Philosophy 1 Final

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Which of the following best describes a philosophical zombie?

A being that is physically and functionally indistinguishable from us, but which unlike us has no inner mental life.

According to the classical, or tripartite, account of knowledge, knowledge is true belief that pplus what?

A justification of why p is true.

Which of the following would be a good candidate for being an abstract object?

A number.

Which of the following best describes a temporal relation?

A relation between two different times.

Which of the following best describes a radical sceptical hypothesis?

A scenario that is indistinguishable from everyday life but where most of your beliefs are false.

Which of the following is the most plausible example of something that is nomicallyimpossible?

A whale that can fly.

Which of the following is the most plausible example of something that is logicallypossible?

A whale the size of an ant.

Which of the following best represents the categorical imperative?

Act only on the maxim that it should become a universal law.

What best represents the thesis of aesthetic formalism?

Aesthetic experience exclusively depends upon properties perceived via the senses.

Which of the following is one of the five conditions set out by the standard account ofaesthetic experience?

Aesthetic experiences are pleasurable.

Which of the following best describes non-reductionist physicalism?

All facts about the mental realm supervene on facts about the physical realm, but one cannot directly infer the former from the latter.

Which of the following best describes a veridical experience?

An accurate experience that does not involve any misperception of the world.

Which of the following best describes an illusory experience?

An inaccurate experience that involves some misperception of the world.

Which of the following best describes a metaphysical inquiry?

An inquiry into the fundamental nature of reality.

Which of the following best describes the metaphysical notion of an abstract object?

An object that is not made of matter.

Which of the following best describes mereological universalism?

Any arrangement of parts can be combined to create a new whole.

Which of the following best defines euthanasia?

Bringing about someone's death for their own good.

How is the social contract to help us avoid social anarchy?

By providing us with a principled basis to appeal to a general will, rather than to our own narrow self-interest.

Which is of the following is an applied ethical question?

Do animals have rights?

Which of the following best describes the cognitive account of emotions?

Emotions are cognitive judgments about, or assessments of, the external environment that involve a negative or positive valence.

Which of the following best describes the feeling account of emotions?

Emotions are feelings of bodily changes.

Which of the following best describes panpsychism?

Everything is conscious, at least to a certain degree.

Which of the following is true?

Everything that is nomically possible is logically possible.

What best describes passive euthanasia?:

Failing to intervene to prevent someone from dying.

What best represents negative freedom?

Freedom from external constraints and interference.

Which of the following is the closure principle?

If you know one proposition, and you know it entails a second proposition, then you know that second proposition too.

Which of the following best describes direct realism?

In veridical cases of perception, perceptual experience involves direct awareness of an external object and some of its properties.

Which is of the following is a normative ethical question?

Is utilitarianism a good ethical system?

Which of the following best represents the thesis that the experience machine thoughtexperiment purports to express?

It is better to live a real life than an artificially generated one, even if the latter is more pleasurable.

What best expresses Mill's harm principle?

It is only legitimate to interfere with another's free action if this would prevent harm to others.

Which of the following is an instance of ability knowledge?

Knowing how to ride a bicycle.

Which of the following is an instance of propositional knowledge?

Knowing that Paris is the capital of France.

Which of the following best describes radical scepticism?

Knowledge is impossible to acquire.

Which of the following best describes the no false lemmas account of knowledge?

Knowledge is justified true belief plus an additional condition.

What best represents republican freedom?:

Living on one's own terms, rather than being subject to the will of another.

Which of the following best represents a deontological account of morality?

Morality is fundamentally about acting from a good will, rather than acting in ways that have good consequences.

Which of the following best describes reductionist physicalism?

Once we know everything there is to know about the physical realm, then there is nothing else to know.

Which of the following best expresses the acquaintance principle?

One's aesthetic judgements must be rooted in one's own aesthetic experiences and not the aesthetic experiences of others.

Which of the following best describes indirect realism?

Perceptual experience, even in veridical cases, involves at most an indirect awareness of an external object and some of its properties.

Which of the following best describes scientific realism?

Scientific inquiry can give us knowledge of an external, objective world.

Which of the following provides the best example of an indispensability argument?

Scientific inquiry requires mathematics, and mathematical objects are abstract objects. Hence, we should accept that there are abstract objects.

Which of the following best describes contextualism in epistemology?:

That 'knows' is a context-sensitive term

Which of the following is something that one can know a priori?

That 2 + 2 = 4

Which of the following is something that one (most likely) knows a posteriori?

That Saturn has more than 50 moons.

What is the Euthyphro dilemma? Is it:

That either God loves the good because it is good (so it's goodness is independent of God), or else the good is only what God loves (so that anything can be good if God loves it).

What does Frankfurt claim about freedom?

That it doesn't imply the ability to do otherwise.

Which of the following best describes the theory-ladenness of observation?

That our scientific observations can be informed by our scientific theories.

What is the open question argument? Is it:

That presented with a natural property (e.g., the kicking of a small child), one can always intelligibly ask whether the supposed moral property (e.g., wickedness) is present.

