Personal Development

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What are the benefits of knowing oneself?

- You'll learn to accept who you are. - You can let go of self-doubt. - Your confidence will improve. - You'll make better life choices. - You'll express yourself freely. - You will improve your emotional intelligence. - Self-compassion will come more easily. - You'll know your worth.

What are the factors that influence self-concept and self-esteem?

- the ways others react to an individual - the way an individual compares himself to others - the extent to which an individual identifies with these other people

How does one keep track of his/her changing strengths and weaknesses?


What are the 6 steps to become more self-aware?

1. Ask yourself why. 2. Delay gratification. 3. Take feedback constructively. 4. Let go of biases. 5. Use tools to know yourself. 6. Reflect often.

According to a study of Dr. Tasha Eurich for the Harvard Business review, she shows that here are four types of individuals and how they exhibit their internal and external self-awareness. What are these four types?

1. High internal, low external self-awareness 2. High internal, high external self-awareness 3. Low internal, low external self-awareness 4. Low internal, high external self-awareness

Fill in the blanks: ____________________________ theorized the looking glass self-concept.

Charles Horton Cooley

Who theorize the looking glass self theory to know oneself?

Charles Horton Cooley (1902)

This is one of the three components of self-concept that is used to describe how you look in either a positive or negative way?

Physical characteristics

When one can access his knowledge of himself easily, that person is said to be?


What do you call people who have high internal but have low external self-awareness?

They can be defined in one word as the "INTROSPECTORS" they are aware of who they are but fail to get feedback from others.

Which one is not an advantage of keeping a journal? a. It records good ideas b. It is a tool to maintain mental health c. It helps in developing a habit d. It aims to divulge sensitive information

d. It aims to divulge sensitive information - The first three options show how useful journal writing is as a tool of self-expression. On the other hand, one possible risk associated with it is that other people who may have access in such documents may divulge highly sensitive and too personal information of the owner.

Fill in the blanks: An individual who is well-aware of his strengths and weaknesses is an ---------- ---------?

empowered individual

Self-concept includes not only the present perception of oneself but also the past and future self. What characteristic of self-concept does this show?

multi-dimensional - Self-concept operates on a multi-dimensional stage. This means that we do not take one aspect of the self in isolation but as part of an interactive whole.

Fill in the blanks: In order to be self-aware, you must attempt to be ------ and ------ in assessing or understanding yourself.

non-judgemental and unbiased

What attitudes must be shown when getting to know oneself?

non-judgmental and unbiased. -Self-awareness is a deeper understanding of our emotions, belief systems and patterns in behavior and thought that should allows us to effectively redirect negative traits into positive ones if needed. Therefore, to be self-aware, an individual must attempt to be non-judgmental and unbiased in assessing or understanding himself

Our self-concept tends to be a product of our?

social relationship with others

Explain Briefly: How does feedback help you in becoming self-aware?

Accepting what others say about you can be used improve yourself. Remember that self-awareness is a healthy balance between understanding yourself and how others see you.

Self-concept is subjective by nature. which statement shows this? - Carl considers his experiences in his former school, as well as his goals in the future when discerning about what course to take in college today. - Ramona knows who she is, so she can communicate herself and what she wants well to other. - Annes thought she was not good in dancing, but after months of practice, she was able to dance gracefully already. - After watching himself on video, Leroy listens to others' feedback on his performances in the play.

After watching himself on video, Leroy listens to others' feedback on his performances in the play. - The information we have about ourselves comes from different perceptions, making it very subjective.

Explain Briefly: How does awareness of the self lead to empathy and compassion in a relationship?

Awareness of the self leads to a more conscious way of acting towards others, instead of passively interacting with them. This results in more empathy and compassion, a must in any healthy relationship. A person's awareness of his own emotional needs, behaviors, interaction patterns, and a better understanding of the self as a relational being allows one to become more conscious of his interactions with others, as well as make healthy decisions that affect the self and others around him.

Explain: Steps to Self-Awareness "Ask yourself why?" means

Before you act or decide on anything, it is always a good idea to know why you are going to do what you are about to do. Understanding the intentions behind your actions lets you to become more aware of your thought processes and will allow you to make smarter decisions.

