SJ 800문장

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661. He specifically told us, Bob and I, to get ready.

Bob and I->bob and me

580. The climate of Korea is somewhat similar to China.

China->that of china , the climate of china

628. Cliff`s and Bill`s car broke down again.

Cliff`s and Bill`s car->cliif and bill's car / cliff's and bill's cars

190. Comparing with his novel, he remained relatively unknown.

Comparing -> compared

222. Considered the circumstances, Korea is headed for a deep recession.


191. Considering an example of a tragedy, Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.


171. Danced together, everyone of us had a really good time.


801. Despite of violent opposition, they managed to pass the law.

Despite of ->despite / in spite of

703. Do either of you want to accompany me?


189. Employed about 35000 people, the company specializes in chemical products.


205. Having locked in a trunk for a few hours, he was gradually getting out of breath.

Having locked ->having been locked

211. Having not met her for a long time, I miss her bad.

Having not met -> not having met

475. His both friends succeeded in the examination.

His both friends ->both his friends

473. His this book is really interesting.

His this book->this book of his

469. How many is the population of Singapore?

How many->how large/what

438. How long a vacation is, it always seems too short.


439. He can not change anything, how hard he may try.


712. How do you think of my new hairdo?


713. How do you say to saying out tonight?


714. Do you really want to know how I think about your plan?


051. As far as I concern he is concerning about your health.

I concern myself / I am concerned , he concerns himself about . He is concerned about

529. I was so exhausted that I couldn't scarcely keep my eyes open.

I could scarcely keep (중복부정)

350. Not until the dawn began to appear I could fall asleep.

I could->could i

059. I envy your success from you.

I envy you your success

689. "Will he be able to pass this examination?" "I hope it."

I hope it->I hope so

351. Not until this morning I knew he had won the gold medal.

I knew->did I knkow

374. Just as he college graduate, the high-school graduate will find it hard to get a job.

Just as->just like

203. Learing English since childhood, he has a good command of English.

Learing->having learned

188. Looked out of the window, I saw it was heavily snowing.


629. Einstein`s contribution to physics is as important as Newton.

Newton->newton's contribution

464. Quite a few accumulated debt finally made the company go broke.

Quite a few ->quite a little

527. Rarely you meet a character exactly like yourself in fiction.

Rarely you meet->rarely do you meet/ you rarely meet

600. That old actress must have been a beauty itself when young.

a beauty itself->beauth itself / a beauty

586. When people are in need, a beggar will come out.

a beggar->the beggar

606. You had better keep a company with wise friends.

a company->company

584. The tone of an acoustic piano is usually far superior to a digital piano.

a digital piano.->that of a digital piano

634. It`s such a honor to be a member of your company.

a honor->an honor

652. This is a kind of a plant.

a kind of a plant->a kind of plant

585. She felt a mother rise in her heart at the poor boy.

a mother->the mother

587. Millbrook Country Club is a pearl of golf course.

a pearl of golf course->a pearl of a golf course

228. Most people cannot choose bu accepting the digital-friendly environment.

accepting -> do nothing but accept

376. The thermometer rises or falls according to the air is hot or cold.

according as the air is hot or cold

795. The soldiers advanced forward slowly.

advanced forward -> moved forward ( 의미 반복)

611. I gave him many pieces of advices last night.

advices ->advice

147. After so much trouble, they managed agreeing to hold daily discussions.

agreeing->to agree

442. The hospital, alike many others across the country, has an old loudspeaker system.

alike->like (전치사, alike는 서술 형용사)

246. I already finished my homework when my friend came to my house.

already finished->had already finished

530. When he has free time, he goes always to the park.

always는 he, goes 앞이나 문미.

158. It is so amazed to be loved that I`d follow you to the moon in the sky.


797. He divided his money among his two sons.


727. The total number of houses under water amount to 1500.


524. Most foreign students don't like tea, and I do neither.

and I do neither->and I don't, either = and neither do I = nor do I

525. c home when he had to leave again.

and I do neither->scarcely had he got ~/ He had scarcely got~

764. He did not participate in the meeting, and she did neither.

and she did neither->and she didn't, either/ and neither did she

766. They have prepared for the examination so hard, and so I did.

and so I did.->and so have I / and I have, too

694. He is so careless that our advice goes in one ear and out another.

another->the other

032. May couldn`t answer to my question because she attended the meeting.

answer to->answer to x ( = give an answer to, reply to )

567. The Nile is longer than any other rivers in the world.

any other rivers->any other river/ the other rivers

582. It is that children learn more in the first two years of life than any other stage.

any other stage->in any other stage

573. She had better marks than any student in her class.

any student->any other student / the other students

708. People can communicate with one another using anyone of these methods.

anyone->any one

332. The earthquake was so bad that the town has anything but disappeared.

anything but->all but (거의)

025. At long last, our bus approached to its destination.

approached to -> approached ( made an approach to)

111. The advantages of the new method are being extending to the whole world.

are being extending->are being extended

014. Though they both are philosophers, they are belonged to different schools.

are belonged to -> belong to

426. It was the winter of 1940 that are said to have been the worst winter of their lives.

are said->is said

095. It is polite not to speak at the dinner table until you are spoken.

are spoken->are spoken to (speak는 반드시 to와 함께 수동태 전환)

268. Korean apples are tasting wonderful.

are tasting->taste

265. People working hard do so because they are wanting to get a better job.

are wanting->want

590. The committee are composed of two ladies and five gentleman.


617. Everyone knows that politics are the science of government.


618. Physics are difficult to many girls.


698. Every boy and girl are to be praised in the social service.


705. He has solved two problems, but neither are correct.


721. Neither the sales nor the profit are expected to increase.


722. My colleague and friend are coming to see us tonight.


730. Five hundred miles are a good distance.


731. Ten years are a long time to make many changes.


736. There are only ten dollars with me a the moment.


738. Understanding the cultural habits of other nations are a complex task.


774. Fortunate are the man who meets the right friend at the right moment.


776. The higher the tree is, the stronger are the wind.


623. They found no evidence of systematic arm trafficking or improper action.


083. We should deal with the problems as they arouse.

arouse->arise ( arouse는 타동사)

799. My teacher advised me as my father.

as ->like

172. Tired as I did last night, I went to bed earlier than usual.

as I did->as I was

553. He is as a great statesman as ever lived.

as a great statesman ->as great a statesman

659. He used to be as an efficient worker as you now are.

as efficient a worker

562. Bill is as efficient, if not more efficient than, the other workers in the office.

as efficient->as efficient as

063. A lot of his coworkers regard him as higly capably.

as higly capably-> as higly capable reagrd as 형용사 (capable)

555. We have earned as many as 1000 dollars a day.

as many as->as much as

532. In Spain, football is as many times popular as bullfighting.

as many times popular as->many times as poular as

531. Staying in a hotel costs as much twice as renting a room in a dormitory.

as much twice as->twice as much as

335. She has both originality as well as grace.

as well as -> and

443. Your asleep position has much o do with your personality.

asleep->sleeping (asleep은 서술 형용사)

812. The new system responds to any emergency at seconds.

at -> in

783. Those diverse efforts have been continuing both at home and at abroad.

at abroad의 at 삭제

646. It is against etiquette to smoke at the table.

at the table->at table

608. The traffic light doesn't work properly at time.

at time->at times

419. We know the reason at which Israel won its war with Arabs.

at which->for which / why

036. He needs to await for complete computer analysis.

await for -> await 또는 wait for

212. Let it be not done.

be not done ->not be done

322. Some research suggests that climate change be gradual.


602. She seems to have been beauty in her day.

beauty->a beauty

373. I had to walk all the way home because of I had no money.

because of->because, since, as 중 하나

237. The meeting took place two weeks before.

before->ago 또는 took place-> had taken place ~ before

607. He was a little behind the times for his appointment.

behind the times->behind time

220. These shoes want being repaired.

being repaired -> repairing/ to be repaired ( want, need, require, deserve)

162. All 26 pilots belonged to the union may refuse to work today.


197. With his head bending, he walked on and on.

bending -> bent

804. Beside his age, he is still too unexperienced.


805. I need some advice from someone beside my family and friends.


803. At that time, he was besides himself wit anger.


798. Jack is the brightest boy between them all.

between them all->among them all

568. This department is biggest than any other one in the building.


691. My father prefers green tea to black one.

black tea / black

157. It was such a bored day that I decided to go out for a drive.


085. Would you borrow me some money?

borrow->lend ( 빌려주다. 4형식, borrow 는 빌려쓰다의 3형식 동사이다.)

