Pol 201 test 3

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How many federal courts of appeals are there? One Two 13 50


What is the minimum number of members of Congress needed to support a discharge petition? 218 150 375 It must be unanimous.


How many women are on the Supreme Court as of 2016? Zero Two Three One


party line vote

50 % of one party votes in one direction while 50% of the other party votes in the opposite direction

How many court systems are there in the United States? One 51 50 25


What do we call a citizen who lives in the district of an elected official? A trustee A delegate A constituent A resident

A constituent

Based on its rulings from 1864 to the early 1930s, the Supreme Court would most likely uphold which of the following laws? A national law to protect consumers against unsafe or unhealthy products A law to "break" manufacturing monopolies A law keeping the government out of the economy State law establishing a Medicaid system to help the poor

A law keeping the government out of the economy

What is a whistle-blower? A person who switches political parties A company that is contracted by the government to perform a particular task A person who sells sensitive information to a third party A person who reports corruption or abuses of power

A person who reports corruption or abuses of power

What is "original intent"? A philosophy for which advocates believe the Constitution should be guided by what the framers thought about a particular controversy A philosophy to counteract judicial activism by never striking down laws passed by Congress and signed by the President The belief that the Supreme Court should not have the power of judicial review because it was not originally in the Constitution and no framers supported it The belief that the Court's written opinions are to be interpreted based on what the justices were originally trying to accomplish with the opinion and not apply them in similar circumstances with different facts

A philosophy for which advocates believe the Constitution should be guided by what the framers thought about a particular controversy

What is patronage in the context of the bureaucracy? A system of appointment based on loyalty to the president's party A system of appointment based on performance on standardized exams (i.e., merit) A system of apprenticeships in which an older bureaucrat trains a younger one to eventually take over the position once that person retires A system of elections within the agency itself to determine who fills vacant positions at higher levels

A system of appointment based on loyalty to the president's party

What is required to override a presidential veto? A two-thirds vote by the Senate A two-thirds vote by both houses of Congress A presidential veto cannot be overridden. A two-thirds vote by the House of Representatives

A two-thirds vote by both houses of Congress

The federal bureaucracy's ability to conduct quasi-judicial hearings to resolve disputes is known as mentoring legislating regulating adjudicating


Which of the following is not a key characteristic of an American bureaucracy? All agencies have a clear and direct relationship with other agencies. They are generally large, and have many members. Our bureaucracy was built at a single point in time by a powerful political leader They are inefficient.

All agencies have a clear and direct relationship with other agencies

What federal government officials are on the ballot every two years? All members of the House of Representatives and two-thirds of the senators All members of the House of Representatives and one-third of the senators The president and all members of the House of Representatives Only members of the House of Representatives

All members of the House of Representatives and one-third of the senators

Which of the following is not one of America's unique factors that pose challenges for the American bureaucracy to implement federal laws? Americans are skeptical of the bureaucracy as high-ranking officers are closely related with political parties or elected officials. Americans don't trust the government and its work. Americans tend to believe that private sectors can usually do a better job. Americans prefer a strong leader to control bureaucrats entirely.

Americans prefer a strong leader to control bureaucrats entirely

A(n) ________ bill is needed for an agency to be able to legally spend money from the U.S. Treasury Omnibus bill appropriations reconciliation authorization


Where in the Constitution are the powers and responsibilities of the judicial branch explained? Article III Article I The judicial branch is never mentioned in the Constitution. Article II

Article III

Which action taken by the Bush administration after 9/11 was not heavily criticized by civil liberties advocates? Attempt to close Guantanamo prison The use of National Security Letters The NSA eavesdropping program The passage of the PATRIOT Act

Attempt to close Guantanamo prison

Why are presidents often frustrated with the bureaucracy? Because the bureaucracy is so large and complex it is hard to get all agencies to obey presidential directives Because the agency heads are appointed by Congress and can sometimes be hostile Because bureaucrats are often the best and the brightest graduates and do not like taking orders from someone who is not as specialized Because Congress has complete control over the bureaucracy and the president cannot do much about it

Because the bureaucracy is so large and complex it is hard to get all agencies to obey presidential directives

