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How can you eat well and save money when living as a student on a tight budget?

Buy and eat fruit and vegetables when they are in season.

An alcoholic beverage that is 80 proof would be 20 percent alcohol by volume.


Oral sex carries no risk for STIs


The absence of disease or illness is the optimal description of health


The federal government established Superfund to provide money for water conservation efforts in certain communities.


The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination protects against all types of HPV.


The majority of heart arrhythmias result in death.


The shortest stage of sleep is stage 2


A hormone produced in the stomach that is referred to as the "hunger hormone" is


The ozone layer is

in the stratosphere and protects the planet from UVB radiation.

Chronic short sleep

increases risk for stroke

When a pregnant woman's water breaks, what is actually happening is that

the amniotic sac breaks

The three phases of the general adaptation syndrome are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion


Treatment for influenza is only palliative.


Approximately what percentage of Americans age 25 to 34 have no health insurance?

16 percent

The toxic chemical byproduct of alcohol metabolism that causes nausea and vomiting is called


All of the following are examples of resources that reduce carbon emissions EXCEPT


Food allergy and food intolerance mean the same thing


The primary reason for the decline in C. difficile infections is more widespread use of antibiotics


Emotional health can best be described as being able to

feel and express emotions appropriately

The range of motion that a joint or series of joints can achieve is


All of the following are recommended for avoiding contracting or spreading a respiratory infection EXCEPT

going to work while sick as long as you take medication

Gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming by trapping heat near Earth's surface are

greenhouse gas

Hepatitis B can lead to

liver cancer

Regular physical activity has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT

lower life expectancy

If you can perform regular moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without excessive fatigue, you are considered to be

physically fit

Tomi cooked a vegetarian stir-fry for dinner. He included slices of shallots, red pepper, carrots, spinach, and brown rice. This meal is rich in


Which form of exercise helps develop core strength by combining stretching with movement against resistance, often involving the use of devices such as tension springs or heavy rubber bands?


The gland that secretes ACTH is the


The term for an environmental contaminant that causes potential harm to living organisms is


A payment made to an insurance company, usually on a monthly basis, to cover the cost of an insurance policy is the


Most commonly, a person diagnosed with social anxiety disorder has a fear of

public events and gatherings

Based on a recent cholesterol screening, Marlon decided that he has to stop eating so much fast food and get more exercise. Between work and school, his free time is limited, but he is determined to lower his cholesterol level and improve his overall health. The best way for Marlon to stay motivated to improve his diet and work out regularly is to

set reasonable short- and long-term goals and reward himself for meeting them

Sleep-deprived individuals may be at greater risk of overweight and obesity because

sleeping less is associated with eating more

Eating food when drinking alcohol

slows alcohol absorption

A swimmer trying to improve her stroke performance concentrates mainly on upper body weight training; her training program is an example of


The willful, repeated, and malicious following, harassing, or threatening of another person is


Downshifting refers to the process of

taking steps to simplify one's life

Violence against people or property that is rooted in political or social objectives and intended to intimidate is


A rise in a woman's basal body temperature signals

that ovulation has occurred.

Spiritually healthy people believe

that they are part of a something larger than the purely physical or personal dimensions of existence.

The first widely used birth control method for women was

the diaphragm

Increases in the planet's temperature over the past few decades can be attributed to

the enhanced greenhouse effect.

A sixth mass extinction of living creatures is threatened because of population growth and changes in the Earth's ecosystems


A stroke is also known as a cerebrovascular accident.


A vigorous workout raises a person's metabolic rate during exercise and for several hours afterward


A warm-up prior to exercise after you've finished a long day of sedentary work should last longer than a warm-up after you've walked to the fitness center


Advertising for cigarettes targets specific groups in society


Any one dimension of psychological health can affect the others


Approximately 45% of the radiation that Americans are exposed to is ionizing radiation from human-made sources.


As body mass index decreases below 18.5, an adult's overall health risk increases.


Athletes who engage in very extreme or intense physical activities, such as marathons, have been shown to be at an increased risk for upper respiratory tract infections


Being able to perform activities of daily living is an aspect of physical health.


