Peds Kaplan Practice

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the nurse visits the family with three small children who live in a three bedroom home built in 1952. the nurse counsels the family about how to avoid lead poisoning. the nurse determines that teaching is effective if the parents make which statement? 1. "I plan to scrap paint off the walls after the children go to bed tonight" 2. "My children eat meals whenever they are hungry" 3. "I wet mop all of my floors and wash all of the window sills weekly" 4. "I'm going to leave that patch of dirt uncovered so the children will have somewhere to dig"

"I wet mop all of my floors and wash all of the window sills weekly"

A parent of a preschool-aged client calls the clinic to report that the child has been exposed to chickenpox. The nurse informs the parent the incubation period for the chickenpox is which length of time? -24 hrs -2 to 4 days -1 month -2 to 3 weeks

2 to 3 weeks

The nurse recognizes which child client is at greatest risk for poisoning? -5 month old -2 yr old -5 yr old -7 yr old

2 yr old

The nurse assess a young child who has socialization skills characterized by associative play, eagerness to please the parent, and a strong identification with the parent. At which age are these behaviors most consistent with normal development? -2 yrs -3 yrs -4 yrs -5 yrs

5 yrs

An infant client is able to stand holding on to objects, plays "peek-a-boo," and is starting to say "mama" and "dada." The nurse identifies these behaviors are characteristic of which age? -5 months -6 months -9 months -12 months

9 months

A parent of an infant born with clubfoot asks the nurse how the deformity is usually treated. Which statement by the nurse is appropriate? -a series of braces is used until the foot is gradually moved back into place, then the foot is casted -a series of casts will be applied and changed every few days to weeks until the foot is positioned correctly, then the foot is braced -the infant undergoes massage to stretch the tendons of the affected foot, then is placed in the first cast at around 6 months of age -The infant will undergo several surgical procedures, then will be casted for several months

A series of casts will be applied and changed every few days to weeks until the foot is positioned correctly, then the foot is braces

When assessing the 9 month old client, the nurse expects which reflex to be present? -babinski -moro -tonic neck -palmer


A parent of a child client diagnosed with frequent acute otitis media asks the nurse why this keeps happening to the child. The nurses explanation is based on which correct information? -children have weaker tympanic membranes -children have immature immune systems -children have shorter eustachian tubes than adults -children frequently introduce foreign substances into the ears

Children have shorter eustachian tubes than adults

The home health care nurse instructs parents of a toddler client diagnosed with non-organic failure to thrive. Which suggestion by the nurse is most appropriate when discussing mealtimes with the client's parents? -allow 10min to eat each meal -insist the client eats certain foods -develop a structured routine for all activities -incite other children to eat with the client

Develop a structured routine for all activities

A preschool age client is diagnosed with idiopathic hypopituitarism. Which hormone is most commonly prescribed for a preschool client with idiopathic hypopituitarism? -estrogen -parathormone -growth hormone -insulin

Growth hormone

The nurse counsels parents of a school-aged client diagnosed with ADHD. Which statement by the nurse is most appropriate? -consider your child's chronological age when setting goals -your child will be unsuccessful when faced with a difficult task -be spontaneous and unpredictable to stimulate your child -hug and praise your child after a task is correctly performed.

Hug and praise your child after a task is correctly performed

The nurse instructs the parent about the appropriateness way to install ear drops in the right ear of a toddler client. The nurse determines teaching is effective if the parent makes which statement..? -i should pull my child's ear down and back -i will have my child stand next to me -i will place a dry cotton ball in my child's ear -my child should lie on the right side after i instill the drops

I should pull my child's ear down and back

A toddler client diagnosed with cystic fibrosis is admitted to the hospital with a resp infection. The nurse expects to see which characteristic feature of CF? -absence of gastric enzymes -increased viscosity of mucus -absence of liver enzymes -inability to cough

Increased viscosity of mucus

An adolescent child is evaluated for scoliosis. The client asks the nurse "what is scoliosis?" What statement by the nurse best describes scoliosis? -its an inward curvature of the lower spine -its an exaggerated convexity in the thoracic region of the spine -it is the herniation of an intervertebral disc -it is a lateral curvature of a portion of the spine

