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What example(s) in the movie are there that illustrate the Daoist concept of wu-wei​ (effortless action)?

"In the pursuit of learning, ones does more each day; In the pursuit of the Way, one does less each day; One does less and less until one does nothing. One does nothing yet nothing is left undone." (Daodejing Ch. 48) The Butcher from Zhuangzi Ch. 3: "Perception and understanding have come to a stop and spirit moves where it wants. I go along with the natural makeup, strike in the big hollows, guide the knife through the big openings, and follow things as they are." Forest states "I just felt like running"

How are the concept of emptiness of self and openness to experience illustrated in Forrest Gump?

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get."

What is faith hermeneutics

(Confucius) reading the text to uncover the true value by examining the reasons and justifications for one's claim

The Concept of Goodness

(Confucius)- ren. it is the highest virtue, deep connection between this and happiness. happiness requires loving relationships, if one does not have goodness, one cannot love someone, if one cannot love someone they cant have a loving relationship, if no goodness no happiness

concept of anti-fatalism

(Mozi) 1. Mohists believed that fatalism- the idea that our lives are determined by destiny or fate lead to laziness . So they argued against fatalism

the three most prominent western ethical theories and their ideas

(Mozi) 1. consequentialism- an action should maximize the best consequences 2. deontology- an action should accord with moral principles 3. virtue ethics- focus on the moral character of the person and the cultivation of virtues (confucianism) 4. Ethics of care- caring relationships are at the heart of moral life (confucianism)

concept of impartial caring

(Mozi) universal love teaches that we should promotes the good of everyone equally without preference for our family friends and country

Distinction between metaphysics and epistemology.

(Zhuangzi) Metaphysics is the study of the ultimate nature of reality Epistemology is the study of human beliefs, knowledge, and understanding

The differences between: Metaphysical Realism, Conceptual Relativism, and Knowledge Skepticism.

(Zhuangzi) Metaphysical Realism is the idea that the Dao exists independent of our minds and constitutes ultimate reality, the deep patterns, and structure of the world Conceptual Relativism is the idea that all of our beliefs arise from our outlook, and are a reflection of our own perspective Knowledge Skepticism is the idea that we cannot have full knowledge about the true nature of reality or Dao. Human minds and language only provides us with limited access to reality, so we can have partial access.

Concept of Subject-Relativism of Goodness.

(Zhuangzi) Takes what is good or bad as relative to the individual or party in question.

what are the two elements of one thread

(confucius) 1. Hong- dutifulness in carrying out a ritual 2. shu- the sympathetic understanding. an ability to enter the perspective of another with a sense of care for the person.

the four functions of ritual practice.

(confucius) 1. express basic human emotions 2. bind family, friends, and community together 3. provide a recognizable social context for expressing positive emotions towards others (bow, handshake) 4. provide a narrative structure to human life: birthdays graduation

concept of ethical partiality

(confucius) 1. the view that we ought to care more about those with whom we have great attachments, we have stronger obligations to those who we have intimate ties

the concept of wu-wei (effortless action)

(confucius) Effortless action, it marks out a state of harmony in which ones life is integrated and ones desires are in harmony with one's actions. In poiltics, it refers to the mode of ruling thru virtue in which the morally perfected ruler leads the people to also become virtuous thereby creating a flourishing state.

The concept of virtue

(confucius) a kind of moral, charismatic power that allows an individual to act, think, and feel appropriately and draws others to emulate their goodness

what is the difference between classical liberalism and political perfectionism?

(confucius) classical liberalism-the proper aim of gov is the protection of individual rights political perfectionsim- the proper aim of the gov is a substantive conception of the good life, which includes the certain fundamental goods

what is hermeneutics of susipicion

(confucius) reading the text to uncover why an author is making certain claims by identifying certain hidden motivations

the concept of ritual propreity

(confucius) refers to both the ritual activities and the virtue of ritual propriety social activities both large and small that bind the communities together. (funeral, wedding...)

