(adenosine triphosphate) a type of energy needed by the body for muscle movement
(extra post-exercise oxygen consumption) the extra oxygen one receives while still breathing hard after stopping exercise
__ is/are a low impact activity.
What are the benefits of testing your heart rate during exercise?
It shows when you are performing cardiovascular exercise. It keeps you from working out too hard. It keeps you from working out at too low of an intensity. It helps you adjust your workout.
Which is true about the maximum heart rate?
It's a higher rate than the target heart rate. It's difficult to actually test. It's calculated by subtracting your age from 220.
One way to tell how intensely you're exercising is to perform the .
Talk Test
a body tissue used to store unneeded, extra energy
The total amount of blood the heart pumps in one minute is called
cardiac output
No lactic acid is being produced or removed during .
steady state
The lower your resting heart rate, _____.
the more fit you are
to widen or get larger in size
If you increase the intensity of the exercise, you can decrease the duration.
Through counting your pulse beats, you can measure how many times _____.
your heart beats in a minute.
It generally takes ___ before results are seen from cardiovascular exercise.
8-12 weekes.
The body system that most influences your blood pressure is the .
blood vessels
cardiovascular exercise
the use of the large muscles in the body to perform a continuous activity for at least ten minutes, causing the heart and lungs to work harder than they do during normal body functions, thus disbursing more oxygen throughout the body
If you exercise for an hour, at least half your time should be spent doing cardiovascular exercise.
the length of time an exercise workout lasts
__ can be a better activity type for overweight individuals.
Low impact exercise
Cardiovascular fitness can be measured by _____.
The step test.
deep breathing
benefit of high intensity exercise
How hard the blood pushes on the inside of the blood vessels is called
blood pressure
When blood vessels open wider during exercise, they are said to
How many times your heart beats in one minute is called
heart rate
the fastest the heart can be made to beat during exercise
maximum heart rate
What is it that produces lactic acid?
oxygen deficit
heart rate
the number of times your heart beats in a minute
Counting your pulse beats tells you how many times _____.
your heart beats in a minute
Your heart rate shows how many times your heart beats in _____.
1 minute
Oxygen is needed during cardiovascular exercise to make
A condition in which the person has just finished running and is still breathing hard is called .
Extra oxygen that helps get rid of the lactic acid is called
Some lactic acid in the muscles dissipates during .
When you're still breathing hard after you finish exercising, it's called
Which are true about calorie intake and energy use in your body?
Excess energy is stored as fat. Monitoring how much you eat is as important as exercise for weight control. Fat can be used as an energy source.
Cardiovascular exercise causes your lungs to breathe less often
If your muscles are not getting enough oxygen during exercise, they will stop moving
If you score above average on the cardiovascular tests, then you do not need to perform cardiovascular exercise anymore.
When you can't breathe in fast enough to get all the oxygen your muscles need, it's called
Oxygen deficit
How are the lungs made healthier during cardiovascular exercise?
The muscles around them are strengthened.
The muscles around your lungs are made stronger as you do regular cardiovascular exercise.
__ increase(s) the number of calories used in a workout.
Wind sprints
target heart rate
a heart-beat rate which, being 60-80 percent of the maximum heart rate, is fast enough to give cardiovascular benefit from exercise
How does the body increase the amount of oxygen to the muscles during exercise?
by breathing faster
the length of time the entire exercise routine lasts
low impact
exercise that does not put excessive strain or full bodily weight on the joints of the body
A longer workout is always better for your heart.
It's not important to monitor your heart rate during moderate intensity activities.
Low impact cardiovascular activity is not as good for weight loss as high impact cardiovascular activity.
Your target heart rate _____.
has a range of two numbers
Running is an example of .
high impact exercise
You burn more calories during _____.
higher intensity workouts
It's important to do cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis because it
improves your heart's stroke volume helps you lose weight lowers your blood pressure
Which of the following measurements show how difficult an exercise is?
An activity is considered cardiovascular exercise if it _____.
lasts ten minutes or longer
yo this is that the most special thing is that when we are in the school of the lord we will_____with christ.
learn a lot.
To avoid full impact on the joints, use .
low impact exercise
What are the benefits of cardiovascular exercise?
lower blood pressure increased cardiac output greater stroke volume
The talk test _____.
measures intensity levels
A condition during the exercise period when the person cannot get all the oxygen needed is called .
oxygen deficit
Lactic acid is produced in the muscles during .
oxygen deficit
depends on age, gender, and how often a person exercises
resting heart rate
The amount of blood the heart pumps out in one beat is called .
stroke volume
a quick and easy way to monitor intensity level
talk test
a heart rate range that shows if cardiovascular exercise is occurring
target heart rate
stroke volume
the amount of blood that the heart can pump in a single beat
oxygen consumption
the amount of oxygen the muscles in the body need to produce energy for movement
the difficulty of the exercise being performed
blood pressure
the force exerted on the walls of the blood vessels by the blood that moves through them
maximum heart rate
the highest number of times the heart can beat during very intense exercise
The bottom number of your target heart rate range tells you _____.
the minimum heart rate for cardiovascular exercise
resting heart rate
the number of heart beats in a minute during a period of inactivity
cardiac output
the total amount of blood the heart pumps in one minute
a brief period of fast walking during the exercise routine
wind sprint drill
Short, high intensity segments included in a workout is/are called .
wind sprints
___ are drills that always vary in intensity.
Wind sprints
Which of the following is an advantage of working out at a higher level of intensity?
You have a higher heart rate. You breathe more deeply. You burn more calories.
Talk Test
a test that measures the level of difficulty of talking while exercising
The force that can put unhealthy tension on the heart as it is pumping is called .
blood pressure
Walking drills _____.
can have varying intensity levels
Which are benefits of cardiovascular exercise?
decreases the resting heart rate makes the lungs able to fill more completely helps the blood vessels dilate more easily
high impact
exercise that puts the full weight and impact of the body on the joints
Which parts of the body are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise?
heart blood vessels lungs
Cardiac output is affected by
heart rate exercise stroke volume
If a person who rarely exercises goes to the doctor's office for a check-up, the doctor will not be surprised to find that the patient has _____.
high blood pressure.
In___ , both feet can be off the ground at once.
high impact exercise
how hard a person exercises
determining if one is still in target heart rate range
intensity monitoring
A benefit of the talk test is that it .
is easy to perform
According to the ACSM, if you exercise 30 minutes five times a week, you will _____.
maintain your weight
Lactic acid is produced mostly during the ___ phase.
oxygen deficit.
The practice of including a warm-up and cool-down when you do cardiovascular exercise
reduces the oxygen deficit reduces the lactic acid produced in the muscles helps the muscle recover more quickly
Your heart rate measurement when you are not exercising is your _____.
resting heart rate
A condition in which a person is breathing in enough oxygen to meet the body's needs is called .
steady state
When you're breathing in all the oxygen your muscles need, it's called .
oxygen deficit
the state of the muscles not receiving the amount of oxygen they need to produce the amount of energy necessary for movement
steady state
the state of the muscles of the body receiving the amount of oxygen they need to produce the amount of energy necessary for movement
wind sprints
very short, high intensity exercise segments that are included in a moderate exercise session
An oxygen deficit occurs _____.
when you start cardiovascular exercise
It's important to keep your exercise intensity within your target heart rate range so that _____.
you're performing cardiovascular exercise you don't work at too high an intensity level your heart is strengthened