Explain: Steps to Self-Awareness "Let go of biases." means

Before you make any auto-pilot reactions to a situation, make sure you stop and think about the different sides of the situation. Question yourself and challenge yourself as to why you believe in such things. Be objective and re-assess your responses to others.

Explain: Steps to Self-Awareness "Delay gratification." means

Being able to control yourself by not quickly giving in to temptations allows you to practice saying no to negative influences that may affect you later on. This gives you a chance to strengthen your sense of self.

Fill in the blanks: Knowing yourself well can lead to better ____________________________ in relationships.


Explain: Steps to Self-Awareness "Use tools to know yourself." means

Experts have come up with different ways for individuals to learn about their personality types, which are fortunately readily available to you online. Knowing where you stand in the Myers-Briggs personality exam and introvert-extrovert spectrum, as well as reasonably assessing yourself through a SWOT analysis and Johari's Window, can give you a better idea of who you are.

Understanding: Joel wants to get to know himself better through well-documented and well-constructed test types. What can you suggest to him?

Experts have come up with different ways for individuals to learn about their personality types, which are fortunately easily available to us online. The Myers-Briggs personality exam and introvert-extrovert spectrum, as well as SWOT analysis and Johari's Window, are just a few examples. He can even approach his guidance counsellor in school to assist him with this.

What refers to the term that involves understanding how others see you?

External self-awareness

What refers to the term that clearly sees your inner self, like what is your personalities, values, desires, reactions, and impact on other people.

Internal self-awareness

Which statement is true of people having very high self-esteem? - Tasks are easily achieved because of this. - Maturity comes along easily compared to others. - It can distort one's knowledge about oneself. - Others will be more comfortable in giving that person constructive feedback.

It can distort one's knowledge about oneself. - A very high evaluation of oneself may result in the individual being biased about himself, focusing only on his positive traits. This can also prevent him from taking in feedback from others.

How is asking yourself "Why" helpful in building self-awareness?

It makes your aware of your intentions and thought processes. - Before you act or decide on anything, it is always a good idea to know why you are going to do what you are about to do. Knowing the intentions behind your actions allows you to become more aware of your thought processes and will allow you to make smarter decisions.

Understanding: Kevin feels stressed that what he thinks of himself doesn't match what he is experiencing in real life. Why does he feel this way?

Kevin must be highly self-aware, which means that he has a clear understanding of himself. The self-discrepancy theory states that people who are highly self-aware feel more pressure to live up to their ideals as compared to those who do not know themselves well enough.

How to explain Socrates sayings that 'an unexamined life is not worth living'

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom

Explain: Steps to Self-Awareness "Take feedback constructively." means

Learn to accept what others say about you and use it to improve yourself. Remember that self-awareness is a healthy balance between understanding yourself and how others see you.

Understanding: Some kids in Pia's school think that she is a snob, but Pia doesn't seem to mind. Why do you think this is so?

One of the factors that affect self-concept and self-esteem is the extent to which an individual identifies with other people. If Pia is not affected, it might be because she finds no connection to them or is not in a close relationship with them. And so, what they say is not considered as feedback that she can take advantage of.

what does the looking glass self theorize about self-concept?

People around nus serve as mirrors that reflect how we see ourselves. - Charles Horton Cooley says that what we know of ourselves (our self-concept) and how we evaluate ourselves (our self-esteem) are based on what other people think and what we believe they perceive of us.

This is one of the three components of self-concept that are stable characteristics that determine your behavior?

Personality traits

Who is a pleaser among the choices given? -Tin doesn't excel in sports, and it gets her frustrated easily - Joy knows she is a great dancer already, so she doesn't pay attention when the instructor gives her comments. - Phil makes sure to agree with what his friends want even if it puts him in trouble. - Mark is a leader who knows who he is and seeks out the opinions of others for feedbacks.

Phil makes sure to agree with what his friends want even if it puts him in trouble. - Joy is an introspector. Mark is in a state of a balanced awareness. Tin is a seeker. While Phil focuses on conforming to others without considering that would be good for him, that makes him a "pleaser".

What are the three components of self-concept?

