Philpot GOV 312L Exam 2

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Phases on non-white groups in the media

1) Exclusionary Phase- people of color are absent; signals that they are irrelevant 2) Threatening Issue Phase- minority group is depicted as a threat; rising fear 3) Confrontation Phase- open conflict between good vs the evil minority group; US way of life overcomes threat to social disorder (ex. cowboys vs Indians, Westside Story) 4) Stereotypical Selection Phase- shows that the enemy is now put in their place and harmless due to their negative stereotypes; threat is turned into caricature which relieves the audience's anxieties 5) Multicultural Phase- robust depiction of multiple racial groups; ideal; allows audience to think about then outside of stereotypical characterization

Phases of Black Images in Films

1) Plantation Genre (1915-1965)- reimaging of slavery as necessary and good; fantasized plantation life; (ex. Gone with the Wind, Song of the South) 2) Contemporary Revisionist Image of Slavery- portrays racial power dynamic without portraying all of slavery (ex. The Toy) 3) Blaxploitation Films (1969-1974)- Hollywood remakes independent black films; featured central black figures fighting "the man" (white supremacy); Afro-centric; depicted what was happening in the latter part of the Civil Rights Movement (ex. Sweet Sweet Bad Ass Song) 4) Hollywood Conservative Backlash Films (1975-1989)- complete absence of African Americans in films due to backlash mainly to LBJ's Great Society programs 5) The Resurgence of Black Films (1990s)- emergence of black directors; usually depicted black urban life; war on drugs brought back these films to combat the stereotypes (ex. Spike Lee, John Singleton, Do the Right Thing)

Breakthroughs in advertising (Book)

1) civil rights movement and protests 2) advertisements started to target blacks and latinos, seeing them as potential consumers for mainstream products as well as ethnic products 3) fundamental change in advertisers' thinking; started to target specific audiences rather than broadest audiences

Types of Articles Covering Mexicans (Book)

1) favorable- emphasized the area's tradition and Mexican culture; brave images of Mexicans 2) unfavorable- delinquency and crime; Mexicans seen as a public burden 3) neutral- not identified as Mexican in the article 4) negative-favorable- states but refuted accusations against Mexicans 5) Zooter theme- Mexicans=zoot suit dress= crime, sex, violence, gangs

Native American Coverage (Book)

1) zoo stories- show powwows and festivals that make it seem like the Natives are frozen in the past with little connection to modern times 2) problem people stories- show natives as overburdened by problems or the source of problems

US Commission on Civil Rights

1. TV must be neutral and unbiased 2. TV is powerful in its ability to change the minds of people about people from different backgrounds 3. FCC to regulate broadcasting to ensure minority representation 4. representation of women and minorities would improve if they were hired in key decision-making positions 5. set standard for the analysis of the demographics of TV

Integrated Advertising

1. doesn't adversely affect sales or image of the product among whites 2. integration positively affects sales among minorities ---> advertisers reduced negative stereotypes and targeted mainstream products toward minority communities ---> companies financially support minority groups that consume their products (sponsorship of community events) 3. growth and success of target marketing By the end of the 1970s, ads were more integrated than TV programs Colored celebrities have "cross-over appeal" The decision to incorporate more colored people in in ads was entirely profit driven

Asian Americans in Advertising

1. images restricted to science and technology, business ads, work setting rather than family setting --> reinforces model minority 2. advertisers need to readjust because losing out on big consumer group 3. images of Asian Americans still limited Immigration influx is what has changed ads; Asians (especially Japanese) were very stereotyped

Problems with Depictions of Native Americans

1. lumps all Natives together, even though there are 2000+ tribes and cultures 2. Little character development and background history 3. Neither Old Custerism nor New Custerism talk about the consequences of the conflicts between whites and Natives

Why Look at Advertising?

