PIO Questions Stream A

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What is Laissez-faire leadership? A. Giving authority to employees B. Too dependent on outcomes and measures C. Initiating a change in the organisation D. Involving employees to make decisions E. Hold whole autonomy

A. Giving authority to employees

Which one of the following individual differences has strong correlation with academic procrastination? A. Self-efficacy B. Locus of control C. Thinking D. Feeling E. Gender

A. Self-efficacy

Which theory explains why human needs change over time and gives an idea of what employee wants or needs? A. Maslow Theory B. Content Theory C. Process Theory D. Expectancy Theory E. None of the above

B. Content Theory

Which of the following is not a consequence of lack of self-control? A. Negative Leadership Styles B. Increased prosocial behaviour C. Increased unethical behaviour D. Reduced work performance E. None of the above

B. Increased prosocial behaviour

This error can occur during performance appraisals when a manager has an overly positive perception of their employee. What is the name of this bias? A. Strictness Error B. Leniency Error C. Central Tendency Error D. Similar-to-me Error E. Recency Error

B. Leniency Error

Which of the following is the social learning channel that is indicated in the case, where a policy maker organizes an information campaign about the popularity of an advantageous technology among other groups of agents, in order to expedite the adoption of it? A. Direct communication B. Observational learning C. Conformity D. Emotional relation

B. Observational learning

Which of the following is true with regards to innovation in a team? A. Divergent thinking is more important than convergent. B. Any conflict within the team can be detrimental. C. A high level of diversity will increase the degree of innovation. D. Teams are more innovative when they have to battle against traditional managers. E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

An interviewer forms an initial impression about an interviewee after the first few questions and makes an initial assessment of whether the candidate is a good fit for the role. The remaining questions are in line with that first impression framed, regardless of the performance of the interviewee after the initial interview. This is an example of: a) Selective perception b) Halo effect c) Forced consistency d) Fundamental attribution error

a) Selective perception

According to Nigel Nicholson's "How Hardwired is Human Behavior", the author posits that in humans: a) emotions come before calculus b) thinking comes before calculus c) classification comes before calculus d) overthinking comes begore calculus e) Singing comes before calculus

c) classification comes before calculus

According to the Pratfall effect, what should brands be doing? A. Ensure that their flaws are not known to the public B. Flaunt their imperfections to make the brand more attractive C. Putting across an extremely appealing (perfect) image of the product while marketing D. Reduce the sales of the products intentionally E. None of the above

B. Flaunt their imperfections to make the brand more attractive

What is the difference between agile and flexible working? A. Flexible working conditions allow you to make autonomous decisions without management consent whereas agile working conditions are more restrictive and require management consent. B. Flexible working conditions are negotiated, require management permission and are for employee benefit and are an exception to the norm, whereas agile working conditions involve the ability to work remotely. C. Flexible working conditions are newer to the work life and are seen as a way to allow the management to benefit by giving the employees the illusion of control, whereas agile working conditions are to do with easy rotations between departments at work. D. Flexible work conditions are less structured than agile work conditions. E. There is no difference between the two.

B. Flexible working conditions are negotiated, require management permission and are for employee benefit and are an exception to the norm, whereas agile working conditions involve the ability to work remotely.

Which is not a crucial factor for organizational health? A. Leadership factory B. HR department's efficiency C. Continuous improvement engine D. Talent and knowledge core E. Market shaper

B. HR department's efficiency

In comparison to light media multitaskers, heavy media multitaskers: A. Are more likely to ignore irrelevant representations in memory B. Have greater difficulty filtering out irrelevant stimuli from their environment C. Are more effective in suppressing the activation of irrelevant task sets D. Approach fundamental information processing activities the same as light media multitaskers do E. Neither light media multitasking nor heavy media multitasking has an impact on information processing activities

B. Have greater difficulty filtering out irrelevant stimuli from their environment

Which of the following management skill reflect Pygmalion Effect the most? A. Sales manager wrote an email to all the employees in sales department, saying that any unfair treatment or doubt could be reported directly through replying to this email. B. In the monthly meeting, after making a conclusion for sales numbers, sales director highlighted managers' performance for last month, and settled an higher expectation for next season with great confidence. C. Brand manager consider it efficient to gather employees around and share personal ideas about tendency of future products. D. HR Manager designed a system, recording and grading each employee's performance on a monthly basis. E. Pricing director required each piece of worked based on rigorous analysis of historical data.

B. In the monthly meeting, after making a conclusion for sales numbers, sales director highlighted managers' performance for last month, and settled an higher expectation for next season with great confidence.

What is 'the grit effect' in psychology as defined by Lauren Eskreis-Winkler et al., and how does it impact one's performance in military, the workplace, school and marriage? A. It contributes to individuals becoming more patient and willing to listen to wider suggestions before committing to a chosen path B. It contributes to sustained goal commitment and predicts one`s retention in all four mentioned areas C. It obstructs long-term commitment to goals resulting in individuals becoming less likely to advance to higher positions D. It contributes to sustained goal commitment but only predicts behaviour in workplace and school, but not in military or marriage. E. It has no real effect on the level of commitment to goals, even though scholars once thought differently

B. It contributes to sustained goal commitment and predicts one`s retention in all four mentioned areas

Which of the following enhances your cognitive control? A. Taking a hot shower. B. Looking at a picture of Antarctica. C. Talking to your best friend. D. Eating a high-protein snack. E. None of the above.

B. Looking at a picture of Antarctica.

According to Judge et al.'s "Five-Factor model of personality and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis" (2002), which character trait along the big five personality traits is the main reason for less satisfaction at the workplace because employees would experience too much stimulation. A. High on agreeableness B. Low on extraversion C. High on extraversion D. Low on conscientiousness E. High on neuroticism

B. Low on extraversion

Which one is not a proper way to talk to an employee who rubs people the wrong way? A. Be transparent about your intention B. Make judgments, generalize, interpret to the employee C. Take a walk together D. Ask for input from the employee's perspective E. Stay calm and centred

B. Make judgments, generalize, interpret to the employee

What is not included in the 5 ways people unwittingly sabotage their rise to leadership? A. Overemphasizing personal goals B. Not protecting public imagine C. Turning competitors into enemies D. Going it alone E. Waiting for permission

B. Not protecting public imagine

Which of the following describes the Pre-mortem Technique pioneered by Klein? A. Defining future goals and planning how to get there. B. Projecting oneself into the future, imagining the worst has already happened and finding a potential story how it happened. C. Imagining the worst case of a past decision and determining how this could have happened and why it did not happen. D. Imagining the worst has already happened and finding a solution to improve your situation. E. Imagining the best case has already happened and trying to find the main differences to your current state.

B. Projecting oneself into the future, imagining the worst has already happened and finding a potential story how it happened.

According to Michel Foucault, what type of behaviour does Jeremy Bentham's idea of a Panopticon Prison aim to provoke amongst its occupants? A. Hard work B. Self-monitoring C. Neuroticism D. Joy E. Aggression

B. Self-monitoring

The diversity in the workplace can NOT usually bring what kind of benefit? A. Improved understanding of the marketplace B. Stable improvement of performance C. Problem-solving ability in teams D. Better use of talent E. Enhanced creativity

B. Stable improvement of performance

What is the most effective method of studying for long-term retention? A. Cramming B. Testing / Memory Retrieval C. Elaboration D. Repeated study E. Study once

B. Testing / Memory Retrieval

Which of the following is the conflict handling style that should be used when a disruption would be costly? A. The Dominating Style B. The Avoiding Style C. The Compromising Style D. The Accommodating Style E. The Collaborating Style

B. The Avoiding Style

What is confirmation bias? A. The belief that one must first confirm a piece of information scientifically for it to be considered true. B. The human tendency to seek information that confirms one's prior beliefs while ignoring evidence to the contrary C. An inclination to want to confirm something with other people before believing it D. The human tendency to believe that one is always right E. An objective assessment of problems faced

B. The human tendency to seek information that confirms one's prior beliefs while ignoring evidence to the contrary

Which of the following statements best describes the 'Benjamin Franklin Effect'? A. An increase in physical performance in situations with high levels of stress B. The phenomenon that a person who has done a favor for someone is more likely to do another favor for that person than a person who has received the favor instead C. The ability to persuade other people by providing excessive amounts of information not targeting the topic in discussion D. The possibility to improve one's performance in any subject by repeated practice E. None of the above

B. The phenomenon that a person who has done a favor for someone is more likely to do another favor for that person than a person who has received the favor instead

What is the glass cliff effect? A. The unbreachable barrier that keeps women from being paid as much as men, regardless of their skills and achievements. B. The phenomenon that women will only reach positions such as CEO in times of organisational crisis. C. The idea that women are sanctioned for violating the feminine gender role stereotype, e.g. if a woman speaks up for her team, she will be judged as trying to get full recognition for others' work. D. The fact that women will struggle in their career if they have children. E. All of the above.

