Phil exam 1 ; 2.0

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Match the question with the correct branch of philosophy. 1)What is correct reasoning? 2)Asks What is true? 3)Asks what is real? 4)Asks what we should do?

1)Logic 2)Epistemology 3)Metaphysics 4)Ethics

one that reasons

A harmonious soul is

Trying to prove a conclusion by using that very same conclusion as support.

False dilemma

_____ is the fallacy of arguing erroneously that since there are only two alternatives to choose from, and one of them is unacceptable, the other one must be true.

False dilemma

Plato calls the objectively real, eternal, and abstract entities that serve as models or universals of higher knowledge, _____.


_____ asserts, "Moderation is the greatest virtue."


The fallacy of rejecting a statement on the grounds that it comes from a particular person is known as _____.

appeal to the person

Plato _____ Protagoras' position.

utterly rejects

What is opinion?

conjectured belief

Hericlitus' Arche


Traditional View of human nature

human beings are animals but they have the unique ability to reason

Plato's ​Meno​ involves a presentation of the idea that knowledge is _____.


Heraclitus' central idea is the _____.


The Allegory of the Cave can be interpreted as illustrating Plato's _____ and _____.

metaphysics; epistemology

Thales' great contribution to philosophy and science is (are) his _____, whereby he sought natural and simple explanations for natural phenomena.


What is dualism?

mind and body are separate

1. IfA then B 2. not B 3. Therefore not A

modus tollens

The denial of a conditional claim's consequent results in the denial of the antecedent. This kind of argument is known as _____.

modus tollens

According to Plato, a part of the soul's harmony involves the appetitive part _____.

motivating a man to act confidently and satisfy basic needs

Particular things are said to _____ the Forms.

participate in

What are the forms?

perfect conceptural models for every existing thing, residing only in the eternal world penetrated by reason alone.

Plato thinks that _____ should govern.

philosopher kings


pre-socratic Q -what is real and what is true? all is in a constant state of flux and becoming (can't step in the same river twice)


pre-socratic Q1 - The problem of the one and the many Q2 - The problem of change in constitute One Absolute - Water


pre-socratic there is no change, change is an illusion xeno- paradox writings

Plato identifies those moved by appetites as _____.


Those who are moved by their appetites are?

producers: laborers, carpenters, artisans, farmers.

Standard Social Science Model (SSSM) of human nature

product of environment

Socrates employed _____ in his interactions.

question and answer

Social and Political

question of governmental legitimacy

Plato's tripartite soul

reason, spirit, appetite

Socrates claims that nothing is more important than caring for one's _____.


The fallacy of misrepresenting a person's views so they can be more easily attacked or dismissed is called the _____.

straw man fallacy


study of knowledge question of "what can and cannot be"

Efficient Cause

that which put a thing into motion

What is monism?

the name for any position that claims there is only one principle of explanation.

what are the four divisions of philosophy?

Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology, and logic

The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to _____.


ancient mechanics

Parmenides argues that reality consists of _____.

Parmenides and deductive argument

Parmenides concluded that something that exists (it is) cannot also not exist (it is not).

systematic employment of deductive argument.

Parmenides is famous for, among other things, his _____.

we have, on the one hand, the world as it appears to our senses. On the other hand, we have a description of reality that his logical arguments presents.

Parmenides on reason

Logical Interpretation

Parmenides' argument shows that what can be thought and talked about is, surprisingly, without variation in time and space, that is, absolutely one and unchanging. Thus existence of change, time, and plurality cannot just be assumed but must be argued for.

are ruler who possesses both a love of knowledge, as well as intelligence, reliability, and a willingness to live a simple life.

Philosopher kings

Plato would argue that this is indeed the case), then Protagoras is paradoxically being virtuous by allowing his audience to make his choice for him.

Plato on Protagoras' position

Idea, archetype, or essence Independent of the minds of people Discovered through disciplined study and reason

Plato on forms

The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to _____.


Human essence is the soul

Socrates + Plato

he did not charge anyone

Socrates and money

"I am the gadfly of the Athenian people, given to them by God, and they will never have another, if they kill me. And now, Athenians, I am not going to argue for my own sake, as you may think, but for yours, that you may not sin against the God by condemning me, who am his gift to you."

Socrates as a gadfly

The Apology i​ s what?

Socrates' defense

Daniel Dennett

TedTalk Cognitive Scientist

presses of Apolo, socrates was the wisest man

The Oracle at Delphi

Human essence is to be social



Aristotle, Locke, Hume a posteriori knowledge metaphysical monists privilege experience over reason (primacy of experience)


Art of Persuasion

he will not stop philosophizing.