the concept of learning

(confucius) refers to the process of moral development involving the internalization of the classics and rituals

virtue ruler hypothesis

(confucius) the state will flourish if and only if the ruler is virtuous

the concept of filial piety

(confucius) virtue that directs one toward the good of ones parents

what is yijing

(daodejing) central ancient chinese cosmological text, book of changes deeply influenced the worldview embedded in chinese culture

distinction between natural and acquired desires

(daodejing) natural- simple and natural desires acquired- accumulate thru social and cultural influences

the concepts of yin and yang

(daodejing) opposite, yet complementary fundamental forces in the world, all things rely on both for their existence. not a dualism that splits yin and yang as warring forces like good and evil. Highlight the continous flux of human life and centrality of change. Yin negative moon dark earth passive SLEEP and yang- positive, sun light and heaven WAKE

the field analogy

(daodejing) the dao is like an empty, natural field you come by in the winter when there is emptiness and tranquility, when you come back in the spring you notice blooming flowers, grass and various growths, like the Dao the field lines in the background, unnoticed but is really the source of life. the field acts through non action (wu wei) without seeking praise in humility

the concept of mysticism

(daodejing) the view that there is a form of knowledge that cannot be fully expressed in words but carries significant value.. experience of god, sublime beauty in nature

the names of the four moral sprouts and virtues

(mencius) Compassion→ Benevolence Disdain→ Righteousness Deference→ Propriety Approval or Disapproval→ Wisdom

the distinction between psychological egoism and ethical egoism

(mencius) psychological egoism- the psychological thesis that every human action aims at ones own self interest ethical egoism- the normative thesis that every human action should or ought to aim one's own self interest

The main point of the child and the well

(mencius) if someone saw a child about to fall into a well anyone in such a situation would have a feeling of alarm and compassion and want to help the kid

concept of eudaimonia

(mencius) it is the ancient greek term for human flourishing or well being. it is about ones life as a whole and relfection on eudaimonia requires thinking about your life's structure and point. by organizing your life

the concept of qi

(mencius) the kind of energy or aura we draw from our environment which we can also cultivate and put out into the world, people who have this kinda electricity or about the way we can draw good vibes from a beautiful day.

the heart mind

(mencius) the source of all ethical inclination as well as thought and emotion

the drowing baby thought experiment as an objection to psychological egoism

(mencius) you come across a baby drowning in shallow water, before you save it, you are offered the save the baby or take a red pill that will make u believe that the baby was saved and that will give you the deepest happiness for the next 10 years. Mencius goes against Yang Zhu by offering an alternative picture of human nature that contains certain moral desires and inclinations.

what are the 5 central themes of confucianism

1. happiness the everyday world- everyday activities and practices provide the central consistuents of a happy life 2. Revivalistic traditionalism- a movement to effect positive social change in the present by resdiscovering the deep meaning of texts of past 3. family and differentiated caring- the doctrine that one has stronger moral obligations toward and should have stronger emotional attachment to family... 4. ritual and functionalism- rituals and rites ethical cultivation- (learning)- internalizing the actions thoughts and feelings of those who are virtuous.

Three practical lessons from Zhuangzi.

1.Freedom comes from the power to detach from ourselves and the environment. 2.A key to a flourishing life is in the ability to adapt to circumstances. 3. Your attitude deeply shapes your values, beliefs, and level of happiness.

What century did mencius live in

4th century BCE follower of Confucius.

what century did Confucius live in

551-479 BCE

What is Forrest Gump's mother's attitude toward dying?

A part of life

Confucius' view on punishment

Anti-punishment- he says if u punish people for wrongdoings then normal people will still be evasive and have no sense of shame, but if u lead with virtue they will feel bad and then feel shame. Virtue- centered governance- the view that rulers should govern by virtue and ritual, rather than law and punishment

The outside-in direction of moral development. Xunzi

Because human nature is bad, Xunzi believes moral transformation is an outside-in process Morality is imposed on us from the outside through rule-enforcement, education, and broader culture

The similarities and dissimilarities between Confucian ethics and care ethics.

Both Confucian ethics and care ethics takes care, or ren, as fundamental for a moral life. However, Confucianism developed under a patriarchal society with a rigid hierarchy. This idea questions the scope of Confucian care, as it relates to feminist schools of thought. Standard Contemporary Western View: Societies are based on contracts and the protection of individual rights. Non-Western (Confucian) View: Societies are like a family and are based on reciprocal relationships, mutual concern, and responsibility. Jonathan Haidt and his colleagues have argued for what is now called the Moral Foundations Theory, which takes morality as consisting in 5 or 6 basic moral values including: (1) care/harm, (2) justice/fairness, (3) in-group/loyalty, (4) authority/respect, and (5) purity/sanctity. Contra care ethics, Moral Foundations Theory claims that there are a wider variety of moral values that play a fundamental role in our moral beliefs and attitudes.