1. mass media created to sell advertising 2. TV commercials are leading cultural indicators of what is acceptable in society 3. creators of TV ads are experts in society's cultural values and taboos (good indicators of racial climate; images parallel what we see in entertainment media) 4. minority images in ads are created to reflect society's perceived values and norms 5. ads neutralize or make fun of the negative perceptions of racial minorities

Hutchins Commission Expectations

1. provide truthful account of day's events in a context that gives them meaning 2. serve as a forum for the exchange of comment and criticism 3. project a representative picture of constituent groups in society 4. present and clarify the goals and values of society 5. provide full access to the day's intelligence

Contemporary Issues in race and Advertising

1. skin tone (white perceived as better) 2. target marketing of harmful products in minority communities (cigarettes, alcohol, fast food)

Latinos in Media

1. underrepresented relative to their population in the US 2. depicted as just Mexicans or immigrants without any distinction that there are other types of Latinos in the media 3. images are oversimplified, emphasizing sameness

Beginning of Mexican Racism (Book)

1803- Louisiana Purchase removes vast buffer between US and Mexico As Americans moved westward, they had conflict with Mexicans 1821- Santa Fe Trail was a commercial trade route from Missouri to New Mexico; became the focal point of friction between the US and Mexico General Antonio Lopez- served as a symbol of cruelty because he massacred folk heroes; persuaded Americans to view all Mexicans as inhumane enemy Literature created many stereotypes- Jeremiah Clemens coined the term "greaser" Part of the negative attitude toward Mexicans was due to the fact that many were either full-blood Indian or mestizo

The Bronze Screen Notes

1900s- simple stories of good guys vs bad guys; greaser would kidnap the white woman Latin Americans boycotted American films due to their bad portrayal 1922- Mexican gov officially banned American movies 1920s- Latin lover phase Silent movies had no accents, so Latinos played many ethnicities When "talkies" were created, many ethnic people lost their jobs due to language barrier or accents Spanish versions of movies were shot at night; English in day During Great Depression, there was a mass deportation of Mexicans because they didn't want them taking Americans' jobs 1930s- This led to an absence of Mexicans in films during Great Depression Cisco Kid- Latino good guy; hero 1940s- Rise of Hitler made US realize it had to be nice to its neighbors, so they made more films that showed Mexicans in good light; Latin America became a fantasy land 1940s- films showed people of all ethnicities united against common foe during war; Latinos were among highly decorated war heroes 1940s- Bracero program brought Mexican laborers to tend farms while US citizens fought 1950s- Anti-communist blacklisting forced many people out of Hollywood, so they created independent films that wouldn't have passed Hollywood; depicted ethnic and class struggles; beginning of Chicano Cinema 1960s- new rise in cowboy movies; Mexicans became new blacks in film Actors: Antonio Morreno- first Latin Lover Lupe Velez- Mexican Spitfire Pancho Villa- simpleton Chico Day- first Latino behind the scenes Margarita Cansino- changed her name to Rita Hayworth and dyed her hair blonde; became American dream girl Movies: Bordertown- first movie about Mexican Americans in US society that moved back to Mexico because they couldn't survive; caution to Mexicans that that can't make it in society High Noon- showed dignified Mexican woman Border Incident- showed public about abuses of the Bracero Program

Beginning of Middle Eastern Racism (Book)

1924-65 National Origins Act ended the first wave of Middle Eastern immigration by banning non-European immigrants Media image: exotic but inferior and dangerous 9/11 caused rush to learn about Islam, and media emphasis on extremists; Three B syndrome- bombers, belly dancers, and billionaires

Diahann Carroll (Book)

1st black woman to star in her own series; Julia (1968); popular w/females everywhere; nonstereotypical nurse

Black TV

2 Major Black-owned TV networks: BET (no longer black owned; mostly music videos), TV One (focuses mostly on older age groups which means more news/reruns; fills in gaps where mainstreams falls short)

