion in the stomach and is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcers.


A drug, C17H19CIN2S, derived from phenothiazine and used to suppress vomiting and as a sedative and a tranquilizer, especially in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic states.


A dull explosive sound, usually short and repeated, made by or as if by a laboring engine. To make dull explosive sounds. To move or travel while making dull explosive sounds.


A dull sound, a thump. A blow that produces a dull sound. A stupid, dull person. To make or move with a clunk. To strike something so as to make a dull sound. To strike so as to make a dull sound.


A fabric of sheer silk or rayon. Oranamental accessories, such as ribbons or laces, for women's clothing. Of, or relating to, or resembling the fabric chiffon. Made light and fluffy by the addition of beaten egg whites or gelatin.


A facility, often associated with a hospital or medical school, that is devoted to the diagnosis and care of outpatients. A medical establishment run by several specialists working in cooperation and sharing the same facilities. A group session offering counsel or instruction in a particular field or activity. A seminar or meeting of physicians and medical students in which medical instructions is conducted in the presence of the patient, as at the bedside. A place where such instruction occurs. A class or lecture of medical instruction conducted in this manner.

chorus girl

A female dancer in a theatrical chorus.


A fibrous mineral variety of serpentine forming part of commercial asbestos.


A film or movie enthusiast.


A film or movie enthusiast. A person involved in filmmaking.


A film or movie. A movie theater. Films or movies considered as a group. The film or movie industry.


A filmgoer.


A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent. An imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts.


A fissure, a crack. A fissure in the earth. Now only spec. a deep ravine in the Isle of Wight and in Dorset (chiefly in proper names).


A five-line stanza.


A fluid-containing sac or cavity in the body of an organism. Also called reservoir. One of the saclike vesicles that comprise the endoplasmic reticulum.


A former Black homeland of southeast South Africa. It was granted nominal independence in 1980 and was reabsorbed into South Africa by the 1994 constitution. Population: 645,000.


A fortress in a commanding position in or near a city. A stronghold or fortified place; a bulwark.


A four-wheeled closed carriage with seats for four passengers.


A frame on which clothes are hung to dry or air.

cherry laurel

A frequently cultivated Eurasian evergreen shrub or small tree in the rose family, having showy clusters of white flowers and glossy foliage that yields an oil similar to bitter almond oil.

climbing perch

A freshwater fish (Anabas testudineus) of tropical Asia, having modified gills allowing it to breathe air and pectoral fins adapted for traveling on land.

choir loft

A gallery for a group of church singers.


A gambling game in which players et on the possible combinations of three thrown dice.

cloud chamber

A gas-filled device in which the path of charged subatomic particles can be detected by the formation of chains of droplets on ions generated by their passage. It is also used to infer the presence of neutral particles and to study certain nuclear reactions.


A girdlelike marking or structure, such as a band or ridge, on an animal.


A girth for a pack or saddle. A firm grip. Something easy to accomplish. Synonymous with breeze. A sure thing, a certainty. To put a saddle girth on. To get a tight grip on. To tighten a saddle girth. Often used with up.


A goddess who turned Odysseus's men temporarily into swine but later gave him directions for their journey home.


A governing body of pastors and elders in certain Reformed churches, having jurisdiction over local churches. The district or churches governed by such a body.


A gradual change in a charater or feature across the distributional range of a species or population, usually correlated with an environmental or geographic transition.


A gray, green to yellow, or brown vitreous mineral, BeAl2O4, relatively rare and used as a gemstone.

Christmas card

A greeting card sent at christmas to express goodwill.


A gregarious anthropoid ape (Pan troglodytes) of tropical Africa, having long dark hair and somewhat arboreal habits and exhibiting humanlike behavior and a high degree of intelligence. It is now considered vulnerable to extinction in the wild.


A group of Hokan-speaking Native american peoples formerly inhabiting the southern California coastal region around and the channel islands off Santa Barbara, with a small present-day population near Santa Barbara. A member of any of these peoples.

Cinque Terre

A group of five villages (Monteroos, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, Riomaggiore) of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea south of Genoa. Built into the sheer rocky coast, they are famed for their rugged scenery.


A group of organisms, such as a species, whose members share homologous features derived from a common ancestor.


A microscopic calcite skeletal plate that protects certain marine phytoplankton and in a fossilized state forms chalk and limestone deposits.

Cinque Ports

A group of seaports of southeast England (originally Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich) that formed a maritime and defensive association in the 11th century. They reached the height of their significance in the Anglo-French conflicts of the 14th century.

Chinese restaurant syndrome

A group of symptoms, including dizziness, facial pressure, sweating, and headache, that may occur after ingestion of food containing large amounts of monosodium glutamate (From the frequent use of monosodium glutamate in Chinese restaurants.)


A group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together; a bunch. Two or more successive consonants in a word, as cl and st in the word cluster. A group of academic courses in a related area.


A group of words containing a subject and a predicate and forming part of a compound or complex sentence. A distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document.


A guide for sightseers.


A halt or lameness in a person's walk; a limp.

claw hammer

A hammer having a head with one end forked for removing nails. A tailcoat.


A hard, brittle metallic element, found associated with nickel, silver, lead, copper, and iron ores and resembling nickel and iron in appearance. It is used chiefly for magnetic alloys, high-temperature alloys, and in the form of its salts for blue glass and ceramic pigments. Atomic number 27; atomic weight 58.9332; melting point 1,495 C; boiling point 2,900 C; specific gravity 8.9; valence 2, 3.


A hard, yellow English cheese made from cow's milk.

claw hatchet

A hatchet having a one end of the head forked.


A health professional, such as a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or nurse, involved in clinical practice, as distinguished from one specializing in research. A health professional who practices at a clinic.

club chair

A heavily upholstered easy chair with arms and a low back.


A heavy reddish mercuric sulfide, HgS, that is the principal ore of mercury. Red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment. Synonymous with vermilion.


A heavy, broad-bladed knife or hatchet used especially by butchers. A bifacial core tool flaked to produce a straight sharp edge at one end.


A helper; an assistant. Synonymous with assistant.


A high, steep, or overhanging face of rock.


A high-altitude cloud composed of a series of small, regularly arranged cloudlets in the form of ripples or grains.


A high-altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin, generally white, fleecy parts. A tendril or similar part. A slender flexible appendage, such as the fused cilia of certain protozoans.


A high-altitude, thin, hazy cloud, usually covering the sky and often producing a halo effect.


A highway interchange at which two highways, one crossing over the other, have a series of entrance and exit ramps resembling the outline of a four-leaf clover and enabling vehicles to proceed in either direction on either highway. Resembling or shaped like a leaf of the clover plant.


A historical region of southwest Russia on the northeast coast of the Black Sea north of the Caucasus Mountains. It was ceded to Russia by the Ottoman Turks in 1829.


A hollow containing the anther in the upper part of the column of an orchid flower.


A humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets, about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes.

Chesapeake Bay retriever

A hunting dog of a breed developed in the United States, and having a thick, short, wavy coat ranging from dark brown to tan in color and known for its skill in retrieving game from water.


A keyboard. A stringed keyboard instrument, such as a harpsichord.

Cochin China

A large domestic fowl of a breed developed in Asia, having thickly feathered legs. Also called Cochin, Shanghai. (After Cochin China.)


A large food and game fish (Rachycentron canadum) of tropical and subtropical seas. Also called sergeant fish. (Origin unknown).


A large herbaceous lizard (Sauromalus obesus) of the southwest United States and Mexico, related to the iguana.

citrus red mite

A large mite (Panonychus citri) that infests citrus plants and shrubs. Also called citrus red spider.


A large powerful draft horse of a breed developed in the Clyde valley of Scotland, having white feathered hair on its fetlocks.

cicada killer

A large wasp. (Spheciu speciosus) that preys on cicadas.

class action

A lawsuit brought by one or more plaintiffs on behalf of a large group of others who have a common interest.


A lay officer in the Anglican Church chosen annually by the vicar or the congregation to handle the secular and legal affairs of the parish. One of two elected chief lay officers of the vestry in the Episcopal Church.


A layer of a substance spread over a surface for protection or decoration; a covering layer. Cloth for making coats.

claymore mine

A lens-shaped, ground-emplaced antipersonnel mine whose blast is focused in the direction of the oncoming enemy.


A level stretch of soft tidal mud where clams burrow.

clean and jerk

A lift in weightlifting in which a weight is raised from the floor to shoulder height, held there briefly, and then pushed overhead in a rapid motion of the arms, typically accompanied by a spring or lunge from the legs.

chow line

A line of people waiting for food, as in a cafeteria.


A line segment that joins two points on a curve. A straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil. Variant of cord. An emotion feeling or response. The string of a musical instrument.


A locomotive train. [From baby-talk imitation of the sound of a locomotive whistle.]

Chincoteague Bay

A long narrow bay off northeast Virginia and southeast Maryland. Chinteague Island as at the southern end of the bay.


A long narrow board with one edge thicker than the other, overlapped horizontally to cover the outer walls of frame structures. Also called weatherboard.


A loose outer garment, such as a cape. Something that covers or conceals.


A loose outer robe, especially that worn by a bishop and having lawn sleeves attached.


A loose sleeveless robe worn especially by Anglican bishops.


A loud, resonant, metallic sound. The strident call of a crane or goose. To make or cause to make a clang.


A lustrous, hard, steel-gray metallic element, resistant to tarnish and corrosion and found primarily in chromite. It is used in the hardening of steel alloys and the production of stainless steels, in corrosion-resistant decorative platings, and as a pigment in glass. Atomic number 24; atomic weight 51.996; melting point 1,890 C; boiling piont 2,482 C; specific gravity 7.18; valence 2, 3, 6.


A malignant tumor that develops from trophoblast cells and usually occurs in the uterus.


A man belonging to a clan.


A man who is a cleric. A man who is a member of a church.


A man who is member of the clergy.

clouded leopard

A medium-sized feline mammal (Neofelis nebulosa) native to southeast Asia, having brownish or gray fur with black markings similar to those of a leopard.


A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense. A suspenseful situation occurring at the end of a chapter, scene, or episode. A contest so closely matched that the outcome is uncertain until the end.


A member of a North American Indian people formerly living along the Columbia river; the language of this people. In full Chinook Jargon. A pidgin composed of elements from Chinook, Nootka, English, French, and other languages, used in the Pacific northwest of North America. In full Chinook salmon. A salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, of the North American Pacific coast. In full Chinook wind. A warm dry wind which blows east of the Roky Mountains. Also a warm wet southerly wind west of them.

coast guardsman

A member of a coast guard.


A member of a contemplative monastic order founded by reformist Benedictines in France in 1098.


A member of a people inhabiting the Chin hills and adjacent districts in Myanmar (Burma); the language of this people.


A member of a people located in the middle Volga River valley, chiefly in Chuvashia. The Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash.


A member of a people of northeast Siberia. The language of the Chukchi, noted for being pronounced differently by men and women.


A member of a widely scattered Indian people of Colombia and Central America. A language family comprising the Chibchan languages.


A member of an American Indian people formerly inhabiting the Greater Antilles. Of unknown origin and linguistic affiliation, the Ciboney were largely displaced by Taino settlers prior to European contact and were extinct by the end of the 16th century.


A member of an extinct Indian people once inhabiting central Colombia. The extinct language of the Chibcha.

cliff dweller

A member of certain Anasazi groups of the southwest United States who built rock or adobe dwellings on sheltered ledges in the sides of cliffs. A person who lives in a large apartment house, especially in a city.


A member of the clergy.

Christian Brother

A member of the order of Brothers of the Christian Schools that was founded in France in 1684 by Saint Jean Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719) and is dedicated primarily to education.


A member of the same class at school.

Chiltern hundreds

A merely formal office applied for by members of Parliament when they wish to resign from the House of Commons.


A metal coating bonded onto another metal under high pressure and temperature. The process of forming such a coating. A protective or insulating layer fixed to the outside of a building or another structure. [Earlier, clothing, possibly from clad.]


A metallic sound, sharp and hard but not resonant. To make a sharp, hard, metallic sound.

circuit training

A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.


A metrical foot consisting of a trochee followed by an iamb, much used in greek and Latin poetry. A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot.


A microscopic hairlike process extending from the surface of a cell or unicellular organism. Capable of rhythmical motion, it acts in unison with other such structures to bring about hte movement of the cell or of the surrounding medium. An eyelash. One of the hairs along the margin or edge of a structure, such as a leaf, usually forming a fringe.


A mineral variety of andulsite with carbonaceous impurities reguarly arranged along the longer axis of the crystal.


A mobile pale-yellow liquid, C9H15COH, derived from lemon-grass oil and used in perfume and as a flavoring.


A motorbus. A railroad passenger car. A closed automobile, usually with two doors. A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat for the driver; a stagecoach. An economical airplane or a train. A person who trains or directs athletes or athletic teams. A person who gives instruction, as in singing or acting. A private tutor employed to prepare a student for an examination. To train or tutor or to act as a trainer or tutor. To transport by or ride in a coach.

Clingmans Dome

A mountain 2,026 m (6,643 ft) high, in the Great Smoky Mountains on the Tennessee-North Carolina border. It is the highest elevation of the range and the highest point in Tennessee.

Cilician Gates

A mountain pass in the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey. The pass has served for centuries as a natural highway linking Anatolia with the Mediterranean coast.


A mountain, 1,410 m (4,623 ft) high, of southeast Greece. It was considered sacred to Dionysus and the Muses.

Cloud Peak

A mountain, 4,018.4 m (13,175 ft) high, in the Bighorn Mountains of north-central Wyoming. It is the highest elevation in the range.


A movie camera or projector. A movie theater.


A movie photographer, especially one who is in charge of shooting a movie.


A myriapod of the class Chilopoda, a centripede. A myriapod of the class Chilopoda, a centipede.

Christian name

A name given at baptism. Also called baptismal name. A name that precedes a person's family name, especially the first name.


A name used for Korea since the second millennium B.C.


A narrow opening, such as a crack or fissure. To make narrow openings in. To fill narrow openings in. (Probably alteration of obsolete chine, from Middle English English, crawck.)


A narrow passage, such as a strait, through which shipping must pass. A point of congeestion or obstruction.


A native American people, divided after 1832 into the Northern and Southern Cheyenne, inhabiting respectively southeast Montana and southern Colorado, with present-day populations in Montana and Oklahoma. The Cheyenne became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating to the Great Plains in the 18th century and figured prominently in the resistance by Plains Indians to white encroachment. A member of this people. The Algonquian language of the heyenne.


A native or inhabitant of Circassia. The Caucasian language of the Circassians. Of or relating to Circassia or its people, language, or culture.


A natural dark brown to black graphitelike material used as a fuel, formed from fossilized plants and cosisting of amorphous carbon with various organic and some inorganic compounds. A piece of this substance. A glowing or charred piece of soild fuel. Charcoal. To burn (a combustible solid) to a charcoal residue. To provide with coal.


A naturally rounded paving stone.


A neighborhood or section of a city that is inhabited chiefly by Chinese people.

city editor

A newspaper editor responsible for handling local news and reporters' assignments. A newspaper editor who handles commercial and financial news.


