Physiological Psychology Final Exam

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A graded depolarization is known as an _______.


A graded hyperpolarization is known as ______.

can influence activity in much or all of the postsynaptic cell

A metabotropic synapse, by way of second messenger, ______.


A person with two recessive genes is considered to be _____ for that trait.

has difficulty remembering where the platform is from trial to trial

A rat with hippocampal damage has difficulty with the Morris water maze because it __________.

to shake the eyeballs back and forth in order to get sufficient oxygen to the corneas of the eyes

A recent hypothesis proposed that the role of REM is ______________.

basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, producing action potentials at the same frequency

According to the frequency theory, the __________.


According to the place theory, the basilar membrane resembles the strings of a piano in that each area along the membrane is tunes to a specific frequency.

our perception of color depends on the relative activity of three types of cones

According to the trichromatic theory of color vision _________.


Adaptation occurs quickly to pheromones

transmission at synapses is a chemical event

After one frog's heart has been stimulated, as extract of fluid from that heart can make a second frog's heart beat faster. What conclusion did Otto Loewi draw from these results?


Alex the ____________.

different areas of the body

Along each strip of somatosensory cortex, different subareas respond to __________.

blindsight; the ability to respond in limited ways to visual information without perceiving it consciously

Although he has been blind since birth, Alden can experience __________, which is ______________.

enables to animal to stay equally active at all environmental temperatures

An advantage of maintaining a constant body temperature is that it ______________.

lateral hypothalamus

An animal has trouble digesting its food after damage to the _________.

presynaptic terminals

An axon has many branches, each of which swells at its tip. These are known as _____.

orbitofrontal cortex

Anne has a problem with making decisions impulsively and has started gambling. She might have suffered damage to her ___________.

70 percent

Approximately what percent of the mammalian body is composed of water?


Axons are usually formed before the dendrites.

just over 24 hours

Based on research, it has been determined that the human circadian rhythm appears to be _________.

2 months

Beginning at fertilization, how long does it take before the zygote, embryo, or fetus to begin to form the CNS?

stem cells

Brain cells are neither neurons nor glia, but which are capable of dividing and then differentiating into neurons or glia, are called ______.


Bright light late in the afternoon shortens the circadian rhythm.

x rays

Computerized axial tomography creates an image from _____.


Cranial nerve III is the ______ nerve.

sex linked

Dr. Barton is discussing a trait that is found on the 21st chromosome. The 21st chromosome contains genes that are known as ___________ genes.


Dr. Benzing is working in the lab. He has been able to demonstrate that ______ increases the frequency of the spontaneous firing rate.

acetylcholine will remain active in the synapse longer

Dr. Edmonson is working in the lab with cultured neurons. He applies a drug that inhibits acetylcholinesterase. What does he expect to have occur?

withdrawel reflex

Dr. Kandel won a Nobel Prize for his work studying the ___________________ in Aplysia.

have many odd spellings

Dyslexia is more common among languages that _____________.


EMG is an abbreviation for ___________.


Gap junctions are important for _____ synapses.


Genes become more prevalent in a population if they contribute to reproductive success.


Humans have been able to evolve such big brains without sacrificing other functions because of _______.

removal of magnesium ions from sodium and calcium channels

In addition to the neurotransmitter glutamate, in order to activate the NMDA receptors, the neuron requires

are more likely to include complicated plots

In comparison to NREM dreams, REM dreams __________.

preserve neurons; increase neuronal branching

In development, neurotrophins ___________. During adulthood, they _________.

receptor cells, bipolar cells, ganglion cells

In what order does visual information pass through the retina?


In which lobe of the brain will you find around the calcarine fissure?

cross over at the corpus collosum to the other side of the brain

Information from the outside portions of the retina in the eye ____________.

acting out our dreams

It appears from research with cats that one function of the messages from the pons to the spinal cord is to prevent us from

associative learning

It is believed that Hebbian synapses may be crucial for ___________.


Lita has just eaten a lot of soy, which contains tryptophan. What should she try to consume less of to potentially increase tryptophan's entry to the brain?

dorsomedial thalamus

Most Korsakoff's victims have a loss or shrinkage of neurons throughout the brain, especially in the ______.

corpus callosum

Most of the information passing from one hemisphere to the other does so by passing through which structure?


Paige wants to lose weight. The most effective long term plan is for her to limit her intake of sweet foods.