B. The phenomenon that women will only reach positions such as CEO in times of organisational crisis.

What does Daniel Kahneman in his recent book "Thinking Fast and Slow" meant by saying that there are two ways in which our brain works i.e. "System 1" & "System 2"? A. Depending on a person some people are born with rational type of thinking and some opposite. B. There are two ways in which we process information, first quick intuitive, automatic and the second one slow deliberate and effortful. C. Depending on the education some people can develop the skillset to use the second system of thinking. D. Both A and B are correct. E. None of the answers above is correct.

B. There are two ways in which we process information, first quick intuitive, automatic and the second one slow deliberate and effortful.

According to Eliot Sherman in "Climbing the Corporate Ladder", which of the following is not an advisable means to advancing at the workplace? A. Demonstrating that you are hungry and committed to the company's success. B. Tiptoeing around gender issues at work as they are uncomfortable to discuss. C. Extend the strategy of securing power into maintaining it. D. Understanding the operation of office politics. E. Being culturally sensitive to people from different nationalities.

B. Tiptoeing around gender issues at work as they are uncomfortable to discuss.

Under which of the following circumstances are you most unlikely to be subject to "affect heuristic"? A. When you are giving employees' year-end performance evaluations; B. When you are comparing financials with main competitors; C. When you are deciding location for your new shop; D. When you are considering brand for a newly launched product.

B. When you are comparing financials with main competitors;

In "Climbing the corporate ladder", Eliot Sherman outlines that we should be wary of the Power Paradox coined by Keltner . Which of the following best describes the Power Paradox? A. When you help others, you tend to lose your position in power, however, people are more willing to help you when you are in a position of vulnerability B. You gain power by helping others, however, those who have secured positions of power become more selfish which sets them on a course towards losing power C. When others help you, you are left in a much more advantageous position and then you have no incentive to help others. Other people can foresee this and thus they will not bother helping you D. You do not reap benefits when helping others as you leave them in a better position, therefore both parties will not help each other E. All of the above

B. You gain power by helping others, however, those who have secured positions of power become more selfish which sets them on a course towards losing power

Which situation requires a dominant type of leadership rather than prestige leadership? A. a creative and innovative advertising campaign necessitating brainstorming B. the launch of a product with a clear vision and tight deadlines C. welcoming of new team-members into a diverse team D. assigning tasks knowing people's strength and weaknesses E. None of the above

B. the launch of a product with a clear vision and tight deadlines

A research studying the effect of different mindsets in a business organization shows that employees in growth-mindset companies tend to : A- Perform better and are highly productive B- Worry more about failure and then avoid taking risks and pursue fewer innovative project C- Be more innovative, collaborative, and committed to learning and growing D- Be chosen for their past accomplishments and their recognized talents E- Only A and C are the correct answers

C- Be more innovative, collaborative, and committed to learning and growing

What is the backfire effect? A. A personality characteristic that make people more likely to reject positive feedback B. A team level dynamic for which open feedback leads to escalating conflict C. A cognitive bias for which, when given evidence against their beliefs, people can reject the evidence and believe even more strongly. D. A neurological disease that affects people who experience high level of stress at work E. None of the above.

C. A cognitive bias for which, when given evidence against their beliefs, people can reject the evidence and believe even more strongly.

Which one of the following statements of the big five personality traits is right? A. The human personality can be divided into five broad categories or domains--openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism and aggressiveness B. Certain personalities, such as conscientiousness, are better than other personalities, such as neuroticism C. A person's personality may change over the course of adulthood, in response to life events such as entering a committed relationship or advancing in a career. D. People scored high in neuroticism are more likely to give others direct impact E. None of the above statements is right

C. A person's personality may change over the course of adulthood, in response to life events such as entering a committed relationship or advancing in a career.

What does the famous Japanese way of working, Kaizen, mean? A. Work in teams B. Result oriented work C. Always striving for perfection D. Work - life balance E. Innovation in work

C. Always striving for perfection

According to The Big Five Personality Dimensions, (Costa & McCrae, 1992), individuals high on Neuroticism tend not to experience which of the following: A. Depression B. Self-consciousness C. Calmness D. Impulsiveness E. Vulnerability

C. Calmness

Which of the following statements is true? A. Procrastination usually hinders productivity and creativity. B. Properly organized people are usually more productive and creative. C. Chronic procrastinators are likely to be more creative and productive. D. To increase productivity and creativity proper planning is always the right method. E. Procrastination and planning do not have a significant impact on creativity and productivity.

C. Chronic procrastinators are likely to be more creative and productive.

Which of the following is true about contingency theories of leadership? A. Leaders infuse work and organizations with meaning and a value-driven mission. B. They are categorized with regard to a task-orientation and people-orientation. C. Different contexts may call for different kinds of leadership. D. Sometimes are referred to as "Great Man" Theories. E. The power of a leader's personal abilities and talents to influence followers in profound, extraordinary and transformative ways

C. Different contexts may call for different kinds of leadership.

According to research on office politics, performing well in which of the following dimensions is not generally linked to an increase in job performance, leadership and advancement: A. Social astuteness (ability to understand how people perceive you) B. Interpersonal influence (ability to influence convincingly the decision making of others) C. Disengagement from office politics (ability to ignore the politics of the office and focus solely of work) D. Networking ability (the ability to form mutually beneficial connections with colleagues) E. Apparent sincerity (being perceived by others as being honest)

C. Disengagement from office politics (ability to ignore the politics of the office and focus solely of work)

"Job crafting" is becoming a popular among managers because it helps employees to: A. Have zero motivation to complete day-to-day tasks B. Feel obligated to partake, increasing likelihood of deviancy C. Feel their work is more meaningful and invigorating D. Work harder due to work-related incentives E. Streamline their workflows by using Six Sigma

C. Feel their work is more meaningful and invigorating

As researched by Baumeister's research group, what does the concept of Ego Depletion suggest? A. Rejection over a period of time leads to a less than proportional increase in humbleness. B. The more demanding a task the more you become inured to its benefits. C. If you have to force yourself to do something, the less willing you are to exert self-control when the next challenge comes around. D. The more you use "system 2" of your brain, the more intuitive the process becomes over a period of time such that "system 1" can immediately takeover. E. Activities that impose high demands on "system 1" will over the long-term leads to increased spillover benefits to "system 2".

C. If you have to force yourself to do something, the less willing you are to exert self-control when the next challenge comes around.