A nickname for a carpenter, especially a ship.


A number one golf iron, having very little loft to the club face. A number four wood. A large hook, such as one used to hang a pot over a fire.


A obbestone. A rock fragment between 64 and 256 millimeters in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded. To pave with cobblestones.


A pal; a buddy. (Possibly from dialectal cob, to take a liking to.)


A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz. A light to moderate olive.

clair de lune

A pale, grayish-blue glaze applied to various kinds of Chinese porcelain. The color of such a glaze.


A pancreatic digestive enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of certain proteins in the small intestine into polypeptides and amino acids.


A parasitic disease of many animals, including cattle, swine, sheep, dogs, cats, and poultry, but rarely of bumans, resulting from infestation of the alimentary canal by protozoans of the order Coccidia.


A parlimentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion. Also called closure. To apply cloture to (a parliamentary debate).


A party that makes a claim.


A past participle of clepe.


A past tense and a past participle of cleave. Divided, split. Having indentations that extend about halfway to the center, as in certain leaves. A crack, crevice, or split. A split or indentation between two parts, as of the chin.


A past tense and a past participle of climb.


A plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center. A planar region bounded by a circle. Something, such as a ring, shaped like such a plane curve. A circular course, circuit, or orbit. A traffic circle. A curved section or tier of seats in a theater. A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement. A territorial or administrative division, especially of a province, in some European countries. A sphere of influence or interest; domain. A vicious _____. To make or form a ______ around; enclosure. To move in a ______. Turn.

Chinese cabbage

A plant (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) of the mustard family; having an elongated head of overlapping, crinkled, broad-stalked leaves and eaten as a vegetable in eastern Asian cuisine. Also called celery cabbage, napa, pe-tsai. Synonymous with bok choy.


A plant distributed by a specified agency.


A plastid that contains pigments other than chlorophyl, usually yellow or orange carotenoids.


A plastid that contains pigments other than chlorophyll, usually yellow or orange carotenoids.


A platinum-containing chemotherapeutic drug, Cl2H6N2Pt, used in the treatment of metastatic ovarian or testicular cancers and advanced bladder cancer.

closet drama

A play to be read rather than performed.

Cherokee Strip

A plot of land in present-day northern Oklahmoa. Purchased from the Cherokee Nation by the United States. Purchased from the Cherokee Nation by the United States in 1891, it was opened to settlement in 1893.


A plural of chondroma.


A poetic name for Japan, used by Marco Polo.


A policy of supporting the power and influence of the clergy in political or secular matters.


A potent neurotoxin that is secreted by a dinoflagellate and can accumulate in the flesh of certain marine fish, suchas grouper or snapper, causing ciguatera poisoning.

chorionic villus sampling

A prenatal test to detect birth defects that is performed at an early stage of pregnancy and involves retrieval and examination of tissue from the chorionic villi. Also called chorionic villus biopsy.

Cherokee rose

A prickly, climbing, evergreen rose native to China and naturalized in the southeast United States, having showy, white, fragrant flowers.


A printed and glazed cotton fabric; usually of bright olors.


A prison or a prison cell; a jail.

classical conditioning

A process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to respond in a desired manner to a previously neutral stimulus that has been repeatedly presented along with an unconditioned stimulus that elicits the desired response.

cluster bomb

A projectile that, when dropped from an aircraft or fired through the air, releases explosive fragments over a wide area.


A proteolytic enzyme obtained from the fruit of the tropical tree Carica papaya that resembles papain and is used in the treatment of herniated intervertebral disks.


A public entertainment consisting typically of a variety of performances by acrobats, clowns, and trained animals. A traveling company that performs such entertainments. A circular area, surrounded by tiers of seats and often covered by a tent, in which such shows are performed. A roofless oval enclosure surrounded by tiers of seats that was used in antiquity for public spectacles. An open circular place where several streets intersect. Something suggestive of a circus, as in frenetic activity or noisy disorder.


A pupa, especially of a moth or butterfly, enclosed in a firm case or cocoon. A protected stage of development.

clock radio

A radio having a built-in alarm clock that can be set to turn the radio on automatically.

cobalt 60

A radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number 60 and exceptionally intense gamma-ray activity, used in radiotherapy, metaallurgy, and materials testing.

club car

A railroad passengar car equipped with lounge chairs, tables, a buffet or bar, and othe rcomforts. Also called lounge car.


A raised rim or border around an opening, as in a ships deck, designed to keep out water.

Chiltern Hills

A range of chalk hills in south-central England northeast of the upper Thames River.

Cheviot Hills

A range of hills extending about 56 km (35 mi) along the border between England and Scotland.

Clearwater Mountains

A range of north-central Idaho between the Salmon River and the Bitterroot range. The highest point is about 2,745 m (9,000 ft).

Chugach Mountains

A range of southern Alaska extending eastward fro Cook Inlet to the Canadian border. Mount Marcus Baker 4,018.7 m (13,176 ft.) is the highest elevation.

Coast Mountains

A range of western British Columbia, Canada, and southeast Alaska extending about 1,609km (1,000 mi) parallel to the Pacific coast. The mountains slope precipitously to the Pacific Ocean, where the shoreline is deeply indented by fjords. Mount Waddington, 3,996.7 m (13,104 ft) is the highest elevation in the range.


A rare silver-white to gray mineral, cobalt sulfarsenide, CoAsS, that is a cobalt ore and is used in ceramics.


A realm of imagination or fantasy.


A receptacle for holding water or other liquid, especially a tank for catching and storing rainwater. A cisterna.


A red dye made of the dried and pulverized bodies of female cochineal insects. It is used as a biological stain and as an indicator in acid-base titrations. A vivid red.


A region and former princely state of southwest India on the Malabar Coast of the Arabian Sea. The city of cochin was visited by Vasco da Gama in 1502 and colonized by the Portugueze in the following year. It was taken by the Dutch in 1663 and occupied by the British in 1795. Population: 513,249.

Coats Land

A region of western Antarctica along the southeast shore of the Weddell Sea.

clip joint

A restaurant, nightclub, or other business where customers are regularly overcharged.


A restraining move in which one person seizes another around the neck in a tight grip, typically from behind.


A retreat from an earlier position or opinion; a backing down.


A rhetorical inversion of the second of two parallel structures, as in "Each throat/Was parched, and glazed each eye" (Samuel Taylor Coleridge).

closed couplet

A rhymed couplet foring a coplete thought or syntactic unit, for example, "True wit is nature to advantage dressed,/What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed" (Alexander Pope).


A ring with a raised design of two hands clasping a crowned heart, usually given as a token of love or friendship. Claddagh, a fishing village and suburb of Galway.]

Chicago River

A river formed at Chicago by the unction of northern and southern branches that total about 55 km (34 mi) in length. It is an important link in the Illinois Waterway.

Churchill River

A river of eastern Canada flowing about 965 km (600 mi) across Labrador to the Atlantic Ocean. A river rising in northwest Saskatchewan, Canada, and flowing about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) eastward across Saskachewan and northern Manitoba then northeast to Hudson Bay. It was once an important fur-trading route.


A river of south-central Russia flowing about 1,730 km (1,075 mi) north and west to the Ob River.


A river of southeast Kazakhstan flowing about 1,126 km (700 mi) from the Tian Shan generally northeastward into the desert.


A river of southwest Scotland flowing about 171 km (106 mi) northwest to the Firth of Clyde, an estuary of the North Channel.

Cheyenne River,

A river rising in eastern Wyoming and flowing about 848 km (527 mi) east then northeast to the Missouri River in central South Dakota.


A river rising in northeast New Mexico and flowing about 1,123 km (698 mi) eastward across southwest Kansas to the Arkansas River in northern Oklahoma.


A river rising in southern Alabama and flowing about 225 km (140 mi) south into northwest Florida, where it empties into Choctawhatchee Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico.

Clark Fork

A river rising in southwest Montana near Butte and flowing about 579 km (360 mi) generally north then northwest to Pend Oreille Lake in the Idaho Panhandle.

Clinch River

A river rising in southwest Virginia and flowing about 483 km (300) mi) generally southwest across eastern Tennessee to the Tennessee River.


A river rising in the Andes of southwest Argentina and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) eastward to the Atlantic Ocean.

Clearwater River

A river, about 209 km (130 mi) long, of northwest Saskatchewan and northeast Alberta, Canada. It joins the Athabasca River at Fort McMurray. A river rising in the Bitterroot Range of northern Idaho and flowing about 306 km (190 mi) generally west to join the Snake River at Lewiston. Gold was discovered along the river in 1860.


A river, about 338 km (210 mi) long, of southeast Mississippi.


A rock fragment or grain resulting from the breakdown of larger rocks.


A room or place espeically in a school in which classes are conducted.

clean room

A room that is maintained virtually free of contaminants, such as dust or bacteria, used in laboratory work and in the production of precision parts for electronic or aerospace equipment. Also called white room.


A room where coats and other articls may be left temporarily, as in a theater or school. Also called coatroom. A private lounge adjacent to a legislative chamber.

clew line

A rope used to raise the clew of a sail up to the yard or mast.


A rude, boorish person. A miserly person. A ceorl. A medieval English peasant.


A rude, insensitive person; a boor.


A salt or ester of cholic acid.


A salt or ester of citric acid.


A sauce made of chopped fresh parsley seasoned with garlic, pepper, and herbs and bound with oil and vinegar.

Christmas club

A savings account, as in a bank, requiring periodic deposits to ensure money for shopping at christmas.

chromatic scale

A scale consisting of 12 semitones.


A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.


A seashore picnic where clams, fish, corn, and other foods are traditionally baked on heated stones covered with seaweed. A party or gathering, especially a noisy and lively one.

Cisalpine Gaul

A section o fancient Gaul south and east of the Alps in present-day Italy.


A vessel or device in which cream or milk is agitated to separate the oily globules from the caseous and serous parts, used to make butter. To agitate or stir (milk or cream) in order to make butter. To make by the agitation of milk or cream. To shake or agitate vigorously. To buy or sell ( a client's securities) frequently, especially in order to generate commissions. To make butter by operating a device that agitates cream or milk. To move with or produce great agitation.

chrome alum

A violet-red crystalline compound, CrK(SO4)2*12H20, used in tanning, as a mordant, and in photography.

coal tar

A viscous black liquid containing numerous organic compounds that is obtained by the destructive distillation of coal and used as a roofing, waterproofing, and insulating compound and as a raw material for many dyes, drugs, and paints.

chuck wagon

A wagon equipped with food and cooking utensils, as on a ranch or in a lumber camp.

circular file

A wastebasket


A white cloth or robe worn by an infant at baptism. An infant wearing a baptismal robe; a baby.

cinnamic acid

A white crystalline acid, C6H5CHCHCOOH, sobtained from cinnamon or from balsams such as storax or made synthetically and used chiefly to manufacture perfumery compounds.


A white-flowered bulbous plant, Ornithogalum thyrsoides, native to southern Africa.


A wicker receptacle used in ancient Rome for carrying sacred utensils in a procession.


A widely distributed black to brownish black chromium ore, FeCr2O4.


A winged celestial being. One of the second order of angels. A representation of a small angel, portrayed as a child with a chubby, rosy face. A person, especially a child, wih an innocent or chubby face.


A woman belonging to a clan.


A woman who is a cleric. A woman who is a member of a church.


A woman who is a member of the clergy.

clutch bag

A woman's purse that is strapless and carried in the hand.


A woman's shoe worn in the 16th and 17th centuries tha eatured a very high, thick sole.

chopping block

A wooden block on which food or wood is chopped.

cigarstore Indian

A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist.

clipped form

A word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word, such as gas from gasoline or phone from telephone. Also called clipping.


A word or morpheme used in some languages in certain contexts such as counting, that indicates the semantic class to which an item belongs. For example, hon is used in Japanese in counting long slendor objects such as sticks or pencils.


A work of art representing a view of clouds. A photograph showing a view of clouds, such as those surrounding a planet.


A yard adjacent to a church, especially a cemetery. The ground on which a church stands.


A young chicken. The young of any bird. A child. A girl or young woman.


A.D. 347-407. Antioch-born Greek prelate whose eloquent sermons earned him the name Chrysostomm, "golden-mouthed." As patriarch of Constantinople (from 398), his oratory agains corruption eventually led to his death.

Clovis I

A.D. 466-511. King of the Franks (481-511) who unified Gaul as a single kingdom and established his capital at Paris. His name, Gallicized as "Louis," was given to 18 later French monarchs.

Church of England

Abbreviated C. of E. The episcopal and liturgical national church of England, which has its see in Canterbury.

chronological age

Abbreviated CA. The number of years a person has lived, used especially in psychometrics as a standard against which certain variables, suchas behavior and intelligence, are measured.

citizens band

Abbreviated CB. A radio-frequency band officially allocated for private radio communications.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Abbreviated COPD. A chronic lung disease, suchas asthma or emphysema, in which breathing becomes slowed or forced.

chief justice

Abbreviated as C.J. The presiding judge of a high court having several judges, especially the U.S. Supreme Court.

civil defense

Abbreviated as CD. A range of emergency measures to be taken by an organized body of civilian volunteers for the protection of life and property in the event of natural disaster or enemy attack.

chief master sergeant

Abbreviated as CMSGT. A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above senior master sergeant. One who holds this rank.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Abbreviation CFS. A syndrome characterized by debilitating fatigue and a combination of flulike symptoms such as sore throat, swollen lymph glands, low-grade fever, headaches, and muscle pain or weakness.


Abbreviation for 1. Christ. 2. Christian. 2. Chronicles. (Bible).


Abbreviation for Criminal Investigation Department.


Abbreviation for carried over. 2. cash order. 3. Colorado. 4. Commanding officer 5. Conscientious objector.


Abbreviation for company. 2. county.


the state of a woman in labour; giving birth to a child.

chief executive officer

Abbriated CEO, C.E.O. The highest-ranking executive in a company or organization, responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day-to-day basis.


Abnormal softening or degeneration of cartilage of the joints, especially of the knee.


Above all, especially. Almost entirely, mainly. Of or relating to a chief..


Aesthetic attitudes and principles manifested in the art, architecture, and Aesthetic attitudes and principles manifested in the art, architecture, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome and characterized by emphasis on form, simplicity proportion, and restraint. Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature. Classical scholarship. A greek or Latin expression or idiom


Along, by way of, or following a coast.


Also Chili.

coast guard

Also Coast Guard. Abbreviated CG. The branch of a nation's armed forces that is responsible for coastal defense, prtection of life and property at sea, and enforcement of customs, immigration, and navigation laws. A member of a coast guard.


Also cheir. The use of manual sign language. The branch of knowledge that deals with the hand.


Also chikara. In the Indian subcontinent: the mountain gazelle, Gazella bennetti.


Also chinquapin & other vars. Any of various small N. American trees or their edible nuts; especially the dwarft chestnut, Castanea pumila.


American automobile manufacturer who founded the Chrysler Corporation (1925).


American general who was allied who was Allied commander in North Africa and Italy in World War II and supreme commander of United Nations forces in Korea (1952-1953).


American military leader and frontiersman who led numerous raids on British troops and Native Americans in the Northwest Territory during the Revolutionary War.