Which decision did NOT strike down legislative efforts to restrict campaign spending in the name of free speech? Speechnow.org v. FEC Brandenburg v. Ohio Buckley v. Valeo Citizens United v. FEC

Brandenburg v. Ohio

Subdivisions within departments are called ________ bureaus and agencies corporations and agencies cabinets and bureaus foundations and agencies

Bureaus and agencies

Which of the following types of speech are protected by the Constitution? Burning an American flag Blackmailing Committing perjury in the Court Releasing classified documents

Burning an American flag

Which of the following is a way that civil liberties can be formally extended? By the Supreme Court decisions By changing public perceptions of what civil liberties mean By adopting a new party platform Through private conversations

By the Supreme Court decisions

Who has the power to declare war? The Supreme Court The president, with the advice and consent of Congress The president Congress


Congress has a number of ways to encourage bureaucratic compliance. Which of the following is not among them? Congress controls the agencies' budgets. Congress can appoint its own agency heads, overruling a presidential appointment by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. The Senate can choose not to confirm presidential appointments. Congress can change policy and the agency's mission.

Congress can appoint its own agency heads, overruling a presidential appointment by a two-thirds vote of the Senate

The president has the power to bypass the Senate to fill executive branch positions when _____________ the position is a technical position and not an agency head the Senate fails to provide a constitutionally permissible reason to hold up the appointment the Senate is controlled by the opposing political party Congress officially adjourns

Congress officially adjourns

Which of the following is not a reform that is often suggested to prevent bureaucratic abuses of power? Congress should ask the Court more frequently to stop bureaucratic abuses of power. Reformers want to try to protect whistle blowers more rigorously. Presidential power should be increased to control all the bureaucrats. Congress should enact more laws such as The Freedom of Information Act of 1966.

Congress should ask the Court more frequently to stop bureaucratic abuses of power

What are legislative courts? Special courts created to handle legislative ethics violations Special courts created by Congress to handle cases in which states are suing each other Courts created to decide statutory concerns Courts created by Congress to adjudicate cases in highly specialized areas of concern, such as taxes

Courts created by Congress to adjudicate cases in highly specialized areas of concern, such as taxes

President Obama took all of the following executive actions without congressional approval except? Ordering military assets to Asia to counter the rise of China. Requiring power plants to significantly cut carbon emissions. Requiring the Department of Transportation to raise gas mileage standards on cars and trucks. Creating a new health care marketplace called Obamacare.

Creating a new health care marketplace called Obamacare.

__________ representation reflects the degree to which Congress as a body reflects the demographic composition of the population as a whole. Accretive Elective Descriptive Image


________________ is the ability of bureaucrats to determine how the laws passed by Congress should be executed Red tape Implementation Executive decision Discretion


When did the era of largely "dormant" presidencies end? During the early 1900s when the United States started to take a more active role in foreign policy During the Civil War, when Abraham Lincoln exercised enormous power to defeat the Confederacy Immediately after George Washington's presidency After the election of 1824, when four presidential candidates emerged from one political party

During the early 1900s when the United States started to take a more active role in foreign policy

Which Chief Justice led the charge for individual rights and liberties in the 1960s and 1970s? Sandra Day O'Connor John Roberts Earl Warren John Marshall

Earl Warren

Which of the following cannot be found in the First Amendment? Establishment clause Free exercise clause Elastic clause Petition clause

Elastic clause

The federal bureaucracy is associated with which branch or branches of government? Legislative Judicial Executive and judicial Executive


Civil liberties are best defined as what? Economic protections the government provides to its citizens Freedoms enjoyed by citizens that are protected from government interference The rights of the government to regulate speech and expression The right to own and use property free from government interference

Freedoms enjoyed by citizens that are protected from government interference

What was the landmark 1965 Supreme Court decision that ruled that the Constitution protected a right to privacy? Webster v. Reproductive Health Services Roe v. Wade Griswold v. Connecticut Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

Griswold v. Connecticut

Unlike most bureaucracies in other democracies, the American federal bureaucracy ________________. is comprised of the most talented people in our society because the position of a civil servant has such high prestige has two bosses: the president and Congress is widely respected by the majority of Americans has more autonomous power to imply policies

Has two bosses; the president and congress

The most recent executive branch department to be created is the Department of ______________ The most recent executive branch department to be created is the Department of _________. Veterans Affairs Education Homeland Security Health and Human Services

Homeland security

The Supreme Court is not allowed to issue a ruling in which of the following circumstances? Hypothetical cases Cases involving flag burning Cases involving foreign governments Cases involving the death penalty

Hypothetical cases

In what way does the federal judiciary have a say in what bureaucratic agencies do?