It is conventional wisdom that extroverts make the best leaders. However, the article The Hidden Advantages of Quiet Bosses shows that introverts can be more effective leaders, in which of the following situations? A. In a controlled and low autonomy environment B. In social and interactive environment C. In a dynamic, unpredictable environment D. In routine and stable environments

C. In a dynamic, unpredictable environment

The key thrust for Pay for Performance Systems is stimulus. Which are the two elements of this stimulus? A. Motivational and Directional B. Directional and Disciplinary C. Informational and Motivational D. Disciplinary and Informational E. Informational and Directional

C. Informational and Motivational

Jim got promoted to a partner at BCG, London . In a meeting, it was cited that Jim's ability to "stay hungry" was the main reason for his promotion. According to E. Shermon's "Climbing the corporate ladder ?" What does the term "stay hungry" mean ? Choose the most appropriate response. A. Jim was able to acknowledge and address the gender issues that existed within the company. B. Jim, himself a British, was able to work efficiently with people from diverse cultural backgrounds C. Jim, despite spending long working hours in the office, would be the first to respond and competently handle an office emergency situation. D. Jim had this strong ability to get his teammates reach a consensus in a very short amount of time. E. None of the Above

C. Jim, despite spending long working hours in the office, would be the first to respond and competently handle an office emergency situation.

What does the Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Herzberg's two factor theory) conclude about the relationship between factors related to job satisfaction (motivators) and factors related to job dissatisfaction (hygiene factors)? A. Remedying causes of dissatisfaction (such as relationship with supervisor, company policies, status) will create satisfaction. B. If company policy promotes factors that cause job satisfaction, this prevents job dissatisfaction. C. Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction stem from two entirely different set of factors and the opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction and the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction. D. Low job satisfaction causes a lack of motivation and therefore high job dissatisfaction. E. None of the above.

C. Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction stem from two entirely different set of factors and the opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction and the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction.

Which of the following is not one of the key elements to make a Google team effective? A. Dependability B. Psychological safety C. Mix of traits and skills D. Structure and clarity E. Impact

C. Mix of traits and skills

According to the 5 Factor Model, which personality traits has the strongest link to leadership? A. Neuroticism B. Conscientiousness C. Openness to Experience D. Agreeableness E. Extroversion

C. Openness to Experience

____is discretionary behavior that is NOT part of an employee's formal job requirement, but that promotes the effective functioning of the organization. A. Productivity B. Motivation C. Organizational citizenship D. Organizational behavior E. Corporate strategy

C. Organizational citizenship

What are the two processes the brain follows while making decisions? A. Objective definition and alternative assessment B. Problem framing and judgement consideration C. Pattern recognition and emotional tagging D. Consequence evaluation and unconscious self-interest E. None of the above

C. Pattern recognition and emotional tagging

What is the tetris effect? A. Tendency to look for what's missing in one's life B. Addiction to solving puzzles C. Phenomenon that occurs when people devote too much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their thoughts, mental images and dreams. D. Study that shows playing the game Tetris enhances your problem solving skills E. None of the above

C. Phenomenon that occurs when people devote too much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their thoughts, mental images and dreams.

Which of the following describes the anchoring bias? A. Selecting an option for which the probability of a favourable outcome is known, over an option for which the probability of a favourable outcome is unknown B. Believing that a person who has experienced success with a random event has a greater chance of further success in additional attempts. C. Providing too much weight to the first piece of information offered when making decisions. D. Overestimating the likelihood of events with greater "availability" in memory, which can be influenced by how recent the memories are or how emotionally charged they may be. E. None of the above.

C. Providing too much weight to the first piece of information offered when making decisions.

Which of the following items is not part of the GAPS grid? A. Abilities B. Perception of others C. Purpose D. Goals E. Standards

C. Purpose

"Job crafting" is an exercise that allows you to reassess your professional situation and incorporate your passions, motives, and strengths. Which of the following is NOT a core aspect of work that you can redefine? A. Tasks B. Relationships C. Salary D. Perceptions E. None of the above

C. Salary

Asking for and receiving constructive feedback can at times be a challenge. Which of the following is NOT an efficient way to get the feedback you need? A. Understand what feedback you are looking for B. Pose specific questions C. Schedule time to ask for feedback D. Press for specific examples E. Ask colleagues for feedback

C. Schedule time to ask for feedback

Due to which cognitive bias would a person be inclined towards attributing positive events to one's own character, but attributing negative events to external factors? A. Current Moment Bias B. Negative Bias C. Self-serving Bias D. Projection Bias E. Observational Selection Bias

C. Self-serving Bias

What example of behaviour defies the predictions of evolutionary psychology? A. Members of a company's IT-department labelling marketing staff as "outsiders" B. Co-workers subconsciously competing with each other for higher status C. Silicon Valley entrepreneurs engaging in risky ventures to change the status-quo D. Colleagues engaging in gossip in the workplace E. None of the above

C. Silicon Valley entrepreneurs engaging in risky ventures to change the status-quo

According to the article "Climbing the Corporate Ladder" by Eliot Sherman, which of the following is false in regard to the gender issue? A. It is generally expected that for men, having a child will not affect their work habits in the slightest B. Having children makes it more challenging for women than men to gain power and influence in their careers C. Since the gender issue is a very sensitive topic, those who want to successfully climb up the corporate ladder should try to avoid acknowledging it as best as they can D. There is currently a double standard for women to be able to excel in their careers and become the perfect parent at the same time E. All of the above are true

C. Since the gender issue is a very sensitive topic, those who want to successfully climb up the corporate ladder should try to avoid acknowledging it as best as they can

Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT about the Big Five, the Five-Factor Model and Five-Factor Theory? A. Big Five are a coordinate system that maps which traits go together in people's descriptions or ratings of one another B. The word " Five-Factor Model" can refer either to a descriptive framework of what has been observed, or to a theoretical explanation of causes and consequences C. The Big Five only concern with personal characteristics and emotional reactions, while exclude any interpersonal reactions D. The term "Big Five" was coined by Lew Goldberg and was originally associated with studies of personality traits used in natural language E. Five-Factor Theory includes a number of propositions about the nature, origins, and developmental course of personality traits, and about the relation of traits to many of the other personality variables mentioned earlier.

C. The Big Five only concern with personal characteristics and emotional reactions, while exclude any interpersonal reactions

What is the Hawthorne Effect? A. The idea that internal promotion results in a better understanding of the employees under one's supervision. B. The discovery that higher remuneration does not necessarily result in higher motivation. C. The phenomenon that behavior of people changes when they know to be under observation. D. The phenomenon that perception of power changes with increasing formal power in an organisation. E. The phenomenon that success achieved through informal power is perceived as more justified than success achieved through formal power.

C. The phenomenon that behavior of people changes when they know to be under observation.

Which of the following related to theory X and theory Y at the workplace is not true? A.Adopting theory X indicates that managers believe that external incentives are necessary to product work efficiency. B. Adopting theory Y managers believe that workers are naturally driven. C. Theory X lead to more worker participation than theory Y in a team D. Theory X believer will be more authoritarian in management style. E. None of the above

C. Theory X lead to more worker participation than theory Y in a team

In a 1995 study, a group of family physicians were presented a scenario involving a patient with osteoarthritis. The physicians evaluated the patient's case and suggested a treatment for it however they were reminded to also consider a medication that could help cure the patient. Following this recommendation, the majority of the physicians prescribed the new medication in addition to the initial treatment they agreed to give. Which of the following was the decision taken by the majority of the physicians when two medications this time, were recommended for them to prescribe to the patient in addition to the initial treatment? A. They prescribed only one of the two medications to the patient in addition to the initial treatment B. They prescribed both of the medications to the patient in addition to the initial treatment C. They prescribed none of the medications to the patient and pursued the initial treatment D. They decide to re-evaluate the patient's case after realizing that too many factors have been omitted E. None of the above

C. They prescribed none of the medications to the patient and pursued the initial treatment

What kind of the criterion category suggested by Barrick and Mount does Openness to Experience validly predict? A. Job proficiency B. Personnel data C. Training proficiency D. None of the above

C. Training proficiency

Which is an example of an intrinsic motivator? A. As a consultant at McKinsey, you're working with a client mapping their product journey. The success of this project will lead to a hefty bonus. B. TESCO offers 5% discount on all items if you buy their loyalty card. C. You pursue a Masters in Management because it is fun to meet people from vast, diverse backgrounds and enhance your performance in organisations D. You choose to take an advanced degree in management from LBS because it has been ranked 4th in the 2017 FT rankings E. You're working on a product that uses animal testing. You're a PETA member and are against animal testing but you don't want to let your team down.