Video Games

2011 Supreme Court case made it illegal to ban violent video games for children; most loyal demographic- young males; in order for games to appeal to a broader audience, there needs to be more diversity in the work field; skewed video game market perpetuates racial and gender inequalities Statistics: over half of characters are white; almost every hero is white games for very young children are basically all white Latinos and Natives are nonexistent (except for Latinos in soccer games) Most Black males were portrayed as competitors or sports characters, while Black females were non-action characters

Articles Covering Mexicans after Zoot Suit Riots

80%-90% of Mexican themes after zoot suit riots were favorable, but the mention of "Mexican" sharply decreased, while articles involving Mexicans sharply increased zoot suit themes were 1/3 of all articles after the riots the symbol "zoot suit" was easier to hate than the term "Mexican" which had previously been romanticized

Dr Fu Manchu (Book)

A fictional evil Chinese man who embodied negative Asian stereotypes

Mass Media and Minorities

Advertisers demanded large audiences for their producers so media corporations adopted strategies to attract greatest number of people (i.e., white people) Minorities are considered fringe groups so their needs are ignored until 1960s, there were

Latino Images in Advertising

As black images improved, negative stereotyping of Latinos increased --> Brown Position Paper: charged media with perpetuating negative stereotypes of Latinos --> protests made advertisers conscious of negative Latino portrayals Examples: Chiquita Banana- Female clown,

Whitewashing (Book)Vide

All white cast; Prince of Persia, The Last Airbender; Whites get the privilege of acting as white people and other ethnicities, while other ethnicities can only play their own; whitewashing is generally camouflaged with a token person of color

Male Asian Stereotypes

Asexual Helper- lives to serve, desexualized, depicted as a man servant; Hop Sing from Bananza Nerd- model minority, would like to have a social life but has no game, inept at social skills and isn't very good with the opposite sex (ex. Long Duck Dong from 16 Candles) Mystics- holds eastern secrets, used as a plot tool for the main character to achieve some goal (ex. Mister Miyagi in Karate Kid)

Tyler Perry (Book)

Black director, actor, producer; Medea

Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan (Book)

Bruce Lee was portrayed as sadistically violent, Jackie Chan was generally comedic; shifted America's views of CHinese in 60s-70s due to interest in martial arts

Black Sexual Stereotypes

Bucks, pimps, whores- dangerous, promiscuous, animalistic (ex. Super Fly, Foxy Brown)

Female Asian Stereotypes

China Doll/Geisha Girl/Lotus Blossom- exotic but subservient, lives to please, sometimes sexualized (ex. Suzy Wong) Dragon Lady- dangerous and very sexualized, untrustworthy, seductive, manipulates men to get what she wants (ex. Lucy Liu from Kill Bill)

Beginning of Asian Racism (Book)

Chinese: Chinese immigrants came during the gold rush 1848; called coolies Whites resented Chinese because they took their jobs Denis Kearney- leader of California Workingmen Party that led anti-Chinese movement 1882- Chinese Exclusion law (led to unfilled jobs that were filled by Japanese) Japanese: Japanese people came after 1855 when Japan lifted bar on immigration 1904- Japanese military success+racism= Japanese are a threat to Western civilization San Francisco Chronicle led anti-Japanese sentiment and boycott of Japanese products Immigration Act of 1924 was targeted at Japanese

Black Images in Advertising

Civil Rights Movement targeted advertising industry for stereotyped images --> increased inclusion of Black models and reduction in offensive stereotypical --> acknowledgement of Blacks as consumers This didn't apply to other racial groups Examples: Aunt Jamima- mammy, Uncle Ben- Tom

Spanish Music

Due to immigration, Spanish language media has rapidly grown and Spanish music has become more diverse and focused Pivotal point for Spanish music: 1999; crossover success of Mark Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Julio Iglesias, Enrique Iglesias, Ricky Martin (Grammy show made him mainstream; Cup of Life- became anthem of World Cup; influenced mainstream pop)

Charlie Chan (Book)

Famous Asian American detective character in literature and film; stereotypical Chinese good guy; contributed to pro-Chinese sentiment in 1930s-40s

Birth of a Nation, 1915 (Book)

