Penny Review : Uterus & Vagina

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Precocious puberty is defined as the development of pubic hair, breasts, and the genitals before the age of a) 13 b) 8 c) 5 d) 10


The uterine position in which the corpus tilts forward and comes in contact with the cervix decsribes? a) anteflexion b) anteversion c) retroflexion d) retroversion


The outer layer of the endometrium is the ? a) myometrium b) endometrial cavity c) functional layer d) basal layer

basal layer

The layer of the endometrium that is significantly altered as a result of hormonal stimulation during the menstrual cycle is the : a) myometrium b) endometrial cavity c) functional layer d) basal layer

functional layer

A 24 YOF present to the us department for pelvic pain. Sono shows an anechoic mass with in the vagina, this is most likely ? a) nabothian cyst b) gartner duct cyst c) dandy walker cyst d) ovarian cyst

gartner duct cyst

A 13 YOF present to the sono depart. with a hx of cyclic pain, abd swelling, and amenorrhea. You visualize an enlarges uterus and a distended vagina that contains anechoic fluid with debris. This is most likely what? a) cervical stenosis b) adenomyosis c) endometriosis d) hematocolpos


A simple fluid collection within the vagina secondary to an imperforate hyme is ? a) hydrometrocolpos b) hydrocolpos c) hematometra d) hematocolpos


Anechoic fluid distending the uterus and vagina within a pediatric patient is termed; a) hydrocolpos b) hydrometrocolpos c) hydrometra d) menatometrocolpos


The superior portion pf the cervix is the ; a) cornu b) corpus c) internal os d) external os

internal os

The location of a fibroid within the myometrium? a) submucosal b) intracavitary c) subserosal d) intramural


What section of the uterus is also referred to as the lower uterine segment ? a) cervix b) isthmus c) fundus d) cornu


Abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual flow between periods is termed? a) menometrorrhagia b) menarche c) menorrhagia d) dysmenorrhea


The paired embryonic ducts that develop into the female urogenital tract are the: a) fallopian ducts b) wolfiian ducts c) gartner duct d) mullerian duct

mullerian ducts

The surgical removal of a fibroid is termed: a) hysterosonogram b) total abdominal hysterectomy c) myomectomy d) uterine artey embolization


All of the following are clinical findings associated with leiomyoma except: a) myometrial cysts b) infertility c) palpable pelvic mass d) menorrhagia

myometrial cysts

A pt presents to the us depart. with an hx of adenomyosis. What are the most likely sono finds? a) complex bilateral adnexal masses b) myometrial cysts with enlargement of the posterior uterine wall c) endometrial thinning and cervical dilation d) uterine atrophy with bilateral ovarian cysts

myometrial cysts with enlargement of the posterior uterine wall

A 38 YOF presents to the us depart. w/ pelvic pain. Us shows anechoic area within cervix, this is most likely a : a) nabothian cyst b) benign follicular cyst c) dermoid cyst d) gartner duct cyst

nabothian cyst

Leiomyomas that project from a stalk are termed: a) submucosal b) intramural c) subserosal d) pedunculated


What leiomyoma location would have an increased risk to undergo torsion? a) subserosal b) intracavitary c) pedunculated d) submucosal


Which of the following would be most indicative of a leiomyosarcoma ? a) vaginal bleeding b) rapid growth c) dysuria d) large hypoechoic mass

rapid growth

What congenital malformation of the uterus is common and has a clear association with an increased risk for spontaneous abortion? a) anteflexed uterus b) levoverted uterus c) dextroverted uterus d) septate uterus

septate uterus

Which of the following would be considered the more common uterine anomaly ? a) bicornis univernus b) bicornis bicollis c) uterus didelphys d) septate uterus

septate uterus

Which of the following fibroid locations would most likely result in abnormal uterine bleeding because of its relationship to the endometrium? a) submucosal b) intramural c) subserosal d) subserosal pedunculated


Upon sono eval a pt complaining of abd distention you visualize a large hypoechoic mass distorting the anterior border of the uterus. What is this most likely location of the mass? a) intramural b) subserosal c) submucosal d) intracavitary pedunculated


Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus denotes: a) the benign invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium b) the ectopic location of endometrial tissue in the adnexa c) the malignant counter part of a fibroid d) an anechoic simple cyst located within the cervix

the malignant counter part of a fibroid

Congenital malformation of the uterus that results in complete duplication of the genital tract is : a) unicornuate uterus b) bicornis bicolli c) uterus didelphys d) subseptate uterus

uterus didelphys

All of the following are sonographic findings consistent with adenomyosis except: a) diffuse enlarged uterus b) myometrial cysts c) hypoechoic areas adjacent to the endometrium d) complex adnexal mass


The invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium of the uterus is referred to as : a) amenorrhea b) endometriosis c) adenomyomatosis d) adenomyosis


Absence of menstruation is referred to as: a) adenomyomatosis b) endometriosis c) amenorrhea d) adenomyosis


Which of the following is typically not a clinical complaint of women who are suffering from adenomyosis? a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) dyspareunia d) menometrohragia


The normal position of the uterus is: a) retroverted b) retroflexed c) anteverted d) dysverted


Pseudoprecocious puberty may be associated with all of the following except: a) ovarian tumor b) adrenal tumor c) liver tumor d) brain tumor

brain tumor

The rigid region of the uterus located between the vagina and the isthmus is the? a) cornu b) corpus c) cervix d) fundus


The area of attachment of the fallopian tubes to the uterus is the: a) fundus b) corpus c) isthmus d) cornua


The largest part of the uterus is the : a) corpus b) isthmus c) cervix d) fundus


Difficult or painful intercourse is referred to as : a) dysuria b) dysmenorrhea c) dyspareunia d) hydrocolpos


The inner mucosal lining of the uterus is the : a) myometrium b) endometrium c) serosal layer d) perimetrium


The inferior portion of the cervix closest to the vagina is the : a) cornu b) internal os c) external os d) fornix

external os

The recesses of the vagina are called: a) cornu b) isthmi c) fornices d) parity


The most superior and widest portion of the uterus is the : a) corpus b) isthmus c) cervix d) fundus


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