C. You pursue a Masters in Management because it is fun to meet people from vast, diverse backgrounds and enhance your performance in organisations

Behavioural game theory does not take into account: A. standard (analytical) game theory B. how players feel about the payoffs other players receive C. cultural differences D. limits in strategic thinking E. effects of learning

C. cultural differences

In the book Thinking Fast and Slow, Kahneman differentiates between System 1 and System 2. System 1 operates in all of the following ways, apart from: A. instinctively B. automatically C. slowly D. with minimal effort E. no sense of voluntary control

C. slowly

Ranking the probability of two combined events, P(A&B), higher than the probability of the two events separately, P(A) or P(B), is an example of A. the Prospect Theory B. the Mental Account Bias C. the Conjunction Fallacy D. the Framing Bias E. None of the above

C. the Conjunction Fallacy

"Many decisions, such as whether to invest in the stock market or to accept a new job, involve the possibility of gaining or losing relative to the status quo. When faced with such decisions, most people are markedly risk averse". Why so? A) The subjective impact of losses is roughly twice that of gains B) People demand substantially more money to part with objects that they have been given than what they would have been willing to pay to acquire those objects in the first place C) Losses give rise to activation in regions that have been associated with negative emotions D) All of the above

D) All of the above

According to evolutionary psychologists, how do you get people to take risks? A) By creating a safe environment B) By comforting them C) By rewarding successful risk takers D) By threatening them E) By creating group pressure

D) By threatening them

Which of the following is not one of the key actions for changing mind-sets and behaviour according to the influence model? A) Role modelling B) Fostering understanding and conviction C) Developing talent and skills D) Creating a strong work ethic E) Reinforcing with formal mechanisms

D) Creating a strong work ethic

"One doesn't manage creativity. One manages for creativity." The role of a leader is to create an environment in which creativity is encouraged. Which of the following methods to achieve this does not foster such an environment? A) Define creativity for your business without making it a formula, and getting everyone on the same page. B) Strike a balance between art and commerce C) Provide space for both collaborative and individual expression D) Demand creativity by offering cash rewards for innovative ideas E) Provide structural guardrails without constraining freedom

D) Demand creativity by offering cash rewards for innovative ideas

According to the experiments conducted by Y. Jun, R. Meng, and G. Johar in "Perceived social presence reduces fact-checking", which of the following can be seen as the reason for reduced fact-checking in social environments? A) It's a matter of social loafing B) It's a genuine behavior resulting from trust C) Evaluating statements alone relative to in the company of others facilitate greater engagement with content D) Social stimuli such as "likes" or "shares" or collective presence generally lead to reduced vigilance

D) Social stimuli such as "likes" or "shares" or collective presence generally lead to reduced vigilance

Which effect could best illustrate the following scenario? "The senior manager of a multinational consulting company was very satisfied with the talents of the MiM graduates recruited last year. He set high standards and had high expectations for them. This year, through the guidance and supervision of the senior manager, it turns out that most of them are performing superbly." A) The Golem Effect B) The Spotlight Effect C) The Placebo Effect D) The Pygmalion Effect E) The Telescoping Effect

D) The Pygmalion Effect

What is the status quo bias? A. A tendency to interpret information in a way that contradicts one's beliefs. B. A cognitive bias for which, when given conflicting information, people re-evaluate the status-quo. C. A cognitive bias for which, when given new information, people question their previous decisions. D. A tendency to prefer things to stay the same or maintain a previous decision. E. None of the above.

D. A tendency to prefer things to stay the same or maintain a previous decision.

If you decide to make a career switch, what should you NOT do? A. Think it through B. Prepare yourself C. Network with other firms / professionals whilst still employed D. Act quickly E. Test out your new career

D. Act quickly

While low performers are attached to their companies through a transactional psychological contract, what is driving high performers to build a more relational psychological contract with their employers? A. Better pay B. Flexible work arrangements C. Year-end bonus D. Advancement opportunities E. None of the above

D. Advancement opportunities

Which of the following is an appropriate way to help a colleague when he performed poorly in a team project? A. Give harsh criticism without mentioning what specific behaviours need to be changed B. Label him as a team laggard and tell him to work hard C. Complain to the supervisor about such poor performance D. Assess whether he is open to change before you bring up your suggestions E. Keep quiet and complete his part of the task

D. Assess whether he is open to change before you bring up your suggestions

Which of the following leadership styles is most commonly seen in the armed forces A.Transactional Leadership B. Laissez - Faire Leadership C. Charismatic Leadership D. Autocratic Leadership E. Democratic Leadership

D. Autocratic Leadership

Equity theory, first developed by behavioural psychologist J. Stacey Adams, is a theory of motivation in the workplace. It states that individuals in organisations compare the ratio of their outcomes/inputs to those of their colleagues, and motivation is linked to this ratio comparison. In the context of payment/salary, what would be the behavioural reaction of an individual who notices an overpayment inequity and is overpaid compared to colleagues completing the same job? A. Increase inputs (work harder) B. Lower outcomes (e.g. take no salary for work on paid vacation days) C. No behavioural change (continue with the same inputs that give high pay) D. Both A) and B) are correct

D. Both A) and B) are correct

'Brainstorming' has become a widely used tool for groups to develop ideas, however what is the biggest risk of using this technique? A. By asking a group to generate ideas you might end up with too many ideas, which dilute the focus and energy of the group B. The Brainstorming technique puts extra pressure on individuals in a group who cannot come up with clever ideas C. You run the risk of finding too unrealistic ideas/solutions, which can never be exercised in practice D. Brainstorming can lead to group-thinking: when group members share thoughts, their ideas tend to converge E. Brainstorming is a complex technique, which can only be exercised by experts

D. Brainstorming can lead to group-thinking: when group members share thoughts, their ideas tend to converge

Which of the following is a good networking strategy? A. Focus yourself on a limited number of strong ties who know each other B. Expand your network as much as possible C. Build a network that is very centralized D. Build a network that is cohesive but has some weak, bridging ties E. None of the above.

D. Build a network that is cohesive but has some weak, bridging ties

What is an example of the anchoring effect as outlined in Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow? A. John would only sell his favourite mug for $10 or more but would only pay $6 to buy the exact same mug from the store B. Sean decides to buy house insurance after watching news coverage of Hurricane Irma C. Jeremy is determined to continue gambling until he recoups his losses, despite being down 40% D. Claire always starts negotiations with potential tenants at a higher than expected figure E. Microsoft Outlook classifies all emails with the phrase "be your own boss" as spam

D. Claire always starts negotiations with potential tenants at a higher than expected figure

What kind of diversity enables teams to work the most productively? A. Ethnical diversity B. Gender diversity C. Age diversity D. Cognitive diversity E. None of the above

D. Cognitive diversity

How can identity be defined according to Herminia Ibarra in her "How to Stay Stuck in the Wrong Career" paper? A. Inner core B. True self C. Relatively stable personality structure, defined by aptitudes, preferences, and values D. Combination of many different selves E. Concept a person develops about him/herself which evolves over the course of life

D. Combination of many different selves

In Kahneman's book Thinking, Fast and Slow, the author speaks about two thinking systems called System 1 and System 2 respectively. Which of the following would not be considered an example for a System 1 activity? A. Realising that one object is further aways than another B. Identifying words on large billboards C. Comprehending simple sentences D. Completing a tax form E. Solving 1 + 1 = ?