Chengyang Li's main argument that care is not a "feminine" ethical characteristic.

Confucian ethics of care was created by men, so it is not a purely feminine construct. He also argues that Confucian care ethics is not a result of colonization, since it did not stem from a colonial society.

Why Han Feizi was against the Confucian emphasis on virtue-cultivation.

Confucianism relies on the virtuousness of rulers and people to generate social change. But moral development is exceedingly hard and very few achieve it: "the people are stupid, dull, corrupt, and lazy..."

The Confucian objection to non-moral power and Han Feizi's response

Confucians would say that for a ruler to be good, then they must be virtuous for the law to be effective. Han Feizi would argue that it is the effectiveness of law, and not the ruler that maintains social order.

The distinction between learning for oneself and learning for others.

Confucius distinguishes "learning for oneself" from "learning for others." (Analects 14.24) One should learn for oneself rather than for good reputation or social status. Similarly, we should act respectfully for its own sake: not just because it's a way to become well-liked.

the basic features of the daoist de (power)

De, virtue or power translation, application of the dao to human affairs, possessing and actualizing de, one follows Dao Kind of moral and spiritual power allows one to live according to nature, which for the daoists include all living things, environment and heaven expressed in humility and takes the lower position

Zhuangzi's view on death.

Death forms a unity with life, and a person simply becomes a part of that unity in dying. Death is not negative, and is merely a truth of life-There are no improper time to die. Death is a part of the cycle of nature. Argument for the value neutrality of death I am simply a part of the unified whole from the perspective of the Dao. In death, I simply transform to become another part of the unified whole. What I become is neither worse nor better than what I am now. So: death is neither better or worse for me.

The qualities of an effective ruler. Han Feizi

Empty and still: responds properly to new situations Conceals his plans and intentions Maximally non-interventionist

Outline of Zhuangzian program for happiness.

Engage in therapeutic skepticism by looking at the world from various perspectives. Realize that each view is limited and that we cannot fully access reality Embracing a. Leads to a more detached, or Heavenly, perspective Always have this perspective as a tool for carrying out ordinary tasks with passion and focus

The main concepts of care ethics.

Ethics of care was created by Carol Gilligan, as a critique to Kohlberg's hierarchy of moral development. The general thesis is that men are more oriented towards abstract ideas such as impartiality and individual rights, while women are more inclined towards situationism, empathy, and care.

The final (major) objection to Han Feizi from a Confucian point of view. (Why even if Han Feizi's vision was realized it would lead to an impoverished society.)

Even if Han Feizi is fully successful in implementing effective laws and a strong political system, without the Confucian virtues, people would only be externally motivated. They wouldn't be genuinely good and act out of real concern, respect, or generosity. Such a society would be morally impoverished and seems less than satisfying.

Han Feizi. Penal law (fa​ ​).

Fa is central to organizing society, with clear laws, rewards and punishments, as central to good governance. Law must be: Easy to understand Must be publicly observable Consistent Backed by substantial rewards for obedience and heavy punishments for violation

How Han Feizi's view is similar and dissimilar to Xunzi and Confucian thought more generally.

He agreed with his teacher that people are bad, but disagreed with the effectiveness of moral cultivation.

the difference between Hobbes and Mozi on the state of nature

Hobbes- a time people will have lives that are solitary, nasty and short. Believes chaos int he state of nature arises from purely self interested drive toward self preservation and attaining scarce resources. to get out of the state of nature, we move to make a binding promise to obey a sovereign authority and a unified system of laws known as a social contract Mozi- believes chaos in the state of nature arises from clashes between ppl due to diff conceptions of norms. To get out of the state of nature, we must find a virtuous leader to become the son of heaven to unify the diverging norms.

the Wheelwright (zhuangzi)

If I chip at a wheel too slowly, the chisel slides and does not grip; if too fast, it jams and catches in the wood. Not too slow, not too fast; I feel it in the hand and respond from the heart, the mouth cannot put it into words, there is a knack in it somewhere which I cannot convey to my son and which my son cannot learn from me. This is how through my seventy years I have grown old chipping at wheels. The men of old and their untransmittable message are dead. Then what my lord is reading is the dregs of the men of old, isn't it? Skillful activity involves a "know-how": a knowledge of how to carry out the skill that cannot be fully captured in language. Skillful activity involves focus and concentration, and knowing how and when to act. There is a guiding spirit to skillful activity that makes one engrossed in the activity, "outside distractions melt away."

