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ʺAn external pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted unchanged to every point within the fluidʺ is known as A) Pascalʹs principle. B) Bernoulliʹs principle. C) Torricelliʹs law. D) Archimedesʹ principle. E) Fermatʹs principle.

A) *Pascalʹs* principle.

The region from the origin to the elastic limit on an applied force versus elongation graph for a typical metal under tension is referred to as the A) elastic region. B) proportional region. C) plastic region. D) ultimate strength region. E) breaking region.

A) *elastic* region.

A sphere hanging freely from a cord is in A) stable equilibrium. B) negative equilibrium. C) unstable equilibrium. D) positive equilibrium. E) neutral equilibrium.

A) *stable* equilibrium.

An object is rotating with an angular momentum (4.00kg∙m^2/s)k while being acted on by a constant torque (3.00 N∙m)i. What is the angular speed of precession of the angular velocity of the object? A) 0.750 rad/s B) zero C) 1.33 rad/s D) 12.0 rad/s E) It depends on the moment of inertia of the object.

A) 0.750 rad/s

Object A has a position as a function of time given by rA(t) = ((3.00 m/s)t)i + ((1.00 m/s2)t^2)j. Object B has a position as a function of time given by rB(t) = ((4.00 m/s)t)i + ((-1.00 m/s2)t^2)j. All quantities are SI units. What is the distance between object A and object B at time t = 3.00 s? A) 18.3 m B) 34.6 m C) 29.8 m D) 3.46 m E) 15.0 m

A) 18.3 m

Two cardboard boxes full of books are in contact with each other on a table, as shown in Fig. 4 -4.Box H has twice the mass of box G. If you push on box G with a horizontal force F, then box H will experience a net force of A) 2/3 F. B) 3 F. C) 2 F. D) 3/2 F. E) F.

A) 2/3 F.

A man is holding an 8.00-kg vacuum cleaner at armʹs length, a distance of 0.550 m from his shoulder. What is the torque on the shoulder joint if the arm is held at 30.0 ° below the horizontal? A) 37.4 Nm B) 12.6 Nm C) 2.20 Nm D) 21.6 Nm E) 4.40 Nm

A) 37.4 Nm

A graph of position as a function of time is shown in Fig. 2-4. During which time interval could the object be possibly moving with non-zero constant acceleration? A) 6.1 s to 7.9 s B) 0.1 s to 1.9 s C) 2.1 s to 3.9 s D) 4.1 s to 5.9 s E) There is no interval that is consistent with constant non-zero acceleration.

A) 6.1 s to 7.9 s

Keplerʹs second law tells us that a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times. If you compare the amount of area per time swept by Earth with the one of Jupiter, you would conclude: A) Jupiter sweeps a larger area per time because it has a much larger orbital path than Earth. B) Jupiter sweeps a larger area per time because it has much more mass than Earth. C) Earth sweeps a larger area per time because it has much less mass than Jupiter. D) Earth sweeps a larger area per time because it has a much smaller orbital path than Jupiter. E) They sweep the same area per time.

A) Jupiter sweeps a *larger area per time* because it has a much *larger orbital path* than Earth.

A planet of mass M has a moon of mass m in a circular orbit of radius R. An object is placed between the planet and the moon on the line joining the center of the planet to the center of the moon so that the net gravitational force on the object is zero. How far is the object placed from the center of the planet? A) R(((M)^.5 - (m)^.5)/(M - m))(M)^.5 B) R((M - m)/(M + m))^.5 C) R((M - m)/(M + m)) D) R(((M)^.5 + (m)^.5)/(M - m))(M)^.5 E) R((M + m)/(M - m))

A) R(((M)^.5 - (m)^.5)/(M - m))(M)^.5

A ball is thrown directly upward and experiences no air resistance. Which one of the following statements about its motion is correct? A) The acceleration is downward during the entire time the ball is in the air. B) The acceleration of the ball is upward while it is traveling up and downward while it is traveling down. C) The acceleration of the ball is downward while it is traveling up and downward while it is traveling down but is zero at the highest point when the ball stops. D) The acceleration of the ball is downward while it is traveling up and upward while it is traveling down.

A) The acceleration is *downward during the entire time*the ball is in the air.

