Physiological Psychology Exam 3 Study

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The theory of emotion that states that the limbic and the cortex are involved in an emotion was developed by ________________?

Schacter & Singer

Emotions serve two functions. These are?

prepare and motivate

Generating heat is to _________ as radiating heat is to ___________.

total body mass; surface area

The external time cues that reset an animal's biological clock every 24 hours are called


Approximately what percentage of the mammalian body is water?


People with Down syndrome who live to middle age are very likely to develop

Alzheimer's disease.

The hypothesis that Lashley was testing in his search for the engram was:

Bandura's view of social learning

What normally happens to human body temperature over the course of 24 hours?

It is about 1 Celsius degree higher in the afternoon than in the middle of the night.

Which of the following is true concerning the duration of a self-generated sleep/activity cycle?

It is highly consistent in a given individual in a given environment.

What is true about a neuron that is "potentiated"?

It is highly responsive to new input similar to the stimuli that potentiated it.

Which theory holds that we feel afraid because we see ourselves running away (instead of running away because we feel afraid)?

James-Lang theory

If you believe that emotions are caused by distinctive visceral responses, you adhere to what theory of emotion?


The pattern of behavior, aphagia and adipsia, that follows damage to the lateral hypothalamus is called the

LH-lesion syndrome.

Fear of driving during the winter as a result of pain experienced after an automobile accident is an example of

Pavlovian conditioning.

What is a strong piece of evidence that the SCN generates the circadian rhythm?

SCN neurons generate a circadian rhythm of impulses even after removal from the brain.

Who proposed a cognitive theory of emotion?


What theory of emotion emphasizes cognitive processes?

Schachter theory

According to Teitelbaum and Epstein (1962), the stage of an animal's recovery from surgery where the animal neither eats nor drinks and must be forced fed is called

Stage I.

According to Teitelbaum and Epstein (1962), the stage of an animals recovery from surgery where the animal will start drinking water is

Stage IV.

After a rat had finished a meal, experimenters withdrew 10 ml of fluid from the rat's stomach & found the rat then ate another 8 ml. What conclusion was drawn?

Stomach distention is a major determinant of meal size.

A nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it is a definition of:


What did the classic Schachter-Singer (1962) study on the role of cognitions in producing emotional experiences find?

Subjects who had been injected with epinephrine and were either misinformed or uninformed about its effects misattributed their unexplained arousal to the confederate's behavior.

When studying disruptions to the biological clock in animals, what did Curt Richter find?

The biological clock is insensitive to most forms of interference.

What is a biological reason why people tend to stay up late on weekends and have trouble waking up on Monday?

The human biological clock generates a rhythm longer than 24 hours.

Adipsia is defined as

a failure to drink.

Aphagia is defined as

a failure to eat.

Which is known to be critical for long-term potentiation?

a massive inflow of calcium

Lashley's principles of mass action and equipotentiality imply that

amount of brain damage is more critical than location.

Both classical and operant conditioning can be described as

an association between two events.

Hormone released by the pituitary causeing kidneys to reabsorb & conserve water is?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Endogenous circannual rhythms:

are internal mechanisms which prepare birds for seasonal changes.

Retrograde transmitters:

are released by the postsynaptic cell.

It is believed that Hebbian synapses may be critical for:

associative learning

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotions, emotions occur

at the same time as physiological changes, but independent of them.

Findings from people with pure autonomic failure or locked-in syndrome suggest that:

autonomic and motor output are important for experiencing emotion

The adrenal gland hormone aldosterone:

causes the kidneys to conserve sodium.

Who is most likely to develop Korsakoff's syndrome?

chronic alcoholics

A change in biological and behavioral functioning that occurs over a 24-hour period is called the

circadian cycle

What intrinsic process controls the 24-hour cycle?

circadian rhythm

One line of research that initially appeared promising, but has since faded, was to study learning in decapitated:


A learned reaction to the conditioned stimulus is called a(n)

conditioned response.

Factual memory or the memory of specific events defines

declarative memory.

Hypovolemic thirst:

depends mostly on the lateral preoptic area.

In experiments with monkeys, a monkey that could press a lever to avoid shocks developed ulcers:

due to greater than normal stomach secretions and contractions

One advantage of maintaining a constant body temperature is that it

enables the animal to stay equally active at all environmental temperatures.

"All parts of the cortex contribute equally to complex behaviors such as learning" defines:


Research on circadian rhythms has shown that one of the best ways to increase the alertness ond efficiency of workers on night shifts is to:

expose them to bright lights while at work.

A 25-hour (or more) sleep-wake cycle that occurs in the absence of external time cues is called a

free-running rhythm

Work with Aplysia Californica has demonstrated that

habituation produces a decreased neurotransmitter release, whereas both sensitization and conditioning increase neurotransmitter release.

If a stimulus is presented repeatedly, followed by no other stimulus, the animal will gradually stop responding. This is known as:


When Stan first entered his dentist's waiting room, he heard the clock ticking but after a few minutes, he wasn't aware of it anymore. This illustrates the process of


Which of the following groups of people are more likely to be healthy?

happily married men

The major structures in the Papez circuit include the thalamus, hypothalamus, cingulate gyrus, and


The studies of learning in Aplysia are most useful for determining:

how single cells change as learning takes place.

