physiology test 1 ch.1 -2

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what carries out genetic instruction for synthesizing proteins?


unique, three-dimensional shape of protein crucial to function


resembles treatment group but does not receive treatment


extreme conformational change that destroys function ex: extreme heat


what are some examples of triglycerides ?

dietary oils and fats

Sugars that are made up of two covalently bonded monosaccharides?


negative feedback allows for __________ within a limited range around a set point

dynamic equilibrium

cell or organ that carries out the final corrective action to restore homeostasis (the heart)


20 carbon compounds derived from arachidonic acid


hormone- like chemical signals b/w cells


what is one of the most important considerations in patient care ?( imbalances can lead to coma or cardiac arrest)

electrolyte balance

substances that ionize in water and form solutions capable of conducting electric current


what are proteins that function as biological catalysts ?


What is the storage form of glucose?


what is energy storage in cells of liver, muscle, brain, uterus, vagina


three important polysaccharides?

glycogen, starch, cellulose

Occurs in cytoplasm; net products are 2 ATP and 2 pyruvic acid molecules and does not require oxygen


what is the splitting of glucose into two pyruvates called?


what is a major component of mucus?


A difference in chemical concentration, charge, temperature, or pressure between two points


the ability to detect change, activate mechanisms that oppose it and thereby maintain relatively stable internal conditions


carbohydrates has a 2:1 ration of __________ to __________.

hydrogen to oxygen

what breaks the third high-energy phosphate bond?


__________ molecules are polarized or charged (sugar)


substances that dissolve in water


__________molecules are nonpolar or neutral (fats/lipids)


substances that do not dissolve in water


what are examples of carbons functional groups?

hydroxyl, methyl, carboxyl, amino, phosphate

An educated speculation or a possible answer to a question is called


loss of homeostatic control causes

illness or death

control center that processes the sensory information, "makes a decision" , and directs the response (cardiac center of the brain)

integrating (control) center

When a sodium atom loses an electron, it becomes a sodium ______.


charged particle (atom or molecule) with unequal number of protons and electrons


transfer of electrons from one atom to another


what are hydrophobic organic molecules with a high ratio of hydrogen to oxygen


Carbohydrates are often conjugated with ________ or _________

lipids, proteins

"good" and "bad" cholesterol refer to droplets of _______________in the blood that are complexes of cholesterol, fat, phospholipid, and protein


what are very large organic molecules with high molecular weights?


what two things tend to flow down gradients

matter and energy

one enzyme molecule can catalyze ___________ per minute

millions of reactions

if enough oxygen is present, aerobic respiration occurs in the __________


What is the simplest carbohydrate?

monosaccharides also known as monomer

what are the three principal components of nucleotides

nitrogenous base sugar one or more phosphate group

in Anerobic fermentation , is oxygen needed?

no and no ATP

organic compounds with three principal components


what is the study of compounds containing carbon?

organic chemistry

what is the final electron receptor in anaerobic respiration?


joins the amino group of one amino acid to the carboxyl group of the next

peptide bond

similar to neutral fats except one fatty acid is replaced by a phosphate group - structural formation of cell membrane


addition of free phosphate group to a molecule


what are macromolecules that are made up of a repetitive series of identical or similar subunits (monomers)


what are long chains of monosaccharides ?


what type of acids have multiple double bonds b/w carbons


a Self-amplifying cycle

positive feedback

Proteoglycans are more carbohydrate than ________


What is an example of a polymer?


energy storage in plants that is digestible by humans


Provides statement of probability that treatment was effective

statistical testing

lipid with 17 carbon atoms in four rings


What are the functions of proteins?

structure, communication, membrane transport, catalysis, recognition and protection, movement, cell adhesion

substance an enzyme acts upon


what are three important disaccharides?

sucrose, lactose, maltose

What are examples of carbohydrates?

sugars and starches

_____________ on surface of water is due to molecules being held together by surface tension.

surface film

what are some factors that can change enzyme shape and function?

temperature and pH

water's ___________ stability helps stabilize the internal temperature of the body?