At his trial, Socrates declares

is harmed by the lack of knowledge

For Socrates, the soul

lack of knowledge

For Socrates, the soul is harmed by

The Forms: perfect conceptual models for every existing thing, residing only in the eternal world penetrated by reason alone.

Forms and particular things

"the unexamined life is not worth living".

In the apology, Socrates declares

Socrates did his work of philosophy where?

The marketplace

Plato believed that Democracy was what?

Mob rule

modus tollens (or modus tollendo tollens and also denying the consequent) is a valid argument form and a rule of inference. It is an application of the general truth that if a statement is true, then so is its contra-positive.

Modus tollens


Plato argues that the soul is

appetitive, spirited, and rational.

Plato's tripartite soul is


study of principles and values

Parmenides is famous for, among other things, his _____.

systematic employment of deductive argument

Parmenides argues that reality consists of _____.

the One

Plato wrote _____.


Formal Cause

form follows function

What is material monism?

one principle is a material substance.

How are citizens assigned to their functions?

based on aptitude and performance.

Inscribed on the soul/mind prior to birth in your previous existence.

Plato's Meno and innate knowledge

What is logic?

Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity

Those who are moved by reason are?

Gaurdians- leaders, rulers, philosopher kings.

Atheistic Exisentialists

Jean-Paul Sartre Albert Camus Simone de Beauvoir

The highest level of intellect is called Dialectic, which for Plato means a conversation (question and response)

Plato and the intellect

auxiliaries - soldiers, warriors, police.

Plato identifies those who are moved by spirit are

Material Cause

the material from which a thing is made

Plato's appetite?

the persons desire to meat physical and mental needs: food, sex, ect. (Stomach)

Final Cause

the purpose (tekos) of a thing

Xenophanes was interested in two subjects?

Theology and Epistimology

According to Heraclitus ________ was??

Wisdom was the goal of philosophy.


air (changes through condensing)

Pre-Socratic Philosophers

among 1st to ask "big questions" maybe man can answer these question with out gods

Plato's tripartite soul is constituted by _____, _____, and _____.

appetite; spirit; reason


can exist or not exist and the universe will continue on

Socrates claims to be a ____ for Athens' sake


The Allegory of the Cave teaches?

human perception cannot derive true knowledge, and instead, real knowledge can only come via philosophical reasoning.

Darwin's Evolutionary View of human nature

humans are the product of evolution which is non-purposeful (primary goals of survival + expansion of gene pool)

Existentialist View of human nature

humans construct their essence (product of choices + actions) existence precedes essence

Plato argues that the soul is _____.


According to Plato, the truly real world is the world of the _____ existing Forms.


According to Plato, the spirited side of the soul _____.

is the part that is motivated to maximize honor, self-esteem, success, and winning

Socrates' method shows a belief in a connection between virtue and _____.


The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe and the things in it, is known as _____.


The Oracle at Delphi declared _____.

no one was wiser than Socrates

What does logos mean?

rational content of what is spoken. or rational order or structure of the world itself.

Plato reasons that, if truth is objective, it must also be about _____.

real things

According to Heraclitus, to grasp the principle of the world order is to grasp _____.


Parmenides distinguishes between appearance and _____.


- Reductio ad absurdum: Assume a statement is true. Deduce from it a false conclusion, which shows the assumption can't be correct.

reductio ad absurdum


that thing without which a thing would not be what it is

According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has _____ is her exclusive pursuit of social status, wealth, power, and pleasure.

An unhealthy soul

that everything came from a formless, imperishable substance called apeiron.

Anaximander contends

Ancient Interpretation

Aristotle introduces Parmenides as holding that there is a single and unchanging arche or principle. The meaning of 'being' used by Parmenides is one of indicating what something is in respect of its essence. Thus, Parmenides thinks that everything that is is substance, and he supposed everything to be one because the account of the essence of everything is identical. Whatever might differentiate things from each other cannot do so with respect to their essences but only accidentally. But since Parmenides admits only one use of "being" (indicating what something is in respect of its essence), no differentiating accident of what is can be said to be:

Those who are moved by spirint are?

Auxiliaries-soldiers, warriors, police

The study of value, including both aesthetic value and moral value


Trying to prove a conclusion by using that very same conclusion as support.

Begging the question

The Republic and meritocracy

Both Plato and Aristotle advocated meritocracy, Plato in his The Republic, arguing that the wisest should rule, and hence the rulers should be philosopher kings.

Parmenides opinion on change?

Change never occurs, and change viewed is simply illusion

Soren Kierkegaard

Christian Existentialist

are intended to give logically conclusive support to their conclusions so that if the premises are true, the conclusion absolutely must be true. Examples: 1. All dogs are mammals. 2. Rex is a dog. 3. Therefore, Rex is a mammal.