Established the thought that blacks were intellectually and morally inferior to Whites

Hutchins Commission (Commission on Freedom of the Press)

Formed during WWII, commenced by Henry Luce and led by Robert Hutchins; concerned with what the social responsibility of the media should be and whether it should be regulated

Black Newspapers

Freedom's Journal: first black newspaper; founded in 1827 in NYC; focused mostly on abolition; it was banned in south, so they had to smuggle newspapers and throw them out of trains to distribute them; acted as a source of info, organizer, mobilizer; during Great Migration, it helped give directions on where to go Black newspaper audience today: 15 million viewers, mostly online

Latina Female Stereotypes

Half-Breed Harlot- slave to desires, hyper-sexualized, sex trade; spicy, spit-fire (ex. Lupe Velez) Female Clown- caricature of the half-breed, she's the comedic foil, but also very attractive, exotic and frivolous (ex. Carmen Miranda, Chiquita Banana) Dark Lady- doesn't have an overt sexuality, unattainable, lighter complexion, aristocratic, mysterious, virginal (ex. Dolores del Rio, Maria from Westside Story) Domestic Stereotype- housekeeper, cook, servant; like Latina Mammy`

Good Native American Stereotypes

Helper- submissive, has info or goods to offer; oversimplified; not violent; helps main character achieve his goal (ex. Pocahontas) Noble Savage- honorable and brave; speaks in broken English; sidekick; can still be violent (ex. Tonto, companion of Lone Ranger, Santa Fe Railroad Chief)

Asian-American TV

ImaginAsian (2004)- multimedia; goal: to create pan-Asian media outlet and pan-Asian viewership; most of programming is in English; appeals mostly to E and SE Asians

Commonly Applied Traits to People of Color

Intellectual: preoccupation with simple ideas, inferior strategy in warfare/conflict, low occupational status, poor speech patterns/dialect, comedic foil Moral: low regard towards human life, criminal behavior, sexual promiscuity, dishonesty, drug/alcohol abuse

Asian Influences on Pop Culture

J-horror movies- Japanese version circulates and then US generally remakes it (ex. The Grudge, The Ring, Dark Water); adoption of game shows (ex. Wipeout); Gangnam style- most liked video on YouTube

Black Subservient Stereotypes

Mammy- plump, lived to serve, desexualized woman; justified the rape of black women; (ex. Mammy from Gone with the Wind) Tom- submissive, socially acceptable, servant/butler, submissive (ex. Get Out; The Help; Uncle Ben) Coons- comic relief, lazy, good-for-nothing (ex. JJ from Good Times, Jasper from Fresh Prince, Eddie Murphy)

Symbols, Stereotypes, and Mass Media

Media uses symbols and stereotypes that ignore the realities of that group; its the shorthand way of communicating with a diverse audience Headlines, characterizations, and pictures all relied on symbols and stereotypes

Native Americans in Advertising

Native Americans have protested without much improvement; invisible from advertising except in sports and cars (ex. Washington Redskins, Jeep Cherokee) --> perpetuated stereotypes

Consequences of Stereotypical Images

Negative, one-sided, or stereotypical images can reinforce racist attitudes in prejudiced audiences; can influence people's voting behavior

American Indians in Media

Old Custerism (1930-1945)- images of Native Americans change very little, depicted as bad guys, getting in the way of American dream; cowboys vs Indians New Custerism (1950s-now)- guilt over treatment of Native Americans seeps into Hollywood, more sympathetic, idealized portrayals; violence seen as self-defense and retribution but the depicting is still limited to cowboys vs. indians

community response to stereotypical images in media

Organized groups and coalitions have protested, although protests have been met with limited success (ex. NAACP protested Amos 'n' Andy, gang exploitation film committee protested Latino gang movies in 70s-80s because that was the only way Latinos were being depicted)

