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The 3 locations or types of splenic trauma are:

1. Subcapsular 2. Intraparenchymal 3. Capsular

U/S appearance of cavernous lymphangioma is:

A hypoechoic mass with extensive cystic replacement of splenic parenchyma

U/S appearance of splenic infarct is:

A wedge shaped well defined lesion, early stage hypoechoic later stage hyperechoic

Sickle cell anemia is found more frequently in:

African-American children and Hispanic children of Caribbean descent in the US

An abnormal prtein usually produced by cells in the bone marrow that can be deposited in any tissue or organ including the spleen is called:


The SS granulomatous disease in spleen is:


U/S appearance of early stage sickle cell disease is:

At early stages the spleen enlarges.

U/S appearance of late stage sickle cell disease is:

At later stage the spleen becomes fibrotic & small.

When the spleen becomes fibrotic &small is called:


Other primary sites include:

Breast, lung, and ovary

Between the 3 types of splenic trauma which one if the most serious for the patient?


Second common benign tumor after hemangioma of the spleen is:

Cavernous lymphangioma

Another name of cavernous lymphangioma is:

Cystic lymphangioma

U/S appearance of granulomatous disease is:

Diffuse, multiple small echogenic foci in spleen, non-shadowing (commonly)

If the infection is caused by gas forming bacteria what else could be seen:

Dirty shadowing, comet tail artifact

Hydatid disease of the spleen is caused by:

Echinococcus, tapeworm

____________ will typically result in splenomegaly in children and young adults.

Epstein-Barr infection

Abscess is common in the spleen. T/F?


Metastases to the spleen is more common. T/F?


Cavernous lymphangioma is commonly seen in adults. T/F?

False, common in children

Hypertension is one of the SS in case of splenic trauma. T/F?

False, it is hypotension (low blood pressure because of blood loss)

Sickle cell anemia is a disease of WBCC. T/F?

False- It is a disease of RBCC, in this condition the RBCs are deformed & become susceptible to rupture.

SS for splenic abscess is:

Fever, pain, increase WBC

Additional u/s finding in case of capsular trauma is:

Free fluid (RUQ, Morison's pouch, LLQ), pelvis area

A rare, autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which a person lacks an enzyme is called:

Gauchers disease

Most common benign primary neoplasm of the spleen is:


Rare primary malignant tumor of the spleen is:

Hemangiosarcoma/ Angiosarcoma

The lab value important in case of trauma is:

Hematocrit value

U/S appearance of hemangioma is:


U/S appearance of splenic abscess is:

Ill-defined irregular shape, hypoechoic with thick wall

Define posttraumatic splenosis (ectopic spleen).

Implantation of the ruptured spleen through the peritoneal cavity.

The SS for hemangioma is:

Incidental finding, no symptoms

Localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply is called:


Granulomatous disease is secondary to:


List some of the causes of massive spleen enlargement:

Leukemia, Lymphoma, Parasitic infection, Metastasis, Primary malignant tumors of the spleen

Granulomatous disease can be seen in ___________ and __________.

Liver and lungs

Cystic lymphangioma arises from:

Lymphatic vessels

The u/s appearance of lungs when identified is:

Medium low level echoes (like spleen, liver, thyroid)

The most common primary cancer that metastasizes to the spleen is:


U/S appearance of the Hydatid disease of the spleen is:

Mother daughter cyst, honey comb appearance, wall calcification

The u/s appearance of metastases to the spleen is:

Multiple vascular hypoechoic masses

What is the u/s appearance of splenic lymphoma?

Multiple vascular hypoechoic masses in the spleen and Splenomegaly.

Other common areas for cystic lymphangioma are:

Neck & axillary region

______________ is an inherited condition involving fat metabolism. A rapidly fatal disease that predominantly affects female infants.

Niemann-pick disease

Splenic infarction occurs because of:

Occlusion of splenic artery or any of its branches.

The SS for splenomegaly is:

Palpable LUQ mass

Fluid collection around the lungs is called:

Pleural effusion

The lungs are identified seen by ultrasound in presence of:

Pleural effusion

___________ is a bone marrow diease that leads to an abnormal increase in the number of blood cells (primarily red blood cells) and hemoglobin concentration.

Polycythemia vera

The most common cause of splenomegaly is:

Portal hypertension

List some of the causes of moderate spleen enlargement:

Portal hypertension, Tuberculosis, Early sickle cell anemia, AIDS

The u/s appearance of hemangiosarcoma is:

Solid hypoechoic mass may appear as a complex.

U/S appearance of the splenomegaly is:

Spleen measures greater than 12 cm (superior to inferior) more than 5 cm in thickness (anterior posterior).

Causes of splenic calcifications are:

Splenic artery calcification, splenic infarcts, old hematomas, cysts with calcified walls

The most common diffuse spleen abnormality is:


U/S appearance of Gauchers disease, Niemann-pick disease, Amyloidosis:


U/S appearance of polycythemia vera is:

Splenomegaly and thrombosis (hyperviscosity and hypercoagulation)

What is the difference between Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?

The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells indicates Hodgkin lymphoma.

Angiosarcoma of the spleen consists of blood vessels. T/F?


Hodgkin lymphoma can be treated and carries a high recovery rate. T/F?


Non-hodgkin lymphoma is more common than Hodgkin lymphoma. T/F?


Pseudo splenic cyst is more common than true splenic cyst. T/F?


Spleen is the most commonly involved organ in upper abdominal trauma. T/F?


The spleen is commonly involved in lymphoma. T/F?


What is the difference between true and false (psuedo) cyst?

True cyst has true epithelial lining and pseudo cyst does not.

U/S appearance of splenic trauma is:

Variable appearance: Early = hypoechoic Late = echogenic

In a patient with cirrhosis and portal hypertension in addition to splenomegaly what else could be identified near the spleen:


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