If a case reaches the court and it rules an action unconstitutional or illegal, the decision affects the bureaucrats' behavior

Prohibitions against bills of attainder, suspension of habeas corpus, and ex post facto laws can be found where? In the Supreme Court decision Fletcher v. Peck In the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution In the original Constitution In the First Amendment to the Constitution

In the original Constitution

Which is true regarding campaign financing? Third-party candidates have access to wider donation bases. Presidential campaigns often see candidates' spending his or her own money. Open-seat elections tend to have less money spent on them than incumbent elections. Incumbents tend to have an easier time fundraising

Incumbents tend to have an easier time fundraising

What is the key difference between an independent regulatory commission and an independent executive agency? Independent regulatory commissions have to report to the president while independent executive agencies have to report to Congress. Independent regulatory commissions and executive agencies do not respond to either Congress or the president. Independent regulatory commissions are subunits of independent executive agencies, so all members of the commission answer to the agency head. Independent regulatory commissions are protected against direct presidential or congressional control while independent executive agencies have to report directly to the president.

Independent regulatory commissions are protected against direct presidential or congressional control while independent executive agencies have to report directly to the president

Which of the following is not true about the Bowers v. Hardwick case? It upheld the anti-sodomy law of Georgia. It was overturned by the Supreme Court. It extended the right of gays and lesbians. It was the first case to reduce the right of privacy.

It extended the right of gays and lesbians.

Where in the Constitution is the power of judicial review listed? It is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. Article III Article I Article II

It is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.

Which statement is true about the PATRIOT Act? Under this law, state governments are authorized to access personal information. President Obama refused to extend this law. Once this law was enacted, the FBI only collected personal information in a manner that was consistent with the law. It raises a question of balance between protecting personal communication and preventing terrorist attacks.

It raises a question of balance between protecting personal communication and preventing terrorist attacks.

Which of the following is not true regarding Roe v. Wade? Before this ruling, abortion was legal in some states, but completely prohibited in others. After this ruling, states have placed various restrictions on abortion. It transformed abortion from a matter of policy into a matter of rights. It resolved the matter of abortion permanently.

It resolved the matter of abortion permanently.

What is a major criticism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau made by Republicans? The director is not qualified to lead the agency. Its mission is too broadly defined and not subject to appropriate congressional oversight. It is not appropriately funded by Congress and as a result, it cannot properly function. It is not powerful enough to enforce financial regulations.

Its mission is too broadly defined and not subject to appropriate congressional oversight

House minority leader

Kevin McCarthy R CA

Changes in the economy have contributed to congressional gridlock in which of the following ways? Labor saving technologies and a decline in the number of manufacturing jobs have threatened the middle class. As the economy has improved, wealth is spread more equally among the population. Low interest rates have contributed to Democratic successes in Congress. Organized labor has become more powerful in recent years.

Labor saving technologies and a decline in the number of manufacturing jobs have threatened the middle class.

Which of the following is a solution to excessive red tape and is the motivation behind "reinventing government"? Granting more control over the bureaucracy to the president, allowing him or her to fire or hire all underperforming employees Outsourcing Whistle-blowing Making government more businesslike

Making government more businesslike

Why was the Bill of Rights originally passed? During the first Congress, citizens realized the government would deny them many liberties. After the Civil War, citizens wanted additional protections from the power of the federal government. Many citizens thought the original Constitution did not grant enough liberties. Many citizens were worried the states would violate their liberties.

Many citizens thought the original Constitution did not grant enough liberties.

