PLT Practice 2

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For each statement, identify whether the statement is an example of self-determination or attribution. 1. I worked very hard to earn outstanding grades on my report card. 2. I selected the topic of my research because I enjoy sports. 3. I made a work plan that allows me to finish my project before the weekend.

1. Attribution: It explains the cause of the student's outstanding grades. 2. and 3: self-determination. They are the result of decisions based on the student's preference and best interest, respectively.

Identify whether the statements about the assessment is true or false. 1. An essay is an appropriate method for evaluating how students apply spelling rules. 2. Peer assessment shows teachers how students perform when compared to their classmates. 3. A selected-response assessment is effective for evaluating knowledge of factual content.

1. True. An essay demonstrates how students apply spelling rules within a real world context. 2. False. Peer assessment is the process of evaluating the work of a peer based on set criteria. It does not provide information on how students compare to one another. 3. True. A selected-response assessment is an appropriate way to determine if students know factual content. Because selected-response questions are quick to respond to and score, a large number of questions covering multiple learning points can be included.

Which of the following best describes students with dual exceptionalities? A. Students who are considered to be academically gifted and who also have disabilities. B. Students who are physically disabled and who have learning disabilities. C. Students who are physically disabled and who also have language acquisition issues. D. Students who receive special education services and who also have behavioral issues.

A. A student with dual exceptionalities is not only gifted but also has learning difficulties or a disability that may make it difficult to identify hir or her high intellectual ability.

Match the publication with the most appropriate description of its contents. 1-academic journal 2-Review 3-Blog 4-Magazine A. Articles based on research validated by peers B. Reflections and impressions related to teaching C. Articles and features related to educational topics. D. Evaluations of resources and equipment used in instruction.

A-1 An academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating a particular academic discipline is published. B-3 A blog is a diary of thoughts published on a Web page, usually by a single individual. C-4 A magazine ins a publication containing articles covering a particular subject or area of interest. D-2 A review is a form of evaluation in which an item is rated based on content and quality.

Before beginning a new unit on decimals, a teacher anticipates that students will need guided lessons until they are able to use decimals on their own. The teacher is demonstrating and understanding of which of the following instructional theories? A. Zone of proximal development B. Self-regulation C. Metacognition D. Cooperative learning

A. A realization of current ability coupled with activities just beyond student independence is directly related to the ZPD

A student's parents approach a teacher with their concern that the student's handwriting ability is negatively affected by the way in which a writing implement is held. to which of the following professional should the teacher refer the parents? A. School counselor B. Occupational therapist C. Assistant principal D. Paraeducator.

B. An occupational therapist helps students to perform particular tasks necessary for participation or learning.

Which of the following school personnel will best help a general teacher meet the needs of a students who shows an advanced understanding and mastery of grade-level content and objectives? A. Teacher of the gifted and talented B. Guidance counselor C. Library media specialist. D. Special education teacher

A. A teacher of the gifted and talented is knowledgeable of the characteristics and needs of students who are working at a level above their peers and would be able to provide research-based strategies to meet those needs.

Which of the following actions is most appropriate for a teacher to take in meeting the tenets of attribution theory? A Encouraging students to credit their success to their own effort. B. Allowing students to choose the activities that they participate in C. Ensuring that students are properly fed and feel comfortable in the classroom. D. Teaching students to tak a skill learned in one class and apply it in another

A. Attribution theory states that students who attribute their successes to effort rather than ability are more likely to feel competent.

Which of the following teacher actions best supports a constructivist approach to learning? A. Providing students with opportunities to participate in inquiry-based activities. B. Engaging students in basic skills drills to master content. C. Asking students knowledge and comprehension questions. D. Requiring students to repeat directions to check for understanding.

A. Constructivism is based on the belief that learning occurs as students are actively involved in knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving information.

A high school teacher observes that several students in the class are unable to successfully complete a journal response at the end of a lesson. the teacher realizes that including a discussion on new vocabulary words at the beginning of the lesson would have fostered students' understanding of the topic. the teacher revises the lesson plans for the following day to start with a review of vocabulary words. The teacher's actions best describe which of the following? A. Reflective practice. B. diagnostique assessment. C. Peer evaluation. D. Action Research.