American painter and leader of the Hudson River School. 1859-1900. His works include Heart of the Andes (1859).


American poet and critic noted for his clear, ironic poetry, works of literary criticism, such as How Does a Poem Mean? (1960), and a translation of Dante's Divine Comedy (1954-1970).

Rufus Choate (1799-1859)

American politician who served as a U.S. representative (1831-1834) and senator (1841-1845) from MAssachusetts. His son Joseph Hodges Choate (1832-1917) was ambassador to Great Britian (1899-1905).


American writer known for his popular historical romance novels, such as Richard Carvel (1899).


American writer whose works, such as The Awakening (1899), portray Creole life in Louisiana.


American writer whose works, such as The Wife of His Youth (1899), concern racial prejudice and life among Black Americans.


An Allied fighter behind the Japanese lines in Burma (Myanmar) 1943-5).


An Alsation dish of sauerkraut with wine, sausages, pork, and juniper berries.

Christmas Island

An Australian-adminstered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britian in 1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in 1958.

coachlear implant

An electronic apparatus that allows people with severe hearing loss to recognize some sounds, especially speech sounds, and that consists chiefly of a microphone and receiver, a processor that converts speech into electronic signals, and an array of electrodes that transmit the signals to the auditory nerve in the inner ear.


An embroidered or woven decoration on the side of a stocking or sock.


An enema. Clytemnestra

chief petty officer

An enlisted rank in the U.S. Navy that is above petty officer first class and below senior chief petty officer. One who holds this rank.

Christmas cactus

An epiphytic cactus (Schlumbergera xbridgesii) of Brazilian ancestry, widely cultivated as a houseplant and having jointed flat segments with crenate margins and showy, often magenta or rose-purple flowers that bloom in winter.

Christmas tree

An evergreen or artificial tree decorated, as with lights and ornaments, during the Christmas season. A device comprised of pipes and valves that caps a producing natural gas or oil well and controls its flow.

Chinese anise

An evergreen tree (Illicium anisatum), native to Japan and Korea and having aromatic leaves and fragrant white or yellow flowers.


An evergreen tree (Syzgium aromaticum) native to the Moluccas and widely cultivated in warm regions for its aromatic dried flower buds. A flower bud of this plant, used whole or ground as a spice Often used in the plural.


An exceptionally precise timepiece.


An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment. A detailed narrative record or report.


An extinct volcano, 6,271.1 , (20,561 ft) high, in central Ecuador. The highest elevation of the Cordillera Real, it was first scaled in 1880.


An imposing of restrictions or controls.


An incandescent, transparent layer of gas, primarily hydrogen, several thousand miles in depth, lying above and surrounding the photosphere of a star, such as the sun, but distinctly separate from the corona. A gaseous layer similar to a chromosphere around a star.


An inclined trough, passage, or channel through or down which things may pass. A waterfall or rapid. A parachute. To convey or deposit by a ______. To go or descend by a _____.


An independent city of southeast Virginia south of Norfolk. Itsvast area includes residential communities, farmland, and a section of the Great Dismal Swamp. Population, 114,486.

chrisom child

An infant that dies before one month of age.


An infectious respiratory disease of humans and other animals caused by inhaling the fungus Coccidioides immitis. It is characterized by fever and various respiratory symptoms. Also called valley fever.


An inflammation followed by itchy irritation on the hands, feet, or ears, resulting from exposure to moist cold.

Chesapeake Bay

An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean separating the Delmarva Peninsula from mainland Maryland and Virginia. Explored and charted by John Smith in 1608, it is an important link in the Intracoastal Waterway.


An instrument that produces a chromatogram.


An instrument that registers or graphically records time intervals such as the duration of an event.

circuit board

An insulated board on which interconnected circuits and components such as microchips are mounted or etched.


An intimate friend or companion. To be an intimate friend. To display good-natured friendliness. To share the same room, as in a dormitory.


An island group and state of the Federated States of Micronesia in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. Site of a major Japanese naval base during World War II, the islands were part of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands from 1947 to 1978,


An island in the Pacific Ocean off central Chile. It is the largest of the Chilean isalnds and the only one to be successfully settled.


An item of personal property; a chattel.


An office where banks exchange checks and drafts and settle accounts.


An official Turkish messenger, emissary, or sergeant.


An oily colorless liquid, CCl3NO2, that causes skin, lung, and mucous membrane irritation and is used in tear gas and in dyestuffs, disinfactants, insecticides, and soil fumigants. Also called nitrochloroform.

Chinese tallow tree

An oranmental tree (Sapium sebiferum), native to China and Japan and naturalized in the southern United States and having a thcik waxy seed coat that is used in making candles and soap. Also called vegetable tallow.


An underground rail tunnel that runs below the English Channel and connects Great Britain and France.

clothes tree

An upright pole or stand with hooks or pegs on which to hang clothing. Also called coat tree.


An urban district of southeast England on the North Sea. It is a resort situated on high cliffs overlooking the sea. Population: 44,000.


An urban district of southeast England, a residential suburb of London. Population: 79,700.


An urban district of southern Ireland on Cork Harbor. It is a popular seaside resort. Population 6,587.


Anger; irritability. One of the four humors of ancient and medieval physiology, thought to cause anger and bad temper when present in excess; yellow bile. The quality and condition of being bilious.

Chester White

Any of a breed of large white hogs with drooping ears that were originally bred in Chester County in southeast Pennsylvania.


Any of a group of green pigments that are found in the chloroplasts of plants and in other photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria, especially: a. A waxy blue-black green-plant pigment, C55H72MgN4O5, with a characteristic blue-green alcohol solution. Also called chlorophyll a. b. A similar green-plant pigment, C55H70MgN4O6, having a brilliant green alcohol solution. Also called chlorophyll b.


Any of certain Andean evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Erythroxylum, especially E. coca, whose leaves contain cocaine and other alkaloids. The dried leaves of such a plant, chewed by people of the Andes for a stimulating effect and also used for extraction of cocaine and other alkaloids.

church mode

Any of eight scales of medieval music, each distinguished by its ending note, its arrangement of pitches in intervals, and its range.


Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States, related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail.


Any of numerous, mostly Eurasian plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the composite family, many of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy radiate flower heads. A flower head of one of these.


Any of several North American freshwater fishes of the genus Coregonus or Leucichtys, related to and resembling the whitefish. From Canadian French ciscoette, from Ojibwa bemidewiskawed, the fish with oily skin.


Any of several black or dark-colored fishes, especially the pollock or sablefish.

chinese houses

Any of several chiefly Californian plants of the genus Collinsia, especially C. heterophylla, which has several widely spaced whorls of purple and white flowers suggestive of a pagoda.

Chinese mustard

Any of several cultivatd varieties of the Indian mustard, grown for their leafy shoots and eaten as a vegetable especially in eastern Asian cuisine.


Any of several deciduous shrubs or small trees related and similar to the chestnut, especially Castanea pumila, native to the eastern United States. A large evergreen tree (Castanopsis chrysophylla) of the Pacific Coast of North America. Also called giant chinquapin, golden chinquapin. The nut of any of these plants. (Of Algonquian orgin; akin to Virginia Algonquin chechinkamin, chestnut.


Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Castanea native to northern temperate regions, having alternate, simple, toothed leaves, and nuts enclosed in a prickly husk. The often edible nut of any of these trees. The wood of any of these trees. Any of several otehr plants such as the horse chestnut. A moderate to deep reddish brown. A reddish-brown horse. A small, hard callus on the inner surface of a horse's foreleg. An old, frequently repeated joke, story, or song. Of a moderate to deep, reddish brown.

cliff brake

Any of several ferns in the widely distributed genus Pellaea, typically growing in relatively dry rocky areas or on cliffs and having pinnately copound often leathery leaves.


Any of several hybrid oranmental plants (Senecio x hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.


Any of several marks, especially (^), used overa vowel in certain langues or in phonetic keys to indicate quality of pronunciation. Having this mark. Curving around.


Any of several plants of the genus Potentilla in the rose family, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having yellow or sometimes white or red flowers and compound leaves that in some species bear five leaflets. A design having five sides composed of converging arcs, usually used as a frame for glass or a panel.

cochineal insect

Any of several red scale insects of the family Dactylopiidae that feed on cacti, especially the prickly pear, and range from the southwest United States to Central America.


Any of several species of brome grass, especially the cheat..


Any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria. The dried bark of any of these plants. Also called Jesuit's bark, Peruvian bark.


Any of several venomous snakes, especially of the genus Naja, that are native to Asia and Africa and are capable of expanding the skin of the neck to form a flattened hood. Leather made from the skin of one of these snakes.


Any of several, small, plump Native American birds of the genus Parus, having predominantly gay plumage and a dark-crowned head.

church father

Any of the authoritative early writers in the Christian church who formulated doctrines and codified religious observances.


the state or quality of being circumspect. Synonymous with prudence.


Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae related to the carps and minnows, especially a Eurasian species, Leuciscus cephalus. Any of various North American fishes of the genus Kyphosus.


Any of various halocarbon compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, once used widely as aerosol propellants and refrigerants. _____________________ are believed to cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer.

chicken hawk

Any of various hawks that prey on or have the reputation of preying on chickens. A man who seeks out young boys as his sexual partners.


Any of various herbs of the genera Cerastium and Stellaria, especially S. media, a European weed naturalized worldwide. The herb has small white flowers, petals with two deep lobes, and opposite leaves. So called because it is eaten by chickens.

clay mineral

Any of various hydrous silicates that have fine crystalline structure and are components of clay.


Any of various insects of the family Cicadidae, having a broad head, membranous wings, and in the male a pair of resonating organs that produce a characteristic high-pitched, droning sound. Also called cicala.


Any of various insects of the superfamily Coccoidea, including the scale insects and mealybugs.


Any of various invertebrate animals of the phylum Cnidaria, characterized by a radially symmetrical body with a saclike internal cavity, and including the jellyjishes, hydras, sea anemones, and corals. Also called coelenterate. Of, relating to, or belonging to the phylum Cnidaria.


Any of various often strong-smelling plants of the genus Cleome, native chiefly to warm regions and including several ornamentals. Also called spider flower.


Any of various ornamental, mostly climbing plants of the genus Clematis, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having showy, variously colored flowers or decorative fruit clusters.


Any of various parasitic protozoans belonging to the order Coccidia and responsible for a disease of the alimentary canal in livestock, fowl, and humans.


Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Clintonia in the lily family, native to North America and eastern Asia and having broad basal leaves, white, greenish-yellow, or purplish flowers, and blue or black berries.


Any of various small marine fishes of the family Gobiesocidae, having a large sucking disk under the front part of the body by which they fasten themselves to rocks and seaweed.


Any of various surveying instruments for measuring angles of elevation, slope, or incline, as of an embankment. Also called inclinometer.


Any of various tropical and subtropical freshwater fishes of the family Cichlidae, many of which are popular as aquarium fish.


Any of various widely distributed softfinned fishes of the family Clupeidae, which includes the herrings, menhadens, and sardines. Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Clupeidae.


Arranged in classes or categories. Available to authorized persons only, as for reasons of national security.


Arranged in order of time of occurrence. Relatig to or in accordance with chronology.


Articles of dress; wearing apparel; garments. Bedclothes.


At the home of, at or by. (french)


Aware of belonging to a particular socioeconomic class. Supprotive of class solidarity.


Baron Clive of Plassey. 1725-1774. British soldier and statesman who was instrumental in securing Great Britain's interests in India.


Being near in space or time. Being near in relationship. Bound by mutual interests, loyalties, or affections, intimate. Having little or no space between elements or parts; tight and compact. Being near the surface, short. Being on the brink of. Decided by a narrow margin; almost even. Faithful to the original. Shut in; enclosed. Shut; closed. Fitting tightly. Lacking fresh air; stuffy. Confined to specific persons or groups


Being or taking a roundabout lengthy course.


Belonging to the highest rank or class. Serving as the established model or standard. Having lasting significance or worth, enduring. Adhering or conforming to established standards and principles. Of a well-known type, typical. Of or characteristic of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome; classical. Formal, refined, and restrained, in style. Simple and harmonious; elegant. having historical or literary associations. An artist, author, or work generally considered to be of the highest rank or excellence, especially one of enduring significance. A work recognized as definitive in its field. A literary work of ancient greece or Rome. The languages and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. One that is of the highest rank or class. A superior or unusual example of its kind. A traditional event, especially a major sporting event that is held annually.


Bias based on social or economic class.


Bile: cholesterol.


Born 1908. American comedian who costarred in comedy sketches with Sid Caesar on the weekly television program "Your Show of Shows" (1950-1954).


Born 1912. American cookery expert. known for her books and her instructional television and video series.


Born 1916. American author of children's books. Her works include a series of humorous novels featuring Henry Higgins.


Born 1917. British writer, scientist, and underwater explorer noted for his stories of space exploration. His works include 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).


Born 1928. American linguist and political theorist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar, set forth in Syntactic Structures (1957).


Born 1934. American pianist who was the first American to win the Tchaikovsky Prize (1958).


Born 1938. British playwright. Her best-known work, Cloud 9 (1979), is considered a landmark of feminist and postmodern literature.


Born 1939. American artist best known for The Dinner Party (1979), a ceramic and needlepoint project depicting the social history of women in the Western world.


Born 1947. First Lady of the United States (1993) as the wife of President Bill Clinton. She is an attorney and a noted spokesperson for children's rights.


Born 1962. American baseball player. As a right-handed pitcher mainly with the Boston Red Sox (1985-1996), he set (1986) a ajor-league record for single game strikeouts at 20, tying that record again in 1996. He earned his unprecedented fifth Cy Young Award in 1998.


British art historian whose works include The Nude (1955), Civilization (1970), and Feminine Beauty (1980).


British politician and writer. As prime minister (1940-1945 and 1951-1955) he led Great Britain through World War II. ___________ published several works, including The Second World War (1948-1953), and won the 1953 Nobel Prize in literature.


Broadcast with captions that can be seen only on a specially equipped receiver.


Built with overlapping planks or boards, as a ship.


CCK. A hromone produced principally by the small intestine to the presence of fats, causing contraction of the gallbladder, release of bile, and secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes. Also called pancreozymin.


Capital of Wyoming, in the southeast part of the state near the Nebraska and Colorado borders. It was founded in 1867 as a division point for the Union Pacific Railroad. Population, 47,283.


Cartilage. Granule: chondrite.

clam diggers

Casual pants in a midcalf length.


Designating or pertaining to an elegant style of ornamental furniture popularized in the pattern-books of the English cabinet-maker Thomas Chippendale (1718-79); designed by or in the style of Thomas Chippendale. A piece of Chippendale furniture.


Designed to attach by means of a clip.


Died 422 B.C. Athenian political and military leader who led the democratic faction after the death of Pericles (429 B.C.).


Distinctly and sharply defined or outlined. Not ambiguous; clear and obvious. Synonymous with apparent. Having been logged by __________. To remove all of the trees in (a tract of timber) at one time. To log an area by removing all of the trees at one time. A tract of timberland that has been _________.


Divination by (inspection of) the hand; palmistry.


Educated people considered as a group; the literati.


Either of the two daughter strands of a replicated chromosome that are joined by a single centromere and separate during cell division to become individual chromosomes.


