Physical Science: Chapter 28.1 & 28.2

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Air cools down so begins to sink, but eventually rising air starts to push the cooler air back up. This creates _________________________ inside the cloud.

Where they originated

Air masses characteristics come from ____ ____ _____.

50% Sunlight

Amount of light Earth reflects back to Earth's atmosphere

50% Sunlight

Amount of sun's light absorbed by Earth's surface

Hot and wet

An air mass that began over Florida would be ___ ___ ___.

Latent Heat

As rain drops are formed _____ ______ released pushes the drops higher into the cloud.

Cold Front

Cold air and warm air meet coming from opposite directions & cold air pushes the warm air up very quickly; creates cumulonimbus clouds & severe storms


Cold air sinks very quickly and creates very gusty winds


Cool air from a cloud reaching Earth's surface and spreading out on the ground


Drops combine with other small drops to make bigger drops. This ______ the air around it.

Latent Heat

Energy released as heat released when water changes state from a gas to a liquid or a liquid to a solid


Hail occurs when air temperature is near ______ & ice freezes into droplets and air currents spin these droplets in a cloud

Air Mass

Large volume of air with uniform moisture and temperature throughout


Layer above troposphere containing the ozone layer (good at absorbing heat)


Layer extending about 12km above Earth's surface; weather occurs here


Layer of air surround the Earth

Stratus Cloud

Layered sheet like clouds forming below 2,00m; often associated with rain

Heats; cools down; thunder

Lightning __________________ up the air causing it to move out. This air quickly ___________________, comes back together with a large force creating ___________________________.

Greenhouse Effect

Natural process in which certain gasses in the atmosphere warm a planet as they absorb and emit infrared radiation

Occluded Front

A cold air mass passes a slower moving warm air mass; forces warm air up quickly creating cumulonimbus clouds & strong winds

Jet Stream

A narrow band of fast-moving, high altitude air that storms follow along; often occur where two air masses meet


Above mesosphere


Above stratosphere


Above thermosphere

Ozone & Greenhouse Gas

Absorb heat bounced off of the Earth

Water Vapor & Clouds

Places on Earth's surface that are warmer & have some water have air and _____________ rising forming ________ when it gets higher into the atmosphere where it is cooler

On Earth's surface

Places with _______________ are cooler than those without

Cumulus Cloud

Puffy shaped clouds that form below 2,00m; indicate good weather


Rain occurs when air temperatures _______ freezing (32 degree Fahrenheit)


Snow occurs when air temperature is ______ freezing

High Specific Heat

Takes along time for something to change temperature

78, 21 & 1

The Gas Composition in the Atmosphere is __% Nitrogen, __% Oxygen, _% Mixture

Volcanic Gases

The atmosphere was created by _________ ______.

Updraft; spiral; pressure; quickly

Tornado Formation: ___________________ begins to occur, updraft is forced into a ________________ causing a major ____________________ change. The cloud above gets sucked down due to pressure change. If cloud makes it to ground the updraft is moving so ____________________ objects get sucked up into it.


Total Height of Atmosphere is _____ km.


Transfer of heat due to contact; transfers heat form warm air to cold air on Earth

Differential Heating

Uneven heating of Earth's surface due to water's high specific heat

Cumulonimbus Cloud

Very large cumulus cloud, often known as a thunderhead

Warm Front

Warm & cold air meet while going in same direction causing warm air to move up slowly as it passes cold air; forms stratus cloud


Water can absorb large amounts of _____ before getting hot.

Differential Heating, Air Pressure & Earth's Pressure

What are some influences affecting global wind belts?

Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methan & Nitrous Oxide

What are the four gases that absorb infrared light?

Rain, Snow & Hail

What are the three types of precipitation?

Air Pressure

What force of air pushing down, thats divided by the surface area?

Coriolis Effect

What is the effect of Earth's rotation on the motion of any object?

Cold Air

Whats the type of air that has more push down on us?

Weather Front

Where do air masses interact? (where they touch)

Stationary Front

Where warm and cold air meet in opposite directions but neither pushes one out of the way; can create clouds & long period of rain or can be nice and sunny; stays in one place until different air mass pushes from another direction

Cirrus Cloud

Wispy clouds made of ice crystals that form above 6,000m

Too cold for life

Without the greenhouse effect Earth would be ___________________.

Convection; neutral; lightning

___________________ in a cloud creates separation of positive and negative charges. When differently charged particles interact to make each other ____________________, _____________________ is formed.

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