An object undergoes a displacement while being acted on by a constant force directed to the north. The work done on this object by the force is positive during the displacement. Which statement is necessarily true about the average velocity of the object during the displacement? A) The average velocity has a component toward the north. B) The average velocity is toward the south. C) The average velocity is toward the north. D) The average velocity is zero. E) The average velocity has a component toward the south.

A) The average velocity has a component *toward the north*.

A disk and a hoop of the same mass and radius are released at the same time at the top of an inclined plane and roll without slipping. Which object reaches the bottom of the incline first? A) The disk B) The hoop C) Both reach the bottom at the same time. D) It depends on the angle of inclination. E) It depends on the length of the inclined surface.

A) The disk

If the eastward component of vector *A* is equal to the westward component of vector *B* and their northward components are equal. Which one of the following statements about these two vectors is correct? A) The magnitude of vector *A* is equal to the magnitude of vector *B*. B) Vectors *A* and *B* point in opposite directions. C) Vector *A* is parallel to vector *B*. D) The magnitude of vector *A* is twice the magnitude of vector *B*. E) Vector A is perpendicular to vector *B*.

A) The magnitude of vector *A* is *equal* to the magnitude of vector *B*.

Bernoulliʹs principle is a statement of the A) conservation of energy. B) conservation of angular momentum. C) conservation of mass. D) conservation of kinetic energy. E) conservation of linear momentum.

A) conservation of *energy*.

A person sits on a freely spinning lab stool (no friction). When this person extends her arms, A) her moment of inertia increases and her angular velocity decreases. B) her moment of inertia decreases and her angular velocity increases. C) her moment of inertia increases and her angular velocity remains the same. D) her moment of inertia increases and her angular velocity increases. E) her moment of inertia decreases and her angular velocity decreases.

A) her moment of inertia *increases* and her angular velocity *decreases*.

A solid sphere, solid cylinder, and a hollow pipe all have equal masses and radii. If the three are released simultaneously at the top of an inclined plane, and roll without slipping which will reach the bottom first? A) sphere B) cylinder C) pipe D) they all reach bottom in the same time E) It depends on the angle of inclination.

A) sphere

Suppose several forces are acting upon a mass m. The *F* in *F* = m*a* refers to A) the vector sum of all the forces. B) any particular one of the forces. C) the arithmetic mean of all the forces. D) the arithmetic sum of all the forces. E) the force of friction acting upon the mass

A) the *vector* sum of all the forces.

11) Action-reaction forces are A) equal in magnitude and point in the same direction. B) equal in magnitude but point in opposite directions. C) unequal in magnitude but point in the same direction. D) unequal in magnitude and point in opposite directions

B) *equal* in magnitude but point in *opposite directions*.

If all fluid flow within a volume of fluid can be traced as streamlines, the fluid flow is A) turbulent flow. B) laminar flow. C) irrotational flow. D) incompressible flow. E) nonviscous flow.

B) *laminar* flow.

If an object is stretched beyond the elastic limit, it enters the _______ on an applied force versus elongation graph for a typical metal. A) ultimate strength region B) plastic region C) breaking region D) proportional region E) elastic region

B) *plastic* region

A person on a diet loses 1.6 kg in a week. How many micrograms/second (μg/s) are lost? A) 6.4 × 104 μg/s B) 2.6 × 103 μg/s C) 1.6 × 105 μg/s D) 44 μg/s

B) 2.6 × 103 μg/s

4) What is the product of 12.56 and 2.12? A) 27 B) 26.6 C) 26.23 D) 26.627 E) 26.6270

B) 26.6

Consider a rigid body that is rotating. Which of the following is an accurate statement? A) Its center of rotation is at rest, i.e., not moving. B) All points on the body are moving with the same angular velocity. C) Its center of rotation is its center of gravity. D) All points on the body are moving with the same linear velocity. E) Its center of rotation is accelerating

B) All points on the body are moving with the *same angular velocity*.

A block of mass M slides down a frictionless plane inclined at an angle θ with the horizontal. The normal reaction force exerted by the plane on the block is A) zero, since the plane is frictionless. B) Mg cos θ. C) Mg sin θ. D) Mg. E) Mg tan θ.

B) Mg cos θ.