103. A thief was seen break into one of our neighbors` houses.

break->to break / breaking ( 2형식 주격보어 to R )

075. I think I must have the baggage bring in.

bring in -> brought in (수동)

367. Not a single day passes but I don`t think of her.

but 중복 부정 확인 ( if not대신일때)

368. There is no one but doesn't hope to be happy.

but 중복 부정 확인(wh~ not 대신일때

369. There are few people but don't have some faults.

but 중복 부정 확인(wh~ not 대신일때

432. There is no one but doesn't respect the man.

but 중복확인 ( wh~ not)

433. There will be no man but would not risk his life such a prize.

but 중복확인 ( wh~ not)

807. I didn't know the fact by the end of last month.

by -> till / until

647. How long does it take to go to the airport by a taxi?

by a taxi->by taxi / in a taxi

648. Charlie Lindbergh alone flew the Atlantic by a very small plane.

by a very small plane.->by very small plane/ in a very small plane

640. All the part-timers are supposed to get their wages by a week.

by a week.->by the week

683. When our body is ill, it tries to regain strength by cooling it.

by cooling it->by cooling itself

638. He caught me by my arm and asked for help.

by my arm->by the arm

420. He told me the way by which he solved the problem.

by which->in which

785. I`m attracted not by what he has but what he is.

by 를 not 앞으로

122. They threatened calling the police, if we did not stop to make a noise.

calling->to call threaten to R ( to R 목적어취함) , stop making

512. The doctor gave her an injection to calm down her.

calm down her->calm her down

542. He turned back and started running as fast as he can.

can -> could

098. This is the only way that can be relied.

can be relied->can be relied on

304. If you had four kids to take care of, how can you manage it?


787. I cannot hardly see you without thinking of my sister.

cannot hardly->can hardly또는cannot 중복부정

017. The air has suddenly grown coldly.

coldly -> cold

614. The advanced level is designed to test the English ability of colleges students and business people.

colleges students->college students

018. After we talked to each other pleasantly, we began to smile and feel comfortably.

comfortably -> comfortable

148. He never fails coming to me for a loan at the end of every month.

coming->to come

004. You shouldn`t complain something that is given for free.

complain -> complain of(about)

192. The ship reached the port, finally completed its voyage.

completed ->completing

164. The instructions were so complicating that he couldn't understand them.


159. His sudden remarks sent confused signals to market participants.


160. Korea and Japan lead the world in the proportion of the households connecting to the Internet.


448. It was very considerable of you to give a welcoming speech.


114. She has been considering to go abroad to get a job.

considering to go ->considering going abroad ( consider은 동명사 목적어)

383. The lunar year, which consisting of twelve months, fell short of the solar year.


780. When at home, mom liked to knit, to sew and cooking.

cooking->to cook

518. The weather turned out quite darkly and it started to rain really hard.


006. I`m going to deal the problem right after this work.

deal -> deal with

492. It is quite desirable that the plane delay in this bad weather.

delay->(should) be delayed

515. The soup smelled so deliciously that it made my mouth water.


076. I want to have this desk deliver to my house.

deliver->delivered ( 수동 pp)

037. The view was beyond description, so I couldn`t describe about its beauty.

describe about->about x

371. Don't open your door to a stranger, despite that he says he is from the police.

despite that->though/ although

800. He is very considerate despite he is young.


370. He is very fat despite he doesn't eat large meals of think heavily.

despite->though/ although

716. How come didn't you call me last night?

didn't you->you didn't

031. They discussed about their plan as soon as they entered into a coffee shop.

discussed about ->discussed (=talked about),entered into ->entered(=went into)

388. These plants produce oxygen which dissolve in the water.


292. Need he to come and tell us about his experience?

does he need to come / need he come

749. He seldom goes to church, doesn't he?

doesn't he -> does he

786. It is just as important to submit the report in the as doing it neatly.

doing -> to do

229. All you have to do is doing your best.

doing ->to do / do

291. You need not to explain why you turned down my proposal.

don't need to R/ need not R

747. We have decided to open a join account, don't we?

don't we -> haven't we

754. Let`s go home now, don't we?

don't we -> shall we

323. He is insisting that she donates blood for her younger sister.

donates->donate / should donate

809. I stopped the car to rest during a few minutes.

during -> for

810. I stayed in Japan during the months, and during the time I came to know her.

during -> for

336. Schools normally do not allow either wearing jeans or dye hair.


702. The two of you can share your experience and hope each other.

each other->with each other

537. He departed from home early than before.


087. Summer is the season for colors, but seasonal changes rarely effect jewelry.

effect->affect ( 영향을 끼치다, effect는 초래하다,야기하다)

446. The ship finally reached the port with only eighteen alive men.

eighteen men alive

035. My teacher emphasized on the importance of preparing for class in advance.

emphasized on->emphasized on x (=had emphasis on )

117. She always enjoys to read a detective novel.

enjoys to read a ->enjoys reading ( ~ing 목적어)

506. We got to the airport enough early to pick him up.

enough early -> early enough

508. He has been studying English enough long, but his English isn`t enough good.

enough long->long enough, good enough

102. He was seen enter the room.

enter->to enter / entering ( 2형식 주격보어 to R )

027. He entered business with his brother.

entered -> entered into

155. We have a few procedures estabilishing before which must be strictly followed.

estabilishing -> established

700. She comes to see me every sixth days.

every six days/ every sixth day

699. The family go on a picnic every two weekend.

every two weekends/ every second weekend

387. He earnestly wishes to be the President everyone respecing.

everyone respecing->(whom) everyone respects

375. That rope is good enough for the jo except it is too long.

except->except that

625. Americans prefer to exchange verbal greeting rather than respond with just a smile.

exchange verbal greeting->exchange verbal greetings

163. It is important to protect existed techonologies from being leaked to foreign countries.

existed -> existing

089. His flight expects to arrive here a little late.

expects->is expected

536. This one is a little expensiver than that one.

expensiver->more expensive

154. They are trying their best to restore the extinguishing species.

extinguishing->extinguished / extinct

517. Each of them remained faithfully to each other till the last minute.


782. He is not only famous in the United Statesm but also abroad.

famous not only 앞으로

496. The car was moving too fastly for me to see the number plate.


779. After some while, the students began to smile and feeling comfortable.

feeling->(to) feel/to smile->smilling

459. Those two towns are connected by a roughly 30 feet long pedstrian tunnel.

feet->foot ( 수식용법-단수)