The power of judicial review was established in _________. Federalist #10 Marbury v. Madison (1803) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Article III of the Constitution

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Who has the authority to introduce a bill into the legislative process? Interest groups Members of Congress Citizens The president

Members of Congress

President's expressed powers

National security powers: commander-in-chief, negotiate treaties, nominate ambassadors, receive ambassadors Legislative powers: recommend, veto, state of the union administrative powers: "faithfully execute the laws", cabinet appointments judicial powers: Nominate judges, grand pardons on federal offenses

The amendment included in the Bill of Rights that suggests the framers believed in the existence of liberties beyond those listed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the From Fourth to Seventh Amendment. Tenth Amendment. Ninth Amendment. First Amendment.

Ninth Amendment.

Which organization advises the president on how much the administration should propose to spend for each government program and where the money will come from? Council of Economic Advisers Executive Office of the President Office of Management and Budget The Federal Reserve

Office of Management and Budget

What court or courts are mentioned in the original Constitution? The Supreme Court and the federal courts of appeals The Supreme Court and all state supreme courts Only the Supreme Court The Supreme Court, federal courts of appeals, and federal district courts

Only the Supreme Court

What is one function of the president in their role as chief of state? Negotiating treaties with leaders of foreign nations and signing executive agreements Defending the nation from domestic and foreign threats Performing ceremonial duties like attending funerals of important people Setting the legislative agenda

Performing ceremonial duties like attending funerals of important people

Which Supreme Court case created the separate but equal doctrine? Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Marbury v. Madison (1803) Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

The highest policy making positions in the federal bureaucracy enter government service by ____________ serving as congressional staffers elections political appointments having the prerequisite training and experience and then passing competitive merit examinations

Political appointments

What position is the chief executive in the United States? President of the Senate Secretary of State Speaker of the House President


Cabinet-level secretaries are nominated by the __________and approved by the_______senate House of Representatives; Senate Senate; House of Representatives Senate; president president; Senate

President; senate

What term is used for turning over certain government functions to the private sector? Cutting the red tape Privatizing Reinventing Whistle-blowing


Which is an accurate description of procedural and substantive votes? Procedural votes are used as roll calls on bills or amendments; substantive votes occur on motions or rules. Procedural votes occur in the Senate; substantive votes occur in the House. Noted differences between Democratic and Republicans are seen most frequently in substantive votes. Procedural votes conduct business of the chamber; substantive votes are on bills or amendments.

Procedural votes conduct business of the chamber; substantive votes are on bills or amendments.

The Federal Reserve Board is an example of a(n) independent regulatory commission quasi-governmental organization executive agency department

Quasi-governmental organization

The consumer financial protection Bureau was originally designed to do what? Receive and investigate complaints from consumers, and enforce laws pertaining to the banking and financial system. Protect banks and financial institutions from fraud. Monitor the financial system and inform Congress if a financial crisis looks likely. Keep Congress up to date on bureaucratic rules concerning the financial system.

Receive and investigate complaints from consumers, and enforce laws pertaining to the banking and financial system

Which of the following statements about vetoes is false? If a president issues a veto, it is rarely overridden. A veto can only be overridden by two-thirds of both chambers of Congress. Recent presidents like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have issued more vetoes than all other presidents combined. Vetoes are more likely to be used under divided government.

Recent presidents like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have issued more vetoes than all other presidents combined.

The most criticized aspect of judicial activism is the tendency for federal judges to determine what must be done to rectify a wrong. What term is being described? Precedent Judicial review Standing Remedy


Why was President Obama less successful in achieving his legislative goals after 2010? Congress had already passed legislation dealing with all of the major economic and social crises. He was unable to continue using his unitary powers to achieve legislative action. Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. The Democratic Senate refused to work with him.

Republicans took control of the House of Representatives

Who holds hearings on Supreme Court justices? Senate Congress The President's Cabinet Senate Judiciary Committee

Senate Judiciary Committee

From the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 until the late nineteenth century, the executive branch was staffed through what is commonly called the ____________ cost-benefit analysis system civil service merit system independent executive agency merit-based system spoils system

Spoils system

The Constitution originally called for the election of senators by whom? State Legislatures House of Representatives Citizens President

State Legislatures

House Majority Leader

Steny Hoyer D MD

As of 2013 and in relation to presidential appointments, the filibuster can be used mostly for ____________. district court judgeships Supreme Court nominations high-level executive branch officials circuit court judgeships

Supreme Court nominations

Why is lawmaking in the United States more difficult than in parliamentary democracies? The Constitution gives the president power to propose bills prior to congressional debate. The Constitution allows the president to force Congress to take up certain bills in times of emergency or crisis. The Constitution ensures that House members and Senators follow their party leadership rather than voters. The Constitution separates lawmaking power between the House and Senate, each of which has its own institutional rules.