Cardiorespiratory exercise should be performed 3 to 5 days a week, and muscular fitness and flexibility exercise should be performed 2 to 3 days a week


Changes in biochemistry due to drug abuse can trigger mental disturbances


Children raised in dysfunctional families who have experienced violence or abuse may have a harder time adjusting to life and run an increased risk of psychological problems.


During NREM sleep, body temperature and energy use drop


Men and women often communicate in gender-specific ways, both in their speech patterns and in their body language


Nearly 2 percent of all college students report that they had attempted to kill themselves in the past year


Obesity is associated with an increased risk of some forms of cancer.


Over half of the global population faces a shortage of clean water


Pancreatic cancer has an especially high mortality rate


People with major depression experience physical effects such as sleep disturbance as well as persistent sadness and despair


Psychoneuroimmunology is the scientific study of the interrelationships of mind and body on the immune system


Research links climate change to increased rates of vector-borne infectious disease


The need for intimacy means the need for someone with whom we can share our feelings freely.


The right to medical care is recognized by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Two high-risk behaviors associated with the development of HIV/AIDS are having unprotected sex and sharing needles.


Women are more likely than men to "tend and befriend" in response to stress.


Communication with health care providers can be improved by all of the following EXCEPT

relying on your health care provider for all information on health care issues

A period during which cancer has responded to treatment and appears to be under control is called


Because it increases one's susceptibility to negative health outcomes, alcohol abuse is an example of which type of behavior?


Which of the following is a cancer that occurs in bones, muscles, and/or connective tissue?


Which theory holds that our bodies fight to maintain our weight within a particular narrow range?

set point theory

Candi was mortified when her doctor told her that she had a protozoal STI. She probably had


Emotions or situations that cause a person to make unhealthy eating choices are


A woman who does weight-bearing exercise will likely have higher bone mass and bone density than a woman who doesn't.


About one-third of people who undergo gastric weight-loss surgery with remission of diabetic symptoms relapse within five years


About two-thirds of U.S. abortions are performed before the 9 th week of pregnancy


Aggression is more likely to occur during times of acute stress


Alcohol intoxication increases the risk of having unprotected sex


All U.S. patients have the legal right to access their medical records.


An unintentional injury is one in which the injury happens due to circumstances, without a deliberate intent to inflict harm


Arrhythmias can be triggered by lifestyle factors.


Consumption of alcohol is the number-one cause of preventable death among U.S. college students


Current research suggests that being happy or unhappy has no direct effect on mortality


Cutting or self-mutilation can be a sign of borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, or an anxiety disorder.


Drunkorexia is a term used to describe behavior that combines heavy drinking and disordered eating


Eating yogurt provides probiotics that are thought to reduce the risk of certain gastrointestinal disorders


Emergency contraceptive pills have been used by almost 10% of sexually active college students or their partners


Emotional and psychological violence can cause as much harm as physical blows or injuries.


Even a full year after a tornado struck their town, community residents were at increased risk for traumatic stress


Evidence suggests that pollution levels within homes and other buildings can be 2 to 5 times higher than in outdoor air


Extreme underweight can contribute to loss of menstrual period in women


For a low-income individual without dental insurance, cost can be a perceived barrier to obtaining necessary dental care


Getting enough sleep may reduce a person's susceptibility to colds.


Having to get up frequently during the night to urinate is known as nocturia


Health insurance is based on the idea that policyholders pay affordable premiums so they never have to face catastrophic medical bills.


If a friend passes out and cannot be roused after drinking heavily for hours, you should call 9-1-1


In 2017, the United States became the only country in the world to opt out of the Paris Agreement to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions


In general, the lower the intensity of activity, the longer the duration of exercise should be


In the United States, there are huge disparities in crime rates based on sex, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity.


Inflammation may play a role in heart disease development.


Intimacy is unlikely in relationships lacking self-disclosure


Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by feeling tired and run down.


Laughter may increase endorphin levels


Over 1 million people in the United States are members of gangs.