Deductive argument

ancient atomism the theory that reality consists of an infinite number of minute, indivisible bits called atoms moving randomly in an infinite void, or empty space

Democritus advances the theory known as _____.

The void is infinite and provides the space in which the atoms can pack or scatter differently.

Democritus and void

Democritus' on reality

Democritus asserted that space, or the Void, had an equal right with reality, opposites

of life and death

Democritus explains evens


Democritus' theory includes the view that reality consists of _____ and the void.

Human essence is to be a thinking being


The study of knowledge.


Must get to the truth, we must go around the false certitudes of custom, tradition, and superstition and let reason be our guide.

For Socrates the good of the soul

For Plato, the greatest Form is the Form of the _____.


did not believe plato that there was more other than shadows etc

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the prisoners

such a 'legalist' (or 'conventionalist') view of justice.

In Plato's republic, Thrasymachus endores

How does thrasymachus define justice in the republic?

In the first book of the Republic, Thrasymachus attacks Socrates' position that justice is an important good.

are supposed to give probable support to their conclusions. They can establish only that, if their premises are true, their conclusions are probably true. Examples: 1. Eighty-five percent of the students at this university are Republicans. 2. Sonia is a student at this university. 3. Therefore, Sonia is probably a Republican.

Inductive argument

Human essence is consciousness

Locke begins with 1st memory and ends with last

The study of correct reasoning.


According to Pythagoras, the underlying reality of the universe is what?


_____ is the study of value, including moral value.


What was Thales' greatest contribution to philosophy?

Metaphysical monism.

Branches of philosophy

Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics Social and Political

and wisdom is to speak the truth and to act according to nature, giving heed to it."

Moderation is the greatest virtue - Heraclitus

What is the essence of a human being?

One of the great questions argued

_____ is credited with promoting the view that through unaided reason, we can come to know what the world is like.


it is going to be in the future

Parmenides "if it came into being, it is not; nor is it"

Plato recorded his thoughts in Dialogues: Euthyphro, The Apology, and Crito. Xenophon recorded some of his words in his own work, Memorabilia.

Plato and Xenophon dialogues

(producers—laborers, carpenters, artisans, farmers).

Plato identifies those who are moved by appetites are

(guardians —leaders, rulers, philosopher-kings)

Plato identifies those who are moved by reason

Plato argues against skepticism, the view that we lack knowledge in some fundamental way. Plato distinguishes between believing and knowing. For Plato, beliefs can be false, while knowledge is always of what is.

Plato on real things

Plato wrote dialogues featuring Socrates. Some of these dialogues are thought to represent Socrates' philosophy, while the others represent a transition to and then focus on Plato's own philosophical concerns.

Plato wrote -


Plato's greatest form is the form of

Plato's school was called the Academy, having been located outside the city walls in a grove.

Plato's school

"Man is the measure of all things".

Protagoras' motto

Pythagoras' nature of the universe

Pythagoras was the first person to call the universe a kosmos. The Greek term, which is the root of the word cosmetic, refers to an equal presence of order and beauty. The universe is a cosmos because the phenomena of nature embody geometrical form and proportion.


Rationalist "cogito ergo sum" polymath founder of analytical geometry


Rationalist contended with the sophists for over 50 years a wise man knows that he knows nothing Charged with impiety and corruption of the youth

Arguing erroneously that a particular action should not be taken because it will lead inevitably to other actions resulting in some dire outcome.

Slippery slope

listen to his words and arguments.

Socrates ask the Athenian jury

every soul seeks happiness Psyche-the true self or soul

Socrates on the soul

An unjust soul by contrast, is an unhealthy soul

Socrates unhealthy soul

Socrates' approach to philosophy is called the Socratic method. It involves question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth. ***The Socratic Method=investigation of complex issues through a question and answer format***

Socrates' method

For Socrates, virtue and knowledge are effectively the same. Knowledge involves both what virtue is and how to apply it in one's life. Socrates himself disavows such knowledge; he claims he is ignorant.

Socrates' virtue and knowledge


Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Kant apriori knowledge soul metaphysical dualists privilege reason over experience (primacy of reason)

The unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to the soul.

Socrates, an unexplained life

The _____ is used to expose errors in ethical thinking.

Socratic method

itinerant professors

Sophists were _____.

Misrepresenting a person's views so they can be more easily attacked or dismissed.

Straw man fallacy

the method whereby he sought natural and simple explanations for natural phenomena

Thales' great contribution to philosophy

teaches us the value of an education

The Allegory of the Cave teaches us

What parts of the soul does plato believe should run all things?