The Constitution separates lawmaking power between the House and Senate, each of which has its own institutional rules.

What does the response by Democrats to the nomination of Samuel Alito tell us about the Supreme Court? That debate over judicial nominations is nothing more than partisan infighting. That the politics that surround Supreme Court nominations are not subject to the same partisan disagreements as the bills the Senate considers. The Court's power is great and Senators worry that justices that they do not agree with could impact American public policy for decades. That the limited power of the Supreme Court leads Senators to not take judicial nominations seriously.

The Court's power is great and Senators worry that justices that they do not agree with could impact American public policy for decades.

What was the catalyst for changing the spoils system to a merit-based system? World War I The impeachment of President Richard Nixon The assassination of President James Garfield The Great Depression

The assassination of President James Garfield

When does the Supreme Court's term begin? The first business day after January 1 Late June or early July The Tuesday after the first Monday in November The first Monday in October

The first Monday in October

Which of the following statements about the powers of the presidency under the Constitution is true? The Constitution provides for an expansive federal bureaucracy to handle the implementation of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president. The Constitution defines the president as the commander in chief of U.S. military forces with the sole power to declare war. The enumerated powers of the presidency are counterbalanced in the Constitution by enumerated restrictions on presidential action, such as recognizing foreign nations. The language of the Constitution is quite vague about the powers of the president and allows for the expansion of presidential power without Constitutional amendment.

The language of the Constitution is quite vague about the powers of the president and allows for the expansion of presidential power without Constitutional amendment.

Which of the following is not a standard a law must meet in order to pass the Lemon test? The law must have a secular purpose. The law must not create excessive entanglement between government and religion. The law must be a state law rather than national law. The primary effect of the law cannot be to promote religion.

The law must be a state law rather than national law.

What is the power of judicial review? The Supreme Court's power to preemptively review bills considered on the floor of Congress for their constitutionality The power of the Court to declare state and federal laws and actions null and void when they conflict with the Constitution The Supreme Court's power to review all actions and decisions made by lower courts to ensure that they properly interpreted the law The Supreme Court's power to impeach the president and members of Congress for high crimes and misdemeanors

The power of the Court to declare state and federal laws and actions null and void when they conflict with the Constitution

What is involved with "senatorial courtesy"? Senators should respect presidential nominees to all judgeships except for the Supreme Court, for which full hearings in the Judiciary Committee will still take place. The president must solicit nominees for the Supreme Court and circuit courts from senators that sit on the Judiciary Committee. Senators should approve presidential nominees to all judgeships unless there is good evidence that the judge is ideologically too extreme, unfair, or corrupt. The president allows senior senators from his or her party to approve nominees to district courts.

The president allows senior senators from his or her party to approve nominees to district courts.

Presidents have a number of ways to encourage bureaucratic compliance. Which of the following is not among them? The president can recommend to Congress what the budget of a particular agency should be. The president can hire and fire all non-complying bureaucrats. The president can appoint the top administrative posts of an agency. The president can use his or her popularity.

The president can hire and fire all non-complying bureaucrats

Which of the following actions would most likely conform to the Founders' expectations about the proper role of the president? The president traveling across the United States and to other countries as a symbol of the United States and as the leader of a political party The president executing policy passed by Congress without the use of signing statements or without raising questions about the law's constitutionality The president delivering a public State of the Union address explaining the legislative agenda of the president The president refusing to implement policies deemed unconstitutional

The president executing policy passed by Congress without the use of signing statements or without raising questions about the law's constitutionality

Which of the following statements about the president's cabinet is false? The president must, constitutionally, appoint a cabinet but need not take their advice or meet with the cabinet members. All presidents since George Washington have had a cabinet. Presidents generally do not rely on the cabinet as a decision-making body. Most recent presidents have convened their cabinet infrequently and have done serious business with it only rarely.