The density of a solid object is defined as the ratio of the mass of the object to its volume. The dimension of density is A) [L]3/[M] B) [M][L]-3 C) [M]/[L] D) [M][L] E) [M][L][T]

B) [M][L]-3

Curve A in Fig. 14-2 represents A) a moderately damped situation. B) an underdamped situation. C) an overdamped situation. D) critical damping. E) none of the above

B) an *underdamped* situation.

A ball is released from rest on a no-slip surface, as shown. After reaching its lowest point, the ball begins to rise again, this time on a frictionless surface as shown in Fig. 10 -2. When the ball reaches its maximum height on the frictionless surface, it is A) at a greater height as when it was released. B) at a lesser height as when it was released. C) at the same height as when it was released. D) impossible to tell without knowing the mass of the ball. E) impossible to tell without knowing the radius of the ball.

B) at a *lesser* height as when it was released.

List the four fundamental forces in nature. A) gravitational, normal, kinetic friction, static friction B) gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear C) gravitational, contact, strong nuclear, weak nuclear D) gravitational, normal, tension, friction E) gravitational, electromagnetic, contact, nuclear

B) gravitational, *electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear*

The area under the curve on a Force versus time (F vs. t) graph represents A) kinetic energy. B) impulse. C) potential energy. D) work. E) momentum.

B) impulse.(change in momentum)

A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. When the mass is at maximum displacement from equilibrium, its instantaneous acceleration A) is zero. B) is a maximum. C) is less than maximum, but not zero. D) cannot be determined without mass information given. E) cannot be determined without spring constant information given.

B) is a *maximum*.

Salt water is more dense than fresh water. A ship floats in both fresh water and salt water. Compared to the fresh water, the volume of water displaced in the salt water is A) the same. B) less. C) more. D) Cannot be determined from the information given.

B) less.

When you blow some air above a paper strip, the paper rises. This is because A) the air above the paper moves slower and the pressure is lower. B) the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure is lower. C) the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure remains constant. D) the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure is higher. E) the air above the paper moves slower and the pressure is higher.

B) the air above the paper moves faster and the pressure is *lower*.

What does the word ʺnormalʺ mean in the phrase ʺnormal forceʺ? A) the total force exerted by a surface B) the component of the force exerted by a surface perpendicular to the surface C) the component of the force exerted by a surface parallel to the surface D) the force that is usually exerted by a surface E) the force is due to contact between two objects.

B) the component of the force exerted by a surface *perpendicular* to the surface

A car goes around a curve at a constant speed. What is the direction of the net force on the car? A) the net force is zero B) toward the curveʹs center C) toward the back of the car D) toward the front of the car E) away from the curveʹs center

B) toward the curveʹs *center*

Swimmers at a water park have a choice of two frictionless water slides (see Fig. 8-3). Although both slides drop over the same height, h, slide 1 is straight while slide 2 is curved, dropping quickly at first and then leveling out. How does the speed v1 of a swimmer reaching the end of slide 1 compares with v2, the speed of a swimmer reaching the end of slide 2? A) v1 < v2 B) v1 = v2 C) v1 > v2 D) No simple relationship exists between v1 and v2.

B) v1 = v2

The maximum elongation of a typical metal is reached at the A) proportional limit. B) elastic limit. C) breaking point. D) ultimate strength. E) inelastic limit.

C) *breaking* point.

A constant net force acts on an object. Describe the motion of the object. A) zero acceleration. B) constant non-zero velocity. C) constant non-zero acceleration. D) increasing acceleration. E) decreasing acceleration.

C) *constant non-zero* acceleration.

You ride on an elevator that is moving upward with constant speed while standing on a bathroom scale. The reading on the scale is A) more than your true weight, mg. B) zero. C) equal to your true weight, mg. D) less than your true weight, mg. E) could be more or less than your true weight, mg, depending on the value of the speed.

C) *equal* to your true weight, mg.

A minimum in the potential energy curve represents a point of A) negative equilibrium. B) positive equilibrium. C) stable equilibrium. D) unstable equilibrium. E) neutral equilibrium.

C) *stable* equilibrium.