D. Completing a tax form

Which "Big Five" personality dimension was found to be most correlated with job performance criteria such as job proficiency, training proficiency, and personnel data across different occupational groups (professionals, police, managers, sales, skilled/semi-skilled)? A. Extraversion B. Emotional Stability C. Agreeableness D. Conscientiousness E. Openness to experience

D. Conscientiousness

There are five distinct stages that groups go through. Which of the followings is NOT in the five-stage group-development model? A. Forming stage B. Storming stage C. Norming stage D. Developing stage E. Performing stage

D. Developing stage

There are currently 191 projects in the Government Major Projects Portfolio worth a combined £354 billion. There is evidence that optimism bias leads to severe cost and time overruns. Which of the following strategies would not help to reduce the cognitive bias: A. Full identification of stakeholder requirements B. Accurate Costing C. Project & Risk Management D. Eliminating expensive projects E. Accurate Scheduling

D. Eliminating expensive projects

Job rejections have got to be one of the tougher forms of rejection. Getting feedback on why you didn't get the job will be incredibly helpful as you continue on in your search. Which of the following is the most proper way to ask for feedback after a job rejection? A. Call the interviewer to ask for feedback B. Message the interviewer through Linkedin for feedback C. Visit the company to ask for meeting the interviewer D. Email the interviewer to give him/her the option of providing feedback E. Email the interviewer to demand feedback

D. Email the interviewer to give him/her the option of providing feedback

Which one of these biases represents the tendency for people to prefer a smaller reward immediately as opposed to a bigger reward in a long time? For example, a lot of people would prefer to get $100 today instead of getting $120 two months from today. A. Selective perception B. Zero-risk bias C. Irrational escalation D. Hyperbolic discounting E. Endowment effect

D. Hyperbolic discounting

According to the theory of riskless choices in decision making, which property does not characterize the "economic man" ? A. Complete information B. Rationality C. Infinite sensitivity D. Independence E. All of the above

D. Independence

Which one of the following would be an example of the Pygmalion effect? A. Tyrion has been assigned an insignificant position on the board of directors by Tywin (CEO), who has always believed him to be a useless addition to the family (company). Since then, Tyrion has become careless in his daily tasks. B. Cersei (HR director), has appealed to have Tyrion removed from the council due to his long-forgotten previous misconduct. Her decision is based on existing feelings of apathy towards Tyrion, which may provoke revengeful behaviour in the future. C. Tyrion is confident that if he establishes a sound network among the board of directors, he will have more chances to be considered for the available CFO position. D. Jamie (Group Operations Director), is involved in a restructuring project with Tyrion. He always saw Tyrion as a bright and creative individual, so he has openly praised Tyrion during the council meeting. Tyrion has become even more dedicated and proactive in the project. E. Tyrion is fed up. He has decided to quit vertical progression, switching to horizontal progression, by joining the same position in the Targaryen Team (competitor company).

D. Jamie (Group Operations Director), is involved in a restructuring project with Tyrion. He always saw Tyrion as a bright and creative individual, so he has openly praised Tyrion during the council meeting. Tyrion has become even more dedicated and proactive in the project.

Which component does not belong to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) concept of a human personality type. A. Extraversion B. Sensing C. Thinking D. Learning E. Judging

D. Learning

As mentioned in Kahneman, Lovallo and Sibony's article, cognitive scientists acknowledge two modes of thinking: intuitive and reflective. Which of the following is not an example for intuitive thinking? A. Riding a bicycle B. Playing football C. Chatting with friends D. Learning Mandarin E. Cooking pasta

D. Learning Mandarin

Which of the following is not part of Pixar's Operating Principles for managing a creative organisation? A. Craft a learning environment B. Create a peer culture C. Empower your creative D. Maintain a hierarchical communication structure E. Get more out of post-mortems

D. Maintain a hierarchical communication structure

It can be easy to bridge cultural gaps in organisations; however, some differences are more difficult to overcome. Which of the following is not a rule in order to overcome such difficulties? A.Don't underestimate the challenge B. Apply multiple perspectives C. Find the positive in other approaches D. Maintain regular cultural interaction E. Adjust and readjust your position

D. Maintain regular cultural interaction

What does the act of 'breaking the frame' refer to? A. A management analogy based on breaking glasses frames and looking through new lenses. B. Making business decisions driven by rigorous analysis of data. C. Creating a new narrative by reflecting on previous decisions. D. Making business decisions driven by the principles of natural science. E. Creating a new narrative that displaces the old narrative.

D. Making business decisions driven by the principles of natural science.

Which one of the following practical suggestions would most hinder one's capacity to manage and lead others through trust? A. Recognize excellence in a tangible, unexpected, personal and public manner B. Give people discretion in how they do their work C. Induce "challenge stress" by setting difficult but achievable jobs to the teams D. Micromanage their tasks to insure they work on what they excel at E. Show vulnerability and ask for help when needed

D. Micromanage their tasks to insure they work on what they excel at

When individuals are presented with seemingly credible information that contradicts their own position, how are they most likely to react? A. Immediately accept the information and shift to the previously opposite opinion B. Inquire for more information before shifting to the previously opposite opinion C. Accept components of the information and form a new opinion which blends both views D. No shift from their original viewpoint E. Completely reject the information and become further rooted in their original viewpoint

D. No shift from their original viewpoint

Which one of the following reasons is not a reason why collective settings tends to suppress fact-checking ? A. People feel confident about their answers when others are around B. People may expect to free-ride on others' effort C. People tend to assume that a speaker is telling the truth thus avoid expressing skepticism so as not to offend him or her (conversational norm) D. People in groups tend to hesitate in verifying ambiguous statements because of their anxiety E. Being around others automatically lowers people's guards (safety in numbers)

D. People in groups tend to hesitate in verifying ambiguous statements because of their anxiety

Teams solve problems faster when they're more Cognitively Diverse. A high degree of cognitive diversity could generate accelerated learning and performance in the face of new, uncertain, and complex situations. Which of the following statements does NOT hold true in relation to cognitive diversity. A. Defined as the differences in perspective or information processing styles. B. Independent of our education, our culture, and other social conditioning. C. How individuals think about, engage and approach problems. D. Predicted by factors such as gender, ethnicity, or age. E. None of the above

D. Predicted by factors such as gender, ethnicity, or age

In his Ted talk "The puzzle of motivation", Daniel Pink explains that performance in a workplace can be improved by setting up intrinsic motivation, which is motivation that is not fuelled by external factors like incentives or on the contrary punishments. All the following examples describe intrinsic motivation, EXCEPT: A. Developing a training program for all employees willing to learn B. Putting in place an "Employee of the month" scheme C. Giving more responsibility and flexibility to employees D. Rewarding employees with bonuses based on annual performance E. Organising an office party to celebrate the end of a successful project

D. Rewarding employees with bonuses based on annual performance

How should employment contracts/organisational handbooks be phrased in order to encourage positive and productive workplace behaviour? A. Generality is always best as it accords managers with the freedom to decide when and whether or not to intervene in various situations; expectations should never be clearly defined. B. Specificity is the optimal tool - potentially counterproductive behaviours should always be explicitly stated in contracts as a means of control and to provide clear structure for the organisation in terms of expected behaviour. C. Guidelines & technical clauses should be abandoned altogether to foster a culture of autonomy, which would consequently boost productivity of the organisation. D. Synergistic benefits can best be attained if managers balance control and motivation by distinguishing the purpose of each clause and determining the level of specificity/generality required therefrom. E. None of the above.

D. Synergistic benefits can best be attained if managers balance control and motivation by distinguishing the purpose of each clause and determining the level of specificity/generality required therefrom.