The president must, constitutionally, appoint a cabinet but need not take their advice or meet with the cabinet members.

Which of the following best describes what the Founders thought about the relationship between the president and the people? The president should be as close to the people as possible as they are only representative elected by the entire country. The president should be an elite leader but he should foster a deep connection with the people to earn their trust and respect. The president should be a "common" person with little political background, because a "common" person best understands the problems facing most citizens. The president should be relatively distant from the people, interacting with Congress often but with the people only rarely.

The president should be relatively distant from the people, interacting with Congress often but with the people only rarely.

Which is true regarding regional differences in voting? Democrats tend to be from the south, whereas Republicans tend to be from the north. Republicans have been traditionally from the west, but more and more are based in the midwest. The south was traditionally Democratic at the congressional level and is currently more Republican. The north has been Republican-leaning since the 1960s.

The south was traditionally Democratic at the congressional level and is currently more Republican.

What is one reason legislative gridlock has become a major problem in the last few years? There are deep ideological divisions between Republicans and Democrats, driven by constituent preferences. Voters in different parts of the country generally agree, but members of Congress are not listening to their constituents. The parties have become more moderate, promoting agreement on most major issues. The president has recently been granted veto power.

There are deep ideological divisions between Republicans and Democrats, driven by constituent preferences.

What minimum qualifications must a federal judge have, according to Article III of the Constitution? Appointees must be lawyers. Appointees must have not committed either a federal or state felony or misdemeanor. There are no constitutional qualifications to be a federal judge. Appointees must be lawyers and have some judicial experience at the state level.

There are no constitutional qualifications to be a federal judge.

Members of Congress often pass ambiguous laws. Which of the following is not a reason for doing so? They know bureaucrats are experts who may see what members of Congress cannot see. They wish to delegate the decision making to bureaucrats when they disagree among themselves. They tend to have limited information about how to solve the problem. They can avoid giving any discretion to the bureaucracy.

They can avoid giving any discretion to the bureaucracy

Which of the following best describes what bureaucrats do? They act in a very political manner because the agency heads and most of the civil servants are appointed to share the political ideology of the current president. They create their own goals and missions and set the rules on how to achieve those goals and missions. They exercise great discretion in the implementation of laws, often writing specific rules and creating policy. They are largely shielded from political pressures and rarely generate political controversy because they have no ability to affect policy.

They exercise great discretion in the implementation of laws, often writing specific rules and creating policy

How did Senate Democrats respond to President George W. Bush's nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court? They determined that despite Alito's conservative record, there was no reason to hold up the confirmation process. They lacked the power to respond meaningfully. They rallied enough Democrats to defeat his nomination to the Court forcing President Bush to make a new nomination. They threatened to, though ultimately did not, filibuster, which would have increased the number of votes needed for confirmation and made it more difficult for Alito to be confirmed.

They threatened to, though ultimately did not, filibuster, which would have increased the number of votes needed for confirmation and made it more difficult for Alito to be confirmed.

This amendment fixed the problem with the original Constitution whereby the person with the second most electoral votes would become vice president. Twenty-Third Amendment Tenth Amendment Twenty-Fifth Amendment Twelfth Amendment

Twelfth Amendment

When did the first significant expansion of presidential function occur? Under Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and during mobilization of the country for World War II When Barack Obama used military drones to eliminate threats to the United States When George Washington used state militias to crush the "Whiskey Rebellion" When Thomas Jefferson acquired the Louisiana Territory from the French

Under Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and during mobilization of the country for World War II

Which of the following is he correct statement regarding the American bureaucracy? Top graduating students are looking forward to having a federal bureaucratic job because of a high salary and job security. Americans regard the government as much less trustworthy than private organizations. Americans maintain a high level of trust toward the government. When emergencies occur, Americans tend to rely on the government.

When emergencies occur, Americans tend to rely on the government

Which of the following statements about the number of federal and state/local government employees is true? While the number of federal employees has declined, the number of state and local government employees has risen. The numbers of both federal and state/local employees have increased relative to population size since at least President John F. Kennedy's administration. The number of federal employees rises and falls based on whether or not the presidency is controlled by a Democrat or Republican, respectively, while the number of state and local government employees stays roughly the same. The numbers of both federal and state/local employees have been decreasing relative to population size since at least President John F. Kennedy's administration.

