PHYS 1001 #2

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Galileo said that if you rolled a ball along a level surface it would a)slow down b)keep rolling c)roll in opposite

keep rolling

Galileo said that if you rolled a ball along a level surface it would a)keep rolling without slowing down if no friction acted upon it. b)eventually roll in the opposite direction c)roll as long as its inertia nudged it along d)slow down due to its natural tendency to come to rest.

keep rolling without slowing

According to Newton, the greater the distance between gravitationally interacting objects, the a)constancy of the force between them b)less the gravational force between them

less the gravational force between them

Consider a space probe three times as far from Earth's center as it would be at Earth's surface. Compared to at Earth's surface, its gravitational attraction to Earth at this distance is about a) one third as much b)zero c)one ninth as much

one ninth as much

A baseball weighs 1.5 N on Earth. Another type of ball weighs 1.5 N on the Moon. The ball with the greater mass is the a)same b)baseball c)other type

other type

A baseball weighs 1.5 N on Earth. Another type of ball weighs 1.5 N on the Moon. The ball with the greater mass is the a)baseball b)other type of ball c)same for each d)not enough info

other type of ball

A "weightless" astronaut in an orbiting space vehicle is a) shielded from Earth's gravational effects b)without a support force c)beyond the pull of gravity

without a support force

An object in motion tends to remain in motion a)without the need of force b)only when an external force acts on it c)due to their nature d)because of a force inside the object

without the need of a force

The net force on any object moving at constant velocity is a)zero b)less than its weight c)10 meters per second squared d)equal to its weight.


Using the formula for gravity, find the force of gravity on a 1.4-kg mass at Earth's surface. (The mass of Earth is 6×1024kg, and its radius is 6.4×106m.).


A tow truck exerts a force of 3000 N on a car that accelerates at 2 m/s2. What is the mass of the car? a)1500 kg b)500 kg c)3000 kg d)1000 kg


A rocket of mass 120000 kg undergoes an acceleration of 2.4 m/s2 .

2.9 x 10^5 N

If gravity between the Sun and Earth suddenly vanished, Earth would continue moving in a)a curved path b)an inward spiral path c)an outward spiral path d)a straight line path

a straight line path

If the mass of an object does not change, a constant net force on the object produces constant a)acceleration b)velocity. c)both of these d)none of the above


If the mass of an object does not change, a constant net force on the object produces constant a)constant b)velocity c)both of these


Which has zero acceleration? a)object at rest b)object in mechanical equal c)object moving at constant velocity d)all


If Earth's mass somehow doubles with no change in its size, and your mass remains the same, your weight a)quadrupled b)also doubles

also doubles

Knowledge can be gained by philosophical logic and also by experimentation. Which of these did Aristotle favor, and which did Galileo favor? a)aristotle favored logic b)aristotle favored experiment c)both favored logic

aristotle favored logic

Which has the greatest mass? a)automobile battery b)a fluffed up king size pillow c)a scrunched up king size pillow

automobile battery

When Galileo rolled a ball down an incline and up another incline, he found that the ball rolled nearly to a)3/4 b)initial height c)higher d)halfway

initial height

A ball is thrown vertically upward. At the top of its vertical path, its velocity is a)greater than 10m/s b)10m/s c)0 m/s d)between 0 m/s and 10m/s

0 m/s

When a baseball player hits a ball with a force of 1000 N, the ball exerts a force on the bat of a)1000N b)less than 1000N c)more than 1000N


A woman who normally weighs 400 N stands on top of a very tall ladder so she is one Earth-radius above Earth's surface. What is her weight there? a)zero b)100 N c)200N d)400N


In the textbook we learn that the cause of acceleration is given by Newton's second law: a=Fnet/m. Find the acceleration that can result from a net force of 12 N exerted on a 2.6-kg cart. (Note: The unit N/kg is equivalent to m/s2.).

4.6 m/s2

With no air resistance, a projectile fired at 50° has the same range as if it were fired at a)60 b)45 c)40


In the textbook acceleration is defined as a=Δv/Δt. Use this formula to find the acceleration of a cart on an inclined plane that gains 7.0 m/s each 1.3 s .

54 m/s2

When a 10-kg block is simultaneously pushed toward the east with 20 N and toward the west with 15 N, the combination of these forces on the block is a)5N east b)35N west c)5N west

5N east

Calculate the horizontal force that must be applied to a 0.60-kg puck to accelerate on a horizontal friction-free air table with the same acceleration it would have if it were dropped and fell freely.

6.0 N

A very massive object A and a less massive object B move toward each other under the influence of gravity. Which force, if either, is greater? a)the force on A b)the force on B c)both forces on each other are the same

both forces

To steadily (constantly) increase the velocity of something requires a a)steadily increasing force b)decreasing force c)constant net force

constant net force

To steadily (constantly) increase the velocity of something requires a a)steadily increasing force b)decreasing force c)constant net force d)none of the above

constant net force

A rock is thrown upward at 50° with respect to the horizontal. As it rises, its vertical component of velocity a)decreases b)increases c)remains unchanged


A given net force propels an object along a straight-line path. If the net force were doubled, its acceleration would a)stay the same b)double c)quadrouple d)be half


A space probe in remote outer space continues moving a)curved path b) because some kind of force acts on it c)due to gravity d)even though no force acts on it

even though no force acts on it

A space probe in remote outer space continues moving a)in curved path b)because some kind of force acts on it c)even though no force acts on it

even though no force acts on it

Science greatly advanced when Galileo favored a)non-mathical thinking b)experiment c)philosophical discussions


Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the rock tends to a)spiral inward b)follow a straight line path c)fall straight downward d)continue in a circular path

follow a straightline path

How far must one travel to completely be beyond Earth's gravity? a) to a region above the earth's atmosphere b)to a region well beyond the moon c)forget it, you cant travel that far

forget it

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects, the a)greater the force b/t them by square of the masses b)greater the gravational force b/t them c)greater the force between them by square of the distance

greater the gravational force between them

As a bowling ball that rolls off the edge of a table falls, its horizontal component of motion a)decreases b)remain constant c)increases

remains constant

Newton discovered a)gravity b)that gravity is universal c)neither

that gravity is universal

Consider a space pod somewhere between Earth and the Moon, at just the right distance so that the gravitational attractions to Earth and the Moon are equal. Is this location nearer Earth or the Moon?

the moon

An object at rest cannot remain at rest unless which of the following holds? a)The net force acting on it is zero b)The net force acting on it is constant and nonzero c)There are no forces at all acting on it d)There is only one force acting on it.

the net force acting on its zero

Compared with the mass of an apple on Earth, the mass of the same apple on the Moon is a)less b)the same c)more

the same

Consider two planets in space that gravitationally attract each other. If the mass of one planet is doubled, and the distance between them doesn't change, then the force between them is a)half as much b)four times as much c)one quarter d)twice as much

twice a much

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