612. Although the storm swept through the town, few damage was done.

few damage->little damage

457. The trip will cost each of us about fifty thousands dollars.

fifty thousands->fifty thousand

077. I`d like to have this prescription fill.

fill->filled ( 수동)

667. Many youngsters find difficult to get jobs.

find difficult->find it difficult(가목적어it)

166. I was greatly astonished finding him dead.

finding->to find

195. The work finishing, they went out for a change.


666. How long do you think it will take finishing the job?

finishing->to finish

627. She returned home after five year`s absence.

five year`s absence->five years' absence

460. The road is less than 18 foot wide in some sections.

foot ->feet ( 서술용법 -복수)

053. After much thought, I sent a little gift for her.

for -> to

055. We owe much for the mercy of nature.

for -> to

177. It was stupid for him to believe a story instead of evidence.

for him -> of him

176. It is very thoughful for you to remember my birthday.

for you->of you

450. It was quite sensible for you to reject their offer on the spot.

for you->of you

493. It was stupid for you to believe his word.

for you->of you

415. That is the reason why she is famous for.

for 삭제

717. Why is she famour for?

for 삭제 /why->what

272. He said that he forgot to bring the book.

forgot->Had forgotten

338. English is very useful for our success-not only for entering college but also getting jobs.

for를 not only 앞으로

061. I found it difficulty to finish the work in time.

found it difficulty->found it difficult

456. Alzheimer`s disease affects estimated four millions Americans.

four millions->four million

198. I frightened when he ran in with his mouth bleeding.

frightened ->was frightened

039. All the students are prohibited to smoke in the school.

from smoking 또는 forbid O to R

654. The people there were very poor and lived from the hand to the mouth.

from the hand to the mouth.->from ahnd to mouth

135. He makes it a rule getting up before sunrise.

getting->to get make it a rule to get / make a point of ~ing / be in the habit of ~ing

447. Mary is able to speak German rather good.

good -> well

620. The price of industrial good dropped for the first time in six months.

good ->goods

501. When we got to home, we found the door open.

got to home->got home ( 자 + 부사), reached home ( 타 + 명사)

026. The bo greeted to me on the street.

greeted to -> greeted

328. People hate being treated as though they had been different from you.

had been->were

329. The kids were running here and there as if they had been wild animals.

had been->were

302. You had better get your visa extended before it expired last month.

had better get->had better have got

601. His son had boldness to swim across the broad river.

had boldness->had the boldness

254. I had hoped to have learned French before my trip to France.

had 삭제 또는 to learn

624. The two boys shook their hand and became friends again.


789. I had hardly no breakfast, but I`m not hungry now.

hardly, no 중복부정

498. I decided to study English as hardly as possible.


029. She has announced about her marriage to her friends.

has announced about->about x

016. The need for heavier taxes has been resulted from excessive government spending.

has been resulted from -> has resulted from

082. The retirement age has been risen to 65 for both men and women.

has been risen -> has risen/ has been raised

050. That lady has been seating over there for more than two hours.

has been seating->has been sitting / has been seated

262. He has been to Hong Kong, so he is not here now.

has been to->has gone to

735. There has been so many concerts this month.

has been->have been

750. He hardly has anything nowadays, has he?

has he -> does he

081. He has lain the foundations of modern Germany.

has lain->has laid ( lie-lay-lain)(lay - laid -laid) 구분

242. He`s been looking for a job since he has left the army.

has left->left

236. She has never been the Browns last year.

has never been->never saw

701. The college students each has his or her own locker.


729. I miss you bad as many months has passed us by.


770. There has been a number of complaints from our clients so far.


097. Ploblems in public education have deepened because they have been dealt politically.

have been dealt -> have been dealt with

090. Researchers have been discovered that women experience more severe pain than men.

have been discovered->have discovered

266. We have been knowing Amy since she was a child.

have been knowing->had known

258. My parents have been married 30 years ago.

have been married->married

737. Where capital punishment was abolished, there have been a corresponding rise in crime rates.

have been->has been

009. All my worries have completely been disappeared.

have completely been disappeared -> have completely disappeared

261. I have gone to Europe only once.

have gone to->have been to

092. Comprehensive measures have taken to reduce the pollution and increase the water equality.

have taken->have been taken

259. It`s been a long time since we have talked to her.

have talked->talked

240. How was the driving when you have vacationed in Mexico last summer?

have vacationed->vacationed

238. When have you first heard the news?

have you first heard->did you first hear

390. The prize will be given to the one employee from all branch offices that have the best attendance.


697. Each and every employee have expressed his anger.


726. The number of sich babies and children have increased almost tenfold in recent years.


751. We have to sing this, haven`t we?

haven't we -> don't we

288. What would you like having for your breakfast?

having-> to have

256. He scarcely began his speech when the door was opened.

he had scarcely begun

108. His grandfather is resembled by him.

he resembles his grandfather ( 무의지 타동사)

088. He told that he would leave Korea.

he told me that/ he said that

062. As we age, we should try to keep our mind and body healthily.

healthily -> healthy

072. However hard he tried, he couldn't make his voice hear.

hear->heard ( 수동)

143. We sure know that he is the last man helping us.

helping -> to help the last man to R

679. She allowed her to be kissed by him.


680. She allowed him to kiss herself.


180. Teaching is a profession of him own choosing.

him ->his

578. Nobody speaks more clearly than him.


663. The person in charge of the matter is him.


678. My father now has a lot of time to amuse him.


178. She has never doubted him being honest.

him->his ( 동명사 의미상 주어)

682. The accident forced himself to quit his job, so he had to find another job.


109. Persuasion is lacked by his argument.

his argument lacks persuasion ( lack은 무의지 타동사)

768. So great his astonishment was that he almost ran away.

his astonishment was->was his astonishment

570. No one knows exactly what inspired his the most creative thinkng.

his most creative thinking

046. Everyone here hopes you to attend the meeting.

hope to R , hope that~, hope for N

794. Koreans tend to place importance on how expensive the price of a present is.

how expensive a present is ( expensive,price 같이 쓰는 것 반복이다.)

510. However a desert may be dry, it is not necessarily worthless.

however dry a desert may be

440. I wonder however old he is.


152. I felt so humiliating at the meeting.

humiliating ->humiliated

071. I will keep you informing of the state of affairs.

informing->imformed ( keep 능동 ing , 수동 pp)

101. The suspect was presumed guilty until he was found innocently.

innocently ->innocent

139. He insisted to announce his results of experiments.

insisted to announce->insist on announcing

153. Any book will do, as long as it is interested.


603. We bought iron at a local shop yesterday which was made in Korea.

iron->an iron

112. Whoever takes her photos, she is always photographed well.

is always photographed->always photographs

267. Everyone is believing that he killed himself.

is believing->believes

107. They speak the Khakas language, which is belonged to the family of Turkic languages.

is belonged to->belongs to (자)

271. This cat is belonging to her and it is resembling mine.

is belonging->belongs , is resembling->resembles

013. The United Nations is consisted of over 200 nations.

is consisted of -> consists of

106. Water is consisted of oxygen and hydrogen.

is consisted of->consists of (자)

110. New York City is facing at a financial crisis.

is facing at->is facing / is faced with ( 타동사)

739. Some important pieces of information is given below.

is given->are given

347. I can`t even guess what kind of job is he looking for.

is he->간접의문문 he is

269. Europe is lying north of Africa.

is lying->likes

099. Hawaii is often referred as the Paradise of the Pacific.

is often referred as->is often refered to as ( refer 은 to 와 함께 수동태 전환)

264. The family is processing a picturesque house in the countryside.

is processing->possesses

113. There`s a good prescription for curing the blues. It is read like this.

is read-> read it reads like this.(1형식)

270. Some food from the last night`s party is still remaining on the table.

is still remaining->still remains

012. A new year calander diary is stood on his work desk.

is stood -> stands

084. The church is stood north of the town.

is stood -> stands (자동사)

285. She is used not to asking people a favor.

is used not to asking->is used to not asking

287. The expression 'storm in a teacup' is used to describing a situation where someone is where someone is worried about something that is not important.

is used to describing->is used to describe

286. That chemical known as bisphenol A is used to making public for food.

is used to making ->is used to make

284. Mr. Johnson is used to sit up late at night.

is used to sit up->is used to sitting up ( 익숙)/ used to sit up (~하곤 했다.)