Either of two compounds, C20H28O3 or C21H28O5, used in insecticides.


Either of two eastern North American annual plants (Pilea pumila or P. fontana) having short drooping clusters of tiny greenish-white flowers and transulcent stems and leaves. Also called richweed.

chestnut oak

Either of two eastern North American deciduous oak trees (Quercus prinus and Q. muehlenbergii) having leaves that resemble those of the American chestnut.


Either of two massless bosons, the photon and the graviton, that are quanta of the two classical fields, electromagnetic and gravitational.


Either of two news commentators jointly narrating or coordinating a newscast with another person. To narrate or coordinate (a newscast) with another person.

Christ's thorn

Either of two similar and related old World spiny shrubs (Ziziphus spina-christi or Paliurus spina-christi) popularly believed to have been used for Jesus's crown of thorns. Any of several other plants, such as the crown-of-thorns.


Either of two slender bones in humans that extend from the manubrium of the sternum to the acromion of the scapula. Also called collarbone. One of the bones of the pectoral girdle in many vertebrates.


Fourth Earl of _______________. Title of Philip Dormer Stanhope. 1694-1773. English politician and writer best known for Letters to His Son (1774).


Enclosed in an oval horny case. Used of an insect pupa. Constricted, narrowed, or compressed, as a segment of a blood vessel.


Fabric or material formed by weaving, knitting, pressing, or felting natural or synthetic fibers. A piece of fabric or material used for a specific purpose, as a tablecloth. Canvas. A sail. The characteristic attire of a profession, especially that of the clergy. The clergy. With a clothbound binding; as a clothbound book.


Fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent. A beverage made by mixing water or milk with _________. A small, chocolate-covered candy with a hard or soft center. A grayish to deep reddish brown to deep grayish brown. Made or flavored with ___________.


First Duke of Marlborough, 1650-1722. English general and statesman during the reigns of James II, Anne, and George general and statesman during the reigns of James II, Anne, and George I. He is considered among history's greatest military commanders.


Food; victuals.



Churchill Falls

Formerly Grand Falls. A waterfall, 74.7 m (245 ft) high, of the upper Churchill River in southwest Labrador, Canada. There is a hydroelectric power plant at the falls.


Free from dirt, stain, or impurities; unsoiled. Free from foreign matter or pollution; unadulterated. Not infected. producing relatively little pollution. Producing relatively little radioactive fallout or contamination. Having no imperfections or blemishes; regular or a clean edge, a smooth, clean joint. Not ornate or intricate, spare. Free from clumsiness, deft, adroit. Devoid of restrictions or encumbrances. Thorough, complete. Having a few alterations or corrections, legible. Blank. Morally pure, virtuous. Having no marks of discredit or offense. Fit for all readers, listeners, or audiences, not ribald or obscene. Honest or fair. Not carrying concealed weapos or drugs. Innocent of a suspected crime. Honest or fair. Not carrying concealed weapons or drugs. Innocent of a suspected crime. Free rom narcotics addiction. Showing no evidence of using banned or performance-enhancing substances. So as to be unsoiled. In a fiar manner. In a clean or nonpolluting manner. Entirely; wholly. To rid of dirt, rubbish, or impurities. To get rid of (impurities or dirt, for example), remove. To prepare (fowl or other food) for cooking, as by removing the entrails or fat. To remove the contents from, empty. To lift a barbell from the floor to the shoulders in one motion. To undergo or perform an act of cleaning. To rid of dirt, rubbish, or impurities. To empty of contents or cocupants. To drive or force out. To deprive completely of money or material wealth. To make clean or orderly. To make oneself clean, neat, or presentable. To dispose of; settle. To make a large profit, often in a short period of time. To elimante or discard what is undesirable.


French from Italian cipollata dish of onions, from cipolla onion. In full chipolata sausage. A small, thin sausage.


Full to the limit; as full as possible.

civil liberties

Fundamental individual rights, such as freedom of speech and religion, protected by law against unwarranted governmental or other interference.


Give a twist to; sprain.


Glittering with gold or tinsel. Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter.


Gold; golden. of Semitic origin.


Green: chlorosis. Chlorine: chloroform.


Habitually and carefully neat and clean. In a clean manner.


Having a clear, orderly mind, sensible.


Having a highly developed society and culture. Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable. Marked by refinement in taste and manenrs; cultured; polished.


Having a highly glazed finish, usually by the application of wax. A fabric or garment with such a finish.


Having a latticelike structure or appearance. Of or relating to inclusion complexes in which molecules of one substances are completely enclosed within the crystal structure of another. A clathrate compound, such as urea.


Having become stale or commonplace through overuse; hackneyed.


Having cilia.


Having cloven hooves, as deer or cattle do. Satanic, devilish.


Having many small waves; rough.


Having minute cilia.


Having one end thickened; club-shaped.


Having or mounted on a common axis.


Having or resembling a cirrus or cirri.


Having separate petals; polypetalous.


Having sharp, bright eyes; keen-sighted. Mentally acute or perceptive.


Having sharp, clear vision. Perceptive; discerning.


Having the beard or hair shaved off. Having recently shaved.


Having the temperature and humidity regulated by a heating and cooling system.


Having well-formed limbs, well-proportioned.


Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent.


Highly stylish; elegant.


Historically, a legal officer appointed to engross fines in the Court of Common Pleas. A copying clerk; a person who employs handwriting.


In Russia, a government official, especially a minor functionary, a mere bureaucrat.


In a state of secrecy or cautious privacy.


In full Appius Claudius Caecus. Fourth-third century B.C. Roman censor and consul who built the first Roman aqueduct and began construction of the Appian Way.


In full Appius Claudius Crassus. fifth century B.C. Roman decemvir (451-449) whose actions provoked a plebian revolt and the overthrow of the decemvirs.


Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose. Synonymous with secret.


Known as "Joe." Born 1939. Canadian politician who served as prime minister (1979-1980).


Known as "Kenny." 1914-1985. American jazz drummer who was a leading contributor to bop. He originated the now standard practice of maintainign a fixed pulse on a cymbal rather than the bass drum.


Known as "Patsy." 1932-1963. American singer best known for country and western ballads such as "I Fall to Pieces" (1960) and "Crazy" (1961).


Known as "Ty." 1886-1961. American baseball player and manager who was the first player elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame (1936). He set a number of major league records, including a lifetime batting average of .367.


Known as "the Great Compromiser." 1777-1852. American politician who pushed the Missouri Compromise through the U.S. House of Representatives (1820) in an effort to reconcile free and slave states.


Knwon as "Bill." Born 1946. The 42nd President of the United States (1993). The first Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt to be elected to a second term, his presdency has been marked by economic expansion and the first balanced federal budget in thirty years. In 1999 he was impeached by the House of Representatives on perjury and obstruction of justice charges but was acquitted by the Senate on both counts.


Korean currency.


Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkward. Awkwardly constructed; unwiedly. Gauche; inept.


Lacking social or economic distinctions of class. Belonging to no particular social or economic class.


Land next to the sea; the seashore. The Pacific Coast of the United States. A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled. The act of sliding or coasting; slide. The frontier or border of a country. To slide down an incline through the effect of gravity. To move effortlessly and smoothly. Synonymous with slide. To move without further use of propelling power. To act or move aimlessly or with little effort. To sail near or along a coast. To sail or move along the coast or border of.

chrome yellow

Lead chromate, PCrO4, for lighter hues.


Light familiar conversation. Subject-matter of gossip or small talk. Gossip, chat.


Located or found in one of the Polar Regions. Denoting a star that from a given observer's latitude does not go below the horizon.


Loud and clear. A medieval trumpet with a shrill clear tone. The sound of this instrument or a sound resembling it.

Cinco de Mayo

May 5, observed b Mexican communities in Latin American and Mexican-American communities in the United States in commemoration of the 1862 defeat of French troops at the Battle of Puebla.


Lying around; surrounding.


Made of gold and ivory, as certain pieces of sculture or artwork in ancient Greece.


Marked by melodramatic intrigue and often by espionage.


Plural of cheval-de-frise


Medical treatment administered according to a schedule that corresponds to a person's daily, monthly, seasonal, or yearly biological clock, in order to maximize the health benefits and minimize adverse effects. Treatment of a sleep disorder by altering an individual's sleeping and waking times and resetting his or her biological clock. In both sense also called chronotherapy.


Mentally quick and original; bright. Nimble with the hands or body; dexterous. Exhibiting quick-wittedness. Easily managed; docile. Affable but not especially smart.


Mexican-American. Of or relating to Mexican-Americans or their culture.


Mountain. A peak, 3,192.1 m (10,466 ft) high, of northwest Montana. It is the highest point in the Lewis Range of the Rocky Mountains.


Niggardly, miserly. A niggard, a miser; a wretch.


Not open to the public; held in privacy: a series of closed-door meetings.


Not staining readily with dye. Used of a cell or cell structure.


Now chiefly US colloquial. Niggardly, miserly.


Now dial. Corresponding to Old High German. In full chilver-lamb. A ewe-lamb.


Of a crystal, molecule, etc.: not superposable on its mirror image.


Of a fine semi-transpararent or white ceramic material; porcelain. Items made of this.


Of long duration; continuing. Lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrenc, as certain diseases. Subject to a habit or pattern of behavior for a long time.


Plural of cilium.


Of low, common, or inferior quality. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. Vulgar or indecent. Consisting of large particles, not fine in texture. Rough, especially to the touch.


Of or containign cobalt, especially with valence 3.


Of or containing cobalt, especially with valence 2.


Of or pertaining to Chile or its inhabitants.


Of or relating to China or its peoples, languages, or cultures. A native or inhabitant of china. A person of Chinese ancestry. The sole member of the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family, consisting of numerous languagesand dialects such as Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, and Fujian. Any of the Sinitic varieties of speech spoken by the chinese people. The official national language of China; Mandarin.


Of or relating to a church. Appropriate for or suggestive of a church.


Of or relating to a fruit, especially a peach, having flesh that adheres closely to the stone. A __________ fruit, especially a peach.


Of or relating to a plant, often one without tendrils, that sprawls or climbs.


Of or relating to a style of baroque architecture of Spain and its Latin-American colonies, characterized by elaborate and extravagant decoration.


Of or relating to an early Paleolithic tool culture of northwest Europe, characterized by simple core and flake tools. Traditionally considered to predate the Acheulian culture, it is now thought by some to be contemporaneous.


Of or relating to characteristics that have become established through mutually beneficial interactions between organisms in a community.


Of or relating to circulation. Of or relating to the circulatory system.


Of or relating to citric acid.


Of or relating to clerks or office workers or that work. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergy. Advocating clericalism. A member of the clergy.An advocate of clericalism.


Of or relating to climate. Influenced by or resulting from the prevailing climate.


Of or relating to the coccyx.


Of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar. Having a bad disposition; surly. Difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable.


Of, or relating to a prehistoric human culture widespread throughout North America from about 12,000 to 9,000 B.C., distinguished by sharp flutd projectile points made of chalcedony or obsidian.


Of, pertaining to, or designating the dipteran family Chironomidae, which includes many midges. An insect of this family.


Of, relating to, or characteristic of a clan. Inclined to cling together as a group and exclude outsiders.


Of, relating to, or contianing chromium, especially with valence 2.


Of, relating to, or providing care for children, especially preschoolers.


Of, relating to, or resembling cilia. Of or relating to the ciliary body and associated structures of the eye.


Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded. Living in a cloister.


Old English plural of child and mass.


Old French chiminage from chemin road; age, in Anglo-Latin . A toll for lierty of passage through a forest.


One of a pair of slender sticks made especially of wood or ivory, held between the thumb and fingers and used as an eating utensil in Asian countries and in restaurants serving Asian food.

class act

One of distinctive and superior quality.

chondroitin sulfate

One of several classes of sulfated glycosaminoglycans that is a major constituent in various connective tissues, especially in the ground substance of blood vessels, bone, and cartilage.


One of the Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean southeast of Bougainville Island. It was under German control from 1886 to 1899.

chorionic villus

One of the minute vascular projections of the fetal chorion that combines with maternal uterine tissue to form the placenta.


One of the periods of play, lasting 7.5 minutes, in a polo match.


One of the small sections of a separable bulb, as that of garlic.


One of the three Fates, the spinner of the thread of destiny.


One that chills. A frightening story, especially one involving violence, evil, or the supernatural; a thriller.


One that clasps. Any of the appendages of the male of certain insects and crustaceans that are used during copulation to hold the female. A posterior extension on each of the pelvic fins of male elasmobranch fishes that aids in the transmission of sperm during copulation.


One that clicks, as a. A remote control, as for a television or VCR. A computer mouse. A mechanical counter.


One that climbs, especially a person who climbs mountains. A device, such as a crampon, used in mountain climbing. A plant that climbs. A person who avidly seeks a higher social or professional position.


Plural of cinerarium.


One who is highest in rank or authority, a leader. A chief petty officer. The chief engineer of a ship. A boss. The upper section of a shield. The most important or valuable part. Highest in rank, authority, or office. Most important or influential.


One who mends or makes boots and shoes. One who is clumsy at work, a bungler.


One who parachutes from an aircraft, a parachutist.


One who undertook the expense of a providing the chorus in ancient Greek drama. The leader of a group or movement.


One whose work or business is cleaning. A machine or substance used in cleaning. A dry-cleaning establishment. Often used in the plural.


One, such as a nation, that assists another or others in waging war, usually without entering a formal alliance.

Clement V

Originally Bertrand de Got. 1264-1314. Pope (1305-1314) befriended by Philip IV of France, who arranged his election as pope and at whose request the papal residence was moved from Rome to Avignon (1309).


Originally Cenni di Pepo. 1240-1302. Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.


Originally Christo Vladimirov Javacheff. Born 1935. Bulgarian-born Ameircan sculptor and experimental artist best known for wrapping objects, especially large-scale itmes such as whole buildings, in fabric.

Clement VII

Originally Giulio de' Medici. 1475?-1534. Pope (1523-1534) who refused to grant the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon and was unable to stop Henry's break with the Roman Catholic Church.


Originally Rene Chomette. 1898-1981. French filmmaker. An early exponent of productions with sound, he directed the classics Sous les Toits de Paris (1929) and Le Million (1931).


Ostentatiously stylish; deliberately chic.


Panamanian-born American psychologist and author who demonstrated the psychological effects of racial segregation and ghetto life, influencing the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1954).


Past tense and past participle of cling.


Pen name Mark Twain 1835-1910. American author who drew on his childhood along the Mississippi River to create masterpieces of humor and sarcasm, including Tom Sawyer (1876) and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884).


Plant dispersal by a specified agency.


Reaching, airing, or traveling from one coast to another, especially across a nation or continent.


Readily stained with dyes. Used of a cell or cell structure.

choral speaking

Recitation of poetry or prose by a chorus.


Relating to or exhibiting approximately 24-hour periodicity.


Relating to or suffering from claustrophobia. Uncomfortably closed or hemmed in. Tending to induce claustrophobia; uncomfortably confined or crowded.