Which of the following examples best illustrates the Golem effect? A. Students with optimistic character traits have been found to deliver better performances than students with a more pessimistic attitude B. Teachers who have high-biased expectations have seen a positive effect on their student's performance C. Students who have high expectations of themselves have found to have better performances than students with high expectations of themselves D. Teachers who have low-biased expectations have seen a negative effect on their student's performance E. None of the above

D. Teachers who have low-biased expectations have seen a negative effect on their student's performance

What is the name of the psychological phenomenon explaining why lower expectations placed upon individuals either by supervisors or the individual themselves lead to poorer performance by the individual? A. The Oedipus complex B. The Pygmalion effect C. The Gargoyle effect D. The Golem effect E. None of the above

D. The Golem effect

What is the definition for "Intercultural competence"? A. The ability of a person to identify different cultures when confronted to them B. The Inclination of a company/manager to hire people from diversified cultural backgrounds C. The fact that a person lived and worked in many different countries D. The ability to develop targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes that are appropriate in intercultural interactions E. The ability of a company to implement its offer in different countries without adapting its marketing or product to local markets

D. The ability to develop targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes that are appropriate in intercultural interactions

According to the recent research results by University of Leipzig, birth order does NOT influence any of the "big five" personality traits possibly because: A. Later-borns, who are expected to be more peer-oriented than firstborns, may be less conscientious than firstborns B. Parents focus more on early-borns and impact less on later-borns C. Early-borns "tutor" later-borns and believe later-borns will grow up with similar personalities D. The ages impacts upon personalities confuse with the influence of birth order E. Intelligence of early-borns is found to be higher than later-borns

D. The ages impacts upon personalities confuse with the influence of birth order

According to Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton's leadership model, the five different leadership styles are based on: A. Self-consideration and drive for results B. The concern for power and the concern for teamwork C. Analytical skills and communication skills D. The concern for people and the concern for production E. None of the above

D. The concern for people and the concern for production

Large organisations often face the challenge of their workers breaking into cliques and subgroups within the company. Nicholson argues that this is because A. Status in societies is often achieved through competition. Humans naturally split into smaller subgroups which foster this competition B. It is in the human psychology to gossip. As such, it is easier to find out secrets and other information in smaller groups C. In the hunter-gatherer age it was important to cooperate and act friendly to form social alliances. Because of this, people are naturally drawn to separate off into smaller groups with common interests D. The human brain can comfortably function in a social group of maximum 150 members E. Human societies are organised around a family model. Because of this, people in large organisations are psychologically drawn to form smaller groups of their own

D. The human brain can comfortably function in a social group of maximum 150 members

In his ted talk "how great leaders inspire action", Simon Sinek denote a pattern that made ordinary people history-changing leaders. This pattern is based on the golden circle concept. Which of the following describes the golden concept? A. The more valuable the surrounding network is, the more successful the leader is. B. The background (personal and professional experiences) of a leader is not common. C. The leader is/was part of an exceptional team coupled by talented consultants. D. The leader acts by defining its purpose first, and unveiling its product last. E. Right time, Right place, Right person.

D. The leader acts by defining its purpose first, and unveiling its product last.

According to Douglas McGregor, leadership styles can be explained by two different attitudes towards subordinates. Leaders can either subscribe to the assumptions of theory X or Theory Y. Which of the following is not true about theory Y? A. Theory Y states that under the right circumstances and motivation, people will adopt greater responsibility concerning organizational problems. B. A leader that supports the assumptions of Theory Y will not use fear and control to force people to work effectively. C. A leader that supports the assumptions of Theory Y is more people oriented and cares about relationships. D. Theory Y is based on the assumption that people are generally lazy, have no ambition, avoid responsibility and need to be threatened and controlled to work. E. Theory Y reflects the assumption that people view work as a challenge and use creativity and imagination to solve problems .

D. Theory Y is based on the assumption that people are generally lazy, have no ambition, avoid responsibility and need to be threatened and controlled to work.

Which of the following best describes the affect heuristic? A. To infer the success and growth of a company because of its leaders B. To analyse options based on past experience or data only C. To focus only on one plausible option and to ignore other credible alternatives D. To let decisions be influenced by emotions rather than neutrality E. None of the above

D. To let decisions be influenced by emotions rather than neutrality

What does Eliot Sherman mean for "Know the politics" in his six ways of get ahead in the workplace? A. To influence others B. To work with someone who shares your goals C. To gain power and influence by helping others D. Understanding people's attitude and knowing their past conflicts in the firm E. None of the above

D. Understanding people's attitude and knowing their past conflicts in the firm

Which of the following statements are incorrect about eye-contact? A. Speakers that seek out eye contact are more confident and believable B. We increase eye contact with people we admire or have power over us C. Women prefer face-to-face conversation, rather than talk standing side-by-side D. We increase eye contact when we feel depressed E. Eye contact produces powerful sense of connection

D. We increase eye contact when we feel depressed

Which of the following is NOT an example of halo effect? A. Good-looking people are more intelligent, more successful and more popular B. People attribute the success of a company to visionary leaders C. People believe that a struggling company must have a poor strategy and weak execution D. When a business plan doesn't turn out well, the managers examine the decision process itself and not just the outcome E. When a celebrity spokesperson endorses a product, people tend to favour that product based on their positive evaluation of the spokesperson

D. When a business plan doesn't turn out well, the managers examine the decision process itself and not just the outcome

What is the disconfirmation bias? A. It is a natural behavior that makes people rather do not believe a statement than believe it B. When people are in a crowd and faced with a fact they do not know about they tend to disagree rather than agree C. When people are faced with a fact that is false, they would rather believe that the next fact they hear is also not true D. When people are faced with evidence for and against their beliefs, they will be more likely to accept the evidence that supports their beliefs E. When a person just was wrong with his prior statement, he/she starts to doubt his/her belief in the future

D. When people are faced with evidence for and against their beliefs, they will be more likely to accept the evidence that supports their beliefs

According to Daniel Goleman, on which of the following emotional intelligence (EI) domains does one needs to focus in order to become an effective leader? A. Self-awareness B. Self-management C. Social Awareness D. Relationship Management E. All of the above

E. All of the above

According to Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jackobson how does the 'Pygmalion Effect' come to life in a classroom and how do teachers interact with their students? A. Teachers are nicer to students who they have high expectations and create a warmer climate for them B. Teachers teach more material to students of who they have high expectations C. Teachers provide more response opportunities to students of who they have high expectations and help them shape the answer D. Teachers praise students of who they have high expectations more and provide them with more detailed and constructive feedback when they get their answer wrong E. All of the above

E. All of the above

According to Vroom's expectancy theory, in which situation can individuals be motivated? A. There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance. B. Favorable performance will result in a desirable reward. C. The reward will satisfy an important need. D. The desire to satisfy the need is strong enough to make the effort worthwhile. E. All of the above

E. All of the above

According to the Big Five theory, which traits are associated with Extraversion: A. Assertive B. Merry C. Energetic D. Articulate E. All of the above

E. All of the above

How would you define the new concept of "empowerment"? A. You can achieve ultimate power by giving it to the people who work for you. B. Leaders can maximize their own power and their opportunities for success by enabling the employees they supervise also to achieve their own sense of power and success. C. Leaders are beginning to see the need to involve organization members at all levels in making decisions and solving problems. D. Power operates under the same principle as love: The more you give to others, the more you receive in return. E. All of the above

E. All of the above

What is an element of "second generation gender bias" that causes women to be underrepresented in leadership positions? A. Lack of role models for women B. Gendered career paths and gendered work (workplaces only suiting the needs of male workers) C. Women's lack of access to network and sponsors D. Double binds (a mismatch between conventional feminine qualities and leadership qualities) E. All of the above

E. All of the above

What are the big 5 personality dimensions currently recognised and first identified by Ernest Tupes and Raymond Christal ? A. Introversion, Emotional Intelligence, Compassion, Charisma, Open Mindedness B. Introversion, Emotional Intelligence, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience C. Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Compassion, Charisma, Open Mindedness D. Extraversion, Emotional Intelligence, Compassion, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience E. Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience

E. Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience

The desire to obtain status in organizational settings is, simply put, part of human nature. Taken together, the research of evolutionary psychology on group size and hierarchy helps a manager to think anew about teams. The following statements are true except: A. Managers should try to keep teams, such as work groups and committees, to manageable family-size proportions of up to 12. B. Managers should build a common set of purposes by maintaining an egalitarian ethos of sharing and equal rights. C. Managers should probably not try to run teams as strict democracies. D. Managers should watch out for herding. E. Managers should not allow informal leadership roles to operate.

