PLT Practice 5

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ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a term used in psychiatric classification systems to describe individuals who show poor attention due to distractibility, hyperactivity, ad impulsivity ADD: attention deficit disorder


provide that no personal shall, by any reason of his or her disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any services, programs, or activities of an entity covered by the law

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Operant conditioning - our action to the world -reinforcing stimulus: a reinforcer (a behavior followed by a reinforcing stimulus results in an increase probability of that behavior occurring in the future -operant: the behavior occurring just before the reinforcer -extinction: a behavior no longer followed by the reinforcing stimulus results in a decreased probability of that behavior occurring in the future -schedules of reinforcement: continuous reinforcement, fixed interval schedule, variable schedules -shaping, or "the method of successive approximations" (how we get to more complex sorts of behaviors) -a verse stimulus is the opposite of a reinforcing stimulus, something we might find unpleasant or painful -negative reinforcement: remove an already active aversive stimulus (behavior followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future

B.F. Skinner

Extinguish an undesirable behavior (by removing the reinforcer) and replace it with a desirable behavior by reinforcement

Behavior modification B.F. Skinner

Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Understanding Knowledge

Bloom's taxonomy

Learning is an internal process that cannot be observed directly. The change occurs in a person's ability to respond in a particular situation Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, David Ausubel

Cognitive Human development

These organizer are introduced before the learning begins and are also presented at a higher level. They act as a bridge between the new concepts being taught and what they student already knows.

David Ausubel's "advance organizers"

1. differentiated instruction is based on the following beliefs a. students differ in their learning profiles b. classrooms in which students are active learners, decision makers and problem solvers are more natural and effective than those in which students are served a "one-size-fits-all" curriculum and treated as passive recipients of information c. "covering information" takes a backseat to making meaning out of important ideas 2. curriculum should be differentiated in 3 areas: a. content: multiple options for taking in info b. process: multiple options for making sense of ideas c. product: multiple options for expressing what they know

Differentiated instruction

Principles: learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge (Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn (readiness), instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student (spiral organization), instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given))

Discovery and inquiry learning Jerome Bruner

Changes in ones personally and ability to control emotions Abraham Maslow

Emotional human development

significantly sub-average general intellectual functional existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period. Characterized by both below-average intellectual ability and deficits in adaptive behavior. A low IQ score alone is not sufficient to determine retardation. Academic needs: learn at a slower rate, may not be ready to begin formal academic instruction; can acquire basic school skills, but their achievement is below grade-level expectations

Functional mental retardation

physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs, self-actualization

Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow

a written education plan that specifies a special student's current levels of educational performance, annual goals, and short-term instructional objectives; prepared by a team that includes the students, teachers, and it appropriate, the student

IEP (individual education plan) - including what, by law, must be included in each IEP

Inclusion Mainstreaming: the inclusion of special students in the general educational process for any part of the school day LRE: the most appropriate educational placement the to closest to the mainstream

Inclusion, mainstreaming, and least restrictive environment

Originally passed by the US Congress in 1975 as Publis Law 94-142. Its purpose was to ensure all children and youth with disabilities in the US access to a free, appropriate public education (FAPE). Reauthorization of the act occurs every 5 years, and although the last reauthorization (IDEA '97) expired in 2002, IDEA will continue in its present form until a new Act passes in Congress and is signed by the President

Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA) previously the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)

Schemas - skills to explore the environment to gain knowledge assimilation - assimilating a new object into an old schema accommodation - accommodating an old schema to a new subject adaptation - Piaget's term for what most of use would call learning. includes assimilation and accommodation - biological process

Jean Piaget

Education must engage with and enlarge experience Exploration of thinking and reflection - and the associated role of educators Concern with interaction and environments for learning Passion for democracy, for educating so that all may share in a common life Cooperative learning

John Dewey

English immersion instruction is completely in english. English as a second language instruction may be the same as immersion but also may have some support for individuals using their native languages. Transitional bilingual education instruction is in the students' native language, but there is also instruction each day on developing English skills. Two-way bilingual education instruction is given in two languages to the students, the goals is to have students' proficient in both languages


a disorder i the ability to process information that can result in attention, perception, or memory deficits; despite adequate hearing, vision, and intelligence, learning disabled students experience difficulty in school learning academic needs: struggle with listening, reading, spelling, writing, etc...