Remove the crust of (bread); remove the crust of bread); remove the crust of bread. Chap, crack. Long (obsolete). Of a hatching chicken etc.: crack and break open (the eggshell). Hew or cut with an axe, adze, or other implement. Break at the edge; lose a piece from the edge or surface; be apt to do so. Cut or break at the surface or edge; shape by so cutting; carve (an inscription etc.); cut or break ( a piece) off from, a surface or edge. Make strokes at (as if) to cut or break pieces off; work away at so as to diminish or destroy. Harrow, hoe, (ground). (Australia and New Zealand). Cut (especially a potato) into chips; US slice (smoked dried beef) thinly. Chiefly as chipped ppl adjective. Aim a blow at poke fun at. Tease, chaff, (colloquialism.) Put down as a stake, contribute (money etc.) Contribute to a conversation, interpose. Kick or hit ( a ball etc.) with a chip shot; bypass (an opposing player) with a chip shot.


Revolving about or surrounding the moon.


Revolving around or surrounding a star.


Right away; quickly. [Pidgin English, reduplication of chop, quick.].


Ring-shaped. Rolled up in the form of a coil with the tip in the center, as an unexpanded fern frond.


Roman statesman who according to tradition was twice caleld away from his farm to assume the dictatorship of Rome (458 and 439).


Roman statesman, orator, and philosopher. A major figure in the last years of the Republic, he is best known for his orations against Catiline and for his mastery of Latin prose. His later writings introduced Greek philosophy to Rome.


Rounded and plump.


The act or process of clearing. A space cleared; a clearing. The amount of space or distance by which a moving object clears something. The height or width of a passage. An intervening space or distance allowing free play, as between machine parts. Permission for an aircraft, ship, or other vehicle to proceed, as after an inspection of equipment or cargo or during certain traffic conditions. Official certification of blamelessness, trustworthiness, or suitability.


The act or process of making or becoming clear. A tract of land within a wood or other overgrown area from which trees and other obstructions have been removed. An open space. The exchange among banks of checks, drats, and notes and the settlement of consequent differences. The total of claims presented daily at a clearing-house.


The act, process, or result of classifying. A category or class. The systematic grouping of organisms into categories on the basis of evolutionary or structural relationships between them; taxonomy.

classical pathway

The activation of complement by an antigen-antibody complex.


The art of creating and arranging dances or ballets. A work created by this art. Something such as a series of planned situations, likened to dance arrangements.


The art or technique of movie photography, including both the shooting and development of the film.


The aspect of color in the Munsell color system by which a sample appears to differ from a gray of the same lightness or brightness and htat corresponds to saturation of the perceived color.


The aspect of color that includes consideration of its dominant wavelenght and purity.


The backbone or spine, especially of an animal. A cut of meat containing part of the backbone. A ridge or crest. Nautical The line of intersection between the side and bottom of a flat-bottom or V-bottom coat. T cut (a carcass, for example) through the spine, as when butchering.

civil law

The body of laws of a state or nation dealing with the rights of private citizens. The law of ancient Rome as embodied in the Justinian code, especially that which applied to private citizens. A system of law having its origin in Roman law, as opposed to common law or canon law.


The body of people ordained for religious service.


The boundary line of a circle. The boundary line of a figure, area, or object. Abbreviated as circ. The ength of such a boundary.


The branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens.


The cartilaginous cranium of an embryo before ossification. A portion of the embryonic cranium forming the bones of the base of the skull and eventually undergoing ossification.


The characteristic sound made by a hen when brooding or calling its chicks. A sound similar to this. A stupid or foolish person. To utter the characteristic sound of a hen. To make a sound similar to that of a hen. To make a sound similar to that of a hen, as in coaxing a horse. To call by making the characteristic sound of a hen or a similar sound. To express by clucking.


The chief city of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Tourism is the leading industry. Popuation: 2,914.

Christian Science

The church and the religious system founded by Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizing healing through spiritual means as an important element of Christianity and teaching pure divine goodness as underlying the scientific reality of existence. Also called Church of Christ, Scientist.


The circular movement of a limb such that the distal end of the limb delineates an arc.


The clients of a professional person or practice considered as group. A body of customers or patrons.


The coagulated milky juice of the sapodilla, used as the principal ingredient of chewing gum.


The common domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) or its young. Any of various similar or related birds. The flesh of the common fowl. A coward. Any of various foolhardy competitionsin which the participants persist in a dangerous course of ction until one loses nerve and stops.


The condition of a woman in the process of giving birth.


The condition of being a genetic chimera.


The cultivation of citrus fruits.


The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina. Also called choroid coat, choroid membrane. Resembling the chorion, membranous. Of or relating to the choroid.


The depression surrounding a salt marsh or lake, especially in North Africa. The bed of a dried salt marsh.


The design of or a detailed plan for an electric circuit. Electric circuits considered as a group.


The director of a group of church singers.


The dissolution or disintegration of chromophil material, suchas chromatin, within a cell.


The doctrine stating that Jesus will reign on earth for 1,000 years.


The dried aromatic inner bark of certain tropical Asian trees in the genus Cinnamomum, especially C. verum and C. loureii, often ground and used as a spice. b. A plant yielding this bark. 2. A light reddish brown. Of a light reddish brown.


The mathematical symbol (0) denoting absence of quantity; zero. An Arabaic numeral or figure; a number. One having no influence or value; a nonentity. A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually leters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code. The key to such a system. A message written or transmitted in such a system. A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram. 1. To put in secret writing; encode. To solve by means of arithmetic.

circular measure

The measure of an angle in radians.


The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region. A region of the earth having particular meteorological conditions. A prevailing condition or set of attitudes in human affairs.


The meteorological study of climates and their phenomena.


The minimum interval of time necessary to electically stimulate a muscle or nerve fiber, using twice the minimum current needed to elicit a threshold response.

city desk

The newspaper department that handles local news.

Classical Armenian

The oldest recorded variety of Armenian, attested from the fifth century and in continuous use as a literary language until the eighteenth century.


The outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. In placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta.


The part of the body between the neck and abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone, the thorax. A sturdy box with a lid and often a lock, used especially for storage. A small closet or cabinet with shelves for storing supplies. The treasury of a public institution. The funds kept there. A box for the shipping of certain goods, such as tea. The quantity packed in such a box. A sealed receptacle for liquid, gas, or steam. A bureau; a dresser.


The party for which professional services are rendered, as by an attorney. A customer or patro. A person using the services of a social services agency. One that depends on the protection of another A client state. A computer or program that can download files for manipulation, run applications, or request application-based services from a file server.


The point of greatest intensity or force in an ascending series or progression; a culmination. A series of statemenst or ideas in an ascending order of rhetorical force or intensity. The final statement in such a series. A moment of great or culminating intensity in a narrative or drama, especially the conclusion of a crisis. The turning point in a plot or dramatic action. A stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms, especially plants, is stable and capable of perpetuating itself. Also called climax community.


The presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts.

cherry stone

The quahog clam when half grown and of comparatively small size

chief of staff

The ranking officer of the U.S. Army or Air Force, responsible to the secretary of his or her branch and to the President. The senior military staff officer at the division level or higher.


The record produced by a chronograph. An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman numerals indicating a specific date.


The scientific measurement of time.


The scientific study of color.


The season of Christmas


The shape, outline, or boundary of a coast.


The sharp whirring or trilling sound made by some insects and birds, suchas the grasshopper and partridge. To make a sharp whirring sound.


The spine, the backbone. The back. A joint of meat containing (part of) an animal's backbone. A ridge, an arete.


The status of a citizen with its attendant duties, rights, and privileges.


The study of history using economic models and advanced mathematical methods of data processing and analysis.


The study of the effects of time and rhythmical phenomena on life processes.


The style of character of handwriting.


The supposed power to hear things outside the range of normal perception


The surface on the head of a golf club used to strike the ball directly.


The symbol for the element chlorine


The symbol for the element cobalt.


The symbol for the element curium.


The technique of mapping a region or district. A descripton or map of a region.


The theological study of the person and deeds of Jesus. A doctrine or theory based on Jesus or Jesus's teachings.

C horizon

The third-deepest soil zone in ABC soil, unaltered by weathering and made up of the parent rock from which the two uppermost layers derive as well as other mineral materials.


high-quality porcelain or ceramic ware, originally made in China. Porcelain or earthernware used for the table.

Chinese calendar

The traditional lunisolar calendar of the Chinese people, based on 24 seasonal segments each about 15 days long. An intercalary month is occasionally necessary to reconcile the lunar year with the solar year.


The treatment of certain diseases, especially reumatoid arthritis, with gold compounds.


The upper part of the nave, transepts, and choir of a church, containing windows. An upper portion of a wall containing windows for supplying natural light, clear.


The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language. Evasion in speech or writing. A roundabout expression.


The web spun by a spider to catch its prey. A single thread spun by a spider. Something resembling the web of a spider in gauziness or flimsiness. An intricate plot; a snare. Confusion, disorder. To cover with or as if with cobwebs.

China Sea

The western part of the Pacific Ocean extending along the eastern coast of Asia from southern Japan to the Malay Peninsula. It is divided by Taiwan into the East China Sea and the South China Sea.


The wife of Agamemnn who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.

Classical Chinese

The written form of Chinese from about the fifth century B.C. to the end of the Han dynasty in 220 A.D. Of or relating to Classical Chinese


The yellowing orwhitening of normally green plant tissue because of a decreased amount of chlorophyll, often as a result of disease or nutrient deficiency. An iron-deficiency anemia, primarily of young women, characterized by a greenish-yellow discoloration of the skin. Also called greensickness.


Third century A.D. Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river. His feast, July 25, was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in 1969.




To adapt (a novel or a play, for example) for film or movies.


To adhere, cling, or stick fast. To be faithful.


To anesthetize ( a body part) with cocaine.


To arrange or organize according to class or category. To designate (a document, for example) as confidential, secret, or top secret.


To baptize into a Christian church. To give a name to at baptism. To name. To name and dedicate ceremonially. To use for the first time.


To bite and grind with the teeth; masticate. To meditate on, ponder. To make a crushing and grinding motion with the teeth. To cogitate; meditate. To use chewing tobacco. The act of chewing. Something held in the mouth and chewed, especially a plug of tobacco, thing held in the mouth and chewed, especially a plug of tobacco.


To call; name.


To chagne direction suddenly, as a ship in the wind.


To change (a tissue) into cartilage. To develop into cartilage or become cartilaginous.


To chew or bite on noisily. The act or an instance of vigorous biting.


To chew or make a chewing movement.


To chugalug.


To climb with difficulty especially on all fours; scramble. A difficult, awkward climb.


To close tightly. To grasp or grip tightly. To clinch (a bolt for example). To fasten with a clinch. A tight grip or grasp. Something, such as a mechanical device, that clenches or holds fast.


To collide with a loud, harsh, usually metallic noise. To come into conflict; be in opposition. To create an unpleasant visual impression when placed together. To strike together with a loud, harsh, metallic noise. A loud, harsh noise, such as that made by two metal objects in collision. A conflict, as between opposing or irreconcilable ideas. Synonymous with discord. An encounter between hostile forces; a battle or skirmish.


To cut by striking with a heavy sharp tool, suchas an ax. To shape or form by chopping. To cut into small pieces. To curtail as if by chopping. To hit or hit at with a short swift downward stroke. To make heavy, cutting strokes. 2. To move roughly or suddenly. The act of chopping. To move roughly or suddenly. The act of chopping. A swift, short, cutting blow or stroke. A short downward stroke. A piece that has been chopped off, especially a cut of meat, usually taken from the rib, shoulder, or loin and containing a bone. A short irregular motion of waves. An area of choppy water, as on an ocean.


To cut, cut off, or cut out with or as if with shares. To make shorter by cutting, trim. To cut off the edge of. To cut short; curtail. To shorten ( a word or words) by leaving out letters or syllables.


To demand, ask for, or take as one's own or one's due. To take in a violent manner as if by right. To state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain. To deserve or call for; require. A demand for something as rightful or due. A basis for demanding something ; a title or right. Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader. A demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy or other formal arrangement. The sum of money demanded. A statement of somethign as a fact; an assertion of truth.


To draw a line around; encircle. To limit narrowly; restrict. To determine the limits of; define. Synonymous with limit. To enclose (a polygon or polyhedron) within a configuration of lines, curves, or surfaces so that every vertex of the enclosed object is incident on the enclosing configuration. To erect (such a configuration) around a polygon or polyhedron. To erect (such a configuration) around a poygon or polyhedron.


To fix or secure (a nail or bolt, for example) by bending down or flattening the pointed end that protrudes. To fasten together in this way. To settle definitely and conclusively; make final. To secure ( a divisional championship, for instance) before the end of regular season play by having an insurmountable lead. To fasten with a clinch. To be held together securely. To hold a boxing opponent's body with one or both arms to prevent or hinder punches. To embrace amorously. Something, such as a clamp, that clinches. The clinched part of a nail, bolt, or rivet. An act or instance of clinching in boxing. A knot in a rope made by a half hitch with the end of the rope fastened back by seizing. Also called clench. An amorous embrace.


To gossip or talk idly. Gossip; idle talk.


To grasp and hold tightly. To seize; snatch. To attempt to grasp or seize. To engage or disengage a motor vehicle's clutch. To fail in a critical situation, especially out of nervousness or fear. A hand, claw, talon, or paw in the act of grasping. A tight grasp. Control or power. Often used in the plural A device for gripping and holding. Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism. The apparatus, such as a lever or pedal, that activates one of these devices. A tense, critical situation, occurring in a tense or critical situation. Tending to be successful in tense or critical situations.


To grow together; fuse. To come together so as to form one whole; unite.


To heal or become healed by the formation of scar tissue.


To hold fast or adhere to something , as by grasping, sticking, embracing, or entwining. To remain close; resist separation. To remain emotionally attached; hold on. A clingstone.


To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea. To check or slow down the movement, growth, or action of. To block up or obstruct by filling or clogging. To fill up completely; jam. To rduce the air intake of (a carburetor), thereby enriching the fuel mixture. To grip (a bat or racket, for example) at a point nearer the hitting surface. To have difficulty in breathing, swallowing, or speaking. To become blocked up or obstructed. To shorten one's grip on the handle of a bat or racket. Often used with up. To fail to perform effectively because of nervous agitation or tension, especially in an athletic contest. The act or sound of choking. Something that constricts or chokes. A slight narrowing of the barrel of a shotgun serving to concentrate the shot. A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the fuel mixture by reducing the flow of air to the carburetor. The fibrous inedible center of an artichoke head.


To laugh quietly or to oneself. To cluck or chuck, as a hen. A quiet laugh of mild amusement or satisfaction.


To make a clucking sound. A clucking sound.


To make a rattling sound. To move with a rattling sound. To talk rapidly and noisily; chatter. To cause to make a rattling sound. A rattling sound. A loud disturbance, a racket. Noisy talk; chatter. Noisy talk; chatter.


To make an abrupt, sharp sound, as in the collision of two hard surfaces. To chatter thoughtlessly or at length. To cackle or cluck, as a hen. to cause to make an abrupt, sharp sound. A clacking sound. Something that makes a clacking sound. thoughtless, prolonged talk; chatter.


To make classic or classical. To conform to classic style.