The appetitive part of the soul, according to Plato, should rule the other parts.

Zenos First Argument

The first argument says that there is no motion, because that which is moving must reach the midpoint before the end.

In the dialoge "Theaetetus" Plato critically examines the clain of protagoras saying "man is the measure of all things" this expresion is related to what?


According to Plato, a part of the soul's harmony involves the rational part _____.

ruling wisely over appetite and spirit

What is the immortal soul?

seat of emotions/desires, practical thingking, moral virtues. our immortal soul is divine, intelligible, iniform, indissoluble, unvarying, and constant.

Empiricists claim that we derice all our knowledge from what?

sense experience.

In the type of fallacy known as _____, we argue that a particular actions should not be taken because it will lead inevitably to other actions resulting in some dire outcome.

slippery slope

A preoccupation with____is a clear indication, according to Socrates, that one's soul is unhealthy.

social status

Plato established a school called _____.

the Academy

A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth is known as _____.

the Socratic method

What is relativism?

the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute. There is no true or false belief

Definition of Philosophy

the love of wisdom

For Socrates, an unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to _____.

the soul

What is metaphysics?

the study of the nature of reality

What is axiology?

the study of the nature of value


the word, the reason for the existence of everything that is

Strict Monist Interpretation

there exists exactly one thing, totally unchanging and undifferentiated. On this view, Parmenides thinks that our ordinary experience of and beliefs in the existence of change or plurality of things are all false.

According to Parmenides, reality is _____.


Parmenides defines reality as?

view that being is the basic substance and ultimate reality of which all things are composed; said that motion and change are sensory illusions`

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, prisoners believe _____.

what they perceive on the cave wall is real

For Socrates the good of the soul is attained only through an uncompromising search for _____.

​what's true and real

The branches, Metaphysics - The study of reality, an inquiry into the fundamental nature of the universe and the things in it. Axiology - The study of value, including both aesthetic value and moral value. Epistemology - The study of knowledge. Logic -The study of correct reasoning.

The four main divisions of philosophy

Parmenides defines the One as?

The meaning of 'being' used by Parmenides is one of indicating what something is in respect of its essence.

Zenos Second Argument

The second argument is the one called the Achilles. This is to the effect that the slowest as it runs will never be caught by the quickest. For the pursuer must first reach the point from which the pursued departed, so that the slower must always be some distance in front.

Democritus posits the creation of objects depends on what?

The size, shape, and organization of atoms

What was Heraclitus' thoughts on ethics?

The soul is composed of fire. Hot and dry things grow cold and moist, and eventually it is death to fire to become water

What is epistemology?

The study of knowledge (how we know what we know)

Democritus theory

The theory of Democritus held that everything is composed of "atoms," which are physically, but not geometrically, indivisible; that between atoms, there lies empty space; that atoms are indestructible, and have always been and always will be in motion; that there is an infinite number of atoms and of kinds of atoms

According to Parmenides, there is no such thing as nothing. Therefore he concludes__________.

There is no motion and change

How are Xeno and Heraclitus different from the Ionians?

They were interested in human nature


Traveling teachers Paid for their services tended to be skeptics masters of rhetoric (no absolute right or wrong, all about winning)

Thales believed the universe is?


Thales' Arche


In Plato's ​Republic​, Thrasymachus endorses the view that justice is _____.

What ever is in the interest of the strong

Anaximander contends?

What is the single, basic stuff that is fundamental to all other things. Anaximander was not satisfied that everything is made of water but wanted to know the exact particular "thing" it is made of.

Oracle at Delphi

Where Chaerephon asked "who is the wisest man in the world?" (A: Socrates)

Where is most of the info about Socrates from?

Writings from Plato

According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has _____ is her exclusive pursuit of social status, wealth, power, and pleasure

an unhealthy soul

Democritus advances the theory known as _____.

ancient atomism


answers the question "what is real?"

Anaximander contends that everything came from a formless, imperishable substance called _____.


Anaximander's Arche

aperion (divine boundlessness)

Democritus' theory includes the view that reality consists of _____ and the void.


Democritus describes destruction of matter as _________.

atoms loosing organization and dispersing

Plato identifies those moved by spirit as _____.


The fallacy of _____ is trying to prove a conclusion by using that very same conclusion as support.

begging the question

Arguments intended to give logically conclusive support to their conclusions so that if the premises are true the conclusion must be true are ___.


Plato and Xenophon wrote _____ featuring Socrates' method.


Questions like "What is knowledge?" and "What is truth?" are mainstays in the branch of philosophy known as _____.