A. During reflection, teachers think over their teaching practices to analyze how they taught the lesson, whether students outcomes met established goals, and how they might improve or change their practices to achieve better learning outcomes.

An English teacher is having difficulty getting students to respond to questions during instruction. Which of the following professional learning strategies will best help the teacher improve questioning techniques and increase students participation during instruction? A. Inviting a colleague to observe an assess a lesson. B. Reading professional articles on classroom management. C. Attending a conference that focuses on pedagogical content. D. Videotaping lesson to identify students who are not paying attention.

A. Having a colleague observe during class instruction, focusing particularly on teacher questioning, response wait time, and student behavior, then discussing and reflecting on those observations, is a valuable professional growth strategy.

Which of the following theorists proposed the hierarchy of needs model to describe human motivations? A Abraham Maslow B. Edward Lee Thorndike C. B.F. Skinner D. Erik Erikson

A. Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs to describe human motivation.

Which of the following reasons is most important in activating student's prior knowledge before beginning a lesson? A. Supporting student understanding of new information by inking it with past learning. B. Promoting metacognition by requiring students to reflect on their study skills C. Facilitating opportunities for students practice to promote long-term memory of information.

A. Supporting about learning by linking new information to information students have already learned and processed is a research-based strategy to help students retain and comprehend what they are learning.

An English teacher wants to encourage students to develop their skills in making interferences. Which of the following student activities will best promote the ability to make inferences? A. Making conclusions based on careful observations. B. Placing together information into the cohesive whole. C. Making judgements on the persuasiveness of editorial pieces. D. Placing elements of a story's plot in order of their occurrence.

A. The process of inferring requires students to make conclusions based on observations.

According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development. which of the following represents the highest thinking process the students will most likely be capable of using by the time they reach adolescence? A. solving abstract problems in a logical fashion. B. Moving from reflex actions to goal-directed activities. C. Thinking through operations logically in one direction. D. Using the laws of conservation to classify and sort objects.

A. The skill is representative of Jean Piaget' formal operational stage for ages 11 through adult. As adolescents enter this stage, they gain the ability to think in an abstract manner, the ability to combine and classify items in a more sophisticated way, and the capacity for higher-order reasoning.

A student is having difficulties with frequent word omissions while reading due to a known visual impairment. Which of the following strategies is a best practice to accommodate the student? A. Providing large print on text and prepared materials. B. Allowing the use of technology to complete all assignments. C. Placing the students in a resource room for one-on-one assistance. D. Seating the student at the front of the classroom.

A. This is a best practice for a student with visual impairment who struggles with word omissions, a large-print text would facilitate the student being able to see all of the words on a page more clearly.

Which of the following individuals theorized that learning occurs as a result of associations with or habits that formed as a result of the interplay between stimulus and response? A Thorndike B. Bandura C. Piaget D. Erikson

A. Thorndike developed a theory stating that learning is the result of associations with or habits that formed as a result of the interplay between stimulus and response.

Which of the following ways of evaluating a performance task is most likely to document criteria to be met and levels of quality? A. A rubric B. A questionnaire C. A student-teacher conference D. A student self assessment

A. a rubric is a set of rules for scoring students' products or performances. rubrics consist of specific descriptors along a scale of attainment particular to a given task.

Which of the following is a primary benefit of using cooperative learning activities in classroom? A. students are encouraged to consider group member's viewpoints. B. Each student in the group receives the same grade. C. Group members are only responsible for their contributions. D. Students with similar ability levels are grouped together.

A. through the use of cooperative learning activities students learn to critically consider the opinions of others before coming to a conclusion.

Which of the following best describes an enrichment activity for a senior high school class? A Attending a field trip to a Revolutionary War reenactment B. tutoring peers who are struggling with material taught in class. C. Retaking an introductory mathematics course at a local college. D. Participating in a summer camp to enhance basic pre-algebra skills.