To make clear or easier to understand; elucidate. To clear of confusion or uncertainty. To make clear by removing impurities or solid matter, as by heating gently. To become clear.


To make or become coarse.


To make or cause to make a light, sharp ringing sound. A light, sharp ringing sound, as of glass or metal.


To make or mend (boots or shoes). To put together clumsily; bungle.


in the Indian subcontinent: a wash-basin of brass or tinned copper.


To move in or flow through a circle or circuit. To move around, as from person to person or place to place. To move about or flow freely, as air. To spread widely among persons or places disseminate.


To move upward on or mount, especially by using the hands and feet or the feet alone; ascend. To grow in an upward direction on or over. To move onself upward, especially by using the hands and feet. To rise slowly, steadily, or effortfully, ascend. Synonymous with rise. To move in a specified direction by using the hands and feet. To move in a specified direction by using the hands and feet. To slant or slope upward. To engage in the activity or sport of mountain climbing. To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do, often by means of twining stems or tendrils. An act of climbing; an ascent. A place to be climbed.


To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin. To throw or toss. To throw out, discard. To force out; eject. To give up; quit. An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin. A throw, toss, or pitch.


To persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; cajole. To obtain by persistent persuasion. To caress; fondle. To move to or adjust toward a desired end.


To pour or diffuse around; spread. To surround, as with liquid; suffuse.


To proceed completely around.


To produce or move with noisy puffing or explosive sounds. A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive.


To publicize with circulars. To canvas or poll using a questionnaire.


To put clothes on; dress. To provide clothes for. To cover as if with clothing.


To quote as an authority or example. To mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof. To commend officially for meritorious action in military service. To honor formally. To summon before a court of law.


To raise from barbarism to an enlightened stage of development; bring out of a primitive or savage state. To educate in matters of culture and refinement; make more polished or sophisticated.


To remove the prepuce of (a male). To remove all or part of the clitoris, prepuce, or labia of a female.


To resort to tricks or subterfuges; use chicanery. To trick or deceive.


To revolve or cause to revolve.


To scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand. To express disapproval.


To set forth or verify with circumstances; give detailed proof or description of.


To sheathe or cover (a metal) with a metal. To cover with a protective or insulating layer of other material. Back-formation from cladding.]


To split with or as if with a sharp instrument. Synonymous with tear. To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting. To pierce or pentrate. To split into simpler molecules. To split or separate, especially along a natural line of division. To penetrate or pass through something, such as water or air.


To strike violently and repeatedly; batter or maul. To defeat decisively. To criticize harshly.


To surround (an enemy, for example); enclose or entrap. 2. To go around; bypass. 3. To avoid or get around by artful maneuvering.


To swallow the contents of (a container of beer, for example) without pausing. To swallow liquid, such as beer, without pausing. In continuous gulps.


To take over or adapt in the name of Christianity.


To turn like a wheel; revolve.


To walk around (something) especially as part of a ritual.


To walk heavily and noisily.

civil death

Total deprivation of civil rights, often resulting from conviction for treason or a felony.


Toward or directed toward a coast.


Typical of a club or club members. Friendly; sociable. Clannish; exclusive.


Used as a disparaging term for a person of Chinese birth or descent. (Probably alteration of Chinese.)


Used to express greeting or farewell in Italian.


Variant of Chimera.

cinch bug

Variant of chinch bug.


Variant of choragus.


Variant of christie.


Variant of chryso-


Variant of civvies.


Variant of clangor.


Variant of clerestory.


Variant of clew.


Variant of cloistral.


Variant of close-minded.


Variant of clue.


Variant of scion


Variant of shoot-the-chute.


Very careful in choosing; highly selective.


Very dark or gloomy. One of a mythical people described by Homer as inhabiting a land of perpetual darkness.

cider vinegar

Vinegar made from fermented apple cider.

cobalt blue

a blue to green pigment consisting of a variable mixture of cobalt oxide and alumina. A moderate to deep vivid blue or greenish blue.


Vulgar slang for gonorrhea. Often used with the.


Water present in the soil and available for plant absorption.


X-ray examination of the bile ducts following administration of a radiopaque contrast medium.


a acute contagious disease, primarily of children, that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and characterized by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise. Also called varicella.


a biguanide derivative, C22H30Cl2N10, used as a mild antiseptic, chiefly in skin creams and mouthwashes.


a bitter infusion made from an Indian plant of the gentian family, Swertia chirata.


abbreviation for change or charge.


a member of certain male orders of knighthood or merit, sucha s the Legion of Honor in France. A French nobleman of the lowest rank. Used as a title for such a nobleman. A knight. A chivalrous man.

close-order drill

a military drill in marching maneuvering, and formal handling of arms in which the participants perform at close intervals.


a milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fats extracted from chyme by the lacteals during digestion and passed to the bloodstream through the thoracic duct.

cherry picker

a mobile crane having a manueverable vertical boom, at the top of which a passenger can do such work as tree pruning and street-light maintenance.

closed universe

a model of the universe in which there is sufficient matter, and thus gravitational force, to halt the expansion initiated by the big bang.


a moderate but penetrating coldness. A sensation of coldness, ofte accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin. A checking or dampening of enthusiasm, spirit, or joy. A sudden numbing fear or dread. Moderatlye cold, chilly. Not warm and friendly, distant. "Discouraging,despiriting. Discouraging, dispiriting. to affect with or as if with cold. To lower in temperature, cool. To make discouraged, dispirit. To harden. T obe seized with cold. To be come cold or set. To become hard by rapid cooling. To calm down or relax. Often used with out. To pass time idly; loiter. Often used with out. To keep company.


a moist warm wind blowing from the sea in coastal regions o the Pacific Northwest. A warm dry wind that descends from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, causing a rapid rise in temperature.


a mollusc of the class Polyplacophora, characterized by a broad oval foot and a symmetrical dorsal shell composed of a series of eight overlapping plates. A long woollen tunic worn in ancient Greece.


a monoclinic basic aluminosilicate of magnesium, iron, and often otehr elements, which is a constituent of many rocks and forms greenish platy crystals.

city father

a municipal official, such as a council member.

close call

a narrow escape

close shave

a narrow escape; a close call.


a narrow, high chest of drawers or bureau, often with a mirror attached.


a narrowing or constricting, especially of the aorta or of a blood vessel. The state of being enclosed in an oval horny case. Used of an insect pupa.


a natural amine, C5H15NO2, often classed in the vitamin B complex and a constituent of many other biologically important molecules, such as acetylcholine and lecithin.


a nickel-rich viarety of skutterudite. Also called white nickel (ore).


a passage through which smoke and gases escape from a fire or furnace; a flue. The usually vertical structure containing a chimney. the part of such a structure that rises above a roof. A smokestack, as of a ship or locomotive. A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. Something, such as a narrow cleft in a cliff, resembling a chimney.


a past participle of cleave


a past tense and a past participle of clothe.


a past tense of cleave.


a past tense of cleave. A past participle of cleave.


a person between birth and puberty. An unborn infant, a fetus. An infant, a baby. One who is childish or immature. A son or daughter, an offspring. A member of a tribe descendant. An individual regarded as strongly affected by another or by a specified time, place, or result of something specified.

civil servant

a person employed in the civil service.


a person following the pursuits of civil life, espeically one who is not an active member of the military or police. A specialist in Roman or civil law. Of or relating to civilians or civil life; nonmilitary.


a person who chimes bells etc.


a person who cuts or shapes with a chisel; (slang) a cheat, a swindler, a confidence trickster.


a person who or thing which chips; especially a machine for chipping timber.


a photograph or a film or televisionshot in which the subject is thightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale. An intimate view or description.


a pine, Pinus roxburghii, native tothe Himalayas. Also chir pine.


a plane figure with a thousand straight sides and a thousand angles.

clasp knife

a pocketknife with a folding blade.

circular saw

a power saw for cutting wood or metal consisting of a toothed disk rotated at high speed. Also called buzz saw.


a prolonged trilling sound (as) of a grasshopper etc. Make such as sound.


a pungent relish made of fruits, spices, and herbs.

Chin Hills

a range of hills in western Myanmar (Burma) rising to 3,055m (10,018 ft).

cluster headache

a recurring headache similar to migraine and characterized by severe pain in the eye or temple on one side of the head, watering of the eye, and a runny nose.

cherry bomb

a red, ball-shaped firecracker that explodes with a loud bang.


a restrautn that specializes in serving steaks and chops of meat.


a routine or minor duty or task. Daily or routine domestic tasks, especially a farmer's routine mroning and evening tasks, suchas feeding livestock. An unpleasant or burdensome task.


a sale in which all remaining stock is disposed of, usually at greatly reduced prices.


a salt of chloric acid.

club sandwich

a sandwich composed of two or three slices of bread with a filling of various meats, tomato, lettuce, and dressing.

chili powder

a seasoning consisting of ground chilies mixed with other spices, such as cumin and oregano.

Chinese boxes

a set of boxes of graduated size, each fitting inside the next larger one.


a set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category. A division based on quality, rank, or grade, as. A grade or category. A division based on quality, rank, or grade, as. A grade or category. A divsion based on quality, rank, or grade. A social stratum whose members share public transport. A social stratum whose memebrs share certain economic, social, or cultural high rank. Elegance of style, taste, and manner. A level of academic development, as in an elementary or secondary school. A group of students who are taught together because they have roughly the same level of academic development. A group of students or alumni who have the same year of graduation. A group of students who meeet at a regularly scheduled time to study the same subject. The period during which such a group meets. A taxonomic category ranking below a phylum or division and above an order. An interval in a frequency distribution. An interval in a frequency distribution. An interval in a frequency distribution. A group of words beloning to the same grammatical category that share a particular set of morphological properties, such as a set of inflections.


a sharp hollow sound, as of a horse's hoof striking pavement. To make or move with this sound.


a shoot, a sprout.


a short cloak worn by men in ancient Greece.


a short sharp ringing sound as of glasses or coins striking together. Ready cash, (archaic colloquialism). Coins.

chimney pot

a short, usually earthenware pipe placed on the top of a chimney to improve the draft.


a significance test used in the statistical comparison of observed and theoretical values.


a singer in a choir, especially a choirboy or choirgirl. A leader of a choir.


a slat or ester of chromic acid.


a small bird; specifically a chipping sparrow. A promiscuous or delinquent young woman; a prostitute (derogatory) a young woman, a girl. (slang).


a small exclusive group of friends or associates. To form, associate in, or act as a group.


a small plant, Allium schoenoprasum, resembling the onion; the slendor hollow leaves of this plant

chicka ree

a small squirrel (Tamiasiurus douglasi) of the evergreen forests of northwest North America, resembling and closely related to the red squirrel.

chimney swift

a small, dark, swallowlike New World bird (Chaetura pelagica) that frequently nests in chimneys.


a sovereign state consisting of an independent city and its surrounding territory.

chili sauce

a spiced sauce made with chilies and tomatoes.

circuit court

a state court that holds sesions at several different places within a judicial district.


a stout aromatic Mediterranean herb (Salvia sclarea) in the mint family, having showy violet, pink, or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery. Also called clary sage.


a strongly oxidizing acid, HClO3, known only as an aqueous solution.

Chilli relieno

a stuffed green pepper.


a substance capable of conversion into a pigment or dye. A strongly pigmented or pigment-generatig organelle, organ, or microorganism.


a surgeon.


a system of classification based on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of groups of organisms.


a tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.

clotted cream

a thick cream made primarily in England by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then cooled and skimmed off. Also called Devonshire cream.


a thick, viscous, or coagulated mass or lump, as of blood. A clump, mass, or lump, as of clay. A compact group. To form into a clot or clots; coagulate. To cause to form into a clot or clots. To fill or cover with or as if with clots.


a threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells taht carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information. A circular strand of DNA in bacteria that contains the hereditary information necessary for cell life.


a tiny shoot, a sprout; a slender balde of grass etc. A filamentous organ in a flower, a stamen or pistil; the filament of a stamen.


a tortilla rolled round a savoury filling and deep-fried.


a toxic yellowish-green gaseous chemical element atomic no. 17, of the halogen group, with a strong pungent smell.


a traditional social unit in the Scottish Highlands, consisting of a number of mailies claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary chieftain. A division of a tribe tracing descent from a comon ancestor. A large group of relatives, friends, or associates.

chime bars

a type of glockenspiel used especially in schools.


a unicellular green alga of teh genus Chlorella.


a unicellular green freshwater alga of the genus Chlamydomonas.

circular mil

a unit of cross-sectional measurement, especially of wire, equal to the area of a circle with a diameter of one mil.

cherry tomato

a variety of tomato having small red to yellow fruits.


a virus-like parasitic bacterium of the genus Chlamydia, some species of which cause disease such as trachoma and psittacosis.


a viscous chlorinated derivative of indene, C10H6Cl8, used as an insecticide.


a visible body of very fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes ranging up to several miles above the sea level. A mass, as of dust, smoke, or steam, suspended in the atmosphere or in outer space. A large moving body of things in the air or on the ground; a swarm. Something that darkens or fills with gloom. A dark region or blemish, as on a polished stone. Something that obscures. Suspicion or a charge affecting a reputation. A colletion of charged particles. To cover with or as if with clouds. To make gloomy or troubled. To obscure. To cast aspersions on; sully. To become cloudy or overcast.

civil war

a war between factions or regions of the same country. A state of hostility or conflict between elements within an organization. The war in the United States between the Union and the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865. Also called War Between the States. 4. The war in England between the Parliamentarians and the royalists from 1642 to 1648.


a warble. Warble.


a warship of the early Germanic or Norse invadrs of Britain.


a white crystalline substance, C27H45OH, found in animal tissues and various foods, that is normally synthesized by the liver and is important as a constituent of cell membranes and a precursor to steroid hormones. Its level in the bloodstream can influence the pathgenesis of certain conditions, such as the development of atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery disease.


a woman who is a member of a club or clubs, especially one who is active in club life.


a woodwind instrument having a straight cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys.

chimney sweep

a worker employed to clean soot from chimneys. Also called chimney sweeper.


a written paper, a note; a note of an order, a sum owed, etc.


a youngster, a child, a youth.


abbr. or. in approximately; about. born circa.

civil service

abbreviated CS. Those brancehs of public service that are not legislative, judicial, or military and in which employment is usually based on competitive examination. The entire body of persons employed by the civil branches of a government.

clear-air turbulence

abbreviated as CAT. Atmospheric turbulence that ocurs under tranquil and cloudless conditions and subjects aircraft to strong updrafts and downdrafts.


abbreviated chief of naval operations.


abbreviation chartered life underwriter.


abbreviation for Bible Chronicles.


abbreviation for Cameroon (in Internet addresses.)


abbreviation for Central Intelligence Agency


abbreviation for Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association.


abbreviation for Chile (in Internet addresses)


abbreviation for China (in Internet addresses)


abbreviation for Chinese.


abbreviation for College Level Examination Program.


abbreviation for Columbia (in Internet addresses)


abbreviation for Commonwealth of Independent States.


abbreviation for Congress of Industrial Organizations.


abbreviation for Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area


abbreviation for Corinthians.


abbreviation for Cote d'Ivoire (in Internet addresses)


abbreviation for carload. civil law. common law.