Physical characteristics - "I am chubby" Personality traits - "I am kind", "I am outgoing" Social identity - "I am a student", "I am a daughter"

Who said, "No two persons are born exactly alike; but each differs from the other in natural endowments, one being suited for one occupation and the other for another."?

Plato - Wilderdom mentioned that Plato once said that " No two persons are born exactly alike; but each differs from the other in natural endowments, one being suited for one occupation and the other for another.

Fill in the blanks: Individuals who value others' perceptions of them with little regard to what is important to them personally are called __________________________.


What are the different tools we can use to know one's personality types?

SWOT analysis Johari's window Myers-Briggs

What is the ability to know yourself extensively, not just regarding traits and characteristics, but also knowing your inner state and how you think. It is a deeper understanding of your emotions, belief systems, and patterns in behavior and thought that should allow us to effectively redirect negative traits into positive ones if needed?


What does Duval and Wicklunds self-awareness talks about?

Self-awareness theory is when you focus on yourself, there is the tendency to compare what you currently observe to the standards you set for yourself.

This is the different ways in which you think about yourself?


Fill in the blanks: ____________________________ is your perception of yourself, how you define and understand yourself as a multi-dimensional (physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and moral) human being.


This is the belief and confidence that you can accomplish tasks and control your environment, what is this called in connected with the self-esteem?


This is term is described when you evaluate yourself against others based on your knowledge of yourself?


What do you call the value that you put on what you know about yourself?


What is a positive or negative self-evaluation of the self-concept?


This is how much you value yourself, what is this called in connected with self-esteem?


In 1972 who are the two psychologists that studies the theory of self-awareness?

Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund

How does one get to know himself/herself?

Six key elements of self-knowledge are found in the acronym VITALS: Values, Interests, Temperament, Activities, Life Mission, and Strengths. While knowing one's "VITALS" can help a person feel freer and stronger, people constantly change and society often conflicts with one's values. You are in charge of your thoughts and you are your own personality. Independence and self-awareness are also linked to confidence. By knowing who you are and what you stand for in life can help to give you a strong sense of self-confidence.

Fill in the blanks: ____________________________refers to the social groups that you belong and is a basic component of your self-concept.

Social Identity

This is one of the three components of self-concept that would refer to the social group where you belong. Self-concepts are never simple, given the differences in backgrounds of individuals?

Social identity

Explain: Steps to Self-Awareness "Reflect often." means

Taking time to think quietly through meditation or simple reflection will help you become more self-aware. Keep a journal to see how your thoughts and actions progress. Learn from the mistakes you have made, and always keep yourself in check.

Explain Briefly: What factors influence self- concept, and self-esteem?

The following affect self-concept and self-esteem: the ways others react to an individual; the way an individual compares himself to others; and the extent to which an individual identifies with others.

Self-concepts three basic components?

The self-concept regarding its three basic components 1) Physical Characteristics - "I am fair-skinned." "I am chubby." 2) Personality Traits - "I am trustworthy." "I am outgoing." 3) Social Identity - "I am the daughter of Leni." "I am a Muslim."

In 1902, what theory was popularized by the American sociologists Charles Horton Cooley?

The theory of "Looking glass self"

What do you call people who have high internal and external self-awareness?

They can be defined in one word as the "AWARE" they understand themselves and seek out opinions others have of them. - If you are highly self-aware individual, you are more capable of being able to accept responsibility for your actions and more capable of being independent of the negative influences of others. Because you are more observant of yourself and your responses to certain situations, you can make smarter choices in life, has more control of your experiences, and can also realize the need to change negative patterns of behavior when needed.

What do you call people who have low internal but have high external self-awareness?

They can be defined in one word as the "PLEASERS" they value others' perceptions of themselves with little regard to what is important to them personally.

What do you call people who have low internal and external self-awareness?

They can be defined in one word as the "SEEKERS" they lack knowledge of themselves and how others see them.

What does knowing oneself mean?

To know oneself means to understand ourself that is our capabilities, emotions, weaknesses, strengths etc. Explanation. To know oneself is to know what is inside within us.

What is a self-concept clarity?

a self-concept clarity is when having a clear and defined self-concept.