A: Enrichment activities elaborate on the content taught in class; a field trip os a good way to provide enrichment.

Which TWO of the following are distinguishing characteristics of interdisciplinary instruction? A. Uses multiple instructional resources. B. Combines knowledge and skills associated with two or more content areas. C. Uses terms of teachers to plan lessons, deliver instruction, and create assessments. D. Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of a variety of learners.

B and C Interdisciplinary instruction synthesizes more than one discipline and relies on teams of teachers to enrich students'learning experience,

When determining the scope of an instructional unit in science, a teacher will primarily identify which of the following? A. The order in which topics will be presented within the unit. B. The content standards that are to be converted within the unit. C. The materials that will be required for the unit's lab experiments. D. the assessment tools that will be used at the conclusion of the unit.

B. Scope refers to the topics that are to be taught in a unit or lesson.

Jackson tells his teacher. Ms. Harris, that his father has not allowed him to eat dinner for several days because he misbehaved. Ms. Harris recalls that Jackson has looked pale and has not been himself lately. Which of the following is the best action for Ms. Harris to take? A. Calling Jackson's father B. Reporting Jackson's story to child protective services. C. Continuing to observe Jackson for a few more days. D. Letting the issue drop because Jackson does not always tell the truth.

B. The United States Department of Health and Human Services guides the involvement of educators in reporting child abuse and neglect. No state requires a reporter have conclusive proof of the abuse or neglect before reporting.

At the end of a lesson and mathematics teachers asks students to identify and write down the part they found most confusing of problematic. The teacher reviews the student responses to see if the class is ready to move to the next concept or if more instruction on the current one is needed. Which of the following best describes the type of assessment the teacher used? A. Summative B. Formative C. Portfolio D. Authentic

B. The teacher has used the information gathered from the students to adjust the instruction for the next day as needed,

Which of the following is a primary advantage of using heterogeneous groups in a classroom? A. The teacher can multitask with paperwork while students work collaboratively B. Students are able to contribute at their individual levels. C. The lower-ability students can be tutored by the more-advanced students. D. Students are presented with multiple opportunities to interact with the teacher.

B. Heterogeneous groups have students of all ability levels within them. Students can contribute to the groups at their own cognitive and social levels.

Which of the following describes the most appropriate time to administer a summative assessment? A. At the beginning of an instructional, unit. B. at the conclusion of an instructional unit. C. After determining the objectives for an instructional unit. D. During the midpoint of an instructional unit.

B. A summative assessment measures the level of proficiency obtained by the learner at the end of an instructional unit.

Which of the following is the most effective way for a teacher to address the varied learning styles of the students in a class? A. Providing students with study guides to use when preparing for a quiz. B. Allowing students to choose the presentation format for their projects C. Asking students a variety of questions during instruction. D. Grouping students using the results of a standardized tests

B. Allowing students to choose a presentation format will enable them to use their preferred method of learning. For example, visual Learners can create a presentation with slides, auditory learners can give a talk, and kinesthetic learners can give a demonstration or build a model

An English teacher wants to write a learning objective that focuses on the highest level of Bloom's original taxonomy. Which of the following objectives best achieves the teacher's goals? A. Students will be able to identify the author of a short history. B. Students will be able to assess the effectiveness of an essay. C. Students will be able to distinguish between similes and metaphors. D. Students will be able to incorporate various literary elements into a poem.

B. Assessing the effectiveness of an essay focuses on level VI of Bloom's original taxonomy, evaluation, as students must make judgements regarding the strength of the essay.

Which of the following descriptions best exemplifies a student who is intrinsically motivated to learn? A. The student writes a report to get extra credit B. The student researches a topic for personal development C. The student studies for a test to attain a high grade D. The student participates in a discussion in order to receive a prize or reward.

B. Intrinsic motivation to learn includes curiosity regarding a topic.

Which of the following is most essential as part of a constructivist approach? A. Having students listen carefully as information is provided during instruction B. Having students talk or write about ideas and what they have experienced. C. Providing students with positive reinforcement when they learn a new concept. D. Providing students with the resources to focus on the attainment of predetermined correct answers.