Executive Order Establishing Multicultural Guidelines

President Bill Clinton acknowledged that ads were stereotypical and harmful to minority 1. doesn't apply outside federal government 2. identify and take advantage of growth opportunities in multicultural markets 3. promote inclusiveness and fairness throughout the marketing and advertising process 4. require accountability and measurable results

Beginning of African Racism (Book)

Racism was already apart of Calvinism and Puritanism before those ideologies came to the New World 1619- first Africans arrive to Jamestown Reasons for justifying enslavement: 1) white represented good and pure, black represented evil and darkness 2) predetermination ideology distinguished the "elect" from the "damned" 3) idea of the "happy slave" in the South

Bad Indian Stereotypes

Sadistic Warrior- less intelligent, less moral; scalping, raping, looting

The Cosby Show (Book)

Showed that an all-black cast could be successful

The Help (Book)

Swept awards in 3/5 categories; Olivia Spencer- best supporting actress; tackled race and class issues in the American South in the 60s

Archie Bunker

TV Show "All in the Family" used comedy to call out the racial prejudices of the father Archie Bunker Prejudiced people identified more with Archie and got different messages from it, confirming selective perception Even when bigots watch shows that condemn bigotry, it tends to reinforce their beliefs

Children's Shows and Diversity

TV presented when children are most likely to watch is critical to advancing racial tolerance; children of color make up 40% of youth but are vastly underrepresented in children's shows

Spansh TV

Telemundo (owned by NBC since 2002); 18 stations, 70 affiliates; bulk of production is in Miami Univision (larger)- first Spanish language TV Station; primary production is in Miami; co-owned by Venezuelan, Mexican, and American companies

Latino Male Stereotypes

The Greaser- "the bandito"; shifty, dishonest, violent; (ex. Tony Montana in Scarface) Buffoons and Simpletons Stereotype- broken English; dishonost but too lazy or stupid to actualize their plans (ex. Cheech from Cheech & Chong, Frito Bandito) Latin Lover- suave, sensual, of Spanish descent lighter complexion, upper class (ex. Antonio Banderas as Zorro, Rudolph Valentino, Most Interesting Man in the World by Dos Equis)

Trayvon Martin case (article)

The fatal shooting of this teenager in Florida sparked controversy when the man responsible for the shooting, George Zimmerman, invoked a "Stand Your Ground" defense. Real success in covering race comes when perspectives are tempered by a clear strategy for preserving fairness and accuracy. The detail that turned the Martin case into a media tsunami was the fact that Trayvon was black, and the shooter was not. Because people want race issues to be simple, often news stories centered on race are crafted simply Journalism values/problems with covering race in the media: 1) The social justice imperative- when journalists seek to pursue social justice in their work 2) Accuracy and fuller context through diversity- when journalists of color add insight; "one of the burdens of being a black male is carrying the heavy weight of other people's suspicions"; some media figures of color felt a personal stake in the Martin case 3) The need for accurate, yet impactful coverage- most media outlets just want to be the first to break news; they can control the direction of the story by revealing info that no one else has; in the Martin case, many news outlets crossed lines to find new information; leads to fake news; one of the biggest problems in covering races is for journalists to try to "prove" that the suspect was a racist 4) Reflex- We cover issues a certain way because we've always done it that way 5) Fear- We fear being criticized for injecting race into a story, particularly if it isn't the central issue 6) Lack of History- We don't understand the community we're covering and their specific issues 7) Avoidance- The expectation that journalists of color cover the bulk of issues relating to race and other journalists cover other issues; unfair to staffers and community toughest task of a journalist- ignore perceptions and judgments; focus on the more accurate story possible "myth of life"- news defined as events which violate the myths of how we think the world should work; keeps journalists from seeing news in the every day occurrences

Target Marketing

The process of trying to make a product appeal to a narrowly defined group Groups are targeted by demographics, geographics, and psychographics

Native American Radio

There are no mainstream/big TV stations devoted to Natives Radio is highly specific; preserves language and culture; educational and informational programs; entertainment programs that target Native interests; half of licenses are held by tribal governments