398. The region has limestone caves, some of which is visited by many tourists.

is visited->are visited

337. Neither he nor I is the right person for the position.


592. The police is still tracking down the criminals involved in this case.


642. The learned is apt to despise the ignorant.


643. The elderly who suffer from stress is more likely to become ill.


771. Is there any particular songs that remind you of your mom?


775. Mothers are more devoted to their children than is fathers.


778. Embryonic stem cel therapy is effective for those patients as is the adult stem cells.


777. Aluminum expands twice as much as iron is.


325. I wish she is here beside me right now.


327. He is telling the truth as if it is a lie.


748. There is nothing wrong, isn` t there?

isn't there -> is there

746. She`s taken the test already, isn`t she?

isn`t she->hansn't she

692. This job is too difficult so I want another it.

it -> one

693. You really have a lot of books. Can I borrow it?

it -> one

482. He is impossible to attend the meeting next month.

it is impossible for him to attend the meeting next month

043. Whenever I see this picture, It reminds of my school days.

it reminds me of my school days / I am reminded of ~/ I think of~

483. Jack was extremely hard to persuade her.

it was extremely hard for Jack to persuade her

123. It causes inconvenience for a guest coming earlier or later than the suggested hour.

it ~ for ~ to come

385. She never listens to the advice which I give it to her.

it 삭제

386. Please show me the book which you bought it yesterday.

it 삭제

630. Korea is under pressure from abroad to open it`s rice market.


742. Earth`s magnetic poles are not stationary, but slowly shift its position.

its -> their

167. I am really sorry keeping you waiting outside.

keeping -> to keep

384. He is a man who always keeping his promise.


100. Whenever I stop by, his garden is always kept neatly.

kept neatly->kept neat

193. The plane crashed, killed 200 passengers abroad.

killed ->killing

543. I think his mother is kinder than wise.

kinder -> more kind

352. Not until the first land plants developed land animals appeared.

land animals appeared->did land animals appear

574. Daegu is the third large city in Korea.


052. Why don't you lay down just for a while?

lay down ->lay (타동사) yourself down . Lie (자동사) down

080. He lay himself down on the sofa.

lay->lays 또는 laid

194. He stood leaned against the wall.

leaned ->leaning

802. After all those years he finally decided to leave to Hong Kong.

leave to->leave for

273. I realized that I left my bag in the taxi.

left->had left

773. On the southern shore of Lake Erie lie Cleveland.


364. I turned off the light lest I should not wake him.

lest I (should) wake him

365. She talked to me in whispers lest she should not be heard to others.

lest she ( should) be heard to others

715. How is the weather like outside?

like 삭제 / how -> what

465. The tribe has little opportunities to get enough education.


541. I always put little sugar into tea than into coffee.


466. Few lives to the age of one hundred.


120. Don't forget locking the door when you leave the office.

locking->to lock forget to lock

128. I`m looking forward to take part in the game.

looking forward to take->look forwad to ~ing ( to taking)

575. It is better losing one`s life than losing one`s spirit.

losing->to lose

675. It is the price that make me complain of the food.

make -> makes

670. She makes a rule to keep a diary everyday.

makes a rule->makes it a rule(가목적어it)

581. The history of war is as old as man.

man->that of man/ the history of man

613. We need many equipments for our new factory.

many equipments->much ( a lot of) equipment

588. "How large is his family?" "He has really many families."

many families -> a large family

470. I`ve never given a speech. Besides, the audience was really many.


599. This information is of many importance.

many->much / a lot of

033. Most Korean women do not want to marry with a farmer.

marry with -> marry , be married to

124. People find it difficult mastering English in a year or two.

mastering -> master

275. She called me and said that she may be out of town for the weekend.

may be->might be

490. It is required that he may take all things into consideration.

may take->(should) take

045. She said me that he would leave Korea.

me -> to me로 바꾸거나 said-> told

179. He objected to me attending the meeting.


677. I couldn't make me understood in English.


616. The Internet is an inexpensive and effective mean of communication.

mean ->means

392. I tried to look up a word in a dictionary meaning of which I didn't know.

meaning->the meaning

028. How many times has she mentioned about his name?

mentioned about -> mentioned

244. He told me that he met her three days before.

met->had met

306. If things had changed last year, we might make a bigger profit.

might make->might have made

296. I might read the novel, but I hardly remember I did.

might read->might have read

165. He has been reported missed when his car was swept away.

missed -> missing

535. If you had taken my advice, you would have done it more better.

more better.->more 삭제

547. Of gold and silver, the former is more precious.

more precious->the more brecious

060. Their reaction made me more sadly than angrily.

more sadly than angrily->more sad than angry

556. Their products are far more superior to other products.

more 삭제

479. At present, most all the containers are produced by China.

most all the->almost all the

539. Last Sunday was most boring day of my whole life.

most boring->most boring

540. The most favorite hobby of mine used to be reading story books.

most 삭제/my favorite hobby로 고쳐야함

635. Those are most common words used in the English language.

most->the most

523. Your job will be much easy once you know the trick.

much easy ->much easier / very easy

561. Few people would borrow such a book, much more buy it.

much more->much less/still less

298. My parents must be disappointed when I gave up my studies.

must be disappointed->must have been disappointed

299. The TV is still on in the living room; somebody must forget to turn it off.

must forget ->must have forgotten

301. The regulations have become out of date; they must have been abolished long time ago.

must have been abolished->should have been abolished

010. I guess that something must have been happened to him.

must have been happened -> must have happened

295. The garden is all wet; it must rain last night.

must rain->must have rained

472. I was seeing off my a friend when you saw me at the airport.

my a frienda-> friend of mine/ one of my friends

788. To learn how to swim, you must necessarily enter the water by all means.

necessarily와by all means 중하나 삭제

361. He was not aware of what was going on then, neither did she.

neither did she->nor ( and neither) was she

755. Never I dreamed that I could win the match.

never did I dream

528. However hard you may try, never you will defeat him.

never will you/ you will never

563. "It`s a lovely day, isn`t it?" "No. It couldn't be better."