While the number of federal employees has declined, the number of state and local government employees has risen

What linkage factor helps to explain Court's decision in Korematsu v. United States to uphold the legality of internment? The beginning of the Polarization Era between the Democrats and Republicans. Widespread anti-Japanese bias following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Congress passing legislation making mass evacuations possible. The competitive election between Roosevelt and Willkie in 1940.

Widespread anti-Japanese bias following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

powers of majority party

all committee chairs agenda control more tools for strategy minority party status most burdensome in house

Constitutionally, the U.S. government is set up such that __________. each branch has its own powers, with very few shared powers amongst the legislative, executive, and judicial branches the executive and legislative branches are both contained within Congress the president serves at the behest and will of Congress all constitutional powers are shared

all constitutional powers are shared

Bicameralism conformed to the framers' belief that the legislative branch—the center of policymaking for government—ought to be a place where the public's business is deliberated __________. aggressively and unyieldingly impassively and impartially carefully and slowly quickly and conscientiously

carefully and slowly

Barack Obama __________ of the antiterrorism policies that for which civil liberties advocates had criticized the Bush administration. radically expanded most abolished almost all prosecuted federal officials for many continued many

continued many

modern roles of president

crisis management symbolic leadership agenda setting recruitment legislative political coalition building presidents as administrators

A member of Congress who tries to mirror perfectly the views of his or her constituency is called a(n) __________. elector representative trustee delegate


The __________ clause of the Constitution gives Congress the power to pass laws necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated duties and responsibilities. expansive purpose elastic privileges


The Snowden revelations raise questions about the appropriate balance between _________. ensuring that the government can effectively prevent terrorist attacks and ensuring that Americans' civil liberties are protected ensuring equal opportunity and equality of outcomes an isolationist and multilateralist approach to foreign policy government regulations and free market principles

ensuring that the government can effectively prevent terrorist attacks and ensuring that Americans' civil liberties are protected

President's implied powers

executive agreements rather than treaties, emergency use of troops, executive orders

The PRISM program provided a way for the U.S. government to ______________. conduct drone strikes against suspected terrorists produce forged passports for friendly foreign spies assess whether artificial clouds can be used to slow global warming gather information about individuals' phone records and electronic communications

gather information about individuals' phone records and electronic communications

Redistricting for political gain is often called: __________. partisanship remanding malapportionment gerrymandering


The "rule of four" is a principle that involves _________. granting in forma pauperis accepting amicus curiae briefs granting writs of certiorari creating a precedent

granting writs of certiorari

The Supreme Court ruled that people detained as "enemy combatants" ________. must be sent back to their home countries immediately have a right to a hearing to contest the basis of their detention must be held until the war on terrorism ends are eligible to be released on bail

have a right to a hearing to contest the basis of their detention

One important factor in determining the success or failure of a presidential legislative agenda is __________. if the president is moderate, allowing for compromise with members of Congress if the president's party controls both chambers of Congress if the president is popular, forcing Congress to act if the president is in his or her first few weeks in office

if the president's party controls both chambers of Congress

What is the process for removing from office a president who has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors"? discharge pretermission oversight impeachment


A capital crime is a crime ________. that occurs within the District of Columbia in which the accused is eligible for the death penalty that a person has not actually been convicted of that involves the transfer of substantial sums of money

in which the accused is eligible for the death penalty

Since 1970, party voting in Congress has __________. diverged increased decreased stayed the same


National security letters are requests from the government requesting ________. information on Americans' telephone or financial records from private institutions that television networks air a live speech by the president on the topic of foreign policy information from the FBI that newspapers cease to publish information that is critical of the War on Terrorism

information on Americans' telephone or financial records from private institutions