The power of position (shi​ ​). (Han Feizi)

Is the power of a ruler to enforce their position within their status. This power comes from the effectiveness of law, as opposed to virtue.

the political orientation of the daodejing

Isolate and simplify, to achieve social peace and harmony, we should aim for primitive agriculture life style in small communities, confucianism and mohism are misguided in the pursuit of cultural refinement, virtues, and material profit

Why John Locke thought that the basic desires for esteem and good reputation was so important. Confucius's challenge to Locke. (Connected to issue of creating a civil society.)

John Locke thought that the virtue of civility was important to cultivate. Desire for esteem and good reputation are important to curtail basic inclinations to acquire power. Confucious' criticism is that Locke does not intrinsically value civility and moral cultivation, so he reduces that virtue and care to political gain and instrumental values. Locke believes that we can use the basic desires for esteem and reputation to cultivate the virtue of civility which combats anti-social passions such as resentment and envy.

Why Han Feizi was against the Confucian emphasis on tradition.

Laws and governance should not be based on tradition, because current events should be taken into consideration. Confucianism draws on tradition and past teachings, but societies and environments can change, thereby rendering past strategies ineffective. What worked in the past may no longer work.

Xunzi and the priority of moral self-cultivation.

Moral goodness or virtue ought to be the organizing pursuit or end of our activities "One whose Greatest concern is for the way and righteousness will take lightly kings and dukes. It is simply that when one examines oneself on the inside, external goods carry little weight." "The gentleman makes things his servants. The petty man is a servant to things

Chengyang Li's distinction between moral principle and its application.

Moral reasoning operates under a specific context, and this must be accounted for in ethical decision making. There is a rejection of universal care, since care should be based on the nature of the relationship.

Why objective standards are important. Han Feizi

Objective standards will prevent favoritism and corrupt practices.

The Two Handles of Governing. Han Feizi

Punishments and rewards

Value of Ritual for Xunzi.

Similar to Mohists, provides a state of nature argument but takes ritual as the key to social harmony Rituals establish proper order and hierarchy. Given the scarcity of resources this allows for social stability(elders speak or eat first) Rituals reshape human motivations so that one doesn't simply aim to satisfy one's self-interested desires

The core idea behind John Locke's social contract theory.

State-craft vs soul-craft Defends a social-contract theory: justification of the state by appealing to the implicit agreement to uphold a social contract. For a flourishing society we must develop the virtue of civility.

Mozi's caretaker argument for impartiality

Suppose u must leave ur family to fight in war, u can either leave ur parents wife and children to a partial person to leave them to an impartial person. the impartial person would care more for ur loved ones, so u should leave them to an impartial person, prefer impartial people over partial people.

Han Feizi. Administrative methods (shu​​).

Techniques and strategies for the facilitation of administrative methods. One key idea is to limit the power of officials and maintain a clear and well-organized institutional systems. This would limit the possibility of favoritism (or personal vendettas) impeding fair processes.

What is the name of the central text that contains the idea of Confucius

The Analects

The Butcher: (zhuangzi)

This skill story captures several core themes of Daoism. We must flow with the Heavenly patterns and find ways of maneuvering around the world flexibly, adapting to our situations. Life is full of challenges, sometimes very difficult ones, and during those times effort and concentration is necessary. Even in ordinary activities like butchering, one can access the Way.

Xunzi's craft metaphors and their connection to his view on human nature.

Uses these to describe human nature There are no intrinsically good inclinations in human Contrast with Mencius's agricultural, sprout metaphors Human nature does not have an internal principle of morality or "sprouts" Human nature, while hard and resistant to change, can be made good through a long process of self-cultivation

Xunzi's view on social distinctions.

Xunzi claims that distinctions are created by us, but are necessary for human life (Zhuangzi) Ex: elder/younger, teacher/student, parent/child, referee/player, virtuous/vicious Morality makes humans distinct from other animals

Xunzi's view on human nature.

Xunzi disagrees with Mencius about human nature and is connected to a number of questions: What is the source of human goodness? What is the source of human badness? How do we become good? Believes HUMAN NATURE IS BAD

Concept of incrementalism.