The tensile strength for a certain steel wire is 3000 MN/m2. What is the maximum load that can be applied to a wire with a diameter of 3.0 mm made of this kind of steel? A) 9.0 kN B) 85 kN C) 21 kN D) 64 kN E) 42 kN

C) 21 kN

Planet Z-34 has a mass equal to one-third that of Earth and a radius equal to one-third that of Earth. With g representing, as usual, the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Earth, the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Z-34 is A) g/3. B) 9 g. C) 3 g. D) 6 g. E) g/9.

C) 3 g.

Salt water has greater density than fresh water. A boat floats in both fresh water and in salt water. Where is the buoyant force greater on the boat? A) salt water B) fresh water C) Buoyant force is the same in both. D) Cannot be determined from the information given.

C) Buoyant force is the *same* in both.

Stress is A) the ratio of the change in length to the original length. B) the strain per unit length. C) applied force per cross-sectional area. D) the same as force. E) the ratio of elastic modulus to strain.

C) applied force per cross-sectional area.

The equation of continuity is a statement of which conservation rule applied to fluids in steady laminar flow? A) conservation of volume B) conservation of momentum C) conservation of mass D) conservation of area E) conservation of energy

C) conservation of *mass*

A ball drops some distance and loses 30 J of gravitational potential energy. Do *not* ignore air resistance. How much kinetic energy did the ball gain? A) more than 30 J B) exactly 30 J C) less than 30 J D) Cannot be determined from the information given.

C) less than 30 J

A plane, flying horizontally, releases a bomb, which explodes before hitting the ground. Neglecting air resistance, the center of mass of the bomb fragments, just after the explosion A) moves horizontally. B) is zero. C) moves along a parabolic path. D) moves vertically.

C) moves along a *parabolic* path.

A car of mass m goes around a banked curve of radius r with speed v. If the road is frictionless due to ice, the car can still negotiate the curve if the horizontal component of the normal force on the car from the road is equal in magnitude to A) tan[v2/(rg)]. B) mg sinθ . C) mv2/r. D) mg/2. E) mg.

C) mv2/r.

A car of mass m goes around a banked curve of radius r with speed v. If the road is frictionless due to ice, the car can still negotiate the curve if the horizontal component of the normal force on the car from the road is equal in magnitude to A) mg/2. B) tan[v2/(rg)]. C) mv2/r. D) mg sinθ . E) mg

C) mv2/r.

For general projectile motion, the horizontal component of a projectileʹs velocity A) is zero. B) continuously increases. C) remains a non-zero constant. D) continuously decreases. E) any of the above, depending on position.

C) remains a *non-zero constant*.

A simple pendulum consists of a mass M attached to a weightless string of length L. For this system, when undergoing small oscillations A) the frequency is inversely proportional to the amplitude. B) the frequency is proportional to the amplitude. C) the frequency is independent of the mass M. D) the frequency is independent of the length L. E) the period is proportional to the amplitude.

C) the frequency is *independent* of the mass M.

When you ride a bicycle, in what direction is the angular velocity of the wheels? A) forwards B) up C) to your left D) to your right E) backwards

C) to your *left*

How a ship floats is described in terms of A) Pascalʹs principle. B) Bernoulliʹs principle. C) Torricelliʹs equation. D) Archimedesʹ principle. E) Poiseuilleʹs equation.

D) *Archimedesʹ* principle.

As the speed of a moving fluid increases, the pressure in the fluid A) increases. B) may increase or decrease, depending on the density of the fluid. C) remains constant. D) decreases.

D) *decreases*.

If all fluid flow within a volume of fluid can be traced as streamlines, the fluid flow is A) turbulent flow. B) irrotational flow. C) nonviscous flow. D) laminar flow. E) incompressible flow.

D) *laminar* flow.