B. Jean Piaget stated that students must be able to incorporate information into their schema. Experiences, discussions, and writing help students to process (assimilate) the learning.

A construction technology class has developed the knowledge and skills requred to renovate old buildings. Which of the following best describes the unique value in having the students help the local historical society to renovate a historic one-room schoolhouse on public tend in the surrounding region? A. Distinguishing the school from the community B. Developing a collaborative student-community relationship C. Providing a source of income for the school district D. Promoting students' mathematical, visual and spatial skills.

B. Many teachers and administrators are seeking to develop and strengthen ties with community businesses and organizations. Teaming with the historical society will give the students a practical application of the skills they learned.

Which of the following is most appropriate for a teacher to do when sharing a student's academic progress with parents? A. highlight only areas in which the student needs improvement. B. Focus on both the student's strengths and areas of weakness C. give information about how lessons are prepares and delivered D. Provide data about the performance of all students in the class.

B. Positive relationships are more easily build when parents are provided with information about children's areas of strength and their weaknesses, which can then lead to a discussion about a plan for improvement.

Which of the following is a primary benefit provided to a newly hired teacher by a professional learning community (PLC)? A. Helping to promote personal success B. Providing a collaborative work environment. C. Learning effective communication techniques D. Advocating for increased salaries and merit pay

B. The collaborative culture provided by the PLC is a primary benefit for newly hired teachers that improves classroom practice and increases student achievement,

After listening to a student's presentation, a teacher uses an opposing viewpoint to challenge some of the statements the student made. The student then responds with information to support the statements the teacher challenged. Which of the following is the most likely reason for the teacher's action? A. to make the student aware of incorrect statements. B. To encourage the student to use critical-thinking skills. C. To help the student identify appropriate presentation techniques. D. To provide information the student left out the presentation.

B. The opportunity for the student to defend his or her thinking allows the student to review and evaluate the previous statements. This enables the student to think more critically about the topic.

Which of the following strategies best provides enrichment for academically talented students within the regular education classroom? A Allowing students to move ahead in the textbook at their own pace. B. Creating learning stations that allow the students to explore appropriate topics in depth. C. Partnering advanced students with lower-ability students to provide tutoring. D. Assigning students extra work related to the regular curriculum if they finish early

B. This allows for different activities to be available for all students in the class at their appropriate level, allowing for enrichment for advanced students.

With the parent's consent, a school determines that a seventh-grade student should be promoted directly to high school. Once there, the student has difficulty making friends and the student's grades begin to suffer. Which of the following is the best explanation for the student's experience in high school? A. The material taught in high school is too difficult for the student. B. The student lacks the social maturity needed for high school. C. The high school teachers do not have the appropriate training to work with younger students. D. The high school does not provide a program specifically for younger students.

B. While the student demonstrates academic abilities to succeed in high school, the student lacks the social and emotional development needed to thrive in a high school environment.

During a unit of nutrition, the health teacher observes that some students are having difficulty reading food labels. The teacher provides the students with a graphic organizer they can use to identify and organize the parts of the food label unit the become accustomed to reading the labels on their own. Which of the following instructional practices is the teacher using? A. Self regulation B. Scaffolding C. Metacognition D. Transfer

B. the teacher is providing assistance, or scaffolding, with the goal of the students being able to progressively move toward completing the activity independently.

During a lesson, a teacher notices two students engaged in an off-topic side conversation. The teacher stops speaking and stands still. Which of the following most likely explains the teacher's actions? A. The teacher is rewarding the best listeners by giving them a break B. The teacher is trying to get the distracted students attention without embarrassing them C. The teacher is using the silence to think about where the lesson should go next D. The teacher is putting more emphasis on the key concepts of the lesson that are being discussed

B. the teacher's silence may be enough of an indicator for the talking students to redirect them. the students will know they are doing something wrong and stop the behavior.

