Plants Exam 3

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How old does an apple tree need to be before it can bear fruit?

2 to 4 years

What is the importance of the orchard in Geneva, NY? How many different cultivars are kept there?

2,500 different varieties of apple trees. Become a catalog of historical cultivars that have been killed off because of the commercially important apples.

How many angiosperm species require buzz pollination?


What is an apple expert called?

?????? No fricking clue


A fruit type where the fleshy part is made mostly of tissue from floral cup.

what does capsaicin do in food?

Adds taste, inhibits some spoilage. Also induces perspiration and cooling.

Why does modern apple agriculture require a lot of pesticides?

Apple trees no longer reproduce sexually, so there is no real diversity between plants or any new evolution to prevent pests. Not fit for nature from the domestication


Atropa belladonna. Atropos = greek god that cuts thread of life, belladonna = beautiful woman. used medicinally today for many reasons.

What insects are used to pollinate apples on farms? What is the native home of these insects?

Bees? (Honeybees)

Angels Trumpet

Brugmansia sp. found in americas. south america tribes used to stupefy slaves/women before buried alive with masters. similar to jimson weed.

What is buzz pollination? How is it done?

Bumblebees flap wings at a frequency to vibrate pollen out of pores at tips of anthers. Rapid flight muscle contractions.

Species name of peppers

Capsicum spp.

What were his apples used for? How did his business work?

Cider. His business was portable, he planted trees all along the Ohio River and sold the trees to pioneers.

How can you tell how many stamens were in an apple?

Circle of vascular bundles in apple cross section

What is the closest wild relative to tomatoes?

Currant Tomatoes. Fruit is edible. Grows from ecuador to chile.

What is the toxin found in apple seeds and what would be its purpose in nature?

Cyanide, defense to discourage animals not to eat them

Jimson Weed

Datura stramonium. found in the americas. british soldiers were poisoned. delirium for 11 days


Domesticated in india, SE Asia for 2000 years. Arab traders brought to mediterranean. brought to americas in 1500s.

Capsicum peppers:

Domesticated in region of present day mexico 5000 years ago. hot quality made them immediately useful in world cuisine. Immediately accepted around world unlike tomatoes and potatoes.

Belladona, Henbane and Mandrake

Early european hallucinogens. Fold medicine, "witchcraft"

How was buzz pollination replicated by humans?

Electric vibrators used in greenhouses, however bumblebees proved to be more efficient and cheaper. However an escaped bee could cause a loss of $5-$10 each so they were considered valuable.

What is applejack and how is it made?

Extremely alcoholic cider. Freeze the cider and take the alcohol that wont freeze, this is applejack.

What makes a pome fruit?

Floral cup is fused to the ovary wall.

What does the term "heterozygosity" mean?

Genetic composition of offspring is unpredictable. Genetic Variability

Planting Seed vs Grafting

Grafting allowed you to take a desirable branch called a "scion" to then attack to a "stock" in order to get the advantages of the "stocks" root system. For example, Adaptation to moist environment, soil types, and resisting diseases. Planting results in random results.

What is grafting? When was grafting invented and where?

Grafting is taking a slip of wood from the desired tree and notching it into the trunk of another tree. This was found sometime in the second millennium B.C. by the Chinese.

Who invented the slogan, "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away"? When and why?

Growers concerned that temperance would cut into sales. 1900s Hyde Bailey wrote that the eating of the apple has come to be paramount.

Species name for Henbane

Hyoscyamus niger

Apple trees are self-incompatible.

If not grafting fruit, require another pollen donator. Eg. Red delicious pollen to gold delicious bud and vice versa.

What happens if a tomato pollinates itself in wild vs domesticated?

In the wild, they are self-incompatible so the pollen tube is recognized as self and is destroyed in the style. Domestic, self compatible so they can self-fertilize.

Peppers are a paradoxical fruit

Investment of pigments and nutrition in fruits, fruit obviously to attract seed dispensers, however why does capsaicin surround the seeds in the placenta? birds were main seed dispencers.

Who was Johnny Appleseed? What was his appearance?

Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) was a person who planted apple trees along the Ohio River. He was wearing a coffee sack as clothes with a tin pot as a hat

Why does the author describe him as "Dionysus' American son"?

