Plant: Green Factories Quiz 3

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Four stages in growth are (in order):

- Birth - Growth - Maturation - Death

What conditions and/or raw materials are necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

- chlorophyll - CO2 - H2O - light

Jan Baptista's experiments showed:

- loss of soil mass < gain of plant mass - gain of plant mass related to water

Priestly's experiments explained:

- plants are associated with O2 - animals require O2

Four parts of a seed are:

- seed coat - cotyledon shoot tip - endosperm root tip - embryo

What is the function(s) of ATP?

- stores the initial energy released by respiration - provides the energy for all cytoplasmic chemical synthesis

What are the three basic processes which use the energy of respiration?

- synthesis - maintenance - repair

What do glucose, starch and cellulose have in common?

- they are various forms of sugars - they are all carbohydrates - they are all related to photosynthesis

1. oxygen present 2. green pigmented chemical 3. ADP + 1 high-energy phosphate 4. building blocks of proteins 5. leaf opening 6. no oxygen 7. gas produced in photosynthesis

1. aerobic 2. chlorophyll 3. ATP 4. amino acids 5. stomate 6. fermentation 7. oxygen

A plant makes its own proteins but an animal synthesizes the proteins it consumes as food.


Current populations experiencing famine are primarily the result of lack of land to grow more plants.


Photosynthesis and respiration processes show plant cells to be very simple in design.


Problems of world hunger are due to the green plant's inefficiency in food production.


Proteins are made directly from carbohydrates, the first products of photosynthesis.


The meristematic cells of a carrot could produce a tree or an elephant just as easily.


The root cap cells elongate and differentiate forming phloem and xylem.


The first chemist to begin quantifying the process of photosynthesis was:

Nicholas de Saussure

Meristematic cells of different kinds of plants may look alike, but the DNA messages are different.


The full use of the green plant's built-in design and potential has not yet been reached.


The science which develops and studies plant varieties and production is called


The building blocks of proteins are

amino acids

The green machines within a plant are the


The threadlike objects in the nucleus are the ________ and carry the _______ of the inheritance.

chromosomes, genes

Each protein molecule is made of at least _______ amino acid units.


Where do plants obtain the oxygen necessary to utilize foods?

from the atmosphere

The first stage in the decomposition of glucose is called


The first part of photosynthesis within the chloroplast occurs in the ______ and the second in the ________ of the chloroplast.

grana, stroma

Two main parts of photosynthesis are known as _________ and ________.

light, dark

The process whereby green plants utilize solar energy is called _______ and energy is released through a process called ________.

photosynthesis, respiration

Plant respiration occurs:

primarily at night

The chemical energy stored in ATP during photosynthesis is used to:

produce a carbohydrate from CO2

The function of ribosomes is _________ synthesis.


Match the associations with the "light" and "dark" phases of photosynthesis:

solar energy - light CO2 intake - dark release of energy - dark storage of energy - light release of O2 - light release of water - dark ATP - light forms carbohydrates - dark

Green plants are the energy link between _______ energy and the energy needs of ________.

solar, animals

The oxygen which is released into the air by a plant originates from:

splitting of water molecules

Why do animals and humans need proteins in their diet?

they break down protein into amino acids needed for their particular protein synthesis

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