Photography basics/exposure quiz

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The amount of lightness or darkness of a photograph is known as the:


A large aperture such as F2 creates a:

Shallow Depth of Field

Three factors combine to determine the correct exposure for a digital camera:

1. The amount of light that strikes the sensor APERTURE 2. Length of time the sensor is exposed to light SHUTTERSPEED 3. And sensitivity of sensor ISO 100 - bright sunny days;1600 coffeehouse, soccer under lights

What shutter speed was used to create this image?


What shutter speed was used to create this image?


What shutter speed was used to create this image?


In a low light setting such as a CRMS theatre production, band concert at night or soccer under the lights at RFHS your ISO should be set at:



APERTURE refers to the opening of the iris, or diaphragm, in the lens that can be adjusted to let more or less light hit the sensor. Aperture controls the AMOUNT of light that hits the sensor.Aperture is measured in f-stops and each stop represents a factor of two in the amount of light admitted. The pupil in your eye operates in a very similar way to the aperture in your camera. The lower the light levels (a dark room), the larger your pupil becomes to allow more light to enter your eye. For a camera you would need a larger hole in your lens (F/ 1.4). In a bright setting your pupils are smaller so less light can enter the eye. For a camera you would need a smaller hole in your lens (F/22).

The light that travels through your lens is controlled by the:



Aperture and shutterspeed work together to create a proper exposure in a given lighting situation. By the way they function, you could take several shots, each with a different aperture and shutterspeed and produce several images that all had equal exposure. Another way to look at this is that opening the lens one stop is exactly the same as decreasing (going to a slower shutter) the shutter speed by one setting; each doubles the amount of light for the exposure. Conversely, increasing the shutterspeed by one setting has the same effect on exposure as stopping down a stop to a smaller aperture.This give—and—take nature of the aperture-shutterspeed is known as RECIPROCITY, and it is is of the most effective exposure tools available to photographers.

Aperture f stops

Aperture is measured in f-stops and each stop represents a factor of two in the amount of light admitted. Aperture is measured in f-numbers, referred to as f-stops and each number represents a factor of TWO in the amount of light admitted. OPENING UP (letting in more light) a lens from f5.6 to f4 will admit twice as much light, and STOPPING DOWN (letting in less light) from f11 to f16 will cut the amount of light in half.

Good exposure is a result of the proper combination of:

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and the photographer's intention for their image

depth of field

DEPTH OF FIELD is the area of the image that appears in focus from foreground to background. The aperture is also one factor that affects the depth of field (the others are the focal length of the lens and the size of the camera sensor)

What is shutter speed measured in?

Fractions of a seconds and seconds

What are ISO camera settings and what does ISO mean?

ISO stands for International Standards Organisation and it refers to the industry norm for sensitivity of emulsion based film. HOW SENSITIVE SENSOR IS TO LIGHT In lower light settings you need a more sensitive ISO to effectively capture the image,e.g. 800. However, if you have enough light to use a lower ISO you will get a finer grain and the photo is better rendered. Always try for the lowest possible.


If an image is OVEREXPOSED, the highlights will be completely white without any tonal information. And even in Photoshop you cannot get these back. *THE IMPORTANCE OF A GOOD EXPOSURE CANNOT BE OVERSTATED.*


If an image is UNDEREXPOSED, the image will be dark and lack shadow detail. Photoshop can rescue slight exposure mistakes, no amount of Photoshop magic can save a photograph that is extremely over- or underexposed. *THE IMPORTANCE OF A GOOD EXPOSURE CANNOT BE OVERSTATED.*

What do you think is the most important concern with photography?

Light is a photographers best friend. A camera captures light by exposing its image sensor. The light captured determines the image.


SHUTTERSPEED controls how LONG light hits the sensor. The smaller the aperture, then the longer it will take a given amount of light to the sensor and this means the longer the required exposure will be. Shutterspeeds are measured in extremely small fractions of a second and speeds range from incredibly fast (1/16,000 of a second) to several seconds or even minutes.

List the main factors you might need to think about when you take a photo?

SHUTTERSPEED, ISO, APERTURE *The key to a good exposure is to strike the right balance between these three things*

The measurement for light in photography is measured in:


image sensor

The image sensor is an electric component which converts light to digital photos. Larger sensors out perform smaller sensors.

What shutter speed was used to create this image?


What aperture was used to create this image by Ansel Adams?


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