Learning disabilities

Kohlberg's theory of learning styles: concrete experiences - being involved in a new experience; reflective observation - watching others or developing observation about their own experience; abstract conceptualization - creating theories to explain their observations; active experimentation - using theories to solve problems and make decisions

Learning styles

specifically deal with characteristic styles of learning - approaches to or ways of learning four distinct learning styles - visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic a child's learning style seems to be inborn and inherited, but it is also influenced by family experiences our natural preference dictates how we learn best - by looking, listening or moving

Learning styles

Importance of culture - humans use tools and symbols to learn - culture dictates what we learn and how. Higher and lower mental functions - elementary (or lower) functions gradually transform to HMF through culture. Control role of language: language is made possible because of our culture (tools and symbols). The learning of language (or signs) is brought about by social processes, and language or signs ultimately make thought possible.

Lev Vygotsky

developed the direct instruction model for effective teaching. Her outline of a lesson consisted of: the objectives, standards of performance and expectations, anticipatory set or advance organizer, the teacher (input, modeling and demo, direction giving, and checking for understanding), guided practice and monitoring, closure, and independent practice.

Madeline Hunter's "effective teaching model"

Steps in Modeling - "Observation Learning" process (bobo doll studies, learning = acquisition of knowledge) -attention: to learn you must pay attention, the more colorful, dramatic, attractive, prestigious, the more people pay attention -retention: ability to remember what you have paid attention to -reproduction: translate the images or descriptions into actual behavior -motivation: must be motivated to imitate

Modeling Albert Bandura

Selfish, to social or conventional morality, and finally to pose conventional or principled morality Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan

Moral Human development

traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited -linguistic intelligence (word smart): use words in learning -logical-mathematical intelligence (number and reasoning smart): use numbers or logic in learning -spatial intelligence (picture smart): use pictures in learning -bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (body smart): use movement or physical experience -musical intelligence (music smart): use music -interpersonal intelligence (people smart): use of self-reflection -intrapersonal intelligence (self smart): use a social experience -naturalist intelligence (nature smart): use an experience in the natural world

Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner

stage 1. obedience and punishment: generally found at the elementary school level. In the first stage of this level, people behave according to socially acceptable norms because they are told to do so by some authority figure (parent or teacher). This obedience is compelled by the threat or application of punishment. stage 2. Individualism, Instrumentalism, and Exchange - right behavior means acting in one's own best interests

Pre-Conventional level Kohlberg's stages of moral development

-structure -provides clear directions -clarifies purpose -keeps students on task -offers assessment to clarify expectations (rubrics) -identifies the best sources to find information -reduces surprise, disappointment, and uncertainty -delivers efficiency -creates momentum -temporary learning aid designed to help the student grow in independence as a learner


an internal representation of the world; an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world. In cognitive learning, large, basic units for organizing information. Schemata serve as guides describing what to expect in a given situation, how elements should fit together, the usual relationships among elements, and so on. A schema is like a model or stereotype.


Self-regulation - controlling our own behavior - self-concept (behavior =performance based on knowledge) -self-observation: know thyself, make sure you have an accurate picture of your behavior -judgment: we compare what we see with a standard, make sure your standards aren't set too high - self-response: use self-rewards, not self punishments

Self-regulation Albert Bandura

changes in the way an individual relates to others Erik Erikson, Lev Vygotsky, Alber Bandura

Social human development

Stages of Cognitive Development -the sensorimotor stage: birth to 2, uses senses and motor abilities to understand the world -the preparation stage: 2-7, symbols, creative play, egocentric, center on one aspect of any problem or communication at a time -the concrete operational stage: about 7-11, operations refers to logical operations or principles we use when solving problems, conservation refers to the idea that a quantity remains the same despite changes in appearance; progressing decentering; classification and seriation (putting things in order) -formal operations stage: around 12 on - hypothetical thinking (logical operations, and using them in the abstract, rather than the concrete)