Mr. Carter begins an instructional unit by posing several questions related to the new topic. What is the most likely purpose for his actions? A. To review the student's understanding of the previous unit B. To see what the students already know about the new topic C. The evaluate how well the students can learn the material in the new unit D. To encourage the students to research the new topic independently

B. this kind of questioning is used to evaluate students' prior knowledge about the topic.

After establishing a lis of local businesses interested in strengthening their partnerships with the school district, which of the following will best help the district to strengthen the partnerships? A. Posting a list of needs in the school's web site. B. Having students solicit donations by walking around town. C. inviting the businesses to the school for a visit. D. Asking parents for additional information about the businesses.

C inviting the businesses to the school will provide an opportunity for the school to discuss ways in which the businesses can be involved in school activities as well as ways to support the school.

A students is upset about receiving a poor grade on a test. Which of the following teacher actions will best develop the student's self-motivation? A. Telling the student to try harder the next time B. Comparing the student to the other students in class C. Giving the student additional study strategies. D. Telling the student that everyone in the class made similar mistakes.

C. This strategy will show that the teacher cares about the student and can provide additional strategies on how to improve next time. The teacher may also de-emphasize the value of the poor grade to the student.

According to Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973, students who are on 504 plans A. are eligible under IDEA and have an IEP (Individualized Education Program) B. have received a medical diagnosis of a illness C. are provided accommodations to ensure their academic success. D. have a current chemical or alcohol dependency problem.

C. A 504 plan ensures that a student with a disability has equal access to an education and may receive accommodations and modifications.

Which of the following activities is the best way for a teacher to help students master a new skill? A. Administering an assessment B. Giving a lecture C. Providing a hands-on lab D. Performing a demonstration

C. A hands-on allows students to apply knowledge that they have learned and practice it through an inquiry-based activity. On;y through practicing skills will students be able to master it.

According to Erickson, which of the following is an eventual result for students who have experienced the fidelity stage of development? A. Choosing to do more activities to pursue their interests. B. Willingly making sacrifices and compromises required by intimate relationships. C. Achieving a sense of identity regarding who they are and where their lives are headed. D. Having a strong sense of contributing to society and helping to guide future generations.

C. Adolescents at the fidelity stage deal specifically with the existential question of finding out who they are and what their role on the world should be.

Which of the following provides the best description of an individual education program (IEP)? A. An outline of the process of integrating students in special education classes into regular classes. B. A policy that ensures that all students are educated along with their peers in a regular classroom to the greatest extent possible. C. A documentation of the goals set for a student and the services that will provided to the student. D. a law that protects students with disabilities in any program that receives federal money.

C. An IEP is a documented plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services.

Which of the following statements is best aligned with Bandura's theory? A. Internal processes exclusively direct knowledge construction. B. Situational learning directs all of knowledge construction. C. Knowledge construction is based on model behavior that is observed, considered, and imitated. D. Knowledge construction is based on the educational background of influential adult role models.

C. Bandura's research supports that interactions are necessary to construct knowledge.

Which of the following best supports effective collaboration between a general education teacher and a special education teacher? A. Engaging in professional development with a focus on learning how to ask questions of one another. B. Learning How to analyze the messages communicated through body language C. Scheduling a regular time to meet and discuss how best to help students learn D. Using problem-solving techniques in conflict arises between teachers and parents

C. Collaboration between teachers must be prioritized, and opportunity for shared work must be part of teachers schedules

Which of the following descriptions best characterizes diagnostic tests? A. Assessments used at the completion of instruction to ascertain student attainment of objectives. B. Assessments used during instruction to provide feedback on student progress toward objectives. C. Assessments used at the start of a course to establish what student are already capable of doing D. Assessments used at the end of a course to predict how well students will perform in future courses

C. Diagnostic tests are used to establish baselines of what students already know or are capable of doing.

A teacher is exploring ways to incorporating technology into a culminating research project for a unit. Which of the following school personnel can best support the teacher? A The technology education teacher B. The reading specialist. C. The library media specialist D. The district technology coordinator