abbreviation for cask. check.


abbreviation for center of mass. 2. common market. 3. court-martial.


abbreviation for centiliter


abbreviation for centimeter or circular mil.


abbreviation for central nervous system.


abbreviation for certificate of insurance. 2. cost and insurance.


abbreviation for certified medical assistant.


an acust infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and acharacterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, severe dehydration, and depletion of electrolytes. Also called Asiatic holera. Any of various diseases of domesticated animals, such as chickens, turkeys, or hogs, marked by severe gastroenteritis.


an adherent of chiliasm; a millenarian.


an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in huma society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions. 2. The type of culture and society developed by a particular nation or region or in a particular epoch. 3. The act or process of civilizing or reaching a civilized state. Cultural or intellectual refinement; good taste. Modern society with its conveniences.


an animal's young; a whelp, a cub, a kitten. A young child, a brat; a young, small, or slender woman.


an annual Asian plant (Cicer aretinum) in the pea family, widely cultivated for the edible seeds in its short, inflated pods. A seed of this plant. Also called garbazo.

cloud grass

an annual grass (Agrostis nebulosa) native to Spain and Portugal, cultivated for its delicate, finely branched cluster of tiny spikelets and used in dried arrangements.


an antibiotic obtained from the bacterium Streptomyces venezuelae or prepared synthetically.


an antipsychotic drug used as a sedative and in the treatment of schizophrenia.

coat of mail

an armored coat made of chain mail, interlinked rings, or overlapping metal plates; a hauberk.


an aromatic annual plant (Salvia columbariae) in the mint family, native to Mexico and the southwest United States and having clusters of blue or violet flowers and edible seedlike fruits.

clove oil

an aromatic oil obtained from the buds, stems, or leaves of the clove tree, used in flavoring and perfumery, and as a temporary anesthetic for toothaches.

chord organ

an electronic or reed organ equipped with buttons for producing chords.

chicken run

an enclosed area in which chickens are allowed to walk and run about.

civil engineer

an engineer trained in the design and construction of public works, such as bridges or dams, and other large facilities.


an enzyme found primarily at nerve endings that catalyzes the hydolysis of acetylcholine into acetic acid and choline.


an impelling or restraining force; a compulsion. Joint action. Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community.


an insect of the genus Cimex, which includes the bedbugs.


an insoluble nitrogenous polysaccharide which is the main constituent of the exoskeleton of arthropods and also occurs in fungi.


an instrument other than a watch for measuring or indicating time, especially a mechanical or electronic device having a numbered dial and moving hands or a digital display. A time clock. A source of regularly occurring pulses used to measure the passage of time, as in a computer. Any of various devices that indicate measurement, such as a speedometer or a taximeter. A biological clock. The downy flower head of a dandelion that has gone to seed. To register or record with a mechanical device. To time, as with a stopwatch. To record working hours with a time ______. To beat or defeat decisively. To preserve a lead by maintaining a possession of the ball or puck until playing time expires.


an obstacle composed of barbed wire of spikes attached to a wooden frame, used to block enemy advancement. An obstacle made of jagged glass or spikes set into masonry on top of a wall.


an obstruction or hindrance. A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement. A heavy, usually wooden-soled shoe. To obstruct movement on or in; block up. To hamper the function or activity of; impede. To become obstructed or choked up. To thicken or stick together, clot. To do a clog dance.


an official stamp or permit in the Far East. A mark stamped on goods or coins to indicate their identity or quality. Quality; class: first ____.


an optical instrument for the precise measurement of very small time intervals.


an organism, organ, or part consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering. A substance, such as an antibody, created from the proteins or genes or two different species. An individual who has received a transplant of genetically and immunologically different tissue. A fanciful mental illusion or fabrication.


an organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or singing in a church. The part of a church used by such a company of singers. The part of the chancel in a cruciform church that is occupied by this company of singers. A group of instruments of the same kind. b a division of some pipe organs, containing pipes suitable for accompanying a ______. 4. An organized group. One of the orders of angels.


an unstressed word, typically a function word, that is incapable of standing on its own and attaches in pronunciation to a stressed word, with which it forms a single accentual unit. Examples of _______ are the pronoun 'em in I see 'em and the definite article in French l'arme, "the arm." Of or relating to a _______ or clisis.


any of a breed of heavyset dog originating in China, having a long, dense, reddish-brown or black coat and a blue-black tongue. Also called chow chow.


in the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock.


any of a breed of hornless sheep with short, thick wool, originally raised in the Cheviot Hills. A woolen fabric with a coarse twill weave, used chiefly for suits and overcoats and originally made from the wool of this breed of sheep.

chrome green

any of a class of green pigments consisting of chrome yellow and iron blue in various proportions. A very dark yellowish green to moderate or strong green.


any of numerous animals belong to the phylum Chordata, having at some stage of development a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, and gill slits and including all vertebrates and certain marine animals, suchas the lancelets.


any of several small, derlike, hornless ruminants of the genera Hyemoschus and Tragulus native to the tropical rain forests of central Africa, India, and southeast Asia. Also called mouse deer.


any of several spiny, shrubby, or treelike cacti of the genus Opuntia having cylindrical stem segments. [American Spanish, from obsolete Spanish, upper part of the head, possibly from Old French cholle, round lump, head, of Germanic origin.]


any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Prunus, especially P. avium or P. cerasus, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having pink or white flowers and small, juicy drupes. The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants. The wood of any of these plants, especially black cherry. Any of various plants, such as the Barbados cherry or the cornelian cherry, having fruits resembling a cherry. A moderate or strong red to purplish red. The hymen considered as a symbol of virginity. Containing or having the flavor of cherries. Made of the wood of a cherry tree. Of a moderate or strong red to purplish red.


any of various arthropods of the class Chilopoda, which includes the centipedes.

click beelte

any of various beetles of the family Elateridae, characterized by the ability to right themselves from an overturned position by flipping into the air with a clicking sound. Also called snapping beetle.


any of various deciduous shrubs of the genus Aronia i nthe rose family, native to eastern North America and having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and tiny red to black applelike fruit. The fruit of any of these plants.


any of various devices used to join, griop, support, or compress mechanical or structural parts. Any of various tools with opposing, often adjustable sides or parts for bracing objects or holding them together. To fasten, grip, or support with or as if with a _______. To establish by authority; impose.


any of various evergreen, usually spiny shrubs or trees of the genus Citrus, suchas the grapefruit, lemon, or orange, native to southern and souteast Asia, having leathery, aromatic, unifolioate compound leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits that have a leathery aromatic rind. The fruit of any of these plants. Of or relating to any of the citrus plants or their fruits.

cloak fern

any of various ferns in the genus Notholaena, native chiefly to the temperate and tropical Americas, having pinnately compound leaves, and often found in dry rocky areas.


any of various herbs of the genus Trifolium in the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves and dense heads of small flowers and including species grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees. Any of several other plants in the pea family, such as bush clover and sweet clover. Any of several nonleguminous plants, such as owl's clover and water clover. Living a carefree life of ease, comfort, or prosperity.

club moss

any of various mostly small vascular plants of the genus Lycopodium often resembling mosses and reproducing by spores.

clothes moth

any of various moths of the family Tineidae, whose larvae feed on wool and wool products, hair, fur, and feathers.


any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming, chiefly anaerobic bacteria of the genus Clostridium, such as the nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in soil and those causing botulism and tetanus.

clam worm

any of various segmented burrowing marine worms of the genus Nereis, commonl used as bait for fishing. Also called nereis.


any of various small, mostly freshwater crustaceans of the order Cladocera, which includes the water fleas. Of or belonging to the order Cladocera.


any of various small, six-legged larvae of mites of the family Trombiculidae, parasitic on insects, humans, and other vertebrates. The _______'s bite produces a wheal that is usually accompanied by severe itching. Also called chigae, harvest bug, harvest mite, jigger, red bug.

clam chowder

any of various soups made with clams, salt pork, potatoes, onions, and milk or tomatoes.

child-directed speech

any of various speech patterns used by parents or caregivers when communicating with young children, particularly infants, usually involving simplified vocabulary, melodic pitch, repetitive, repetitive questioning and a slow or deliberate tempo.


any of various techniques for the separation of complex mixtures that rely on the differential affinities of substances for a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationary adsorbing medium through which they pass, such as paper, gelatin, or magnesia.

climbing fern

any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Lygodium, having a single pinnately compound leaf that climbs by twining, including L. palmatum of the eastern United States.


any of various usually burrowing marine and freshwater bivalve mollusks of the class Pelecypoda, including members of the genera Venus and Mya, many of which are edible. The soft edible body of such a mollusk. A close-mouthed person, especially one who can keep a secret. A dollar.


including or occurring in all parts of a city.


inflammation of the gallbladder.


knife, stab, slash. A knife, a blade, a razor.


bait usually consisting of oily fish ground up and scattered on the water. To fish with such bait.


based on or being a test of reading comprehension in which the test taker is asked to supply works that have been systematically deleted from a text.


be seized with a sudden chill. Be seized with a sudden chill. Followed by out: calm down, relax. Shiver with cold. Make cold: affect injuriously with cold. Deaden or destroy with cold. Affect as with cold, depress; deject, dispirit. Cool and harden (molten metal) by contact with cold metal, or by casting in a metal mould. Give a cloud or bloom to ( a surface) by cold, condensation, etc. Subject (food, esp. meat, etc.) to a low but not freezing temperature, esp. to preserve it. Warm slightly; raise or rise to temperate heat. Freq. with out. Calm down, relax, take it easy. Freq. Pass time idly; hang around esp. with other memebrs of a group.


of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship; municipal or civil.


of, relating to, or characteristic of a clerk. Scholarly.


that chills; disagreeably cold to touch or feel. Affected by a chill; (feeling) rather cold; sensitive to cold. Not genial; cold-mannered.


chairman. 2. checkmate.


characteristic of a medieval knight or man-at-arms; valorous. Of or pertaining to (a knight of) the Age of Chivalry. Pertaining to or characteristic of the ideal knight; gallant, honourable, courteous, disinterested; (derogatory) quixotic.


chief justice






chirp. spurt out. squeeze, press out. a chirp. A squeeze (ejecting liquid).




chitterlings. Rags, tatters.


chromium or a chromium alloy. something plated with a chromium alloy. A pigment containing chromium. To plate with chromium. to tan or dye with a chromium compound.




civilian clothes


clothes considered as a group; wearing apparel. A covering.


cold to touch or feel; now usu. unpleasantly or injuriously cold; that chills or causes shivering. That tends to repress warmth of feeling or enthusiasm; repress warmth of feeling or enthusiasm; repressed in feeling, unemotional, austere. Depressingly affected by cold; having a pervading sensation of cold; sensitive or liable to cold.


color. Chromium.


commander in chief.


conforming to the current fashion; stylish

chicken shit

contemptibly petty, insignificant nonsense. Contemptibly unimportant, petty. Cowardly, afraid.


cool or cold enough to cause shivering. Seized with or feeling cold; shivering. Distant and cool; unfriendly.


courteous behavior; politeness. A courteous act or utterance.




cut along or through the backbone of a carcass. Break the back of. (now obsolete and rare).


cut, shape, etc., with a chisel; shape, give form to. Cheat, defraud; treat unfairly.


denoting a leaf whose base partially or completely surrounds a stem.


dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells.


designed to resist tampering by young children. Made safe for young children. Made safe for young children, as by the removal or alteration of potential hazards.


disagreeably moist, sticky, and cold to the touch. Damp and unpleasant. Uneasy; apprehensive.


disposed not to talk; tightlipped.


distributed or occurring chiefly throughout the boreal regions of North America and Eurasia. Used especially of plants.


easily angered; bad-tempered. Showing or expressing anger.


encompassing on all sides, surrounding.


especially of potatoes: sprout, germinate.

circumstantial evidence

evidence not bearing directly on the fact in dispute but on various attendant circumstances from which the judge or jury might infer the occurrence of thee fact in dispute.

Chrestien de Troyes

fl. 1170. French trouvere who wrote the earliest surviving Arthurian romances, including Perseval, the first work to incorporate the quest for the Holy Grail into an Arthurian tale.


foreign Jinwazri. A Chinese or imitation Chinese artistic object, piece of furniture, etc: the imitation of Chinese motifs in furniture etc.


free from clouds, mist, or haze. Not obscured or darkened; bright. Easily seen through. Free from flaw, blemish, or impurity. Free from impediment, obstruction, or hindrance, open. Plain or evident to the mind, unmistakable. Easily perceptible to the ey or ear, distinct. Discerning or perceiving easily; keen. Free from doubt or confusion, certain. Free from qualification or limitation; absolute. Free from guilt, untroubled. Having been freed from contact, proximity, or connection. Containing nothing. Out of the way, completely away. All the way, completely. To make light, clear, or bright. To rid of impurities, blemishes, muddiness, or foreign matter. To free from confusion, doubt, or ambiguity, make plain or intelligble. To rid of objects or obstructions. To make (a way or clearing) by j removing obstructions): clear the dishes; clear snow from the road. To remove the occupants of. To remove (people): clear the children from the room. To move or shoot (a ball or puck away from the goal or out of the defensive zone. To clear a puck out of (the defensive zone), as in ice hockey. To rid (a memory location or buffer, for example) of instructions or data. To remove (instructions or data) from memory. To free from a legal charge or imputation of guilt' acquit. To pass by, under, or over without contact. To settle ( a debt). To securethe approval of. To authorize or approve. To free (a ship or cargo) from legal detention at a harbor by fulfilling customs and harbor requirements. To give clearance or authorization to. To free (the throat) of phlegm by making a rasping sound. To become clear. T go away; disappear. To exchange checks and bills or settle accounts through a clearing house. To pass through the banking system and be debited and credited to the relevant accounts. To comply with customs and harbor requirements in discharging a cargo or in leaving or entering a port. A clear or open space. To leave a space, usually quickly. To dispel differences or emotional tensions.


full of or covered with clouds; overcast. Of or like a cloud or clouds. Marked with indistinct masses or streaks. Not transparent, as certain liquids. Open to more than one interpretation. Not clearly perceived or perceptible. Troubled, gloomy.


given to chirping; lively; cheerful.


groove or chamfer staves for the chime of a cask.


having a city or cities.


having a large or well-developed chest or bust. Arrogant or proud; conceited.


having a rough, coarse texture. Note refined, indelicate and crude.


having boundaries, enclosed. 2. Blocked or barred to passage or entry. 3. Explicitly limited, restricted. 4. Self-contained or self-sufficiet. 5. Barred to the public, conducted in secrecy. 6. Of or relating to a curve, such as a circle, having no endpoints. Of or relating to a surface having no boundary curves. Of or relating to an interval containing no endpoints. Characterized by or possessing the property by which an operation acting on an element in a set produces an element within the set. Of or relating to a file that cannot be accessed. Allowing electricity to flow or pass. Allowing electricity to flow or pass. Ending in a consonant. Having the forward foot closer to the intended point of impact with the ball than the rear foot. Held or swung with the ball than the rear foot. Held or swung with the top or outer edge of the striking face pointing slightly closer to the objective than the lower or inner edge.