It is a lateral curvature of a portion of the spine

Which action does the nurse take to minimize separation anxiety experienced by a toddler client? -assigns different nurses until the child responds to one -reassures the parents that the child is adjusting well without them -brings other children in to visit and play with the child -keeps toys from home in bed with the child

Keeps toys from home in bed with the child

The nurse in the well-child clinic receives a phone call from a parent of an infant client who received the DTaP vaccine 3 days ago. The nurse is most concerned if the parent states..? -there is redness and swelling at the injection site -my baby is crying continuously -my baby's temperature is 101° F -my baby seems to be eating less

My baby is crying continuously

The nurse evaluates the parents knowledge of the infant client's immunization schedule. Which statement by the parent indicates a correct understanding of the immunization schedule? -my child will receive 4 haemophilus influenza type b vaccines as part of the immunization schedule -my child needs 2 hepatitis vaccines, 1 at 1mo and the other at 4mo -im going to let my child get chickenpox and measles rather than have all those painful vaccines -im glad the baby can be vaccinated against chickenpox before age 6mo so there's no way to catch it from older siblings

My child will receive 4 haemophilus influenza type b vaccines as part of the immunization schedule

The nurse provides care for an infant client diagnosed with a cyanotic congenital heart defect. The nurse understands that chronic hypoxia from this disorder can result in which finding? -intellectual disability -polycythemia -resp infection -fluid retention


During a visit, the home care nurse observes a pre-school age client sitting near a fireplace. The client's clothing catches fire and covers the client in flames. Which action does the nurse take first? -obtain water from a sink and poor it on the client -immediately wrap the client in a nearby blanket -push the client to the ground and make them roll -remove the clients clothing as quickly as possible

Push the client to the ground and make them roll

The nurse knows which signs or symptoms of rubeola are exhibited before the appearance of the rash? -diarrhea, intestinal cramps, anorexia -runny nose, sneezing, coughing -itching, fever, cold sores -sore throat, ear pain, swollen lymph nodes

Runny nose, sneezing, coughing

The nurse understands that according to Erikson, adolescence is regarded as the period associated with establishment of which developmental goal? -sense of trust -sense of autonomy -sense of identity and intimacy -sense of initiative

Sense of identity and intimacy

A parent of an infant client diagnosed with croup asks the nurse what to do for the child at home to alleviate mild symptoms? Which suggestion by the nurse is most appropriate? -let your child rest and notify HCP if symptoms worsen -put a pan of water by the window in the bedroom and leave the window open -place your child in the bathroom with hot water running until there is improvement -stand with your child in front of an open freezer until symptoms improve

Stand with your child in front of an open freezer until symptoms improve

Which immunizations does the nurse administer to an adolescent client who has never been immunized? -MMR, Hep A, DTaP -Polio, MMR, DTaP -MMR, Varicella, HiB -Tdap, MMR, polio

Tdap, MMR, Polio

An 18mo old client is admitted to the hospital. When the parents leave, the child starts to cry loudly. After a while, the child stops crying and becomes quiet and withdrawn. Which statement about the child's behavior is correct? -the child has accepted the separation and has adjusted well -the child has entered the second phase of separation anxiety -the child has entered the third stage of separation anxiety -the child is behaving very unexpectedly for that age group

The child has entered the second phase of separation anxiety

The nurse prepared to administer the inactivated polio vaccine to a 4mo infant. For which assessment finding does the nurse delay administering the vaccine? -infant has otitis with a fever -the infant has mild rhinitis and is afebrile -the infant is teething and irritable -the infant received the vaccine at 2mos

The infant has otitis with a fever

A 4mo old (full term) infant client is seen in the well-child clinic. The nurse is most concerned when which finding is observed? -the infant's head turns to the side when a sound is made at the level of the ear -the infant's head lags when pulled from lying to sitting -the infant is drooling -the infant does not focus on a toy held close to the face

The infant's head lags when pulled from lying to sitting

The nurse instructs the parents of a child client diagnosed with CF about needed dietary modifications. The nurse knows teaching is successful when the parents make which statement -we will make sure we increase calories our child receives -we will increase fat in our child's diet -we will increase the amount of carbs our child consumes -we need to make sure we add potassium rich foods to

We will make sure we increase cals our child receive

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