Personal Finance test 2

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A person claimed as a dependent on a tax return.


A person who depends on you for more than half of his or her support.

Medicare tax

Health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, daycare spending account, 40lk plan, savings plan charities a tax that pays for medical care for retired people.

What government agnency handles taxes


Disposable income

Income remaining for a person to spend or save after all taxes have been paid

Social security tax

Income tax, social sercurity tax, medicare tax a withholding tax to provide old age surivors and disablitly tax.

In cash payments

Money in a form of check, debit card, or other direct payment given to a person needing assistance.

Payroll deduction

Money taken out of an employees paycheck.

If two people both make exaclty 40,000 a year will they have to pay the exact same amount of federal income tax?

No because 1 person will have to pay less if they have more dependence or other deductions to be paid claim.

sales tax

a consumption tax paid on the purchase of goods and services.

what is a profit sharing plan

a plan that gives employees a share in the profits of the company. Each employee receives a percentage of those profits based on the company's earnings.

regressive tax

a set flat percentage tax (favors high income earners).

progessive tax

a tax in which the rate increases as the payers income increases favors low income earners

Gift tax

a tax on any gift of more than 14,000 in a calender year

net pay

amount of money an employee takes home after taxes and other deductions have been subtracted from his or her earnings (also known as take home pay).


are forms of pay other than salary or wages paid time off personal or sick education perks insurance

what are perks list three examples

company car account

what are educational benefits why would a company give this type of benefit

company pays for higher education

form W-4

employees withholding allowance certificate the form that determines the amount of tax the employer will withhold from your paycheck.

list two examples of in kind payments

food stamps and rent subsides

How is gross pay different from net pay?

gross pay is before the deductions net pay is after the deductions.

list three optional paycheck deductions

health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance

list an example of a progressive tax

income taxers

List five types of unearned income

interest income, divided income, captial gains and captial gain distributions.

transfer payments

interest, dividends, capital gains, gamblings, alimony,royalities, rent, buissness,social sercuirty, penisons, unemployment compensation.


is someone who is self employed and owns a buissness

who normally gets paid a salary why

manger or people who are payed to complete a job are normally payed a salary.

Unearned income

money received from the sources other than working in a job ethier for yourself or for someone else.

why would an employee start at mnimum wage

new workers often begin at minimum wage because they dont have the education or experience to command a higher rate.

overtime pay

pay received for hours worked in addition to regular hours at least 1 1/2 times hourly wage

In kind payments

payments made indirectly on a persons behalf or paid in a form other than money to those in need.

List three required paycheck deductions

payroll deduciton, required deduction, optional deductions

what is a stock option plan

plan that gives employees the right to purchase a fixed number of shares of company stock at a specified price for a limited period of time

list two indirect benefits of paying taxes

public education for citizens, free vaccines

list two examples of wealth tax

real estate inheritance

gross pay

salary or wages, recieved before taxes and other deductions are taken off.

list an example of regressive tax

sales and prperty taxes

venture buissness

small buissness but the owner plans to grow it into a large buissness

lifestyle business

small buissness in which the owner plans to keep it small

list two examples of in cash payments

socail sercurity and unemployment compensation

list two direct benefits of paying taxes

social sercuity, police, national parks

wealth tax

tax on items of value that you own example real estate inheritance etc

capital gains tax

tax on the sale of any investment

property tax

tax paid based off the value of any type of real estate

Income tax

tax paid on all earned and unearned income.

form W-2

the form that reports an employees annual wages and the annual amount of taxes withheld from their paychecks.

form 1099

the form used to report various types of income other than wages, salaries and tips.

form 1-9

the form used to verify an emplyee is eligible to and the annual amount of taxes withheld from their paychecks.

minimum wage

the lowest pay rate allowed by law for each regular hour of work.

how does the amount of tax a person pays affect the persons disposable income?

the more tax you pay the lower your disposble income will be.

what is the overall purpose of filling a tax return

the purpose is to determine if you owe more tax or if you get a tax refund.

form 1040

the standard form that tax payers use to file their annul income tax return.

list the four main types of pay periods and list how often a worker is paid in each

weekly once a week Biweekly every two weeks semimonthly twice a month monthly once a month

list two advantages of owning your own buissness

you can set your own hours you have a say in how much you get paid

list two disadvantages of owning your own buissness

you could lose alot of money and you could work long hours you have to make all the decsions.


you earn a percentage of the amount of sales you make.

piecework rate

you earn a set amount of each piece produced for each piece produced that exceeds the expected level of production.

hourly wage

you earn so much per hour worked


you make money for providing a service for customers who then leave a tip.


you recieve a fixed rate of pay for each pay period regardless of how many hours worked.

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