Xunzi, Setting incremental goals for the sake of larger, overarching goals Ex: you want a high test score so you find 15 minutes to study whenever possible Keeping in mind the larger goal is important

Deliberate Effort (wei​ ​) and desire.

Xunzi, Xunzi believed we can override our desires through deliberate effort (wei) Ex: you really want to just stay in bed but you make a "deliberate effort" to do what you think is right: get dressed and head to class.

Similarities and differences between Mencius and Xunzi.

Xunzi→ human nature is BAD Craft metaphors show we need to be shaped into good, moral beings Mencius→ human nature is GOOD Moral sprouts cultivate into virtues with proper environment

Distinction between knowing that and knowing how.

Zhuangzi. Knowing that is about propositions and facts, whereas knowing how is to perform a skill such as juggling or playing the piano.

Concept of Perspectivalism.

Zhuangzi. Our minds shape our perceptions of good and evil, so the outside world does not entirely determine our viewpoints. Our views and attitudes greatly impact and shape our view of the world, ourselves, and others.

the nature of wu-wei in daoism

a form of action that is unselfconscious and flows freely. it involves what philophers call knows how like knowing how to ride a biker rather than propositional knowledge. key concept for flourishing life mode of human action that is natural and spontaneous actions accord w dao and shows de they should not be considered as literally doing nothing, but acting in a way that flows with and does not impede the natural processes of the dao or nature

dao as a non being

all things in the world come from being and being comes from nonbeing, beings are things w definite shape and form, dao is elusive shapeless and inactive

Mozi's attitude toward Confucian ritual

anti-ritual. mohists were deeply critical of many confucian rituals such as funeral rites or musical ceremonies

dao is ineffable

as for the way, it is vague and elusive. withdrawn and dark, since the dao transcends all sense experience and human categories it cannot fit into our conceptual scheme

which ethical theory does Mohism fall under


dao is nameless

dao is forever nameless, only when it si cute are there names, as soon as there ar enames one ought to know that it is time to stop. what are the function of names ?

mencius criticism of mozi as endorsing "two roots"

david nivison's two roots of mohism 1 the natural love humans have for their family members that gradually spread outward. 2. a doctrine of universalization to impartially care about everyone - mencius argues that the second source of universalization is against our nature and will lead to disorder - the first source of natural familial affection can be gradually extended and so that is already sufficient to cover our ethical responsibilties -since the second source is against our nature, itll incline us to disorder and confusion - the second source might undermind the first source

Daodejing account of living authentically

ethical ideal is the recovery of one's nature by reconnecting w one's more basic desires living authentically according to Daoism is living according to the natural, unsocialized, spontaneous desires Confucianism's problem is that is strives for deliberate cultivation through culture and education, resulting in an artificial mode of life

opposites as a central theme of daoism

harmony and balance arise from the oppositional, complementary forces (yin and yang) like winter and spring, predator and prey

which mythical figure is the daodejing attributed to


the ox mountain passage as an explanation of human badness

mencius argues that if humans are naturally good, why are so ppl bad? mencius believed without adequate nurture and good social environment human effort, the sprouts will not develop and could even be destroyed

mencius on the path toward becoming a great human or a petty human

mencius distinguishes petty vs great humans. We become petty humans by becoming preoccupied by lesser goods (sex money) but become a great human by using our hearts to reflect on the importance of virtue.

daoism criticism of confucianism

mohism focuses wrongly on the profit, cut off cleverness, abandon confucianism has faulty conceptions of the virtues- cut off benevolence, artificially created virtues that undercut the natural spontaneous form of life when the way is abandoned there is benevolence when wisdom come forth there is hypocrisy when the six familial relationships are out of balance, there are kind parents, when the state is in turmoil, there are loyal ministers

Mozi account of state of nature and what is demonstrates

standards of evaluating doctrine- conformity to heavenly will, conformity to the teachings of sage kings, sensory evidence.

dao is empty and yet its function is inexhaustible

the way is like an empty vessel no use could ever fill it up, vast and deep, deep and clear

dao generates and sustains the world

the way produces them, virtue rears them, things shape them. circumstances perfect them, and so the way produces them and virtue rears them; raises and nurtures settles and confirms them, nourishes and shelters to produce without possessing

the three central goods of mohism

weath, populousness, social order

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