Heraclitus claims that although all things _____, they are really _____.

flow; unchanging

What is meritocracy?

government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability.

Plato identifies those moved by reason as _____.


Plato's spirit?

has to do with passion. The part of us that appeals to emotion. (heart)

At his trial, Socrates declares that _____.

he will not stop philosophizing

According to Plato, the appetitive side of the soul _____.

is the part that desires satisfaction of the bodily cravings for things like food and sleep

Sophists were ___.

itinerant professors

A harmonious soul is a _____ soul.


What is justice in plato's repiblic?

justice is essentially virture and wisdom

What is knowledge?

justified true belief

For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of _____.


The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and _____.


The study of correct reasoning is called _____.


Deductive Reasoning

meant to lead to certainty p1 + p2 = C (syllogism)

Inductive Reasoning

meant to lead to degrees of probability

Democritus explains events in _____.

mechanistic terms

In ​The Republic​, Plato argues that the only kind of society that can ensure people get their due is a _____.


Socrates claimed he did not accept _____ for teaching.



old women that asked the oracle whatever question

Plato's reason

part of that thinks things through and tries to make rational discesions (head)

According to Plato, a part of the soul's harmony involves the spirited part _____.

pushing him to achieve success, honor, and recognition

If you assume that a set of statements is true, and yet you can deduce a false or absurd statement from it, then the original set of statements as a whole must be false. This kind of argument is known as _____.

reductio ad absurdum

According to Thales, the universe is fundamentally _____.


What is skepticism?

"Knowledge of matters of facts as impossible"

Protagoras famously declared, _____.

"Man is the measure of all things"

Ionian Philosophers were interested in...?

"Physics", what is the basic matter of all components

Parmenides is a poet on...?

"What is"

What is the Apeiron?

"the boundless" "The infinite" "the indefinite"

In the Apology, Socrates declares _____.

"the unexamined life is not worth living"

Some of Anaximander's Theories?

-Aperion -God is made of scientific principles

Heraclitus theories?

-Change is constant (Flux theory) -Fire is the Arche -Logos guides humanity and oversees opposites -Unity of opposites

Thales' three theories?

-Everything has a soul (life) -Earth is stable as it rests on water -Water is the Arche

Some of Parmenides Theories except on change? How does he explain this

-Its impossible to think of what is not -denial of plurality -distinction between appearance and reality He explains this through a poem which a goddess shows him how to find truth

Xenophane's Discovery methods?

-Logical Inquiry: this is paying attention to the claims of a person to identify consistency -Empirical Observation: inference based on observation

Xenophanes' opinion on Theology?

-Only one god who is omnipotent -God's are the collected opinions of humans as they have our qualities

3 reasons why Socrates thought it was wrong to escape?

1 - Athens like "parents" and leaving would be like a slap in the face 2 - It would be an act of civil disobedience and if everyone did that society would fail 3 - To escape at night would be against the beliefs and principles he had taught his entire life

Plato's view of the soul's relationship to the Republic? 1)Appetite 2)Spirit 3)Reason 4)The ...

1)Producers 2)Auxiliaries 3)Philosopher-King 4)Meritocracy

Steps of Parmenides Denial of What is not, and its conclusion?

1. What is not cannot be 2. If it comes from what is not 3. But since what is not cannot be, nothing can come to be from it 4. so it does not come to be Thus 'what is' came to be through what already is and thus never perishes

The Apology

1st writing - Socrates responding to accusations

The Crito

2nd writing - the imprisonment of Socrates

A harmonious soul is?

A harmonious soul is one in which all the parts get what they want.

1.Someone poses a question about the meaning of a concept. 2.Socrates' companion gives an answer. 3.Socrates raises questions about the answer, proving that the answer is inadequate. 4.To avoid the problems inherent in this answer, the companion offers a second one. 5.Steps 3 and 4 are repeated several times, revealing that the companion does not know what he thought he knew.

A question & answer dialog

was water

According to Thales, the universe is

Themes of Existentialists

Alienation Freedom - Big gift, biggest responsibility Angst

How did Heraclitus feel about consistency?

He asserted that change is ultimate and most of our experiences of stability and permanence are merely how things appear to be.

Parmenides conclusions on motion and change

He is notorious for denying that there can be any change. He believed that everything is part of a single unified and unchanging whole. All apparent change is merely illusion

How did heraclitus feel about flux?

Heraclitus believed that there was a unity of opposites and the conflict between opposites is good.

flow; unchanging

Heraclitus claims that although all things _____, they are really _____.


Heraclitus' central idea is a(n) _____ principle.


Heraclitus' central idea is the _____.

Human beings are nothing more than a bundle of perceptions


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