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The interpersonal marketplace

-Whom we are attracted to depends a lot on how much we think we have to offer and how much we think we can "buy" with it. -Women's worth may be based on beauty. -Men's worth may be based on success.

sex workers' well-being

1/4 prostitutes had few physical/psychological complaints. used problem focused coping strategies. were satisfied with their lives. 1/4 had many ailments, including headaches, backaches, anxiety, depression. coping strategies involve dissociation and denial. dissatisfied with prostitution. remaining 50% in the middle

hard media fetish

A hard substance such as leather or rubber

soft media fetish

A soft substance such as silk or fur

A love story

A story about what love should be like. Includes characters, plot, theme. Two central characters in every love story

From the lab to the real life

According to Don Byrne, couples who had been matched for similar attitudes were most attracted to each other. Those with the similar attitudes were not so attracted to each other. Greater attraction to the better looking dates was reported. Study demonstrated the importance of similarity and physical appearance

Types of pornography: electronic porn

Adult websites: porn hub, X videos, youporn among most popular. Internet users age 10 to 17 and 2018. 42% had been exposed to online porn. 66% reported the exposure as unwanted. In general for all ages 35% of all Internet downloads were porn


Can produce increased energy, focused attention, and reduce need for food and sleep. Common experiences of people in early stages of love

-exhibitionism -voyeurism -solicitation -disorderly conduct -being a public nuisance -general lewdness

Crimes against good taste

-laws included a ban on the giving of information concerning the prevention of conception -laws restricting access to abortions

Crimes against reproduction

-rape -sexual abuse of children -incest

Crimes of exploitation and force

-fornication -cohabitation -adultery -sodomy

Criminal consensual acts

out-call service

Escorts go to the clients, More risky, Escort cannot control the setting in which services are provided

The effects of porn

Exposure to material that the viewer finds acceptable does produce arousal. Most people disapprove of paraphiliac behaviors, rape, sexual activity involving children. Most people react negatively to hard-core and children pornography. In response to erotic portrayals of consenting heterosexual activity, both men and women may report an increase in sexual thoughts and fantasies; behavior such as masturbation and intercourse. Exposure to aggressive porn: does increase men's aggression toward women, may predispose men toward committing violent crimes against women, particularly men at high-risk

Compassionate love

Feeling of deep attachment and commitment to a person with whom one has an intimate relationship

Growth of online personal profiles

Growing proportion of population is single: more people are looking. Career and time pressures: more efficient ways to look for partners. More highly mobile population: harder to find partners. Workplace romance is less acceptable: concerns regarding sexual-harassment

Types of pornography: films, videos, DVD

Hard-core film industry began to emerge in a big way in 1970s

Physical attractiveness

Individuals will prefer potential partners who are more physically attractive. Young men and women typically rate physical appearance as one of the most important aspects of sex appeal

drag queens

Male homosexuals that dress up as women


Multibillion dollar industry in the US. Sexually arousing art, literature, film


Pictures of romantic partners activated areas in the brain rich in dopamine pathways

Attraction: girl next door/ mere exposure effect

Repeated exposure to any stimulus, including a person, leads to greater liking for that stimulus


Sexually arousing material (literature or art) that is not degrading or demeaning to women, men, or children

Types of pornography: magazines

Soft core such as Playboy has reported a circulation of 2.6 million in 2017. Hard-core such as hustler has reported a circulation of under 500,000 a year. Playgirl discontinued publication in 2009: continues as an online publication, decline of magazines because you can get anything/everything online now

Attraction: online

Some websites have tens of thousands of profiles. Lots of different dating/hook up sites and apps. Surveys suggest that educated, busy, affluent 20 to 40-year-olds seek partners online. Technology forces users to focus on similar interests rather than physical attractiveness

Passionate love

State of intense physiological arousal and intense longing for union with the other person


Stimulated by touch; including sexual touching and orgasm; may continue to long-term relationships

Sex in Advertising

Subtle and obvious sexual promises used to sell a wide variety of products. 53% of ads portraying heterosexual couples showed them engaging in sexual contact. Exposure to gender stereotyped ads was associated with dissatisfaction with one's body among both men and women

matching phenomenon

Tendency for men and women to choose as partners people who match them on social and personal characteristics


Tendency to have contact with people who are equal in social status


The legal term for pornography. Something that's offensive according to accepted standards of society. -appeals to the prurient interest -work depicts or describes sexual conduct in an offensive way -work lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value