Over 97 percent of scientists agree that the Earth is warming, driven largely by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels


Research suggests that regular exercise can override genetic influences on BMI


Rigorous research has shown that drug studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry are more likely to find the drug beneficial than studies funded by outside sources.


Runoff from a parking lot is considered nonpoint source pollution.


Simple sugars provide short-term energy.


Smog does not form at night


Smoking increases the risk for one of the most common causes of blindness in older adults.


Social isolation increases the risks for several factors associated with heart disease and cancer


Some research suggests that evolution and genetics both contribute to romantic reactions.


Some scientists believe that REM sleep enhances memorization and learning


Somnolence is a synonym for sleep deprivation.


Stress can have positive health effects.


Stroke fatality rates have declined by nearly one-third since 2004


Studies associate mindfulness with pain relief


The Lamaze method is the most popular method of childbirth preparation in the United States


The United States has a shortage of primary care physicians.


The abortion method known as "partial birth abortion" is illegal in the United States


The human variant of mad cow disease can develop in a person who has eaten meat from infected cows.


The longer you sleep, the more time you spend in REM sleep.


The most common cause of male infertility is low sperm count


Women who are ill are at greater than average risk of marital rape


Your risk of becoming obese increases by at least one-third if your partner, spouse, sibling, or close friend is obese


All of the following are basic mindfulness skills EXCEPT

tuning out a noisy student in the library

An important strategy for avoiding mold is to

use a dehumidifier in damp rooms

Vessels that carry blood to the heart are the


River has been on and off four different diets in the past year, losing and then regaining weight. She now weighs more than she did when she began dieting a year ago. River is engaging in

yo-yo dieting

Which of the following waist measurements indicates an increased health risk?

38 inches in female

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to tumors?

A malignant tumor can invade surrounding tissue, produce mutant cells, and metastasize.

Which of the following statements about the role of gender in sleep is true?

As compared to women, men are less likely to seek help for sleep disorders

What happens during a stroke?

Blood supply to some area of the brain is interrupted.

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to genetics and obesity?

Certain genes might influence obesity by altering regulation of a hormone called ghrelin

Which of the following is a useful strategy to prevent explosive anger?

Develop realistic expectations of yourself and others.

A birth defect caused by the mother's alcohol intake during pregnancy is


The virus responsible for causing genital warts is


Which of the following is TRUE about stalking?

It can occur online.

What effect does carbon monoxide have on the body?

It diminishes the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells.

Which of the following statements about the 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act is TRUE?

It established a Superfund to clean up hazardous waste sites throughout the United States

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to attention-deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADD/ADHD)?

It tends to disrupt relationships

Which of the following is NOT true about male infertility?

Male infertility problems account for only 10 percent of infertility cases

When Maria's boyfriend returned from the health clinic, he told her he had been diagnosed with gonorrhea. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Maria should go to the clinic to get tested for gonorrhea and treated if she has it

Which of the following statements about the graduating class of 2016 is true?

More than 70 percent of these students graduated with significant debt

Which of the following statements about suicide is true?

People are at increased risk for suicide if they identify as LGBT

Which of the following statements about self-esteem is FALSE?

Protecting children from failure may boost their ability to persist in the face of difficulties.

Which of the following is a key time management strategy that can reduce stress?

Set clear implementation intentions toward a specific end

According to the PERMA model, which of the following strategies is most likely to enhance your well-being?

Set realistic goals and pursue them with effort

Which of the following statements about marital status in the United States is TRUE?

The percentage of males who have never married is higher than that of females.

Which of the following is TRUE about panic attacks?

They can lead to social isolation

When trying to drive less aggressively, Bekka observed her family and friends' more careful driving, reflected on what she observed, and changed her driving accordingly. This is an example of the social cognitive model of behavior change


Which of the following is TRUE about the cycle of intimate partner violence?

Women who have experienced the cycle more than once tend to develop battered woman syndrome.

Which form of hormonal birth control works transdermally?


Which of the following is FALSE about smokeless tobacco?