Stages of Cognitive Development Jean Piaget

Social speech - speech to control the behavior of others egocentric speech - 3-7 year olds - talking to themselves to learn inner speech - soundless speech - thinking gin our head

Three stages of developmental speech Lev Vygotsky

a phenomenon in which something that was previously learned facilitates (positive transfer) or hinders (negative transfer) current learning; the influence of previously learned information on new situations or tasks


The discrepancy between a child's mental age (indicated by the static test) and the level he reaches in solving problems with assistance is the _________

Zone of Proximal Development Lev Vygotsky

understanding the age-appropriate knowledge and behavior will help the teacher differentiate instruction

age-appropriate knowledge and behavior

Alternative assessment is any type of assessment in which students create a response to a question or task. (In traditional assessments, students choose a response form a given list, such as multiple-choice, true/false, or matching) Alternative assessments can include short-answer questions, essays, performance assessment, oral presentations, demonstrations, exhibitions, and portfolios

alternative assessments

textbook used in an elementary classroom

basal reader

cognitive styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes of information styles descrie a person's typical mode of thinking, remembering or problem solving denotes a tendency to behave in a certain manner usually described as a personality dimension which influence attitudes, values, and social interaction

cognitive styles

any of several forms of graphical organizers with allow learners to perceive relationships between concepts through diagramming keywords representing those concepts. Originally developed by Joseph Novak in the 1960s

concept mapping

knowledge is constructed by the individual through his interactions with his environment


a schedule in which every correct response id reinforced

continuous reinforcement

stage 3. good boy/girl - characterized by an attitude which seeks to do what will gain the approval of others stage 4. law and order - orientation to abiding by the law and responding to the obligations of duty

conventional level Kohlberg's stages of moral development

a specific type of small group learning which has the following five essential elements: a. positive interdependence 2. face to face interaction 3. individual accountability (personal responsibility) 4. structured activity 5. teamwork skills and group processing

cooperative learning

teams of students work together to solve assigned problems using text provided by the teacher

creative thinking

critical thinking is a process whereby the learner considers a variety of possibilities, then chooses from those possibilities using unbiased, rational thinking

critical thinking

by understanding the differences in thinking about other cultures that students have, the teacher is able to plan appropriate lessons to meet the various students needs issues: self-esteem, types of teaching methods, working with other students, flow and order of the classroom, etc.

cultural expectations and styles

a form of inquiry with four basic components: presentation of a generalization, discussion of core elements of the generalization, student exploration of the elements, students generation of relevant examples of the generalized concept

deductive thinking

provide modeling of what you want students to replicate in a smaller group, or a demonstration can be given to the whole class


teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation, and recitation

direct instruction

a constructivist approach. Students begin learning with an actively designed to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions. Student acquire basic and advanced knowledge in random order.

discovery learning

establishing daily procedures and routines giving timely feedback communication with parents and caregivers responding to students misbehavior establishing classroom rules, punishments, and rewards maintaining accurate records using objective behavior descriptions arranging of classroom space pacing and structuring the lesson

effective classroom management and strategies to promote positive relationships, cooperation, and purposeful learning

the gradual disappearance of a learned response. In operant conditioning, this occurs when reinforcement is withheld. In classical conditioning, extinction will result when the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without any longer bien paired with he unconditioned stimulus


motivation created by external events or rewards outside the learning situation itself

extrinsic motivation

motivation to engage in an activity as a means to an end. Individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks because they believe that participation will result in desirable outcomes such as reward, teacher praise, or avoidance of punishment

extrinsic motivation

linguistic patterns and differences cognitive patterns and differences social and emotional issues

family backgrounds

girls emphasize memorization - boys learn more by elaboration girls perform well in reading, but less in math - opposite of boys girls express emotions with words - boys through actions

gender difference

in the simplest sense, higher order thinking is any thinking that goes beyond recall of basic facts. The two key responses to improve higher order thinking skills are first, to enable students to apply facts to solve real world problems, and second, to improve retention of facts. In addition to the basic meaning of "higher order thinking skills" HOTS is also used to refer to a specific program designed to teach higher order thinking skills through the use of computers and the Socratic Method to teach thinking skills

higher-order thinking

practice done without intervention by the teacher. This approach includes many activities down with a computer.