An inability to recall a specific memory because of the presence of other memories is called


How is the mechanism that controls human body temperature different from the thermostat that controls the temperature of a house?

it anticipates future needs

Based on research, it has been determined that the human circadian rhythm appears to be:

just over 24 hours

The digestive system responsible for the dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials is the

large intestine.

An animal refuses food and loses weight after damage to the

lateral hypothalamus.

In what area of the brain does conditioning of the eyeblink response take place?

lateral interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum

It is hoped that long-term potentiation (LTP) will help to explain:

learning and memory.

A change in our behavior that occurs as a result of our experiences is called


People with damage to the cingulate cortex report:

less tension and anger

Carew, Hawkins, and Kandel (1983) conditioned the Aplysia Californica's defense reaction. They paired a light touch to the mantle or siphon with a strong electric shock to the tail. Following repeated pairings of the light touch with electric shock, the light touch alone elicited the withdrawal response. What was the conditioned stimulus (CS)?

light touch

In addition to the cortical system, the other system essential for conditioning in animals is the

limbic system

Which of the following can increase feeding?

low blood levels of glucose.

Humans expend most of their energy on what activity?

maintaining basal metabolism

A homeostatic process is one that

maintains nearly stable conditions of internal environment)

The suprachiasmic nucleus (SCN) is located above the optic chiasm in the

medial hypothalamus.

Semantic memory is

memory of facts.

Episodic memory is

memory of single events.

In Schachter and Singer's classic (1962) study on the attribution of emotions, which group of subjects were emotionally affected by the confederates' behavior?

misinformed group

The brains of persons with Alzheimer's disease are characterized by the presence of

neurofibrillary tanges and senile plaques.

What neurotransmitter acts in the locus coeruleus?


One way to separate emotions from feelings is to define emotions as:

observable behaviors

Which of the following would most strongly affect the activity of special ganglion cells that make up the retinohypothalamic pathway?

observing the sunrise

The tendency of water to flow across a semipermeable membrane from the area of low solute concentration to the area of higher concentration is termed:

osmotic pressure.

Both the James-Lange theory and the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion emphasize the role of

physiological processes.

Hedonic properties of stimuli as used by P.T.Young refer to:

pleasure, pain.

People with a striking loss of emotions usually suffer from damage to the:

prefrontal cortex

Rats with specific damage to what area of the brain don't develop ulcers?

prefrontal cortex

Blood vessel constriction, shivering, and sweating are controlled by which areaof the brain?

preoptic area of the hypothalamus

Drugs that block NMDA synapses:

prevent the establishment of LTP.

The basal ganglia, motor cortex & cerebellum are primarily associated with _____ memory.


What type of memory allows Ben to tie his shoes?


Recent interpretation of Walter Penfield's brain stimulation studies suggests that brain stimulation:

produces dreamlike experiences.

Logan and Gratton (1995) found that during the conditioning of an eyeblink response, neural activity increased in the

red nucleus.

Which of the following would greatly activate the parasympathetic nervous system?

removal of a stimulus that caused someone to be frightened

In addition to the neurotransmitter glutamate, in order to activate the NMDA receptors, the neuron requires:

removal of magnesium ions from sodium and calcium channels.

Which of the following characterizes declarative memory?

reported as remembrance

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an emotion?

representative of an individual's normal state

The retinohypothalamic path receives input from the:

retinal ganglion cells that respond directly to light.

A small branch of the optic nerve which extends directly from the retina to the SCN in the hypothalamus is called the:

retinohypothalamic path

Donald Hebb (1949) distinguished between two types of memory and he called them:

short-term and long-term

Severe blood loss will result in a preference for:

slightly salty water.

The part of the digestive system responsible for absorption of digested foods is the

small intestine.

Which of the following is hardest to classify as classical or operant conditioning?

song learning by male birds

After damage to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the body:

still has rhythms, but they are less consistent.

What area is responsible for the circadian cycle?

suprachiasmatic nucleus

Pavlov's dogs did not normally secrete saliva and stomach juices when they were first exposed to the sight of food. Pavlov concluded that his dogs had learned new behaviors. What was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS)?

taste of food

The modified memory model of Loftus presents memory along a ______ dimension:


What did Lashley mean by the term "engram"?

the basic physical representation of learning

Preventing learning is to __________ as suppressing a response is to _________.

the lateral interpositus nucleus; the red nucleus

Habituation and sensitization differ depending upon whether:

the response grows weaker or stronger.

What happens when the SCN of the left and right hemisphere get out of phase with each other?

they experience two periods of wakefulness and two periods of sleep every 24 hours

An innate reaction to an unconditioned stimulus is called a(n)

unconditioned response.

Lashley found that a vertical cut in a rat's cerebral cortex impaired learning under what circumstance?

under no circumstances.

An animal is likely to eat great amounts and gain weight after damage to the

ventromedial hypothalamus.

Osmotic thirst occurs when a high concentration of solutes outside the cells causes:

water to flow out of the cells.

Shift workers (who go to sleep at a variety of times of day) find that they sleep longest if they go to sleep:

when body temperature is decreasing

In the northern hemisphere, seasonal affective disorder occurs primarily during the


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