Johnny appleseed brought the gift of cider like Dionysus had brought the gift of wine. Dionysus also was able to slip between wilderness and civilization easily much like John Chapman.

Where do apples come from originally?


Who gave the original name to tomatoes? what was it?

Linnaeus. Lycopersicon esculentum which means Juicy wolf peach. thought to be poisonous at first and evoked werewolves.

What is the species name given to the domesticated apple? The wild apple?

Malus domestica for the domesticated. Malus sieversii for the wild

Species name for Mandrake

Mandragora officinarum

Fruit type: Berry

Many seeds, not protected by a "pit" soft fruit wall.

Where was Johnny Appleseed born? To where and how did he travel for his business? When did he live?

Massachusetts. He used the ohio river from western Pennsylvania. Late 1700s to early 1800s

A fruit is a:

Mature ovary


Most important family for temperate fruit crop (dessert fruit) mainly Pomes (apples, pears, quinces)

History of tomatoes?

Native to west coast of South america: Peru. Domesticated in region of present-day mexico. First known appearance in italy in 1544. introduced to america in 1710.

Species name for Tobacco

Nicotiana tobacum

Why do we have relatively few varieties of apples sold at the market today?

People desired beauty and sweetness in an apple.

How should grafting be done to be performed correctly?

Phloem, cambium layer, and xylem must match closely otherwise there will be no proper contact and the scion will die.

How did people discover new cider apples?

Planting the seeds of apples and tasting them, usually were called spitters

Members of the solanaceae family:

Potatoes, Tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, deadly nightshade, tobacco, petunia, jimson weed... (2,600 species)

How is the hotness of a pepper measured?

Scoville Heat Units measure the degree of dilution in sugar water.

Why does propagation by grafting give apples that hold true to taste versus the apples from trees grown from seeds?

Seeds are very unpredictable when it comes to taste, because it is essentially a new apple. Grafting allows the person propagating the plant to select an eating apple and graft it onto a tree.

What is the floral cup?

Sepals, petals and stamen are all fused.

Tobacco Hornworm

Sequestration as part of diet. uses for its own protection. elicitors in hornworm saliva. tobacco plant lowers nicotine.

What did the Homestead Act have to do with apple trees?

Settlers needed to plant apple and pear trees

How many varieties of apples were in commerce a century ago?

Several thousand

Species name of Tomato

Solanum esculentum

Species name of Eggplant

Solanum melongena

What is the difference in how people propagate "spitters" versus "eaters"? Which of these types of propagation allows apple evolution to occur?

Spitters were propagated through planting the seeds of apples while eaters are propagated through grafting. Planting the seeds allows apple evolution to occur as it helps different apple species become hybrids.

Why, in speaking of its qualities, have many, such as Thoreau, called the apple "The American Fruit?"

The apple had evolved over time to become accustomed to the American soil. Therefore as the apple continued to evolve it became more and more suited to the Americas.

What alkaloids are in the nightshade family?

Tobacco and Nicotine, tropane alkaloids: jimsonweed, angels trumpet, henbane, mandrake, belladonna

What are some ways fruits protect seeds?

Tomatoes have jelly to coat seeds to prevent them from being crushed. Peppers have wild capsaicin to protect from mammal teeth

Use for nicotine?

Toxic alkaloid. natural chemical defense of tobacco plant. farmers mix tobacco with water for centuries as a natural pesticide. however this had some problems: not specific towards what pests so it killed bees, 60mg eaten can kill humans

What is different between a wild and domestic tomato plant?

Wild has a long style that protrudes out of the anthers to prevent self-pollination. Domesticated tomato has a short style that is below the anthers.

What are the parts of a scion?

Xylem (inner) Cambium, Phloem, then bark

Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are:

delicate herbaceous perennials and grown for a single season in cold areas.

Apple trees

fruit wall features depend on the mother cultivar. seed of those fruit have genes of both parents.

How were sweet and hot peppers discovered?

in 1492 when columbus was searching for a better route to india in order to facilitate trade in spices such as black pepper. However he arrived in americas and mistook capsicum peppers to be the same as black pepper

Sweet and hot peppers are:

tremendous diversity of pepper varieties. first domesticated peppers were hot. later selection by humans for sweet varieties.

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