independent study

teaching that follow the cycle used in scientific inquiry. Steps usually include: searching the literature, making observations, generating hypotheses, designing and carrying gout experiments, then analysis of results and restarting the cycle

inductive thinking

a system in which students solve problems or answer question say forming tentative answers (hypotheses), then collecting and analyzing data to provide evidence for or against their hypotheses

inquiry method

traditional elementary and secondary classrooms divide instruction into categories (disciplines) such as "reading," "math," and "social studies." Interdisciplinary teaching involves any effort on the part of an instructor to design learning activities with products and activities to relate to more than one discipline

interdisciplinary instruction

a schedule in which correct responses are reinforced frequently, but not every time. This schedule is most effective in maintaining already acquired responses.

intermittent reinforcement

an internal source of motivation such as curiosity or the desire to learn; motivation associated with activities that are their own reward

intrinsic motivation

refers to motivation to engage in an activity for its own sake. People who are intrinsically motivated work on tasks because they find them enjoyable

intrinsic motivation

an open-minded problem-solving task. Is the process of creating something to fill a need


6-12 years industry vs. inferiority School the child must deal with demands to learn new skills or risk a sense of inferiority, failure and incompetence

latency stage Erik Ericson's 8 stages of psychosocial development

a sense tha tone is doomed to fail, based on past experiences. This sense can stile motivation and prevent people from attempting new tasks

learned helplessness

3 to 6 years Initiative vs. Guilt Independence The child continues to become more assertive and to take more initiative, but may be too forceful, leading to guilt feelings

locomotor stage Erik Ericson's 8 stages of Psychosocial development

everyone can learn given the right circumstances. To instruct for mastery: -major objectives representing the purposes of the course or unit -the substance is divided into smaller learning unity, each with their own objectives and assessment -instructional strategies are identified: teaching, modeling, practice, formative evaluation, re-teaching, reinforcement, and summative evaluation -each unit has a diagnostic test at the conclusion -the diagnostic tests are used to provide supplementary instruction to help students with identified problems -no student proceeds to new material until basic prerequisite material is mastered

mastery learning

actively organizing and working with concepts or terminology to improve incorporating those concepts into memory

memorization and recall

consists of three basic elements -developing a plan of action -maintaining/monitoring the plan -evaluating the plan "learning how to learn"


methods, devices, or even mental tricks for improving memory. Mnemonics are based on several memory concepts: -all memory is based on association -anything you wish to remember must first be observed -to remember new pieces of information, associate them with something you already know -we think by using mental pictures


Migratory students need: make connections with previous lesson - create an accepting, comfortable climate in the classroom - use technology to help students learn in active ways Know the cultural as well as personal sensitivity of the students - use discretion when presenting discussion topics Provide them with authentic tasks, many opportunities, and many ways to learn and succeed Remember our cultural values an may not be the same and those of our students

multicultural background

verbal/linguistic intelligence or work smart: learn best by saying, hearing and seeing words. Motivate with books, talking with them, let them write Logical-mathematic intelligence:; they are conceptual thinkers who explore relationships, patterns, and experimenting with things in an orderly and controlled manner visual/spatial intelligence or picture smart: teach with images, pictures and color - motivate with videos, diagrams, maps and charts bodily-kinesthetic intelligence or body smart: learn through touching and moving - motivate with role play, dramatic improvisation, creative movement, physical activity musical intelligence or music smart: learn through rhythm and melody - motivate with records, tapes and musical instruments interpersonal intelligence or people smart: motive with peer-group opportunities and community activities interpersonal or self smart: learn best by themselves - motivate with private space and quiet introspection time naturalist or nature smart: motivate with opportunities to work outdoors, supply with books on the natural world - binoculars, telescopes, or microscopes

multiple intelligence

18 months to 3 years Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt Toilet training The child's energies are directed toward the development of physical skills, including walking, grasping, and rectal sphincter control. The child learns control but may develop shame and doubt if not handled well.