Photopigments are stable in the dark.

the rapid learning in early childhood displaces memories formed in infancy

Professor Bresler tells her class that the most plausible explanation for infant amnesia is that __________.

cochlea; inner ear

Professor Gramling is giving a lecture about the auditory system. He tells the class that the basilar membrane is part of the _______ in the ______.


Professor Morant tells her class that the most potent zeitgeber for land animals is ___________.

there are many contributing factors

Professor Olaughlin tells his class that with regard to intelligence, ______________.


Professor Tutson is lecturing about the peripheral nervous system. She tells her class that the parasympathetic system primarily uses ______ to communicate.

PGO waves in the brain

REM sleep is associated with __________.

a high level of brain activity

REM sleep is characterized by which of the following?

breaking down neurotransmitters via an enzymatic process

Reuptake is an alternative to which other process?

withdraw its gills

Rosalinda stimulated the gills of an Aplysia by squirting them with a brief jet of seawater, at first, it will ________.

understanding speech

Someone suffering from Wernicke's aphasia has difficulty ____________.


Studies on _________ help clarify the distinctions among different kinds of memory and enable us to explore the mechanism of memory.

vision; hearing

Superior colliculus is to ____ as inferior colliculus is to ____.

perceive visual, auditory and other aspects of a stimulus as a single object

The "binding problem" is the issue of how we __________.


The G in PGO stands for a structure in the _____________.

pineal gland

The SCN influences sleep by causing the ____________ to produce melatonin.


The adult human brain weighs about ____ lbs.

superior colliculli

The area of the midbrain is responsible for visual processing.

the liver

The blood's glucose level ordinarily remains relatively constant because of the activity of ________.


The choroid plexus reabsorbs the cerebrospinal fluid.


The conversion of physical energy or chemical reactions to receptor potentials is known as __________.

a short while ago

The delayed response task requires responding to something that you saw or heard ____.


The fluid filled cavity within the neural tube becomes the central canal of the spinal cord and the four ventricles of the brain.

prosopagnosia; temporal

The inability to recognize faces is called _________ and is caused by damage to the ___________ lobe.

language aquisition device

The inborn mechanism for learning language is called the ____________.

respond to their receptive field faster

The one additional feature that hypercomplex cells have that complex cells do not is that hypercomplex cells __________.

retinohypothalamic pathway

The pathway from the back of the eye to the SCN that serves to provide feedback to the brain on light in our environment is called the ____________ pathway.

Leowi's transfer of fluid from stimulated frog hearts

The research that family established synaptic communication as chemical was _____.

3 sodium; 2 potassium

The sodium-potassium pump ejects ____ ______ ions out of the cells for every ____ _______ ions it takes into the cell.

lower than the rest of the body

The temperature required by reproductive cells of birds and most mammals is _________.


The vertebrae in the neck region are called _____ vertebrae.

sea horse

The word "hippocampus" literally means ______.

"time giver"

The word "zeitgeber" means _____________.


There are hundreds of different types of olfactory receptors.


This neurotransmitter is in the modified amino acid class.

radial glia

This type of glia serves to guide axons and dendrites during embryonic development?

if selective permeability of the membrane did not exist

Under which conditions would the sodium potassium pump likely be far less effective in creating a concentration gradient?


Venessa's hand is more proximal to her body than her shoulder.


What division of the nervous system consists of neurons that control the heart, intestines, and other organs?

both activate the brain's reinforcement areas

What does the eating cycle of bulimia have in common with addictive drugs?

an area of the skin innervated by a given spinal nerve

What is a dermatome?


What kind of diet deficiency causes Korsakoff's syndrome?

a blood brain barrier

What mechanism prevents or slows some chemicals from entering the brain, while allowing others to enter?


What type of glia helps to synchronize the activity of axons?

the resistance of the membrane

What will most affect the speed of an action potential?

11 cis retinal

When light strikes the photopigment in the eye it converts the chemical there from ___________.

Schwann cells

Which type of glia builds myelin sheaths around axons in the periphery of the body?

It has tightly packed receptors.

Why does the fovea provide the clearest, most detailed visual information?

The concentration of sodium remains more concentrated outside the neuron than inside even during an action potential

Zandra is studying about the ions involved in the action potential. She records in her notes that _____.

Opsins; photopigments

____ modify the ____ sensitivity to different wavelengths of light.


_______ wave light tend to interfere with sleep more than other types of light.


_________ cut and removed the eye from a newt and replaced it back in the socket upside down to determine that optic nerves found their way back via chemical pathways.


__________ took some young lab rats home to live in his kitchen and then compared their intelligence with rats raised in the laboratory.

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