C. Library media specialists have pursued a course of education that has prepared them to serve as a resource for teachers who are incorporating Information technology into the curriculum

Which of the following scores is most useful in comparing the performance levels of several students who have taken the same test? A. Raw score B. Scaled score C. Percentile rank D. Lexile range

C. Percentile ranks provide comparisons to other students.

Which of the following best describes the standard deviation of a set of test scores? A. A statistical measure that indicates the average test score. B. A statistical measure that indicates the most frequently occurring test score. C. A statistical measure that indicates the spread of the test score from the mean. D. A statistical measure that indicates the difference between the highest and lowest test scores

C. Standard deviation indicates how widely individual scores within a group vary from the mean.

A school improvement committee, consisting of administrators, parents, community members, and teachers, creates a vision statement and goals. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the committee to take? A. Creating a climate of mutual respect. B. Determining the scope of the committee. C. Exploring and selecting strategies to implement, D. Planning ongoing evaluations to determine the committee's effectiveness

C. The most appropriate next step for the committee to take is to explore and select strategies to implement in order to achieve its goals.

A gym teacher has just completed teaching the technique of shooting a basketball from the free throw line, and two students are unable to follow the instructions provided. Which of the following is the best remediation technique to use with the students? A. Allowing the students to attempt shooting the basketball until they are able to do it successfully. B. Having the two students play a game to improve their skills C. Analyzing the action of each student to assess particular deficit areas D. Continuing to the next skill because the students will learn the steps as the class proceeds.

C. The teacher will be able to diagnose particular deficits that each of the students may have so that remediation can occur.

Which of the following best illustrates a teacher's use of positive reinforcement? A. Assigning detention to students who are misbehaving in class. B. Reducing homework for students who complete their classwork. C. Giving students bonus points for participating in a class discussion. D. Taking away free time from students who fail to turn in homework.

C. This scenario highlights positive reinforcement, as something of positive value is given for appropriate behavior.

Which of the following methods will primarily help teachers become more reflective about their practice? A. Providing significant feedback to students on their work. B. Reading the journals kept by other teachers on the same grade level. C. Having other teachers observe and provide feedback on certain lessons. D. Giving students many assignments to complete over the semester.

C. When a teacher is open to getting feedback from others on instructional strategies. It allows a teacher to see where problems are end how others would do things differently.

Which of the following is the best example of an informal assessment? A. A test given at the end of an instructional unit. B. A quiz given at the end of the school week. C. An exit ticket completed at the end of a lesson. D. a standardized achievement test completed at the end of the school year.

C. an exit ticket is the best example of an informal assessment because it is not graded and allows the teacher to track the progress of students to inform instruction.

Which of the following activities best promotes student development of complex cognitive processes? A. identifying known vocabulary words in a reading passage. B. Listing five facts from an informational text. C. Matching vocabulary words with their definitions D. Evaluating the authors' messages in two opposing newspaper articles.

D. Evaluating an author's message is an activity that develops complex cognitive processes. It is at a high level in Bloom's taxonomy.

A student's results for a standardized test indicates a raw score of 65 and a percentile score of 76. Which of the following statements is most appropriate for the teacher to use in describing the student's test results? A. The student correctly answered 65% of the test questions. B. The student correctly answered 76% of the test questions C. The student performed better that 65% of the test takers. D. The student performed better than 76% of the test takers.

D. A percentile rank indicates a student's performance compared to that of other test takers.

After an instructional unit on the atom, a science teacher gives students the option of either presenting an oral report, making a video, or performing a skit to demonstrate their understanding of the content presented. Which of the following strategies for student learning is this teacher primarily using? A. Modeling instruction B. Coaching instruction C. Scaffolding instruction D. Differentiating instruction.

D. By providing a variety of activities for students to choose from, the teacher does not restrict students to a single way of demonstrating their understanding. this is characteristic of differentiated instruction.