no -> yes

761. No evidence they could find in the computer.

no evidence could they find

509. She loves her husband, no matter how he is crazy.

no matter how crazy he is

790. No one cannot see how long people can live in the future.

no one, cannot 중복부정

707. I wanted to seek rest in you, but I found no one in you.

no one->none/ no rest

255. No sooner he left home than it began to snow.

no sooner had he left

359. He hasn`t changed a bit, and so has she.

nor has she = and she hasn't, eigher

709. Any boy is not so bright as Tom.

not any boy is so bright as tom / no boy is so bright as tom

706. There is not evidence to support this theory.

not any evidence / no evidence

710. If you should change your mind, anyone would not blame you.

not anyone would blame you / no one would balme you

358. Jim doesn`t smoke, nor his brother does.

not dose his brother = and his brother doesn't, either

207. He did his best not in order to be scolded by his parents.

not in order to be scolded->in order not to be scolded

759. Not only he was late for the meeting, but he also arrived rather drunk.

not only was he

339. Our vacation was a disaster: Not only the food was terrible, but the weather was also awful.

not only was the food terrible

150. However hard we tried, the kitten was not to find anywhere.

not to find->not to be found

210. He is used not to having a car.

not to having->to(전치사) not having

428. Not until I came to Korea tha I came to know her.

not until I came to korea did I come to know her

427. It was not you but he that I wanted to take part in the meeting.

not you but he->not you bit him

366. I wrote down his phone number for fear I should not forget it.

not 삭제

763. Only when it started to rain noticed he that he had left his umbrella somewhere.

noticed he -> did he notice

002. I object treating her like a child.

object -> object to

001.It occurred me that we could ask her for help.

occured -> occured to

633. Jack and I of age but he is much taller than I.

of age->of an age

344. I`m convinced of that he will win the game.

of 삭제

394. This is the new house of which she has recently moved.


494. "You are the best mom in the world." "Oh, how nice for you to say so!"

oh, how nice (it is) of you to say so

639. Somebody suddenly hit him hard on his nose.

on his nose->on the nose

397. Playing tennis is the hobby which my father spends most time.

on which my father spends most time

745. Our plan is to send food and clothes to the people who have lost one`s houses.

one's -> their / his or her

008. The surgeon operated the patient for a tumor.

operated -> operated on

334. He neither cleaned his room or took a shower.


718. Why not ordering the microwave oven online?


695. Would you like to exchange it for other?


281. You ought to not use the computer without prior permission.

ought to not->ought not to

744. Each of us must do our own duty.

our -> his / his or her

503. The children have been playing ourdoor all winter.

outdoor -> outdoors

293. We cannot overemphasize the importance of our health too much.

over , too much 중 하나 생략

069. I unexpectedly heard myself paging at the airport.

paging->paged ( 지각동사 수동)

330. The picture had depth and look as though he painted on the object.

painted->had painted

005. Yesterday I participated English conversation class.

participate -> participated in

241. Ten years passed since the war was over.

passed ->have passed

615. People sometimes display unnecessary clothing or furniture for sale to passer-bys.


495. The tribe looked friendly and peacefully.


594. A great number of peoples came to enjoy my birthday party.

peoples ->people

104. The monkeys will be made perform some amusing tricks.

perform->to perform ( 2형식 주격보어 to R)

637. I used to play guitar when I was in bad mood.

play guitar->play the guitar

636. Why don't we play the tennis this weekend?

play the tennis->play tennis

649. My favorite pastime is playing the chess.

playing the chess->playing chess

487. He was pleasant to meet the whole of his family.


598. Poets usually believe in the reality of their poetries.

poetries->poetry 또는 poems

546. Among the saleswomen, Betty is politest.

politest->the politest

520. The end of Cold War made possibly the grobal village with diverse channels.


500. This website is organized prettily weel and gives ready-o-use information.


558. Applications should be filled out prior than an interview.

prior than->prior to

724. The editor and publisher of this magazine are both celebrated journalists.

publisher->the publisher

196. She was fast asleep, with her sunglasses putting on.

putting on -> put on

305. If it rained last weekend, they would not have played the game.

rained->had rained

079. Do you remember the time when we saw the sun raise?

raise->rise,/ rising ( 자동사, 지각동사 목적보어)

024. We`ll reach to consensus that generating jobs in the best way.

reach to -> reach(get to, arrive at)

173. Our flight left Seoul at noon, reached Hawaii at ten.


489. It is of utmost importance that a child receives attention.

receives ->(should) receive

007. They often refer Descartes as the father of modern philosophy.

refer -> refer to

622. Thanks for coming over. Please give my best regard to your parents.


121. I regret to say this, but I really regret to meet her last night.

regret to meet -> regret meeting

480. It is regretful that he didn't attend the weekly meeting.

regretful ->regrettable

481. I am truly regrettable that our friendshi has to end like this.


073. I lost my credit card. Can I have it reissue?

reissue ->reissued ( 사역동사 능동 R, 수동 pp)

445. We are trying to find reliable someone to look after the project.

reliable someone->someone reliable

119. I remember to read the ook some time or other.

remember to read->remember reading

183. I cannot see this picture without reminding of my sister.

reminding of->being reminded of / thinking of

294. He cannot look at this album without reminding of his happy school days.

reminding->being reminded

030. She resembles with her father in her personality.

resembles with -> resembles

453. If children were taught to be more respective towards their elders, all those crimes would decrease considerably.


564. "Dinner was no less delicious than lunch." "Right. Dinner was more delicious."

right. Dinner was as delicious as lunch

497. Your physical condition is good rightly now.

rightly now->right now

184. He narrowly escaped running over by a truck.

running over->being run over

519. When I grew up, I will always keep you safely.


488. They were satisfactory with the result of the conference.


182. They couldn't help satisfying with the result.

satisfying -> being satisfied

250. The man claimed that he saw a ghost.

saw->had seen

134. It is needless saying that breaking down the walls of prejudice is difficult.

saying-> to say it is needless to say that

048. When the students seated, the professor began his lecture.

seated->sat / seated themselves

021. The results of these experiments still remain secretly.

secretly -> secret (형 or 명)

521. Unless you reveal the truth, it will be kept secretly.


513. I have seen to the station to see off them.

see off them->see them off

757. Seldom they see each other.

seldom do they see

511. When my visitor gets here, will you please send in him?

send in him->send him in

596. She bought several clothings for her younger sister.

several clothings->several clothes/ several pieces of clothing

753. Keep the door locked, shall you?

shall you -> will you

042. When I met her at the party, she reminded my dead sister.

she reminded of my dead sister / I was reminded of ~/ I thought of ~

319. The judge recommended that the safety procedures should update.

should update->be updated/ should be updated

811. Since more than 10 years, Russians have gone to the polls five times.

since -> for

544. Your sister is slenderer than thin.

slenderer->more slander

658. She always buys so expensive clothes.

so ->such

767. If Tom goes to the movies, so am I.

so am I->so will I

208. Jane wrote down my address so as to not forget it.

so as to not forget->so as not to forget

499. The wind was blowing so hardly that I could hard walk any more.

so hardly->so hard, could hardly walk

656. It is such lovely a day that I`d like to go on a picnic.

so lovely a day/so lovely a day

357. People attach so importance on entrance exams that many students start studying when they are middle school students.

so->such + 명사

226. This means will help solving the problem quickly.

solving -> help to solve/ help solve

609. The news sound strange to us all.


516. Relations between the two companies went sourly earlier this year.


772. Right in front of our eyes stand an old building.


074. As I had my watch steal, I called the police immediately.

steal->stolen ( 사역동사 능동 R, 수동 pp)

505. It is not warm enough for you to go to the beach still.

still -> yet

560. Many people visit this seaside even in winter, still less in summer.

still less->still more/much more

441. There is strange something about his behavior.

strange something->something strange

019. They were doing their best to look strongly and manly.

stronly -> strong

324. My father insisted that he study really hard when young.

study->had studied

604. He was success as a novelist but failure as a father.

success->a success, a failure

451. It has been raining for three successful days.

successful ->successive

655. It was so a good plan for me.

such a good plan/such a good plan

355. Honesty is such lonely a word that everyone s such untrue.

such a lonely word ,such untrue-> so untrue

597. We cannot afford to buy such an expensive machinery.

such an expensive machinery->such expensive machinery ( 불가산)