Who is most likely to attribute imitation as a form of learning? a. Albert Bandura b. Charles Horton Cooley c. Shelley Duval d. Plato

a. Albert Bandura - This is the answer because Albert Bandura's learning theory focused on the importance of having someone to observe and be able to imitate the performance. He believed that learning occurs through imitation. The other options are also theorist but did not focus on the importance of having a model to mimic in order for learning to occur.

Why is learning considered as a social activity? a. An ordinary conversation can be a source of learning. b. It makes use of textbooks. c. Only qualified people d. It is limited to the classroom setting.

a. An ordinary conversation can be a source of learning. - Experiences are personal, but there are many things that people can learn by listening to the personal experiences, can teach. characteristics, and habits of others. Learning is considered as a social activity since it involves both the formal and informal methods of gaining knowledge from others. It is not limited to a structured setting like a classroom. Whenever there is interaction among people, there is learning. A simple conversation can serve as a spark into acquiring knowledge.

Which is an example of a behavior that was unacceptable before but is acceptable now in the Philippine setting? a. women holding office b. abortion c. living-in with a partner due to poverty d. a 40-year-old man with a 17-year-old girlfriend

a. women holding office - More and more women are given a chance to hold important positions. Also, the society does not find it wrong if a woman finishes college and has a career. The other choices are deemed unacceptable before by the Philippine society and this position still holds.

Which of these statements are the prime reasons why people do not have journals? a. Lack of writing materials b. Not all people like to write c. Maintaining a diary is a waste of time d. Lack of time to write

b. Not all people like to write & d. Lack of time to write - These are the answers since it takes time to write down the entries in a diary and also many people are not into writing.

Which among the ff. is not a condition for effective modeling? a. attention b. revision c. motivation d. retention

b. revision - The conditions for effective modeling are attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation.

What is the main focus of studying individual differences? a. To promote classification of people b. To promote segregation of people based on acceptable qualities c. To isolate people with negative qualities d. To understand the distinctions among people

d. To understand the distinctions among people - The aim of studying individual differences is to see and explain that people are not created equally. Their differences should not be used to isolate them but rather to understand how these differences can contribute to becoming more sensitive to the needs of different people, bridge the communication gap, be a source of learning in solving problems, and a source of inspiration for change and acceptance.

Which among the following is the method that promotes the the highest level of confidentiality? a. blogging b. tweeting c. vlogging d. journal writing

d. journal writing - This is the answer since journal writing is a form of self-expression without the access provided to any other person. On the other hand, the other three options are also for of self- expression but since it is done online, some other people can readily have an access to it. Thus, confidentiality may not be fully secured.

What are the types of self-awareness?

external and internal - Self-awareness comes in two types: internal and external self-awareness. the inner self-awareness focuses on the things that happen within the person while the external self-awareness emphasizes the perception others have about us.

Self-awareness comes in two types, these are?

internal self-awareness and external self-awareness

What is a self-concept?

it is a set of perceptions a person has about his/her self

What concept explains that the behavior of a person and the world cause each other?

reciprocal determinism - Bandura also emphasized that the person's behavior and the world cause each other. This means that when a certain behavior is imitated by another, this can cause a chain reaction in which other people will begin to imitate this behavior until it becomes a habit or accepted by many.

Everything that you know about yourself is called?


It is your perception of yourself, how you define and understand yourself as a multi-dimensional (physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and moral) human being. It, not only involve the present perception of you, but also take into play one's past and future self - thereby, making it as a vibrant representation of who you are.


What is a self-discrepancy theory?

self-discrepancy theory occurs when there is a mismatch between your ideal self and your actual self, this becomes a source of distress for you and is much likely to affect your self-esteem.

Cooley's theory of looking glass self means that?

that people around you serve as mirrors that reflect how you see yourself. You merely reinforce others' impressions and build this idea of yourself based on these interactions. And so, based on this, if you think that others have a negative perception of you, this creates a negative self-concept and low self-esteem.

What is Personal Development?

this is a process of discovering oneself by realizing one's potential and capabilities that are shaped overtime through different factors like environmental factors and also through the knowledge that came from studying.

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