Young people's use of smokeless tobacco has been declining steadily since 1999

Which factor would reduce the likelihood of your choosing a particular person as a partner?

Your beliefs, attitudes, and values are significantly different.

When Cheri was grocery shopping, she noticed a shelf label with three stars beneath a can of low-sodium vegetable and bean soup. This shelf label is an example of

a nutrition rating system

What percentage of the world's population lacks adequate sleep?

about 35 percent

When an individual's body increases its metabolic rate to compensate for an increased food intake, this is the process known as

adaptive thermogenesis.

Marketing of tobacco products currently targets all of the following EXCEPT

affluent citizens through community-based events

Rape that involves a stranger is classified as

aggravated rape

Your doctor works at a hospital accredited by the Joint Commission. This type of accreditation indicates that

all practitioner education, licensing, and training qualifications have been verified.

Eve is always upset about something, and it seems that she is never really happy. Her mental outlook is likely to adversely affect

all six dimensions of her health.

Molecules that are the building blocks of protein are

amino acids

Children who have experienced sexual abuse are at increased risk for

anxiety disorders, depression, and suicide attempts

All of the following are part of the RICE formula for treating sports- and fitness-related injuries EXCEPT

apply heat at the injury site

The term defensive medicine refers to actions taken to

avoid malpractice claims

After stubbing his toe, Tom told Connie that he was in agonizing pain. Connie said she believed him, but rolled her eyes. Tom most likely

believed that Connie felt he was exaggerating his pain.

The ratio of alcohol to total blood volume is the

blood alcohol concentration.

In a relationship, commitment means that

both partners in a relationship agree to practice monogamy

One of the advantages of a single-payer health care system is that it

can achieve lower cost through economies of scale

Which of the following is caused by an increased production of a fungus normally resident in smaller numbers in the vagina?


Gwen received the HPV vaccination in her early teens. Doing so decreased her risk for

cervical cancer

What substance is not soluble in water, is derived from animal-based foods and synthesized by the body, and while circulating in the blood, can accumulate on the inner walls of arteries and restrict blood flow?


The last stage of liver disease that can result from years of heavy drinking is


When two partners in an intimate relationship live together without being married, this is


Lengthy cohabitation that is considered legally binding in some states is

common-law marriage

What type of proteins contain all nine essential amino acids?


When Marlon gets adequate sleep the night before his intramural basketball games, he has more energy and can run faster and perform better. This can be attributed to

conservation of body energy during sleep

Going out for dinner at your favorite restaurant as a reward for finishing a big project is an example of a

consumable reinforcer

Which of the following lubricants is safe to use with a condom?

contraceptive foam

Which of the following is an FDA-approved prescription weight loss drug?


All of the following are techniques used in the Chinese art of feng shui EXCEPT

coordinating the colors of your walls and your bed linens. picking up clutter daily. positioning your bed so that it is not aligned with the door. using sheer curtains that let in as much light as possible NOT picking up clutter daily

Which of the following would assess muscular endurance?

counting number of repeated sit-ups

The Russian hacking of polling software during the 2016 U.S. elections is an example of


STI pathogens prefer

darkness and moisture

Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the


The process by which addicts get an addictive substance out of their system as part of ending their dependence on it is


Health and wellness are best described as


Which of the following behaviors would most likely increase the risk of developing cancer?

eating a diet high in empty calories

Violence directed at others and based on prejudice and discrimination is


A disabled person can never achieve the highest level of wellness


A family history of heart disease has a much greater influence on heart-disease risk than factors such as an unhealthful diet, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and a high stress level.


A locavore is someone who makes a point of eating out in his or her own neighborhood


A product with the label claim natural is required by the FDA to be free of food additives.


A relationship is intimate only if sex is involved.


According to a recent survey, health concerns are the number-one stressor reported by Americans


Actions you take to wash your sheets, clear clutter from your bedroom, and otherwise clean your sleeping area are collectively known as sleep hygiene.


Acute stress is significant, long-term stress that can produce negative effects on multiple body systems


All forms of dietary fat raise blood cholesterol


All forms of radiation pose a threat to human health


All physicians are required by law to accept Medicare patients.