688. He was one of the greatest poets and was respected such as.

such as.->as such

507. Though the answer came such early, it was clear enough.

such early->so early

660. I`d like to mention a few things that make my weekend such speical.


356. His anger was such great that he lost control of himself.

such->so great (형용사)

576. He said that he would rather kill himself than surrendering to the enemy.


161. The government will ease regulations on the construction of industrial facilities in Seoul and surrounded areas.


116. No single naion can afford sustaining the program.

sustaining->to sustain ( to R 목적어)

020. I like his music because it sounds sweetly and soothing.

sweetly -> sweet

621. Chinese table manner is rather informal compared to western cultures.

table manner is->table manners are

067. She got me take her child to the kindergarten.

take ->to take ( 5형식. 목적어 ,목적보어 능동 to R, 수동 (to be) PP)

049. As people were already sitting with their coats off, let`s take a sit.

take a sit->take a seat ( seat이 명사로도 사용할 수 있는 아이)

057. The trip took almost half a day to me.

take, cost, envy 는 간목을 직목 뒤로 사용하지 못한다. The trip took me almost half a day

086. When you have read the book, please take it to me immediately.

take->bring ( take는 가져가다, 데려가다 / bring은 가져오다, 데려오다)

065. They require all the incoming students taking placement examinations.

taking->to take ( 5형식. 목적어 ,목적보어 능동 to R, 수동 (to be) PP)

156. It is always tempted to read history as if it were a mystery novel.


593. There are about ten people living in Asia.

ten people->ten peoples

463. From now we`re going to have a ten-minutes break.


554. He is not so much a singer than an actor.

than -> as

571. Nothing is so precious than time.

than -> as

572. Nothing has so changed the economy of the US than the development of the supermarket.

than -> as

557. A small town is preferable than a large city.

than -> to

559. Why do you prefer the theater than the cinema?

than ->t0 prefer to

289. You might as well reason with the wolf than try to change his opinion.

than->as might as well as

290. He much prefers playing in the open air than reading indoors.

than->to prefer to

343. He finished the work in time is quite beyond our expectation.

that he finished~

058. That house cost a lot of money to hime.

that house cost him a lot of money

401. Is there anyone that name has not been called?

that name->whose name

342. That seems to be a small affair today can soon be a big problem.

that->What what + 불완전 문장

341. It is true that she said.

that->What what + 불완전문장

685. North Korea`s labor costs are about 10 percent of that in the South.


404. Korea is not that it used to be.


405. That made me leave the town was its constant crimes.


412. Energy is the most essential part of that everybody calls genius.


400. He broke his promise again, that made me hate him.


431. He came home drunk, that was always the case with him.

that->which / as

399. Mr. Clark, that lives next door to us, is retiring next month.


583. The population of Korea is much larger than the Philippines.

the Philippines.->that of the philippines

644. Bush was elected the President of the United States.

the President ->president

550. Considering all things, this is the best method of the two.

the best->the better

566. He is the brightest than any other boy in the class.

the brightest->brighter

619. When it comes to the environment, the technologies are changing and the economics is changing.

the economics is->the economics are

444. Sports Illustrated once titled him as the greatest alive expert on the matter.

the greatest living expert / the greatest expert alive

548. He took down the largest of the two dictionaries.

the largest->the larger

549. Of the two, he chose the most expensive.

the most expensive->the more expensive

538. David Letterman is one of the most funniest comedians on TV.

the most funniest->the funniest ( 중복)

552. I think Mary is the most beautiful of the two sisters.

the most->the more

534. He is the much cleverest man I have ever known.

the much cleverest man->much the cleverest man / the very cleverest man

551. Rome is the older of European capitals.

the older->the oldest

565. He is brighter than the other boy in the class.

the other boy->the other boys/any other boy

569. Experiencing your love is better than the other privilege in this life.

the other privilege->the orther privileges/ any other privilege

696. To become great is one thing and to become famous is quite the other.

the other->another

632. Go and ask them how the apple is the piece.

the piece->a piece/ per piece/ per one/ each

792. The reason I don't like him is because he is a liar.

the reason I don't like him is that he is a liar

044. She explained the reporters the result of the conference.

the reporters->to the reporters explain to

526. The sun hadn`t hardly set when the mosquitoes began to sting.

the sun had hardly set ( 중복 부정)

545. Tom was the tallest at the age of eighteen throughout his entire life.

the talles->tallest

477. I think the two first parts of the plan will take years to carry out.

the two first parts->the first two parts

416. I wonder if there is something wrong with the way how we raise our children.

the way how 둘중 하나 삭제

793. The couple declined to explain in detail the way how they chose each other.

the way how 둘중 하나 삭제

740. Everyone should look up unfamiliar words in their dictionary.

their -> his / his or her

741. The friendship between the two people reached their highest point in the 1980s.

their -> its

743. The gray squirrel jumped to the roof of the house to escape their enemy.

their -> its

665. That child is a problem to their parents.


681. The spectators arranged them so that everyone could see the show.


669. I think wrong to value money more than time.

think wrong->think it wrong(가목적어it)

317. It is the right time we think carefully before making any decision.

think->thought/should think

651. I have never read this kind of a book before.

this kind of a book->this kind of book

424. It was this room that the incident took place.

this room->in this room

686. What`s the difference between today`s education and this of twenty years ago?


684. The population of Seoul is much larger than those of the Philippines.


760. Little did they thought that their pleasure would not last forever.


151. I`ve had a really tired day.

tired -> tiring

054. Pat bought an expensive book to his younger brother.

to -> for

056. May I ask a question to you?

to -> of

502. She has been considering going to abroad to major in economics.

to abroad -> abroad

038. The heavy rain prevented him to attend the meeting.

to attend ->from attending 또는 forbid O to R

023. That sounds to be a good idea. What time shall we make it?

to be -> like

200. She seems to be really pretty when young.

to be -> to have been

201. His son is reported to be killed in the war.

to be killed->to have been killed

131. He has been receiving a special training with a view to become a counselor.

to become-> becoming with a view to(전치사) ~ing

221. This battery need to change.

to change->chaning/ to be changed

141. The manager was incapale to come up with an effective method.

to come-> of come be incapable of coming

227. He did nothing but to complain about the new system.

to complain->complain do nothing but complain

078. How often do you go to the barber`s to cut your hair?

to cut your hair->to have your hair cut / to get a haircut

146. The poor boy had no one to depend for advice.

to depend->to depend on

066. However hard they tried, the stage workers couldn't get the curtain to draw down.

to draw down->drawn down (수동)

784. Though she has never been either to England or America, she is good at English.

to either 앞으로

142. Scientists are finally on the verge to find some answers.

to find->of finding be on the verge ( point, edge, brink, threshold) of finding

140. She was so busy to get dinner ready for me.

to get-> ( in) getting be busy ( in) getting

068. I have repeatedly seen my parents to give gifts to my son.

to give->give / giving (지각동사 능동)

138. I don't feel like to go out this morning.

to go->going feel like going

209. She seems to have not noticed me at a glance.

to have not noticed -> not to have noticed

064. She allowed herself to kiss by him.

to kiss ->( to be ) kissed ( 목적어,목적보어 수동)

126. Jim could not but to laugh at the funny sight.

to laugh->laugh can not (choose) but R ( laugh)

224. We witnessed the suspect to leave the house.

to leave -> leave/leaving (지각동사)

282. You had better not to leave garbage behind.

to leave-> leave had better not leave

168. The house is too small for all of us to live.

to live->to live in

127. Instead of directly to meet together, they exchanged their options by e-mail.

to meet->meeting instead of N ( meeting)