The level of commitment and positive affective, cognitive, and physical closeness one experiences with a partner in a reciprocal relationship. Self disclosure: the characteristic of intimacy

media fetish

The material out of which an object is made, is the source of arousal


The person derives sexual pleasure from exposing his genitals to others in situations where this is clearly inappropriate. a man who exposes himself is considered offensive, but a woman who reveals most of her breast is likely to be thought of as attractive. causes are not known


This term is misused often. Like Jay Z in one of his songs calls himself a hustler. A male sex worker who sells his services to men= full-time street and bar hustlers, full-time carboys, part-time hustlers, delinquents. Straight mail goes into high money places, approaches businessmen, convinces them to have sex, looks for married men, use blackmail against them to get more money

Triangular theory of love. Robert sternberg

Three components of love: intimacy (Emotional component), passion (motivational component), decision or commitment (cognitive component)

Pornography customers

Typical customer using porn sites are educated, middle-class, male, ages 22 to 34. Went to X-rated movies or read pornographic magazines or watched on the Internet. 59% of male college students, 36% of female college students

Types of pornography: children porn

Viewed as the most reprehensible part of the porn industry: children cannot give truly informed consent to participate; great potential for psychological and physical damage to children. Type of offenses involving children and porn include producing material, possession of child porn images, selling or exchanging images including over the Internet

Anxious ambivalent lovers

Want desperately to get closer to a partner but often find that the partner does not reciprocate the feeling

Sociobiology / Sexual strategies theory

We look for partners who will produce healthy offspring, or at least will invest in us or our offspring

Reinforcement theory / Byrnes Law of attraction

We tend to like people who give us reinforcements or rewards. Dislike people who give us punishments

Falling in love

When you meet someone with whom you can create a relationship that fits your love story


Woman who manages or owns an in-call or out-call service, a brothel, or an escort service Usually experienced and skilled at managing sex workers and businesses May be socially skilled, with a network of contacts in the community

compulsive sexual behavior

a disorder in which the individual experiences intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, and associated sexual behaviors. intense, intrusive, driven and repetitive. create health risk. lacking in impulse control. interfere with personal life. often occur in social and legal sanctions

transvestite fetishism

a heterosexual man who dresses in female clothing to produce or enhance sexual arousal


a male who provides companionship and sexual gratification to a woman on a continuing basis in exchange for money

addiction theory

a pathological relationship, with a sexual event or process, substituting it for a healthy relationship with others


a person who becomes sexually aroused from secretly viewing nudes (peeping tom)


a person who derives sexual satisfaction from experiencing pain


a person who derives sexual satisfaction from inflicting pain on another person


a rare form of sexual behavior. its milder forms is probably more common than people think. causes are not precisely known. sadistic or masochistic fantasies appear to be more common than real life sadomasochistic behavior

Statistical Definition

a sexual behavior that is rare or not practiced by many people


a sexual disorder, a sex orientation, or neither? defined as a lack of sexual attraction. different from not engaging in sexual behavior. different from celibates


a sexual variation in which the person becomes sexually aroused by observing others' sexual acts and genitals


an excessive, insatiable sex drive in either men or women. leads to compulsive behavior; sexually overshadows all other concerns and interests

psychological approach

criteria include discomfort, inefficiency, and bizarreness


desire to watch others having sexual relations or to spy on nude people

problems identifying/defining hypersexuality

difficult to determine what is "excessive"- terms are imprecise; couples may disagree. especially different diagnosing women: one definition for men was 7+ orgasms per week for 6 months, but this may not be abnormal for multiorgasmic women and hypersexual women


dressing as a member of the other gender. almost exclusively a male sexual variation and it is essentially unknown among women

coping strategies for prostitution

drugs/alcohol: increase confidence and decrease guilt. shutting down feelings and focusing narrowly on the task. separate private sexual and familial relationships from sex work. networking with other sex workers for support

means of upward economic mobility, necessity to survive, support drug addiction

economic reason for entering prostitution

Prostitutes/commercial sex workers ("hookers")

engage in partnered sexual activity in return for money, material gifts, some other form of payment such as drugs. legal in Nevada- except for Las Vegas. they register as a "contract" worker and pay taxes

risks of prostitution

exposure to HIV/AIDS in all venues. according to venue worked: working streets is associated with greater risk of arrest and violence. women who are trafficked are at risk of abuse, injury, illness, infection, and medical neglect


feces are important to sexual satisfaction

cognitive theory

fetishes have a serious cognitive distortion in that they perceive a non conventional stimulus as erotic

learning theory

fetishes result from classical conditioning in which a learned association is built between the fetish object and sexual arousal and organism

