PDF test

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what would prevent someone from being able to edit a PDF?

customizing the permissions to where they cannot change things or by placing a password on it. you can use AdobeAcrobat.

how and exactly where can I get a copy of the program that is used to open a PDF?

download from https://get.adobe.com/reader or the google playstore

how do you create a PDF in Microsoft word?

file>save as>then save document as a PDF

how much does it cost?

its free

what are three advantages of sending a PDF?

1. you can secure your work with passwords,watermarks, or by encrypting data. 2. it is quick and easy to create 3. ability to compress large files

what program(s) can be used to edit some PDF's?

AdobeAcrobat and PDFeditor

what program is needed to open a PDF?


how do you create a PDF in Adobe InDesign?


PDF is an acronym for?

Portable Document Format

what s a PDF?

a file format that provides an electronic image of text and graphics that looks like a printed document and can be viewed , printed, and electronically transmitted.

what program(s) can you use to create a PDF?

almost any program

give two or three examples of when you would want to send/use a PDF Document versus using the native program(Adobe InDesign for example)that you used to create the original document.

when I want to send work to my teacher and I don't want anyone to be able to change it. when I have to use photoshop. if I want to print from a flashdrive.

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