All spermicides are effective in preventing sexually transmitted infections.


An antibody is a pathogen capable of triggering an immune response


An osteopath (D.O) does not complete the same level of training as a physician who is an M.D.


Behavioral therapy focuses on changing a person's habitual attitudes to become more positive and productive


Brenda believes in ghosts. When her friend Manami told her about an investigation showing that a supposed haunting of a local theatre was due to natural phenomena, Brenda tuned out. Brenda was engaging in passive listening.


Child sexual abuse occurs in as many as 2 out of every 100 children.


Cigarettes made with ground cloves deliver lower levels of tar and carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes


Cost sharing is one of the mechanisms private health care insurers use to help patients afford coverage


Deep breathing is a technique used in yoga but not in other mind-body practices.


Disability-adjusted life years is a measure of the difference between age at premature death and average life expectancy.


Emotional health is the same as intellectual health.


Excessive drug and alcohol consumption and poor sleep habits are the primary modifiable determinants related to chronic diseases


Experts advise that, if you are approached by a potential assailant, you should not make eye contact


Fats should make up less than 10 percent of daily calories consumed.


Feeling that you have to share everything with your partner is a sign of a healthy relationship


If a woman has a urinary tract infection and takes a pregnancy test, a false positive may result


If your state doesn't mandate bike or motorcycle helmets, you don't need to bother wearing them to prevent injuries.


Interspecies transmission of infectious disease does not occur.


It costs more to eat a nutrient-dense diet than to eat a nutrient-poor diet


It's wise to eat a little protein after a workout to replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores.


Just six states in the United States have an obesity rate below 20% of the population.


Mixing alcohol with energy drinks reduces the level of alcohol impairment.


Most fast food chains do not offer nutritional analyses of their food


Most people who are withdrawing from alcohol addiction experience delirium tremens


Most research into birth control methods is focused on men.


Most types of diaphragms can be purchased over the counter wherever condoms are sold.


Nearly 15 percent of all violent acts are attributed to people with serious mental illness


No valid research exists on the effects of massage therapy on mental health.


One in four new mothers experience postpartum depression


One in four new mothers experience postpartum depression.


One of MyPlate's key messages is to consume seafood once a week


Only 45% of American adults meet national guidelines for both cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness.


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) occurs in both males and females as a result of certain STIs.


People who exercise regularly experience physical benefits but not psychological benefits.


Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of muscles in the lower back


Psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of disease on emotional health


Research suggests that overweight and obese children who are bullied because of their weight are likely to eat less as a result.


Restless leg syndrome is an extremely rare disorder, affecting less than 0.5 percent of the U.S. population.


Short-duration sleep lowers a person's risk for cardiovascular disease.


Sterilization has become the leading method of contraception for women of all ages.


Substance abuse decreases the risk of both homicide and suicide.


The U.S. divorce rate has increased over the past several decades.


The United States has the third highest life expectancy of any country in the world.


The average cost of gastric weight-loss surgery is $1,500.


The development of self-esteem is an important part of intellectual health


The new etiquette of relationships established under social media has made it perfectly acceptable to break up with someone online.


The only reliable treatment for insomnia is prescription sleeping pills.


The waist-circumference-to-height formula suggests that a male who is six feet tall (72 inches) should have a waist circumference of no more than 32 inches.


The wellness continuum ranges from a low point of beginning to experience some type of symptom to a high point of optimal health and well-being


Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), an insurer can impose an annual limit on coverage.


n a stress test, a patient receives an injection of a stimulant, and an ECG records the heart's response to the drug.


During stage 4, a sleeping person's pituitary gland releases which of the following hormones?

growth hormone

An effective way to protect yourself from STIs is to

have sex only with a partner who has tested negative for STIs.

Falls are the most common cause of

head injury

Of the following types of health care expenditures, the United States spends the most on

health insurance

Chronic stress has a strong connection to all of the following medical conditions EXCEPT

hearing loss

After a night of heavy drinking, John still appears sober while his friends are obviously intoxicated. It is likely that John has developed

learned behavioral tolerance.