8 paraphilias

fetishes, transvestism, sadism, masochism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, and frotteurism

Secure lovers

find it easy to get close to others

physically or psychologically coerced by a husband or lover into selling sex for money, major factor in sex trafficking

force or coercion reason for entering prostitution


found mainly in men. desire to damage or soil a woman or her clothes


houses of prostitution: mostly have been replaced by in-call services. workers have regular shifts in an apartment or condo. they provide sex gratification to clients. charge on an hourly basis. sex worker has less autonomy (control over what they have to do). percent of profits go to manager or Madam


hypersexuality in men


hypersexuality in women


hypoxyphilia. the desire to induce in oneself a state of oxygen deficiency in order to create arousal or to enhance excitement and orgasm. people engage in this in the belief that arousal and orgasm are intensified by reduced oxygen

victorian compromise

laws do not criminalize behavior, but does criminalize conduct that is visible to the outside world

career of a prostitute: apprenticeship

learns how to hustle, sexual techniques, how to successfully negotiate for services and pricing , and how to control interaction

call girl

listed as escorts sometimes: works out of her own residence. often from middle class background. may be college graduate. dresses expensively and lives in upscale neighborhood. may also provide such services as accompanying clients to business and social gatherings. can earn a great deal of money

female impersonator

men who dress as women, often as part of their jobs as entertainers


prostitutes support them with earnings. may provide companionship and sex. may provide food, shelter, or drugs. provides bail if in jail and may provide protection. exercises considerable control. he is sometimes called "the man"


recurring, unconventional sexual behavior that is obsessive and compulsive

Troilism (or triolism)

refers to 3 people having sex together


sells sex on streets of cities, less attractive and less fashionably dressed. charges much less. in some cities more likely to be arrested, greater risk of disease and violence


sex with children: this can include performing sex on them or with them. forcing them to have sex with an adult. child porn. this is punishable as a federal crime. -incest or pseudoincest (stepchild) offenders -molesters of familiar children -molesters of unfamiliar children -tend to be repeat offenders (phallometric measures of sexual deviance provide strongest predictor of recidivism) -patterns of preference tend to be stable over time

sociological approach

sexual behavior that violates the norms of society


sexual contact with a dead person

zoophilia (beastiality)

sexual contact with an animal


sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving touching or rubbing one's genitals against the body of a non-consenting person


sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving use of nonliving objects. to produce or enhance sexual arousal. with or in the absence of a partner. over a period of at least 6 months. causing significant distress

massage parlor

some provide legitimate massage therapy, others sell sex services: purple door off the edge of campus. 2021 Atlanta mass shootings occurred over this

medical approach

the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders recognizes 8 paraphilias

form fetish

the object and its shape are what's important for arousal

sex trafficking

the recruitment and control of persons, by threat or use of force or deception, for the purposes of sexual exploitation. women become captives- usually children to teenagers and boys too. money earned goes to controllers, who threaten to harm the women or their families. often work in bars, brothels, and massage parlors

bondage and discipline

the use of physical or psychological restraint to enforce servitude, from which both participants derive sensual pleasure

dominance and submission

the use of power consensually given to control the sexual stimulation and behavior of the other person

Avoidant lovers

uncomfortable feeling close to another person


urine is important to sexual satisfaction

customers of prostitutes

use of prostitute services has declined dramatically in the last 50 years- girls are now willing to give it for "free"; easy to find them with apps like tinder. referred to as "johns". about 50% of the clients are occasional johns. about 50% are repeat clients. remainder are compulsive johns who use prostitutes for major sexual outlet

cybersex use and abuse

use of the internet to access sexually oriented materials- porn, chat online, meet online, etc. characterized by anonymity, accessibility and affordability

customers: reasons for using prostitutes

want sex more frequently. want to engage in practices (such as fellatio). to satisfy exotic sexual needs. to "prove their manhood" especially among adolescence or gain sexual experience. clear and bounded nature of the sexual interaction. money is paid, services are received. exchange limited time and space. requires no effort to develop/maintain a relationship

diagnosing sexual variations

watching people's actions. psychiatric examinations

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