206. He advised me to not make any more noise.

to not make ->not to make

115. He denied to open the letter and I believed him.

to open-> opening deny ~ing ( 동명사 목적어 취함)

144. Give the child a toy to play.

to play ->to play with

577. He much prefers playing in the open air to read a book indoors.

to read->to reading

137. They spent all day to run around to look for a job.

to run->running spend all day running

149. Not a man was to see in the street.

to see->to be seen

132. We can find a key to solve the nuclear problems of the North through an inter-Korean summit.

to solve->to solving a key ( approach, answer, secret) to (전치사) ~ing

169. This lake is too dangerous to swim in it.

to swim in it->to swim in

181. The steak was so cold that he required it to take away.

to take away->(to be) taken away

125. He did nothing but to take a nap all day.

to take->take do nothing but R ( take)

175. Harry attempted a couple of jokes in order to the guests to relieve the tension.

to the guests->for the guests

130. All the passengers objected to transfer to another flight.

to transfer-> to transferring object to (전치사)~ing / oppose ~ing / be opposed to ~ing to transferring

133. It is no use to try to persuade him.

to try->it is no use trying / it is of no use to try

136. His voice was so quiet that the detective had difficulty to understand what he said.

to understand->understanding have difficulty (in) understanding

225. He kindly let us to use his information.

to use -> use

219. The place is worth to visit once or twice.

to visit ->visiting

396. French is the language which most of us are not accustomed.

to which most of us are not accustomed

395. They have offered a new procedure which no one readily agrees.

to which no one readily agrees

145. Would you get me a pen to write?

to write->to write with

657. She wants to drive us to the airport, but she has too a small car to take us all.

too a small car->too small a car

360. Lisa isn`t working on Saturdays and Kathy is not, too.


668. I took for granted that you would go there.

took for granted->took it for granted(가목적어it)

247. He took care of this job for three years befor I took the job last year.

took->had taken

514. If you`re offered something you`re not interested in, simply turn down it.

turn down it->turn it down

199. He always likes being photographed with his head slightly turning.


631. I make it a rule to visit him twice the month.

twice the month->twice a month

756. Under no circumstances the door must be left unlocked.

under no circumstances must the door be

070. He couldn't make himself understand in English.

understand->understood ( 사역동사 능동 R, 수동 pp)

781. I feel as though I had no face and unimportant.


363. Unless you don`5 make haste, you will never see the sun rise.

unless you make haste/ if you don't make haste

806. My parents demanded that I come back home until 10 tonight.

until -> by

808. You should finish the work until noon.

until -> by

283. He used not to smoking before, but nowadays he does.

used not to smoking->used not to smoke

752. You used not to smoke, usedn`t you?

usedn't you -> did you

758. Very rarely people die of breathlessness.

very rarely do people die

522. The population of Seoul is very larger than that of London.


533. Car prices in Britain are very higher than those in other countries.


425. It is they that wants to discuss the topic with you.


591. Because of the disease, all the cattle in that area was slaughtered.

was ->were

011. When I grown up, I spent every summer earning money on my uncle`s farm.

was grown up -> grew up

263. He was having a big company just ten years ago.

was having->had

096. He was laughed at the meeting by other participants.

was laughed at the meeting->was laughed at at the meeting ( laugh at 같이 움직인다.)

015. An error was occurred suddenly while he was trying to activate the game.

was occurred -> occurred

094. The moving season began and growth rate was remained at comparatively low levels between January and February.

was remained->remained (자동사)

303. If it was not for water, nothing could live.


468. There was a number of excellent pictures in the exhibition.


589. After the show, the audience was moved to tears.


720. His parents as well as his sister was late for the show.


723. The novelist and the poet was present at the party.


733. During the recession, three-fourths of the bank`s 223 branches was closed.


734. Approximately half of those present at the meeting was women.


249. When he reached the cinema, he realized that he watched the movie before.

watched->had watched

645. Sue went to prison to visit her father last week.

went to prison->went to the prison

047. All the participants were seating at the front row.

were seating->were sitting / were seated

243. There were a lot of serious talks about a merger lately.

were->have been

704. Neither of us were able to understand what he meant.


732. Twenty minutes were not enough time to talk to him.


728. Many a soldier were killed at the battle.

were->was/many a solder->many soldiers

129. What do you say to share the table with me?

what do you say to ~ing / what do you think of(about) ~ing? To sharing

719. Do you think what he does for a living?

what do you think he does for a living?

676. Nobody knows what is it that she really wants.

what is it -> what it is

409. What hundreds of people are sleeping on the streets of New York with no possibility of finding a home doesn't sound real.


407. She happened to hear a story what made her sad.

what->that/ which

239. When have you been to the United States of America?

when did you go to ~ ( 시간, 현재완료시제 불가)

379. They experienced all those things when lived abroad.

when lived->when ( they were) living

485. You can write me back whenever you are convenient.

whenever it is convenient to you

418. This is the house where my parents want to buy.

where->which + 불완전 문장

403. He is wearing the same watch which I lose last week.

which->as / that

429. Sarah will do the same thing which we tried last year.

which->as / that

423. Tell me the exact day which you are going to hold the meeting.

which->on which / when

430. The result of the tests can change according to such factors which are influenced by sex or age.

which->such ~ as

406. I`m going to throw away all these things, so you can take which you like.


408. My parents have made me which I am today.


410. Their food was bad, and which was worse, there was no concept of service.


411. This is just which they call a miracle.


413. Now it is possible for anyone with a computer to share which is called the Information Age.


414. Air is to man which water is to fish.

which->what/ as

391. She always asks me a question which answer I can`t even guess.


348. Do you think who called that late last night?

who do you think called that late last night?

434. I`ll give this free round-trip ticket to whoever you choose.


389. The man whom I thought was honest tried to deceive me.


435. He smiles at whomever comes to ask him for advice.


436. They are going o invite whomever answers the question correctly.


437. You can share the information with whomever you think is dependable.


471. He has a large family and lives in the house whose price is very expensive.

whose price is very high

253. Medical science will advance to a considerable degree by the end of this century.

will advance->will have advanced

233. If you will analyze the matter with care, you will find a solution.

will analyze ->analyze

318. My mother required that the store will apologize to her.

will apologize->apologize/ should apologize

105. Cancer will be disappeared in the near future.

will be disappeared -> will disappear (자동사)

320. It is advised that the report will be finished as soon as possible.

will be finished->be finished / should be finished

491. It is natural that the work will be identified as a female activity.

will be identified->(should) be identified

252. He will be in hospital for almost a month by next Sunday.

will be->will have been

274. He realized that she will be miserable without him beside her.

will be->would be

260. It will not be long before he will come back home.

will come->comes

230. I will go home on vacation as soon as I will finish my exams.

will finish ->finish

277. I recommended that he will finish the composition by noon.

will finish->finish/ should finish

232. He will have graduated by the time you will get back to Korea.

will get ->get

297. He will have attended the meeting last weekend, but nobody knows for sure.

will have attended->would have attended

235. The road will link four ciites when it will have been completed.

will have been completed->has been completed

315. Were she to win ther election, she will have to repair the voting system.

will have to->would have to

276. They announced that the new system will help promote conversation.

will help->would help

091. The home network system will install in 10 million homes next year.

will install -> will be installed

349. How many hours do you suppose will it take to get there?

will it->it will (간접의문문)