What do cosmopolitans hold?

That we are all 'citizens of the world', with political obligations to others regardless of nationality.

What do nationalists hold?

That we have special political obligations to people who share our nationality.

Which of the following best describes phenomenal consciousness?

The 'what it's like' of experience.

Which of the following best describes a universal?

The abstract property of browness.

Which of the following best describes the scientific image?

The conception of the world that is informed by science.

Which of the following is not a feature of the deductive-nomological model of scientificexplanation?

The conclusion must involve unobservable entities.

What is the demarcation problem in philosophy of science?

The difficulty of giving criteria for demarcating genuine science from pseudo-science.

What are the manifest features of an artwork?

The features that one can perceive directly.

Which of the following is an example of something that is valuable for its own sake invirtue of its extrinsic properties?

The finest painting produced by Van Gogh.

What best represents positive freedom?

The freedom to achieve one's goals and aspirations.

Which of the following best describes physicalism?

The fundamental constituents of reality are physical entities.

Which of the following best describes the manifest image?

The generally shared worldview that is uninformed by science.

Which of the following best describes mereology?

The metaphysical study of parts and wholes.

Which of the following is (usually) a non-manifest feature of an artwork?

The name of the artist who produced it.

Which of the following best describes a trope?

The particular physical property of this shoe's brownness.

Which of the following best describes pluralism?

The parts of the world are more fundamental than the world as a whole.

Which of the following best defines voluntary euthanasia?

The person being euthanized voluntarily agrees to it.

Which of the following is the explanandum?

The phenomenon to be explained.

Which of the following best describes the methodology of conceptual analysis?

The philosophical process of figuring out what our concepts involve (i.e., what they entail, how they relate to other concepts, and so on)?

Which of the following best captures the thesis of moral expressivism?

The role of moral judgements is to express our desires and feelings.

Which of the following best describes falsificationism?

The scientific method is the deductive method of proving that a bold scientific conjecture is false.

Which of the following is the explanans?

The thing that does the explaining.

Which of the following best describes monism?

The world as a whole is more fundamental than its parts.

Which of the following best describes Platonism?

There are abstract objects.

Which of the following best describes fictionalism?

There are no abstract objects, but we can make sense of claims involving abstract objects as having a kind of narrative truth.

Which of the following best describes nominalism?

There are no abstract objects.

Which of the following best describes mereological nihilism?

There are no composite objects.

Which of the following best describes dualism?

There are two fundamental kinds of substance in the world: mental and physical.

Which of the following best describes disjunctivism?

There is no metaphysical common core to one's perceptual experience in good and bad cases of perceptual experience.

What best expresses the thesis of aesthetic anti-essentialism?

There is no plausible account of what all artwork has in common.

Which of the following best describes what it means for two theories to be empiricallyequivalent?

They are both equally compatible with the empirical data.

Which of the following best describes the counterfactual theory of causation?

To say that X caused Y is to say that had X not occurred, then Y would not have occurred.

According to the traditional conception of virtues, virtues lie on a mean between what?

Two vices, that of excess and deficiency.

How are ethics and morality related to one another? Are they:

Usually overlapping, but ethics has a broader scope than morality.

What is the relationship between utilitarianism and consequentialism?

Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism.

What is Rawls' "veil of ignorance"?

We need to decide on what would be a just society while knowing nothing about the position we would occupy in that society.

Which of the following best expresses act utilitarianism?

We should always act in such a way that maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain.

Which of the following best expresses rule utilitarianism?

We should favour those rules that maximize pleasure and minimize pain.

Which of the following best expresses the thesis of Utilitarianism?:

We should maximize pleasure and minimize pain.

Which of the following best describes logical empiricism?

We should reduce all theoretical claims to claims involving scientific observation.

Which is of the following is a meta-ethical question?

What is the nature of morality?

What best expresses the functionalist account of artwork?

What makes an artefact art is its functional properties.

Which of the following best expresses the safety principle?:

When one knows that p, one's true belief that p is such that one could not have easily been wrong about p.

Which of the following best expresses the sensitivity principle?:

When one knows that p, one's true belief that p is such that, had p not been true, then one wouldn't have believed that p.

Which of the following best captures the notion of instrumental value?

When something is valuable as a means to something else.

Which of the following best captures the notion of final value?

When something is valuable for its own sake.

What best describes nonvoluntary euthanasia?:

When the person in question isn't in a position to either give or refuse consent to euthanasia.

Which of the following describes a deductive inference?

Where the premises logically entail the conclusion.

Which of the following describes an inductive inference?

Where the premises make the conclusion likely, but don't entail it.

Which of the following best describes mereological restrictivism?

Whether a combination of parts counts as a genuine composite whole depends on how the objects are arranged.

Which of the following is a relational property of an artwork?

Who produced the artwork.

Which of the following is a form of moral relativism?

You and I disagree about whether X is morally wrong, but we're both correct.

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