Which of the following is an example of Erikson's stage of psychological development referred to as industry versus inferiority? A. Being uncertain about the world in which one lives. B. Initiating control in determining appropriate actions. C. Being assertive and initiating activity with others. D. Seeing the relationship between perseverance and job completion.

D. During the stage known as industry, children begin to feel industrious and confident in their ability to achieve goals.

A teacher wants to assign a single score for each student's completed writing assignment. The teacher gives students a list of criteria that indicate characteristic necessary to receive any of the possible scores. Which of the following terms best identifies the type of scoring being used by the teacher? A. Primary trait scoring B. Weighted trait scoring C. Analytical scoring D. Holistic scoring

D. Holistic scoring gives students a list of criteria indicating what is necessary to receive a particular score and then assigned a single score for a general impression of the paper as a whole

Which of the following teacher actions will best meet the needs of an intellectually gifted eight-grade student who is in a general education English language arts classroom? A. Transferring the student into another class B. Giving the same assignments as the other students C. Allowing the student to work on other class assignments during class time. D. Providing in-depth projects to the student that correlate with the lesson.

D. Providing an in-depth project will allow the gifted student to explore the content as a deeper level.

Which of the following is the most appropriate use of a norm-referenced test? A. Assessing outcomes for a unit of study B. Predicting student readiness for advanced work. C. Using set standards to determine the meaning of an individual's score. D. Comparing scores with the average performance of other students.

D. The formal purpose of a norm-referenced test is to compare and rank test takers in relation to one another.

An English teacher guides students through an assigned novel by helping them interpret and analyze the themes and make meaningful connections. Which of the following best explains how the teacher's actions assist in the development of student learning? A. Shortening the gap in students and teacher proximity. B. Encouraging students to be actively involved in their assignment. C. Emphasizing to students a passion for a particular subject area. D. Assisting student in articulating their understanding of the text

D. The interaction helps the student interpret and articulate as they learn.

Which of the following instructional approaches best represents within students' zone of proximal development? A. Providing instruction that is new to students while gauging their interest level. B. Reteaching concepts that students have not yet mastered. C. Providing reading material at student's current reading level. D. Building on what students already know while adding new concepts

D. The zone of proximal development represents the area between the level at which a student can accomplish tasks independently and the level at which the student requires assistance to complete new tasks.

A teacher notices as student waving to another student during instruction, which distracts much much of the class. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the teacher to take? A. Reprimanding the students verbally in front of the class B. Moving the students to a seat that is closer to the teacher C. Sending the student out into the hallway for the duration of the lesson. D. Using no verbal cues to indicate to the student that the behavior is unacceptable

D. Using nonverbal cues will quickly corrected students behavior while allowing the teacher to continue the lesson

Which of the following is a primary reason for using visual aids when teaching a lesson? A. To reduce the need for explanation B. To assists in lesson preparation C. To give students additional thinking time D. To clarify the material being taught

D. Visual aids are important because they help students understand what is taught and clarify the information presented.

A high School history teacher routinely prompts the class to select and talk about a current event. Students are expected to respect each other's opinion and encouraged to consider alternate viewpoints. The teacher is primarily demonstrating an understanding of which of the following? A. Fostering creative thinking B. Developing public speaking skills. C. Modeling communication techniques D. promoting a safe forum for discussion

D. When students respect the opinions and viewpoints of others, they are more likely to feel comfortable participating in a class discussion.

Which of the following statements best describes attribution theory? A. students learn from observing others with more experience. B. Physical needs must be met before focusing on intellectual needs. C. skills and knowledge learned in one class can be useful in another class. D. Motivation is affected by how students perceive prior successes and failures.

D. attribution theory is closely related to motivation. It looks at how attributions of prior performance affect future behavior.

It is most important for an end-of-unit criterion-references assessment to do which of the following? A. Differentiate achievement levels between students in the class. B. Provide data about student performance in relation to a standard. C. Require students to apply knowledge using new and innovative approaches. D. Supply information on how well students are expected to achieve in the future.

b. the purpose of criterion-referenced assessment is to determine how well students perform in relation to a set performance standard.

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