234. Your job will be much easier in case you will learn the trick.

will learn ->learn

316. It is about time we will leave for the airport.

will leave->left/should leave

245. His father will leave for Paris by the time you get back home.

will leave->will have left

308. If the sun were to rise in the west, I will not change my mind.

will not->would not

093. Income taxes will raise to help relieve the dualism in income.

will raise->will be raised

251. She will read this book four times if she reads it once more.

will read->will have read

486. It is necessary that you will realize that reading is a mental process.

will realize->(should) realize

231. You had better stay home till the rain will stop completely.

will stop->stops

725. You should bear in mind that slow and steady win the race.


202. He is proud of winning the gold medal in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

winning ->having won

402. Sometimes a problem occurs in an area with that you are not any familiar.

with that->with which

174. It is impossible with the government to create 500000 jobs a year.

with the government->for the government

393. He attempted to renew the project with which I had been engaged for years.


791. They will finish the work without removing a single tree in no way.

without , no 중복부정

248. She won beauty contests twice before she became president of the company.

won->had won

326. I wish I worked harder when I was young.

worked->had worked

118. All 26 pilots belonging to the union may refuse working today.

working->to work refuse to work ( 준동사 toR)

321. He suggested to her that they would go to the park together.

would go->go / should go

309. If he had taken my advice then, he would have been alive now.

would have been->would be

307. If you should change your decision, no one would have blamed you.

would have blamed->would blame/will blame

314. Should a fire break out, I would have jumped down.

would have jumped->would jump / will jump

279. The government finally accepted the proposal that the school would not be closed.

would not be closed->not be closed/ should not be closed

280. We would not rather tell anybody she didn't attend class.

would not rather->would rather not

300. We would rather ask him for help last week.

would rather ask->would rather have asked

310. If the war had not happened, he would still have lived on the farm.

would still have lived->would still live

313. He would walk out of the job, had he needed no money.

would walk->would have walked

769. So angry was several readers that they demanded a refund on the book.


504. Karen yet hasn't finished cleaning up the house.

yet 은 not 뒤나 문미

762. Only if you can solve this problem you will be admitted.

you will -> will you

257. On winning the game a special bonus was given to him.

문두 동명사 구문의 의미상 주어가 주절의 주어와 일치하는 지 점검 he got a special bonus or he has given a special bonus

215. After leaving his office, the accident happened.

문두 준동사 구문 의마상 주어 일치 he had the accident

218. Having been deceived by him before, he is untrustworthy.

문두 준동사 구문 의마상 주어 일치 we can't trust him

213. To keep early hours, a great effort is needed.

문두 준동사 구문 의마상 주어 일치 we need a great effort

214. On hearing the news, tears began to shed from her cheeks.

문두 준동사 구문 의미상 주어 일치 she began to shed ters

671. It was too boring a book to read it.

문미의 it 삭제

672. That is a very hard question to answer it.

문미의 it 삭제

673. The parade was fascinating to watch it.

문미의 it 삭제

674. At the party, there were so many guests for him to speak to them.

문미의 them 삭제

003. Which high school did you graduate?

문장의 앞이나 끝에 from을 써야 함

041. My brother was stolen of the watch on his way home.

사람은 rob, 사물은 stole ( was robbed of)

040. A highwayman robbed the traveler`s money.

사람은 rob, 사물은 stole (stole)

216. Running along the street, my nose felt frozen.

주절을 i felt nose frozen으로 고쳐야함 문두 준동사 구문 의마상 주어 일치

217. Written in Russian, he has no difficulty in reading the book.

주절을 the book was not difficult for him th read등으로 고쳐야함 문두 준동사 구문 의미상 주어 일치

595. Some furnitures were burned during the fire last night.

Some furnitures were->some furniture was

641. Students of our school went on a picnic.

Students->the students

610. Scientists are beginning to understand new genetic informations.


362. You can`t really talk without your tongue, and neither you can wit your tongue bitten.

You can->can you

474. Your both hands are too dirty with mud.

Your both hands->both your hands

417. This is the house where the musician was born in.

in 삭제

461. The walls of the new building are two inch thick.


462. The PDP on display has a 120 inches screen.


382. Although leaving in the refrigerator, the pastry lost its flavor.

Although leaving->although ( it was ) left

653. A brave man as he was, he hestitated to do it.

A brave man->brave man

458. A few hundreds are supposed to stage a large-scale demonstration.

A few hundreds are->a few hundred are

354. A great hero as he was, his married life was unhappy.

A great hero->great hero (무관사로 서야)

650. A great scholar as he is, he is lacking in common sense.

A great scholar->great scholar

467. A record amount of Jews are being elected to Congress in Washington.

A record amount of Jews ->a record number of jews

312. Have UN forces not intervened, a full-scale war might have erupted.


204. Having been lost the purse, she cannot buy the book she wants.

Having been lost -> having lost

223. All things considering, this plan is too untimely.

All things considering->all things considered

454. Almost cheese contains much fat.

Almost ->most

455. You left just when I needed you almost.

Almost ->most

353. Foolishly as it may sound, I enjoy sitting up late at night.


333. For he worked hard all day long, he must be failed.

For->because, since, as 중 하나

690. "Will he be able to pass this examination?" "I`m afraid so."

I`m afraid so->I hope so / I'm afraid not

377. If only using sensibly, money can buy you some happiness.

If only using->if only ( it is ) used

186. If using wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency, and happiness.

If using -> if used

346. I wonder if or not they will support us in that matter.

If->wheter 또는 or not 문미

345. If he will attend the meeting remains to be seen.


484. We are really difficult to satisfy our boss.

It is really difficult for us to satisfy our boss

187. Seeing from a distance, the rock looks like a human race.


605. Only if he tries harder, he may become Shakespeare.

Shakespeare->a shakespeare

579. Marlowe`s plays are not so highly regarded as Shakespeare.

Shakespeare->shakespeare's plays

765. "I still haven`t finished the work." "So do I."

So do I->neither have I / I haven't, either

170. Taken this medicine everyday, he will recover soon.


476. The both management and union were under pressure to reach an agreement.

The both ->bot the

687. They who have command of the seas will have control of the world.

They->those/the ones

626. This orange`s taste is really delicious.

This orange`s taste->the taste of this orange

662. Nobody volunteered for the task except Tom and I.

Tom and I->tom and me

311. Was it not for his injury, he could play in the field.


340. What she is worried about losing her job seems untimely.

What->that that + 완전문장

711. What do you prefer, a window seat of an aisle seat?


381. While drive to work, I had a slight accident.

While drive->while ( I was ) driving

378. While waited outside, I began to feel strangely nervous.

While waited->while ( I was) waiting

372. While yur absence, a Mr. Smith came to see you.


664. Whomever you are, you should show us your ID card.


185. Writing in great haste, the book has many misspellings.

Writing -> written

034. The study says that the so-called Per3 gene influences upon sleeping patterns.

influences upon -> influences ( = has influence upon)

796. If you try a little harder, and ou will get a promotion.

if , and 둘중 하나 생략

380. These pills will prove really efficacious, if taking everyday.

if taking->if (they are) taken

331. If you walk straight along this road, and you will find a bridge.

if 또는 and 삭제

452. The Harry Potter books are the most imaginable kids` stories.


449. The company has been trying every means imaginary.


022. She grew impatiently with his constant excuses.

impatiently -> impatient

278. All the villagers strongly suggested that he store improves its service.

improves->improve/ should improve

478. The outcome has been shockingly one-sided in the two last elections.

in the two last elections->in the last two elections

421. Would you let me know the building which she is working.

in which she is working

422. You had better purchase a house which you can feel comfortable.

in which you can feel comfortable

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