Physics Chapter 12 Sound

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The wavelength of the fundamental frequency of a vibrating string of length L is:


What decibel level is nearest to the value that you would expect for running a vacuum cleaner?

70 dB

The Doppler effect occurs with what type of waves?

All waves

What is the region of a sound wave in which the density and pressures are greater than normal?


What are the units used to express the intensity of a sound?


Under what conditions does sound resonance occur?

When the frequency of a force matches the natural frequency of an object

A train moves down the track toward an observer. The sound from the train, as heard by the observer, is ______________ the sound heard by a passenger on the train.

a different timbre than

When an air column vibrates in a pipe that is open on both ends, which harmonics are present?

all harmonics are present

The property of sound called intensity is proportional to the rate at which energy flows through:

an area perpendicular in the direction of propagation

A sound twice the intensity of the faintest audible sound is not perceived as twice as loud because the sensation of loudness to the human hearing is:

approximately logarithmic

The region of a sound wave in which air molecules are pushed closer together is called a ___________.


The perceived loudness of a sound is measured in


Pitch depends on the _____________ of a sound wave.


The _____________ of a musical sound determines its pitch


The quality of a musical tone of a certain pitch results from a combination of:


Audible beats are formed by the interference of two waves:

of slightly different frequencies

The distance between wave fronts of a plane corresponds to ____________ of a sound wave.

one wavelength

When an air column vibrates in a pipe that is closed at one end, which harmonics are present?

only odd harmonics are present

The highness or lowness of a sound is perceived as:


At a large distance from a sound source, spherical wave fronts are viewed as

plane waves

The trough of the sine curve used to represent a sound wave corresponds to a:


When the frequency of a force applied to a system matched the natural frequency of vibration of the system, _______ occurs.


In general, sound travels faster through what types of matter?

solids than through gases

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