having or pretending to have the sophisticated style or manner associated with an urban way of life.


knights or horsemen equipped for battle; medieval men-at-arms; gallant gentlemen. The cavalry of ancient Greece and Rome. The qualities and abilities of a knight; knightly skill. A feat of knightly valour; a gallant exploit. Knighthood as a rank or order. Tenure by knight-service. The medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. The characteristics of an ideal knight; courage, honour, and courtesy; inclination to defend or help a weaker party.


lacking courage, cowardly.


lacking understanding or knowledge.




like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor.


likely to cause choking. Tending to become choked.


lively chattering, light gossip.


lively, in good spirits.


long (obsolete). a person with a pinched face; (later) a baby-faced person.


long (obsolete). split open; crack, sprout. Burst; split,.


making or marked by loud outcry or sustained din. Insistently demanding attention; importunate. Synonymous with vociferous.


movement in a circle or circuit, especially the movement of blood through bodily vessels as a result of the heart's pumping action. Movement or passage through a system of vessels, as of water through pipes; flow. Free movement or or passage. The passing of something, sucha s money or news, from place to place or person to person. The condition of being passed about and widely known; distribution. Dissemination of printed material, especially copies of newspapers or magazines, among readers. The number of copies of a publication sold or distributed.


needing much chewing.


of a bird, grasshopper, etc.: make a series of chirps, twitter. Of a person: make a sound imitative of or similar to this, especially as a greeting or as encouragement; sing or talk merrily. Utter by chirruping. Greet or encourage by chirruping. A series of chirps; a twitter.


of a face: pinched; (later) baby-like.


of child.


of or pertaining to China. A native of China; a person of Chinese descent. The Chinese language, a member of the Sino-Tibetan group, a tonal language with no inflections, delensions, or conjugations and having many dialects.


of or pertaining to chivalry; chivalrous.


of or relating to a chorus or choir. Performed or written for performance by a chorus.


of or relating to a chorus.


of or relating to circle. Shaped like or nearly like a circle; round. Moving in or forming a circle. Circuitous; roundabout. Using a premise to prove a conclusion that in turn is used to prove the premise. Defining one word in terms of another that is itself defined in terms of the first word. Addressed or distrbuted to a large number of persons. A printed advertisement, directive, or notice intended for mass distribution.


of or relating to clairvoyance. Having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. A person, such as a medium, possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance.


of or relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially their art, architecture, and literature. Conforming to the artistic and literary models of ancient Greece and Rome. Versed in the classics. Of or relating to the most artistically developed stage of a civilization. Of or relating to European music during the latter half of the 18th andearly 19th centuries. Of or relating to music in the educated European tradition, such as symphony and opera, as opposed to popular or folk music. Of, relating to, or being a variety of a language that is epitomized by a prestigious body of literature. Standard and authoritative rather than new or experimental. Well-known; classic. Of or relating to physics that can be described without the use of quantum mechanics or relativity. Relating to or consisting of studies in the humanities and general sciences.


of or relating to the mesomorphic phase of a liquid crystal in which the molecules are closely aligned within a distinct series of layers, with the axes of the molecules lying parallel to the plane of the layers and with the orientation of molecules in adjacent layers rotated slightly.


of or relating to the strings of an instrument. Relating to or consisting of a harmonic chord. Giving prominence to harmonic rather than contrapuntal structure.


of, belonging, or proper to a child or childhood; childlike. Not befitting mature age; puerile, silly.


of, relating to, or befitting a citizen or citizens. Of or relating to citizens and their interrelations with one another or with the state. Of ordinary citizens or ordinary community life as distinguished from the military or the eccesiastical. Of or in accordance with organized society; civilized. Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; not rude. Being in accordance with or denoting legally recognized divisions of time. Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.


of, relating to, or connected with a clinic. Involving or based on direct observation of the patient. Very objective and devoid of emotion, analytical. Suggestive of a medical clinic, austere and antiseptic.


of, relating to, or containing chromium, especially with valence 3.


of, relating to, or decorated with chintz. Gaudy; trashy. Stingy, miserly.


of, relating to, or dependent on circumstances. Of no primary significance, incidental. Complete and particular, full of detail. Full of ceremonial display.


of, relating to, or suitable for a child or childhood. Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity, puerile. Not complicated, simple. Affected mentally by old age; senile.


one of a layer of flagellated cells lining the body cavity of a sponge and characterized by a collar of cytoplasm surrounding the flagellum. Also called collar cell.


one of the floorboards of a pontoon bridge.


one of the microscopic particles of emulsified fat foundi nthe blood and lymph and formed during the digestion of fats.


one of the pieces used in playing chess.


one of the serially aligned beadlike granules of concentrated chromatin that consitutes a chromosome during the early phases of cell division.


one that chokes or suffocates another. Something that fits closely around the neck or throat, as a. A tight-fitting necklace. b. A high, tight collar. c. A narrow neckpiece of fur.


one that chops. A crudely flaked core tool, especially one of the early Paleolithic Period. A device that interrupts an electric current or a beam of radiation. A helicopter. Teeth, especially a set of false teeth. A motorcycle, especially one that is customized. To travel by helicopter or transport (someone or something ) by helicopter.


one that clamps, especially a spiked plate attached to the sole of a shoe to prevent slipping on ice.


one that closes. a relief pitcher called upon to protect a lead late in a game


one that unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect. [After Cinderella, the fairy-tale character who escapes from a life of drudgery and marries a prince, translation of French Cenderillon.]


one that wields a club. One who is active in a club.


one who applauds. The tongue of a bell. The tongue of a garrulous person. Two flat pieces of wood held between the fingers and struck rhythmically.


one who classifies organisms according to the principles of cladistics.


one who makes or sells chocolate. A place where chocolate is made or sold.


or Clisthenes, 570-508 B.C. Athenian statesman who enacted the legal reforms of Solon, replaced the older family-based political organization with one based on locality, and is generally regarded as the founder of Athenian democracy.


or Clisthenes, 6th cent. B.C. Greek tyrant of Sicyon who led the Ionian population of the region in a revolt against the Dorians.


or Cobol. A programming language developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s and used especially for business applications. It is closer to English than many other high-level languages.


or Mount Orizaba. An extinct volcanic peak, 5,702.6 m (18,697 ft) high, of southern Mexico between Mexico City and Veracruz. It is the highest elevation in the country.


or cirri. prefix. Cirrus cloud: cirrostratus.


or closed-minded. Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas.


past participle of choose. Having been selected by God; elect. The elect considered as a group.


past tense of choose.


plural of child.


plural of cirrus.


plural of classis.


plural of coccus.


prefix for on this side. Having a pair of identical atoms or groups on the same side of a plane that passes through two carbon atoms linked by a double bond. Used of a geometric isomer.


prefix for slope; slant.


prefix variant of cirro


prefix variant of clino.


preposition for around; about. Around, accusative of circus, circle.


readily stained with chromium salts.

clip art

ready-made pieces of printed or computerized graphic at, such as illustrations, borders, and backgrounds, that can be electronically copied and used to decorate a document.

civil disobedience

refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce changei n governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means.


relating to colors or color. Relating to color perceived to have a saturation greater than zero. Of, relating to, or based on the chromatic scale Relating to chords or harmonies based on nonharmonic tones.


resound when struck; ring out; tinkle, (of a set of bells) make a series of musical sounds. Produce a musical sound from a bell by striking it; make a series of musical sounds with a set of bells. Recite or repeate in cadence or mechanically. Of a set of bells etc. indicate the hour by chiming. Give out a musical soud when struck. Bring or put (intdo or out of a state or place) by chiming.


revolving around or surrounding the earth.


revolving around or surrounding the sun.


shaped like a club.

chill pill

something that calms nerves or induces relaxation.


something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery. To give (someone) guiding information.

child's play

something very easy to do. A trivial matter.


spattering, stain. Modified form of a fanciful spelling of original.


suffix for Killer: bactericide. 2. Act of killing: ecocide.


suffix for slope.


suffix for sloping. Having a specified number of oblique axial intersections.


suppression of biliary flow.




surgical removal of the gallbladder.


synonymous for vitamin D3.

chile ancho

synonymous with Ancho.


synonymous with Chile.

Chretien de Troyes.

synonymous with Chrestien de Troyes.

club steak

synonymous with Delmonico steak.


synonymous with Jialing.


synonymous with Jilin

Ch'ing (ching)

synonymous with Qing.


synonymous with azurite. Chessy, a town of east-central France.

chocolate tree

synonymous with cacao.

club soda

synonymous with carbonated water.

chili pepper

synonymous with chili.


synonymous with chin.

China tree

synonymous with chinaberry.


synonymous with chink.

choke chain

synonymous with choke collar.

chow chow

synonymous with chow.

close corporation

synonymous with closed corporation.

clinical depression

synonymous with depression.

chinese windlass

synonymous with differential windlass.

cinnamon stone

synonymous with essonite

cluster bean

synonymous with guar.

Chinese date

synonymous with jujube.

coal oil

synonymous with kerosene.


synonymous with kink.


synonymous with kinkcough.

Chinese gooseberry

synonymous with kiwi.

circulating library

synonymous with lending library.


synonymous with olivine.

childbed fever

synonymous with puerperal fever.

Chinese pear

synonymous with sand pear.

Chinese black musroom

synonymous with shiitake

Chile saltpeter

synonymous with sodium nitrate.

cherry birch

synonymous with sweet birch.

circular function

synonymous with trigonometric function.

chinawood oil

synonymous with tung oil.

closed shop

synonymous with union shop.


the act of choosing; selection. The power, right, or liberty to choose; option. One that is chosen. A number of variety from which to choose. The best or most preferable part. Care in choosing. An alternative. Of very fine quality. Appealing to refined taste. Selected with care. Of the U.S. Government grade of meat higher than good and lower than prime.


the act or an instance of chinning oneself, practiced especially as a fitness exercise. Also called pull-up.


the art or process of printing color pictures from a series of stone or zinc plates by lithography.


the beam of a plough. A thin piece cut from wood; a fragment broken from stone etc. A thin slice or piece of bread-crust (obsolete), fruit, potato, etc.: (usually oblong) piece of potato fried or for frying. (chiefly N. American) a potato crisp; (origanally US) a cold thin crisp piece of food made from seasoned flour or meal (usually with specifying word) A key of a spinet or harpsichord. Wood or woody fibre split into thin strips for making hats, bonnets, baskets, etc. In full chip basket. A basket made of strips of thin wood interwoven or joined. A piece of dried buffalo- or cow-dung, used as fuel. Usually in plural America. A counter used for betting in a game of chance; a coin; in plural, money. A blemish caused by chipping; a place on china etc. from which a chip has been knocked off. More fully chip shot. In golf, a short lofted approach-shot on to the putting-green. In soccer etc., a short lofted kick. A tiny wafer of semiconducting material used ot make an integrated circuit, esp. such a wafter of silicon (also silicon chip).


the bridge of a stringed instrument.

city hall

the building housing the administrative offices of a municipal government. The municipal government, especially its officials considered as a group An entrenched and insensitive bureaucracy, especially of a city.


the central forward portion of the lower jaw. To pull (oneself) up with the arms while grasping an overhead horizontal bar until the chin is level with the bar. To place ( a violin) under the chin in preparation to play it. To chin oneself. To make idle conversation; chatter.


the complete set of eggs produced or incubated at one time. A brood of chickens. A group; a bunch.

city room

the department in a journalistic editorial office that handles local news.


the doctrine of the millennium; the belief that Christ will reign in bodily presence on earth for a thousand years.


the dried red pod of the pepper Capsicum annum var. longum, used in sauces, relishes, etc. and made into a hot cayenne: cayenne made from these dried pods. Also chilli pepper.


the front part of the mandible, forming the chin.

child labor

the full-time employment of children who are under a minimum legal age.


the gallbladder.


the habitual or excessive use of cocaine.

closing transaction

the last transaction for a security during a trading day. An option order that will eliminate or decrease the size of an existing option position.


the meiotic twisting between paired chromatids that produces chiasmata.


the number five in cards or dice.


the part of a hookah containing the tobacco etc.; a hookah, the act of smoking, the charge of tobacco.


the part of the waterways projecting above the deck-plank. The angle where the bottom lines of a ship's planking or plating meet the sides.


the pattern of separated substances obtained by chromatography.

Christian era

the period beginning with the birth of Jesus.


the physics of the relationship between color-carrying quarks, especially the nature of their strong interaction, which is characterized by the exchange of gluons.


the process of making or becoming a clitic.


the pungent fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum; used especially as a flavoring in cooking. Also called chili pepper. Chili con carne.


the quality of being fully or minutely detailed. A particular detail or circumstance.

civil rights

the rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination. 1. Of or relating to such rights or privileges, civil rights legislation. 2. Of or relating to a political movement, especially during the 1950s and 1960s, devoted to securing equal opportunity and treatment for memebrs of minority groups.


the rim of a cask.


the science that deals with the determination of dates and the sequence of events. The arrangement of events in time. A chronological list or table.


the shell of a clam. Any of various devices with two hinged jaws, used for dredging or diggin.


the smaller intestines of pigs etc., esp. when cooked as food. A frill, esp. down the front of a dress-shirt (prob. from the resemblance of this to the mesentery). A little child, a little brat.


the spirally coiled central filament of a chromatid along which the chromomeres are aligned.

cloth yard

the standard unit of cloth measurement, equal to 36 inches (0.914 meter).


to strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding. To come together suddenly with a sharp sound. To strike together with a sharp sound, as one hard surface on another. To strike (the hands) together with an abrupt, loud sound, usually repeatedly. To strike lightly but firmly with the open hand, as in greeting. To put or place quickly and firmly. To arrange hastily. The act or sound of clapping the hands. A sudden, loud, explosive sound. A sharp blow with the open hand, a slap. A sudden stroke of fortune, especially of bad luck.


to surround with or as if with a rampart. Surrounded with or as if with a rampart. Surrounded by a ridge or raised, wall-like structure.


treat or impregnate with chlorine (especially as a means of disnfecting water); introduce one or more chlorine atoms into (a compound or molecule), usually in place of hydrogen. Frequently as chlorinated.


trichloroacetaldehyde, CCl3CHO, a pungent volatile liquid which is obtained by the action of chlorine on alcohol and is used especially as a hypnotic (usually in the form of its crystalline hydrate).


utter nerve; effrontery.


var. of Chilli.


variant of Chime.


variant of Chipewyan.


variant of Chirayta.


variant of Qin.


variant of Qing.


variant of Tchin.


variant of chapfallen.


variant of cheetah.


variant of cheilo


variant of chenar.


variant of cherimoya.


variant of chesil.


variant of chili.


variant of chili.


variant of chimera.


variant of chincapin.


variant of chinch.


variant of chincherinchee


variant of chivvy


variant of chloro.


variant of chole-.


variant of choroid.


variant of chromato-.


variant of chromo.


variant of chrono-


variant of cinchona


variant of cittern.


variant of clamor


variant of jiao.


variant of quinoline


variants include chondro, and chondri.


variation of Chippy


variation of cheer.


variation of chilli.

chill factor.

wind-chill factor.


with sails trimmed flat for sailing as close to the wind as possible.

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