The position of a mass that is oscillating on a spring is given by x = (12.3 cm) cos[(1.26 s^-1)t]. What is the velocity of the mass when t = 0.815 s? A) -8.02 cm/s B) 13.3 cm/s C) 8.02 cm/s D) -13.3 cm/s E) 0 cm/s

D) -13.3 cm/s

A red ball with a velocity of +3.0 m/s collides head-on with a yellow ball of equal mass moving with a velocity of -2.0 m/s. What is the velocity of the red ball after the collision? A) +5.0 m/s B) zero C) +3.0 m/s D) -2.0 m/s E) +2.5.0 m/s

D) -2.0 m/s

The sum of two vectors has the greatest magnitude when the angle between these two vectors is A) 60° B) 270° C) 180° D) 0° E) 90

D) 0°

A horizontal, 2.00 m long, 3.00 kg uniform beam that lies along the east-west direction is acted on by two forces. At the east end of the beam, a 200 N force pushes downward. At the west end of the beam, a 200 N force pushed upward. What is the torque about the center of mass of the beam? A) zero B) 800 N∙m south C) 800 N∙m north D) 400 N∙m north E) 400 N∙m south

D) 400 N∙m north

You slam on the brakes of your car in a panic, and skid a certain distance on a straight, level road. If you had been traveling twice as fast, what distance would the car have skidded, under the same conditions? A) It would have skidded one half as far. B) It would have skidded 1.4 times farther. C) It would have skidded twice as far. D) It would have skidded 4 times farther. E) It is impossible to tell from the information given.

D) It would have skidded *4 times farther*. speed = friction^2

A potential energy function for a certain system is given by U1(x) = Cx^2 + Bx^3. The potential energy function for a second system is given by U2(x) = A + Cx^2 + Bx^3, where A is a positive quantity. If an object begins at the same initial position with the same initial velocity in both systems, how is the motion in the two systems related? A) The motion in the first system will be with greater speed than in the second system because of the lower potential energy. B) The motion in the second system will be with greater speed than in the first system because of the greater potential energy. C) The motion in the second system will be at greater speeds in one direction and lower speeds in the other direction relative to the first system. D) The motion in the two systems is identical. E) The motion in the two systems will be in opposite directions.

D) The motion in the two systems is *identical*.

For very small objects at very low speeds, the drag force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the velocity. The proportionality constant depends on A) the viscosity of the fluid. B) the shape of the object. C) the size of the object. D) all of the above choices. E) none of the above choices.

D) all of the above choices.

A toolbox, of mass M, is resting on a flat board, as shown in Fig. 4-5. One end of the board is lifted up until the toolbox just starts to slide. The angle θ that the board makes with the horizontal, for this to occur, depends on the A) mass, M. B) coefficient of kinetic friction, μk. C) acceleration of gravity, g. D) coefficient of static friction, μs. E) all of the above quantities.

D) coefficient of *static friction*, μs.

Bernoulliʹs principle is a statement of the A) conservation of angular momentum. B) conservation of kinetic energy. C) conservation of linear momentum. D) conservation of energy. E) conservation of mass.

D) conservation of *energy*.

In Fig. 5-1, the block of mass m is at rest on an inclined plane that makes an angle θ with the horizontal. The force of static friction f must be such that A) f = mg cosθ. B) f > mg. C) f > mg sinθ. D) f = mg sinθ. E) f > mg cosθ.

D) f = mg sinθ.

Describe the type of spring ʺconstantʺ needed to produce a constant restoring force like curve (a) in Fig. 7-1. A) k must vary proportional to stretch. B) k must vary as the stretch squared. C) k must be a real constant. D) k must vary inversely with stretch. E) none of these

D) k must *vary inversely* with stretch.

What is the quantity used to measure an objectʹs resistance to changes in rotational motion? A) mass B) angular velocity C) torque D) moment of inertia E) angular acceleration

D) moment of inertia

Angular momentum cannot be conserved if A) the angular acceleration changes. B) there is a net force on the system. C) the angular velocity changes. D) the net torque is not zero. E) the moment of inertia changes.

D) the net torque is *not zero*.

Two identical masses are attached by a light string that passes over a small pulley, as shown in Fig. 4-5. The table and the pulley are frictionless. The masses are moving A) with an acceleration greater than g. B) with an acceleration equal to g. C) at constant speed. D) with an acceleration less than g. E) with an acceleration that cannot be determined without additional information.

D) with an acceleration *less than g*.