E. Managers should not allow informal leadership roles to operate.

What is the chameleon effect? A. Staying quiet and reserved during networking events to observe without being noticed B. Purposely wearing the same colour as the walls in a room in order to blend in C. Adjusting your behaviours in a group setting to fit in to the norm D. Avoiding work confrontation by always agreeing with other opinions E. Mirroring someone's gestures, expressions, posture, vocal pitch, or tone in conversation

E. Mirroring someone's gestures, expressions, posture, vocal pitch, or tone in conversation

Networking can be a powerful skill in job hunting and it can be even more significant in organizational life. Social Network Analysis (SNA) conducted a survey to examine the structure of social relationships in a group. Based on their findings, people play different roles in a network. Which of the following role is NOT included in a normal network? A. Central connectors B. Boundary spanners C. Peripheral specialists D. Helpful collaborators E. Self- conscious speakers

E. Self- conscious speakers

In our VUCA world, successful managers must have all these skills, except: A. Courage B. Adaptability C. Vision D. Understanding E. Technical knowledge

E. Technical knowledge

Which skill is not necessary for a marketing professional in order to become a successful leader? A. Strategic thinking B. People management C. Problem solving D. Vision E. Written communication

E. Written communication

Which one of the following statements is able to define "employee engagement" better? A. an individual's working hours B. an individual's working load and participation in meetings C. an individual's relationship with supervisors and colleagues D. an individual's presence in the team and company E. an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for, the work he or she does

E. an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for, the work he or she does

Nigel Nicholson in his HBR article "How Hardwired is Human Behaviour" posits that emotion, loss aversion, overconfidence, categorical thinking and social intuition will continue to regularly prevail in business decisions. What do evolutionary psychologist in the article suggest to mitigate these forces: a) To have a clear view of our biased nature to construct a mindset guarding against them b) To make decisions in a group environment to avoid individual traits clouding judgment c) To delay decision making and allow undesired forces to calm down d) To make decisions immediately when those forces are the weakest e) All of the above

a) To have a clear view of our biased nature to construct a mindset guarding against them

In his book 'Thinking Fast and Slow', Daniel Kahneman introduces a cognitive bias that explains how irrational we are when making decisions. In particular, the bias indicates how we can be heavily influenced by what we immediately recall when making decisions, possibly neglecting other important factors that might emerge if we prolong the deliberation process. What is the name of this cognitive bias? a. WYSIATI b. Omission Bias c. Curse of Knowledge d. Congruence Bias e. Reactance


What traits are frequently associated with Neuroticism? a) Being sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative and active b) Being anxious, depressed, angry, embarrassed, emotional, worried and insecure c) Being courteous, flexible, trusting, good natured, cooperative, forgiving and tolerant d) Being careful, thorough, responsible, organized and planful e) Being imaginative, cultured, curious, original, broad-minded and intelligent

b) Being anxious, depressed, angry, embarrassed, emotional, worried and insecure (Answer was not specified)

Even though already having been developed back in the 1960s, the term emotional intelligence primarily gained wide popularity in 1995 through the same-named book of the bestselling author, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman. One of his main findings concerning this topic is the following: a. What matters most for a person to be successful in today's business world are sharp analytical skills and creativity. b. A person may display high intelligence, outstanding analytical skills and great technical knowledge, but without emotional intelligence he or she will not make a great leader. c. The importance of emotional intelligence always depends on the type of organisation a person is working for. d. IQ is a better predictor for future success than emotional intelligence. e. None of the above.

b. A person may display high intelligence, outstanding analytical skills and great technical knowledge, but without emotional intelligence he or she will not make a great leader.

How is Hofstede's 6 dimensions of national culture relevant to the current business environment? a) There is a need for a reduction in cultural biases b) To allow businesses to operate more effectively in the global market c) To show how values in the workplace are influenced and affected by culture, allowing businesses to assess business environments d) Because it is impossible to work effectively without knowledge of cultural norms e) There is a need for different cultures to be represented fairly within an organization

c) To show how values in the workplace are influenced and affected by culture, allowing businesses to assess business environments

What is the fundamental characteristic that every feedback should have? a. Be broad and general in order to let people improve in all possible aspects b. Be addressed directly to the person, stating why in your opinion their behaving like this c. Be actionable in order to let people focus just on that specific issue d. Be gentle, addressing it as a leading question e. Convey other people's opinions, in order to communicate everyone's thought about the matter

c. Be actionable in order to let people focus just on that specific issue

Which of the following is not a constructive way to give feedback to your organization's key leader? a. Promote accountability and transparency b. Use the "I like, I wish, I wonder" approach c. Give feedback through email instead of meeting with them in person d. Build a relationship with them early on to build a degree of trust e. Base your feedback on data to effectively open a constructive conversation

c. Give feedback through email instead of meeting with them in person

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between big five personality traits and ethical leadership? A. Agreeableness were positively related to subordinate perceptions of ethical leadership B. Conscientiousness were negatively related to subordinate perceptions of ethical leadership. C. Openness to experience were negatively related to subordinate perceptions of ethical leadership D. Agreeableness was the weakest dimension that predicts ethical leadership E. None of the above is true.

A. Agreeableness were positively related to subordinate perceptions of ethical leadership

Imagine you are taking a college course. You observe that there is a student in the class that has been very quiet during the entire term, then you conclude that the student has a shy personality, instead of adequately consider situational factors like the course was very boring. Which bias explain this conception? A. Correspondence bias B. Self-serving bias C. Confirmation bias D. Blind spot bias E. Egocentric bias

A. Correspondence bias

How is someone's relation to risk affected when they make decisions for themselves comparing to when they make decisions for others? A. Decisions for others are less risk-averse in the gain frame and less risk-seeking in the loss frame than decisions for the self. B. Decisions for others are more risk-averse in the gain frame and more risk-seeking in the loss frame than decisions for the self. C. Decisions for others are more risk-averse in the gain frame and less risk-seeking in the loss frame than decisions for the self. D. Decisions for others are less risk-averse in the gain frame and more risk-seeking in the loss frame than decisions for the self. E. None of the above.

A. Decisions for others are less risk-averse in the gain frame and less risk-seeking in the loss frame than decisions for the self.

What is the best way to formulate criticism? A. Do it in private, be a straight shooter and unaffected by your mood/emotions B. Try to generalize in order to make the criticized person feel encouraged C. Heavily criticize the person so he/she remembers what you said and understands his/her mistakes D. Try to be indirect so the criticized person does not feel too bad E. None of the above

A. Do it in private, be a straight shooter and unaffected by your mood/emotions

Psychological bias - also known as cognitive bias - is the tendency to make decisions or take action in an illogical way. Which of the following psychological bias would best explain the situation: If you're in a car accident, and the other driver is at fault, you're more likely to assume that he or she is a bad driver than you are to consider whether bad weather played a role. A. Fundamental Attribution Error B. Gambler's Fallacy C. Overconfidence Bias D. Anchoring E. Confirmation Bias

A. Fundamental Attribution Error

What characterizes a person described as "information broker" in the context of professional networks ? A. His network consists of different diverse groups of people and therefore he can connect disparate groups to each other and foster information exchange and spread between them B. He does not exchange information and is basically a black hole C. He adds as many people as possible on LinkedIn to expand its newsfeed on the website D. He searches LinkedIn for information and sells it outside the network E. None of the above

A. His network consists of different diverse groups of people and therefore he can connect disparate groups to each other and foster information exchange and spread between them

According to Rowe and Boulgarides' (1992) decision style theory, there are four decision making styles including directive, analytical, conceptual and behavioral. Which of the followings is the characteristic of a directive style decision making? A. Low tolerance for ambiguity and orientated to tasks and technical concerns B. High tolerance for ambiguity and orientated to tasks and technical concerns C. Low tolerance for ambiguity and orientated to people and social concerns D. High tolerance for ambiguity and orientated to people and social concerns E. None of the above is correct

A. Low tolerance for ambiguity and orientated to tasks and technical concerns

In his "Theory of Marriage", Becker, a Nobel Prize in Economics laureate, argues and proves that the only way to reach an employee equilibrium and maximize the productivity within the workplace is to A. Match the workers of equal talent within teams B. Match the most talented with the least talented within teams C. Let the people within the company decide who they want to work with D. Reach a 50/50 men/women ratio within the company and teams E. None of the above.