In the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. decision, the Court ruled that Hobby Lobby could not be required to ensure that the health insurance coverage they provide for their employees covered contraceptives because ________. it violated the owners' religious beliefs it violated the gender equality principle it violated due process it violated the Freedom of speech

it violated the owners' religious beliefs

When compared to the House of Representatives, leadership in the Senate is __________. less visible more formal rigidly hierarchical highly institutional

less visible

With few exceptions, most presidents tend to __________. gain popularity as time passes have approval ratings that go up and down with very little predictability lose popularity as time passes lose popularity but then gain popularity as they are about to leave office

lose popularity as time passes

Senate seats are _______ than House seats. more plentiful ignored by voters more more visible easier to win

more visible

speaker of the house

nancy pelosi D CA

The first period in the history of constitutional interpretation focused on _________. individual rights and liberties reining in an expansive government through more conservative rulings the relationship between government and the economy national power and property rights

national power and property rights

Congressional authority to monitor actions of the executive branch is known as __________. oversight conference voting impeachment pretermission


At the start of each new Congress, members meet in a __________ to select leaders, approve committee assignments, and decide on legislative electives. party primary party convention party convergence party conference

party conference

Standing committees in Congress are __________. permanent temporary infrequently used not very important


goals of standing committes

power in DC reelection good government

Once appellate decisions are published, they set __________ that guide the decisions of other judges in the same circuit. precedents amicus curiae briefs opinions


role of party leadership in house

scheduling & rules party spokesperson strategy

role of parties in congress

shape legislators preferences leadership planst strategy parties assign their member to committees parties weaker in US congress than in other democracies

why incumbants almost always win

share districts partisanship become known over term of office reveive largest amount of campaign money better compaigners week challengers

In order for someone to bring legal action, a person must have a real and direct interest in the issues that are raised. This is a term called _____________. precedent executive privilege senatorial approval standing


Types of Committees

standing, select/special, joint, conference

By giving members of the House of Representatives two-year terms, the framers of the Constitution were intending __________. that House members would have a high degree of autonomy that elected representatives to the House would follow the wishes of their constituents more closely than members of the Senate would that smaller states would be favored in representation in the House that the House would be established as a governing body without a clear hierarchy

that elected representatives to the House would follow the wishes of their constituents more closely than members of the Senate would

What event prompted President George W. Bush to embark on a massive expansion of presidential power? the Great Depression Watergate the 9/11 terrorist attacks the Great Recession

the 9/11 terrorist attacks

The requirement that the president submit an annual federal government budget to Congress for its consideration is authorized by __________. the Budget Act of 1921 the Twenty-Third Amendment Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution the Brownlow Doctrine

the Budget Act of 1921

The framers of the Constitution solved several problems surrounding the president's fair election by including __________ in elections to insulate the president from public pressure. political parties the Electoral College midterm elections Congressional oversight

the Electoral College

The annual report to Congress and the nation by the president is known as __________. the inauguration the State of the Union the national plan the legislative agenda

the State of the Union

The top adviser to the president is __________. the vice president the chief of staff the secretary of state the secretary of defense

the chief of staff

The term for the permanent bureaucracy associated with the presidency is __________. executive bureaucracy the institutional presidency Executive Office of the President (EOP) the cabinet

the institutional presidency

Divided government occurs when __________. Congress is controlled by one political party and a majority of state legislatures are controlled by the opposing political party the presidency is controlled by one political party and both houses of Congress are controlled by the opposing party the presidency is controlled by one political party and the Supreme Court is ideologically balanced toward the other political party the presidency is controlled by one political party and at least one house of Congress is controlled by the opposing party

the presidency is controlled by one political party and at least one house of Congress is controlled by the opposing party

Incorporation of the Bill of Rights refers to ________. rules regarding when and how businesses must respect the Bill of Rights in dealing with their employees the process of the Supreme Court ruling that state laws and practices must respect provisions in the Bill of Rights a document that combines elements from the Bill of Rights to create a simpler document rules specifying that federal agents must respect protections in the Bill of Rights

the process of the Supreme Court ruling that state laws and practices must respect provisions in the Bill of Rights

What is the purpose of taking testimony in congressional hearings? to send messages to the judiciary to raise money for reelection to collect information and send messages to the bureaucracy to decide where to cut the budget of the bureaucracy

to collect information and send messages to the bureaucracy

The language of the Constitution is __________ with respect to the judiciary. vague explicit direct specific


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