Stereotypes of Incompleteness

Tragic Mulattoes- mixed origin, can pass for white, beautiful and exotic, conflicted (ex. Immitation of Life, Pinky, supposed to be black but played by white) Man-Children- adult characters that have childish tendencies/qualities such as innocence and naivete, as opposed to maturity (ex. John Coffee from The Green Mile) Sapphires/Matriarchs- women that are domineering, emasculating, mean, aggressive, always ready for a fight (ex. Esther from Sanford and Son)

Phases of Asian Americans in Film

Yellow Peril beginning with Chinese 1924 Immigration Act: halted portrayal of Japanese in film Yellow Peril resurrected - Japanese (WWII) Yellow Peril - Koreans and Chinese (after WWII) due to Korean War and Cold War Yellow Peril - Vietnamese (Vietnam War) Yellow Peril is replaced (1980s) with zen master and martial arts hero Persistent emasculation of Asian Americans

Mass communication

a society-wide communication process in which an individual or institution uses technology to send messages to a large mixed audience, most of whose members are not known to the sender; messages not specifically sent to you (ex. mass emails, network news, songs)

Bamboozled, 2002 (Book)

addressed minstrel shows and every black stereotype in a satirical way to call out the media

Advertising (Book)

ads make entertainment companies need to cater to mass audiences limits on media placed by advertisers: 1) message must not deal with special or out of the ordinary interest 2) must not deal with high level of maturity content since people are immature 3) must not deal with controversial or unpleasing or distressing content As a result, mass media: 1) ignored people of color 2) treated them stereotypically 3) avoided tough racial issues such as segregation


any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor; persuasive, goal is to get you to buy something

Psychographic targeting

combines demographics and measurements of psychological characteristics such as attitudes, opinions, and interests (ex. Cadbury gorilla ad)

Minstrel Show

began in the 1830s; white men would dress as slaves in black face; had become very famous by the civil war

Black Music

biggest black media outlet; venue for protest and communication; often been banned MoTown: founded by Berry Gordy Jr; first African owned record label (ex. Jackson Five, Commodores); first genre to include sociopolitical issues; "What's Going On" by Marvin Gay was top record in 1971 1. very carefully constructed sound 2. dance lessons, etiquette lessons, clothing tailored 3. artist development to ensure crossover appeal

Source of Racial Stereotypes

can be traced back to a historical conflict with that group

Brown Position Paper

charged media with perpetuating negative stereotypes of Latinos

Spanish Newspapers

circulation of Spanish-language has tripled and ad revenues have grown sevenfold since 1990 due to foreign policy changes and growth of Latinos in US Spanish newspapers have increased in circulation while mainstream newspapers continue to decrease in popularity Newspaper ownership: not nationally circulated; focused on community it serves, even when regarding national stories; unique to each community; more robust depiction of events and stories that actually impact the community; reporting is more middle-class focused than celebrity focused El Misisipi- First Spanish newspaper(New Orleans, 1808); pro-Spain; bilingual; discussed expansion of US, Napoleon's European conquests, and puppet government in Spain

Native American Newspapers

created to help protect the lives and land of Natives- direct result of Manifest Destiny; community centered; only feature stories directly related to them; controlled by tribal governments Cherokee Phoenix- first Native American newspaper; mission- unify the Cherokee people to protect land and spread Christianity; many were started by missionaries that sought to assimilate Natives; lasted 6 years; bilingual

Zoot Suit Riots (Book)

downtown LA attacks of American servicemen on Mexican Americans, Blacks, and Filipinos Media covered the zoot suit people as Mexicans whose dress was out of line with the nation's war effort The period before the riots, the media negatively covered Mexican Americans

Beginning of Native American Racism (Book)

early settlers described Natives as innocent, generous, handsome, noble, but primitive Initially, colonists wished to Christianize and assimilate them, but since that was impossible, they concluded that they must be removed to progress society Frederick Jackson Turner by the mid 1800s, literature had adopted the idea of the "Indian problem" Francis Bret Harte and Mark Twain used the Indian problem stereotype in their Western frontier books Stories from the frontier about Indians hurting Whites firmly established them as the enemy