muscular-anal stage Erik Ericson's 8 stages of Psychosocial Development

the strengthening of a behavior by the removal of an aversive stimulus. For example, a child dis allowed to come out of the corner when he or she is quiet.

negative reinforcement

students take notes as the teacher instructs. Notes can be done as an entire class with all using the same format or students can select what info they feel is most pertinent


a type of learning in which voluntary behavior are strengthened or weakened depending upon their consequences or antededents

operant conditioning

Birth to 12/18 months Trust vs. mistrust Feeding The infant must form a first loving, trusting relationship with the caregiver, or develop a sense of mistrust

oral-sensory stage Erik Ericson's 8 stages of Psychosocial Development

a teaching technique where the teacher outlines a lecture thus enabling students to know where the instruction is going


concrete operational thinkers visual and aural learners

performance modes

changes in the body

physical human development

the strengthening of a behavior by the presentation of a desired stimulus or reward after the behavior. Some examples are food, physical contact and social praise.

positive reinforcement

Stage 5. social contract - understanding of social mutuality and a genuine interest in the welfare of others stage 6. principled conscience - based on respect for universal principle and demands of individual conscience

post-conventional level Kohlberg's stages of moral development

anticipating potential problems and creating procedures to help prevent those situations


inactive teaching method. No direct instruction. Teacher poses authentic (real-world) problem. Students learn particular content and skills as they work cooperatively to solve the problem

problem-structuring and problem-solving

anything that weakens or suppresses behavior


have students apply "who, what, when, where, why, how" to all problems. or ask students to generate questions.


appropriate time for learning


using consequences to strengthen behavior; a reinforces is ANY consequence that strengthens a behavior - negative or positive


an individual belief about or perception of personal competence in a given situation


a behavior management method for developing an appropriate behavior in which the teacher rewards responses that are successively more similar to the ultimate desired response (successive approximations). In order to use this method, teachers must break down the desired complex behavior into a number of small steps

shaping successive approximations

Related to physical skills such as hand use, trunk control, mobility... individuals with medial conditions that affect strength and stamina Disabilities: physical states or conditions that result in impairment of functioning (eg: loss of a leg) Handicaps: disabilities become handicaps when they interfere with the individual's ability to function in specific situations Academic needs: special services may be provided by adapted physical education teachers or other motor acceptance is another possible problem area

special physical or sensory challenges

Any special arrangements or modification must be in accordance with rules and procedures that protect test standardization procedures and the validity of the assessment. Special arrangements or modifications must never be used for score enhancement. in determining appropriate testing modifications, a fundamental principle is to follow the type of instructional modifications used in the classroom. Modifications that are not routinely used during the instructional day and during classroom testing are not appropriate during state-mandated testing. A good guideline is to "test the way to teach." for example, students who habitually need extended time for classroom assignments and tests will probably need extended time for state-mandated tests. Students may receive multiple test modifications if these modifications are part of routine instruction and testing for they student. Modification used during classroom instruction and state-mandated testing should be documented.

testing modification

understand family background, linguistic patterns and differences, cognitive patterns and differences, social and emotional issues of diverse students

the student culture at the school

decide what kind of instructional strategies or methods would be most effective for a gif individual and learning task useful in terms of creating teacher awareness of individual differences in learning employ the prescribed teacher methods, playthings and learning activities best suited to a child's age and preferred learning style

value of understanding styles

visual and hearing disorders: only those whose senses remain impaired after treatment and correction (eyeglasses, hearing aids) are termed visually or hearing handicapped visually impaired: blind or low vision - must learn through other senses - students with vision problems may have physical, academic, and social needs. Special materials can be gathered to help these students. Hearing disorders: deaf or hard-of-hearing - difficulty in speech and language development is one of the major educational problems associated with hearing loss. Interpreters may accompany some deaf students to class

visual and perceptual difficulties

19-40 years intimacy vs. isolation love relationships The young adult must develop intimate relationships or suffer feelings of isolation

young adulthood stage Erik Ericson's 8 stages of psychosocial development

the discrepancy between a child's mental age (indicated by the static test) and the level he reaches in solving problems with assistance is the ________

zone of proximal development

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