The velocity of a mass attached to a spring is given by v = (1.5 cm/s) sin(ωt + π/2), where ω = 3.0 rad/s. What is the corresponding expression for x? A) x = -(0.50 cm) sin(ωt + π/2) B) x = (4.50 cm) cos(ωt + π/2) C) x = -(0.50 cm) cos(ωt - π/2) D) x = -(0.50 cm) cos(ωt + π/2) E) x = -(4.50 cm) sin(ωt + π/2)

D) x = -(0.50 cm) cos(ωt + π/2)

The total force on an object is zero. The angular momentum of the object A) can only be changing magnitude. B) can only be changing direction. C) is constant. D) is zero. E) may be changing.

E) *may be changing*.

What is the vector product of A = 2.00i + 3.00j + 1.00k and B = 1.00i - 3.00j - 2.00 k A) -4.00i + 3.00j - 1.00k B) -9.00i - 3.00j - 3.00k C) 2.00i -9.00j - 2.00k D) -5.00i + 2.00j - 6.00k E) -3.00i + 5.00j - 9.00k

E) -3.00i + 5.00j - 9.00k

A uniform meter stick is freely pivoted about the 0.20-m mark. If it is allowed to swing in a vertical plane with a small amplitude and friction, what is the frequency of its oscillations? A) 0.92 Hz B) 1.1 Hz C) 0.55 Hz D) 1.3 Hz E) 0.66 Hz

E) 0.66 Hz

A pendulum clock uses a simple pendulum as its timing device. The clock is correct at noon. The next day, when the clock reads noon, the actual time is 11:50 a.m. What is the fractional change in pendulum length that must be made so the clock runs at the correct rate? A) 2.84% longer B) 16.7% longer C) 0.699% longer D) 0.699% shorter E) 1.40% longer

E) 1.40% longer

How many significant figures are in 10,002? A) ambiguous B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5

E) 5

An elastic collision of two objects is characterized by the following. A) Total energy of the system remains constant. B) Total kinetic energy of the system remains constant. C) Total momentum of the system is conserved. D) Only A and B are true. E) A, B, and C are all true.

E) A, B, and C are all true.

When a weight W is hanging from a light vertical string, the speed of pulses on the string is V. If a second weight W is added without stretching the string, the speed of pulses on this string will now become A) V/2 B) 2V. C) V/(2)^.5. D) V. E) V(2)^.5

E) V(2)^.5

When an object experiences uniform circular motion, the direction of the acceleration is A) depends on the speed of the object. B) in the same direction as the velocity vector. C) is directed away from the center of the circular path. D) in the opposite direction of the velocity vector. E) is directed toward the center of the circular path.

E) is directed *toward the center* of the circular path.

When an object experiences uniform circular motion, the direction of the net force is A) in the opposite direction of the motion of the object. B) is dependent on the speed of the object. C) in the same direction as the motion of the object. D) is directed away from the center of the circular path. E) is directed toward the center of the circular path.

E) is directed *toward the center* of the circular path.

A student kicks a soccer ball in a high arc toward the opponentʹs goal. At the highest point in its trajectory: A) the ballʹs velocity points downwards. B) the ballʹs acceleration points upwards. C) both velocity and acceleration of the soccer ball are zero. D) the ballʹs acceleration is zero but not its velocity. E) neither the ballʹs velocity nor its acceleration is zero.

E) neither the ballʹs velocity *nor* its acceleration is *zero*.

If you push twice as hard against a stationary brick wall, the amount of work you do A) doubles. B) quadruples. C) remains constant but non-zero. D) is cut in half. E) remains constant at zero.

E) remains *constant at zero*. (if you were to actually do this in real life..... I just would walk away and ignore you, whoever 'you' are)

A useful method of expressing very small or very large numbers is A) significant figures. B) greek letters. C) arabic numerals. D) roman numerals. E) scientific notation.

E) scientific notation.

How many basic units does the SI system have? A) ten B) four C) three D) five E) seven

E) seven

In general, precession results when A) the direction of torque acting on an object is opposite to the direction of angular momentum of the body. B) the direction of torque acting on an object is parallel to the direction of angular momentum of the body. C) there is no torque acting on a body. D) torque acts on a body with zero angular momentum. E) the direction of torque acting on an object has a component perpendicular to the direction of angular momentum of the body.

E) the direction of torque acting on an object has a *component perpendicular* to the direction of *angular momentum* of the body.

The parallel-axis theorem can be applied only to flat objects. (T/F)


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