Halle Berry and Denzel Washington (Book)

first African American woman to win an oscar; first time two African Americans won best actor

Billy Daniel's Show (Book)

first TV show with a Black Host

Yellow Peril

foreign other; broken English; threat to US who it is applied depends on what country US has conflict with at the time; can be a single person or a generalized group of people

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)

founded in 1922 to restore a more favorable public image for the motion picture business (to clean up Hollywood) MPAA Production Code Administration (1934) 1. all filmmakers must submit their films to review 2. restricted interracial interaction, crime, sex, and profanity 3. was around until the rating system MPAA Rating System 1. voluntary, but many theaters won't screen movies that are not rated or rated above R 2. group of 12 anonymous parents in California, nobody knows who they are or how they get selected, decide what we watch 3. ratings: G-NC-17

Asian Americans in Media

homogenized; no distinctions among cultural backgrounds

Frederick Jackson Turner (Book)

made the "frontier thesis" that said Natives were obstacles to achieving the Manifest Destiny

Demographic Targeting

measurable characteristics such as age, race, sex, income, marital status (ex. Always "Like a Girl" confidence campaign)

Geographic Targeting

measure of where people live, create advertising strategy that is organic to that geographic space (ex. Chrysler Imported from Detroit)

Asian-American Newspapers

media aimed at Asian-Americans; difficult to measure because so many different nationalities and no unifying component Golden Hills News: first Asian-American newspaper; bilingual; started in San Fran in 1854 by Protestant missionaries; addressed unfair treatment of Chinese with the California Gold Rush Current newspapers: The World Journal (Chinese; largest Chinese newspaper in US; 5 million viewers) and Korean Times (in LA, largest Korean newspaper, 43,000 viewers)

Muslims in the Media (Book)

media portrayal of Muslims has been racialized Most Muslims in the US are not from middle East "All American Muslim" showed 5 different Muslim families; Florida Family Association targeted advertisers to protest the show's portrayal of Muslims; believed they should educate America on extremists not normal Muslims; caused Lowe's to pull out ads from the show

Indigenous Media

media targeted to a particular racial/ethnic group use featured actors, language, type of message (ex. is it pro-Asian?), regional focus exists because mainstream media didn't do a good job at including racial groups or portraying them accurately; it revives an outlet for racial voices to be heard; it advocates protest and comes from a response to a crisis mainstream media preserves the status quo

Media Trends (Book)

more people are spending more time in the media, but less time in the mass media because we can choose media more specific to our preferences now media is moving from mass media to class media People pay attention to the media that pays attention to them

Kerner Commission Report

purpose- to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in urban cities; 11 person committee Findings: 1. Found that the news media had failed to analyze and report adequately on racial problems in the US 2. media's responsibility to let minorities have their voices heard 3. US is becoming two nations: a black and a white, unequal Recommendations: 1. increase number of blacks with editorial and executive responsibilities 2. media must publish newspapers and produce programs that recognize the existence and activities of blacks 3. advertisers must incorporate blacks 4. equality and balance in the news

Asian-American music

recent surge in popularity in KPop; no unique Asian-American genre or artists; only one Asian-American song to hit top 40 in 50 years- "Sukiyaki"

Rated X

same as NC-17; synonymous with excessive nudity, can also have excessive violence (Midnight Cowboy: first X rated movie to win academy award)

Mass Media

technological tools used to transmit the messages of mass communication (ex. internet, newspapers, radio, TV)

Mass Media and Mass Audience (Book)

the press is under the rules of capitalism; in the 1830s, under capitalistic forces, newspapers began to appeal to masses rather than classes Mass media's mission- find common themes, interests, and ideas among audience members; reinforced attitudes and practices of society People of color became targets of the media, not the target audience


white performers that blacked their faces and performed skits, songs, and mocked African Americans

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