two covalent single C-C bonds angle in opposite on each side of the side of the C=C double bond

trans-fatty acid

- three fatty acids linked to glycerol - primary function is energy storage - helps with insulation and shock absorption


true or false: water has a high heat capacity


water is called.....

universal solvent

-contains some double bonds b/w carbons - molecule has potential to add hydrogen

unsaturated fatty acids

failure to consider ___________ can lead to overmedication of elderly or medicating women on the basis of research done on me


narrowing of blood vessel lumens


widening of blood vessel lumens


_________ is very cohesive due to its hydrogen bonds


polar covalent bond and a V-shaped molecule give water a set of properties that account for its ability to support life


what is the tendency of one substance to cling to another?


central carbon with three attachments: amino group, carboxyl group, and radical group

amino acid

hydrolysis of ATP is catalyzed by

adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases)

what are examples of positive feedback loops

childbirth and blood clotting, protein digestion, and generation of nerve signals

the parent steroid from which other steroids are synthesized


two covalent single C-C bonds angle in the same direction adjacent to the c=c double bonds

cis-fatty acids

organic cofactors are called

coenzymes (vitamins)

non-protein "helper" molecules whose presence is necessary for many enzymes to function


Names of carbohydrates are often built from the root ________ and the suffix ______ both meaning sugar, sweet.

"sacchar-" "-ose"

reaction rates increase when

-Reactants are more concentrated -Temp rises -Catalyst is present

what are examples of negative feedback?

1) regulation of heart rate 2) regulation of blood pressure 3) regulation of depth of breath 4) blood levels of O2, CO2 and minerals

what is the bodys most important energy-transfer molecule


What is the storage form of energy called?

ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

what are examples of nucleotides?


what is the waste product in aerobic respiration?

CO2 (carbon dioxide) and water

the tendency of like molecules to cling to each other?


Who noted fairly constant internal conditions despite changing external conditions (for example, temperature)?

Claude Bernard

what are the three most important monomer (monosaccharides)?

glucose, galactose, and fructose

what is another nucleotide involved in energy transport?

Guanosine triphosphate (GTP)

what are examples of cations?

NA+ sodium Ca+ calcium K+ potassium Fe2+ iron

what is needed to keep glycolysis running?


what are some anions ?

OH- (hydroxide) Cl- ( chloride) I- Iodine HCO3- bicarbonate PO3^4- phosphate

coined the term homeostasis

Walter Cannon

what leads to greater change in the same direction

a positive feedback

particle that has a net negative charge (due to gain of electrons)


essential fatty acids MUST _____________

be obtained from food

Glucose is a ________

blood sugar

which nucleotide becomes the "second messenger" within the cell?


______________are hydrophilic organic molecules


what is a quickly mobilized source of energy ?


what are the four catorgories of carbon compounds ?

carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids

Carbon atoms bind readily with each other to form

carbon backbones **form long chains, branched molecules, and rings **form covalent bonds with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other elements

particle that has a net positive charge (due to loss of electrons)


In nature, sodium atoms lose electrons; therefore, they become ______.


structural molecule in plants that is important for human dietary fiber


Avoided with double-blind study

experimenter bias

if we claim something is scientifically true, we must be able to specify what evidence it would take to prove it wrong


what are chains of 4-24 carbon atoms with carboxyl group on one end and methyl group on the other

fatty acids

what are the five primary types of lipids in the human body

fatty acids triglycerides phospholipids eicosanoids steroids

Carbon has ___ valence electrons


what determines many of the properties of organic molecules?

functional groups

psychosomatic effects are tested by ?

giving a placebo to the control group

All digested carbohydrates are converted to

glucose and oxidized to make ATP

what is a polymer of amino acids


effects of a subject's state of mind on their physiology are known as _________

psychosomatic effects

what is the name of the chemical in our immune system that releases in our hypothalamus

pyrogen (fire)

structure that senses change in the body (stretch receptors above heart that monitor blood pressure)


enzymes are not consumed by the reactions refers to?

reusability of enzymes

number of subjects in a study

sample size

- carbon atoms linked by single covalent bond -molecule conatins as much hydrogen as possible

saturated fatty acids

which phosphate groups have high energy bonds

second and third

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