A mentally healthy student who gets a bad grade on an exam would respond by

learning from the situation and improving study habits

Which of the following plays a major role in the cell-mediated immune response?


The difference between surgical and medical abortions is that

medical abortions are performed without entering the uterus

The accident that results when the temperature in the core of a nuclear reactor increases enough to melt the fuel and breach the containment vessel is called a nuclear

melt down

The general term for a disorder that disrupts thoughts, feelings, moods, and behavior to the extent that it impairs functioning in daily

mental illness

Campus law enforcement officers now have

more staff and increased authority to prosecute offenders.

Patrick is going to begin chemotherapy to treat a type of lymphoma. Which of the following side effects is he most likely to experience?

nausea, fatigue, and hair loss

The restful, restorative period of sleep is

non-REM sleep

A person's bone structure is an example of a(n)

nonmodifiable determinant.

The science that studies food and nourishment, including food composition and the physiological effects of food on the body, is


How many adult Americans suffer from some type of cardiovascular disease?

one out of three

Jealousy is more likely when

one partner fears that he or she is losing control over the other

Stress caused by not being able to accomplish all tasks and obligations in the time available is known as


A hormone referred to as a "cuddle chemical" that boosts feelings of satisfaction and attachment is


Disease-causing agents are called


An example of a nonpoint source water pollutant is

pesticide runoff from a farm

In a clinical trial for a new pain medication, Hayden was given an inactive substance instead of an actual drug. After taking it, however, his headache improved. This resulted from the

placebo effect

Gavin downloads a new workout song every time he completes his week's exercise goal. This action is an example of

positive reinforcement

Bidis are becoming increasingly popular because they are viewed as safer than regular cigarettes. Research shows that bidis

produce three times more nicotine than cigarettes

A researcher observes that stage actors frequently come down with a cold after the close of a long run of a show. This type of study would best be classified as


you should consult a physician

to treat swelling and dizziness in reaction to an insect bite

Which form of fat poses high risks for heart disease and cardiac-related death?

trans fat

John underwent a body composition test that involved being submerged to compare his underwater weight with land weight to determine his level of body fat. This method of assessment is known as a

hydrostatic weighing

Research has shown that laughter results in all of the following EXCEPT

increased risk of heart disease

Over the past five decades, daily calorie consumption by Americans has

increased significantly

A person's exercise metabolic rate (EMR) will increase if he or she

increases the activity level from light to moderate

Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease by all of the following EXCEPT

increasing LDL levels.

Maria has difficulty falling asleep quickly, and many morning she wakes feeling unrefreshed. Maria most likely has


According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, love involves

intimacy, passion, and commitment.

Through our relationships with others, we fulfill our needs for

intimacy, social integration, and nurturance.

The release of particles and electromagnetic rays from atomic nuclei during the normal process of disintegration produces

ionizing radiation

"Mini-strokes" that cause only temporary impairment and that can indicate an impending stroke are

transient ischemic attacks (TIAs).

Brenda is going on a ski trip over spring break and has 12 weeks to get in shape. She purchased an elliptical trainer and started working out on it for 10 minutes each day. Each week, she will increase her workout by 10 minutes until she can exercise for one hour. If she finds that is too rigorous, she will only add 5 minutes to her workout each week. Which of the following behavior-change techniques is Brenda using to get in shape for her trip?


The strategy of reframing appraisals of stressors more positively and working toward future goals is known as

shift and persist

Carbohydrates are used by the body primarily for

short-term energy

Jeannette is 82-years old, but participates in balance training that reduces her risk of falls. This balance training increases what component of Jeannette's physical fitness?

skill-related fitness

Miranda plays on the lacrosse team and knows that increasing her aerobic capacity will help her on the field. To determine her current aerobic capacity, the team's trainer will conduct a test in which Miranda will run on a treadmill for a designated time while measurements are taken. What will the measure of her aerobic capacity show?

the volume of oxygen her muscles consume during exercise

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