A. Match the workers of equal talent within teams

Which of these situations employs System 2 of the brain? A. Parking in a cluttered garage B. Reading a basic sentence in your native language C. Localising the origin of a particular sound D. Recognising that one object is farther than another E. None of the above

A. Parking in a cluttered garage

On a presentation slide filled with text, the numerical information really sticks out. This is known as the ____ effect. However, some information, regardless of the background or context, always stands out, depending on personal interests. This is known as the ____ effect. A. Salience, Vividness B. Vividness, Salience C. Both biases refer to the context effects D. None of the above

A. Salience, Vividness

What is the not-invented-here syndrome? A. Tendency of developers and/or organizations to reject suitable external solutions in preference of internally developed ones B. Tendency of developers and/or organizations to reject suitable internal solutions in preference of externally developed ones C. Tendency of teams within an organization to reject suitable solutions developed within the team in preference of more efficient externally developed ones D. Tendency of teams within an organization to reject suitable solutions developed within the team in preference of more cost-effective externally developed ones E. None of the above

A. Tendency of developers and/or organizations to reject suitable external solutions in preference of internally developed ones

Which of the following is considered a manifestation of Loss Aversion? A. The Status Quo Bias B. The Ostrich Effect C. The Framing Effect D. The Social Desirability Bias E. None of the above

A. The Status Quo Bias

If you've been divorced, you'll likely overestimate the frequency of divorces. If your friend gets cancer, you'll be much more likely to go get your annual checkup. If you keep seeing/hearing about shark attacks in the news and radio, you'll likely think shark attacks occur much more frequently than they actually do. What is the name of the heuristic that gives rise to this effect? A. The availability heuristic B. The conjunctional thinking heuristic C. The Babbarwal bias heuristic D. The Chavdrovan dilemma heuristic E. The Sum Ting Wong heuristic

A. The availability heuristic

What is saliency bias? A. Using prominent events to disproportionately shape future decisions B. Ignoring fresh evidence in favour of a previously held hypothesis C. Doing something because it has been adopted and recommended by others D. A predisposition towards viewing oneself as superior to others in a given scenario E. None of the above

A. Using prominent events to disproportionately shape future decisions

Imagine that you are working in Super Busy Bank, your boss is extremely demanding and dominating. Initially, you believe that staying up until the next morning is unhealthy, and you'll never do that. But your boss forces you to complete all the job before going to sleep. As he's your direct supervisor, you choose to obey, and start to think that, maybe staying up occasionally won't do any harm. According to Emerson's Power-Dependence theory, your mind change is called_____ A. cost reduction B. motivational withdrawal C. extension of power network D. coalition formation E. emergence of status

A. cost reduction

According to the Big Five Personality Dimensions, if you score high in Conscientiousness, you are more likely to be: A. persevering B. affectionate C. sympathetic D. self-conscious E. Daring

A. persevering

In his article « Climbing the Corporate Ladder », Elliot Sherman mentions each of the following in order to gain more influence and power in the workplace except: A) Capacity to influence others B) Capacity to network with employees from different levels of management within the firm C) Take into consideration how differences in culture might impact relationships in the workplace D) Gather knowledge about employee's opinions on past conflicts E) Be wary of the power paradox

B) Capacity to network with employees from different levels of management within the firm

What is the self-serving bias? A. The tendency to take actions based on your own interest and not the general interest B. A belief that good situations are the result of your own decisions and actions whereas bad situations are caused by external forces C. The concept that leaders should not be too much influenced by other people's idea and should keep to their own instinct D. Believing that mutually discussed decisions are always better than enforced decisions by charismatic leadership E. The idea that the sum of each individualistic decision in an organization will always result in a better outcome for the organization

B. A belief that good situations are the result of your own decisions and actions whereas bad situations are caused by external forces

What is the anchoring effect? A. A certain set of emotions provoked by System 2 that make you stand your ground in an argument if the subject is important to you B. A cognitive bias that describes the tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered when making decisions C. A part of human nature that drives you to make the same decisions as your parents when faced with recognisable issues from your childhood D. An idea that certain personality traits are anchored so deep inside you that it is impossible to change them over time E. A made up effect that has nothing to do with PiO and should only be used to describe how boats are fastened to the seabed when floating around the big oceans

B. A cognitive bias that describes the tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered when making decisions

What is set-up-to-fail syndrome? A. When managers set unrealistic goals to their teams resulting in low performance and therefore low self-esteem among the team members B. A situation when employee become perceived as a weak performer in the result of low expectations that his manager has for him C. It is a common syndrome among personalities that suffer from low self-esteem and great sensitivity to how the others perceive them D. It is the pessimistic attitude that many people fall into after they experience a big failure or disappointment which discourages them from striving for great results E. None of the above

B. A situation when employee become perceived as a weak performer in the result of low expectations that his manager has for him

In the 1980s and 1990s, Korean Air faced numeral crises from plane crash accident. In fact, it has the highest number of plane crash among all airlines. However, Korean Air turned themselves around in the late 1990s, and now it's one of the most well-known airline for its safety. In the book Outlier, Malcolm Gladwell explored this peculiar phenomena on what resulted in the turnaround of Korean Air. Which of the following is Gladwell's main argument for such a transformation in the airline? A. Change in minimum training requirement for the pilots B. Airline recognizing their own cultural legacy C. Introduction of a new/younger management team D. Increase in the number of women pilot in the airline E. None of the above

B. Airline recognizing their own cultural legacy

Which of the following is the least effective action when changing careers? A. Testing ideas and getting involved in side-projects B. Asking family and friends for help to increase self-awareness and explore new options C. Building connections with inspiring people who can help others see their potential D. Developing a coherent story clarifying and supporting the new career direction E. Improving expertise in the new area by completing training and courses

B. Asking family and friends for help to increase self-awareness and explore new options

Apart from the notable importance of IQ and EQ, which of the following illustrates the importance of developing CQ (Cultural Intelligence)? A. CQ enhances language learning abilities B. CQ bridges knowledge gaps C. CQ makes answering tough questions easier D. CQ enables an individual to efficiently accomplish their goals E. CQ can be easily taught to others

B. CQ bridges knowledge gaps

Which of the following paradigms of leadership theory would best help explain the success of both "confrontational" leaders like Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) as well as "harmonious" managers like Steve Kerr (coach of the Golden State Warriors)? A. Transactional leadership theory B. Contingency theory C. Trait theory D. Transformational leadership theory E. All of the above

B. Contingency theory

How should organizations make their decisions in today's fast changing world? A. Big data driven decision making B. Decision making based on action, engagement and adaptive mindset C. Decision making based on hierarchy and strict rules D. Deliberate, fully informed decision making E. None of the above

B. Decision making based on action, engagement and adaptive mindset

According to Deborah Tannen's "The Power of Talk", which of the following conversational rituals is the most likely to result in misunderstandings? A. Apologies B. Feedback C. Compliments D. Ritual Opposition E. Asking Questions

B. Feedback

According to a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which of the following cognitive biases LEAST affects corporate employees? A. Taking short-cuts B. Financial greed C. Groupthink D. People pleasing E. Personal feelings

B. Financial greed

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